Physical and mental stress. Physical and mental stress for a child – should it be reduced? Mental stress

People who are constantly engaged in intellectual work know well how valuable an excellent memory, quick intelligence and generally a fresh mind are.

It is quite possible for every person to increase productivity if they follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle and, first of all, a healthy diet, since the connection between the efficiency of mental work and the quality of food proven by scientific research.

In this article we will talk about general features nutrition for people who are engaged in mental work every day, and also provide a list of the 10 most useful products for such people.

What to eat during mental stress - 4 general principles

A decent return from intellectual work can only be obtained by constantly taking care of the main thinking organ. They should be present in the diet and kept to a minimum. Therefore, employees should follow these basic rules:

  1. Freshness and naturalness of food. The brain is the most sensitive organ of the human body. He needs only the most natural and fresh food. Semi-finished products and products with big amount ingredients should give way to simple and healthy food, not prepared in industrial conditions. See separate article.
  2. The predominance of plant foods. Three-quarters of the diet should be plant foods, since they obtain nutrients from the soil and water, bypassing additional steps, unlike foods containing animal proteins. Preference should be given to vegetables, whole grain cereals, herbs, fruits and seeds. This food is the easiest to digest and provides the most energy.
  3. Lean meat and low fat content. Among animal proteins, the advantage is in white lean meat, lean poultry and low-fat dairy products. They are used during mental stress, but do not clog blood vessels with cholesterol.
  4. No alcohol. Drinking alcohol can create the illusion of extra energy. But overall, it significantly reduces the productivity of the brain, whose cells are killed by the ethanol carried into the brain by the bloodstream.

There is a misconception that “healthy” alcoholic drinks, such as red wine and cognac, do not harm mental processes. In fact, it is determined not so much by the type of alcohol as by the amount of ethanol consumed per unit of time.

10 important foods in the diet

There are a huge number of useful products that protect the brain from overload and maintain high performance. Each of them should be included in the diet regularly.

  1. Sea fish and seafood. Fat sea ​​fish, shrimp, squid, mussels, kelp - all this is a building material for brain cells, and its nutrition, etc. Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, iodine - this is the main thing that is found in seafood, and without which the brain cannot fully function. See a separate article for more details.
  2. Eggs. The danger of eggs as a source of cholesterol is greatly exaggerated: for an adult, child or teenager 1-2 chicken eggs necessary for the supply of vitamins, protein and lecithin to the body, which is so necessary for mental activity and for. Dietary product quail eggs are useful for people of any age.
  3. Unrefined vegetable oils. Direct, preferably cold, pressed oils help maintain the normal state of the bloodstream, which means nourishing the brain and supplying it with oxygen. In addition, the brain is 70% fat, so unrefined vegetable oils, rich in omega-3 and omega-6 vitamins and minerals, are vital for those who work intellectually.
  4. Green leafy vegetables and any greens. Spinach, dill, parsley, cilantro, arugula, lettuce not only make a person more focused and attentive, but also stimulate cognitive activity and awaken intellectual strength.
  5. Legumes. It is not only a supplier of vegetable protein to the body, but also a good brain stimulant. For example, lentils are highly digestible and contain amino acids that stimulate all brain chemistry, increasing ability and clarity of thinking.
  6. Nuts. They also contain unsaturated fatty acids omega-3, omega-6 and even omega-9, which provide protection against atherosclerosis, youth and high performance. Eating nuts gives a lot of energy, including to the thinking organ, and to remember a lot of information.
  7. Fruits, vegetables and berries. Without them, the diet of a person engaged in mental work is incomplete. For example, tomatoes contain melatonin, which prevents the brain from getting tired and aging, and lycopene, which even protects against the development of senile dementia. And apples and black currants help maintain clarity of mind and improve memory.
  8. Bitter chocolate. Cocoa beans, which make up 95% dark chocolate and 75% dark chocolate, are one of the best. Flavonoids contained in cocoa beans stimulate attention, improve memory, help quickly react and absorb information.
  9. Coffee., at the same time stimulating hormones responsible for vigor and good mood. In a normal daily routine, a cup of coffee is enough to keep you at the peak of mental activity for half the day.
  10. Spices. Cinnamon, black and cayenne pepper, ginger, turmeric, basil, nutmeg, garlic stimulate blood circulation, the production of good mood hormones and sharpen thinking.

