Wives of the richest Russian businessmen and officials (29 photos). Women without faces: the richest wives of Russian officials and deputies, about whom almost nothing is known The richest wives of officials and deputies

The publication of income declarations of government members, employees of the Presidential Administration, senators and deputies for 2016 made it possible to calculate how much the richest wives of Russian officials earn. As it turned out, many of the "second halves" are able to give odds to their husbands and are actually breadwinners in the family.

The first place among the richest wives of Russian officials went to the wife of a State Duma deputy from the Communist Party Alexander Nekrasov. Elena Nekrasova earned about 646 million rubles last year and overtook the Minister for North Caucasus Lev Kuznetsov, who topped the list of the richest officials in 2016 (582 million rubles). The main source of income for Elena Nekrasova is the construction business. She owns several enterprises that are part of the Leader Group holding, which is one of the largest Russian developers. It is worth noting that Leader Group was founded by her husband, who later took up lawmaking. By the way, last year Alexander Nekrasov's income amounted to less than 5 million rubles, which is almost 130 times less than the income of his "second half".

In third place is the wife of a State Duma deputy from United Russia Sergei Petrov, the founder of the SVP Grou holding. This company is engaged in buying up plots and farmland in the Leningrad region and reselling them to developers for development. According to the results of last year, the wife of Sergei Petrov earned about 220 million rubles against 48 million, for which the deputy himself became richer. By the way, such harmony in the incomes of this family can be traced for a long time. For example, in 2012, Sergei Petrov received an income of 22 million rubles - 5.5 times less than his wife.

Next comes the wife of Vladimir Sinyagovsky, a member of the State Duma Committee on Transport and Construction. It boasts approximately 188 million rubles in income. According to unofficial information, her earnings are formed from income from the operation of several land plots, the total area of ​​which exceeds 2.5 million square meters. Also at its disposal is about a dozen apartments, non-residential premises with total area about 400 square meters and several storage facilities for agricultural products. Vladimir Sinyagovsky himself earned 3.6 million rubles in 2016.

The top five is closed by the wife of another State Duma deputy, Oleg Grishchenko (182 million rubles). Elena Grishchenko also receives her income from the use of land plots with a total area of ​​​​more than 20 thousand square meters, several residential buildings and buildings for household purposes. Last year's income of Oleg Grishchenko himself amounted to only 2.6 million rubles.

Almost all the ladies who entered the top 10 richest wives of Russian officials are non-public people. Their names rarely appear in the news and in the media. The only exception is Tatyana Navka, wife of the deputy head of the administration and presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov. The famous Russian figure skater, repeated champion of Russia, Europe and the world earned 10 times more than her husband last year - 120.8 million rubles. She owns four apartments, two land and two residential buildings. However, according to experts, Tatyana Navka's income items consist of her fees from participating in various show programs, filming documentaries, as well as fees for working on television as a commentator.

It is worth noting that 16 of the 20 richest wives of statesmen receive more income than their spouses, and are actually the breadwinners of the family. This is worth considering for those officials who, in their income declarations in the column “ Family status» put a dash. In the current State Duma, 114 deputies did this, or about 25% of all legislators in the lower house of parliament. In particular, speaker Vyacheslav Volodin, LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky and 5 out of 8 vice-speakers are not married. The status of bachelors is also possessed by 7 out of 26 heads of committees and commissions. Perhaps now, looking at the wives of officials, whose incomes significantly exceed the earnings of high-ranking spouses, bachelor officials will think about the benefits of marriage.

Seriously, according to experts, the main problem with such ratings, in which the highest ranks of the state lag behind their wives in terms of income, is the lack of information about the sources of income. According to Sergei Zhavoronkov, a senior researcher at the Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, “officials have parents, children and other relatives. They also boast of earning millions. However, it is not clear how they become owners of the business, where they get their money from. In fact, it turns out that income declarations of officials and their families are not the most successful attempt to build an open and transparent history of their financial fortunes. An attempt to follow foreign standards and analogues, although in reality no one in our country is really going to disclose information. This is reminiscent of the saying of the French writer and traveler Marquis de Custine: Russia is a country of facades. The Russians have only the name of everything, but nothing in reality.

