Most women stop feeling attractive in the eyes of their husbands after giving birth. I don't feel attractive Why did I stop feeling like a woman?

Once upon a time...

...I heard such an expression as “be yourself.” While still in at a young age, I didn’t understand HOW you could not be yourself. After all, I know that I am me. Not just anyone, but me!

And what does it mean to “not be yourself”? And how to live when you are NOT you? Is it possible to pretend? Deceive? Wear masks? Playing roles that are strangers, not your own... How does a woman cease to be a woman, how does this happen?

Then I really didn’t understand how you could NOT be yourself...
However, life is a magical thing. And, being a woman, throughout my life I have had to observe how many women periodically become “not themselves.” Some for short periods of time, some for longer periods. Some understand what they are doing, while others are completely “unconscious”.

Now I bitterly have to admit the fact that many, yes, many women do not live their own, not real lives, play roles, wear masks and thus lose themselves.
And sometimes these roles and masks get used to life so much that she forgets that she is first and foremost a woman. A woman is a goddess, a woman who is a protector, a guardian of clan and family, a woman who gives birth and creates, a real one.

And then, as if by pattern, life begins to flow according to someone else’s scenario. A woman begins to PLAY rather than live and ceases to be a woman.

Often a woman is not aware of the existence of the game itself. And, since she herself is in a state of “playing out” life, she automatically expects the same from those around her. Turns on general game, a manipulation effect occurs. And their men are the first to fall into the crossfire.

A woman loses her femininity, forgets her purpose, makes mistakes, stops feeling and creating peace, harmony, and behaves incorrectly with a man - her divine companion.

And, worst of all, she begins not to create, like the Goddess, but to destroy. Destroy yourself, a man, a family, a family, a world...

What accompanies the loss of feminine divinity? What behavior in a woman leads to destruction? How does a woman stop being a woman?

How does a woman stop being a woman?

1. Lack of cleanliness and beauty in clothes

A woman should maintain beauty in appearance and dress cleanly.

Modern fashion is not always generous to women. More and more designers are competing to see who can create a more interesting, more unusual, original outfit. Many of the women “trust” them and dress according to fashion. Sometimes without caring that some parts of their body become too accessible to the opposite sex.

Thus, women do not acquire beauty and forget about purity. By dressing too revealingly, they revive impure thoughts in men. A man looks at a woman dressed “openly” only through the prism of lust for her body. Automatically.

A lustful gaze hits painfully energetically, piercing a woman’s self (aura). Destruction occurs.

Sight loving man caresses, the woman feels admiration, amazement. This fills her with strength, that she is loved, that she is a Goddess and wants to create.

2. The desire to quickly solve the mystery

A woman should have a mystery, a zest. It's a hackneyed phrase, isn't it? However, not everyone can say what it means on a deeper level.

Essentially, a woman is like water. You never know in which direction it will “flow” now. There are many currents and directions in her soul. It can be calm, like a centuries-old pond, or in an instant it can turn into a raging and rapid waterfall.

Agree, sometimes we women do not always understand the motives of our behavior. And what can we say about our dear men? They are ready to throw themselves into the pool headlong just to understand the mystery of the woman they love. And they will do it again, and again, and again, striving to accomplish a feat - getting to know their woman. To infinity.

Trying to reveal everything secret about herself during the first acquaintances, a woman makes a mistake. After all, if a man comprehends a woman’s secret, he loses interest in her - he has already won! What's the point in fighting further?

How many lives are unsettled because girls, afraid of losing a man, quickly allow him into their bodies and reveal the veil of secrecy to him. How many families have been destroyed because a woman stops keeping her secret, kills the mystery in herself: she wears curlers in front of a man, cooks ordinary meals, and ceases to interest a man.

You can't rush to reveal your secret. Let the unraveling happen gradually. Then not only the outer shell will be important, but also the soul.

3. Give in to me. After all, I'm a woman!

One of the great manipulations of women is the excessive use of feminine power.

What is the strength of a woman? When a woman knows how to be soft, flexible, flexible, she trusts the opportunity to protect and manage a man.

The moment a woman begins to use her femininity dishonestly, manipulation occurs. With the help of frequent and excessive whims, tears, feminine flirtatious insults like “well, honey, I’ll be offended,” a woman begins to control. That is, he puts on the role of a man (yes, albeit in such a veiled way), steps along the male path - along the path of management. And is she at this time?

