Binding to the land plot by an engineer's conclusion. The absence of a “link” to the land will not allow you to complete a notarized real estate transaction

Residents of the Kama region often turn to the Cadastral Chamber with the question: “What to do if the notary does not allow the transaction to pass due to the lack of connection between the individual residential building and the land plot?”

Leading specialists of the Cadastral Chamber answer this pressing question. Perm region:
- Indeed, the notary has the right not to miss the transaction if the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN) does not establish a connection between the land plot and the capital construction project located on it, for example, an individual residential building. In this case, communication means the presence in the Unified State Register of the exact coordinates of a house or other capital construction project. Such requests, as a rule, are received by the Cadastral Chamber already during registration of ownership or in the process of making transactions with real estate.

This situation is usually due to the fact that the requirements for determining the coordinates of the boundaries of capital construction projects were introduced only in 2012. Until this point, establishing a connection land plots and real estate objects was carried out at the address. According to the regional Cadastral Chamber, only 40.5% of capital construction projects in the Perm Territory contain accurate information about the connection with the land plot. The location of the remaining objects on the land plots has not been established. This means that the owners of these houses and buildings cannot be sure that their boundaries do not extend beyond their own land.

In order to avoid such problematic situations, specialists of the Cadastral Chamber for the Perm Territory recommend that copyright holders take care in advance of the presence in the Unified State Register of Real Estate “linking” of houses to the corresponding land plots.

You can find out about the presence or absence of such a connection by requesting from the Cadastral Chamber an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate on the main characteristics and registered rights to the property.

Those who are faced with a similar problem need to contact a cadastral engineer to prepare a technical plan. In the process of preparing a technical plan, the cadastral engineer measures the building, determines its exact coordinates, linking the object to the land plot.

The connection between the site and the capital construction object can also be established during the procedure for clarifying information about the location of the boundaries of the land plot as part of the land surveying procedure.

Then the owner of the real estate property must contact one of the offices of the Cadastral Chamber in the Perm Territory with an application to take into account changes in relation to the capital construction project and attach a technical plan, as well as a certificate of ownership of the building, a certificate of ownership of the land plot on which it is located, extracts from the Unified State Register or a court decision.

If the property is located on several land plots, then the applicant will need to provide certificates or extracts for all land plots within the boundaries of which the corresponding building is located.

After entering information about the connection of real estate objects in the Unified State Register of Real Estate, transactions through a notary with the corresponding real estate objects will become possible.

Detailed information about receiving public services from Rosreestr can be obtained by calling the VTsTO Rosreestr: 8-800-100-34-34 (toll-free call).

From January 1, 2017, in accordance with the law, an extraterritorial principle is provided for the reception and issuance of documents, i.e. the possibility of submitting an application for state cadastral registration and (or) state registration of rights to real estate throughout the territory Russian Federation. On the territory of the Perm Territory, the reception and issuance of documents on an extraterritorial basis is carried out: Perm, Dzerzhinsky St., 35, Territorial Department No. 1 (workplaces in the city of Berezniki), Territorial Department No. 2 (workplaces in the Tchaikovsky district), Territorial Department No. 6 (workplaces in Kudymkar and Kudymkar district).

Opening hours and addresses of the Branch offices can be found on the website

About the Cadastral Chamber for the Perm Territory
The branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "FKP Rosreestr" in the Perm Territory (Cadastral Chamber) carries out the functions of accepting documents for state cadastral registration and (or) state registration of rights and providing information contained in the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN).

Linking a project to a site is the planned placement of a house, cottage or any other building on a site in accordance with the approved master plan.

●A geological study of the soil must be carried out to adjust the zero cycle, since there is a dependence on specific soil conditions.
●The requirements of SNiP II-3-79 “Building Heat Engineering” must also be taken into account, namely solutions for fencing structures related to the design air temperature.

To link the project to the site, there must be possible solutions equipment for autonomous heating, sewerage, water supply and gas supply systems.

