Examples of types of business letters in English. Formal Writing in English (Official), Outline, Phrases, Examples

How often do you have to write business letters to English language? Are you afraid of making a lot of mistakes? Or that you will seem ignorant when you send a letter written in your own hand?

Rest assured that this article will teach you how to write a business letter correctly. Moreover, a letter of this kind is nothing more than a system or, if you like, a formula, with its own specific set of rules.

Basic rules for writing a business letter

There really aren't that many rules. It will not be difficult for a person with average knowledge of the English language to compose it, no matter how difficult it may seem.

The most important thing is that the letter consists of blocks. This structure allows you to quickly read information. And here everyone saves time, both the recipient and the sender.

The sender collects the blocks together: sender's address, date, recipient's address, address, introduction, etc. And the recipient already knows where the basic information is and gets acquainted with it.

Also, the block structure implies a number of features:

  • the body of the letter is constructed from paragraphs with single indentation;
  • the red line is missing;
  • All text is left aligned.

The second feature is that you don’t need to write in too flowery phrases. Sentences are constructed simply and concisely.

The effectiveness of a business letter lies in clarity and logic.

Elements of a business letter

So, general rules defined. Now let's move on to considering all the elements separately. Let's not waste time, because in a business environment this is important.

Sender's name and address

The first block of the letter includes the sender's details and is located in the upper left corner.

The sequence of details is as follows:

  • manager's name;
  • his position;
  • sender's company name;
  • house number, street;
  • city, postal code;
  • a country;


154 Tverskaya St

Everything is written in exactly this sequence. And, if you noticed, there are no periods or commas. This is called "open punctuation". This way the letter is not cluttered with unnecessary elements.


The location of the date is immediately below the details, with a retreat of three lines.

There are several options for writing the date:

  • June 24, 2016
  • June 24rd,2016
  • June 24, 2016
  • June 24, 2016

Address of the recipient

The recipient's address is written after the date.

It is best to indicate a specific person to receive the letter:

  • recipient's full name;
  • job title;
  • Company name;
  • house number, street;
  • city, postal code;
  • a country;

Before the name, be sure to indicate the abbreviated title: Mr. (Mister, Mister), Dr. (doctor), Ms. (miss, for an unmarried woman), Mrs. (Mrs. – for a married woman or if you are not sure about your status).


Mrs Barbara Gray

publishing company “GoodBook”

As you can see, the location of the address is similar to the writing of the sender's address.


Always starts with the same word “Dear...”:

  • If the recipient's full name is specified, then the greeting begins exactly like this, with a personal greeting: Dear Mrs Barbara Grey,
  • If the name is unknown, then the letter addresses vaguely: Dear Sir or Madam,
  • In the case of an appeal addressed to a company, the appeal is general: Dear Sirs,
  • Again, in the case of an American company, a colon is placed at the end of the address: Dear Mrs Barbara Grey:

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The first paragraph should immediately introduce you to the matter, so there may also be several cliché phrases here.

It all depends on the nature of the appeal:

  • We are writing to inquire about… We are writing to inquire about...
  • We apologize for… We apologize for...
  • We confirm that… We confirm that...
  • We would like to clarify… We would like to make it clear...
  • We ask you to support… We ask you to support...
  • I am writing to enquire about/ to apologize for/ get more details about/ explain… I am writing to you to inquire about/ apologize for/ find out details about/ explain...
  • This is to confirm… To confirm...

Body of the letter

In this semantic block, the letters already reveal the content of their appeal. They list specific information and ask questions of interest.

In the final paragraph they talk about the expected actions from the recipient: either solving a problem, or answering a request, etc.

Final phrase

At the end of a business letter, you need to once again recall the main idea and call to action.

The following sentences can be used:

  • As always, if you have any questions, please send them directly to me. As always, if you have any questions, please contact me directly.
  • Thank you and I am looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you.
  • Thanking in advance. Thank you in advance.
  • Please contact us again if we can help in any way. Please contact us again if we can help you in any way.
  • I would appreciate your immediate consideration to this matter. I would appreciate your immediate consideration of this matter.