Approximately 25-30 minutes after drinking coffee, it is necessary to replenish fluid reserves in the body. If this is not done, the diuretic effect will work, partial dehydration will occur, and the state of vigor will be replaced by fatigue, drowsiness and a depressed state. A glass of clean drinking water after each cup of coffee will help maintain your tone throughout the day.

Sample menu for the week

Knowing about the beneficial properties of a large number of products for mental activity, you can compose in advance a complete and very diverse. If there are no health-related contraindications for a person engaged in mental work, then you can eat tasty and healthy meals every day. Here is an example of a weekly menu.


  1. Breakfast: millet porridge with milk and dried fruits, fresh pear, black tea with milk and honey.
  2. Lunch: Cabbage soup in meat broth with beef meatballs, fresh cabbage and carrot salad with dill and parsley, seasoned with unrefined mustard oil, apple compote.
  3. Dinner: Cottage cheese casserole with strawberry mousse, cranberry jelly.


  1. Breakfast: soft-boiled egg, whole grain bread with butter and herbs, fresh apple, coffee with milk.
  2. Lunch: Borscht with turkey, salad of fresh cucumbers, radishes and tomatoes, dressed with unrefined sunflower oil, buckwheat with baked veal cutlet, lingonberry juice.
  3. Dinner: stewed vegetable stew of zucchini, carrots, cabbage and red beans, oatmeal cookies with cereals, milk.


  1. Breakfast: fruit salad from orange, apple, pear, banana, with the addition of lemon juice and sunflower and pumpkin seeds, whole grain bread, spread with hummus, green tea with honey.
  2. Lunch: Lentil soup with vegetables, baked eggplants with garlic and tomatoes, mackerel baked in foil with ginger, dried fruit compote.
  3. Dinner: pumpkin baked with apples, honey, nuts and lemon, sea buckthorn jelly.


  1. Breakfast: omelet with green beans, whole grain bread, spread with butter and herbs, cocoa with milk.
  2. Lunch: chicken noodle soup, salad of arugula, Chinese cabbage and green peas, seasoned with unrefined nut oil, with the addition of flaxseed, brown rice with tomato sauce, beef meatballs, freshly squeezed citrus juice.
  3. Dinner: trout stewed with vegetables, pea mash with unrefined oil and garlic, lemon balm tea with honey.


  1. Breakfast: wheat porridge with raisins, coffee bread with cinnamon and honey.
  2. Lunch: champignon soup, boiled beet salad, walnuts, garlic and olive oil, pasta with seafood cocktail, berry compote.
  3. Dinner: Fish cutlets, salad of cucumbers, tomatoes and green onions, rosehip broth with honey.


  1. Breakfast: oatmeal with banana and cinnamon, homemade yogurt, whole grain bread with butter, mate tea with honey.
  2. Lunch: kharcho soup with beef, salad of Adyghe cheese, lettuce, olives and tomatoes, dressed with olive oil and lemon juice, baked potatoes with turkey breast, fresh or frozen cherry compote.
  3. Dinner: cabbage cutlets with sour cream, fireweed tea with honey and dried fruits.


  1. Breakfast: cheesecakes with cream sauce, fresh or frozen strawberries, whole grain bread, coffee with milk.
  2. Lunch: soup with vegetables and meatballs, cabbage rolls with beef, salad with arugula, spinach and nuts, dressed with citrus juice and direct-pressed pumpkin oil.
  3. Dinner: turkey hedgehogs, yogurt with blueberries and honey.

In addition to proper nutrition, a number of rules must be followed to preserve it. They will help not only improve intellectual work, but also improve well-being.

  1. Correct daily routine. It is compiled purely individually, depending on the psycho-physical characteristics of a person, his social life, etc. It is important to correctly distribute work and rest time and, if possible, transfer intellectual work to the daytime.
  2. Dream. To work well with your head, you need to get enough sleep, and regularly. You need to sleep approximately 7-9 hours a day. But the greater the mental stress, the more adequate sleep is required.
  3. Drinking regime., since it is 90% water. During the day, nutritionists advise drinking up to 2 liters of water. If mental work requires being at a computer, then this requirement becomes especially stringent, since in this case the load on the body increases significantly.


Psychology of occupational safety

Any activity contains a number of mandatory processes and functions that ensure the achievement of the required result.

