Storage water heater in the heating system. How to make an indirect heating boiler with your own hands: instructions and tips for making

Almost every house or apartment has a boiler for hot water supply. And sooner or later a reasonable question arises - is it possible to use it for heating? To solve it, you need to know the specifics of the operation and operation of this device. Let's analyze - in what cases the Boiler is used in the heating system of a private house: schemes, calculations, connection.

Boiler as a source of water heating

A classic boiler is a sealed container with an electric heating element inside. For connection to the water supply system, 2 couples are provided in the design. Can such a boiler be used in the heating system of a private house?

Alas, it does not have the proper characteristics necessary for the organization of autonomous heat supply. For normal operation, a boiler for heating a private house must have a very high power. On average, 1 kW of thermal energy is needed per 10 m² of living space. Those. to heat a house of 100 m², you will need a boiler model with a minimum power value of 10 kW. Manufacturers simply do not produce such models.

If you use a boiler for heating a cottage with a small area, you may encounter the following problems:

  • High inertia. The average tank is 100 liters. with a heating element power of 2 kW, it will heat up to a temperature of + 75 ° C for 1.5-2 hours. In this case, circulation will not be possible, since it will only increase the heating time;
  • Large tank volume. In theory, it makes it possible to use the boiler for heating and hot water. However, constant water intake and replenishment of the system from the outside will lead to uneven heating of the coolant;
  • Large power consumption. Before you make heating from a boiler, you need to calculate its power. It should be borne in mind that using it in hot water will lead to permanently switched on heating elements. Thus, the cost of electricity will increase.

So why are there more and more schemes in the network in which heating is carried out using a boiler? After all, it is much more rational to use an electric boiler for this. It's all about the wrong terminology. In water heating, it is possible to install so-called indirect heating tanks, which are structurally similar to boilers. To avoid further confusion, we will also call them boilers.

If there is a desire to install a classic boiler as the main heating element, there may be problems with the manufacturer's warranty. This is due to a malfunction of the device.

Storage tank as an alternative to a traditional boiler

The storage tank is structurally almost completely similar to the classic boiler. The difference lies in the internal pipeline, which is connected to the heating system. In this case, it is necessary to resolve the question - why do we need a boiler in the heating system?

Properly organized heating through a boiler assumes that this element will perform the function of a heat accumulator. The water in the tank gets thermal energy through an internal coil connected to the heating system. After the boiler is turned off, the reverse process will occur - an increase in the temperature of the coolant from the water in the boiler.

In addition, after the boiler has been correctly connected to the heating system, it will be able to perform the following functions:

  • Organization of hot water supply. Since the liquid from the container does not come into contact with the coolant, it can be used on the farm. But for this it is necessary to make a correct calculation of the power of the boiler for heating the house, so that this does not affect the parameters of heat supply;
  • Water heating with built-in heater. Thus, it is possible to maintain the level of heating of the coolant even when the boiler is inactive. This can only be done by purchasing an electric boiler for heating.

It is important to initially determine the purpose of the storage tank - it will be designed for hot water supply, work as a heat accumulator, or combine these functions. Based decision, the calculation of the optimal volume is performed and the heating scheme from the boiler is selected.

The storage tank can be made independently. To reduce heat loss, it is necessary to make thermal insulation of the body.

Calculation of the volume of the storage tank and the power of the heating element

At the first stage, it is necessary to calculate the power of the boiler for heating the house. There are several ways to solve this problem. The most optimal of them is to read the recommendations from the manufacturer of a particular tank model.

It must be borne in mind that the heating scheme from the boiler directly depends on the power of the entire system. Therefore, this value is taken as the initial parameter. Let's assume that it is 1 kV/h. After installing the boiler in the heating system of a private house, it must maintain the optimum level of water heating for another 5 hours. In this case, the thermal regime of the system is 75/50 (low temperature). In this case, the optimal volume of the boiler for heating and hot water is calculated by the following formula:

V=5/(75-50)=0.5 m³ or 500 l

The resulting volume can be reduced if you purchase a model of a boiler for heating a summer house with a heating element. Then, when calculating, you need to take into account the specific power of this device. On average, to ensure the full operation of the heating with the boiler turned off and the average DHW consumption rate (10 l / h), it is necessary to purchase a model with a volume of about 400-450 liters.

