Bipolar ionizer. Bipolar air ionizer: types, design features and scope

The positive effect of negatively charged particles on humans was proven at the beginning of the last century by biophysicist Alexander Chizhevsky. He became the creator of the first air ionizer - the Chizhevsky chandelier. However, a significant drawback of this device - the formation of an excess amount of ozone - forced the developers to look for new options, resulting in a bipolar air ionizer.

Their difference lies in the following: the Chizhevsky chandelier generates only negatively charged particles, and the bipolar ionizer generates negatively and positively charged ions. Under such conditions, the air is saturated with ions with a positive and negative charge in proportions identical to natural ones.

Modern devices are deprived of the following side effects:

  • uneven distribution of aerons;
  • the occurrence of an electromagnetic field;
  • the release of a large amount of ozone (in high concentrations, it negatively affects people and equipment);
  • the formation of ions of nitrogen compounds harmful to humans.

Currently, the bipolar ionizer is very popular not only in medical institutions, but also in everyday life.

Device and application

The operation of bipolar air ionizers is based on the principle of corona discharge. The device has a number of needle-type electrodes: when a high voltage is applied to them, a corona discharge occurs. Such devices alternately reproduce either positively or negatively charged ions. Thus, a “portion” of positively charged ions neutralizes the emerging electromagnetic field from negatively charged ions.

This approach has its downsides. In nature, negatively and positively charged particles are mixed due to the movement of air masses. Since the device cannot generate ions with different charges at the same time, but reproduces them in turn, clusters of particles with the same charge are formed in the form of a cloud. It is very difficult to mix such accumulations of ions in the room; the built-in fan cannot fully solve this problem.

The principle of operation of a bipolar ionizer

Bipolar home air ionizers are ideal for ionization in home areas where there is not a lot of office equipment. Equipment of this kind reproduces a large number of positive ions. To compensate for them, it is better to use a unipolar ionizer.

The indisputable advantage of a bipolar ionizer is that people can be in the room during ionization. Even during sleep, the device can be left on.

A bipolar ionizer is able to purify and refresh the air in a room, and relieve a person of migraines and insomnia. It increases efficiency and immunity, increases gas exchange in the lungs. Also, the device disinfects the space: when using an ionizer, diseases pass easier and faster.

Bipolar air ionizer with filtration function

A bipolar ionizer can not only freshen the air in the room, but also clean it of dust, viruses and microbes that can cause illness.

For such air purification, devices are equipped with special filters. The effectiveness of air purification depends on their type.

The devices use five types of filters:

  1. Electrostatic: most common in modern ionizers. It is a positively charged lattice and a negatively charged element. Dust, passing through the grate, is positively charged and settles on a negatively charged element. This filter is the most durable, it is not subject to frequent replacement, but simply washed with water. The disadvantage of such filters is the release of ozone. It is advisable to use the device to clean the room from tobacco smoke. It is the ozone that is released that effectively splits the smoke. And the resins deposited on the filter are simply washed off with water.
  2. HEPA filter: has a very high percentage of air purification from various suspensions and allergens. After a year of operation, it must be replaced.
  3. Photocatalytic: considered the most efficient and costly. Air purification occurs due to UV radiation. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, harmful impurities contained in the air break down into harmless particles. The filter of this type will serve you without replacement from 2 to 6 years.
  4. Carbonic: more commonly used as a supplement. Poorly retains light compounds, but effectively fights unpleasant odors and toxins. It should be changed after 3-12 months (depending on the intensity of use of the device).
  5. Reticulate: additional filter, has the form of a fine mesh, which protects the ionizer from contamination by large elements (wool, sand, etc.).

Do not use a device that is equipped with a strainer only. It will not cope with air purification from toxins and various impurities.

Ionizer “Yantar 5-A”

Yantar 5-A is an example of a modern bipolar air ionizer of domestic production.

The body of the device is made of natural materials: solid oak, beech or pine. natural materials do not electrify and do not emit harmful substances, ideal for home use.

The synthesis of positively and negatively charged particles is provided by eight needle electrodes and rigidly fixed stabilizing rings. This design ensures the occurrence of a quiet corona discharge, which results in the generation of oppositely charged ions in certain proportions. Air purification is carried out using three filters: carbon, photocatalytic and HEPA filter.

Air ionizer Yantar 5-A

Ionizer Yantar 5-A does not create an electrostatic field, as a result of which dust does not settle on the ceiling and walls of the room. The device also neutralizes the existing electrostatic field in the room.

The device is equipped with a high-quality SUNON 92×92 mm fan. It helps to evenly distribute the resulting ions throughout the room. The fan is almost silent, thanks to which the device can be used during sleep.

In the Yantar 5-A ionizer, you can adjust the amount of synthesized ions. The setup procedure is very simple thanks to the remote control that the device is equipped with.

Amber 5-A is very economical, consumes about 5 watts. It has small size and weighs only 1.5 kg. The concentration of produced ions (positively and negatively charged) complies with the norms regulated by SanPiN

Where can I buy?