●There is also Appendix 3.1 of the Fire Safety Requirements DBN 360-92 “Planning and Development of Rural and Urban Settlements”, according to which it is necessary to strictly maintain the distances between neighboring buildings and the designed house, which depends on the degree of fire resistance of the building (fire resistance of the material from which the walls and roof are made and so on.).
Houses made of wood or temporary houses have one of the lowest degrees of fire resistance - degree 4. Houses made of stone, concrete, brick, etc. – have the second and first degrees of fire resistance, since the material from which the house is built practically does not burn. If for the first and second degrees of fire resistance the minimum distance between buildings should be 6 meters, then for the fourth degree the distance will be 10 meters. If there are no buildings on the neighboring plot, then you have the opportunity to place your house at a minimum distance from the boundary - this is 1 meter. The distance is calculated from the most protruding part of the house (roof, canopy, balcony).

●It is worth saying that during the construction process you will have new ideas and you will want to make some changes to the project. This can be done, but you will also have to pay for it in the architecture department.
Changes can be minor (change in roof angle + -5%, or change in wall insulation without loss of heat resistance), or second degree - significant (change in partitions, walls, windows, openings, relocation of bathrooms and bathtubs, etc.) that is, changes that will require additional calculations.
What is linking a project to a site?

●If the district architecture department has a development project for the area, then you need to find out more about it and build in accordance with the development project.

●Another important fact - before construction, obtain a building permit; without such a document, your construction will be in the self-development category, which is illegal.

The very first task when building your own house (when the building site has already been found) is the design stage. There are two main ways to solve it - purchasing a ready-made project and individual design.

Purchasing a ready-made project was and remains the fastest and most economical solution. Ready-made projects are complete working documentation for construction at a reasonable price. The choice of design solutions is large and finding a home suitable for your family is not difficult. Perhaps the only “disadvantage” of ready-made projects is their versatility; they do not take into account the specific features of a particular building site, the availability of building materials, and as a result are not always optimal. Linking the finished project to the construction site, taking into account the orientation to the cardinal points, soil characteristics, and other wishes of the developer, will reduce the risk of construction errors to a minimum and reduce construction costs.

It should be noted that the author's individual design, a more expensive and time-consuming option, differs in terms of binding only in that all local features are taken into account in the project during its creation. The result of individual design will invariably be a unique structure that exactly matches the owner’s ideas about a comfortable home. And of course, initially tied to the construction site.
The main stages of linking the finished project to the construction site are:

Design of a general site plan (linking the project to the site);
Changing building structures (link to climatic zone and soil characteristics);
Design of engineering systems for comfort and life support (link to local energy resources).

It should be noted that the scope of work for linking the finished project does not include making changes to the architectural and planning solution of the house, as well as individual comfort systems (access control, video surveillance, communications, “smart home”). Their design, both in terms of tasks and labor costs, is always individual.

Construction permit - legal aspect

The dream of owning your own home is one of the most beautiful.

When we decide to build a house, we must move forward with optimism to the next stages of construction. More than once we will ask ourselves questions related to investment, look for answers to them and make the most important choice for us and our budget.

Choosing and purchasing a project is only the beginning of a long journey towards realizing your dream - building your own home. In order to begin construction, it is necessary to obtain a construction permit (according to DBN A.2.2-3-2004). I will try to explain in simple, accessible language how to go through the process of approving and obtaining a building permit.
In any case, you need to start by purchasing a working project from Arkhon Ukraine. (See the article Why it is better to purchase an original project). Obtaining a building permit can take about a month. After purchasing a project from the Arkhon Ukraine company, it is necessary to link the project to the site in accordance with the current norms and construction rules adopted in Ukraine. Moreover, the connection is needed in every region of Ukraine. The linking can be done by any architectural bureau if there is a license for the construction site, or you can order it in our office. In connection, we place the house correctly on the site, recalculate the areas in accordance with Ukrainian building codes, provide links to DBN-s, which this project corresponds. The binding is an official document from which all permits and approvals can be obtained. Our binding is made within a few days. Without purchasing a standard working design, the binding will not be made.