To fully calculate the power of a boiler for heating a house, it is necessary to take into account all factors - heat losses in the building, the location of the tank in the system, etc.

Installation and operation of a heating boiler

After performing all the necessary calculations of the boiler power and volume, you can begin to integrate the device into the heating system. An important task is to determine the installation site. Having decided on the purpose of the boiler in the heating system, you need to read the instructions for its installation. The best option would be to install in the immediate vicinity of the boiler. In this case, the transfer of thermal energy from the coolant to water is the most efficient.

But at the same time, you may encounter the following difficulties in organizing heating using a boiler:

  • DHW supply. In a heating system with a solid fuel boiler, it is most convenient to place the boiler directly in the boiler room. But then, to supply heated water to the premises, you need a separate pump and control devices for it;
  • Large volume capacity if heating is planned through a boiler for large residential areas. There is a problem with the placement of the heating element;
  • Power supply to ensure the operation of the heating element. For the normal functioning of the boiler for heating a private house, it is also recommended to install an autonomous source of electricity.

Having solved these questions, you can proceed directly to the installation.

Control of water temperature in heating through the boiler is carried out using the installed thermometer. It is not included in the standard package and therefore it is necessary to purchase this device separately.

Installation of a heating storage tank

To install the heat accumulator, it is necessary to prepare a flat area in advance. It should be taken into account big weight- if necessary, a separate foundation is made or the floors are reinforced.

The optimal mounting option is on a separate platform. In this way, contact of the body with the concrete surface can be avoided, which will reduce heat losses in the electric boiler for heating. Almost all manufacturers make containers on special legs. In their absence, it is recommended to install a heater on the floor.

The procedure for connecting the boiler to the heating system is to perform the following actions:

  1. After installing the container, you need to check its position relative to the horizon. Deviations are not allowed.
  2. Connect to heating. It is important that the diameter of the pipes is equal. Otherwise, after connecting the boiler to the heating system, excess hydraulic resistance will appear.
  3. If the installation is carried out in an unheated room, the boiler body is insulated.
  4. A connection is made to hot water supply so that the boiler works not only for heating, but also for hot water.

Upon completion of this work, you need to check the tightness of all connections and start the heating system. Within 2-3 weeks, it is recommended to measure the temperature of the water in the tank and the coolant in the pipes after the boiler is turned off. So you can determine the actual time to maintain the desired level of heating in the heating circuit from the boiler.

In order to make full heating from the boiler, it is not recommended to use antifreeze. It is characterized by a relatively low heat capacity, which will affect the transfer of heat to water and back to the coolant.

Conditions for proper operation of the boiler

Maintaining the storage tank is practically no different from carrying out the necessary procedures to maintain the performance of any electric boiler with heating elements. And in this case, in order for the boiler to work normally in the heating system of a private house, it is required to follow the manufacturer's recommendations.

This can be ensured even before the heat supply from the boiler is done. It is best to purchase models with the so-called "dry heating element". On it, the formation of scale occurs much more slowly. You should also pre-filter the water before entering the storage tank.

In addition to these procedures, you must do the following:

  • Once a month, check the integrity of the thermal insulation of the structure;
  • Control the duration of maintaining the temperature of the heat carrier during the mode of operation of heat supply through the boiler. The difference between calculated and actual indicators should not exceed 15%;
  • Connection tightness control. It is recommended to replace gaskets before each heating season. So you can achieve more reliable heating of a private house with the help of a boiler.

The control unit of some models is sensitive to voltage drops. To avoid damage to this expensive device, you should connect a stabilizer for the boiler in the heating system.

To clean the heating element from scale, it is necessary to dismantle it. But before that, you need to ask the seller whether the factory warranty is preserved.

Do-it-yourself boiler for heating

It should be noted that the cost of factory models of a boiler for heat supply to a summer residence is quite high - from 7,000 rubles. and more. An alternative option is to make the structure on your own.