Phrase before signature

The end of the letter is highlighted in a separate paragraph and depends on what address was used at the beginning:

  • If the sender knows the name of his opponent, then the phrase will be like this: Yours sincerely,
  • The neutral ending of a letter to a friend is the following phrase: Kind regards, Best regards,
  • The address at the beginning of the letter Dear Sirs/Dear Sir or Madam requires an ending only in this version: Yours faithfully,

And there will always be a comma before the sender’s signature in the phrase.

The sender's signature can then be typed in uppercase letters or as usual. It is located below the final phrase.

Sender's job title

An important point in the ending is that if the dispatch was written by a man, then the indication Mr is not included. In the case where a woman is the author, there is (Mrs) in parentheses after the name.

There is no period at the end of the sentence.

For example:

Yours sincerely,

School of foreign languages ​​“LingvaMaster”

Yours sincerely,

Nicole Noble(Mrs)

School of foreign languages ​​“LingvaMaster”

Application mark

Very often the letter is accompanied by other documents and to indicate this in business correspondence, the abbreviation Enc or Encs (“Enclosures” “Appendices”) is written after the signature.

After this inscription a comma is placed and all documents attached to the main letter are listed.

For example:

Yours sincerely,

School of foreign languages ​​“LingvaMaster”

Enc, a copy of the license.

These are all the basic rules for constructing business letters in the English-speaking environment. Now you can safely compose any letter to your English-speaking partners based on this information.

Types of business letters with samples

The genre of business communication is replete with different types or types of letters. Having analyzed the basis of business correspondence, I would like to provide ready-made templates according to some of their common variants.

In fact, templates consist only of certain phrases and expressions characteristic of a particular type of writing.

These letters describe the skills, knowledge, job responsibilities, and abilities of the recommended person. As well as an assessment of his previous manager.

  • I met him…in…, when he joined… I met him... in... when he joined...
  • ...has asked me to write a letter of recommendation to accompany his application for… I am very pleased to do so…. asked me to write a letter of recommendation to submit at the place of requirement.... I'm glad to do this.
  • …distinguished himself / herself b... showed himself as...
  • His/her greatest talent is… His/her main talent is...
  • He/she is a creative person… He/she is a creative person...
  • His / her excellent capacity to…was invaluable… His/her excellent potential for... was priceless...
  • While he / she was with us he / she… His responsibilities included...During the time he/she worked for us...His/her responsibilities included...
  • His / her main responsibilities were... His/her main responsibilities were...
  • His/her daily tasks included… His/her daily tasks included...
  • The only weak spot that I ever noted in his / her performance was… The only flaw I noticed in his/her personality...
  • I am confident that…will continue to be very effectively. He/she deserves my best recommendations. I am confident that... will continue to work very effectively. He/she deserves my best recommendations.
  • I would happily recommend…as a hopeful candidate. I am happy to recommend... as a promising employee

Business greeting letter

A congratulatory business letter will help you officially congratulate the head of the company or your colleague. There are fewer blocks in the “body” of the letter than in a letter of recommendation.

But it can be more emotionally charged, unlike other types of business letters.

Phrases for congratulatory letters:

  • Best wishes for a happy and prosperous New Year from...! Please accept my best wishes for a happy and prosperous New Year from...!
  • In appreciation of our association during the past year, everyone at … extends our very best wishes for a wonderful holiday season! Appreciating our cooperation over the past year, each employee... expresses our best wishes for the holidays!
  • Warmest wishes for a happy holiday season and a wonderful new year. With warmest wishes for a happy holidays and a wonderful year ahead!

Job Application Letter (Resume Cover Letter)

In the first paragraph of the cover letter, it is recommended to mention the position for which the applicant expects, you can also say about the source from which he learned this information.

The first block should not be more than two or three sentences.

The second paragraph talks about skills, abilities and knowledge.

In the third, convey information about the resume accompanying the letter.

Here you need to talk about the desire to come for an interview, about a positive decision in the direction of the applicant.

The fourth paragraph should definitely say thank you for reading this letter.

