Disadvantages of guys through the eyes of girls. Male flaws through the eyes of women

In one of our previous articles, we wrote about things that drive men crazy. But men are not angels: they also have their shortcomings. Women are ready to put up with some of them, but not with some. Which male flaws irritate the fair sex?

Male flaws: selfishness

Male egoism can manifest itself in different ways, but one of its most common manifestations is self-adoration. Looking in the mirror, a woman sees her shortcomings, and a man sees his strengths. Many men are confident in their intelligence and their irresistibility, and do not want to notice that in fact they are not geniuses or supermen at all, and do not want to improve. But at the same time, they demand that their woman look her best.

There are also other manifestations of male egoism. Let's say, when in a company he is the king, the center of attention, and you are left with the modest role of the retinue, which must remain silent (occasionally nodding and assenting) and catch every word of your king. Often male egoism manifests itself in bed, when you do only what he likes, and the man is not interested in your desires and needs.

Male flaws: untidiness and disorganization

Untidyness and disorganization are quite common male flaws.. How often do women complain that their significant other throws clothes in a heap where they undress, forgets to shave, leaves a mountain of unwashed dishes in the sink, and then also makes women to blame for not being able to find clean socks and a shirt. This also includes the indifference of some men to their own appearance.

And men’s disorganization often becomes the cause of complaints from women. It is usually believed that women tend to take a long time to get ready and are constantly late, but there are also a lot of “hoarders” among men. The problem is that shortly before leaving they can find some super important business- for example, an unsolved crossword puzzle - and dive into it headlong. Also, male disorganization may include the habit of forgetting about his promises.

Male flaws: jealousy

Both female and male shortcomings include this “monster with green eyes,” as one of William Shakespeare’s heroes once dubbed jealousy. Jealousy itself is a completely normal feeling., unless you give him free rein. But paranoid jealousy, not supported by real reasons and evidence of betrayal, can become a serious problem in a relationship.

Unreasonable jealousy is not a manifestation of love, but a feeling of possessiveness, distrust of a partner and lack of self-confidence. The main problem is that women's jealousy manifests itself in scandals and hysterics, and a man, thanks to his strength, can, in a fit of jealousy, raise his hand against a woman. Of course, this applies to completely “clinical” cases, but it happens.

Male weaknesses: greed

Sooner or later, the candy-bouquet period with trips to restaurants ends, and the man becomes less generous. Of course, not everyone can afford to give roses to their beloved woman every day and take her to a restaurant, this is natural. But when the normal desire to spend money wisely turns into stinginess and greed, this is unlikely to make a woman happy.

But this list of male shortcomings is not limited to this list - we can continue for a long time. But does this mean that men are so bad? Of course not. Firstly, it is rare for any man to have all the male shortcomings “in a complex”. Secondly, these shortcomings do not always reach their extreme manifestations. It's usually not as scary as it may seem.

Is it worth trying to correct male shortcomings? Remember that there are no ideal people, so you definitely won’t be able to “create” a man without any flaws. Therefore, do this: divide all the shortcomings of men into those that you can put up with and those that you are not going to put up with.

In the future, when assessing a man as a potential partner, do not expect that he will have any shortcomings at all, just make sure he doesn't have any shortcomings that you can't put up with.

If he then wants it for you, great! And if not - well, you yourself are not perfect, just accept it and learn to compromise in relationships.

By indiscriminately accusing all men of being assholes, women forget that they themselves are not ideal. Everyone has their own shortcomings, and men, if they wish, can also present a long list of complaints to the fair sex. Which ones exactly? women's shortcomings What irritates men the most?

Women's disadvantages: excessive need for attention

Of course, every person needs attention. But women often forget that Even in the most loving couples, each partner needs personal space. At the beginning of a relationship, a couple can feel great spending almost 24 hours a day together. But after some time, the man begins to feel the need to take a breath of fresh air, while the woman continues to demand attention from him, takes up all his free time, even to the point of dragging him along with her to the shops.

You need to give a man personal space - he should have time that he can spend the way he wants. If he decides to spend it with you, great. And if not, it doesn’t mean that he doesn’t love you. His life just doesn’t end with your relationship, and that’s absolutely normal. One of the biggest is to limit your entire life to them. Be self-sufficient and know how to maintain the golden mean: if a woman shows love and care, but does not “strangle” a man with them, this is a great advantage that more than covers up many women’s shortcomings.

Women's flaws: jealousy

Jealousy is normal. As long as you can keep yourself within the bounds of decency. It’s one thing when a man clearly and unequivocally gives reasons for jealousy (for example, he comes home from work in a shirt stained with lipstick, smelling of women’s perfume, and says that he had business negotiations with suppliers). Another is when a woman is paranoidly jealous of him with or without reason, reads his SMS, correspondence in in social networks and by e-mail, calls every five minutes and arranges for him to be followed.