Not so long ago, Russian deputies and officials reported on their income for 2016. About some of the most impressive earnings. There are deputies who managed to earn hundreds of times more than the president. However, according to the law, the declarations also include data on the incomes of not only the officials and deputies themselves, but also their wives (or husbands) and children. And here, too, there is something to see. We offer you a rating of the wealthiest wives of deputies, who, according to official documents, earn much more than their husbands. However, the press knows almost nothing about them, even what these super-wealthy women look like, whose incomes are in the millions.

Elena Nekrasova

Income: RUB 646 million

Spouse: Alexander Nekrasov, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Energy (deputy from the Communist Party)

Spouse's income: RUB 4.9 million

Elena Nekrasova owns several companies that are part of the Leader Group construction holding, which was founded in 1992 by her husband Alexander. Now GK "Leader Group" is among the top ten developers in the country in terms of housing construction.

According to the published declaration for 2016, Nekrasova owns four apartments and shares in two more, their total area is 780 sq. m. In addition, she owns 12 non-residential premises with a total area of ​​more than two thousand square meters. m and 9 land plots (in one of them with an area of ​​​​about 75 sq. m, she owns a share of 50%), which in total amount to more than 230 sq. m. m.

Ludmila Vorobieva

Income: RUB 225.1 million

Spouse: Yuri Vorobyov, Member of the Federation Council Federal Assembly Russian Federation from the Vologda region

Spouse's income: RUB 5.4 million

Lyudmila Vorobyeva is the mother of the current Governor of the Moscow Region Andrei Vorobyov and co-owner of the Russian Sea Group of Companies Maxim Vorobyov. She has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Russian Sea Group of Companies since December 2007. Her husband Yuri Vorobyov is an associate of Sergei Shoigu and one of the founders of the Ministry of Emergency Situations: in 2012, on the air of the Dozhd TV channel, Andrei Vorobyov called Shoigu his "godfather" in politics. According to the declaration, the wife of Senator Vorobyov owns two land plots with a total area of ​​more than 10,000 square meters. m, a residential building (977 sq. m.), an apartment (77 sq. m.), as well as a sports and recreational and economic block - 871 and 89 sq. m. m, respectively.

Wife of Sergei Petrov

Income: 220.9 million

Spouse: Sergey Petrov, member of the State Duma committee (deputy from United Russia)

Spouse's income: RUB 47.9 million

In third position is the wife of Sergei Petrov, the founder of one of the major St. Petersburg developers SVP Group, and now a State Duma deputy from France of United Russia. In November 2016, Delovoy Peterburg estimated the amount of land owned or passed through SVP Group at 700 hectares. According to the publication, starting to engage in politics, Petrov transferred 70% of the company to his wife. Another 30% belong to his partner Denis Zhukov.

According to the published declaration, Petrov's wife owns (in full or a share in them) 53 land plots with a total area of ​​​​more than 1.2 million square meters. m, four apartments (about 500 sq. m), two non-residential premises and one residential building (576 sq. m).

Wife of Vladimir Sinyagovsky

Income: 187.8 million

Spouse: Vladimir Sinyagovsky, member of the State Duma Committee on Transport and Construction (deputy from United Russia)

Spouse's income: 3.6 million rubles

Before moving to the State Duma as a deputy from United Russia, from 2002 to 2016, Vladimir Sinyagovsky was the mayor of Novorossiysk. Sinyagovsky's wife is the owner of 6 land plots with a total area of ​​more than 2.5 million square meters. m (in two of them she owns a share), nine apartments (more than 900 sq. m), two non-residential premises (about 200 sq. m each), as well as a complex for storing agricultural products.