Phrases for job application letters:

  • I was interested in reading your advertisement for … I was interested when I read your advertisement in...
  • Please accept this letter as application for the … position currently advertised in the … Please accept this letter as an application for the vacant position... which was advertised in...
  • I have exceptional verbal and written communication skills. I have exceptional oral and written communication skills.
  • I can supply references from…if required. I can provide recommendations from...if required...
  • Thank you for your attention. Thank you for your attention.

Business invitation letter

In the business world, various seminars, conferences or presentations are often held. And inviting partners to these events can improve or, conversely, worsen the impression of the company.

Important in invitation letters:

  • write the partner's full name;
  • it should be brief;
  • it is appropriate to use humor;
  • send well before the event.

Phrases for invitation:

  • You are cordially invited to be the guest of… We cordially invite you to be a guest at…
  • Allow me the pleasure of inviting you to… Do not refuse the pleasure of inviting you...

Reply to a business letter in English

A business letter arriving at a company or organization sometimes requires a response. The structure of such a letter is built according to the same formulas and rules.

Phrases for answer:

  • Thank you for your letter. Thanks for your letter.
  • We greatly appreciate your offer. We highly appreciate your offer...
  • We shall be only too pleased to supply you with… We will be very happy to supply you...
  • Regarding your question about… About regarding your question about...

So, the main points of competently composing business letters in English have been revealed.

A well-thought-out and carefully written business letter is an effective tool in the business environment: to promote a product or service to the market and get a job abroad.

An incorrectly constructed letter can ruin the impression of the sender.

Be competent in writing English business letters !

Business letter form in English is the structure of writing a formal letter in English.

What business can there be without a business letter? A person who is going to connect his life with the English language will sooner or later have to write such a letter, be it correspondence between an applicant and the company’s HR department or routine business correspondence between departments of the company. For English learners, formal writing seems like a Rubicon they will never cross. There's really nothing complicated here. A business letter consists of short, succinct phrases and set expressions. The simpler the letter is written, the better.

Until now, many official letters are sent by regular mail rather than email. They are also called"snail-mail"(snail letter) to emphasize the difference from e-mail. With the exception of some differences in formatting, “paper” letters are written according to the same requirements as electronic ones. The choice of paper format, indents and fonts are generally accepted and do not differ when it comes to writing in English.

1. Any letter usually begins with the sender's address. This could be the official letterhead of the company - then the address is already in the right place along with the logo. The address includes the name of the company, house number, street name, city, country (in capital letters) and, last but not least, the postal code. Exactly in this sequence. There is no need to write the sender's full name; they will be indicated at the end of the letter. If you provide a home address (for example, when sending a resume), start with the apartment number.

2. Next comes the date. If the letter was written over several days, the date when the letter was completed is indicated. If you are writing to an American company, use the format: month, date, year (May 9, 2011). The British prefer the format: day, month, year (7th of July, 2012).

3. The third paragraph is the recipient's address. It is always preferable to address a letter to a specific person - his name is indicated at the beginning of the address. As a tribute to respect, the name is preceded by an abbreviation: Mr. (Mister, Mister), Dr. (doctor), Ms. (miss, for an unmarried woman), Mrs. (Mrs. – for a married woman or one whose status is unknown). If you know any other rank or title of the recipient, indicate it instead of the suggested ones. Usually people do not mind if a higher rank than the real one is indicated. The address is then formatted in the same way as the sender's address (company name, house number, etc.). Both addresses and date are placed on the left edge of the letter, with the address placed compactly (see template).

4. This is followed by a greeting and address to the addressee. The phrase “Dear...” is considered universal. “Dear” in this case means “respected.” The name is indicated in accordance with the one mentioned in the “header” of the letter, taking into account the rank. If you are in a long-term business correspondence with a person of equal or lower status than you, it is acceptable to address them by name (and even preferable in American companies) - “Dear Mary”. If it is impossible to determine from the name whether it is a man or a woman, try to clarify this by calling the company office, otherwise use the full name - “Dear Seiko Manoyama”. If you are writing to several people, you should address them as “Dear Sirs”. The appeal is a separate paragraph. By the way, Americans do not use a comma after addresses - only a colon “Dear Mr.” White:"

5. The next paragraph begins the “body” of the letter. Business correspondence characterized by compactness. A short friendly introduction of 1-2 sentences is acceptable. Then - getting to the point. The text should be divided into small meaningful paragraphs separated by spacing.

