Dream interpretation dog sitting. Why does a woman dream of a dog? Dream interpretation big dog bites! Dreaming of a white, black, red dog

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

The dog is a symbol of devotion. Seeing a stray dog ​​is a warning that it is easy to lose what has been acquired and accumulated with great difficulty in 2006. Seeing an absolutely white huge dog is a symbol of the deterioration in the situation in industry and living standards in general, which is expected in winter in the northern states. Seeing a dog with a sleeping snake lying at its feet is a sign that in 2001 an alliance will be concluded that no one expected and could not predict, but it will be durable, like the devotion of a dog, and productive, like the wisdom of a snake. Seeing a person in the form of a dog is a symbol of new discoveries regarding Bigfoot and its closest genetic relatives. Seeing a dog negotiating with a whale is a symbol that the use of the most powerful deadly weapon will be put on a new legislative basis that will help establish a real balance in the world.

Why is the dog dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

Friend; (for a woman) lover or feeling (in the form of a dog); barks - news of victory; attacks - a friend will protect; a feeling will engulf, melancholy attacks, etc.; fight - quarrel; large - a great friend or with a high position, patronage, fears, a large or elderly patron; bites - resentment against a friend, quarrel; attacks others - passion or our vice; white - victory; black - bad news; gray - doubt; someone else's (caresses) - to deceit or slander; falls on his feet - damage to reputation.

Why dream about a dog

according to Vanga's dream book

Seeing a stray dog ​​in a dream is a bad sign. Such a dream is a warning that your friend is currently in a very difficult situation. He does not turn to you for help just because he does not want to burden you with his problems. If you dreamed of a completely white dog, then in real life you can always count on the help of your close friend. Sometimes this dream prophesies a meeting with an old friend whom you have not seen for many years. If you saw a black dog in a dream, then in reality you will have a bitter disappointment in the person whom you considered your friend for a long time. In a difficult moment, he will not only turn away from you, but also use your secrets in order to publicly discredit your good name. Seeing a dog in a dream giant size- evidence that in the future you will meet a person who will later become your great friend. Sometimes such a dream prophesies the support of his old friend. Feeding a dog in a dream is a sign that you can rely on you in real life. You are an independent and serious person, and therefore others respect and love you. If you dreamed of a wounded or killed dog, then such a dream is a bad omen. Soon you will receive very bad news about a fatal illness or even the death of your very good friend. If in a dream a dog protects you, then in reality you are under the protection of higher powers. You have nothing to fear, because you are protected by guardian angels who monitor all your thoughts and actions from heaven. If a dog attacks you, then such a dream suggests that in real life you will have an early meeting with black forces. The servants of Satan will try to make your life unbearable by causing you one misfortune after another. If you repel a dog attack, then you will be able to resist the forces of evil, but this will only happen if you turn to God for help.

Why dream of barking

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

to hear is good news.

Dreamed of a lapdog

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a lap dog in a dream is a sign that friends will help you in difficult times. If the dog is skinny and sickly, sad events will worsen your prospects for the future.

Dreamed of a bulldog

according to Miller's dream book

To see yourself entering an unfamiliar house, where a bulldog pounces on you, means possible violation you the laws of your country, perjury to achieve your goals. If a bulldog meets you in a friendly way, success in life awaits you, despite the harsh criticism from your opponents and their unfriendly actions.

See pets in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Dreams about pets are not uncommon: in our lives, pets are sometimes perceived as family members and sometimes we treat them with more sympathy than family members! The images of pets should be considered in parallel with other dream events, although such dreams may be particularly significant or disturbing. The acquisition of a pet that you do not have in real life may reflect your desire to have a pet, however, such a dream can be figurative if owning a pet symbolizes some kind of personal relationship that you already have in real life. The death of an animal is another type of dream of this kind. Such a dream can symbolize your anxiety if in real life your pet is still alive. However, if he died, such a dream can serve as a symbol of the transition from one stage of your life to another. As you move forward, this symbol may pop up in your memory or remind you of yourself in preparation for a new similar transition. The third type of pet dream is a dream involving animals that you never had or wanted to have in real life. For example, in a dream, your pet may be a snake, but in real life, you are terribly afraid of snakes. Such a dream can symbolize the desire to win or establish control over a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200blife, depending on which animal you are dealing with. What role does the pet play? Was it present in the dream as a companion, was it trying to impress anyone, or was it giving an element of novelty to an established relationship?

Dream about wild animals

according to Loff's dream book

Wild animals can represent those areas of our lives that are out of control. Many animals have a meaning-symbol, which largely explains their presence in dreams. Think about what this wild animal is associated with in real life in order to understand the reason for its presence in your dream. Dreams about domesticating wild animals are most likely dreams not about animals, but about interpersonal success or self-discipline. In many cases, the fact of peaceful coexistence with animals is a sign of harmony and hope for "smooth" interpersonal relationships in our lives. Does a wild animal pose a threat to you or does it obey you?

Why do animals dream

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

all animals of a strange, unusual look mean anxiety, difficulty. For example, too unusual view(two heads, etc.) - very unusual interference or too strong anxieties; to see in the zoo - to travel or meet a famous person; speakers - good news; feed - ingratitude or deceit.

See animals in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Animals can play any role in a dream. As history shows, it was dreams about animals that proved the true value of dreams in general. They reveal the essence of personal problems and relationships, indicate the significance of circumstances. Animals can help us, talk to us, or they can chase, even eat or just be present in a dream, causing calm or, on the contrary, anxiety. Animals often appear in dreams under the influence of individual life experiences. To interpret a dream, it is important to compare your attitude towards any animal in real life and in a dream. At the same time, pay attention to the behavior of the animal in a dream and compare it with your stereotype of the perception of the animal in reality. This is significant, since perceptions in a dream and in reality can be diametrically opposed. Take, for example, a dog. A dog is a constant symbol of a devoted friend. However, in the depths of the subconscious, many people have an overwhelming fear of dogs. Essentially opposite social stereotypes are also associated with these animals. Compare: “ best friend human" and "angry as a dog." People who are very afraid of dogs may have a dream in which this fear is justified, and the next night - a dream with the opposite direction. One of the fundamental points of interpretation is the actions of the dog. Is an animal chasing you? Bites you? Or are you talking to him? Pets are frequent guests in a dream, but they are not so attached to modern man like in the days of subsistence farming. Domestic animals in the pasture, as a rule, symbolize security. Previously, dreams with such animals were seen as a sign of the prosperity and well-being of the earth. Killing animals is a rare dream event. It can be caused by two reasons: necessity or ordinary desire. Killing an animal out of necessity is the breadwinner archetype or survival dream. Such dreams often convey a sense of responsibility for others or a need to assert themselves. The unmotivated killing of an animal can be a simple realization of your desire, a projection of anger or dissatisfaction with some social taboo. The realization of desire or the projection of anger is largely related to how you perceive the animal being killed. Does this animal personify any person for you, or maybe you compare a person from your environment with any particular animal? The social taboo imposed by society on the unmotivated infliction of wounds or killing of animals has become the criterion by which people's antisocial behavior is judged. Therefore, it is not surprising that in dreams it can symbolize the breaking of a taboo. But, again, it is important how you perceive this animal. The starving animal is of interest in agricultural societies, such as in American Indian communities. The appearance of such animals in a dream conveys feelings or thoughts about the inconsistency or inadequacy of the requirements of reality. In the past, starving animals were considered an omen of great famine and pestilence. Starving animals can also symbolize interpersonal relationships with others. Here is a list of some stereotypical associations that are directly related to the images of animals and their inherent metaphorical symbolism in contrasting "good - bad". This symbolism is often used as the most characteristic features human: Cat / cat: calm, independent - aloof, irresponsible. Cow: breadwinner, noble, soft - shy. Dog: loyal, friendly - destructive, aggressive. Horse: hardworking, helpful - stubborn, independent. Mouse: calm, tiny - indecisive. Ox: hardworking - dumb. Pig: smart - gluttonous, dirty. Rabbit: fast, kind, productive - timid.