To do this, you can use any steel container. It is important that its volume corresponds to the calculated one. To organize heat supply schemes from a home-made boiler, you will need the following components:

  • Tank. It is best to order a stainless steel structure or make it yourself. The body must have holes for soldering the inlet and outlet pipes;
  • Coil. The best option is to install a copper structure. This material has optimal parameters for the transfer of thermal energy;
  • Fastening pipes for connecting to heating and hot water.

To ensure thermal insulation, it is recommended to make a double casing. Glass wool or basalt insulation is installed between the walls. The recommended layer thickness is 5 cm. The procedure for installation and commissioning is no different from the factory models.

Not all private houses have centralized hot water supply, especially when it comes to summer cottages.

Apartment buildings also sometimes suffer from lack of hot water if there was an accident on the line and for other reasons.

There is a simple way out of this situation - installation of an indirect heating boiler. It is economical, because it does not work from the mains during the heating season.

What is an indirect heating boiler?

It is impossible to understand what an indirect heating boiler is without parsing the definition "Classic Boiler" This device is a large volume tank in which is installed a heating element.

When the appliance is connected to the mains, water is heated. When the liquid reaches a certain temperature, electricity is no longer supplied.

After that, the unit does not turn off, but goes into "sleep" mode. In this case, the device continues to monitor the temperature of the liquid.

After turning on the tap, the water from the water supply will displace hot water from the boiler. The supply of hot water in such a device occurs from above, and cold water is poured from below. As a result, the temperature of the water in the boiler will drop. After that, the unit will turn on and start heating the liquid again until set temperature.

Attention! If there is no pressure in the water supply, then water will not enter the boiler.

The classic device functions 24 hours a day all year round. The indirect implement has a different device. The design is a tank made of a material that is immune to rust formation. Water inside the device is supplied from water supply pipes, and is heated due to the coolant.

Benefits for heating

Advantages of using an indirect water heating boiler:

  • Water heating is carried out from the heat carrier of the heating system.
  • Significantly reduced energy costs during the heating season due to the abandonment of the classic boiler.
  • Simplicity in manufacturing, installation and operation.
  • Opportunity always use hot water.

Photo 1. Boiler of indirect heating model Comfort 100 made of stainless steel, manufacturer - "ACV".


Cons of an indirect heating boiler:

  • The unit occupies a lot of space, therefore, its installation is possible only in a room with a large area or in a separate room.
  • device warms for a long time a large amount of liquid.
  • While the device is running coolant temperature drops in the heating system and because of this, the temperature inside the room drops.
  • Cannot be used in spring-summer period without heating element, and if you install this element, then the power consumption will increase.
  • Exploitation not possible without a thermostat which results in additional costs.
  • On the serpentine quickly appears scale.

Important! Boiler of indirect heating from the heating system is functioning only during the heating season. For year-round operation, a heating element is mounted in the device, which leads to an increase in electricity consumption.

Scheme of operation of the water heater

Inside the boiler is coil. A coolant is supplied through it from the heating system, which circulates through a spiral tube, providing heating of the liquid.

Thermostat controls the temperature of the water inside the unit. The device turns on or off the supply of coolant. Closes the system insulation. It prevents heat loss.

Water is supplied to the device through water pipes. Through branch pipes the unit is connected to the heat carrier supply source. After passing through coil, it returns back to the heating system, but through the outlet pipe.

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How to make a boiler with your own hands?

For self-manufacturing device will be required tank, coil and heater.


The capacity depends on the number of consumers. Each family member consumes 50-80 liters of water per wash. From these figures they are repelled when choosing the volume of the tank.

As a material for the tank, professionals advise using metals that are not prone to corrosion: stainless steel, aluminum alloy, etc. Used as a container gas cylinder. To get rid of the smell, the walls are washed and coated with a primer.

Made in containers 4 holes: 2 on the side, to mount a coil in them, up fluid inlet hole at the bottom for the water drain tap and one from below for TEN. A locking device is fixed on each hole.