When buying, it is important to consider that a bipolar ionizer is designed to take care of your health, so you should choose the seller of such goods very carefully.

Do not trust little-known online stores. When buying, be sure to check the documents that come with the device: they must contain a warranty card, technical and hygienic certificates.

The presence of the above documents is a guarantee of the safety of the device and the compliance of the ionization process with the established standards. Check if information about the manufacturer is present: it should be provided with full address and phone numbers.

Reliable online store Promedik sells medical equipment and bipolar ionizers, including. The store presents many models of ionizers from different manufacturers. This store is ready to deliver goods anywhere in Russia.

Climate company MirCli offers a wide range of ionizers of various price categories.

Clean and fresh air in the apartment is the dream of every tenant of a city high-rise building. - a device that will make the air useful and clean, like in nature.

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Which humidifier is better - traditional, ultrasonic or steam? This article will help answer this question.


The price of ionizers mainly depends on:
  • manufacturer;
  • types of filters with which the device is equipped;
  • the area for which the device is designed;
  • the presence of additional functions (regulator of the synthesis of air ions, control panel, display on which information about the device is displayed).

The price of devices from well-known manufacturers Daikin or Plaston ranges from $100 to $500.

Ionizers from domestic manufacturers (Yantar or Aerion-25) cost about $60.

IN I will share this article with readers detailed overview bipolar air ionizer Yantar 5A. To buy a device and write a review, I was first of all prompted by the fact that potential buyers who are considering buying an ionizer cannot find an adequate and useful information because searches come across brief, ambiguous anonymous reviews and overtly commercial reviews that are published by individuals interested in selling the product

It should also be noted that there is no independent source of information on ionizers on the Internet, there is only the official forum of Yantar Research and Production Company, a manufacturer of bipolar ionizers. This forum is the only place where an interested person can find answers to their questions, but at the same time, one must not forget that this is a forum for a manufacturer who is interested in selling his product. It follows that the information obtained in this source may not correspond to reality.

I I have been interested in air ionization since 1998, it was then that I learned about the Chizhevsky Chandelier and became seriously interested in the topic of creating a healthy microclimate in the room. During all this time, I got acquainted with the works of all Russian manufacturers of ionizers, and also studied information about ionizers manufactured by the CIS countries and China.

I assembled several models of ionizers, later I purchased the Super-Plus-Turbo ionizer-purifier, the use of the latter showed that I had been etched with ozone for several years. After a pause of a couple of years, I again decided to continue studying the effect of ionizers on my own health and after reading the entire Internet on this topic, I realized that until I tested the bipolar ionizer in action, I would not be able to put an end to it and draw conclusions. Therefore, I decided to take a chance and purchase the latest model from the manufacturer of NPF Yantar, a bipolar air ionizer Yantar 5A with a remote control and a case made of tiger wood. I want to note that I wanted to buy an ionizer back in July, but there were no such cases in stock and I was waiting for ionizers made of tiger wood to appear.

I want to emphasize that air ionization, the theory of which Chizhevsky wrote and studied, has not been studied to date and there are no clinical conclusions about the positive effect of ionized air on the human body. At the same time, the number of devices referred to by the word "ionizer" has grown hundreds of times since the invention of the "Chizhevsky Chandelier". Modern ionizers have nothing in common with the design and circuitry of the original, while they recommend each of them as the best, most useful and irreplaceable. Unfortunately, we live in a time where career and money come first. business, but the health and empty pockets of the buyer, the seller are not interested now.

L People living in megacities, and even in ordinary cities, suffer from a lack of clean, healthy air - everyone knows this. Therefore, people willingly believe in purifiers, ionizers and other devices, with the hope of making the atmosphere of mountain or sea air in the apartment. Knowing this, it is a sin not to open a business related to goods supposedly creating just such an air. And since it is difficult and expensive to add real natural aromas of the fields and the sea to the air, manufacturers go the other way - referring to the previously unknown standards for the content of negative and positive oxygen ions in the air. It remains to measure this amount at sea or in the mountains, then measure it in a city and apartment, show that there are more of them in nature, confidently say that these ions are useful and necessary for the body, make a cheap device that generates ion charges in the right proportion and eventually sell a black box for people who want to be healed and live in every way long life, and there are enough of them in our country.

By the way, I almost forgot to mention the Placebo effect - this is one of the factors that plays a decisive role in the sales of such devices. Indeed, due to this very effect, which is very effective, you can sell, for example, ordinary water with salt and chalk, referred to as “Healing water from the planet Neptune” at a price of 1000 per liter. And at the same time, I assure you that 80% of those who bought and drank this water will later claim that they feel better, that they have recovered, etc. All this has long been proven by scientists, so I hope you understand why I started talking about the Placebo effect.