Why is the puppy dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

present; for a girl, a woman - a recent acquaintance.

The meaning of sleep about a puppy

according to Freud's dream book

In a dream, to see yourself playing with a small puppy - some kind of unusual gift from loved one. And it is not at all necessary that it be a puppy - the gift can be of a different kind. Choosing a puppy in the market - the person to whom you are devoted with body and soul is actually insincere with you, behind your back he spreads gossip about you. If you dreamed that you found a homeless puppy on the street, then you have to help a person who is in great need in all respects. The most important thing is not to be afraid of responsibility and provide support in time. Seeing yourself as the smallest carefree puppy - you are tired of problems, you need to retire and be alone for a while. This will be a reliable way to sort out your own thoughts and feelings. For a man to see several puppies near their mother in a dream - you will meet a woman who will strongly remind you of your mother, and, against your will, you will experience sexual attraction to a new acquaintance. If such a dream was seen by a woman, then she will meet a handsome young man which she will like very much. Please note that the subject of the dreamer's sympathy will be much younger than her.

Among all animals, it was dogs that became the first among domesticated. They are not without reason considered man's best friends. For lovers of these diverse animals, as well as professional dog handlers, it is not at all uncommon to see their pets in a dream. In this case, the answer to the question of what the dog is dreaming of must be sought in the behavior of loved ones, but at the same time, many plots are not interpreted in the same way for everyone.

Dream Interpretation: to see a dog in a dream

Interpretation by different dream books regarding the dreaming dogs, it basically coincides, although there are quite significant nuances and differences.

Russian dream book evaluates the dog as a symbol of strong friendship, courage and support. Perhaps the dreamer selflessly strives to help, and for this he enjoys the well-deserved love of others.

Ukrainian a variant of the dream book also sees in the animal a sign of friendly relationships. An obsequiously flattering dog seen by a girl means that she will soon be offered to marry.

Old Slavonic Veles' dream book interprets a dream with a dog favorably, as pleasant surprises. Distant barking indicates receiving news.

Soothsayer's dream book Nostradamus predicts, in addition to the joy of friendly communication, a not very favorable period. Due to the willingness to sacrifice one's own interests, the dreamer's financial situation may worsen.

Miller's dream book interprets a friendly caress well-groomed dog, as the presence in life of faithful friends and a successful period in reality. If the dog is unrealistically skinny, the dreamer may soon feel unwell.

Dream Interpretation of the Bulgarian Foreteller Wangi says that the dreamer who sees the dog can not be seriously afraid. Strong support from friends is guaranteed.

Dream book options Taro, Azara are also unanimous in identifying a calm, friendly dog ​​as a symbol of friends.

Medium Hasse interprets the seen dog as a meeting with a new useful person. Playing with a dog in a dream, according to this dream book, means waking up to participate in joyful events.

Mage Longo considers separately the plot in which the dog licks the dreamer's hand. In reality, the unemployed can count on a profitable employment option, the rest should prepare to move up the career ladder.

At the same time, absolutely all variants of dream books interpret aggression on the part of a person’s friend as a warning sign. The attack plot is treated as a serious warning.

The only dream book that interprets even a friendly dog ​​as an unfavorable symbol is Muslim option. According to him, this pet personifies the enemy. But good value has a dream in which it is possible to beat a pet. This offensive, thanks to their own efforts, without a problematic segment of life in reality.

What is the dream of a black dog

In dreams bite dogs serves as a warning, and the decoding depends on the details. If the dreamer allowed himself to be bitten without even resisting, trouble will follow in reality. Trying to defend yourself and fight with an animal means that circumstances can change if you make an effort. The bite in a dream reflects the possible weakness which should be given attention in the near future.

If the dog scratches by the leg- literally means: you should carefully watch where you step.

Bite hand also carries a warning about the occurrence of magical interference in the dreamer's life.

Seen in a dream big a black dog portends a serious conversation. An exception for the owners of giant divers, who dream of their pets and just as a reflection of thoughts about tailed family members.

Evil a dog in a dream warns of the occurrence of unfavorable situations or intrigues of ill-wishers in reality.

It's good when in a dream a dog that rushes, cannot cause harm. In this case, all the plans of the enemies are doomed to failure.

Angry dog on a chain means that foresight and caution will help to avoid problems. It is bad if the Cerberus manages to break loose and pounce on the sleeping person. Wake up will have to enter into an open confrontation.

Waking up should expect the imminent emergence of a controversial situation, if in a dream you have to run away from a dog. To minimize the adverse effects of a quarrel, you will have to fully mobilize your own forces.

Skinny, mutilated or sick a dog means the presence of not too sincere people in the environment. Some of them are ill-wisher.

A sad story for any pet owner - death dogs, also carries a warning value. Ahead of problems in relationships with friends and quarrels.

If the owner dreams deceased dog, so he desperately misses her. At the same time, such a dream contains a sign of secret patronage.

dreaming giving birth the dog promises that a period of joyful changes is coming. All plans will be brilliantly implemented, and efforts will bring excellent results.

Why do a lot of dogs dream

When in a dream appears immediately a lot of dogs, peacefully disposed, which means that a cheerful evening is approaching in a friendly company. If a company of dogs is walking behind or next to the dreamer, there will soon be a journey, or a business, but pleasant business trip.

flock a dog that meets with barking means the likelihood of receiving information that one of the imaginary friends is spreading unpleasant rumors about the dreamer.

Running towards pack dogs, not paying attention to the sleeping person, or animals waving their tails in greeting are auspicious symbols. This is a joyful meeting with people who are close in way of thinking and spiritually.

Fight dogs in a dream warns that in reality it will be easy to quarrel with friends and relatives. Don't be aggressive on your own.

seen dog in blood predicts bad news. A dirty animal symbolizes the danger of malaise, and advises paying attention to maintaining health.

Homeless dogs signal that one of your close friends is in a difficult situation. But if the dogs look clean and happy with their canine life, this is a positive sign of many encounters.

Most often dream of dogs man just as a sign of upcoming gatherings with friends.

If you dream cats and dogs, interpretation warns: some difficulties arose in personal relationships. This may be due to the fact that traditionally they are considered enemies. However, many pet lovers keep these animals together, and completely disagree with such an interpretation of them as antagonists.

Peaceful puppies and dogs in the dream of lonely people, happiness is predicted. For families, such a plot promises pleasant joint leisure and pleasure from communication.