For the manufacture of the coil is used copper or brass tube. Its dimensions depend on the dimensions of the tank.

The tube is fixed in a spiral on a mandrel made in the form of a cylinder. As such a mandrel, a large tube or a round wooden block is used.

The tube is wound so that coils were at a distance from each other. The number of such turns depends on the volume of the container and its height.

To retain heat and increase efficiency, the outside of the tank is covered insulation. use expanded polystyrene, polyurethane, mounting foam etc. The material is fixed with wire, strip ties or glue. For improvement appearance boiler, the device is covered with foil and thin sheet from metal.

They also use a tank of larger dimensions than a boiler. The device is placed in a container, and the space between them is filled with insulation.


When all the details for the boiler are ready, you can proceed with its installation:

  • fix the coil on side holes;
  • weld branch pipes to the inlet and outlet;
  • if you plan to hang the device on the wall, then weld loops, and if you put it on the floor, then weld it to the bottom legs;
  • install TEN in the corresponding hole;
  • fix cover on the tank;
  • connect to the device ruby for entry and exit of water;
  • do piping to places where water will be collected.

An electric water heater or heating boiler is an efficient and affordable device for many consumers living in private homes. Of course, the boiler is better adapted for such purposes, but not everyone can afford such a system. For small private and country houses, a simpler and more profitable option is quite suitable. In addition, in some cases, with the right approach to installation, heating a living space from a water heater can be no less functional than a boiler.

Like all similar equipment, boilers, depending on the energy source, are gas and electric. The second option is in the greatest demand, since the installation of such equipment does not require special permits, and the cost of such devices will be lower.

As for the choice between flow and storage, experts recommend purchasing and installing capacitive tanks to perform such tasks. Despite the fact that hot water can be obtained through flow devices in a short period of time, such options are rarely used for organizing heating. Unless in small country houses. It is noted that in this case the spent electricity is not used rationally. In addition, a large living area will require a high-power device that not every wiring can withstand.

The device and technical characteristics of the boiler for heating

Like a domestic water heater, it consists of outer case, which protects the inner tank from mechanical damage. It houses a mechanical or electronic control system for the device and pressure sensor. Inside is storage tank in which water is stored and heated. The volume can vary from 10 to 500 liters. For heating, small-capacity options are not suitable: 200-300 liter appliances are considered the best option for a small area.

There is a thermal insulation layer between the tank and the outer casing, which minimizes heat loss.

An electric heating element is responsible for heating the water in the tank. Unlike household models, where the heating element has a power of 1 to 3 kW, for appliances installed on the heating system, this figure should be in the region of 8-12 kW. When choosing a suitable model, power must be taken into account. Otherwise, the performance may not be enough to heat even a small area. This will lead to the need for round-the-clock operation of electrical equipment, which will affect both the load on the electrical network and the service life of the heating system. At choice of power boiler, the characteristics of the heated space should also be taken into account: the quality of thermal insulation, ceiling height, type of glazing, etc.

The principle of operation of the device simple: cold and hot water have different densities. Entering the tank with a working heating element, cold water displaces hot water. The coolant first rises to the top of the tank, then through the nozzles it enters the pipes of the system.

To set up heating in your home through a boiler, you need to select and install a model that is suitable in terms of parameters. A device correctly selected according to its technical characteristics, even when turned on, will periodically switch to standby mode and save energy. All heating elements are equipped temperature sensors. They turn off the heating element when the water temperature reaches a user-defined level. After it cools down, the temperature sensor will again give a signal to the heating elements for heating. This means that the heating system operates in automatic mode, it does not need to be constantly turned on and off.

Features of a water heater for heating

Special attention should be paid to design features water heater, which is planned to be used for heating. In conventional storage devices for heating water, cold and hot water pipes are located either at the bottom of the device (if it is a wall-mounted model) or at the top (if the tank is installed under the sink). Since the temperature of the water leaving the faucet or shower is controlled by the user through the faucet, this arrangement is very convenient and simplifies installation. In models designed for heating, the inlet pipe for cold water located at the bottom, and the output, for hot water - at the top. This design allows you to make the device as efficient as possible. Hot water must enter the heating circuit at a certain temperature. And when heated, the coolant in the upper part of the tank just has a maximum temperature mark.