By becoming a “man,” even if not a real one, a woman destroys herself. By pestering those around her with her whims, she destroys relationships. Who would want to be controlled?

Without even realizing what arsenal a woman uses at the moment of whims, a man will intuitively try to escape from the manipulator. That’s why relationships can’t last long based on whims and grievances. Everyone wants freedom.

Therefore, even flirtatiously and innocently batting her eyelashes in front of her man, a woman must clearly understand that everyone has their own freedom. And be honest with yourself and those around you, so as not to live your life like a man. And remain yourself - a woman.

4. Quarrels and gossip

Quarreling, engaging in gossip and back-and-forth, a woman enters into a state of struggle. Lack of acceptance of someone else's point of view, someone else's opinion plunges a woman into confrontation.

In an effort to prove and impose her point of view, her view of life, a woman acts in a masculine way.

Let's look at the gossip and bickering from the perspective of a man/woman. When a woman contradicts her man, he, trying to prove that he is right, automatically takes the position of a warrior. And here two scenarios arise.

There is only one option, when a man begins to “put pressure” on a woman in response, to show irritation and aggression, to show his strength.

Option two, when a man, losing respect, as if not wanting to “get his hands dirty,” moves away. Because he feels that the “enemy” is weak and there is no point in competing with a woman.

When a woman truly supports and trusts a man, even if she thinks he is making the wrong decision, circumstances will develop favorably in the future, supported by feminine strength, faith and wisdom.

5. Myself, or my will be done

A woman is very self-sufficient by nature.

What can't a woman do? She will give birth to a son, plant a tree, and build a house. It even flies into space already. How many different professions Women have mastered it - they can do a lot, learn it easily, and quickly implement it.

However, it is important to remember that a woman cannot fulfill one of her main purposes - to continue the family line, to give birth to a child - without a man.

Living life in the position of “I can do everything myself,” a woman destroys her man. And even your children.

Since children learn from their parents' examples rather than words, it is important to remember that when a mother is bossy, the daughter will also be bossy.

A boy, seeing a “strong” mother and a “weak” father, will never learn to make decisions on his own and take responsibility for them. And he is unlikely to be able to truly love a “powerful” woman.

It is important to remember that children most often exhibit qualities and patterns of behavior that are present in their parents, even if they stubbornly hide them.

It is unnatural for a woman to act without the help of a man. The ability to ask a man for help, to express your request to him, is vitally important for both sexes.

A man, fulfilling a woman’s requests, develops fortitude, moves, constantly finding new solutions, new options for the development of events. A woman learns to trust what is happening, develops sensitivity and acceptance.

Such interaction in tandem eliminates opposition. A woman creates harmony and peace, following her feminine destiny.

Addressing yourself

Perhaps, reading this article, you, dear woman, remembered the moments when you somehow put on a mask and played an incorrect role that was not yours. I wasn’t myself—a woman.

I’ll say this: it doesn’t happen to anyone! Now you shouldn’t go back to the past and blame yourself for your actions, for living in accordance with the present time.

The real role of a woman, the importance of the female path in our time is greatly distorted. Women have new priorities: to become successful, not to depend financially on a man, to achieve freedom, not to owe anything to anyone - and most importantly, to achieve everything on their own.

Most women have forgotten their purpose - to create as women, to create harmony and peace, to unite their clan and the man’s clan, and lead to prosperity. They forgot that they are Goddesses, Beregini, Guardians.

Now the memory of the female soul is increasingly being revived. All more women become themselves, their real selves, without extraneous roles and masks.

It's not always easy. After all, in order to learn to live in a new way, to learn to act honestly, it takes a lot of effort.

But I believe that we, women, have a unique gift of birth and creation! And we, Goddesses, just have to want it - and every particle of the universe will help us live like a woman, following our feminine destiny.

I believe in you, dear women! I believe in us!

Every day, when you wake up in the morning, remind yourself that you are and will be YOURSELF - a woman, a Goddess, a Bereginya, a Guardian.

May the feminine power be in us!

What do psychologists think about this? Psychologist and sexologist Oksana Alekseeva spoke about how to become sexy - and why washing dishes helps in this more than “done” lips.