In the summer of 2016, the Kuban media wrote that Ruslan Sinyagovsky, the nephew of the then mayor of Novorossiysk, Vladimir Sinyagovsky, was charged with accepting a large bribe ($ 7,000) against the deputy head of the customs post "Caucasus Sea Port" of the Krasnodar Customs. Another nephew of Vladimir Sinyagovsky, Roman Sinyagovsky, is the head of the Slavyansky district of the Krasnodar Territory.

Elena Grishchenko

Income: 182.1 million

Spouse: Oleg Grishchenko, member of the State Duma committee (deputy from United Russia)

Spouse's income: 2.6 million rubles

Elena Grishchenko owns (some of them in equity) ten land plots with a total area of ​​more than 20,000 sq. m, four residential buildings (the construction of one of them has not been completed) and an outbuilding.

Wife of Yuri Smirnov

Income: 140.2 million

Spouse: Yuri Smirnov, Member of the State Duma Committee on physical education, sports, tourism and youth affairs (“ United Russia»)

Spouse's income: 20.7 million

The wife of Yuri Smirnov, according to the declaration, owns a land plot of more than 3,000 square meters. m, a residential building (730 sq. m), four apartments (565 sq. m) and the same number of parking spaces.

Julia Portnova

Income: 128 million

Spouse: Valery Vasiliev, member of the Federation Council from Ivanovo region

Spouse's income: 5.4 million

The Sobesednik magazine calls the wife of a member of the Federation Council from the Ivanovo region, Yulia Portnova, the head of the Ivanovo parachute plant Polet (a monopolist in this market in Russia) and the chairman of the regional Public Chamber in the Ivanovo region. In the late 1990s, Vasiliev himself was the general director of the plant, then he went to the regional governing bodies. The Sobesednik wrote that today the plant is owned by two private companies, one of which is the brother of Senator Vasilyev, and the other is himself and his wife.

According to the declaration, Portnova owns 10 land plots (a little less than 100,000 sq. m.), 5 residential buildings (about 2,000 sq. m.), four apartments (476 sq. m.) - and other property, including an artesian well, a gas pipeline, pumping station, heating main and other facilities.

Alla Sablina (Nalcha)

Income: 127.6 million

Spouse: Dmitry Sablin, Member of the State Duma Development Committee civil society, issues of public and religious associations ("United Russia")

Spouse's income: RUB 179.7 million

The wife of Dmitry Sablin, the former head of the Combat Brotherhood organization and one of the initiators of the creation of the Anti-Maidan movement, owns shares in a dozen Moscow and Moscow region companies that are engaged in development, real estate, and telecommunications. For example, according to the official website of the company, she is the chairman of the board of directors of the ROTA group of companies ( Agriculture, development and investment in real estate). In addition, Alla Sablina is the president of the Our Children charity foundation, which helps children with cerebral palsy.

According to the declaration, she owns two apartments, a non-residential building (300 sq. m) and a room, a boathouse (316 sq. m) and two parking spaces. In the 2016 ranking, Sablina was twelfth. In 2015, Sablina showed the highest income among all senators' wives.

In 2015, the Sablins sued Alexei Navalny over a post on his website in which Navalny called the Anti-Maidan movement “a movement to protect the property of Senator Sablin, received from bribes and fraud due to his marriage to the governor’s niece.”

Wife of Andrei Chernyshev

Income: 123.5 million

Spouse: Andrey Chernyshev, Member of the State Duma Committee on natural resources, property and land relations ("United Russia")

Spouse's income: 39.8 million

Andrey Chernyshev's “second half” owns land plots with an area of ​​more than 11,000 sq. m, ½ apartment of 132 sq. m and non-residential premises(207 sqm). Andrey Chernyshev is one of 22 deputies who have reflected real estate abroad in their declarations: he owns an apartment in Spain with an area of ​​62 sq. m.