Also, the holes for the nozzles are large in diameter, and are about 4.8 cm each. This is important for the pressure and circulation of the coolant.

Installation of a boiler for heating

Installation of such equipment must be carried out in parallel, subject to the following conditions.

  1. To minimize heat losses, the room in which the heating equipment is directly installed must be maintained at optimum humidity and temperature.
  2. It is better to use as a coolant distilled water, and not antifreeze and similar solutions, since water has a greater thermal conductivity.
  3. A serviceable electrical network in the room, capable of withstanding prolonged overloads.

You can install a water heater for such purposes with your own hands. Each device comes with an instruction that contains explanations and information regarding the nuances of installing the purchased model. Before performing work, it should be carefully studied.

For the circulation of water in the pipeline, two options are possible:

  • increase in pipe diameters;
  • use of the pump.

For electric boilers, the second option is the most optimal, since the diameters of the hot water outlet pipe are limited. Circulation pump allows you to evenly distribute the coolant along the equipped line.

For more efficient operation of the devices, it is necessary to minimize the turns and branches, which help to reduce the pressure, and, consequently, affect the quality of the heating system.

System maintenance

To maintain the performance and increase the efficiency of devices, the heating system must be subjected to systematic maintenance. The list of required works includes:

  • cleaning the storage tank - during operation, sedimentary dirt accumulates in it;
  • cleaning the heating elements from the formed scale;
  • cleaning or replacing the magnesium anode - this metal rod protects the inner coating of the tank from destruction and corrosive attack.

All preventive maintenance should be carried out on the equipment disconnected from the network.

A boiler for heating can work and cope with the tasks assigned to it as efficiently as a boiler. The main advantage of water heaters as a heating source is acceptable price . If you correctly approach the choice of a suitable model and correctly install the equipment, then in terms of the quality of work it will not be inferior to a gas boiler.

For those who do not have the opportunity to purchase a boiler, there is an alternative option - this is a water heater. Electric heating of a private house based on a boiler will cost a little less, but it will also have more disadvantages. Also, the boiler can not be used in every situation; for this, certain conditions must be met. However, there are a number of cases when heating a private house with electricity based on a water heater will be no less functional than a boiler-based system.

Boiler as a boiler. Design features of the boiler

In order to properly organize the electric heating of a private house, operating on the basis of a boiler, you must first study its design features. The main element of the water heater is the storage tank. It is the process of heating the coolant.

In order for such a heating system to be more efficient and to be able to set the most optimal temperature conditions in the room, it is necessary that the storage tank be as large as possible.

A device such as a heating element is located in the tank. It is necessary so that the water in the tank is heated to the required temperature. Such a device works offline, and as soon as the water in the storage tank heats up to a certain temperature, the heating element will automatically turn off. Most modern boilers are distinguished by the fact that the storage tank is additionally placed in a special protective case. Between the walls of this body and the walls of the tank, a material is laid that is necessary in order to provide thermal insulation. Thanks to him, heat loss that goes outside is prevented.

Flow type devices

Electric heaters of this type belong to a separate category. According to their design features, they differ significantly from storage water heaters. The flow device has a more compact size, since it does not have a hot water storage tank. Water enters the heater through the inlet pipe, and then it is heated.

Heating takes place in a flask of their copper, and quite powerful heating elements serve as heating devices. Typically, heating elements with a power of 5 to 25 kW are used in flow devices. After the liquid is heated, it immediately enters the heating of a private house with electricity, and its flow is regulated by means of special valves.

Flow boilers

Thanks to such devices, hot water can be obtained in a very short period. However, such devices are completely unsuitable for the heating system, as reviews show, since they are characterized by uneven power consumption.

Such devices can be used to organize heating systems in small country houses, but no more. The most important thing is to make calculations regarding its power, as well as install reliable wiring that can withstand the load on the network.