— Sexuality is not bright lipstick, not revealing clothes, and not a body exposed in the “right” places. Sexuality is the inner state of a woman. And if it appears, the woman broadcasts it to the world, no matter what she is wearing. / One of the sexiest women in the world according to GQ Penelope Cruz

Vulgarity attracts the gaze of men, you can’t argue with that. She can evoke strong passion, but never respect. A woman who behaves defiantly and screams “come on, take me” with her entire appearance ends up feeling not the feeling of joy that she was striving for, but incredible frustration. After all, often when seducing a man, we want a genuine relationship, and not just sex with him. But only sex is “caught” by vulgarity.

Exaggerated sexual behavior most often indicates a problem in the sexual sphere. Let me make an analogy: a smart person will never prove that he is smart, a strong person will not shout at every corner about his strength. And if a woman deliberately demonstrates her sexuality, this speaks of inner pain and vulnerability, which she tries to cover up with such a challenge.

Deliberate demonstrativeness is most often dictated by the urgent need to receive external assessment, because a woman has no internal support, no self-confidence. But, alas, this vicious circle. Because no woman is able to fill this inner hole with evidence from the outside.

And only at the moment when inner peace sets in, there is no need to constantly prove your sexuality, worry about your own imperfections and retouch and reshape your body. / Monica Bellucci

— Isn’t the race for eternal youth, plastic surgery, training for a “butt like a nut” about sexuality?

— Sexuality is always about health, mental and physical. A woman who manically loses weight, lives in fear of every new wrinkle and spends all her savings on “taking shots” once again does not convey health, especially mental health. The constant desire to prove that you are better, more worthy, is very draining. A man feels a woman’s anxiety, her struggle with nature, and, you see, no one can like this.

A woman can be taught to dress according to all the rules of style, to do beautiful make-up, she can be “re-blinded” with plastic surgery and given any shape you like, but there will always be some falsehood in this if the woman is psychologically traumatized and cannot accept herself.

After all, the main quality of sexuality is acceptance. Let me explain what it means to accept: it is to be able to savor every minute of your life. Get a thrill from the movements of your body, from the moisture of your lips, from the softness of your hair that falls on your shoulders. From the touch of a silk dress, the breath of wind, from the soft grass underfoot. From the water that runs down your hands when you wash the dishes. When a man sees that a woman is able to derive pleasure from the simplest things, when he feels that she loves what surrounds her, this cannot but arouse his interest. He definitely wants to be next to such a woman. He wants a slow but sincere rapprochement. Megan Fox

— What advice do you give to women who don’t feel attractive?

- First you need to arrange it correctly accents. Look, you can play sports to pump up your butt and please men on the beach and make their female companions envy. This is one motivation, and it will be devastating. Or you can exercise because you like the way blood flows through the body, how every cell comes to life, how flexible and smoothly the body begins to move after a good workout.

Therefore, women, learn first of all to enjoy yourself, your every move. A man will see this and will be drawn to you, even if you are wearing a bag. Believe me, neither a wonderful figure, nor expensive clothes, nor makeup, nor etiquette courses will make you sexier if you don’t hear yourself.

Enjoy your life! And you will very quickly see how your feelings about yourself will change, and at the same time the attitude of men towards you.

Incredible facts

It's no secret that many of us suffer from low self-esteem.

And even the most beautiful woman can sometimes feel like an ugly ugly woman. How can you raise your own self-esteem and learn to love yourself more?

Here are 10 tips from a psychologist on how to feel attractive and beautiful and learn to live happily:

How to increase self-esteem and self-confidence

1. Forget about beauty standards

Throw away your traditional beauty ideals imposed on us by glossy magazines and the media. You can't change society's definition of beauty, but you can change your attitude towards it.

Don't focus on the beauty that advertising or Hollywood movies dictate to us. All this is nothing more than a picture and good job Photoshop, as well as a whole team of stylists and makeup artists.

Instead, try to see the beauty you see in real people who surround you and admire you.

2. Focus on your inner content

Describe yourself not only in terms of how you look, but also in terms of your inner content and spiritual qualities.

Focus on your internal rather than external qualities.

Focus on what you like about your abilities, personality, attitude and outlook on the world. Highlight your strengths when they shape you as a person.

All these characteristics almost invariably improve and develop over time, while physical beauty tends to fade and deteriorate over time.

3. Don't get stressed

There is no need to worry when you feel that there is something wrong with your appearance. The anxiety and stress you feel about the way you look can cause real harm to the beauty of your face.

Remember that all your inner experiences tend to be reflected on your face. They, as a rule, worsen the appearance, without contributing to its youth and attractiveness. It is stress that destroys and kills beauty.