Attention is the focus of mental activity on certain objects or phenomena of reality. Involuntary attention occurs without any intention, without a predetermined goal and does not require volitional efforts. Voluntary attention arises as a result of a set goal and requires certain volitional efforts.

Involuntary distraction is a fluctuation of attention and its weakening towards the object of activity. Distribution of attention - simultaneous attention to several objects of activity while simultaneously performing actions with them.

Switching attention is the deliberate transfer of attention from one object to another. Sensation is the simplest process consisting of individual properties or phenomena of the material world, as well as internal states of the body under the direct influence of stimuli on the corresponding receptors. There are several types of sensations: visual, auditory, skin.

Perception is the process of reflecting objects or phenomena in a person’s consciousness with their direct impact on the senses, during which individual sensations are ordered and combined into integral images of objects and phenomena. Maintaining a constant, unchanging visual perception of objects when their illumination, position in space, or distance from the perceiving person changes - constancy of perception.

Observation is a purposeful, systematic perception. The dependence of the perception of a person’s personality traits, his past experience, profession, interest, etc. called apperception. The perception of space, volume, shape, size and relative position of objects, their relief of distance and the direction in which they are located, a reflection of changes in time, the position of objects in space is the perception of movement.

The perception of time is a reflection of objective reality, the speed and sequence of phenomena of reality.

Memory is the processes of remembering, storing, subsequent recognition and reproducing what happened in our past experience. Motor (motor) memory is the memorization and reproduction of movements and their systems, which underlies the development of informative motor skills and habits.

Emotional memory is a person’s memory of feelings he experienced in the past.

Figurative memory is the preservation and reproduction of previously perceived images and phenomena.

Eidetic memory is a very pronounced figurative memory associated with the presence of bright, clear, vivid visual representations.

Verbal-logical memory - remembering and reproducing thoughts, text, speech. Involuntary memory manifests itself in cases where there is no special goal to remember this or that material and the latter is remembered without the use of special techniques and volitional efforts. Voluntary memory is associated with the special purpose of remembering and applying appropriate techniques, as well as certain volitional efforts.

Short-term (primary or operative) memory is a short-term (for a few minutes or seconds) process of fairly accurate reproduction of just perceived objects or phenomena through analyzers. After this point, the completeness and accuracy of reproduction usually deteriorates.

Long-term memory is a type of memory that is characterized by long-term retention of material after repeated repetition and reproduction.

RAM- memory processes that serve the direct implementation of actual actions and operations by a person.

Psychology and security issues

Occupational safety psychology represents an important link in the structure of enterprises to ensure human safety. The problems of accidents and injuries in modern industries cannot be solved only by engineering methods. Experience shows that accidents and injuries (up to 60-90% of cases) are often based not on engineering and design defects, but on organizational and psychological reasons: 1) low level of professional training on safety issues, 2) insufficient education, 3) weak attitude specialist for safety compliance, 4) access to dangerous species work of persons with an increased risk of injury, 5) the presence of people in a state of fatigue or other mental conditions that reduce the reliability and safety of the specialist’s activities.

Safety psychology studies the application of psychological knowledge to ensure the safety of human activities. The psychology of safety examines mental processes, properties, and especially analyzes various forms of mental states observed in the process of work.

In human mental activity, three main groups of components are distinguished: 1) mental processes, 2) their properties, 3) states.

Mental processes form the basis of mental activity and are a dynamic reflection of reality. Without them, it is impossible to form knowledge and gain life experience. There are cognitive, emotional, volitional mental processes (sensations, perceptions, memory).

Mental properties - (personal qualities) are the properties of a person or her own characteristics (direction, character, temperament). Personal qualities include intellectual, emotional, volitional, moral, and labor. These properties are stable and permanent.

A person’s mental state is a relatively stable structural organization of all components of the psyche, which performs the function of active interaction between a person and external environment, presented in this moment specific situation. Mental states are diverse and temporary in nature, determine the characteristics of mental activity at a particular moment and can have a positive or negative effect on the course of all mental processes.

Based on the task of labor psychology and the problems of labor safety psychology, it is advisable to distinguish production mental states having important in organizing the prevention of industrial injuries and injury prevention.



Human activities are of a very diverse nature. Despite this, it can be divided into three main groups according to the nature of the functions performed by a person (Fig. 2.1).