Quietly resting or sleeping mongrel with puppies promises a favorable course of life, without significant changes. When a woman who dreams of having a child dreams of a friendly dog ​​with puppies, in reality this speaks of excellent chances for conception. Warns of the danger that a friend will betray for the sake of his personal interests, a dream in which a mother-dog rushes at the dreamer, not allowing her cubs.

dreaming two dogs signal an overload of all body systems. A rest period is needed, an informal meeting with friends, or at least a simple walk.

Seen in a dream wolves and dogs fighting among themselves means that in reality, together with friends, they will have to resist the attacks of ill-wishers. It is worth preparing a lot of arguments if you dreamed of a similar plot of a dream on the eve of an upcoming meeting with possible partners or competitors.

Why do dogs dream of a woman

For the fair sex, the general orientation of the symbolism of sleep is preserved. If the dog is dreaming good, this is both a friend and a tender romantic relationship. An evil and aggressive animal is a sign to beware of the jealousy of a lover and obstacles in business.

The dog that bites on the hand, means great trouble, deterioration in health. However, one of the dream books says that if an unmarried dreamer did not bleed at the site of the wound and there are no painful sensations, then in reality he will woo quite worthy person which she doesn't like.

dreamed white dog is a dual sign for a woman. In a positive sense, these are good relations, tender feelings. WITH negative side, a dream warns that someone is flattering and rubbed into confidence. This dream is also a request to show indulgence, to support those who are weaker and dependent on the dreamer.

Seen in a dream dead the dog talks about parting, breaking friendships. You should consult a doctor so as not to start the situation with an exacerbation of chronic diseases.

If unmarried a woman dreams that she is feeding a pet, this is a favorable sign. Ahead - good events in your personal life. For other dreamers, sleep promises an improvement in well-being.

married for a woman, the visit of a strange animal to the courtyard of a house or apartment predicts guests, unexpected, but pleasant. If you see your own pet, this is a wonderful pastime with the family.

For all dreamers, without exception, as a sign that an important decision has already been made internally on a long-tormenting issue, they dream pregnant dog. Change will be beneficial.

Big a dog to a woman portends the emergence of a new one, or the strengthening of relations with a longtime admirer. She will occupy his thoughts almost completely, and his intentions are the most serious. beautiful doggy decorative breed, on the contrary, suggests that the boyfriend will be, although pleasant in communication, but frivolous and changeable.

If you dream iron dog, an emotional meeting will soon occur. It will bring real pleasure and joy.

What is the dream of a big dog

The size of the animal in a dream indicates the scale of upcoming events. The pattern is simple: the larger, the larger they will be.

Big white the dog as a whole means a prosperous period. At the same time, such a color, which does not correspond to the breed, warns against excessive openness.

Cheerful redhead the dog says that a romantic adventure is soon possible in reality. It is possible that a flash of passion will overtake very unexpectedly.

When you dream about bitten dog - someone wants to interfere with the implementation of plans, and causes unnecessary trouble. If pain is not felt at the same time, it will be possible to find out the identity of the pest and neutralize it without problems.

Attack dogs of incredibly large stature to another warns of ruthless competition. Sleep teaches you to defend your own interests.

A good symbol is the plot, which accounts for feed dog. It is a mutual concern for family and friends.

It is considered auspicious sign kill a dog that aggressively attacked the dreamer. In the near future, all problems will be solved, and there will be a joyful party with like-minded people.

When dreaming murder dogs that did not have time to cause damage, very good symbol. A serene period is coming.

Huge a dog wagging its tail in a friendly manner, licking the dreamer's hands and face is a very auspicious omen. The dreamer has powerful intercessors who appreciate his kindness and responsiveness. A similar plot suggests that a wonderful character attracted great friends to life.

When dreaming pissing the dog is in the wrong place, in reality one of the friends is shocked by an act. His meanness, even towards others, can cause rejection and break friendships. But if your own puppy makes puddles out of sleep, the meaning lies in the voluntary taking of part of the duties of others. This will not bring benefits in the form of material reward, in contrast to cleaning the "heaps".

Interpretation of sleep by the type of dog

When dreaming frenzied dog, this almost literally means a quarrel out of the blue with the most faithful friend. It could even be a bad joke.

barking mongrel means receiving news. Distant voice - the news will be about someone who has long been in the past. Barking the dog in a dream is very close - the news is on the threshold.

If the dog is dreaming speaking in human language, in reality, the unexpected patronage of an unfamiliar person can turn into friendship.

dreaming dead the dog talks about a quarrel in the environment. We'll have to sort things out with lovers.

When a girl dreams dead dog, her plans for a heart friend will never come true. For a man, such a dream warns that someone will ruin projects or another trick is being prepared.

killed dog - difficulties with others. Separation can even lead to a complete break.

Wounded the dog portends that a quarrel with loved ones may soon occur. The dream advises not to joke on sensitive topics, so as not to inadvertently offend your surroundings. A beaten animal warns that one must act carefully, and in relation to loved ones one must show at least a little more gentleness.

If growls small dog, in reality all obstacles will be easily overcome. It is also a warning to be careful.

Walk the dog on a leash- good sign. Material well-being and joyful meetings will come to life.

Aggressive the dog as a whole portends quarrels. The main meaning of this frightening plot is to warn of the need for restraint. Otherwise, the consequence may even be enmity with former friends.

Why do purebred dogs dream

If dreaming many dogs different breeds, for example, at an exhibition, this means that soon the dreamer will have to speak to an audience.

Own animal means fidelity and a sign of friends.

Dreaming friendly shepherd dog- to interesting meetings. If she attacks - a symbol of the presence of ill-wishers.

Dachshund means the onset of a prosperous period. It will be long.

A light Labrador or a poodle dreamed of by a woman means a meeting with a pleasant man. Collie predicts fun communication with the younger generation, and mischievous fun.

When dreaming that bitten a dog in a dream, even if it is purebred, there is still a high probability of a quarrel in reality.

Actions with a dog in a dream

Beat a dog attacking a dreamer means to repulse troubles. Seeing someone protecting a friend from bites is getting support from friends.

For those who dream start dog, in reality it is worth preparing for the visit of guests. Pick up a cur - kindness will be rewarded.

For a married woman purchase dogs means misunderstanding with a loved one. Disputes will arise mainly because of household trifles.

Funny play with a dog is a good symbol of a wonderful relationship. If the dreamer has children, then he is an excellent parent to them.

No need to be very upset when dreaming lose dream dog. This is just a reflection of the inner uncertainty in their actions. You just need to analyze everything in order to understand the essence of what is happening.

Seeing ticks on a dog in a dream is a sign that a friend needs support. Perhaps we should point out to him the need to take care of his health.

If you dream wash dog, which means you have to help colleagues. However, free of charge.

The warning is hit by a car dog. Waking up should check the conditions of all offers. From promotions in stores to business contracts. Be attentive to new acquaintances - this is what a headless dog dreams of. Someone not too respectable can ruin the dreamer's reputation.

Great sign - save the dog in a dream. All tricks can be avoided.

Health to all, and good dreams!

Why is the dog dreaming and what does such a dream warn about? The question is not idle. The dog has been a friend and faithful companion of man for thousands of years. You can hunt and play with it, carry goods and ride in the snow, but its main task is to protect the owner and his home.

The dog can be very angry with strangers and fight for his territory formidably, but at the same time, there are many breeds of lap dogs that require care.

The nature and skills of the animal depend on the breed and training, they are all different. It is difficult to guess how a dog accidentally met on the road will react to a person. Even more incomprehensible and mysterious is the appearance of his image in night visions.