6. The last paragraph usually confirms the idea of ​​the letter and indicates the need for some action.

7. Farewell is also a separate paragraph, located one or two spaces from the “body” of the letter. The most common phrases are “Sincerely”, “Sincerely yours”, “Yours faithfully”, “Best regards”. After any of these phrases, a comma is placed and a paragraph is made for signature. Below are the surname and initials of the author of the letter in block letters. If there is no text after the final phrase, no punctuation is needed. It is impossible to sign an email, so in this case there is no need to leave additional space. Instead, add your phone number, email address, and company name below your name.

If a copy of the letter is sent to another employee, this should be indicated below the signature with the abbreviation “cc: JohnSmith”. If the letter is in electronic form, copies are not indicated. Attachments to a letter are indicated by the word “Enclosure” or the abbreviation “Enc: catalog”.

Sample letter

Matryoshka Ltd.
34 Tverskaya street
Moscow, 121121

Mrs. Diana Ross
World Treasures Inc.
100 East 24th Street
Washington, 20024

Dear Mrs. Ross:

I received your address from “The Moscow Times” and would like to propose your cooperation with

our company. We produce Russian nesting dolls called “Matryoshka” that are famous among tourists

visiting Russia. Our dolls are made of sound wood and are colored with natural paint.

The catalog numbers about 500 types of matryoshkas of various sizes.

We offer significant discounts for our regular customers.

You will find enclosed our latest catalog. We would be happy

to have an opportunity to do business with your company.

Sincerely yours,

Mikhail Smirnov
Senior Manager

Enclosure: catalog

Letter translation

Dear Mrs Ross,

I saw the address of your company in The Moscow Times and would like to offer cooperation with our company.
We produce Russian national dolls “matryoshka”, famous among tourists visiting Russia. Our dolls are made from solid wood and painted with natural paint. The catalog contains about 500 models of nesting dolls of different sizes. We provide significant discounts to regular customers.
I am enclosing our latest catalogue. We will be glad to cooperate with your company.

Mikhail Smirnov
Senior manager

Application: catalog

When writing a letter, the beginning, that is, addressing the addressee, plays an important role. The address in English writing is significantly different from the address in Russian. Therefore, to write a letter that is correct in terms of etiquette, you need to know some rules.

Always remember that the form of address in a letter depends on the degree of acquaintance or family ties with the person to whom you are addressing the letter.

General circulation model:

Dear /My dear+ addressee's name (with or without polite address) + colon
Dear /My dear+ addressee's name (with or without polite address) + comma,

Where polite address- these are formsMr., Mrs., Miss, Ms., Sir, Madam, which are used only with the surname (dots are usually placed after the forms Mr., Mrs., Ms.).

Basic rules of address in English writing.

1. Strictly formal in tone and content of the letter should begin with Dear/My dear and polite treatment:

2. In official letters to strangers whose names you do not know, the following polite forms are used:

The last two addresses are used both in relation to married people and to unmarried women. The combination Dear Miss is not used as a form of address in English.

3. In less official and semi-official correspondence you can find the following forms:

4. If you do not know the recipient's name, you should not use the phrase To whom it may concern(To whom it may concern). Instead, use a title or general greeting:

Dear Recruiter:
Dear Claims Adjuster:
Dear Sir or Madam:

5. If you do not know the gender of the recipient, write his full name, omitting the polite title:

Dear Dana Simms:
Dear T.K. Spinazola:

6. If you are in doubt about the choice of addressing a woman (Miss or Mrs.), use the neutral Ms.

7. If you are writing to two people, be sure to include both names in the greeting:

Dear Mr. Trujillo and Ms. Donne:
Dear Alex and Jill:

8. Never write the following polite addresses in full:
Mr., Ms., Mrs. and Dr.:

These appeals, on the contrary, should not be shortened:
Professor, Dean, Sister, Rabbi, Imam, Senator, Governor, Captain, Admiral, Judge

9. If you are writing a letter not to a specific person, but to an organization, use its name in your address:

Dear Syntax Training:

10. In simplified business letters, do not use a salutation at all. Instead, you need to indicate the subject in capital letters, followed by the body of the letter

I am writing to share information about standard letter openings to…
(The simplified form of a business letter is rarely used.)