Physical work. Physical labor (work) is the performance by a person of energy functions in the “man - tool of labor” system.

Physical work requires significant muscle activity. It is divided into two types: dynamic and static. Dynamic work is associated with the movement of the human body, his arms, legs, fingers in space; static - with the impact of load on the upper limbs, muscles of the body and legs when holding a load, when performing work while standing or sitting. Dynamic physical work, in which more than 2/3 of a person’s muscles are involved in the process of work, is called general, with the participation of 2/3 to 1/3 of a person’s muscles (muscles of the body, legs, arms only) - regional, at local dynamic physical work uses less than 1/3 of the muscles (for example, typing on a computer).

The physical severity of work is determined by energy costs during work and is divided into the following categories: light, moderate and heavy physical work.

Rice. 2.1. Basic forms of human activity

Light physical work(category I) are divided into two categories: 1a, in which energy consumption is up to 139 W, and 16, in which energy consumption is 140-174 W. Category 1a includes work performed while sitting and accompanied by minor physical effort. Category 16 includes work performed while sitting, standing or involving walking and involving some physical effort.

Physical work average severity (category II) are divided into two categories: Pa, at which energy consumption is 175-232 W, and Pb, at which energy consumption is 233-290 W. Category Ha includes work associated with constant walking, moving small (up to 1 kg) products or objects in a standing or sitting position and requiring certain physical effort. Category Ib includes work associated with walking, moving and carrying heavy objects weighing up to 10 kg and accompanied by moderate physical effort.

Heavy physical work characterized by energy consumption of more than 290 W. This category includes work associated with constant movement, moving and carrying significant (over 10 kg) weights and requiring great physical effort.

Energy costs for muscle work. Energy expenditures for muscular work during labor (above the level of rest and regardless of the influence of emotions associated with work, the influence of air temperature, etc.) can be calculated for the average worker as the sum of the costs of maintaining a working posture (Table 2.1) and of the muscles performed mechanical work (Table 2.2).

Mechanized forms of physical labor in the “man-machine” system. A person performs mental and physical functions. Human activity (hereinafter referred to as human operator) occurs according to one of the processes:

deterministic - according to pre-known rules, instructions, action algorithms, strict technological schedule, etc.;

Table 2.1. Energy costs for maintaining a working posture

A, busy at work

1,7(1,3-2,5) 4,6(2,9-5,9) 13,9(10,5- -16,8)
3,0(2,5-3,8) 7,6(5,9-9,2) 21,0(16,8- -25,2)
4,2(3,8-5,0) 10,9(9,2-12,6) 30,2(25,5- -35,7)

Hands and fingers Hands

Arms and torso, as well as simultaneous use of three or four limbs

non-deterministic - when unexpected events are possible in the ongoing technological process, unexpected appearance of signals, but at the same time control actions are known when unexpected events occur (rules, instructions, etc. are written) in the ongoing process.

There are several types of operator activity in technical systems, classified depending on the main function performed by a person and the proportion of mental and physical workload included in operator work.

The process operator is directly involved in the technological process, works in the main mode of immediate service, performs mainly executive actions, guided by clearly regulating instructions, containing, as a rule, a full set of situations and decisions. These are the operators technological processes, automatic lines, etc.

Operator-manipulator (driver). The main role in its activity is played by the mechanisms of sensorimotor regulation (execution of actions) and, to a lesser extent, conceptual and figurative thinking. The functions it performs include the control of individual machines and mechanisms.

Operator-observer, controller (for example, manager of a production line or transport system). Its activities are dominated by information and conceptual models. 20

lei. The operator works in both immediate and deferred service modes in real time. His activities largely use the apparatus of conceptual thinking and experience embedded in figurative and conceptual models. physical work plays an insignificant role here.

the functioning of the body requires the flow of chemical and biological chemical processes within fairly strict temperature limits. For body temperature this interval is within

During human interaction with the environment, body temperature can change significantly, which is associated with temperature, humidity and air mobility in the environment, as well as thermal radiation from various types equipment used in a production environment. The adaptation of the human body to changes in environmental parameters is expressed in the ability of thermoregulation processes to occur in it.