Tatiana Navka

Income: 120.8 million

Spouse: Dmitry Peskov, Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, Press Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation

Spouse's income: 12.8 million

Tatyana Navka is the only one of the wives of the presidential administration who entered the top 20 wives of officials with the highest income in 2016. For two, the presidential press secretary and his wife earned almost 134 million rubles last year. The skater owns two land plots (9370 sq. m), two residential buildings (more than 1.1 thousand sq. m), four apartments (almost 500 sq. m), three cars.

To this rating, you can add the wife of the governor of the Leningrad region Alexander Drozdenko. Annual salary of the first lady Leningrad region Irina Drozdenko 17 times more than her husband. Alexander Drozdenko earned 5.9 million rubles last year, and his wife was able to receive 103 million over the same period of time. Interestingly, in 2015 Alexander Yuryevich earned about the same (5.3 million), and Irina Grigoryevna increased income by 94 million

According to 47news, a huge increase in Irina Drozdenko's income is associated with the sale by her family of a large asset of shares in Ust-Luga Production and Trade Company LLC worth about 89 million rubles.

The Drozdenko couple also own real estate: an apartment of 305 sq. m, residential building - 327.9 sq. m, guest house 46.4 sq. m and four land plots with a total area of ​​0.53 hectares, as well as vehicles: Volvo XC 90 and Land Rover cars, Yamaha 700 ATV, SKI-DOO snowmobile, Harley-Davidson motorcycle and two trailers. All real estate is registered in the name of the governor's wife, and the equipment, except for the Land Rover SUV, is in the name of Alexander Drozdenko himself.

  • In the current list there are other participants who participate in the ranking of wives from year to year. For example, the wife of a member of the Federation Council and associate of Sergei Shoigu, Yuri Vorobyov, Lyudmila Vorobyeva, was already included in the Forbes Woman rating in 2014, then she took fifth place. But the spouses of the first vice-premier of the government of the Russian Federation Igor Shuvalov (with an income of 61.2 million rubles) and the deputy chairman of the government of the Russian Federation Arkady Dvorkovich (with an income of 60.5 million rubles) are not even included in the top ten now.
  • In 2016, the top ten richest wives of officials declared income totaling 2.1 billion rubles. Most of all in the top 10 are the wives of deputies of the State Duma, mainly from the United Russia faction. But the spouses of senators also entered the rating, and only one "second half" of the presidential administration employee - the wife of the presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov and figure skater Tatyana Navka - earned almost 10 times more than Peskov.

According to the results of 2017, the wife of State Duma deputy Alexander Nekrasov, Elena Nekrasova, became the richest. For the second year in a row, it is the leader in this rating; its income for 2016 exceeded 2 billion rubles. Elena Nekrasova managed to earn 78 times more than her husband. She owns several companies that are part of the Leader Group construction holding.

From the second place, Lyudmila Vorobyova, the wife of the Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council and associate of Sergei Shoigu, Yuri Vorobyov, was replaced by the wife of deputy Dmitry Sablin, Alla Sablin. She climbed from eighth place to second, earning nearly six times her previous year's earnings. She owns six apartments with a total area of ​​512.6 sq. m. Lyudmila Vorobyeva herself fell to 12th position, her income decreased by almost three times and amounted to 91 million rubles.

Third place went to a newcomer in the ranking - the wife of a member of the State Duma committee Alexei Krasnoshtanov. During the year, she earned 668.8 million rubles more (in 2016, she declared income in the amount of 1.6 million rubles, and in 2017 it amounted to 670.4 million rubles).

For the first time, the wives of State Duma deputies Rakhim Azimov and Alexei Veller were included in the rating. Over the year, the income of Weller's wife increased tenfold: if in 2016 she earned about 250,000 rubles, then in 2017 it was already 52.1 million rubles. Azimov's wife during this time increased her earnings by more than seven times, she declared 66 million rubles.

The wife of Vladimir Bochkov dropped out of the list (in 2017, her income decreased by almost four times), the wife of Yuri Volkov (almost six times) and Anton Zharkov (almost three times).