Many women's shortcomings pale before jealousy. Excessive jealousy is not a sign of love at all, it is a manifestation of a sense of possessiveness and self-doubt. Any relationship is built on trust, and what kind of trust can we talk about when trying to control every step of a partner and question everything he tells you? By the way, jealousy is also connected with the previous drawback - the desire to occupy the entire living space of a partner.

Women's disadvantages: excessive emotionality

Women for the most part are more unrestrained in expressing emotions than men: this is due to physiological, psychological and emotional reasons. But emotions need to be controlled. A woman who shed a tear while watching a sentimental melodrama is touching. A woman throwing a tantrum over a broken nail is disgusting.

You need to keep your emotions in check: men do not like capricious, hysterical women. And especially you don't need to use emotions to manipulate a man: few people like to feel like a puppet in the hands of a puppeteer, and sooner or later he will realize that you have prepared just such a role for him. But it’s also not worth going to the other extreme, turning into a callous and emotionless “iron lady”.

Women's flaws: what else?

In fact, the list of women's shortcomings can be continued, if not endlessly, then for a very long time, and many of them - what a paradox! - contradict each other. Excessive preoccupation with one's own appearance and complete disregard for him; overprotection and lack of attention to a man; laziness and workaholism; distrust of a man and blind devotion; inability to negotiate and excessive complaisance; a woman can be too smart and too stupid, too modest and too relaxed...

So what does this mean? About the inconsistency of men? About their desire to find fault with everything they can? No no and one more time no. First of all, this means that a flaw is any quality taken to the extreme: everything is too bad. In addition, all men are different: what may seem like a disadvantage to one may be perceived as an advantage by another.

In the end, men still love women, despite all their feminine flaws. Of course, this does not mean that you need to sit on their neck; as far as possible necessary . It just means that not everything is as bad as it might seem.

Absolutely all women find flaws in themselves. And everyone dreams of being loved for who she is. We took it and asked men directly: are the shortcomings that all women on the planet are fixated on really a reason for frustration?

The editors of Woman’s Day decided to give fair half humanity the opportunity to find out what men really think about women’s shortcomings. Soloists of the pop duo H.a.N.D Viktor Ustenko and Sergey Ksenofontov proved that men even like some negative things in girls.

Photo frame from the movie "Bachelorettes"

"I'm a little fat"

Everything is simple here, even if you are overweight, the girl is piquant. And the saying “You can never have too much of a good thing” is just about beautiful ladies and their volume in the right places. For example, I am attracted by the shapes of J.Lo or Beyoncé - on their “sharp turns” even the most professional “racer” will fly into the “ditch”! I know a lot of girls of different builds and they are all attractive in their own way... But I know for sure: if everyone had model data, then plump ones would be in the top!

From the pages and covers of glossy magazines, supermodels look languidly at us with their mouths slightly open. They are so emaciated that they remind me of heroines from alien movies. I think that naturalness and naturalness are valued much more today than fictitious anorexic ideals. Girls with curves differ from the laws adopted in the fashion world and, perhaps, that’s why they arouse interest. And I’m sure most men like Brazilian motifs!

“I always forget everything”

A girl’s forgetfulness is worries, experiences are adrenaline. For example, you agreed to meet with her, but you are late at rehearsal or urgent matters arise, you come, apologize, and she tells you that she completely forgot and was waiting for you later. Wow, that's very interesting game- women's memory.

“I’m strong and independent, men avoid people like that”

Many men like women who are efficient and flexible, but, in my opinion, independence and the desire to develop are the qualities that put us on an equal footing with the weaker sex. Why not compete? Sometimes it enlivens and adds the right spice to a relationship!

A woman leader is usually clever woman. Did any man feel bad about this?

"I'm old-fashioned"

Photo by Getty Images

An old-fashioned person is the one who once fell in love with everything modern and remained in that time. So, it's just a matter of taste. The main thing is that the girl has taste, and modern or old-fashioned is not so important. If short skirts are in trend today, I won’t be embarrassed by the choice of a closed, floor-length dress. Rather, it even attracts - men always pay attention to special girls, with their own style and unusual image. And who said that old means bad?

Oh, this fashion! Now, for example, many girls wear sneakers with a dress or skirt. To me, it's not very feminine. My friends and I once came up with this legend: a superdiva in Hollywood left the house for five minutes, hurriedly put on her sneakers and skirt and Sunglasses(so that no one would know) and then she accidentally fell into the lens of an intrusive camera. This was published - and here you go new trend! In general, I'm for own style, even if not from our days.