The main qualities of the animal are considered devotion and fidelity, so most interpreters tend to have a positive coloring of sleep. A dog means the help of a good friend or receiving good news, a desire to seek support from an influential patron or an improvement in well-being.

Muslims called the dog an unclean animal, therefore, in their dream books, its arrival was regarded as an imminent attack by an enemy or the revenge of someone close to them. It was proposed to kill the dog in a dream, then in real life there was hope to cope with the danger.

Owners love their pets, even if others don't find them charming. Often the dog becomes a full member of the family, and the owners adjust to the schedule of its walking and choose the best treats.

At the same time, some people from childhood, for inexplicable reasons, are afraid of dogs, regardless of their behavior and size. In dreams, the dog's belonging to a particular breed and its color are taken into account.


It seems that a small dog in a dream does not pose a significant threat and does not need to be feared. A tiny dog ​​in interpretation means gossip and quarrels, and not an open attack by an ill-wisher.

However, the dream warns of the machinations of an unpleasant eccentric person who is trying by all means to piss off the dreamer, especially if the dog barks loudly or tries to bite.

You should not get angry and get involved in an argument when faced with a scandalous acquaintance or unfair accusations. It is better to calmly understand the situation and overcome it with honor.

A large dog promises full-scale actions from others. If the dog growls and bites, in reality this will lead to a break in relations with a friend or business partner. A thoroughbred benevolent dog promises great profits, and a dirty animal, on the contrary, losses and illnesses.

If a dog has a snow-white color in a dream, it personifies a true friend or guardian angel who will protect a person from adversity and promote career advancement. Moreover, the larger the dog, the more significant the event will be.

When the dog eats from your hands, you should wait for the appearance of a new comrade. It also proves that acquaintances respect and honor the person who feeds the dog.

A disturbing dream with a white dog killing a snake is also not bad, although it indicates the presence of an enemy among acquaintances. A friend will deal with it and provide the necessary support. If a white dog rushes at another, quarrels in the family or at work are possible.

A red dog portends fun events. For a girl, this is the appearance of a lover and stormy love adventures, and for a man, an early promotion or bonus.

If a person often engages in self-digging and blames himself for past mistakes, the dog seen in a dream says that it is time to start looking more positively at what is happening. Only a huge red dog barking into the void means possible illnesses and problems.

A dog with black hair is often a harbinger of sad events and bad news. The vision is reminiscent of internal contradictions the dreamer and his excessive rebelliousness. It is possible that an enemy lurked among the inner circle, eavesdropping on the words of a man who sees a black dog, and preparing to deliver a treacherous blow.

At the same time, a dark puppy in the arms of a woman promises a meeting with a young lover, and a man has minor troubles in the service.

Breed of dog

A purebred dog personifies a noble or powerful person. Stroking such a dog in a dream means seeking his location. If she has a collar around her neck and she is chained, the patron is not free from certain obligations and will not help the dreamer. The situation can be reversed by removing the collar and releasing the dog.

A negative connotation is a dream in which a purebred dog barks or bites. In reality, a quarrel with a friend or relative is possible. And guard dogs, located to the person who noticed them, are a sign of protection from any troubles.

An explanation of why a barking dog is dreaming will not please the dreamer.

Usually a dream anticipates evil deeds directed against a person, intrigues of ill-wishers, attempts to harm and draw into a serious conflict.

If the dog is also dirty, you should prepare to sort out the accumulated cases or solve a problem that has suddenly fallen. Good consequences will bring a dream with a well-groomed whining animal. You can expect the arrival of an old friend.

A dog bite means a blow or a tangible nuisance in real life. Even worse is to see a pack of dogs in a dream, trying to attack or baring their faces. This means that a person is surrounded by evil, aggressive people who will bring nothing but losses and damage.

An escape from a dog or a pack can neutralize the situation, but if it attacks and tears the dreamer to shreds, it will be very difficult to cope with the trouble.

A running rabid dog warns of a temporary cooling of relations with a friend. If a sick dog bites the dreamer or one of his relatives, illness or the collapse of commercial plans is possible.

Dream Interpretations

Basically, dream books give a positive description of the dream where the dog is present. Of course, her behavior, size and grooming of the fur play a big role.

According to Miller

Interpretations of what dogs dream of are different for girls and boys. For the former, an exotic sofa dog is most often the news of an acquaintance with an empty, dapper admirer. A dog biting a woman means disagreements with a friend or chores that will end in failure.

In men, the dog is more likely to be associated with business partners and colleagues. A kind animal symbolizes financial success and a significant improvement in financial situation. A dog with spots on a light coat indicates impending delays and difficulties in fulfilling obligations.

If the dog growls behind his back, in reality the intriguer tries to deceive the dreamer and secretly weaves a conspiracy. A barking dog also portends quarrels and discord.

According to Vanga

The clairvoyant warned those who saw a wounded or homeless dog in a dream. She personifies an old friend who is seriously ill or needs help.

In other cases, the woman compared the behavior of the dog with the spiritual state of the dreamer. A barking and angry animal meant bad karma and advice to ask God for help. A dog that stood up in a dream to protect a person promised the support of higher powers.

According to Freud

The dog in his interpretation symbolizes the child. For women, caressing a dog in a dream means excessive concern for their offspring. The dog's jump to the dreamer predicts an early conception.

An Austrian psychiatrist gave an interesting explanation of why a man dreams of dogs. The dream speaks of a passion for a young girl and a desire intimate relationships with her.

If a person hunts with a dog, he has a stormy personal life and numerous love affairs.

According to Nostradamus

The predictor offered unexpected interpretations of the answer, what dogs dream of. First, he advised to consider who is next to them. In the event that a snake appeared at the feet of an animal, an unexpected union of people could be created, one of which was wise and cunning, and the second - devoted and decisive. This led to dizzying success in undertakings.

The dog and the whale were interpreted as the invention of a powerful deadly weapon capable of destroying humanity. The conversation of animals among themselves symbolized the beginning of reconciliation between people and rulers.

Nostradamus did not like the big white dog. He foreshadowed famine and hard times in the northern countries. A dog barking at a dreamer spoke of a decline in business and the danger of losing a fortune.

The seer was merciful only to a caressing and cheerful animal in a dream. This promised profit and good news, which had been expected for a long time. Also, a person should have started a new business, there should not have been any difficulties along the way.


Symbol of 2018 by Eastern calendar is the Dog. Seeing her in a dream is good if you treat her kindly: stroke or feed her. Then the year will be successful and will be remembered for good events.

Dog owners are happy to see their pets regardless of the time of day. A faithful companion who appeared in a dream means love and care from friends. And the dreaming dog himself will wake up the owner in the morning with a joyful bark and will proudly accompany him on a walk.

My name is Julia Jenny Norman and I am an author of articles and books. I cooperate with the publishing houses "OLMA-PRESS" and "AST", as well as with glossy magazines. Currently I help promote virtual reality projects. I have European roots, but I spent most of my life in Moscow. There are many museums and exhibitions that charge with positive and give inspiration. In my spare time I study French medieval dances. I'm interested in any information about that era. I offer you articles that can captivate a new hobby or just give you pleasant moments. You need to dream about the beautiful, then it will come true!