11. When greeting letters to unfamiliar or unfamiliar people, you should use a polite address and surname.

12. In informal situations, e.g. When addressing acquaintances, relatives, friends, only first names are used (without polite address):

Dear John,Dear John!
My dear John,My dear John!
My darling,My dear!

Polite addressesMy dear Sir, My dear Madam, Sir, Madam are strictly official. Dear Sir, Dear Madam somewhat less formal. However, all these forms are used in formal situations.

As can be seen from the previous examples, after the address there can be either a comma or a colon. The comma is placed in accordance with the British tradition, and the colon in accordance with the American one, but at present this distinction is hardly observed. In addition, a comma is used in letters of a less formal style (social letters), which include letters expressing sympathy, gratitude, personal congratulations (on a wedding, birthday, promotion, etc.), and a colon in strictly formal letters.

13. Addressing a woman
When approaching a woman, you should take into account her preferences regarding this issue. That is, a married woman can leave her first name and take her husband’s surname, she can take her husband’s full name and surname, etc. It is recommended to find out about such preferences in advance (for example, from friends or from the signature in a letter). See the table below for details.

Ms. Jane Johnson
Miss Jane Johnson (usually when addressing girls under 18)
Married, keeping her first and maiden names
Ms. Jane Johnson
Married woman who took her husband's surname
Mrs. John Kelly (a married woman may prefer to take her husband's full name - John Kelly)
Mrs. Jane Kelly (a married woman may choose to keep her first name -Jane, and take her husband's last name - Kelly)
Today the Ms option has also become possible. Jane Kelly
A divorced woman, as a rule, takes her own name, but can keep both her and her husband’s surname
Mrs. Jane Kelly
Ms. Jane Kelly
Ms. Jane Johnson (maiden name)
Undivorced, but living separately from her husband
In this case, options are also possible, depending on the woman’s preferences.
Mrs. John Kelly
Mrs. Jane Kelly
Ms. Jane Kelly
A widow, as a rule, considers herself married, she leaves her husband’s surname, but can take both her own and her husband’s name
Mrs. John Kelly (if the widow’s preferences are not known, then this is the most acceptable, error-free and neutral option)
Mrs. Jane Kelly
Ms. Jane Kelly

14. Address to a couple (husband and wife)

Married, wife uses husband's name

Mr. and Mrs. John Kelly

Note - on the envelope in the address traditionally female name precedes the masculine and then the surname (Jane and John Kelly). Today, the order of names has become unimportant, any option is acceptable, except in cases where one of the spouses is clearly senior in rank - then the name of the spouse who is higher in rank is written first.

Married, wife prefers Ms.Mr. John Kelly and Ms. Jane Kelly
Ms. Jane Kelly and Mr. John Kelly
(Ms. should not be used with the husband's name, i.e. it would be incorrect to write Mr. and Ms.John Kelly)
Married, informal letterJane and John Kelly
John and Jane Kelly
Married, wife prefers maiden name
Mr. John Kelly and Ms. Jane Johnson
Ms. Jane Johnson and Mr. John Kelly

Mr. John Kelly
and Ms. Jane Johnson
(the order of the names does not matter)
Unmarried but living together (civil marriage)Mr. John Kelly & Ms. Jane Johnson (required on one line)
The wife is higher in rank than her husband:
elective or military position

The Honorable Jane Kelly and Mr. John Kelly

If both names do not fit on one line:
The Honorable Jane Kelly
andMr. John Kelly

The wife is higher in rank than her husband:
academic degree
Dr. Jane Kelly and Mr. John Kelly
Both spouses are doctors (Ph.D. or physicians) and use the same surname
The Doctors Kelly (omit first names)
Drs. Jane and John Kelly/Drs. John and Jane Kelly
Dr. John Kelly and Dr. Jane Kelly/Dr. Jane Kelly and Dr. John Kelly
Both spouses are doctors (Ph.D. or physicians), the wife uses her maiden nameDr. Jane Johnson and Dr. John Kelly
Dr. John Kelly and Dr. Jane Johnson

Rules for writing Email in English

To write an email in official style (electronic business letter), follow all the above rules regarding official style (points 1-11). An informal email usually starts like this.