4. Smile more often

A smile is the first thing people pay attention to when they first meet someone.

It sounds corny, but people love those people who smile, not those who walk around with dissatisfaction or suffering from mines. People around you are drawn to those who smile and have a positive attitude towards life, no matter what happens around them.

Plus, according to feedback theory, simply smiling can actually improve your mood and change your outlook on life in a positive way.

5. Give up makeup at least for a while

If you cannot live without makeup, it is very difficult psychologically to give it up.

But this must be done. Try going without makeup for a day or two. This simple step will help you discover what you really look like without a coat of plaster.

In addition, this will give your skin the opportunity to breathe freely, which will improve its condition and benefit the overall condition of your face.

6. Choose comfortable clothes

Give preference not just to beautiful, but also to comfortable clothes.

It’s not for nothing that they say that you meet someone by their clothes. The way you look can say a lot about your internal state. When choosing clothes, remember that your style should reflect who you are from the inside out.

However, in pursuit of fashion and own style, do not forget about convenience. Whether it's a suit, dress or jeans, they should be comfortable so that nothing restricts your movements.

And by choosing beautiful clothes, you will feel more confident and attractive.

How to love yourself more

7. Take a break from the mirror.

Take a break from mirrors. This doesn't mean you need to break or throw away every mirror in your home. Just give yourself a short break during which you don’t look in the mirror every 5 minutes.

Try not to look at yourself in the rearview mirrors of your car or linger in front of glass shop windows.

Walk past mirrors without stopping by them. Instead, focus on how you feel on the inside.

Without parting with the mirror, you will not improve your appearance in any way. Basically, it's a waste of time and effort.

8. Focus on being healthy

Pay attention to how you feel, not how you look.

Remember that your figure and face are a reflection of your health. The condition they are in indicates how healthy you are. And the general condition of your appearance depends on how healthy you are.

Take care to get your body in perfect order. Start leading an active lifestyle, go in for sports. Make it a habit to eat exclusively healthy and healthy food, give up harmful foods.

Eat more vegetables, fruits, and greens. What you eat will be reflected on your face and deposited on your figure. Healthy and good food will only improve your external condition, while fast food will destroy you both outside and inside.

9. Ask your friends what you look like

Sometimes we tend to underestimate ourselves. Yes, what is there “sometimes”, let’s say frankly: very often we belittle our real merits.

You may feel like your nose is huge and your freckles are... complete disaster, but to those who love you, your “flaws” may seem like the most pleasant features, the so-called highlights.

If you feel like you “look funny” today or that you’ve “put on a lot of weight,” ask your loved ones about it. To your surprise, they may, on the contrary, praise you, encouraging you that you don’t need any makeup, you are already beautiful and attractive.

Often our family and friends are the people who increase our own self-esteem. After all, for those to whom we are dear, we always seem beautiful, attractive, for them we are always the best.

10. Learn to take age for granted.

Learn to accept your age and treat it with respect. Aging is an inevitable physical process that also has its advantages.

Stop comparing yourself to younger people. By constantly comparing yourself to others, you deplete yourself from the inside, which adversely affects your appearance.

Any comparison always diminishes a person’s self-esteem. Constantly comparing yourself to Hollywood stars or figures of domestic show business who are your peers, you may come to the conclusion that they look much better than you.

Such awareness can lead to disappointment and even depression. Unfortunately, most of us cannot afford luxurious and expensive facials and spas, much less plastic surgery, which are affordable for rich people.

However, this is not a reason to be upset. You are getting older, which means you are getting wiser. You learn to love and accept yourself for who you are, without unnecessary tinsel and pathos.

We all evaluate our appearance differently, but there is no woman who does not care about this topic at all. At the same time, we want to please not only men, but also friends and colleagues, we follow fashion and trends and new products in the beauty industry - in general, we do everything possible.

These efforts do not always lead to the desired results, and sometimes there are periods in life when you really don’t care about how you look. The heroines of the show came to the conclusion that something needed to be done with their appearance, but before going to the stylists, they figured out the reasons for their dissatisfaction.

The project psychologist talks about what prevents us from starting to like ourselves, debunks myths about beauty and gives useful advice.

How often do internal problems affect the way a woman takes care of her appearance? What difficulties could these be and how does this relate to the fact that she stops liking herself?