Miller's dream book

If you dream of an angry dog- expect failures and insidious deeds of your opponents.

affectionate dog- promises good luck and true friends.

If in a dream you- the owner of a thoroughbred dog. You will be able to make yourself a solid fortune.

If the bloodhound is following you- a dream warns you against temptations that can be disastrous for you.

If a dog bites you- do not expect peace in the near future, neither in relations with business partners, nor with your wife.

Skinny and dirty dogs- means future failures or illness.

sleeping dog- characterizes the uncertainty, unpredictability of the situation.

If a dog bites you- this is a quarrel and trouble.

white dog- well-being.

Freud's dream book

dog in a dream- is usually a symbol of a child.

If you caress, pamper the dog You are overprotective of your child.

If you hit a dog- you dream about sex with minors.

If you are walking your dog- you fantasize about the future of the child, regardless of reality and his aspirations.

If you hunt with a dog- you have an active sex life, but the possible appearance of children does not bother you: these are not your problems.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

Seeing a homeless dog in a dream- a bad sign. Such a dream is a warning that your friend is currently in a very difficult situation. He does not turn to you for help just because he does not want to burden you with his problems.

If you dreamed of a completely white dog- in real life, you can always count on the help of your close friend. Sometimes this dream prophesies a meeting with an old friend whom you have not seen for many years.

If you saw a black dog in a dream- in reality you will have a bitter disappointment in the person whom you considered your friend for a long time. In a difficult moment, he will not only turn away from you, but also use your secrets in order to publicly discredit your good name.

Seeing a gigantic dog in a dream- evidence that in the future you will meet a person who will later become your great friend. Sometimes such a dream prophesies the support of his old friend.

Feed a dog in a dream- a sign that in real life you can rely on. You are an independent and serious person, and therefore others respect and love you.

If you dreamed of a wounded or killed dog- such a dream is a bad omen. Soon you will receive very bad news about a fatal illness or even the death of your very good friend.

If in a dream a dog protects you- in reality you are under the auspices of higher powers. You have nothing to fear, because you are protected by guardian angels who monitor all your thoughts and actions from heaven.

If a dog attacks you- such a dream suggests that in real life you will have an early meeting with black forces. The servants of Satan will try to make your life unbearable by causing you one misfortune after another.

Dream interpretation of D. Loff

Dogs- can symbolize both true friends and worst enemies.

dog in a dream is a confirmation of reliable and trusting relationship between you and your friend.

wild dog are attempts to resolve a seemingly insoluble conflict. (Of course, in both cases, your dream may be just a repetition of a life situation with a dog - evil or good). Do you want someone who is harassing you for no reason to stop their attacks? Is there a person in your life whose loyalty you doubt or whose loyalty is deliberately emphasized?

Dream interpretation for the whole family

Dog if it licks your hand- a friend will help you get a job Good work.

If she lies- have some time to sit at home with children (or a child).

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

dog racing- chatting with friends without drinking alcohol.

Dog- meeting a true friend.

Children's dream book

If you dreamed that you were the owner of a thoroughbred dog of elite blood- this means that your financial affairs will go exceptionally well.

If you were bitten by a dog in a dream- expect betrayal from an old friend, whose devotion you never doubted.

Dream Interpretation Dasha

Dog- This loved by people animal, personifies devotion and courage. The image of a dog that you have, most likely the image of a friend transformed by your dream.

Lunar dream book

Dog- true friend; dog bite- betrayal of a friend; beckon- conversation with a friend; dog petting- secrets, enemy intent.

Chinese dream book

The dog barks at a ghost, at a spirit- will come to beg.

dog bites owner- portends a loss of fortune, misfortune.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Dog- "dog" behavior or resemblance of a person to a dog is assumed. A devoted friend or someone whom the individual cannot get rid of, or one who causes anxiety (depending on the state of the dream, as well as the dreamer's attitude towards dogs). A dog that an individual kept or was familiar with at a certain period of life. The functions of the dog (protection, hunting) and its abilities (swimming, fast running, aggressiveness) depend on the breed.

someone's dog- Behind the image is the one to whom the dog belongs.

woman with dog- the archetype of the Amazon / Huntress or Anima.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't worry - it's just a dream. Thanks for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say through the open window: “Where the night is, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things go away.

Open the faucet and tell the dream to flowing running water.

Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn bedding inside out.

Don't tell anyone a bad dream before dinner.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Lisa's dream, 10 years old

About a white dog with blue eyes who helped a girl find her way out of a maze

I woke up in a rather strange room for our time. It's like I'm in the early 19th century.
Most of the things were made of wood and painted in White color. There were candles instead of electric lamps.

I put on my dress and decided to look around the house.
I left this unusual room .. There were 6 similar ones near it.
Directly in front of me was a door that led to the street.

I ran out of the house, but there were no streets around, there was only one door. I immediately guessed that it led to a labyrinth.
I wondered what was behind that door.
I was already so close to the door, when suddenly, my intuition tells me: - Don't go there! But I did not listen and entered the labyrinth.

As soon as I was in it, the door slammed shut and disappeared. I went to look for a way out, wandered for a long time in a giant maze, until I ran out of strength and fell to the ground.
Suddenly, a white dog with blue eyes ran out of the corner. She helped me up.
The dog looked into my eyes and seemed to say: - Sit on my back - I will help you.

With the last of my strength, I climbed onto her back. She ran faster than the leopard.
Finally, the dog ran to the exit of the maze, but I didn't feel happy.
I didn't want to say goodbye to her, but I had to. We said goodbye and I woke up.

Learn from online dream book what the Dog is dreaming of after reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpreters.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

What is the dream of the Dog and what does it mean:

Seeing a dog in a dream - to win, playing with a dog in a dream - to losses, losses, tying it to a chain - to defeating the enemy, hearing dog barking - to danger, gossip.

A white dog - fortunately, a black dog - to the betrayal of friends. To see that a dog tore a girl's skirt in a dream is a sign of marriage. To dream of a cheerful frolicking puppy - to a new friend.

Being a dog handler in a dream is a warning: you may be going the wrong way, and therefore it is better to stop and reconsider your principles and attitude to life. Turning to a dog handler for help means that they are trying to shift responsibility for your mistake to someone.

Stroking a pet lap dog in a dream is a quarrel or an unpleasant conversation with a person dear to you.

To see a dog in a dream - to a new acquaintance, which will later develop into a strong friendship.

In a dream, defending yourself from a shepherd dog attacking you or driving it away means that you may soon make a ridiculous mistake or refuse help, which in reality would be very necessary for you.

Seeing a flock of hunting dogs in a dream is a warning: someone is spreading gossip about you or weaving intrigues.

Hearing a distant barking in a dream is a warning about a danger that you are not yet aware of, seeing a flock of barking dogs in a dream is a warning that there is a person next to you who is trying to harm you.

Seeing a muzzled dog or a muzzled dog in a dream is a sign that you need to take precautions against your enemies.

Miller's dream book

Why is the Dog dreaming in a dream?

If you dream of an angry dog, expect failures and insidious deeds of your opponents. An affectionate dog promises good luck and true friends.

If in a dream you are the owner of a thoroughbred dog, then you will be able to make yourself a solid fortune.

If a bloodhound is on your trail, then you will surely succumb to temptation, which can be disastrous for you.

Small dogs indicate that your thoughts and entertainment are superficial.