Dear Han,
Hi Ivan,
Hi Kate,
Sue, Brooke:
Good morning, Kitty,
Hello, Homer,

Or just start the first sentence with the name:

Bart, you were absolutely right about the matter.

Summary table of requests in letters in English.

Unit Mn. number
Formal and strictly official
My dear Sir/Sir
My dear Madam/Madam

Strictly official Sir / My dear
Mr. Smith
Madam / My dear
Mrs. Smith
Dear Sir
Dear Madam
Dear Sirs/ Sirs
Dear Mesdames/
Less formal(if there is previous correspondence)
Dear Mr. Jones

Dear Mrs. Jones

Dear Messrs. Jones and Smith

How do you feel when you open your mailbox to check your mail and find an email from a colleague in English? For most people this causes panic. Not many people know how to write letters in English correctly. If there is someone at hand who knows and speaks English, then you can instruct him to read the letter and prepare a response. But how much can you pay others for something you can learn to do yourself?

Business correspondence is certainly a difficult skill, but there is nothing you can't master. And we will be happy to help you with this. So, today our article is devoted to electronic business letters in English.

First of all, let's familiarize ourselves with the key vocabulary on this topic:

  • Sender ["sendə] (from the word send- send) - the sender of the letter. You can identify the sender by the word from in the header of the letter.
  • Receiver (from the word receive- receive) - the recipient of the letter. In the header of the letter it is indicated by the preposition to. The words addressee [ˌædre"siː] and recipient are also used.
  • Subject ["sʌbʤekt] - subject of the letter.
  • Signature ["sɪgnəʧə] - signature of the sender.
  • Importance option [ɪm"pɔːt(ə)n(t)s] - a note about the importance of the letter.
  • Attachment [ə"tæʧmənt] - attachment (text files, images attached to a letter).
  • СС (carbon copy) - a copy of the letter. When the sender sends a letter to several recipients and you see who else has been sent a copy.
  • BCC (blind carbon copy) - invisible copy, "blind copy". When a letter is sent to several recipients, but the names of other recipients of the letter are hidden from you.

Any letter, especially a business one, should begin with a greeting.

In English, the word dear plays the role of greeting, but in this context it is translated not as “dear”, but as “respected”:

Dear Mr Smith,
Dear Sally,

If you are writing a letter to an addressee who is unknown to you, then start your letter like this:

Dear Sir or Madam,

If your letter is intended for a group of people, then you can start it like this:

Dear all,
Dear team,
Dear colleagues

After the address, a comma is placed and the letter continues to be written on a new line with a capital letter.

Now, looking ahead a little, I would like to say a few words about how to end a letter. Oddly enough, the ending of the letter may depend on the greeting you used at the beginning. If you address a person by name at the beginning of the letter, then at the end you should write Yours sincerely, ... (Sincerely yours, ...). If in your greeting you write Dear Sir or Madam, then the ending will be Yours faithfully, ... (Sincerely yours, ...). Of course, there are other options for ending a letter, but more on them later.

Initially, when establishing contacts with clients and colleagues, you should adhere to a formal style of correspondence, so in this article we will focus on formal expressions and phrases that will be useful for you when writing business letters. To remember the difference between the formal and informal style of letters in English, we recommend that you re-read.

How to start a letter? If you write first, or there has been no prior contact between you and the addressee, you need to explain the reason for the letter (purpose):

We wish to inform you of (our new discounts). - We would like to inform you (about our new discounts).

I am writing in reply to (your advertisement). - I am writing in response (to your advertisement).

I am writing concerning (your latest statement). - I am writing in connection with (your last statement).

I am writing with regard to (the latest news). - I am writing in connection with (latest news).

I am writing to remind you about (the meeting next Monday). - I am writing to remind you of (the meeting next Monday).

I am contacting you in connection with (the increased popularity of your new product). - I am writing to you in connection (with the increased popularity of your new product).

Using these phrases, you can easily explain the reason why you are contacting a person.

