How girls are photographed - a comic photo shoot. Do you know how to photograph people correctly to get decent photos? Posing while sitting

« I always look bad in photographs."-Are you familiar with this problem? Do you want to know how to take photos correctly?

Then you've come to the right place. Today we will learn (poses, photos, makeup, clothes).

Step one: look your best

Before you start shooting, be sure to get yourself in order, choose the appropriate clothes and do beautiful make-up(a little brighter than usual, but just a little).

Many girls are concerned with the question “What and how best to take pictures?” This depends, of course, on the type of shooting (regular or thematic) and your clothing preferences. But it’s worth knowing a few rules on how to take beautiful pictures:

  • You shouldn’t wear clothes with a low neckline - you won’t have a neck in the photo;
  • It is better to avoid shoes with wedges (platforms); they can significantly change the shape of the legs;
  • high heels make you look slimmer and taller;
  • a photograph in a waist-length jacket or a fitted coat turns out very successful, as it emphasizes the graceful silhouette.

There are several secrets on how to take a cool photo that will allow you to look wonderful in the photo:

  • do not use pearlescent and violet shades in makeup - they will take on a blue tint in the photo;
  • Don’t line your eyes with a pencil (precisely a pencil!) - the photo looks unnatural and vulgar. If you want to highlight your eyes, use liquid eyeliner;
  • choose the right accessories (even the shape of earrings can change your face).

In a word, before you start taking photographs, try to look your best - this is the first secret of successful photography.

Step two: correct postures

Correctly chosen poses and photo angles simply work wonders. A professional photographer who knows how to take pictures correctly will always be able to find the right angle in which you will be simply irresistible.

If you can’t yet afford professional photography, then use the following tips on how to take beautiful photos:

  • Don't look directly into the lens. When looking directly into the lens, only actors and models who have a good command of shooting techniques turn out well. If you are not one of them, then it is better to look a little to the side or straight, but not into the lens, but through it (in the distance behind the lens).
  • if you want to make your eyes bigger, look a little up.
  • Don't look down - it may look like you have a double chin.
  • Don't stand directly in front of the lens. Beautiful photos happen when you stand even a little sideways.
  • A slight tilt or turn of your head to the side will make your photo more advantageous and more feminine.

And now attention - super secret. When the photographer starts counting, look down at your feet. On the count of two, raise your head and fix your eyes on the lens. And on the count of three, smile :).

These simple tips How to take beautiful photographs will help you choose the ideal pose and angle for shooting. And remember, even the most famous and beautiful world stars allow themselves to be photographed only from 2-3 best angles (which means that if you look at them from the other side, they are not so beautiful :)).

By the way, see how cool you can take a photo with a guy. And you can look for poses for yourself in this one.

Step Three: Be Natural

Have you noticed that the best photographs are taken when you don't expect to be photographed? That's why photogenic people are people who behave naturally while shooting.

You should not copy magazine poses, deliberately pout your lips, or imitate photographs of others. Be yourself and you won’t have to think about how to take a beautiful photo while shooting!

Don't focus on being photographed. At this time, try to think about something else (you can even mentally read a poem).

And the most main rule successful photography - be confident in its beauty. No matter how beautiful you are, if you stand stiffly, with a forced smile and in an unnatural pose, then even a professional photographer will not be able to take a good photo and no advice on how to take a better photo will help in this case.

You can leave me a comment for now, and I’ll run to take pictures

Today, only the lazy don’t take photographs. And of course, everyone dreams of taking beautiful photographs that everyone would like. At the same time, you don’t need to have an expensive camera to take really good photos. Knowing simple secrets will allow you to take professional photos.

1. Bokeh effect

Attach a piece of foil to any vertical surface, place your subject, place a mirror opposite and shoot. This trick will allow you to create amazing pictures with the bokeh effect.

2. Underwater photography

Don't despair if you don't have special equipment for popular underwater photography. A transparent plastic container will help you take amazing photos of the underwater world. Make sure it doesn't leak, place your camera in it, set to film, and carefully lower it into the water.

Very interesting photographs from the top angle can be taken without outside help. To do this, you need to make a special stand for your smartphone from cardboard, secure it to the wall above your head using tape, and turn on automatic shooting mode.

4. Colored highlights

Use a CD to get an original color highlight effect. Just place it on the bottom of the lens and press the shutter button - beautiful photos will be guaranteed.

5. Through rose-colored glasses

Another interesting effect can be obtained by photographing through glass. sunglasses.

6. Mitigation

Wrap the camera lens with film, lubricate the contour of the lens under the film with a small amount of Vaseline or cream. This technique will allow you to take amazing photos with a blurred exposure effect without using additional equipment and filters.