If a dog bites you, do not expect peace in the near future, either with business partners or with your wife.

Skinny and dirty dogs mean future failures in business, as well as the illness of children.

Dog show - to the favor of fate.

If you hear dogs barking, bad news awaits you. A hunting dog in your home portends favorable business circumstances.

Pretty dogs of an exquisite breed are a promise to the girl of a frivolous dapper admirer.

If in a dream you are afraid big dog- your destiny will be resistance to the whole environment, the desire to rise above vulgarity and mediocrity. For women, this dream promises a wise and kind husband.

The growling of dogs behind you is a sign that some kind of intriguer is approaching your cherished interests, and a cold welcome awaits you at home.

The howl of a lonely dog ​​portends death or separation from friends for a long time.

Fighting dogs mean that your enemies will be able to break you and you will be crushed.

If in a dream you see a cat and a dog suddenly throwing themselves at each other, baring their teeth and growling, then be prepared for failure in matters of the heart and litigation. A favorable dream in which you separate the fighters.

A white dog circling around you in a friendly manner portends great luck in business and love. For a woman, this is a sign of early marriage.

Multi-headed dog - indicates that you are trying to do many things at once. Success always comes with focus. A person trying to succeed in everything at once should take this dream as a warning.

A mad dog is a harbinger that your greatest efforts will not lead to the desired results. It is also possible that you will be struck by a serious illness. If a mad dog manages to bite you, then either you or your lover is on the verge of insanity. Events can develop tragically.

If a dog follows you while walking in a dream, then in reality you will be surrounded by true friends, and your undertakings will be fruitful.

A swimming dog means that the road to happiness and good luck is open to you.

If in a dream a dog kills a cat before your eyes, then in reality you will conclude profitable deals and unexpectedly experience pleasure.

A dog killing a snake in your presence portends good luck.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

Why did the Dog dream

The interpretation of a dreaming dog depends on its size, color, behavior.

  • Black dog - to trouble, the appearance of enemies, competitors.
  • A white dog in a dream is a sign of well-being, income, success.
  • Seeing a red dog is a novel, a meeting with an interesting special opposite.
  • A big dog according to the dream book - in reality, a devoted friend will appear.
  • A small puppy dreamed - to an unexpected gift.
  • You approach a barking dog to the appearance of new acquaintances.
  • But if you dreamed that the animal was barking from afar, this is a warning of danger.
  • An angry, aggressive dog trying to attack symbolizes conflicting business partners, colleagues.

Psychological interpreter Furtseva

According to the dog's dream book

Dreamed of a dog that died? The dog is associated with a friend. What is the dream of the animal from a psychological point of view? You lack friendly support, a reliable shoulder to lean on. If a dog behaves aggressively in a dream - barks, bites, attacks, it is likely that you feel treachery on the part of imaginary friends.

Seeing a dog means feeling oppression, stiffness. The animal is often a symbol of submission, dominance. If in a dream a dog protects you, it means that in reality one of the blood relatives is too protective, suppressing your personality. At the subconscious level, you are trying to get rid of it.

Romantic dream book

Why is the dog dreaming

Live dog, depends on its behavior.

  • The animal has bitten you - get ready for a scandal with your soulmate.
  • A small puppy - to a meeting with a reliable partner with whom you will build a long-term relationship.
  • Seeing a small dog of a mature woman - to meet a young lover.
  • I dreamed of a huge dog - to get acquainted with a worthy candidate for husbands.
  • A red dog, according to the dream book - to a passionate relationship with a boyfriend / husband. Sometimes a dream speaks of the appearance of a rival.
  • Seeing an angry dog ​​in a dream means getting involved in a relationship in reality, because of which you will later have to experience disappointment and shame.

Idiomatic dream book

Why is the dog dreaming

  • "Don't wake a sleeping dog" (caution, warning),
  • "dog life" (bad life),
  • "bite like dogs" (enmity, quarrels),
  • "dog frost" (in a dream - cold in a relationship);
  • dog is man's best friend
  • “like uncut dogs” - a lot;
  • "chasing dogs" (idleness),
  • “you won’t find it with dogs” (the futility of the search);
  • “be careful, there is an angry dog ​​in the yard”;
  • “I ate a dog on this” - gained experience, special knowledge;
  • "dog work" (difficult, petty, heavy, useless);
  • “hang dogs” - to attribute to a person something that is not characteristic of him.

Children's dream book

Symbol meaning:

  • Of course a friend.
  • If the dog causes fear or behaves hostile, it means, rather, your bad intentions and your evil desires.
  • If the dog does not show interest in you, then a gift is waiting for you soon.
  • If a dog comes to your house, then wait for someone you are always pleased to see.
  • If a dog barks at you, then someone is showing hostility towards you.
  • If a dog bites you to the point of blood, then your relatives will do something bad to you.
  • If the dog bites not to the point of blood, then a loved one will deceive you.
  • If you hear a dog barking, but you don’t see the dog itself, then you are in danger or gossip is being spread about you.

Small Velesov dream book

Why is the dog dreaming?

  • Well, win, friend // for worse, quarrel, false gossip (nonsense), an enemy or slanderer has appeared;
  • black dog - you will meet a friend // bad news, quarrel, betrayal of a loved one, argument with a man;
  • white dog - well-being;
  • a red dog is an unkind, deceitful person;
  • a strange dog is a thief;
  • howling dog - to death;
  • barks face up - fire;
  • angry, mad dog - an enemy, a friend gets sick, danger from a loved one, failure, accusation;
  • a dog caresses - there will be a friend, happiness, matchmaking // be afraid of a neighbor;
  • lure, play - there will be a conversation with the enemy;
  • dog bitten to blood imminent marriage(to a girl) // the enemy will bite, slander, one of his own has become an enemy;
  • not bitten to blood - an enemy from relatives, but not a blood one;
  • the dog bit without resistance - secret enmity;
  • the dog bit after the fight - a clear enmity, a fight;
  • dog fight - to be present at a dispute, a fight;
  • with blood - brothers-in-law;
  • without blood - outsiders, neighbors;
  • fight off the dog, kill it - well, defeat the enemy;
  • to beat a mad one - an unexpected guest will arrive;
  • beware of dogs - you will have communication with the enemy, which can become your best friend;
  • to catch, give - you will receive someone else's;
  • dog barking - empty news, quarrel with the enemy, attack, empty noise;
  • dogs in a bunch - war.

Universal dream book

dog which means

This animal, beloved by people, personifies devotion and courage. The image of a dog that you have, most likely the image of a friend transformed by your dream.

Gypsy dream book

Why is the Dog dreaming according to gypsy traditions

  • Means a true friend;
  • playing with a dog means a true friend;
  • to play with many dogs means stinginess;
  • a white dog portends well-being, and a black dog is a betrayal of a friend;
  • a mad dog is a sign of the greatest danger;
  • to see an evil dog means shameful love;
  • to see a dog fight with a cat means a quarrel with a false friend;
  • to see your own dog means a faithful, fearless and devoted friend to us;
  • to see a dog tearing a dress at us marks the slander and picaresque tricks of a low and vile person who is trying to harm us;
  • if the dog bites, then this means grief coming from enemies;
  • to see a dog with many heads, similar to the mythological Cerberus, marks a crime and a punishment worthy of it;
  • to see many dogs fighting makes one fear the action of slander and envy;
  • to see a dog barking is a sign of slander;
  • to see many dogs running in a bunch portends a war.

