The ground is slipping from under your feet… or what could be causing the dizziness? The ground is slipping from under your feet. What can cause dizziness What to do if the earth leaves from under your feet

EARTH 1, -i, wines earth, pl. earth, lands, lands, and. 1. Third from the Sun, the planet we inhabit ( With capital letter ). The earth moves around the sun. The circumference of the earth. The Moon is the Earth's satellite.

EARTH 2, -i, and. An old name for the letter Z.

All meanings of the word "earth"

The meaning of the word "leave"

GO 1 , I'm leaving, you're leaving; nesov. 1. Nesov. To leave .

GO 2 , I'm leaving, you're leaving; incl. suffering past well-groomed, -wives, -a, -o; owl., transl. Prost. 1. Long walk, work, etc. to tire, exhaust.

GO 3 , I'm leaving, you're leaving; incl. suffering past well-groomed, -wives, -a, -o; owl., transl. (usually in the form of an adverb. suffering prosh., other forms of use. rare and vernacular). Look after someone or something; take care of someone or something. I rejoice from the bottom of my heart that you are bodily reassured and well-groomed by Pear. A. Borodin, Letter to E. A. Protopopova Sr., 31 Oct. 1882. Main character[Bagritsky's] sable story, and all this as a whole is dedicated to the nursery, where it should be bred, and well-groomed, and brought up --- valuable fur animal. P. Antokolsky, The Way of the Poet. Coarse wool jacket, not a new tie with large polka dots, boots completely trampled down. But all this looks neat, well-groomed with a thrifty hand. Sartakov, Evening tea.

All meanings of the word "leave"

The meaning of the word "leg"

LEG, -i, wines leg, pl. legs, dates legs, and. 1. One of two lower extremities human, as well as one of the limbs of birds, some animals. Right leg. Left leg.

Our expert is a neurologist, associate professor of the department of neurology and neurosurgery of the I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, candidate of medical sciences Natalya Vakhnina.

According to statistics, the weaker sex suffers from dizziness twice as often as the strong. Although, perhaps, men simply do not go to doctors for such “trifles”. And in vain. Because this phenomenon is not trifling at all and, moreover, it greatly reduces the quality of life.

Dizziness can accompany more than 80 different diseases. At least four specialists go through the patient before making a true diagnosis. Unfortunately, in 75% of cases, dizziness remains unrecognized and untreated.

Vertigo and cool

It is known that the loss of balance can be caused by disorders of the vestibular apparatus. However, it is not just one organ that works to maintain balance, but many. In addition to the vestibular system located in the inner ear, the eyes, muscles, receptors of the skin and joints are involved in this work. All of them ensure the flow of a wide variety of sensory information into a single "control room", the role of which is played by the central nervous system. As soon as at least one of the links fails, the whole harmonious mechanism collapses. And the person loses the feeling of stability.

In medicine, this phenomenon, if it manifests itself systemically, and not from time to time, has a telling name - vertigo. The most harmless reason for it is age. Over the years, vision and hearing weaken, joints deteriorate, skin and muscles lose their elasticity - as a result, a person becomes less stable. So, if in 65-year-olds dizziness occurs only 2 times more often than in young people, then after 75 years - already 4-5 times more often. Therefore, along with a visit to a neurologist, an elderly patient complaining of vertigo should consult an ENT specialist (or an otoneurologist). And then to the ophthalmologist and rheumatologist. But, of course, vascular atherosclerosis also cannot be discounted. Special vascular preparations and nootropics help to reduce dizziness, tinnitus, unsteadiness when walking. They improve blood microcirculation and its delivery to the vessels of the brain, stimulate metabolism in the brain and increase its resistance to oxygen deficiency.

For people who have difficulty swallowing tablets and capsules, you can choose the form of medicine in the form of lozenges.

What a terrible life!

If age-related loss of balance is a matter, although unpleasant, but natural, then sudden dizziness in young people can be completely harmless. Of course, sometimes the usual meteorological sensitivity manifests itself in this way, due to which the vascular tone and blood filling of the vessels change. Or it can be a sign of alcohol and any other intoxication. Or side effect taking certain antibiotics and antidepressants.

From time to time the head "rides" and in people suffering from stress and anxiety disorders, excessive mental load, lack of sleep and fatigue. And then sedative medications, sufficient sleep and rest, fresh air, vitamins, as well as compliance optimal mode days can not only improve mood, but also remove an unpleasant symptom.

But if the head is spinning often (that is, the symptom becomes systemic), then you should not attribute everything to weather changes or a busy work rhythm - you need to seriously understand this.

After all, dangerous diseases can manifest themselves in this way. For example, head injuries or brain tumors. In this case, in addition to dizziness, there must be other neurological disorders. They can be identified by a competent neurologist during examination. If necessary, he will refer the patient to an MRI of the brain. Unlike malignant vertigo, there is also benign. But don't let the term fool you. After all, say, in Meniere's disease, when the inner ear suffers, dizziness and tinnitus are of such strength and duration that they do not allow a normal life. It was this disease that the great van Gogh. Excruciating dizziness brought the painter to the point that he cut off his ear. But today lore could easily help the artist.

The road will be mastered by the walking

In addition to drugs, physical activity plays an important role in the prevention and treatment of benign vertigo. It includes both vestibular gymnastics, which, with regular use, helps to significantly improve balance, and any physical exercise and even normal walking. Motor activity improves the neuroplasticity of the brain and helps the formation of new neural connections. Even if part of the brain is damaged, another area can take over these functions. Many older people, fearing dizziness, refuse not only active walking, but also any movement. And in vain. After all, the more a person walks, the better he does it. And unfortunately, on the contrary: the less he walks, the worse he gets. And for safety net, you can first take guides with you, and then a stick (or even two, as for Nordic walking).