Boiler selection

Before choosing one or another water heater to equip electric heating for summer cottages and water heating, you should carefully study its functionality. In the heating system, the weakest link will be just the water heater.

There are several important points to consider when choosing a water heater. The most important point is the power of the heating elements, which are mounted in the water heater. A more powerful boiler will provide a correspondingly more efficient heating country house electricity.

Household boilers are characterized by such power parameters as 1.5 - 3 kW. A more powerful category includes professional-type boilers. Their power can reach up to 12 kW. It is best to choose a more powerful device, despite the fact that it costs more. Over time, the cost of such a device will fully pay for itself.

A device with a small power will be in operation all the time, but a more powerful device will turn off when the water reaches the optimum temperature.

Another important parameter to pay attention to is the volume of the storage tank. The operating time of the boiler depends on the volume of the tank. The larger the tank, the more the heater will rest. long time. This will save money on electricity bills.

The best option would be to purchase a device with a tank of 250-300 liters. However, they are not very popular due to the fact that they belong to a rather high price category.

Installing a boiler in a heating system

If we compare such email. heating a private house (water heaters) with electric boilers, the latter are suitable for organizing any heating system in living conditions. Today on the market you can pick up a device that can cope with uncharacteristic loads. Tanks in such devices can be of various sizes and capacities. Entrances and exits in storage tanks must be located in a special way.

The most optimal combination is considered when the water outlet is located on top and the input is on the bottom side. Thus, the heated coolant will flow into the electric heating of a country house, and will not mix with cold water.

Outlet pipes located in the boiler must have a diameter of at least 2 inches. Thanks to this factor, it will be possible to connect to the heating pipes without any adapters, that is, directly.

There is one important point to pay attention to when you want economical electric heating for a private house: most of the boilers that are on the market today have an inlet and outlet diameter of 3/54 of the diameter, and this is not enough to be connected to heating radiators.

The most optimal power parameters of an electric water heater should be 1 kW per 10 square meters.

Household models of electric water heaters can be used to organize such a system as an electric heating circuit for a private house with a small area. The same considerations must be followed if flow-type electric heaters are used for heating the house. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the heating element must have power parameters not lower than 10 kW. If there is a model whose power does not exceed 5-7 kW, then they can only be used for a shower or washstand.

heating requirements

The efficiency of the heating system will be affected not only by the parameters electric water heater which can be seen in the photo. Each heater comes with installation instructions. Pay special attention to this documentation, as it will indicate important points which must be observed during heating installation.

Particular attention should be paid to the configuration of radiators and piping. The efficiency of the entire system as a whole will largely depend on the number of branches and knees. In order for the electric heating system of a private house to work as best as possible, it is necessary that the number of bends and branches be minimal.

Radiators must be installed with maximum efficiency, as this will reduce hydraulic resistance and heat loss.

We can find a lot of materials that will help to study the installation technology. Video materials and various instructions can be provided when purchasing equipment.

You should also pay attention to the fact that warm air leaks often occur from the room. If there are no leaks, then there will not be so much load on the heating elements. To do this, before designing economical electric heating of a private house, it is necessary to properly insulate it.

Also, do not forget about the timely care of heating installations, as well as preventive measures. Before the cold period sets in, it is better to call a specialist at home who will carry out maintenance and inspect the heating of the country house with electricity. You can inspect and maintain heating elements on your own, however, for this you need to have certain knowledge and skills.

The key to efficient operation of heating devices is timely prevention and cleaning. There are many difficulties ahead, and if you do not want to take risks, then it is better to entrust such a matter to specialists in this field. Electric heating systems of a country house show a good result, so you should not refuse them.

Nowadays, owners of apartments or private houses often install boilers as an additional source of hot water. And after a while, some people think - is it possible to use a water heater as another element of the system. But for this you need to know all the details and specifics of the operation of the unit. And the owner - take the installation of heating equipment with all responsibility.

Water heating

The usual boiler model is a cylindrical container, inside of which there are elements that heat the liquid. To connect the device to water pipes, two special pipes should be inserted. Water enters one and exits from the other to the mixer. Therefore, some homeowners are wondering about the possibility of using the scheme to create a kind of heating system.