I open the package and see the split body of the ionizer

W The order was made at the end of August, and received in the mail on September 5, 2011. The warranty card shows that the device was released on August 15, 2011, i.е. I had in my hands the latest newest copy of the Yantar 5A ionizer, worth 3,700 rubles. On Monday, the parcel was sent from Kazan, on Saturday a notification was already received, from city to city 1000 km, so the parcel arrived quickly enough

The estimated cost of the parcel is 500 rubles, instead of 3700, as I understand it, this was done in order to reduce the cost of sending the parcel by the manufacturer.

The box contains two neatly packed AA alkaline batteries from Ikea, a warranty card, an instruction manual, a remote control, a transformer power supply and a bipolar Yantar 5A ionizer

After I removed the packaging from the ionizer, I found that there was a gap on the bottom right at the place where the bottom and side walls of the case were fastened, as it turned out, the case completely parted in one place, so that the tree was partially torn out. The first thing that came to my mind was that this is how the Russian Post works with us, but later it turned out that the internal block of the ionizer is held by unbent plates, which are very much included in the case. Apparently constant stress and a slight shock during delivery provoked a breakdown of the case.

I was very surprised when I saw how the front cover is holding up. The fact is that we can say that it does not rest on anything at all, it is simply inserted and held due to friction. At the same time, the bottom line of the panel goes noticeably crooked relative to the horizontal, which immediately caught my eye

From the very beginning of opening the parcel, I decided to make a video recording, which turned out, as it turned out later, very handy, you can watch the video below

After a quick inspection of the ionizer itself, I decided to look at the build quality of the power supply, as well as measure the output voltage. Opening the case, I saw that there was a transformer inside and a small board on which there was a 12 volt stabilizer, and attention served as a radiator! piece of galvanized sheet. I have not yet seen such a "know-how" that instead of the classic material for aluminum radiators, they use thin sheet galvanized steel.

D Then I assembled the power supply back and proceeded to measure the voltage on the plug. I want to emphasize that the male plug is collapsible, as usual on the radio market, the conclusions are without insulating tubes. Having connected the multimeter, at first I was very surprised, because I saw exactly 12 volts, then I remembered that the power supply has a stabilizer from this such accuracy of the output voltage. The output current declared by the manufacturer is 400 mA.

Since I was not going to send back the Yantar 5A ionizer because of my own unwillingness to do this, I decided to disassemble the device in order to glue the walls of the case, and at the same time see how the bipolar ionizer circuit works.

The ionizer is disassembled very easily, it is enough to unscrew the two upper screws on the fan and carefully remove all the insides from the wooden case. Four rings are welded on the vertical rods, and behind them there are also two rods with through holes into which needles are inserted and soldered to reverse side. In my case, none of the 8 needles was strictly in the center, one needle was completely 1.5-2 mm from the edge of the ring.

Also on the front part, after the needles, there is a small board on which an IR photodetector and a microswitch are fixed - turning off the ionizer when the front cover is opened.
On the bottom side there is a small board on which there is one microcircuit with an operation algorithm embedded in it, a small high-voltage transformer is attached from below, filled with epoxy resin with a label on English language. 3 wires come to the transformer, and one high-voltage wire comes out, which goes to the needles. In general, the circuit diagram of the Yantar ionizer is simple and reliable. You can watch the video below for more details.

Now it's time to connect the Yantar 5A bipolar ionizer to the power supply and see how it will work. When voltage is applied to the connector, the device immediately turns on and goes into the first weakest mode, while the green LED behind the front grill lights up. Using the buttons on the remote control 1-0, you can set one of ten modes of fan speed intensity. The fan in the ionizer is not of high quality, it has increased noise and unnecessary friction.

R The operation of the ionizer is easy to identify by the characteristic sound that occurs when high voltage is applied to the needles. In my case, stable confident impulses soon gave way to a weak crackle, and then completely disappeared. The ionizer stopped supplying high voltage to the needles and at the same time did not respond to either the remote control or the button directly on the device, all this can be clearly seen in the video below.

In the version of the ionizer with a remote control, it is possible to change the concentration of released ions by reducing/increasing the pauses between pulses of high voltage applied to the needles. But in fact, this is an absolutely unnecessary function, because. The concentration of ions is not the temperature of the air, it cannot be felt, only a device that measures the number of ions is able to see the difference.

The body of the ionizer is completely made of wood, when you first turn it on, a strong unpleasant smell comes from the body, and over time the smell should disappear. The size of the ionizer is so small that everyone who bought it, opening the package, is very surprised at what a small box with a fan costs such money.

W The smell of ozone can be caught if you bring the ionizer point-blank with the grate to the nose. Naturally, there is no such smell in the room as after the Super-Plus-Turbo. In the bipolar ionizer Yantar 5A on needles no more than 6 kV and 8 needles, to which voltage is applied in short pulses. In Super-Plus-Turbo, judging by the length of the breakdown of the electric arc, the voltage on the electrodes is more than 20 kV, 21 needles are used.