With reference, you need to go to the district or city state administration, submit applications in the established form to obtain a construction permit, documents confirming the right to land, an agreement with contractor, order design organization on the appointment of a person responsible for architectural supervision. Get approval from firefighters, the sanitary and epidemiological station, the district architect, and put seals and signatures everywhere. Agreed.
After this, the District Administration is obliged to issue a Construction Passport, which serves as a construction permit.

I would like to note that obtaining a building permit within the city is somewhat more difficult than in the region. The city may require a tracing paper with a topographic survey and the boundaries of the site approved by the City Center of the Land Cadastre (Kievzem), passports of the facades. Before receiving a construction passport from the head of architecture and registration with the executive committee of the village council or district, it is prohibited to begin any construction work. Submitting documents for approval is the responsibility of the developer.
Having received a construction passport, you can officially begin construction. It is better to begin obtaining approvals and permits before the start of construction, or, if construction is carried out without violating the standards, this can be done in parallel.

After completion of construction, it is necessary to put the house into operation. A special commission appointed by the executive committee checks the construction passport and records deviations from the project. For deviations from the approved project, fines are imposed many times higher than the cost of developing project documentation.

How to make an extension to your house with your own hands

Any home owner dreams of expanding and increasing their possessions. The addition of a veranda or terrace is often associated in our minds with luxury, complete relaxation and blissful contemplation of the surrounding nature.

In order for the attached part of the house to please the owner and provide pleasure while being in it, it is necessary to clearly and consistently follow the rules below.

Definition of veranda or terrace

A veranda or terrace is considered to be a one-story extension protruding beyond the perimeter of the house. May be performed:

a) encircling the entire house;

b) built along one outer wall of the house;

c) attached to part of one external wall of the house.

Wooden extension to the house

There are many options for the building structure: open and closed, with internal and external entrance, with a pitched and flat roof, glazed and with solid walls. According to the design, it can be: an extension to a house made of aerated concrete/foam block, a brick extension, a wooden extension to a house or a frame-panel extension to a house.

Preparation of documentation for the extension

To avoid misunderstandings in the future, before you start building extensions, you need to take care of their legality. Write a statement to the local administration about the intentions of construction and order the project from an architectural bureau. After agreeing on all formalities, approving the project and obtaining permission, proceed with the construction of the extension.

Construction of foundations and brick walls

The basis of a strong building is a reliable foundation. The foundation of an extension to a house is best poured from concrete, into which welded reinforcement mesh with a thickness of 12-16 mm is inserted. To make concrete, use grade 400 cement, filler – fine granite crushed stone and quarry sand.

Preparing the foundation for the extension

A trench for pouring concrete must be dug 30 cm wide and 60-80 cm deep. The walls should be laid out of white sand-lime brick dimensions 25x12.5x8.8 cm, one brick thick, i.e. the thickness of the wall is equal to the length of the brick.

How to connect and tie an extension to a house

To tie the foundation and walls to the main building, we use metal grooves - pre-prepared pointed pins made of reinforcement with a diameter of 12-16 mm, which are driven into the existing foundation of the house and into the seams of the walls of the house at intervals of 4 rows of bricks.

Kripich extension

Thanks to the fines, the walls of the extension will tightly adhere to the walls of the house and cracks will not occur in the future. During the bricklaying process, we install window and door blocks and cover them with standard concrete lintels. To install and fasten the roof beams, we leave niches in the 3rd row from the top of the walls, which we lay on the outside with 3 rows of bricks.

We cover the box with reinforced concrete floor panels, laying them on a bed of cement mortar. We make a roof frame from wooden beams, cover it with roofing felt, then cover it with stainless sheet metal. Fasten with nails.