7. Clarity

If you want clearer, sharper photos, use a clean coffee filter or tightly wrapped coffee cups. This trick will prevent the appearance of unwanted glare in the photo and improve the quality of the images.

8. Lace

Using lace fabric will allow you to get really beautiful and unusual pictures. Lace fabric can be draped over yourself, over a camera lens, or over a light source, with completely different results.

9. Color filter

A couple of strips of tape, colored with colored markers and glued to the lens of an SLR camera, will help you get fantastic pictures with an unusual effect.

10. Marshmallow effect

Using a wooden circle and colored wool, you can make creative photography gadgets that will help you create creative photos with charming color effects.

11. Flash

While shooting, shine a small flashlight on the lens. This will create a soft haze effect that will make the pictures mysterious and unusual.

Video bonus:

12. Shadows

In the art of photography, shadows play the same role. important, like the light. The absence of shadows will make the photographs flat, and the presence of some unusual shadow, on the contrary, will fill the photo with meaning. Therefore, novice or amateur photographers should not be afraid to experiment by playing with shadows using a colander, fabrics or paper stencils.

13. Soft flash

Flash photos often come out too sharp and unnatural. Most often this happens due to inappropriate lighting and incorrect camera settings. Be that as it may, you can soften the effect of the flash by placing it in a white plastic bag.

14. Transition of colors

A two-color film with a hole in the center, placed on the camera lens, will help you get mesmerizing photos with an unusual color effect without the use of special equipment.

15. Weather protection

Rain and snow can not only disrupt a photographer’s work, but also damage the camera. You can protect your working tool from rain with plastic container for CDs and thick cellophane.

16. Reflector

Use White list paper instead of a reflector to make your portraits lighter and more natural.

Video bonus:

17. Through the glass

If you want to add photos with unusual effects to your collection, take photos through glass. A light haze effect, unusual highlights and soft colors are guaranteed.

18. Flash reflector

A small white piece of plastic or a regular business card can be used to make an excellent flash reflector.

Video bonus:

However, you can also take cool photos using your smartphone.
Many people wonder: . We are ready to answer this question.

Simple tips with examples and photos

First answer, why do you need a photo shoot? If for low-grade sites and magazines, then this article will not help you. Here we will talk about how to take really beautiful photos. Something to be proud of. The kind that makes them famous, popular on Instagram, and that 50 years later you won’t be ashamed to show to your grandchildren.

Let's leave the technical side of the issue, let's talk only about places, clothes and poses for photography.

How to avoid taking photos

Let's start with the basic truths, which everyone seems to already know, but still Instagram is already bursting at the seams - thousands of “photo masterpieces” appear on the Internet every day.

Remember these 5 main taboo rules:

  1. Never take pictures in the toilet! Never!!!
  2. Avoid horizontal and unnatural poses.
    Lying, crawling, wringing your hands, bending over on an unmade bed, on the floor of an apartment, on carpets - this is, to say the least, ugly. If you really want to lie down somewhere, then it is better to choose a flower meadow.
  3. Do not dress vulgarly: parts of your underwear should not fall out from under your clothes, as well as some parts of your body. It’s easy to determine this line: there shouldn’t be anything in the photo that you wouldn’t want to show to your current or future children, or parents.
  4. Do not wear very tight clothes for a photo shoot, so as not to get a “sausage effect” instead of beauty.
  5. Don't stick out your lips.

Of course, there are no rules without exceptions, but these exceptions are best left for a personal photo archive or to professional photographers who know how to present even dubious situations beautifully.

1. Take photos in nature

It is difficult to take good photographs indoors without special equipment.

2. The pose should be natural

Remember: any pose in which you are uncomfortable will turn out poorly in the photo.

3. Don’t make a languid expression on your face!

A sincere smile or laugh will make even a bad photo more attractive. During filming, remember something very pleasant and smile that same mysterious smile of Gioconda, which makes any woman’s face more beautiful.

4. Try to take pictures not from the front, but half-turned

Try not to look into the lens - this will make the pictures more interesting. Or look, but as if by chance turning around.

Another rule - take pictures half-turned

5. Look for winning angles

When photographing, what is closer to the lens looks larger, and what is further away looks smaller. Therefore, for example, fat people better take pictures a little on top to make your figure look slimmer.

How to take photos correctly. Avoid “straight” poses

6. Use perspective

The photo will be more interesting if the lines of the shoulders, tilt of the head, legs, etc. are not perpendicular. Avoid straight lines and “straight” poses. However, there is no need to bend too much or take unnatural poses. Everything in moderation!