“My naivety is annoying”

I often hear from acquaintances and friends about special courses for girls that teach “correct” communication with men. Probably, such ladies are cunning and agile. As for me, naivety is cute, it is not at all synonymous with stupidity. Sometimes it's nice to talk to a person who believes in impossible dreams, in magic and miracles; all the more, men are flattered when they can show the right path to their beloved and help in some way, open their eyes to the real world, in general, truly express themselves. And also, sincere and inexperienced girls are our listeners!

Naivety is romantic, it’s like first love! Such people are pure and open to the world, to fate, they are trusting. And that’s why naive girls are beautiful, they fantasize, dream and build castles in the air, and a man’s task is to turn these thoughts into reality. Everything is as in good fairy tale where you are a knight.

“My legs are a little short...”

Legs are one of the most intimate parts of the body for me. And everything intimate should be natural. The main thing is to carry yourself with confidence and without pretense on your wonderful legs, girls!

Perfection scares men, and it's not just gossip. A slight clubfoot may seem closer and more familiar than ideal feet from the ears. This is our nature: sometimes we ourselves don’t know what we want.

"My face is not perfect"

Any imperfection is a highlight. For example, I know a girl who is embarrassed by slanted eyes. But this feature gives the girl a certain zest and mystery, they have a charming look and for me this is incredibly attractive! Girls are also embarrassed to smile. But if you make your loved ones truly happy by smiling, then Hollywood has nothing to do with it!

Perfect smiles are in fashion, but I am against self-torture. Believe me, you will be the sweetest and smiling one if you feel that way.

“I have pale skin, I always look sick”

The girl's pale skin is like crystal or marble, or shiny metal, or a pearl in a shell, or Snow White, or something ephemeral and even a little vampiric. Definitely magnetic and inviting!

Returning to the question of old-fashionedness, women used to specifically apply cosmetics to make their faces look pale. This emphasized their aristocracy and status. And chocolate always looks great on pale skin, I guess...

Sociologists have been puzzled by the question of what are the most common shortcomings, according to men, that women have and what traits in them, on the contrary, are most attractive to the stronger sex. Summing up the results of the sociological survey, the following picture emerged...

7 main female flaws

Sad sack. One of the repulsive female traits for a man is her inability to cook and run a household. In this regard, I recall the dialogue between a husband and wife from a famous Soviet film:
- I'm divorcing you! You don't know how to cook at all!
- I can cook, I can!!
- But I don’t know how to eat what you cook. In the morning - scrambled eggs, at lunch - scrambled eggs, in the evening - an omelet. I'll soon be clucking like a chicken...
Indeed, a man can forgive a woman a lot, but it would be much easier to build a relationship with him if you learn to cook and clean the house well in advance. The slogan “the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach” has not yet been canceled.

Spender. Housewives who are unable to properly and efficiently manage the family budget do not enjoy the respect and due authority of either their mothers-in-law or their husbands. A girl who can easily blow her entire monthly salary on her beloved in one day of successful shopping is also not attractive to a serious-minded person. young man. Therefore, sociologists advise to moderate your ardor in this direction and learn to properly and carefully spend the material resources received into the gentle hands of women...

Lover of diets. A lady languidly picking at her plate with a lone leaf of lettuce on it, or a housewife monthly “hooking up” the whole family on dietary food in the form of vegetarianism or raw food diet - do not cause delight among strong half humanity. From this we can draw the following conclusion. You need to lose weight and eat a healthy diet in silence, without particularly talking about it to others (you still won’t get praise and support) and in splendid isolation.

Getting fatter. That's how men are, fickle and contradictory in their opinions! As much as they dislike ladies on endless diets, they dislike excessive weight gain in their significant other, who once (during courtship) was “like a reed.” Therefore, ladies, look at the previous point. A couple or three, at least a ten extra pounds Your husbands and your boyfriends will always forgive you, but I don’t think you should count on more, because men’s patience is not limitless.

Discussing. Men really don't like it when their wives or fiancées start discussing their personal relationships with their girlfriends. And it doesn’t matter that you “just” told your girlfriends about what naive dream “your little pussy” had last night, or how much toilet paper he spends, and also what kind of razor he uses to make a razor and how he likes to have his ears scratched. A man considers even things that are dear to your heart and harmless, in your opinion, deeply intimate and not subject to general discussion. And in some ways, it seems to us, he is right...

Kopusha. Do you have a closet full of clothes, but from time to time you exclaim: “I have nothing to wear!”? Are you one of those women who spend 2-3 hours, getting ready to meet friends or go for a walk, “making yourself feel good” in front of the mirror? Keep in mind that by doing this you are testing the patience of your neighbor. A man will wait for you even for an eternity, but deep down he will consider your slowness to be a very big drawback.

