What does it mean IMHO: decoding of the abbreviation, translation. IMHO what does this mean: correct decoding, scope of slang What does it mean IMHO at the end of a sentence

In the English-speaking sector of the Internet, the abbreviation IMHO has been used for quite some time, which is like “in my humble opinion.” In Russia, the spread of such an abbreviation began in the networks in the mid-90s, where it was transformed into “IMHO”. The transcript began to float. Some believed that it should sound like “I have an opinion, you can’t argue with it,” others were in favor of rougher definitions. But the primary source is still the same in all cases.

When “Fido” became obsolete, the abbreviation triumphantly went into blogs, forums, chats, etc., where it is now impossible to imagine communication without it.

Methods of use

The use of these four letters in conjunction is present in disputes and discussions. If a person is convinced that his opinion is the only correct one and does not require criticism, then he uses “IMHO”. Letters are inserted at the beginning of the sentence. Their use often becomes a red flag for other participants, so the person who most often uses “IMHO” is subject to the most vicious attacks from the outside.

Existing variations

Today, the use of “IMHO” in its pure form is a common occurrence, but on the Russian-language Internet you can see all sorts of distorted versions. You can come across the verb “imhat” (for example, “it seems to me that ...", “imhat that ...", etc.), but its use reveals in the interlocutor clear intentions to mock someone else’s opinion.

There are other variations. When interlocutors who are very convinced that they are right take part in an Internet dispute, other participants in the discussion say that people have begun to “measure themselves against each other.” There are dozens of similar examples of consumption.

Used by

“IMHO” is submissive to all ages and generations. Young Internet users may not fully know the definition of these four letters, but this will not make them less likely to use them. They have long understood where and when they can be consumed. The older generation of Runet most often uses “IMHO” in pure form. Teenagers and young people can afford all sorts of distortions. What makes it easy to distinguish on the Internet? older generation from the young one.

Due to the fact that the abbreviation is well-known, it is often used by Internet entrepreneurs in the design of T-shirts, sweatshirts, cups, scarves, etc. But the price of such products can vary significantly from seller to seller.

You've probably already come across the mysterious word "IMHO" on the Internet. You can find it on forums and in comments. But what does it mean?

How does IMHO stand for

Don't worry, this is not a curse word. First, we will tell you about the origin of the word.

So, this slang expression was borrowed by us from English language, it stands for “ In My Humble Opinion", which translates as " In my humble opinion«.

What does this mean IMHO in Russian?

Netizens simply took the abbreviation of this English phrase IMHO and used four Russian letters that give similar sounds. By combining “i”, “m”, “x” and “o”, they got that same “IMHO”!

That's all!

Why is the word IMHO popular on forums?

The word is often used on forums and in comments. With its help, users express their opinions. They simply express it, knowing that there are other judgments. The person does not insist on anything and does not claim that his point of view is correct.

But the word “IMHO” has another meaning. Sometimes it is perceived as a strong belief! Yes, yes, this is diametrically opposed to the above. But such a misinterpretation arises only due to ignorance of the true translation of the phrase “ In My Humble Opinion", which in Russian means " In my humble opinion«.

Decoding from those who like to joke

Of course, there were some jokes. Some comedians have come up with their own way to decipher the abbreviation “IMHO”. And in Russian!

And here are some options:

  1. “I have an opinion - don’t challenge me!”
  2. “Individual opinion of the owner of the answer”
  3. “You can’t refute a true opinion!”
  4. “I want to refute existing opinions!”

Jokers are constantly looking for new ways to decipher the word “IMHO.”

But let’s not forget that the original meaning of the word comes down to expressing “your judgment,” “your opinion,” “your observations.”

If you are wondering how to write “IMHO” correctly - in capital letters or small letters, then there are no specific rules. Both options are correct.

Video explaining the meaning IMHO

We hope that we were able to answer your questions.

IMHO is a word from the Internet; it is most often found in correspondence on forums and in comments. They write it in both capital letters and small letters, both Russian and English.

It comes from the English abbreviation IMHO, which stands for “In My Humble Opinion”. It is translated into Russian as “in my humble opinion” or “this is my humble opinion.” This is its original meaning.

The Russian version of the abbreviation is deciphered as follows:

  • And I have an opinion, I want to sound
  • Individual Opinion of the Owner Answer
  • And I have an Opinion X ren Oh you argue
The word imho (imho) translated into Russian means “in my humble opinion.”

IMHO on youth slang

The word IMHO is used mainly on the Internet: on forums, in comments, on social networks. IN Everyday life it is rarely used.

It is used as an introductory one - it does not play a special role and serves only to clarify the discussion.

With this word we emphasize the fact that the expressed opinion relates exclusively to our worldview.