Purpose of the device Yantar 5A

Many of the individuals who wish to purchase an ionizer for an apartment believe that it will cure them and save them from all ailments, based on the stories and experiments of Chizhevsky with his chandelier

So, dear readers, Yantar 5A and other modern ionizers have nothing to do with the Chizhevsky chandelier and their purchase is a waste of money, unless of course you have a goal to pass an examination of the working room according to SanPin standards

Yantar 5A and other ionizers NPF Yantar, intended primarily for bulk purchases legal entities who need to obtain conditions for passing the examination of their working or office premises

The bipolar air ionizer "Yantar-5A" is designed to create and maintain the concentration of light air ions at the same time of positive and negative polarity in the human breathing zone in accordance with sanitary rules and standards SanPiN

This is a quote from the device's passport, you will not find anything else about any benefits and superpowers of ionized air in the documents for the device. Everything else is myths sucked out of the finger by interested parties, as well as fanatics who swallow any information without processing it with their brains and those who do not know how to think with their own heads. Such people are most prone to the placebo effect and self-hypnosis, and arguing with them is useless.

Dear reader, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with such an interesting instructive fact from the history of

The middle of the XVIII century was marked by a general enthusiasm for electrical experiments with static electricity. Their number should have given a qualitative leap. Electrification tried not only to breed chickens, but also to treat people. Doctors electrified medicines, patients and, regardless of the results, wrote about the "definitely positive effect." By the way, after all, the Leyden jar was also opened, wanting to “charge” the cough mixture. By the time described, there were many "healers" who convinced that they had a particularly strong electrical effect and therefore could heal the sick. Even “methods of treatment” have arisen, according to which relaxed (paralyzed) people need to be charged with positive electricity to be cured, and insane people with negative electricity.

The effect of the Yantar 5A ionizer on health and indoor air

In addition to the placebo effect, there is another interesting trick in the instructions for the ionizer. This is a proposal that indicates the need for mandatory daily wet cleaning in the room where the ionizer is located, as well as its ventilation. I am sure that even without an ionizer in the room, if you follow this advice, you will not see dust in the air as before, and your health will improve significantly. This fact makes the impact on the health of the Yantar 5A ionizer even more controversial.

I check the ionizer on my own health, in a small room, i. the concentration of ions in the room is created sufficient. After I went through the ionizer and assembled it, the pulses became stable, in the dark you can clearly see how 8 needles blink, so I think that the device is in good condition and suitable for testing

P The first night I could not fall asleep for an hour, the sound of the fan in night mode, as well as the sound of impulses, greatly interfered. The flow of air was directed in my direction and was slightly felt. I woke up as usual, I did not notice any changes in the air, as well as in my state of health. These are the first impressions so far, after a while I will summarize and supplement this article. I will be glad to see your questions in the comments to this article.

Added September 7, 2011
The ionizer continues to work around the clock in a small room at night, the distance to people is 2m. In the evening, as usual, I was sleepy, I was overwhelmed and wanted to sleep. I went to bed at 23:00, the fan noise is still very noticeable, it's more likely not even a smooth light noise, but a real hum and this is the slowest mode. Now I understand why in the Yantar 5A ionizer, after buying, people change the fan on their own to a less noisy one. At night, for unknown reasons, everyone who slept in this room woke up 10 times exactly and so on until the morning, turning from side to side. The smell from the body gradually disappears and becomes invisible

Added September 12, 2011
I can confidently assert, these days later, that the Yantar 5A ionizer does not create a tangible effect of mountain air, and also does not create a smell “after a thunderstorm”, as some say in their messages on the Internet. Coolness and freshness in the zone of action of the ionizer is really felt, but this, as the experiment showed, is the result of the work of not ions, but a fan. I turned off the ionizer and turned on the same fan for 6 hours, after which the same coolness and more “fresh” air were felt in the room - this was explained only by the operation of the fan.

No one in the apartment felt a change in well-being, I wake up as I woke up, I fall asleep with difficulty as before. Regarding the reduction of the amount of dust in the air, it is difficult to judge, since this is a very relative concept. The smell from the case has completely disappeared

Added October 9, 2011
In a month my body has completely got used to the noise that is created by the Yantar-5A ionizer and now when I go to bed I no longer notice extraneous irritable noise, although if you remember that it is, the noise immediately appears

Regarding well-being on the example of two people, today there are no changes in well-being, dustiness of the air, etc. The needles were thoroughly cleaned after a month of work.

Summing up (added November 6, 2011)

So, after a sufficient time, I summarize and draw conclusions regarding the Yantar 5A bipolar ionizer. All this time, the ionizer worked around the clock in the first mode, in a small room, the air flow was directed according to the instructions, sometimes forced fan operation modes were turned on

The electrical component of the ionizer works in perfect working order, high-voltage discharges are stable and stable. The noise of a regular fan is clearly distinguishable, the smell of the case has disappeared, ozone can only be felt when touching point-blank to the ionizer grill

The difference in dustiness in the room was not noticed, the difference in well-being, the speed of falling asleep, awakening were not noticed.