The parameters that are enough to supply the living space with hot water are not enough. Autonomous heating using this device is almost impossible to organize. To start the water heater a private house, it must have a high percentage of power. According to experts, 1 kilowatt of thermal energy is required to heat 10 square meters. If we take as an example a house with an area of ​​​​100 square meters. m, then to provide heat you will need a device with a power of at least 10 kW. And you will not find such models anywhere during the day with fire.

But it is quite possible to purchase a boiler to equip a small country house with heat. It has its own pitfalls. Usually users are faced with the following:

  • High rate of inertia. With a boiler tank capacity of 100 liters, and heating elements with a capacity of 2 kilowatts, it will take at least one and a half hours to heat water to 80 degrees. Circulation is not possible because it takes even more time (which is a lot of wasted electricity).
  • Tank size. Some owners believe that the larger the heater tank, the better: there is a lot of hot water, and you can heat it in parallel. But it's not. Constant heating will lead to the fact that the coolant will have a different temperature, and the device itself will soon become unusable.
  • Large power consumption. A constantly running boiler requires a lot of energy. When taking readings from the meters, homeowners are in for an unpleasant surprise. Therefore, the round-the-clock connection of the water heater to the network will require a lot of money.

Recently, the issue of heating a private house with a boiler has become especially acute. The device is present in almost every living space, and not everyone is eager to buy and install a solid fuel boiler. But it is hardly possible to do without it here - together these units create the so-called indirect heating.

The boiler is compatible with an electric boiler (and water circuit). The fact is that they work on almost the same principles and have an almost similar internal structure. Often, both devices are called "boilers".

If you want to install a conventional water heater as the main element for heating, homeowners may face the problem of a guarantee from the manufacturer. This is due to the fact that the device is not used for its intended purpose.

Storage tank and water heater

The devices are similar. The only difference between them is the internal water supply connected directly to the heating system. Here the question arises regarding the place of the boiler in space heating.

If people correctly approach the arrangement of heating in their homes, they will equip the boiler as a heat accumulator. The carrier inside it will receive energy using a coil, which is connected to the heating system. After turning off the electric boiler, the temperature will rise due to the water heater.

With proper equipment of the system, the boiler will give additional bonuses:

  • Hot water supply. Since the water from the device does not have any contact with the coolant, it can be safely used for household needs. Before this reasonable decision will be the correct ratio of boiler power in order to heat the house without disrupting the operation of the entire system.
  • Heating water with a built-in heating element. A constant temperature regime reigns inside the device, even when the boiler is disconnected from the electrical network. That is, for this you need to purchase a heater that works from an outlet.

Before purchasing, you should think about the main purpose of the purchase - will it be an additional source of hot water, a storage battery or two-in-one.

The storage tank can be made by hand. To reduce the percentage of heat losses, procedures should be carried out to insulate containers.

Calculation of parameters of the tank and heating elements

First of all, it is necessary to calculate the power of the boiler for heating the premises in the house. Experts offer several options for solving this problem. The simplest and most common is to read the recommendations from the manufacturer of the purchased boiler in the instructions.

It is worth remembering that the scheme of the entire heating system depends on this indicator. The first important parameter is power, measured in kWh. For example, it is equal to one unit. After installation of the device, its level remains unchanged for five hours. In this case, the mode is 75/50. Then the volume of the heater is calculated by the formula: V=5/(75-50)=0. 5 m³ or 500 l.

By the same principle, you can choose a unit for heating a summer house, slightly reducing the indicators in the formula.

Installation and use for heating

At the end of all calculations and measurements, you can safely begin the installation of the boiler and its introduction into the heating system at home. Before that, one question must be solved - what place the device will take. This is an extremely important point in the modernization of the system. Professionals advise installing a boiler in close proximity to the boiler, then the temperature indicators will be quite optimal for space heating. And after that, you should study the instructions for the device, because everything is indicated there - from specifications to manufacturer's recommendations.

