Women who have never been married. Why is it better to be a divorced woman than an unmarried woman? Why is it better to be single than divorced?

Often girls who have not been able to improve their personal lives look for problems in anyone, but not in themselves. Nowadays it is fashionable to attribute failures in amorous affairs to the crown of celibacy.

Of course, believing in medieval magic in the 21st century is extremely stupid, but it is impossible to explain in any other way the fact that some Russian and Hollywood actresses have been unable to find a life partner for years.

The editors have compiled the top 6 popular “bachelors” who have never been married

Jacqueline Bisset (1944)

The top of single stars opens with a sex symbol of the 70s, an actress who never knew the delights of motherhood and married life.

The artist attracted the attention of the opposite sex both in her youth and in her mature years. Bisset's romances include relationships with Russian ballet star and Canadian actor Michael Sarazin.

Patricia Kaas (1966)

The number of admirers of the Frenchwoman is no less than that of Bisset. It is known that the conqueror of women's hearts, the scandalous artist, and the composer Philip Bergman fell under the spell of the charismatic singer.

Now the single star admits that what she is most sad about is not because of the breakups with men, but because she will not become a mother. The cause of infertility was numerous celebrity abortions.

Mireille Mathieu (1946)

Another representative of the French stage - the singer - also did not start a family.

In her youth, the world-famous vocalist with a daring haircut and brightly painted lips, being constantly surrounded by fans, did not suffer from a lack of male attention.

Throughout their careers, celebrities have created legends about their personal lives. So, they say that Mathieu once almost married a French entrepreneur. True, the star’s marriage never took place.

Oprah Winfrey (1954)

Recently, a famous TV presenter joined the number of stars who are single now and do not plan to change this status in the future.

So, in an interview, the actress stated her reluctance to walk down the aisle. It is noteworthy that the relationship with Stedman Graham, which has been going on for 32 years, does not affect the celebrity’s categorical decision.

Among other things, the American favorite openly says that she does not regret not having children. According to the artist, she will not make an exemplary mother, since no one cared about her as a child.

Kristin Davis (1965)

The actress also did not create a strong family. If in films the artist easily enters into new relationships, then in Christine’s life everything is not so rosy.

In the amorous piggy bank of the star of the series "" relationships with, and. All these novels ultimately ended not in a wedding, but in a breakup.

Tired of loneliness, Christine adopted a girl in 2011, naming her Gemma Rose Davis. The actress is currently single. She completely devoted herself to raising her child and does not even think about marriage.

Faina Ranevskaya (1896-1984)

It is worth noting that not only Western stars prefer freedom to marriage. So, the great actress was never married and had no children.

The artist has said more than once that the men who liked her did not like her. Among other things, the star considered herself unattractive, so she didn’t even think about marriage.

Since Faina Georgievna had no children, in her old age her lonely days were brightened up by a dog she found on the street.

If a woman is already over thirty, but she is not yet married, she often has a desire to succumb to general panic: “Everyone is married, but I’m not! What a nightmare!” - get scared and start taking rash actions in order to at least impersonate someone.

She begins to impose herself on men, tries too hard to please them - and, as a result, pushes them away even more.

Sometimes she may stop going on dates altogether. Why? There is an excuse for this: “What if he asks me why I have never been married before? What a shame!”

After all, you will have to explain, humiliate yourself... No, it’s better not to meet anyone at all...

In such a situation, girls are used to making excuses: “I had a boyfriend, we lived with him for four years...”, or “They once proposed marriage to me... but...”

What do your excuses tell a man? That you don’t value yourself (that’s why you’re making excuses), that you’re unsure of yourself, that you’re worried about what they’ll think of you.

If you worry about this, you will definitely make it clear to men that you are nothing worthwhile.

A girl who loves, values ​​and respects herself will easily and cheerfully answer a man’s question like this: “You know, I haven’t yet met a worthy candidate for a husband.” And this answer will make it clear that she deserves better.

She will never make excuses to anyone!

What happened in her past (unsuccessful marriage, traitorous boyfriend, married lover) is no one’s business. Therefore, in response to any personal questions, she can tell a new acquaintance that this moment doesn't want to develop this topic.

Your low self-esteem is a serious reason for a man to leave you again and again.

If such a girl just meets a man - no matter what he says to her, what compliments he gives - she will always let him know: “I am a stale or defective product.”

To a compliment from a new acquaintance: “Why is such a beauty all alone today?” she may answer that she recently experienced an unsuccessful relationship and broke up with her boyfriend. These girls also like to talk in detail about their past relationships and failures in life. Explain that they recently lost their job, or received a reprimand from their superiors (and therefore decided to wash away their grief today). Or talk about a wide variety of their shortcomings, as if their motto is: “Tell more nasty things about yourself - suddenly someone will like you.”