Aesop's dream book

Allegories about the Dog

It's no secret that a dog is man's best friend. She personifies such wonderful qualities as devotion, courage and observation. There are many folk expressions associated in one way or another with this pet: “A dog is a constant friend to a person”, “It is a sin to call a dog with a human name”, “Do not kick the dog: convulsions will pull”, “Dog howl - to eternal rest. Night dog howling - to the dead”, “If the dog howls at night, then turn the pillow under their heads, saying: “On your head!” - and she will shut up", "If the dog does not eat crumbs after the patient, then he will soon die", "The dog clings to the owner - unfortunately" and many others. So, the image of a dog that arose in your dream is most likely the image of a friend transformed by your subconscious.

  • Walking in a dream with a dog - you can be envied. You have a wonderful friend who will always support you at the most difficult moment.
  • Hearing a dog barking in a dream is evidence that you have fake friends. They talk about you behind your back and plot against you.
  • If in a dream dogs bark at you, then such a dream suggests that in reality you will be able to unravel the intentions of your imaginary friends in time and prevent them from harming you.
  • If your own dog barks at you, it is a sign that you are envied with evil envy. This is due to your strong financial position.
  • Watching dogs fight over a piece of meat in a dream is a sign that you should not be greedy. Perhaps such a dream suggests that in the future you will encounter a very greedy person.
  • If in a dream you take your dog to the slaughterhouse, then such a dream indicates that in the near future you will seriously suffer from robbers or hooligans.
  • If you dreamed of a dog with a cat's tail, then in real life the person whom you consider your friend is not really one; you will be outraged by his irresponsibility.
  • If a dog bit you in a dream, then such a dream means that in the near future you will listen to the reproaches of a friend who is dissatisfied with your act.
  • Seeing a dog dying from a snakebite in a dream is evidence that in real life you do not value your friends, which you will later regret very much.
  • If in a dream a dog protects you, then in reality you will be very surprised by the courage of your friend.

World of Images: Antonio Meneghetti

We analyze the vision in which the Dog dreamed

This image indicates a subordinate, dependent position of the weak on the strong and is a typical illustration of the relationship with the mother, which is usually negative. In the image of a dog, the insho of a person expresses something that first protects, then dominates and completely subjugates itself. An angry dog ​​can turn from a protector of a person into his worst enemy, which can plunge its fangs into the owner's body and bite until it strangles. The image of a dog is an unconscious desire for friendly emotional relationships with a touch of patronage or with a touch of infantile relationships, when you get more than you give in return (affective connection without feedback, without responsibility). This is an image of emotional domination, a person who first takes care of, protects and can extend his dominance until the destruction of a creature dependent on him, as the dream book says about this dream.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

Seeing the Dog, how to unravel the symbolism

If she licks her hand, then a friend will help you get a good job. If she lies, she will have to sit at home with the children (or a child) for some time. If she goes to meet on the road - unfortunately. If she bit you - a dream means that in the fall you are planning major changes.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

How does the dog interpret the dream book?

Friend, barks - news of victory; attacks - a friend will protect; fight - quarrel; a large dog is an older friend or with a high position; bites - resentment against a friend.

Dream Interpretation of Vladislav Kopalinsky

See Dog, interpretation:

Dog means great love, or friendship (expected); to good news. If you dream of a black or gray dog, then this is unfortunately; howling - to the bad news, this is how this dream is interpreted by the dream book.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why is the Dog dreaming?

  • Buddy, friend, but how it bites is unkind, someone bites, there will be some kind of misfortune.
  • The dog is the enemy. As a wolf or a dog dreams, then someone will attack.
  • As the dog dreamed, then you will quarrel with someone.
  • If you see in a dream that a dog is fawning, then this means wooing.
  • If a girl sees in a dream that she was bitten by a dog, then this is an exact sign that she will get married soon.
  • The dog will tear the girl's skirt - she will get married.
  • Dog barking - some kind of attack.
  • If a dog vomits and bites in a dream, then this means a beating in reality.
  • As a puppy dreamed, you will soon meet a childhood friend or he will come to visit you.
  • Dogs - people will say something dashing about you.
  • Black dog - you will see a friend; loyalty.
  • Dogs of all other colors are enemies.
  • The dog fawns - be afraid of a neighbor, bites - be in trouble through a neighbor.

Collection of interpretations of Zhou-Gong

Dog according to Chinese ancient books:

The dog barks at the ghost, at the spirit - They will come to beg. The dog bites the owner - portends a loss of fortune, misfortune, as the dream book predictor reports.

Egyptian dream book

dog what does it mean

If a person sees himself bitten by a dog in a dream, it’s bad, it means that he will be touched by magic.

Interpreter of dreams of Maria Fedorovskaya

How does the dog interpret the dream book?

To an intimate friend, especially a redhead.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of the Dog from your dream

Friend, helper, patron. Big dog - high protection, support; black - depression; bites - resentment against loved ones, acquaintances; fighting - a domestic scandal.

Lunar dream book

Dog in a dream what does it mean:

A true friend, a dog bite is a betrayal of a friend; beckon - a conversation with a friend; dog petting - secrets, enemy intent.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about a Dog, what does it mean?

This symbol reflects contradictory qualities: aggressiveness, friendliness, attachment to the owner or dependence on him. A sleeping dog characterizes the uncertainty, the unpredictability of the situation. If a dog bites you, this is a quarrel and trouble. (Sometimes a literal prediction of the disease of the bite site.) A friendly dog ​​is the support of friends. White dog - well-being. Black - betrayal of a friend.

Tarot dream book

Dog: interpretation of the image

Loyalty, loyalty, friendship.

Islamic dream book

Why is the dog dreaming

To the appearance of a weak enemy, and the barking of a dog means an accusation from gossips. If someone sees that the dog tore his dress or bit him, then his enemy has the intention to fight him.

Dream Interpretation of Azar

What did the Dog dream about according to spiritual sources

A true friend, a reliable person.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

Why is the Dog dreaming, according to the seer?

  • If you dreamed of a completely white dog, then in real life you can always count on the help of your close friend. Sometimes this dream prophesies a meeting with an old friend whom you have not seen for many years.
  • If you saw a black dog in a dream, then in reality you will have a bitter disappointment in the person whom you considered your friend for a long time. In a difficult moment, he will not only turn away from you, but also use your secrets in order to publicly discredit your good name.
  • Seeing a giant dog in a dream is evidence that in the future you will meet a person who will later become your great friend. Sometimes such a dream prophesies the support of his old friend.
  • If you dreamed of a wounded or killed dog, then such a dream is a bad omen. Soon you will receive very bad news about a fatal illness or even the death of your very good friend.
  • If in a dream a dog protects you, then in reality you are under the protection of higher powers. You have nothing to fear, because you are protected by guardian angels who monitor all your thoughts and actions from heaven.
  • If a dog attacks you, then such a dream suggests that in real life you will have an early meeting with black forces. The servants of Satan will try to make your life unbearable by causing you one misfortune after another.
  • If you repel a dog attack, then you will be able to resist the forces of evil, but this will only happen if you turn to God for help.

Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse

To see a dog in a dream:

Seeing a dog - you will meet good people; playing with a dog is a joy; to be attacked is a danger; being bitten is a quarrel over money; running away - a serious illness; on the hunt - diligence will bear fruit for you; runaway - anxiety; to hear barking is a big nuisance; squabbling - a family quarrel; take the dog on a chain - you will have enemies; black - betrayal through friends; white - a pleasant acquaintance; hunting - cute experiences await you.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

What is the dream of the Dog in a dream

  • Symbol of devotion.
  • Seeing a stray dog ​​is a warning that it is easy to lose what has been acquired and accumulated with great difficulty in 2006.
  • Seeing an absolutely white huge dog is a symbol of the deterioration in industry and living standards in general, which is expected in winter in the northern states.
  • Seeing a dog with a sleeping snake lying at its feet is a sign that in 2001 an alliance will be concluded that no one expected and could not predict, but it will be durable, like the devotion of a dog, and productive, like the wisdom of a snake.
  • Seeing a person in the guise of a dog is a symbol of new discoveries regarding Bigfoot and his closest genetic relatives.
  • Seeing a dog negotiating with a whale is a symbol that the use of the most powerful deadly weapon will be put on a new legislative basis that will help establish a real balance in the world.

Esoteric dream book

Dream dog:

Friendly to new acquaintances. Aggressive to quarrel with friends. If the dog bites you, then the quarrel will be associated with resentment and will drag on for a long time, if not forever. White dog to great success with the help of friends. Very affectionate to a close friend, lover. Your own to pleasant household chores. Big, frightening with its appearance to the illness of loved ones, friends, this is how your dream is interpreted by the dream book.

Persian dream book

Dog in the ancient sense

Seeing a dog in a dream - to the appearance of an enemy that can be easily dealt with. The barking of a dog heard in a dream means a false accusation from the gossips. If someone dreams that the dog tore his clothes or bit him, then this means that his ill-wisher firmly decided to take hostile actions against him. The dreamer should be especially careful, since such a performance may occur in the very near future.

Modern dream book


Peaceful dog - Good friend; the attacker is the enemy; furious - accusation of a serious misconduct, failure; hound - resentment from the enemy

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why is the Dog dreaming?

  • An affectionate, kind dog in a dream always portends good luck and true friends.
  • A white dog circling around you in a friendly way is a sign of great luck in business and love.
  • If in a dream a dog protects you, in reality you are under the protection of higher powers. You have nothing to fear, because next to you are guardian angels who monitor all your thoughts and actions from heaven.
  • If you dreamed of an angry dog ​​- expect failures or insidious acts on the part of your opponents.
  • If a dog bites you - do not expect peace in the near future either in the family or at work.
  • A mad dog chasing you is a call to mobilize all your inner strength in order to resist the fight against circumstances. Well, if you chase or kill her.
  • If in a dream a big dog scared you, your destiny will be the resistance to the vulgarity and dullness of the world around you. For women, such a dream portends a worthy marriage in all respects.
  • Seeing a giant dog in a dream is a sign that in the future you will meet a person who will later become your great friend. Sometimes such a dream prophesies the support of an old friend.
  • Walking with a dog, especially a thoroughbred one, is a very auspicious sign.
  • Feeding a dog in a dream is a sign that you can rely on you in real life. You are an independent and serious person, and therefore others respect and love you.
  • Barking dogs in a dream - to the bad news.
  • The growling of dogs behind you is a sign that your interests may suffer due to someone else's machinations. Such a dream may also portend defeat, but most often it calls on the dreamer to actively resist circumstances.
  • Skinny and dirty dogs portend failure or illness.
  • Seeing a homeless dog in a dream is a bad sign. Such a dream is a warning that your friend is currently in a very difficult situation. He does not turn to you for help just because he does not want to burden you with his problems.
  • A wounded or killed dog in a dream is a bad omen. Soon you will receive very unpleasant news, perhaps it will be a serious illness or even the death of a person close to you.
  • A white dog in a dream is a sign that in reality you can always count on the help of your close friend. Sometimes such a dream prophesies a meeting with an old friend whom you have not seen for many years.
  • A black dog means bitter disappointment in a person whom you considered your friend for a long time. In a difficult moment, he will not only turn away from you, but also use your secrets in order to publicly discredit your good name.
  • If in a dream you are the owner of a thoroughbred dog, you have every chance of becoming the owner of a solid state. A hunting dog in your home portends favorable business circumstances. A pretty dog ​​of exquisite breed - a frivolous dapper suitor for a girl.

Assyrian dream book

What does a dog mean to a dreamer

If a person turns into a dog in a dream, grief and suffering threaten his house. Both his crime and his punishment will be heavy. If he meets a dog in a dream, then in reality he will be happy and satisfied with his fate until the end of his days.

Dream Handbook by David Loff

Why did the Dog dream

It can symbolize both true friends and worst enemies. A dog in a dream is a confirmation of a reliable and trusting relationship between you and your friend. Wild Dog is an attempt to resolve a seemingly insoluble conflict. (Of course, in both cases, your dream may be just a repetition life situation with a dog - evil or good). Do you want someone who is harassing you for no reason to stop their attacks? Is there a person in your life whose loyalty you doubt or whose loyalty is deliberately emphasized?

Simone Kananita dream book

What does the dog dream of according to the saint:

  • see a dog - meet good people
  • playing with a dog in a dream is a joy
  • being attacked by a dog is a danger
  • to be bitten - a quarrel over money
  • runaway dog ​​- a serious illness
  • hunting dog - diligence will bear fruit
  • runaway dog ​​- alarm
  • hear barking - a big nuisance
  • gnawing dogs - family quarrel
  • take the dog on a chain - you will have enemies
  • black dog - cheating through friends
  • white dog - a pleasant acquaintance
  • hunting dog - pleasant experiences await you
  • Mad Dog - Accusation of a heavy deed
  • Great Dane (dog) - You will meet good friends; to be bitten - insidious friends harm you. /li>
  • Great Dane (dog) - Meet good friends; to be bitten - insidious friends harm you
  • Seeing a Siberian husky in a dream is a true friend.

Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse

To see a dog in a dream:

Spitz (dog) - You have a true friend.

Smurova's big family dream book

Why is the Dog dreaming, what does it mean

If you dreamed that you were stroking a Spitz, then you will soon have a very tender affection.

Modern dream book


Spitz - you have a friend who is very devoted to you, in which you will be able to verify very soon. To buy or accept a gift for a Pomeranian - a person whom you can trust will appear in your life, and very soon. Selling a spitz - you will act ugly in relation to your friend and this will quarrel you. Walking with Spitz - you will travel in companies from high society.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Laika - Baba, with whom you are afraid to mess with, will still take it with her throat.

Crossed dogs - To the betrayal of your husband with your girlfriend.

Mangy dog ​​(dog) - A relative without money and health will come to you for help.

For those born in May, June, July and August

A husky seen in a dream - to some kind of catch.

Dog racing (dog) - Watching dog racing in an old movie means that friends will turn away from you.

Mad Dog - To an implacable fierce enemy for life.

Crossed dogs - To a court case that your child will fall into because of his friends.

Mangy dog ​​- You will scold someone for wrongdoing.

For those born in September, October, November, December

Seeing dog races in a dream is suffering from loneliness for a long time.

Crossed dogs (dog) - Adultery will pop up, which will put you in a state of shock.

Mangy dog ​​- It is possible that you will be fired from work.