Yoga also helps to get rid of dizziness. Especially the so-called yoga of the dervishes - samadeva. It does not involve intense exercise, is very smooth and focuses on posture and breathing. It is necessary to breathe with a straight back, smoothly taking in air through the nose and filling it first with the stomach, and then with it. chest. Exhale - only through the mouth.

By the way

Dizziness can accompany more than 80 different diseases. At least four specialists go through the patient before making a true diagnosis. Unfortunately, in 75% of cases, dizziness remains unrecognized and untreated.

Vertigo and cool

It is known that the loss of balance can be caused by disorders of the vestibular apparatus. However, it is not just one organ that works to maintain balance, but many. In addition to the vestibular system located in the inner ear, the eyes, muscles, receptors of the skin and joints are involved in this work. All of them ensure the flow of a wide variety of sensory information into a single "control room", the role of which is played by the central nervous system. As soon as at least one of the links fails, the whole harmonious mechanism collapses. And the person loses the feeling of stability.

In medicine, this phenomenon, if it manifests itself systemically, and not from time to time, has a telling name - vertigo. The most harmless reason for it is age. Over the years, vision and hearing weaken, joints deteriorate, skin and muscles lose elasticity - as a result, a person becomes less stable. So, if in 65-year-olds dizziness occurs only 2 times more often than in young people, then after 75 years - already 4-5 times more often. Therefore, along with a visit to a neurologist, an elderly patient complaining of vertigo should consult an ENT specialist (or an otoneurologist). And then to the ophthalmologist and rheumatologist. But, of course, vascular atherosclerosis also cannot be discounted. Special vascular preparations and nootropics help to reduce dizziness, tinnitus, unsteadiness when walking. They improve blood microcirculation and its delivery to the vessels of the brain, stimulate metabolism in the brain and increase its resistance to oxygen deficiency. For people who have difficulty swallowing tablets and capsules, you can choose the form of medicine in the form of lollipops.

What a terrible life!

If age-related loss of balance is a matter, although unpleasant, but natural, then sudden dizziness in young people can be completely harmless. Of course, sometimes the usual meteorological sensitivity manifests itself in this way, due to which the vascular tone and blood filling of the vessels change. Or it can be a sign of alcohol and any other intoxication. Or a side effect of certain antibiotics and antidepressants.

From time to time, the head "jumps" in people suffering from stress and anxiety disorders, excessive mental stress, lack of sleep and fatigue. And then sedatives, sufficient sleep and rest, fresh air, vitamins, as well as compliance with the optimal daily routine can not only improve mood, but also remove an unpleasant symptom. But if the head is often dizzy (that is, the symptom becomes systemic), then everything is not worth blame it on weather changes or a busy work rhythm - here you need to seriously understand.

After all, dangerous diseases can manifest themselves in this way. For example, head injuries or brain tumors. In this case, in addition to dizziness, there must be other neurological disorders. They can be identified by a competent neurologist during examination. If necessary, he will refer the patient to an MRI of the brain. Unlike malignant vertigo, there is also benign. But don't let the term fool you. After all, say, in Meniere's disease, when the inner ear suffers, dizziness and tinnitus are of such strength and duration that they do not allow a normal life. It was this disease that the great van Gogh. Excruciating dizziness brought the painter to the point that he cut off his ear. But today lore could easily help the artist.

The road will be mastered by the walking

In addition to drugs, physical activity plays an important role in the prevention and treatment of benign vertigo. It includes both vestibular gymnastics, which, with regular use, helps to significantly improve balance, and any physical exercises, and even ordinary walking. Motor activity improves the neuroplasticity of the brain and helps the formation of new neural connections. Even if part of the brain is damaged, another area can take over these functions. Many older people, fearing dizziness, refuse not only active walking, but also any movement. And in vain. After all, the more a person walks, the better he does it. And unfortunately, on the contrary: the less he walks, the worse he gets. And for safety net, you can first take guides with you, and then a stick (or even two, as for Nordic walking).

Yoga also helps to get rid of dizziness. Especially the so-called yoga of the dervishes - samadeva. It does not involve intense exercise, is very smooth and focuses on posture and breathing. It is necessary to breathe with a straight back, smoothly taking in air through the nose and filling it first with the stomach, and then with the chest. Exhale - only through the mouth.

The ground is slipping from under your feet whom, whose. Express. The position of someone becomes extremely unreliable, shaky. - The day will come when the workers of all countries will raise their heads and firmly say: enough!(M. Gorky. Mother).

Phraseological dictionary of Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008 .

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    THE EARTH GONE FROM UNDER THE FEET- from whom, whom, whose position becomes unreliable. It often implies the hopelessness of the existing state of affairs and, as a consequence of this, the loss of the ability to reasonably assess the situation. It means that a person or a group of persons (X) loses its former ... ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

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    THE SOIL SLIPS FROM UNDER THE FEET- from whom, whom, whose position becomes unreliable. It often implies the hopelessness of the existing state of affairs and, as a consequence of this, the loss of the ability to reasonably assess the situation. It means that a person or a group of persons (X) loses its former ... ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

    THE SOIL GONE FROM UNDER THE FEET- from whom, whom, whose position becomes unreliable. It often implies the hopelessness of the existing state of affairs and, as a consequence of this, the loss of the ability to reasonably assess the situation. It means that a person or a group of persons (X) loses its former ... ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

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