Chatterbox. Are you too talkative? Can you spend more than one hour talking on the phone with your friend? Do you love long, intimate interviews with your husband and returning to each topic of conversation for a second round? Men don’t like such “talkers”; they get tired of women’s chatter and empty talk. Therefore, you should not strain their ears so much and often. Amaze your men at least occasionally with thoughtful silence.

7 main attractive traits in a woman

Now let me briefly concentrate your attention on what attracts male attention in the fair sex.

1. Men adore women high heels. These ladies immediately catch their attention.
2. Men like it when a woman is consistent in her demeanor, image and clothing. business style.
3. Men mentally applaud women who perfectly know the flaws of their figure and skillfully hide them, and with some elements of clothing they know how to emphasize their advantages.
4. Women! Smile! An encouraging smile on your face disarms a man and helps to establish better contact with him. Men admit that they are more likely to want to meet a smiling woman, but not one who looks gloomy or serious.
5. A woman, according to men, should be able to flirt. This should be done unobtrusively, not defiantly, but also not too feignedly modest. Let's say a gaze, challenging, lasting approximately seven seconds, then a slight smile on the face, followed by mysteriously lowering eyelids, again a flirtatious glance, thrown as if by chance and as the completion of the whole combination - switching attention to another object. Approximately such skills distinguish truly attractive woman from the usual according to men.
6. A woman must be able to LISTEN to a man. Listen with interest and due attention. It’s not stupid to assent to his conclusions, it’s not pointless to applaud his every sneeze, but to listen and UNDERSTAND what he’s talking about.
7. All of the men who were interviewed by sociologists, looking at photos of various girls, showed interest in those ladies whose legs were crossed over their legs. This sitting position of a woman is very attractive to a man in his interlocutor.

Poor physical shape

No matter how much we try to get rid of our complexes about appearance, men pay attention first of all to it. They perfectly notice both excess fat on the waist and flabby muscles... If a potential suitor sees that a lady clearly prefers sweet buns and does not know which way to go Gym, he mentally gives her a minus, no matter how smart and handy she may be.

Inability to dress or carelessness in dressing

You don't have to be dressed in expensive boutique clothes, but if you don't pay attention to your "outfit" at all, then most men won't pay attention to you either. Even if they are cheap things, they should emphasize your strengths and be in harmony with each other. Men do not forgive lack of taste and femininity. Women who like to dress in dull clothes also lose. Alas, bright colors attract attention first of all!

Excessive talkativeness

The woman chirps sweetly, and the man thinks: “When will she shut up?!” Of course, no one forces you to be silent like a fish during a date, but you need to know when to stop talking. Men love it when you look into their mouth and hang on every word. Therefore, let him talk about himself and ask questions from time to time to maintain the dialogue.

Low cultural level

When asked about literary and film tastes, do you start telling something about women's novels and television series? Be prepared in advance for the fact that the next date will not happen. The fact that men love fools more is just a myth. And the content of soap operas is not interesting even for a mechanic with a secondary specialized education. If you want to find common topics for conversation, it’s better to read articles about science or politics on the Internet.

Lack of femininity in behavior

Are you too emancipated to make eyes or smile at a man? Do you expect your inner strengths to be appreciated anyway? Will not! In order for a man to pay attention to you, you need to hook him with something. Otherwise, how will he even see you? Urgently learn techniques from the arsenal of seduction!

Mistrust of men

If you behave too cautiously and distrustfully, in your soul considering all men to be assholes, then the man with whom fate has collided will certainly feel this. And who wants to become the next in the line of “goats” who met this woman’s path? Therefore, in such a situation, it is easier for a man to retreat than to build a relationship with a touchy person.

Inability to negotiate

You are sulking because the man did not meet some of your expectations - for example, he did not wash the dishes after dinner or bought the wrong gift. If such situations with your resentment are repeated more and more often, this may cause separation. To prevent this from happening, learn to frankly tell a man what you want from him, do not wait until he himself realizes to fulfill your desire!

Lack of habit of self-control, hysteria

Having flared up, you say a bunch of nasty things to your man, sometimes insulting his manhood. He may be patient for a while, but it is possible that sooner or later his patience will burst, and then the man will simply leave you. So keep yourself in check!


If you like to spend time on the couch or at the computer and don’t think about doing any work on yourself - say, playing sports or improving your cultural level, if you neglect cleaning and laundry, and buy ready-made hamburgers at McDonald’s for lunch, then don’t expect the man to stay by your side for a long time. The vast majority of the stronger sex like active girls who try to pay attention to both the housework and themselves.

Of course, every man has his own preferences for women, but the shortcomings that push men away from women are usually the same. Therefore, draw conclusions and take care of yourself!