Frame-panel extension made of aerated block or foam block

Laying foam blocks and gas blocks is similar to laying bricks only with a difference in the size of the materials. The size of the block is 20x20x40 cm and it is laid on the same cement mortar as brick. To fill door and window openings, blocks are chopped into halves and quarters with a pick.

Frame-panel extension

A frame-panel extension is made of an outer surface, the basis of which is a profiled sheet 0.4 mm thick and an inner surface of boards, on which plasterboard panels will then be laid. Insulation from a heat-insulating film with a thickness of at least 0.3 cm is laid between the surfaces.

To install door and window blocks using a grinder, we make the necessary cutouts in the profiled sheets. We fasten the entire structure with self-tapping screws. The extension to the house is ready, you can celebrate your housewarming.

Extension to wooden house.

When adding an extension to a house, we can pursue three different goals. Firstly, you may want to add a summer veranda, porch or patio, where you can drink tea in the summer or sit in the shade on a hot sunny day. Secondly, there may be a need to add a technical room, for example, for the installation of gas equipment, installation storage water heater large volume or electrical panel. It could also be a workshop or garage. You can also store garden tools in the technical room if you don’t have a shed. And the third option - you want to increase your living space. For example, make a large kitchen, dining room, or living room with a fireplace, and by also increasing the living space, you can, for example, add a bathroom with toilet and a guest room.

And so - the basic rules.

Extension to a wooden houseAn extension to a wooden house must be made on a common foundation with the main building. If the foundation is poured with concrete, then metal reinforcement is left under the future extension, bent to the ground, and when the foundation for the extension is subsequently poured, it is joined to the reinforcement of the extension’s foundation. If the foundation is made on screw piles, the situation is somewhat simplified; we tighten the missing number of piles, and fasten the strapping beam with pins. It is important that the diameter of the piles and the distance between them are the same as those of the main building, since the wind loads on the roof of the extension will be the same, regardless of the weight and presence of the walls of the extension.
The extension to the house should not be larger than 2/3 of the main building in size, and the optimal size of the extension is 1/3 of the main building. Here you will struggle between the desire to maximize the area of ​​the extension and minimally spoil the design of the house. If you violate these proportions, then appearance it will look awkward at home.

The roof of the extension must be lower than the roof of the house, even if you remove the roof of the main structure and cut into it. If the height of the house is sufficient, for example, the house is made of one and a half or two floors, you can extend the beams of the main roof and build an extension under a common roof with the house. In this case, the house will look like a solid structure. If the height is not sufficient, you can let the roof out from under the roof at a more obtuse angle, but remember that a small slope at the roof will lead to snow accumulating on it and may simply break it. If you are extending the main roof, the joining angle cannot be negative. Otherwise, ice will accumulate in the formed depression during a thaw with a subsequent drop in temperature, and you are guaranteed to experience roof damage and leaks.

Several roofs, for example the main roof of the extension and the roof of the porch, will significantly improve the appearance of the house. Multi-faceted extensions (for example, a five- or hexagon) with broken roofs also look good.

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When linking a house to a site is created, it is necessary to take into account a lot of norms and parameters regarding the relative position of buildings. This takes into account not only the requirements of SNiP, but also local standards. Otherwise you will have to pay a fine.

Thus, it is not recommended to build an external fence higher than 2 meters and make it completely opaque. This is only a recommendation, but if necessary, the height of the fence may need to be reduced. As for the fences between areas, they must be translucent and no higher than 1.7 m. Such requirements are due to the fact that an opaque high fence can obscure the neighboring area. Otherwise, the fence can be anything - made of wood, metal, chain-link mesh, metal profile.

From the side of the road, the connection of the house to the land plot must provide a distance to the housing of at least 5 m. A porch or veranda whose width exceeds half a meter is also taken into account. If there is a driveway instead of a road, a distance of 3 m is acceptable.

However, fire safety standards set their own parameters for the construction of a country house. So, a stone, concrete or brick house must be at least 6 meters away from the fence. A frame one with fireproof insulation can be built no closer than 10 meters, a wooden one - 12 meters. However, one can also find advantages in such requirements - the further the house is from the road, the less exhaust and noise gets into the windows, the fewer passers-by will look into the windows.