7. Dress comfortably for the photo shoot

You don't need to wear green to a photo shoot, otherwise your face may take on the same shade.
Mike Newming

8. The color of clothes is very important

Portrait photographer Mike Newming advises: “You shouldn't wear green to your photo shoot, otherwise your face may take on the same shade.” However, the opposite also applies: if the face is too red, then wearing green clothes will help hide this defect.

9. ... and your makeup

In your makeup, pay special attention to blush to make your face look more expressive. It is better to avoid sparkling and pearlescent shades. Look .

10. To relax – jump!

Experienced photographers know that to get a good shot you need to jump well...

When you feel too self-conscious, just do a fun jump-up (jump photo). Jump higher a few times, and let the photographer select the “sports” shooting mode to get several shots in a row. After this, you will be able to relax, your mood will lift and your next photos will turn out better.
But more often than not, the “jumps” themselves turn out to be the most successful photographs. Use a little imagination to take interesting photos.

Lifehack! How to quickly learn to pose for photos

For those who want not only to be photographed, but also to win beauty contests or create their own lookbook with photographs, there is one magic secret on how to quickly and easily learn to choose clothes, places and poses for photography: imitate those you like .

In the photo: Simplicity is here main secret Grace Kelly style

Choose a famous “style icon,” preferably from the last century, and start imitating her. Imagine that you are her. The one everyone admires. For example, . Do you think Grace would crawl on an unmade bed in front of the camera or bend indecently in the toilet? Look at her photos, poses, clothes, makeup. And when you take a photo, think, what would Grace do?

Retro photos look very good. For example, in .

Photos from past years are a great example to follow

You can take Audrey as an example. Look at the photo

It often happens that even a very pretty and attractive girl in photographs looks unimportant - a long nose or a double chin appears from somewhere, her legs give the impression of being short or crooked, and instead of a fresh face, slightly touched by makeup, the photo shows a mask with bruises instead of blush...

To avoid all this and always look good in photos, you should remember the basic rules of fashion models.

Rule 1 - Posture
Try posing a little in front of the mirror to find the most flattering pose for yourself. Most Hollywood actresses and fashion models use a simple pose that has been practiced over decades: you need to stand half-turned towards the photographer, one leg should be slightly put forward, and it is better to lean on the other leg, which is behind.

If you decide to put your right leg forward, then use your right hand. To prevent it from hanging limply along your body, lightly rest it on your right thigh. This little trick is the key to making you look taller and slimmer in the photo.

It is also better to turn your head a little so that you are half-turned towards the camera. A strict full face is only good for a passport photo.

Make sure your back is straight. Sometimes you really want to see yourself in a photo with a seductively arched back! If so, practice in front of the mirror in advance so that the curve looks natural and truly seductive.

Rule 2 - Facial expression
Here again, a mirror will be the best assistant. Try to smile different ways: mysteriously, slightly pursed lips, or wide, like Hollywood beauties, or tenderly and invitingly, or arrogantly. You can also laugh out loud at something and remain cheerful and carefree in the photo.

It is not necessary to stare stubbornly at the camera without blinking. Sometimes the best photographs are taken if the person posing looks a little to the side and smiles at someone other than the photographer. But you shouldn’t just look into “emptiness” - be sure to find an interesting object or person, otherwise your gaze will turn out “empty”.

If you're worried about getting a double chin in your photo, just make sure the camera is at eye level or a little higher.

Actresses and models who often have to act in filming practice this trick. You need to look away from the camera (you can even turn in the opposite direction), remember something very pleasant or funny (or imagine that your loved one has just entered the room), smile sincerely and joyfully and - quickly turn to the photographer!

He should click the camera at the same moment, and in this case you should appear very spontaneous, natural and attractive in the picture.

Try to take photos when you are in a really good mood. For example, when going for a walk in the park with a friend or out of town on a picnic with a fun company, be sure to take plenty of pictures. You will almost certainly enjoy all of them. After all, your smile will not be forced, but the most natural one.

Another way to develop a beautiful smile: smile more often in life! Acquaintances and strangers, a strict man in glasses and a baby in a stroller, an old lady with a string bag and a neighbor... A smile will become for you not a complex grimace, but a natural facial expression.

Rule 3 - Makeup
The main thing here is not to overdo it. Makeup should look as natural as possible. A foundation that is too light will do you no good.

The second rule is away with pearlescent blush and shadows! They are the ones who can hopelessly ruin even the most successful shot. The face, shiny as if from sweat, is not the best option. It is better to apply a thin layer of matte powder.

If you don’t want to look several years older, don’t use too dark shadows before a photo shoot. Also put aside purple, green and blue shadows - they will simply look vulgar.