But sometimes it has such a meaning that it puts an end to the conversation - it is an attempt to end the argument. It indicates that it is impossible to convince the person who used it.

How to write correctly

Usually the word IMHO is placed at the end of a paragraph with a thought, separated by a comma. But it can also be found at the beginning of a sentence, with or without a comma, written in capital letters and small ones.

In what cases should it be used?

This abbreviation may not be used at all - if you do not express any positions that differ from the general opinion. But if you have a different opinion (or assume that it is different), then put it at the end of the paragraph in which you express your thought.

“You need to lend to a person exactly as much as you can give him. IMHO"

But remember that using this word does not automatically make you right. It is also not an argument in a dispute. And don’t think that it will soften your previous words if, for example, you were rude or insulted someone.

On a note . Before using this abbreviation, mentally translate it as “in my humble opinion” or “I think so.”


  • “The main thing in this situation is not to offend anyone, IMHO.”
  • “If they delay our salaries, then we may be late for work. IMHO."
  • “The most terrible character trait is envy. IMHO, of course."

In all cases, the expression IMHO means that we have our own view of things, which may not coincide with the opinion of our interlocutors. And thereby we try to protect ourselves and other people from unnecessary disputes.


Originated among science fiction fans. sf.fandom), from where it penetrated Usenet and spread throughout the world. Today it is a fairly common online abbreviation and Internet meme that penetrates into spoken language. People often use this term in chat rooms, Internet messengers or social networks.


The abbreviation IMHO is used mainly to indicate that a certain statement is not a generally accepted fact, but only the personal opinion of the author, and he does not impose it on anyone. It often also indicates that the author is not entirely sure of the correctness of his statement. Corresponds to the introductory word “in my opinion” or “in my opinion”:

IMHO, the Internet is better than television.


In my opinion (in my opinion), the Internet is better than television.

The area where the abbreviation is used is echo conferences, forums, chats, and other (both public and private) places to express one’s attitude towards a subject. It is relatively rare in colloquial speech.
Also in Internet resources there is an expression “IMO”, which means “in my opinion” In My Opinion. It came from IMHO only with the removal of the letter “X” meaning “Humble”. It is used when the author directly states his position, without imposing it on others, but also without unnecessary modesty. .

Other transcripts

In the game Space Rangers 2, the weapon of the terronoid Dominators is called “IMHO-9000” (Molecular Chaotic Deviation Emitter 9000 ticks per second).



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  • Cycle “Other Doors”. Flute in a quartet, Timur Isaev. Hello my dear reader! I present to your attention the script for the full-length film “Flute in a Quartet” from the “Other Doors” series. Genre: detective, thriller. This story is about how...

What is IMHO? The correct decoding of the word is often unknown to newcomers on the Internet, although it is actively used in discussions on forums, comments and personal correspondence.

It turns out that this is one of the expressions of Internet slang that can cause misunderstanding between interlocutors, because users attribute different meanings to it.

We will talk about the intricacies of deciphering this popular abbreviation in this article.


Where did the word come from?

The story goes that this mysterious abbreviation appeared at the suggestion of users social network FIDO, .

Experts in the field information technologies for quick communication with each other, we shortened the phrase in English “In My Humble Opinion”, which literally translates "In my humble opinion"- IMHO. This is the basic expression that most users mean English speaking countries, communicating online.

An alternative version of its origin considers the place of its “birth” to be a network for science fiction fans called Usenet.

Allegedly IMHO is an abbreviation for imhonet - either it is there or it is not.

Where is it used?

Most often, such an abbreviation is used to make it clear to interlocutors in a chat or on a forum that a person expresses his opinion, which does not pretend to be the truth.

But during his travels around the world it also acquired other meanings:

  • "In My Horrible Opinion" – "In my terrible opinion";
  • "In My Honest Opinion" – "According to my respected opinion".

As you can see, the last transcript indicates a manifestation of an arrogant attitude towards the interlocutor or, in general, towards all the people who will read the user’s comment.

Russian users not only replaced the letters in the abbreviation with the Cyrillic alphabet, but also came up with their own decoding options, which are distant from the original version, and not for the better.

So, when communicating with Runet users, you may come across a person who uses IMHO in this sense:

  • « I have an opinion, I want to mark it";
  • “I have an opinion, you can’t argue with it”.

The last option characterizes not only a person’s attitude towards opponents in a dispute, but also his cultural level generally.

How to find out which transcript the interlocutor had in mind? Perhaps, ask about it directly or look at his further remarks on the forum or in the chat.

In order not to find yourself in an awkward situation due to the polysemy, IMHO, it is better not to use it around strangers.

In any case, it should be reserved for online battles - in real life, the use of Internet jargon is considered inappropriate.