If you know the recipient, have met him, called him or her, corresponded, then at the beginning of the letter it is worth mentioning the previous contact (letter, message, meeting, phone call):

With reference to (your recent letter) I want to know .... - With reference to your recent letter, I would like to know ...

In reply to (your e-mail), I am sending you information. - In response to your letter, I am sending you information.

I refer to (your last phone call). - I refer to our recent telephone conversation.

We understood from your letter that (you are going to organize a trade fair). - As we understand from your letter, (you are going to organize an exhibition and sale).

We were glad to receive your (invitation). - We are glad to receive (an invitation from you).

Further to our (e-mail from 1st May), I would like to (send you the agenda). - In addition to (our letter of the first of May), I would like to (send you a work program).

I would like to apologize for (the delay in delivery). - I would like to apologize for the delay in delivery.

I am writing to you in response to (your enquiry). - I am writing in response (to your request).

In case you are not writing from own name, and on someone’s instructions or on behalf of the team, use the phrase On behalf of...:

I am writing on behalf of the association of shareholders. - I am writing to you on behalf of the shareholders association.

On behalf of Mr Black, I you to take part in our annual conference. - On behalf of Mr. Black, I would like to invite you to take part in our annual conference.

After the greeting and purpose are written, you need to go directly to the main part (body, main part). Depending on the purpose of your letter, the structure and choice of means of writing its main part will vary. The following functions of business emails are distinguished:

  • Inviting - invitation
  • Apologizing - apology
  • Informing - informing
  • Requesting/ Inquiry - request
  • Complaining - complaint
  • Thanking - gratitude and others

Each type of letter has its own structure, special vocabulary and set of phrases. On the pages of our website we will consider the features of composing and writing each of the above types of business letters, so stay tuned!

Remember to divide the body of the letter into paragraphs using markers:

Firstly, ... - First of all, ...
First of all, ... - First of all, ...
Secondly, ... - Secondly, ...
Thirdly,... - Thirdly,...
Finally, ... - In conclusion, ...

When the main part is written, all you have to do is write the final part (closing). It depends to some extent on the body and purpose of your letter. It usually once again thanks for the information, invitation, help:

Thank you again for the invitation, I am pleased to be invited to the ceremony. - Thank you again for the invitation, I’m glad you invited me beyond the ceremony.

I appreciate your help. - I appreciate your help.

I am grateful for your assistance in the project. - I am grateful for your help in the project.

You can express your desire and readiness to provide additional information, help, consultation:

Please contact me if you need further information. - Please contact me if you require further information.

Feel free to contact me if you need my help. - Feel free to contact me if you need help.

You can count on me when you need a consultation. - You can count on me if you need advice.

They often refer to future contact and express wishes for a speedy response:

I am looking forward to your reply. - I will wait for your answer.

Please deal with this issue is urgently. I expect information from you tomorrow. - Please sort this issue out urgently. I expect information from you tomorrow.

If you send something as an attachment, then add a few words about it:

See files attached to this message. - Look at the files in the attachment.

I attach the copy of the contract for your consideration. - I am attaching a copy of the contract for your consideration.

You can find the pictures in the attached files. - You will find the photos attached.

Finally, they express certain hopes (for cooperation, for mutual assistance, for the usefulness of the information provided):

I hope the information was helpful for you. - I hope that the information was useful to you.

I hope our response has answered your enquiry. - I hope our answer has clarified your question.

AND the last part your letter - the final phrase. As mentioned earlier, her choice may depend on the greeting phrase. If your letter is very formal, then when you address it by name, then write Yours sincerely, and if you do not know the name of the addressee, then Yours faithfully.

But there are a number of phrases of an average level of formality that end business letters:

Best wishes,
Best regards,
kind regards,
Many thanks,
All the best,

A comma is placed after the final phrase, and the name of the author of the letter is indicated on the next line.

Sometimes (especially at the stage of establishing contact) the position and place of work, as well as contact information (postal address, telephone, email address) are indicated below:

Best regards,
Maria Ray
Administrative Officer
[email protected]

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The exam offers an excerpt from a letter from your possible pen pal. The letter contains some news and several questions asking for your opinion, advice, etc.