The device is planned to continue to operate around the clock for two reasons: firstly, I gave 3,700 rubles and now, whether you like it or not, you must use it if there is at least no harm, and secondly, let at least the ionic composition of the air be close to the standards of the Ministry of Health (this of course, I can’t check without an ion counter, but I can only hope that ion formation has not shifted from the factory settings towards a predominance of positive ions)

I will not advise or dissuade from purchasing this device, I respect people who make independent, thoughtful decisions, so I wish you to always be guided by this principle in life

The effect of the ionizer on a sick person (added February 9, 2012)

E back in September 2011, right after buying Yantar 5A, I suggested that my mother put an ionizer in my room, but she refused - referring to the work of the previous Super-plus-turbo ionizer, which emitted an unpleasant, persistent smell of ozone throughout the room. So for all the time since buying a bipolar ionizer, I have never been able to convince my mother to put the device at least for a few hours for the sake of the experiment.

M My mother, who has suffered from lung diseases all her life, has undergone several lung surgeries. As a result, in 2010, one lung was completely removed from her, after which she lost a lot of weight. In 2011, the remaining lung began to bleed, doctors can no longer do anything. The lung can not withstand the load and bursts, causing bleeding. Now my mother is 58 years old, and she is at home, stopping the blood with droppers, hopes are running out for a long time ...

And so, in February 2012, when I was not at home, my mother went into the room where Yantar 5A stands and works around the clock in the weakest mode (the room is very small) and when I came home, she told me to put it in her room, referring to the fact that she felt fresh air. I put an ionizer on her and she uses it during the day, we put it back to me at night. she is cold to sleep from the air flow and the noise of the fan interferes

IN damn my mother came up to me and said she wanted one for herself too. Referring to the fact that it is much easier for her to breathe with him. The blood naturally did not pass and the second lung did not grow, but the person confidently refers to changes in the air in positive side. Perhaps the freshness that she is talking about is caused by portions of ozone that is released on the needles, or maybe this is the effect of ion charges or something else, I can’t judge, but there is a fact.

Of course, it’s too early to draw conclusions at all, because. the person used the ionizer for only a few days, but for now I am writing what is on this moment. Time will put everything in its place

From this, I can draw the following conclusion. Healthy man does not notice the difference, so you can see a lot of people who sell the ionizer disappointed in it. really do not notice anything, except for the operation of the fan. Sick people, as observations show, are more sensitive to the slightest changes in the composition of the air and, accordingly, they are able to react and feel the result of the operation of such devices. Sick people are most sensitive to what is the object of the disease. My mother breathes with one diseased lung, which is probably why she felt the difference. I will update the article as I see it.

Added January 30, 2013
One ionizer broke (which was bought by the mother), the second, which is the hero in the video and article, works. It works all the time, sometimes I turn it off when I can’t fall asleep from its zipping.

I want to say that of all ionizers, this one is the least harmful - i.e. at least the room will not smell like after a bactericidal lamp. From any ionizer with the principle of ionic wind without a fan - there will be a smell of ozone and headache(my whole family and all my friends have such consequences).

For me, this is now a small box, for which I paid 3,700 rubles, and now I have to turn it on in order to justify myself to myself. I did not notice any therapeutic effect either from Amber or from any other ionizers and I think that they cannot be. All this exploitation of the “trend healthy lifestyle life” by businessmen, relying on the scientist Chizhevsky, who only established the theory and was the only one on this path.

Any social person subject to the influences and massing of consciousness, it makes no sense for me to write to you about this until you yourself come to this understanding ... People live for decades and all their lives, adhering to illusions, comparing facts with their images - forming fictitious theories of truth. This is a bitter truth, but I can only accept it ... I am not able to explain and help people ... until they themselves take the path of correcting their own consciousness built on imposed patterns and false prejudices ...

Ionization is one of the many thousands of branches of the tree of lies, for people who are subject to other people's opinions and are unable to independently solve the most complex problems ...

A favorable microclimate of the room is a guarantee of the health of its inhabitants. It depends not only on purity, temperature and humidity, but also on air quality. Today, there are a huge number of devices that purify and humidify the air in the room, for example, air conditioners and various sinks. One of the most popular devices is an ionizer - a small electrical device that saturates the air mixture with negative ions necessary for normal human breathing. In addition, it "charges" the dust particles, which is why they stop flying and settle on the floor.

The best ionizer air purifiers for the home

Ionizers-purifiers are devices for high-quality cleaning of apartments and houses from dust, impurities and unpleasant odors. The principle of their operation is extremely simple - dirty substances settle on special filters (anti-allergic, coal, etc.).

4 Fanline IV-2

Bipolar Purifier. 5 filters
Country Russia
Average price: 4,200 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The Fanline multifunctional air purifier has been produced since 2000. During this time, the device has undergone a lot of changes, thanks to which the cleaning efficiency has been increased to 99%. The ionizer has an ultraviolet diode emitter that disinfects the air and neutralizes unpleasant odors.