Separately, it is worth talking about the neighboring house. The distance from it is also regulated, and violation of these norms, when a residential building is tied to a land plot, can ruin relations with neighbors. So, it is better to place a house made of stone or other non-combustible material at a distance of 6 m from the neighbor’s fence. If the material is not flammable, the distance increases to 8 m, if it is flammable - to 10.

If you want to build a bathhouse, then it should be located no closer than 3 m from the adjacent fence so that its drains do not reach the neighbors, and the building itself does not cause a fire. Much depends on the chosen material and drainage system. By constructing drainage and sewerage, this figure can be reduced to 2.5 m, but at the same time there should be at least 8 m to the nearest house (or 6 if the bathhouse is made of stone). When the windows overlook the bathhouse, this, on the contrary, increases the distance. By the way, you should not forget about other outbuildings, including neighbors’ ones, since they are also required to retreat the required meters.

If the connection of the house to the site involves the construction of a garage, it is enough to step back a meter from the neighbors’ fence. But it should be separated from the road by 5 m (3 m if it is a passage), from other buildings - by 6 m.

An outdoor toilet can be separated from the neighboring area by 1 meter. The main thing is to take into account the location of the well or well; it must be at least 12 m away from it. But with a cesspool it is more difficult, its distance is determined by the type of soil and the occurrence of groundwater. When tying a house to a plot of land, it should be taken into account: it should be separated from the fence by 1-3 m, and sometimes by 50 m from a source of drinking water.

A collapsible gazebo is built a meter from the fence (like a greenhouse and a summer kitchen), the permanent structure will need to be removed by 3 m. The barn can also be separated with a fence of 1 m, unless it is planned to keep livestock in it, then the distance increases to 4 m.

To avoid possible problems and fines are possible if you adhere to the standards and coordinate the project with the relevant authorities. But this is only half the story. After all, endless disputes and quarrels with neighbors can be caused, for example, by a tall cottage blocking the light to the plants on the nearest plot. That is why the connection of a residential building to a land plot should be carried out exclusively with the assistance of professionals.

BKI engineers will help in arranging various cadastral services. You need to link a house, cottage, garden house, or other buildings to a plot of land in the cities of Zvenigorod, Istra, Kubinka, Naro-Fominsk, Golitsyno, Krasnogorsk, Krasnoznamensk, Moskovsky, Aprelevka, Kokoshkino, Selyatino.

Rules for placing a house on a site

Rules for placing a house on a site. Part 1 Orientation of the house In the old days, the house on the site was located so that the road and church were visible from its windows. And if the site was a slope, the house was usually placed on a hill, and a garden was laid out below, a gazebo was built and other attributes of a local household were located. Basic rules for placing a house on a plot Today, the location of a house on a plot depends on the rules for constructing a private house on a plot.

Linking a house to the ground

Linking a house to a site (Rules for linking a house to a land plot) Any standard or individual house project requires linking it to a specific site, taking into account the geological conditions of the area where construction is taking place. In other words, the house should be “fitted” into the site to create a single harmonious whole. At the same time, the problem of “landing” the house on the terrain must be solved, since any standard project is carried out taking into account construction on a flat site.

Linking the project to the area

Linking the project to the area The canons of construction and architecture insist on a tripartite division of the land plot, which must consist of a garden and park area, the site of auxiliary buildings and the area of ​​the main building. Ideally, the location of such elements on a land plot can be arbitrary. However, in practice, linking a house project to a specific area is implemented in accordance with a certain set of restrictions and rules, depending on the characteristics of the land plot. These characteristics, first of all, include such geological and geodetic properties as the topography of the site, the height of groundwater and the orientation of the site relative to the cardinal points.