Or, on the contrary, he will try so hard to please another acquaintance that he will wear a dress that is too revealing, and put too much makeup on his face, and in addition will talk too much.

But why do and say this? Where does this need come from?

What pushes the girl to do such things is her RESULT. Resentment towards yourself, your life and unsuccessful relationships with men.

There are “dark” girls and there are “light” girls.

“Dark” girls love to live with their grievances, they collect them, and keep them in the most prominent place in their memory as an exclusive rarity... If you talk to them, they will tell you a lot of unpleasant things about life. They like to talk bad things about the people around them, about their bad job, crazy parents, a lot of illnesses, a hopeless life and no meaning in it... All their words point to their own shortcomings.

After talking with such a girl for five minutes, you become darker.

And there are “light” girls. They live by their discoveries and possibilities. As soon as you talk to them, they will tell you about some interesting facts life, about participating in various competitions, about your wonderful friends, about your favorite job. All their words speak about their merits and interests.

After communicating with her, you are filled with enthusiasm and inspired.

Everyone runs away from “dark” girls, and only the same “dark” people remain with them.

Everyone is attracted to "light" girls. But they have the opportunity to choose who to let into their lives.

“If no one loves you, rest assured, it’s your fault.” F. Dodridge

Yes, resentment against life deprives a girl of many opportunities.

Resentment forces her to PROVE to her married friends that “I’m still worth something.” Resentment pushes you to do rash acts. For example, get drunk and sleep with a new acquaintance that same evening. And then, when he runs away in the morning without leaving his phone number, he’ll cry into his pillow for a long time...

If a girl loves herself and values ​​herself, she will never hunt anyone, lure anyone, or humiliate herself before anyone. But the surrounding men themselves will want to enter her life.

September 26, 2016, 00:38

We all consider many stars to be real standards of beauty, but despite this, many of them do not have a personal life at all. Next you will find middle-aged star beauties who have never been married.

Jacqueline Bisset. The actress starred in more than 80 films, making her mark in the modeling field, and the richest and most famous men declared their love for her.

The actress never got married and did not have children, but she never hid the fact that there were many novels in her life, both fleeting and Serious relationships, which forever left a mark on her memory.

Among Bisset's famous romances is her relationship with the Russian ballet star Alexander Godunov, who ended his life very tragically.

“In my youth, I believed that the world was ruled by romantic love... Imagine my surprise when I found out that everything is wrong, the world revolves around family, building houses... I don’t have children. Maybe there would be, if “I would look at things differently,” the actress says now.

Winona Ryder. 41-year-old American actress Winona Ryder has not been married and has no children.

From 1989 to 1993, Ryder was in a romantic relationship with Johnny Depp.

Ryder later had a three-year relationship with Soul Asylum member Dave Pirner. From 1998 to 2000 she dated Matt Damon.

"Why this marriage? I don't know. I'd rather never get married than get divorced. I don't see anything wrong with divorce, but I'm not sure I have enough strength to go through it. When your parents are in love for a long time last 45 years, then your standards are really too high. But I prefer to be happy here and now,” she comments on her single status.

Kylie Minogue. The 48-year-old Australian singer and actress has repeatedly stated that she does not want to get married.

She met with Michael Hutchence, James Gooding, Olivier Martinez and Andres Valencoso, but apparently none of them convinced her.

However, rumors appeared that the 28-year-old actor proposed to her, to which she agreed.

Kristin Davis. Star of the series "Sex in big city“had affairs with Alec Baldwin, David Duchovny, Jack Goldbloom, Steve Martin, but was never married.

Davis currently resides in Los Angeles, California, where she has been spotted at various restaurants with director Nick Leone, but that her Family status somehow changed there was no news.

On October 7, 2011, it became known that Christine had adopted a newborn girl, named Gemma Rose Davis, whom she was raising alone.

Jennifer Coolidge. The American comedienne, stand-up comedian, screenwriter, best known for her role as Stifler's mom in the American Pie film series, was almost always single.

Only one of her major romances is known - with Chris Katan.

Daryl Hannah. The 55-year-old American actress has never been married and has no children.

She had affairs with Jackson Browne, John Kennedy Jr. There were rumors that Kennedy was going to propose to her, but his mother Jacqueline was against it.

Later she had relationships with Vel Kilmer, Neil Young and other celebrities, but none of them ended with a walk to the altar.

Diane Keaton. The 70-year-old actress has never been married and has no children.

She had affairs with Woody Allen, Warren Beaty and Al Pacino

Despite the absence of a husband, Diane has two adopted children - daughter Dexter (born 1996) and son Duke (born 2001).