The standard equipment of the device assumes the presence of 5 different filters, which, if necessary, are easily replaced. The device does not require much maintenance - the absence of static voltage does not allow dust to accumulate on the emitter. Low power (no more than 10 W) ensures low power consumption even with round-the-clock use.

3 Ecology-Plus Super-Plus-Turbo (2009)

Ozonator. Low power consumption
Country Russia
Average price: 3 990 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Air purifier " Ecology-Plus Super-Plus-Turbo » is an excellent purchase for those who would like to rid the house of unpleasant odors and allergens. This is an easy-to-use device with a minimum of structural elements that fully meets the requirements stated by the manufacturer, namely, ionizes, ozonizes and purifies the air in the apartment.

The power consumption of the device is only 10 watts. The device offers two modes of operation: normal and turbo. The reviews write that somewhere after a week of active work, the device starts to crackle - this is a sure sign that it is time to clean the device from accumulated dirt and dust. The ionizer is disassembled without difficulty, a cassette with plates Simply rinse under running water, e.g. with a toothbrush. Next, you should carefully wipe the parts and let them dry - after assembly, the unit is ready for work again.

2 Ballu AP-155

5-stage cleaning system. For small spaces
A country:
Average price: 9 990 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Ionizer for home "Balu", 37 W, offers a five-stage cleaning system. The device is equipped with a number of filters (pre-filter, HEPA filter, VOC filter), which, coupled with ionization provide effective and high-quality air purification in the apartment from dust, wool, allergens and harmful impurities. The device is suitable for rooms with an area of ​​​​about 20 m 2.

Buyers note touch control, 4 fan speeds and an 8-hour timer as outstanding features of the model. The device is supplemented with indication of air purity.In fairness, some reviews mention nighttime discomfort caused by bright light, despite the manufacturer's assurance that the device adjusts to the level of lighting. As for the volume, the device is not silent (47 dB), but there is a special quiet mode for late hours. The device looks stylish, works soundly, justifies its cost and getting into the rating of the best.

Air ionizers - benefit or harm?

Passing through the ionizer, the air is enriched with air ions, which favorably affect the human condition. The presence of such particles in the oxygen mixture increases efficiency, strengthens the immune system and improves the general condition. In addition, ionization is recommended for people suffering from insomnia. Light ions "attach" to dust particles, allergens and precipitate them down, visibly purifying the air.

However, ionizers also have their drawbacks. They follow from the very principle of operation of the apparatus. Due to the fact that all particles passing through the ionizer acquire a charge, they begin to be attracted to various objects, including clothing. For this reason, in the rooms where the device is installed, it is recommended to carry out regular wet cleaning to avoid dust accumulation. It is also not recommended to use ionizers when there is a person in the house with a disease that is transmitted by airborne droplets - this greatly increases the likelihood of infection of healthy people.

1 Termica AP-300TC

The quietest (30 dB). High performance
A country: Russia (produced in China)
Average price: 10,990 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The leader in the ranking of the best ionizers-purifiers is "Termika". The device is designed for effective air purification in rooms with an area of ​​​​not more than 50 square meters. m. Productivity of the device is 300 m / h, which is the best indicator in the class. The ionizer is equipped with an additional ultraviolet lamp, which neutralizes all harmful substances in the air.

The device has an excellent filtration system: a HEPA filter is designed to clean dust, and a carbon element eliminates unpleasant odors. The photocatalytic cleaner removes viruses and bacteria. For the convenience of controlling the device, there is a remote control. Distinctive feature Termica AP-300 - quiet operation. In production mode, the noise level does not exceed 30 dB.

The best ionizer humidifiers for the home

The purpose of ionizers-humidifiers is to maintain the optimal level of humidity in apartments and houses. The use of devices of this kind has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and prevents the development allergic reactions. The principle of their work is the evaporation of moisture.

4 Leberg LH-803

The best power (105 W). Turn off the backlight
A country: Norway (made in China)
Average price: 4 250 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Stylish and functional - this is how users in the reviews refer to the Leberg brand air ionizer in a ceramic case. The ultra-quiet ultrasonic model is designed to humidify indoor air up to 40 m 2 . A feature of the device is the presence of a preliminary HEPA filter and a carbon filter, which are designed to make the air in the apartment cleaner and fresher. A big plus of the device, which distinguishes the device from most rating nominees, is the ability to turn off the backlight at night.

The ionizer for the house works both in the "cold steam" and "warm steam" modes. The power of the device is a record 105 W, the reservoir is 5 liters, the water consumption is 400 ml / h. The humidifier comes with an adapter for the car, so that if desired, the device can be used to purify the air in the car. The ionizer also offers air aromatization, auto-off at low water levels and when the tank is removed.