  • It is necessary to link real estate objects to a plot of land when cadastral passports or extracts do not have a record of the cadastral numbers of the plots of land where these objects are located.
  • To link real estate assets, one or more documentary acts will be required, the list of which is supplemented by certificates of ownership of buildings; certificates of ownership of the plots of land where these buildings are located; cadastral passports or cadastral extracts, as well as court decisions.
  • When real estate objects are located on several plots of land during preparation technical plans use cadastral extracts of all plots of land within the boundaries of which the designated buildings are located.
  • To determine the location of real estate objects, characteristic points are determined along the contours of these objects behind plots of land, and the coordinates of these points.
  • Technical plans linking buildings to plots of land are electronic documents; These technical plans are certified using enhanced qualified electronic signatures of cadastral engineers.

BKI engineers link a building, house, cottage, townhouse and other objects to a land plot in Zvenigorod, Istra, Kubinka, Naro-Fominsk, Golitsyno, Krasnogorsk, Krasnoznamensk, Moskovsky, Aprelevka, Kokoshkino, Selyatino

(Rules for linking a house to a land plot)

Any standard or individual house project requires linking it to a specific site, taking into account the geological conditions of the area where construction is taking place. In other words, the house should be “fitted” into the site to create a single harmonious whole. At the same time, the problem of “landing” the house on the terrain must be solved, since any standard project is carried out taking into account construction on a flat site. In real life, such conditions do not exist - there are always at least slight slopes on the site.

There are two main ways of “planting” - without changing or with changing the existing terrain. If you choose the first option, the house will organically fit into the surrounding landscape. However, in this case, it will be necessary to rework its basement and underground parts in order to adapt them to the relief conditions. If the option of planting the house on a flat area is chosen, the natural terrain at the construction site will be disturbed, and planning work will be required to put it in order.

Depending on the slope, areas are divided into flat (3), low slope (3-8%), medium slope (8-20%) and steep (20% or more). In relation to the horizontal slopes of the building, the longitudinal axis can be placed parallel, perpendicular or diagonally. At the same time, the diagonal position of the house is considered the least convenient, since it has unequal ground levels on all sides, which complicates the vertical layout.

It is advisable to place houses of standard buildings on small slopes and only parallel to horizontal lines. At the same time, it is more profitable to place houses without basements on slopes of up to 7%, but already with a slope of 5-7%, adding soil from the downhill side is required. Houses with a basement can be placed parallel to horizontal lines with slopes of up to 12%. On slopes of 7-8%, the house can be entered with the entrance on any side of the slope, and on slopes of 8-12% - only on the upland side, since placing the entrance on the retaining side will lead to the fact that some of the rooms will be buried in the ground.

Construction on slopes is associated not only with difficulties in placing buildings and structures, but also with the construction of access roads. On mountain slopes with a steepness of more than 1:2, for the stability of the subgrade, it is necessary to install retaining walls and other structures. Of particular note are the difficulties encountered during construction on landslide slopes.

Rice. 2. :
A - entry zone; B - upper terrace; B - lower terrace

In construction practice, a combined “landing” of a house is often used, dividing the site into separate flat areas - terraces (Fig. 2). This solution allows us to minimize the volume of excavation work and minimize the costs of constructing a zero-cycle house. Cutting and terracing of slopes should be carried out on the basis of a detailed and comprehensive study of the geomorphological situation and taking into account the tasks of further use of the territory (installation of platforms, paths, recreation areas or buildings on the terraces). This is especially important for establishing the number of terraces and the steepness of the slopes of the cut rocks. When cutting soil in the active part of a landslide, the soil should be placed in its passive part, on buttresses, counter-banquettes. The slopes of the surfaces of the sites created by terracing should not be large. The surface of the terraced slopes is turfed, sown with grasses, and planted with shrubs and trees. Terracing of slopes and the construction of retaining walls on them should be carried out in conjunction with the organization of surface runoff along the slopes.