Don’t try to outline your eyes bolder with a black pencil or liquid eyeliner! It will not at all make your eyes larger and more expressive - on the contrary, they will seem small and dull.

If you have blonde hair and skin, optimal choice will become a light, delicate lipstick. Brunettes and dark-skinned women can afford a wider choice - from the lightest shades to burgundy and lilac lipstick.

Rule 4 - Clothes
It is widely believed that when going to be photographed, you should definitely dress as smartly as possible. Don't believe it! In fact, smart clothes age noticeably - just like formal business suits. If you wear your favorite sundress or simple everyday dress, a white shirt or a sports T-shirt with jeans - the chances of looking good in the photo will increase significantly.

A simple top that fits the figure and leaves a open shoulders and neck.

Try to ensure that your clothes are not overloaded with details - this also makes you look older.
Avoid turtlenecks and other clothes that will completely “deprive” you of your neck.

Blouses and jackets with buttons in two rows are completely contraindicated! You will appear several kilograms heavier than you really are.

Not the best solution is a necklace and various velvets and bandages around the neck.
Shiny and too light tights can significantly harm your legs: in the photo they will look like sausages.

But heels have a green light! They can add slimness and elegance to any figure, and they go with almost any clothing.

As for the color of clothes, try not to dress up in too bright clothes, let the dress or suit be in natural shades. In addition, plain clothes look better in photographs than colorful ones.
Brunettes should not be photographed in white dresses, and blondes should not be photographed in black ones.

Poison green clothes will make the face look reddish, and a bright red dress will give some greenish pallor.
Clothes should fit your figure loosely. Down with outfits that are too loose or too tight!

Everyone, without exception, suits dark blue and beige colors. If you wear such clothes, you definitely can’t go wrong!

Of course, everything said is true only if adjusted for your individuality and taste. So – try, try and try again!

It happens that after a lot of time spent applying the right makeup, choosing colors, clothes and a suitable background, the result is not as good as expected. And it seems that the camera was set up as it should, and the background was chosen as interesting, but the result was not what was expected. And sometimes, brilliantly executed shots come out in a hurry without any further ado. Many people complain about not being photogenic, but this is a meaningless expression. Anyone, even 100 times beautiful, has “its own” wrong angle, which is calculated empirically. To figure out how to pose for a photo shoot, let’s see how professional models comprehend this science.

Aspiring models practice the art of softly changing poses in front of the mirror, using photos from fashion magazines as teaching aid. Taking photographs is an art. This includes a wide range of parameters responsible for the results. Moreover, some of the parameters are variable, and it is simply not realistic to take into account absolutely everything during operation. Naturally, the photographer must be able to use and quickly change the settings for the camera, intuitively understand what the lighting will be like when taking photographs, but it is never possible to determine in advance which pose at a given moment will be the most suitable for a particular model.

To mitigate the risk of photographic error there are several important rules. In fact, you can collect a whole book of them. However, here are the most basic ones:

  • Don't overuse stereotypical frozen poses. Focus on naturalness.
  • Be mindful of facial expressions. Facial expressions are good for video, but not for photo shooting. Before starting, it would be nice to drink a glass of champagne to improve your mood to relax your facial muscles. A bold, fiery gaze sets the tone for the entire image in the shots.
  • Watch your posture, don’t sag your shoulders, don’t raise the shoulder closest to the lens higher than the one farthest. Try to tense your neck muscles a little just before the click.
  • Control your hand actions. Let your hands be relaxed, do not spread your fingers (unless specifically asked) and do not point the front of your palms. Keep your elbows away from the lens when your arms are bent and keep your hands slightly angled for the camera.
  • Tighten your stomach, it will be better to stretch up a little. When bending, keep your back arched so that the frame shows the curved outline of your body.
  • When looking away to the side, catch it on a specific object or point so that it does not seem empty
  • If the photo session is done in free mode, then stick to the movement and do not freeze like a statue. You can even walk in place or dance.

The emotional contact between the photographer and the model is very important. Listen carefully to what is being asked of you. High level experienced models are that they know how to be photographed correctly, poses and are ready to change the chosen pose or facial expressions at the slightest hint.

What else you can do in front of the lens: imagine yourself in the form of different animals, play with hair and elements of clothing, imitate walking on a thin rail, modestly cover yourself with your hands or cloth, play hide and seek, run away, pretend to be frozen.

Don't forget to use the spectrum of human emotions - surprise, joy, sadness, fear, anger, puzzlement, cunning, love, passion. The master will evaluate the results of various effects and let you know what is “just right.”

A photo selection of various poses from London photographer Lin Herik should help you take pictures. I wish you good luck and good photos!