The actress herself says that it was much easier for her to imagine herself in the role of a single mother rather than a homemaker. “I don’t think there’s anything missing in my life at the moment!” - the actress once announced.

Naomi Campbell. Dancer Joaquin Cortez was one of the first with whom Naomi began a serious romantic relationship, but later, on Cortez’s initiative, the couple had to break up.

The model at different times had relationships with many famous and successful men, but never walked down the aisle, trying on wedding dresses only at shows.

For four years she had a romantic relationship with Russian businessman Vladislav Doronin, but when everyone was talking about the wedding, the couple announced a breakup. It may be difficult for potential suitors to withstand the stormy temper of “Black Panther.”

Queen Latifah. 46 year old American singer, the actress and model has never been married.

Besides, she is not famous for her novels. Only a few of her fleeting hobbies are known.

As a result, Latifah is credited with being gay, but she only makes fun of it.

Lucy Liu. The 47-year-old actress is also single.

She was credited with many love affairs, including with Vladimir Klitschko and George Clooney, but none of them lasted long.

Charlize Theron. The actress has several serious novels behind her, which, alas, did not end with a trip to the altar.

In 2002, Charlize Theron met Stuart Townsend on the set of the film 24, with whom she began dating. They were considered one of the strongest couples in Hollywood, but eventually decided to separate.

In an interview, Townsend admitted that he considered Theron his wife, although they never officially registered the relationship. Later, Charlize dated Sean Penn for less than a year, after which she was not seen in a relationship at all.

In March 2012, Charlize adopted a boy from South Africa, whom she named Jackson, and in 2015, a black girl from the United States, giving her the name Augusta.

Nicole Scherzinger. The singer of Filipino-Hawaiian-Ukrainian origin, at 38 years old, has never married.

The performer dated the famous British racing driver, three-time Formula 1 world champion Lewis Hamilton, but on February 4, 2015, the couple broke up.

Nicole explained the reason for the breakup as follows: “We were together for 8 years, and I was tired of waiting for a marriage proposal from him.”

Rachel McAdams. The 37-year-old actress also never got to wear a wedding dress.

From mid-2005 to mid-2007 she dated Ryan Gosling. For several months in 2009, Rachel had an affair with Josh Lucas.

And in mid-2010, while filming the film Midnight in Paris, the star began a romantic relationship with Michael Sheen, which ended in early 2013. While she's still single.

Sheryl Crow. The performer has never been married. From 2003 to 2005, cyclist Lance Armstrong was her boyfriend, and this is perhaps the longest relationship in which she has been seen.

The singer's loneliness is brightened up by her two adopted sons - Wyatt Stephen Crow (born April 29, 2007) and Levi James Crow (born April 30, 2010).

Condoleezza Rice. The 66th US Secretary of State has never married and has no children.

While studying at the University of Denver, her close friend was American football player Rick Upchurch, but the relationship did not reach a logical conclusion.

In September 2006, The New York Times reported on a possible close relationship between Rice and Canadian Foreign Minister Peter MacKay, but there is no talk of walking down the aisle yet.

Coco Chanel. The fashion and style legend has never married or become a mother.

Star status, beauty, fame and wealth... Sometimes what many dream of having prevents celebrities from having the most important thing - a family.

ShockZona has prepared a list of world-famous beauties who have never worn a wedding ring.

Men, you still have a chance 😉

Several times the actress stated that she was not a fan of marriage as an institution and that she did not understand why women need to have children to be completely happy. Now Marisa is 51 years old and she has never been married, although 3 years ago there were still rumors of an engagement.

Very little is known about the artist’s personal life. There were rumors about her romances with musician Laurent Boutton and actor Jeff Dahlgren, but Farmer did not comment on any of them. It is known that director Benoit di Sabatino became her chosen one. But the singer did not have a wedding.

At 52, the actress has never been married, but has two children. A son with actor Billy Crudup and an adopted daughter.

One of the most influential and richest women of our time has never been married, but has been in a relationship with Steadman Graham for about 20 years.

Many expected a high-profile wedding between Charlize Theron and Sean Penn, but, unexpectedly for everyone, the couple broke up. Charlize has been raising her adopted son for a long time, and after breaking up with Penn she became a mother to her adopted daughter. And yes, Theron, at 41, has never been married.

The 45-year-old actress was in relationships with Johnny Pepp, Soul Asylum member Dave Pirner and Matt Damon, but never married Winona Laura Horowitz (real name).

Davis' beauty fans have included Alec Baldwin, David Duchovny, Jeff Goldblum, Liev Schreiber, Matt LeBlanc, Nick Leone and Chris Noth. But despite this, none of them led the actress down the aisle. Christine is raising her adopted daughter, Gemma Rose Davis, alone.