You are required to write a response letter starting with your brief return address in the upper right corner, the date below the address, a salutation, and ending with a parting phrase and name.

First of all, to write a letter, you need to know the rules of spelling and punctuation of the English language and try to follow them - the person to whom you addressed the letter will be pleased to read a well-written letter.

One of the English language tasks in both the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Examination is writing a personal letter in response to a letter from an “English-speaking pen pal.” It is included in Part C, just like writing an English essay. At the same time, if in the Unified State Exam the length of a letter is 100-140 words, then in the Unified State Exam there is a limit of 100-120 words, because in the Unified State Examination you are given the task to ask 3 questions, and in the Unified State Examination you are given the task of simply answering the letter, although, in any case, if you write the questions, this will be a plus.

Writing a letter in a foreign language is a simple task that needs to be completed as quickly as possible in order to leave time for other tasks. So, let's look at the uniform rules for writing a personal letter. To make it easier to understand everything, watch a specially selected video from the site:

In the upper right corner indicate the address in the following order (reverse order to Russian):

  • apartment
  • house number, street name
  • city
  • a country

It is allowed to indicate the address in a short form, for example:

Below the address skipping a line, you must write the date of the letter:
June 4th, 2012
June 4, 2012

or less formally:

The letter begins with an informal address. If the name of your interlocutor is not indicated in the task, you should come up with one:
Dear Tim,
Dear Rebecca,

After the address you need to put a comma!

Divide the text of the letter into several logical paragraphs, each of which begins with a red line.

1. In the first paragraph, you should thank your friend for his letter:
Thanks (a lot) for your (last) letter.
Your last letter was a real surprise.
I was glad to get your letter.
It was great to hear from you! / It was great to hear that… / I was happy to hear…

You can also apologize for not writing earlier:
Sorry I haven’t been written for so long but …/ Sorry I haven’t been in touch for so long.
I’m sorry I haven’t answered earlier but I was really busy with my school.

and/or mention any fact from the letter received:
I’m glad you passed your History test!
Sounds like you had a great time in London!
Great news about your…!

2. The body of the letter (2–3 paragraphs). In it you must disclose all aspects specified in the task. Don't forget to ask the necessary questions.

The letter is expected to be written in an informal style, so you can use informal linking words such as well, by the way, anyway, so, colloquial expressions like Guess what? Or Wish me luck!, as well as exclamation marks.

3. In the last paragraph, explain why you are ending the letter:
Well, I’d better go now as I have to do my homework.
Anyway, I have to go now because my Mum asked me to help her with the washing up.
I've got to go now! It’s time for my favorite TV show.

and mention further contacts:
Write (back) soon!
Take care and keep in touch!
Drop me a letter when you can.
Hope to hear from you soon.
I can’t wait to hear from you!

At the end of the letter, on a separate line, the final cliché phrase is indicated, which depends on how close the author and the addressee are. It is always followed by a comma! Below are possible options From least formal (1) to more formal (8):

  1. Love,
  2. Lots of love,
  3. All my love,
  4. All the best,
  5. Best wishes,
  6. With best wishes,
  7. Yours,
  8. Warm regards,

On the next line, under the final phrase, the author's name is indicated (without a surname!). For example:
Andy or Kate

Thus, a letter to a friend looks like this:

Writer's address (indicated in the upper right corner)
Date of letter (under address)

At the beginning of the letter, the author usually a) thanks the addressee for previously received correspondence; b) apologizes for not writing earlier.
The body of the letter (2-3 paragraphs). It should disclose
all aspects specified in the assignment.
Be sure to ask all the necessary questions.
At the end of the letter, the author usually mentions the reason for ending the letter, as well as further contacts (cliché phrases are used).
The final phrase
Author's signature (name)

Template for writing a letter in English

13 Ostozhenka street

I was so happy to get your letter! I can’t wait to meet you in July! I’m sorry I haven’t answered earlier but I was really busy with my school.

You asked me to tell you about… Well, …

By the way, ...? ...? ...?

Unfortunately, I’d better go now as I’ve got loads of homework to do (as always). Take care and keep in touch!