Thermoregulation- a set of physiological and chemical processes in the human body aimed at maintaining a constant body temperature (» 36-37 ° C). This ensures the normal functioning of the body and promotes the flow of biochemical processes in the human body. Thermoregulation (0 excludes hypothermia or overheating of the human body. Maintaining a constant body temperature is determined by the heat production of the body (M), those. metabolic processes in cells and muscle tremors, heat transfer or heat gain (R) due to infrared radiation that is emitted or received by the surface of the body; heat transfer or heat gain due to convection (C), i.e. through heating or cooling the body with air washed over the surface of the body; heat transfer (E), caused by the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the skin, mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, and lungs. Thermoregulation thus ensures a balance between the amount of heat continuously generated in the body and excess heat continuously released into the environment, i.e. maintains heat balance


Thermoregulation can be represented by the following expression:

Q = M±R±C-E.

Under normal conditions, with weak air movement, a person at rest loses about 45% of the total thermal energy generated by the body as a result of thermal radiation, up to 30% by convection and up to 25% by evaporation. At the same time, over 80% of the heat is given off through the skin, approximately 13% through the respiratory organs, about 7% of the heat is spent on warming the food, water and inhaled air. When the body is at rest and the air temperature is 15 ° C, sweating is insignificant and amounts to approximately 30 ml per 1 hour. At high

Temperature (30 °C and above), especially when performing heavy physical work, sweating can increase tenfold. Thus, in hot shops with intense muscle work, the amount of sweat released is 1-1.5 l/h, the evaporation of which takes about 2500...3800 kJ.

There are acute and chronic forms of thermoregulation disorders. Acute forms of thermoregulation disorders:

Thermal hyperthermia - heat loss at relative humidity
air density 75...80% - slight increase in body temperature, abundance
slight sweating, thirst, slight increase in breathing and heart rate.
With more significant overheating, shortness of breath and headache also occur.
pain and dizziness, difficulty speaking, etc.

Convulsive disease - predominance of water-salt imbalance
th exchange - various cramps, especially in the calf muscles, and
accompanied by great loss of sweat, severe blood thickening.
The viscosity of the blood increases, the speed of its movement decreases and
therefore, cells do not receive the required amount of oxygen.

Heatstroke - further progression of convulsive illness
- loss of consciousness, fever up to 40-41 °C, weak
rapid pulse. A sign of severe heatstroke injury
is a complete cessation of sweating.

Heat stroke and convulsive illness can also be fatal.

Chronic forms of thermoregulation disorders lead to changes in the state of the nervous, cardiovascular and digestive system humans, forming production-related diseases.

Prolonged cooling often leads to disruption of the activity of capillaries and small arteries (chilling of the fingers, toes and tips of the ears). At the same time, hypothermia of the entire body occurs. Cold-induced peripheral diseases are widespread. nervous system, especially lumbosacral radiculitis, neuralgia of the facial, trigeminal, sciatic and other nerves, exacerbation of articular and muscular rheumatism, pleurisy, bronchitis, aseptic and infectious inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, etc.

Humid air conducts heat better, and its mobility increases heat transfer by convection - this leads to severe frostbite (even death) under conditions of low temperature, high humidity and air mobility.

There are three stages of cooling of the human body, which are characterized by the following indicators:

Stages I-II body temperature is from 37 to 35.5 ° C. In this case, the following occurs:

Spasm of skin vessels;

Decreased heart rate;

Decreased body temperature;

Increased blood pressure;

Increased pulmonary ventilation;

Increased heat production.

Thus, in the range of up to 35 ° C, the body tries to fight with its own forces against the cooling microclimate.

Stage III - body temperature below 35 °C. This happens:
._ drop in body temperature;

Decreased activity of the central nervous system;

Reduced blood pressure;

Decreased pulmonary ventilation;

Reduced heat production.

Illnesses caused by cold: frostbite, swelling of the elbows and feet, acute respiratory infections and influenza.

Creating a favorable microclimate in the work area is a guarantee of maintaining the body’s thermoregulation and increasing human performance at work.

Mental work (intellectual activity). This work combines work related to the reception and processing of information, requiring primary attention, sensory apparatus, memory, as well as the activation of thinking processes, the emotional sphere (management, creativity, teaching, science, study and

Camera work- characterized by great responsibility and high neuro-emotional stress. Managerial work- is determined by an excessive increase in the volume of information, an increase in the lack of time for processing it, an increase in personal responsibility for decision-making, and the periodic occurrence of conflict situations. Creative work-requires a significant amount of memory, attention, and neuro-emotional stress. The work of a teacher- constant contact with people, increased responsibility, lack of time and information to make decisions - this causes a high degree of neuro-emotional stress. Student's work- memory, attention, perception, presence of stressful situations.