Even with strict adherence to all the advice, the owners often face difficulties in introducing a water heater into the heating system. The situations are:

  • Hot water supply. The ideal location for a solid fuel boiler is a boiler room or a room where the main communication mechanisms in the house are concentrated. The problem is that hot water requires the installation of an additional pump and all accessories for it.
  • A large volume of the water heater in the case when the purchase of a boiler is needed for heating rooms with a large cubic capacity. And to place a dimensional device even in spacious rooms is another concern.
  • Connecting the electrical network of the heating element. In order for the water heater to work without interruption, it must be provided with a separate autonomous source of energy.

If the problems are fixed or they did not arise at all before, then you can proceed to installation and commissioning.

The temperature of the water inside the device is controlled and viewed through a mounted thermometer. Usually it is not included as an accessory in the kit, but you can buy it at any hardware store.

Heating storage tank equipment

To put the heat accumulator in its rightful place, you must first prepare the site. Since the unit weighs a lot, the flooring must be strong and perfectly level to support the weight. In this case, it is equipped with an additional foundation or a new concrete screed.

The ideal option would be to equip a separate area for a weighty device. Thus, the body does not touch the concrete and does not create pressure on it. In addition, it significantly reduces the number of heat losses.

You can buy a model equipped with special legs. Then, instead of a platform, a layer of heat-insulating material should be laid on that area under the floor.

Installation and implementation are carried out according to step-by-step instructions:

  1. 1. First you need to check how evenly the boiler is in its place. It must be either strictly horizontal or vertical. In no case are not allowed even the slightest slopes.
  2. 2. Then comes the most crucial moment - connection. For high-quality work, the pipes of the system and the boiler itself must have the same diameter in order to avoid excessive hydraulic resistance during testing and operation in the future.
  3. 3. Provided that the room is not equipped with radiators and other heating elements, the body of the water heater should be wrapped with a layer of thermal insulation.
  4. 4. Now the boiler can be connected to the HW pipes. Then he will not only heat the room, but also give water for household and household needs.

The final step is always to check nodes and connections. The owner should start the whole system. For half a month it will be necessary to note the temperature regime maintained in the pipes and the boiler itself, by disconnecting the boiler from the network.

Any electrical equipment requires additional care. With proper operation and testing, the device will reliably serve for many years. To do this, it is enough to follow all the recommendations that manufacturers give in the instructions.

Procedures begin immediately from the moment of purchase. And the very first is the acquisition of a model with dry heating elements. Their advantages lie in the fact that the scale inside the elements settles much more slowly (and in hot water much more impurities and salts). An additional measure is to fill the unit with pre-filtered water in the storage tank.

There are a number of other measures to protect the heater:

  • Once every 30 days, conduct an inspection for the integrity of the structure.
  • Exercise control over temperature regime V work time. This applies to both the boiler and the boiler, especially late autumn and in winter. Under ideal conditions, the difference between them is no more than 15%.
  • Timely replace gaskets. Then the heating system will work well and heat the house with high quality.
  • Particular attention should be paid to the control unit. His life and work depend on fluctuations in the electrical network, which often breaks down. To avoid this, you need to additionally connect the stabilizer.

To clean the heating elements of the boiler, open it and pull it out. But before that, think about whether you have enough strength and experience to assemble everything back, and whether the guarantee from the manufacturer will be preserved.

DIY water heater

In plumbing and construction stores, boilers are quite expensive, and not every family has the opportunity to buy it. As alternative It is advised to assemble the device yourself.

First you need to take a steel container big size. It is important that its volume corresponds to the calculated one. In order to assemble the circuit, you need to purchase additional items:

  • Tank . It would be wise to buy a stainless steel base and drill holes for the inlet and outlet pipes.
  • Coil . The ideal material is copper, as it is the best conductor of heat among metals.
  • Fasteners.

To provide the structure with thermal insulation, experts advise making a two-layer case. And in the space between the layers, the owners will place basalt or glass wool. The optimal thickness is 5 centimeters. Then the home-made structure will not differ in any way from the finished one.