3 Polaris PUH 0605Di

Better security. Automatic humidity control
A country: Russia (produced in China)
Average price: 4 819 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The ultrasonic air ionizer for the home from Polaris is equipped with an LED display (touch control). The model is recognized by users as one of the best assistants in the fight for humidity - the device automatically maintains the set level, while saturating the air with negatively charged ions. One of the leading features of the ionizer is the absence of the need to constantly buy new filters, since the filter itself can be cleaned independently at home.

Among other outstanding features of the device, highlighted in the reviews, are the “warm steam” function, air aromatization, a timer up to 12 hours, a hygrometer and a remote control. The device is designed for an area of ​​up to 45 m 2, power consumption is 110 W, operation time is up to 35 hours, and the tank capacity is 5 liters. The device is famous for its increased degree of protection, for example, it will automatically turn off if the tank runs out of water, as well as if the water tank is disconnected from the base.

2 Timberk THU UL 28E

The best design. Remote control
A country: Russia (produced in China)
Average price: 5,081 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Timberk brand ultrasonic ionizer for home with hygrometer - winner of the Best Design nomination. The display of the space-style humidifier shows the operating modes of the device, the current level of air humidity, the intensity of the steam output and the ionization function. The latter, by the way, can be turned off if desired - this is the opportunity most of the rating nominees lack, judging by customer reviews.

The service area is 30 m2, the tank volume is 3.7 liters, the timer is designed to turn off up to 12 hours in 1 hour increments, the power is 25 watts. The compact device comes with a remote control, as well as a mineral filter cartridge designed to purify water from excess salts. The ionizer works silently, so that the sleep of the household will not be disturbed. Buyers note that with the purchase of this model of the ionizer in the apartment it became fresh, easy and pleasant to breathe.

1 Electrolux EHU-3710D/3715D

Ionizer-night light. Works up to 24 hours
A country: Sweden (made in China)
Average price: 6 990 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Ultrasonic air ionizer for home with remote control is stylish appearance. The compact dimensions of the humidifier, the body of which is equipped with additional lighting, allow you to use the device, including as a night light. This is a modern model with advanced technical specifications: power 110 W, serviced area up to 45 m 2 , duration up to 24 hours. The water flow is 450 ml/h.

According to reviews, the ionizer for an apartment has more than enough advantages - a 5-liter tank, a hygrostat for automatically turning off the device when a predetermined humidity level is reached, preheating water to destroy harmful microbes and bacteria contained in the water. As well as a demineralizing cartridge to soften hard water and reduce salt content and inorganic substances in water, and the ability to control the direction of blowing and humidification.

The best ionizers-climatic complexes for the home

Climatic complexes with ionization function are expensive devices, but very practical. Such ionizers for apartments combine two independent devices - a purifier and a humidifier, which can be operated both together and separately.

4 Sharp KC-A51 RW/RB

Built-in humidistat. Simple control
A country:
Average price: 24,490 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The model of the Japanese brand "Sharp" closes the category of the best ionizers for the home. This is a compact device designed to clean the air in rooms with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bno more than 38 square meters. m. The built-in hygrostat automatically analyzes the humidity of oxygen and turns on the ionizer when necessary. The water tank is small - only 3.6 liters, but at a flow rate of 600 ml / hour in intensive mode, the device is able to work for 6 hours without stopping.

A special HEPA filter effectively cleans the incoming air from the dust mixture, and the carbon cleaner quickly absorbs unpleasant odors due to the adsorption effect. Such a system allows the ionizer to "drive" about 306 m3/hour. The strengths of the device in the reviews, users include high-quality plastic housing, thoughtful design and simple operation. The main disadvantages are the lack of setting the humidity level and the need for frequent cleaning of the humidifying filter.

3 Boneco W2055A

For large rooms (up to 50 m2). Prevents furniture cracking
A country: Switzerland (made in China)
Average price: 17,990 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Climatic complex "Boneko" with advanced technology humidification "honeycombs" - what you need for cleaning, as well as normalizing the level of humidity in rooms up to 50 m 2 . This device is relatively compact, easy to maintain and does not require expensive consumables. The ionized silver rod performs an antibacterial function in the apparatus. One of the features of the model is the aromatization of the air in the house.

The ionizer with a tank of 7 liters has two modes of operation: day and night. The reviews note that the device works silently, so you can safely leave it on at night. A small drawback is a bright indicator light that cannot be turned off during sleep. The manufacturer emphasizes that this climatic complex for apartments has a positive effect on furniture, in particular on interior items made of natural wood, preventing cracking.

2 Panasonic F-VXH50

Economical water consumption. compactness
A country: Japan (made in China)
Average price: 28,890 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Ionizer-humidifier "Panasonic" is in second place in the ranking best models for home. This device is considered one of the most economical on the market - in intensive mode, the water consumption is only 500 ml / hour. The presence of a pre-filter significantly reduces the mechanical load on the carbon cleaners, which increases their service life by several times. The ionizer is powered from the mains, and the consumption is only 43 watts.