The current list also includes representatives who from year to year fall into the ranking of the richest wives. For example, the wife of State Duma deputy Andrei Chernyshev was already on our list in 2017, then she took ninth place, but now she has dropped four positions lower: if in 2016 she earned 123.5 million rubles, then in 2017 her income was 77.9 million rubles.

The total income of the wives included in the list amounted to almost 6 billion rubles. The vast majority are the wives of State Duma deputies from the United Russia party. The rating also includes the spouses of ministers and only one wife of an employee of the Presidential Administration, Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov - figure skater Tatyana Navka, who earned almost 14 times more than Peskov himself in a year.

When preparing the rating, we used data from the published declarations of employees of the Presidential Administration, members of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Russian Federation, the Federation Council and deputies of the State Duma for 2017. Our list includes the spouses of officials whose annual income exceeded 50 million rubles. When compiling the rating, only the personal incomes of women were taken into account, without taking into account the earnings of their husbands and children.

Every year, Forbes magazine ranks the richest people Russia, and what is most remarkable, almost all of the participants in the rating are married. We invite you to look at the wives of the richest people in our country, who are behind the most powerful men in our country.

Irina Viner, 69 years old
Spouse: Alisher Usmanov, 64 The founder of USM Holdings, which combines assets in the mining industry and metallurgy, telecommunications, controls the Kommersant publishing house, and also owns a 30.2% stake in the London football club"Arsenal"
Wealth: $15.5 billion (5th place in the Forbes ranking of "200 richest businessmen in Russia")

Sandra Melnichenko, 40 years old
Spouse: Andrey Melnichenko, 45 years old. Chairman of the Board of Directors of EuroChem, SUEK (Siberian Coal Energy Company) and Siberian Generating Company
Wealth: $11.4 billion (9th place in the Forbes ranking of "200 richest businessmen in Russia")

Elena Perminova, 31 years old
Civil spouse: Alexander Lebedev, 57 years old. Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Reserve Corporation, co-owner of several newspapers
Net Worth: $400 million

Marina Dobrynina, 58 years old
Spouse: Viktor Vekselberg, 60 years old. Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Renova Group of Companies, President of the Skolkovo Foundation
Net Worth: $13.4 billion (10th place in the Forbes ranking of the 200 richest businessmen in Russia)

Elena Feigin, 38 years old
Spouse: Yan Yanovsky, 39 years old. Investment banker, one of the founders of Bioenergy Corporation and First Nation Societe Bancaire, member of the boards of directors of a number of Russian companies

Irina Agalarova, about 62 years old (on the photo: second from the left, together with her son Emin, daughter Sheila and husband Araz)
Spouse: Araz Agalarov, 61 years old. President of Crocus Group
Wealth: 1.8 billion dollars (51st place in the Forbes ranking of "200 richest businessmen in Russia")

Olga Karput, 34 years old
Spouse: Pavel Te, 54 years old. Co-owner of Capital Group
Wealth: $0.1 billion

Margarita Lieva, 33 years old
Spouse: Eduard Taran, 49 years old. Owner of RATM Holding, which includes the Ekran plant and the Gidromash enterprise, president of the Russian Business Club
Net Worth: $800 million

Lyudmila Lisina, 61 years old
Spouse: Vladimir Lisin, 61 years old. Owner of the Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works and the transport and logistics holding Universal Cargo Logistics Holding
Wealth: 1.6 billion dollars (3rd place in the Forbes ranking of "200 richest businessmen in Russia")

Ekaterina Potanina, 42 years old
Spouse: Vladimir Potanin, 56 years old. Co-owner of Norilsk Nickel, the largest producer of nickel and palladium in the world
Wealth: 1.4 billion dollars (8th place in the Forbes ranking of "200 richest businessmen in Russia")

Natalya Davydova (about 34 years old, hides the exact age)
Spouse: Ivan Streshinsky, 48 years old. Partner of Alisher Usmanov, CEO of USM Advisors and one of the richest top managers in Russia according to Forbes magazine
Condition: dollar millionaire (salary - $15 million a year)