I don't have such statistics. There are various options. Both men and women can mobilize when faced with difficulties, or they can give up. What do you understand by internal problems? Death loved one, a serious diagnosis, the birth of a child, divorce, dismissal from work - these are events that cause intense feelings. A person reacts the way he reacts.

Is it true that the prevailing belief is that attractive appearance (weight, model figure) is the key to success in your personal life? Is this important at all or can you build relationships and be happy without paying much attention to your appearance?

I have not encountered such a belief. Attractive appearance is nothing. Attractive to whom? When a woman looks repulsive, she can be attractive. For example, for your friends. After all, they are beautiful against her background! Success in your personal life - at what stage? At the stage of seducing a man, during the period of bearing a child, feeding a baby, in the fifth year of marriage?

What do you mean by “not paying much attention to your appearance at all”? Brushing your teeth, using toilet paper, wearing neat clothes - are these signs of caring about your appearance?

It is important that a woman or man is satisfied with her sexual partner. I know a couple who have been together for many years. A traditional chicken coop that hasn't been cleaned for three months is cleaner and smells better. These people have been together for more than 12 years. And they feel great. They suit each other. They have a daughter. She is about 25 years old. She meets friends anywhere, just not at home. And that's okay. The child respects the preferences of mom and dad. But he wants to build his life in different traditions.

Does taking care of your appearance help improve your mental state? Glossy publications often recommend a new hairstyle, a change in image and style. Is it true that this could work?

The question of the stability of the effect. Each person is individual. When changing your image leads to the expected result, then go ahead! If not, you will have to look for other ways to correct your state of mind. In such a case, changing the image or purchasing something will be an auxiliary means.

I don't know a single person who has undergone transformation appearance or the acquisition of a long-desired item, brought joy and self-confidence into life for more than three weeks. Judge for yourself: is it possible to find spiritual support in a watch, hairstyle, shoes, car? What or who is always with a person? Only himself.

If a woman’s appearance does not meet some accepted standards - let’s say she likes something that does not correspond to her age - does this indicate any problems, or is it enough to like herself?

A working woman will have to meet the requirements of the enterprise. If her internal messages protest against the rules, then seek a compromise or quit. A person changes daily. Preferences in food and colors change. It is necessary to follow internal messages.

But under the control of the brain! Direct conflict with the employer will result in job loss. Friends will start to shy away, move away from loved ones. Reasonableness in action and self-expression is necessary. When there is a great need to express yourself the way you want, just choose the right place and time for this.

Read on the second page: what to do if your partner is dissatisfied with his appearance; if you don't like yourself; how to stop depending on beauty standards.

You don't have to be a supermodel, the main thing is naturalness and a good mood. Photo:

If there is a conflict with a partner over style or appearance, how to solve this problem? A man says “lose weight!”, for example. What to do?

I suggest you think about what message is behind the words “it’s time for you to lose weight.” Perhaps: “I’m worried about your health, or my sexual preferences have changed, or when I fell in love with you, you weighed 65 kg. And now 115 kg. We didn’t agree that way.” By identifying the hidden meaning behind this phrase, it will be easier to decide whether to stay with this person or separate. Decide whether relationships are important to you or not. And if they are important, then urgently come to the negotiating table! IN love relationships the sexual attractiveness of the object of love is an important component.

If there is a problem - I don’t love myself, I don’t like who I am - should this be changed or should I still love it?

I think the problems are pure form“I don’t love myself” no. There are specific manifestations of intrapersonal and interpersonal conflicts. Indeed, “I don’t love myself” in what situations? As a child, I am attentive to my parents. In this relationship, “I love myself.” IN intimate relationships doesn't add up. I stop liking myself about them. The phrase “I don’t love myself” is total. A person puts himself into a trance. No exit. Explore, look for the manifestations in which you like yourself. Start recording. And add to your wonderful list once a week!

Are there any simple general tips on what to do at first if you don’t like yourself at all?

The recommendation is simple. Focus on what you like about yourself. If you find nothing, then pay attention to your own breathing. The way the fingers of the left hand bend. Listen to your heart beat. Inhale the air through your nose and feel the temperature difference. Thank your lungs for their every second work. And gradually begin to expand the list of things that bring you joy. Please remember that this is only your concern and responsibility to own life- like yourself.

How much influence can they have? general standards on a person’s idea of ​​his appearance? Is it possible not to depend on this at all?