Rice. 3. :
A - entrance area on the site: 1 - stairs; 2 - decorative “rocky” garden with a flower bed;
B - upper garden terrace: 3 - residential building; 4 - staircase to the lower garden;
B - lower terrace of the garden: 5 - recreation area; 6 - fireplace; 7 - decorative pond

The choice of the option of “planting” the house is carried out in conjunction with the scheme of organization and use of the entire site. For this purpose, a site layout scheme is developed, and the planning organization of the construction site is thought out in such a way that it does not contradict the basic principle of using the site. An option for organizing a site taking into account the terrain features is shown in Fig. 3. Plots vary in size and shape, relief, geographic orientation and some other parameters that must be taken into account when planning. It is especially difficult to plan small garden plots, where it is difficult to find a middle ground between what is desired and what is possible. After the construction of the house and outbuildings, there is only room left for a micro-garden. A competent, well-thought-out layout will help you manage this area correctly. Large areas are no easier to plan. An abundance of options and solutions, different opinions and wishes of all family members, the discrepancy between the desired and the possible - these are not all the difficulties that the designer will encounter. But a good project is not everything. When taking it out into the wild, it is often necessary to make changes, since over time (and the design of a site takes years) the conditions, needs and interests of the owners change. Therefore, even after drawing up a pictorial picture on paper, there is always the possibility of making adjustments in accordance with individual taste and fantasies.

A plan for the future garden and its landscape is best done on paper. Trying to do this work in your head rarely leads to good results. The project provides for the interconnection and convenient placement of all structures and elements of the garden, taking into account the lifestyle of the owners and the interests of each family member. Only in this way can you make the site beautiful, comfortable, and most importantly, pleasant for relaxation and work. It is advisable to carry out several project options, compare them and only then make a final choice.

The residential building is the basis of the architectural layout of the site. As a rule, it is dominant, so its location and orientation should be given special attention. The location of the house on the site should ensure that the main living spaces are oriented to the south, south-east or east with the windows facing the site, taking into account the interests of the neighbors. In accordance with urban planning standards in areas of estate development, the distance from the windows of residential premises to buildings of a domestic nature (shed, bathhouse, garage, etc.) located on neighboring plots must be at least 6 m. Premises intended for subsidiary farming ( cattle barn, outhouse toilet, compost and cesspool pits, etc.) are removed from the residential building at least 15 m.

Usually the house is tied to the red line running along the street. The distance from the wall of the house to the red line must be at least 4 m. The exception is streets where historically houses are located along the red line. If the site is located on a noisy street with heavy traffic, then it is advisable to increase this distance. And the further the house is located from the street, the less dust and noise will penetrate its windows. They will also help you isolate yourself from the street. fruit trees, planted between the house and the red line. However, it should be taken into account that moving the house deeper into the site automatically leads to a lengthening of the internal driveway or site. Shifting the house to one of the side lines of the site will make it possible to build a utility passage to the site. This is necessary for driving in a tractor when plowing a garden, a sewer truck when cleaning a cesspool, etc. But in any case, the wall of the house should not be closer than 1.5 m from the side border of the site, with the exception of blocking the house with its neighbors. Such blocking is carried out by mutual agreement and will help reduce construction costs. You can block not only a house, but also outbuildings, while maintaining sanitary and fire safety distances between buildings. Sanitary and fire safety gaps between buildings depend on the degree of fire resistance of the buildings.

A residential building and outbuildings should be placed so that they provide as little shade as possible, that is, so that their long axis is oriented to the south, and they are located closer to the northern or northwestern part of the site. The location of the front part of the house also plays a significant role. The ancient Chinese believed that the facade of a perfectly placed house should face open space, there should be protection on the sides (a forest or simply tall plantings, a hill or neighboring buildings). It’s good when you can see a pond or forest from the windows of your house. If possible, the house should be placed on the site so that the entrance to it is located on the south side. The southern side of the building is not so covered with snowdrifts, and the entrance to winter time will be more accessible. In addition, the south side is not blown so much by the winds, and the sun will heat the terrace located at the entrance.