Elena Timchenko (exact age unknown)
Spouse: Gennady Timchenko, 64 years old. Member of the Board of Directors of OJSC Novatek Net worth: $1.6 billion (5th place in the Forbes ranking of Russia's 200 richest businessmen)
Net Worth: $14.2 billion (10th place in the Forbes ranking of the 200 richest businessmen in Russia)

Elena Likhach (Skoch) (about 40, exact age unknown)
Spouse: Andrey Skoch, 51 years old. Co-owner of CJSC Gazmetall, co-owner of Metalloinvest, deputy State Duma
Wealth: 7.9 billion dollars (17th place in the Forbes ranking of "200 richest businessmen in Russia")

Victoria Manasir, 35 years old
Spouse: Ziyad Manasir, 51 years old. Founder of the Manaseer Group, which is engaged in construction, oil production and refining and other types of business
Wealth: 600 million dollars (140th place in the Forbes ranking of "200 richest businessmen in Russia")

Natalya Yakimchik, 32 years old
Spouse: Valery Shevchuk, 50 years old. Former head of the Moscow Heritage Committee and former vice president Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Deputy General Director of ETK-Invest LLC
Condition: dollar millionaire ( Exact sum unknown)

What would Russian politicians do if not for their wives? Would have disappeared. You can’t do business, it’s forbidden to keep money abroad. What to live on?

Fortunately, there are women in the world. Forbes studied how many spouses of deputies and officials earned a living in 2017..

1st place. Elena Nekrasova, wife of State Duma deputy Alexander Nekrasov

For the second year in a row, Elena Nekrasova leads the ranking. In 2016 alone, the business shark earned more than two billion rubles. Her income was 78 times that of her husband. The deputy's wife owns several companies that are part of the Leader Group construction holding.

Collage site

2nd place. Alla Sablina, wife of deputy Dmitry Sablina

Collage site

The woman decided not to stop there and over the next year she was able to earn almost six times more. The deputy's wife is also known for her love of real estate: she has six apartments with a total area of ​​512.6 square meters.

3rd place. Wife of Deputy Alexei Krasnoshtanov

The name of the enterprising woman is unknown, but her income is impressive: in 20017 she became richer by 670 million rubles richer. The deputy's wife showed fantastic growth and self-development, because in 2016 she was able to earn only about one and a half million rubles for food.

Alexey will disappear without his wife: in 2017, the deputy was able to bring home a little more than four million rubles.

4th place. Olga Gaevskaya, wife of Senator Valery Gaevsky

Things are not going well for Valery: the politician earned only ten million rubles in a year. But my wife came to the rescue. Olga earned over three hundred million rubles over the same period. In addition, Olga has three children. A real heroine-mother: she raised her children and fed her family.

5th place. Irina Petrova, wife of deputy Sergei Petrov

Deputy Sergei Petrov from A Just Russia is doing his best for the benefit of citizens: in 2017, the politician earned almost 37 million rubles. But all his works fade next to the merits of his wife Irina. The wife of the creator of the Rolf dealer group brought the family 332 million rubles.

6th place. Wife of Deputy Vadim Belousov

The name of the deputy's wife is unknown, but many have heard of her mother, Belousova Margarita. This is the one who was fond of bribes. So much so that in 2017 a 75-year-old lady was detained. The Belousov family is with pasta roots: the Russians owe it the Macfa pasta brand.

What distinguished Belousov's wife? For example, the fact that in 2017 she brought her husband almost 267 million rubles. Vadim was lucky with women, without them he is nowhere. The deputy himself earned only six million in the same period. Rubles.

7th place. Tatyana Navka, wife of the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov

In 2015, Tatyana officially entered the life of Dmitry Peskov and enriched her. In 2017 alone, Navka earned 200 million rubles against 14 million from her husband.