Who adopted the general standards? Society? It's nothing. Please, by name, who adopted the standards? When a client tells me, “that all men like this and that and that and that...” I ask you to list all the men by name. Already at this stage of the conversation, the idea of ​​stereotypes begins to fall apart. The young woman at the reception, tragically wringing her hands, sadly reported that her husband’s friends, all of them, were scoundrels and drunkards. They began to figure it out. It turned out that out of 12 people, 10 were quite decent people. The husband drinks with one, and she quarrels with the other. Life began to improve instantly.

We live in a society. It is impossible to completely protect yourself from every second recommendations on what to eat, drink, wear, how to live, what body to wear. The STS channel broadcasts the program “Weighted People.” Some participants in the project have husbands that are twice as heavy as the women themselves. So what? They suit each other! It’s another matter when there are medical indications for weight correction.

To avoid following stereotypes, please listen to your common sense, the wishes of your sexual partner and the requirements of the organization in which you work.

Hello, Cleo, and dear, responsive consultants) This is not the first time I have addressed you with my questions. This time my mental torment is connected with this problem. My boyfriend has recently begun to behave somewhat strangely, he discusses out loud in front of me the girls he sees on the screen and not only, and discusses their worthiness in front of me, the same thing is true with the Internet, I am increasingly noticing that he opens pages with photographs of girls and examines them, and, in most cases, the girls are half naked. This is very unpleasant and offensive to me. Since from his side I receive only criticism that I have gained a little weight, that my figure is not the same as before and not what it should be (the comparison, apparently, is with magazines, websites, etc.) . Although all my life I believed that every woman’s figure is individual, just like herself, and should not be limited to 90-60-90. From a confident girl who had a lot of admirers, and whom my boyfriend had been wooing for a year, I began to turn into a complex creature. I stopped feeling beautiful and desirable. Although sometimes, when I gather my thoughts, I understand that perhaps these are his personal complexes that he takes out on me. I read that there is a type of men who begin to drive beautiful women into complexes in order to assert oneself against their background. Please tell me what to do in such a situation and how to react to what is happening. Thank you.

Milya, St. Petersburg, 28 years old

Family psychologist's answer:

Hello Milya.

//I read that there is a type of men who begin to drive beautiful women into complexes in order to assert themselves against their background// Perhaps. But nothing happens for nothing. Think about who you are to your young man who they were and who they became? At first, most often fall in love. And in such cases everything is fine, everything suits you. Although falling in love often means a large number of unconscious motives, and it is difficult for a person to distinguish what is just hormones, what is a desire to compensate for past failures, what is a desire to prove something to someone or to assert oneself, in ANY case, during the period of falling in love, “everything is fine and everything suits you.” But this situation will not last forever. Love dies, sooner or later. And then the truth begins to emerge. And unconscious motives, and past complexes, and the desire to assert oneself and much more. At this moment, both partners may wonder: what will happen to our feelings? And they can either 1) go looking for a new “insight” with another person, or 2) build love. The second requires effort. Because one person cannot and will not 100% meet the expectations of another. And if we talk about building love, then both should participate. Now, let's see who could or will be able to do what here. He lets you know that outwardly you no longer suit him and do not fit the “standard”. This is a good reason to discuss with him who he really loves. Ideal? Or YOU, as you are? Or, perhaps, he feels a cooling towards you and an interest in others, but does not find a “weighty” reason for this? And resorts to criticism in order to somehow justify his interest in other girls? Talk to him about it calmly, tell him that you are ready to hear the truth, but you don’t want him to make up excuses. And what will he do, so young and handsome, when in old age he becomes less fit, turns grey, and maybe gains weight? Does he believe that the person close to him should never change? But we grow up, and then we get old, and some changes in us cannot be prevented in any way. Perhaps by talking about what love is, you can understand how deep his feelings really are? Regarding infatuation and love, on my website there is an article “infatuation and love: find the differences.” This is an excerpt from one book, I advise you to read it, you will have something to think about and something to say to your boyfriend. Now about you. Are you that easy to get complex? Yes, criticism is an unpleasant phenomenon. But if you truly believe that everything is fine with you, criticism will not be perceived so painfully. Yes, criticism of a loved one is a reason to sort out your mutual feelings, but if you are really confident in yourself, this is not a reason to start BELIEVE in it. I think you understand the difference. And you seem to have begun to believe that you are outwardly so-so. Perhaps this whole situation shows you that your self-confidence has not been strong enough and it is time to take it to the next level.

Sincerely, Anton Mikhailovich Nesvitsky.