The device has an electronic control that sets the fan speed. Convenient light indication completely replaces the display. The device is one of the most compact in its category - with the declared characteristics, its weight is only 8.3 kg. In numerous positive feedback buyers talk about quality work, nice design and low noise level as the advantages of the ionizer. The disadvantages include rapid wear of the water filter and difficulty with maintenance.

1 Winia AWX-70

The best tank volume (9 l). Optimum balance between cost and functionality
Country: South Korea
Average price: 27,050 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The first place in the ranking of the best ionizers for the home is Viniya. This is the best model in terms of cost and functionality. The device is able to serve a room up to 50 square meters. m, which with a power consumption of 24 W is a good indicator. The hygrostat installed in the ionizer analyzes the humidity of the air and independently regulates the operation of the device.

Thanks to the capacious water tank with a volume of 9 liters, there is no need to frequently top up the liquid. The intensity of evaporation is adjustable, and the operating parameters are displayed on a small LCD display. All necessary indicators are placed on the front panel of the ionizer. With a relatively high power, the device boasts a low noise level - only 32 dB. The dimensions of the device allow you to place it without compromising free space.

The best car air ionizers

Car ionizers are a compact way to maintain a favorable microclimate in the car. They are connected to the cigarette lighter (12V socket) and with the help of a special filter system quickly remove unpleasant odors and other harmful particles from the air.

3 Napolex AT-104

Aromatization. 5 replacement lozenges
Country: Japan
Average price: 1,840 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Before us is a Japanese ionizer from Napolex for a car with an air aromatization function. The principle of operation of the device is to generate negative ions (about 130 thousand per 1 cm 3) and enrich the air in the car without ozone. The ionizer comes with 5 replaceable lozenges for impregnation with aroma oil.

Judging by the reviews, this is an economical device in terms of power consumption. The device is connected to the cigarette lighter socket (12V). Users note compactness (7.8 * 3.5 * 1.9 cm excluding the size of the cigarette lighter plug) and lightness (85 g) of the model among the advantages.

2 Ecology-Plus Super-Plus-Ion-Auto

Best price. Housing made of impact-resistant plastic
Country Russia
Average price: 1,777 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

In second place in the ranking of the best car ionizers is the Ecology-Plus Super-Plus-Ion-Auto model. This is the most a budget option on the market of compact air purifiers, but despite this, the device provides cleaning performance up to 4 m3/h. The device, thanks to its compact dimensions (weighing only 350 grams), can be installed on a torpedo.

The package includes a car adapter and a 220 V power supply, which allows you to use the ionizer not only in a car. The power of the device is only 3 W - power consumption is almost not noticeable. The case of the device is made of special impact-resistant plastic, which can easily withstand a fall.

1 Atmos Vent-801

Quality build. UV emitter
Country: Germany
Average price: 3 290 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The best car ionizer is the Atmos Vent-801 model. The 4 W appliance is equipped with a carbon filter that effectively fights unpleasant odors and eliminates harmful particles. In addition, an ultraviolet emitter is installed in the device, which disinfects the air, neutralizing viruses and bacteria. The device can be powered both from a standard network and from a 12V car socket.

The electrostatic filter effectively fights dust, due to which its amount in the car interior is noticeably reduced. Low level noise (25 dB) will not create discomfort, and when the engine is running, the ionizer is not audible at all. In positive reviews, buyers highlight small dimensions, effective cleaning and high-quality assembly among strengths. The main disadvantages are low productivity and the need for frequent replacement of the carbon filter.

How to choose an air ionizer

The following cheat sheet will help you choose the best air ionizer:

  1. Power. Everything is simple here - the larger the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, the more powerful the device should be. Please note that buying devices with increased power will cost a pretty penny - firstly, such ionizers are more expensive, and secondly, they consume more electricity.
  2. Water consumption. This parameter logically follows from the previous one - the higher the power, the higher the consumption. On average, an ionizer consumes 8 to 15 liters per day per day.
  3. Noise level. Ionizers are devices for apartments and houses that work both day and night. So that the device does not interfere with sleep, purchase models whose noise level does not exceed 40 dB. In addition, it is desirable that the device provides a special "night mode", when the fan runs at minimum speed, and the backlight is dimmed or turned off completely.
  4. Ultraviolet lamp. To disinfect the air, destroy viruses and bacteria, ionizers are equipped with an ultraviolet lamp. This characteristic is especially in demand for families with small children. Important Rule- turn on the lamp only in the absence of people in the room, and do not exceed the exposure time recommended by specialists.
  5. Protective functions. Most models of ionizers provide for automatic shutdown of the device when the water level in the tank is low, as well as notification of the need to clean or replace the cartridge.
  6. Timer. The presence of a timer allows you to automatically turn on and off the device in a given time period. It is especially easy to adjust the modes and speed in the presence of a remote control.
  7. Aromatization. Not all models have this option. Those who have this feature are divided into devices with the ability to install containers with aromatic oils on the ionizer and devices with a removable capsule into which oils are dripped.