At intense intellectual activity, the brain's need for energy increases, amounting to 15...20% of the total volume in the body. At the same time, the oxygen consumption of 100 g of the cerebral cortex turns out to be 5 times more than that consumed by skeletal muscle of the same weight at maximum load. Daily energy consumption during mental work ranges from 10.5 to 12.5 MJ. Thus, when reading aloud, energy consumption increases by 48%, when giving a public lecture - by 94%, for computer operators - by 60-100%.

When a person performs mental work under nervous-emotional stress, there are shifts in the person’s autonomic functions: increased blood pressure, changes in ECG, increased

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Pulmonary ventilation and oxygen consumption, increased body temperature. At the end of mental work, fatigue remains longer than during physical work.

When operating technical* systems in any area of ​​the environment, a human leader controls not the technical components of the system or a separate machine, but other people. Management is carried out both directly and indirectly - through technical means and communication channels. This category of personnel includes organizers, managers at various levels, responsible decision makers who have relevant knowledge, experience, decision-making skills, intuition and who take into account in their activities not only the capabilities and limitations of technical systems and their components, but also the full features of subordinates - their capabilities and limitations, states and moods.

The severity and intensity of work. The severity of labor is a quantitative characteristic of physical labor. Labor intensity is a quantitative characteristic of mental work. It is determined by the amount of information load.

In production, there are four levels of influence of working conditions factors on a person:

Comfortable working conditions ensure optimal performance
Mimics of human performance and preservation of his health;

Relatively uncomfortable working conditions when exposed to
within a certain period of time provide the specified
performance and preservation of health, but cause subjective
sensations and functional changes that do not go beyond

Extreme working conditions lead to decreased productivity
human abilities do not cause functional changes, conclusion
beyond the normal limits, but not leading to pathological

Ultra-extreme working conditions lead to
pathological changes in the human body and loss of employment

Medical and physiological classification of the severity and intensity of labor is carried out on the basis of a comprehensive quantitative assessment of factors of working conditions, called the integral value of the severity and intensity of labor (It).

Category I includes work performed in optimal working conditions with favorable loadings. Category II includes work performed under conditions that correspond to the maximum permissible values ​​of production factors. Category III includes work in which, due to not entirely favorable working conditions, people develop reactions characteristic of a fanatical state of the body (deterioration of some psychophysiological indicators).

whose condition at the end of the work). Category IV includes work in which unfavorable working conditions lead to reactions characteristic of a prepathological state in most people. Category V includes work in which, as a result of exposure, very unfavorable conditions During labor, at the end of the working period, people develop reactions characteristic of the pathological functional state of the body. Category VI includes work in which such reactions are formed soon after the start of the working period (shift, week).

I and II categories of labor severity and intensity correspond to comfortable production conditions, III-relatively uncomfortable, IV and V - extreme and VI -super extreme.

The category of severity and intensity of labor is determined by calculation. To do this, each factor of production conditions is assessed according to a six-point system using special tables. The integral assessment of the severity and intensity of work is calculated using the formula:

And t = (Ho P + [SCH(6 - x„ n)/(n- 1)6]} 101, (2.1)

where d^n is the determining (highest in score) element of working conditions at the given workplace; 2 - the sum of points of all /-th biologically significant elements without the defining element at the y-th workplace; P-the number of all elements available in the workplace; x tj- score of the i-th factor in the scientific workplace. Each element of working conditions in the workplace receives a score from 1 to 6 depending on its magnitude and duration of action (exposure). When exposure is less than 90% of an eight-hour work shift actual estimate element in points will be:

where x, groin is the maximum rating of the element with an exposure of 90% or more; G f, is the actual duration of the element during the work shift, min; 480 - background working time of an eight-hour work shift, min.

In this case, instead of x, y in formula (2.1) for calculating I t, Af, is used.

If there are factors in the workplace that, taking into account exposure, have a score of 2 points or more, only these biologically significant factors are taken into account when calculating the rating. Factors with a score of 1 and 2 points are not taken into account

Example. Determine the category of labor severity in the workplace based on the data given in table. 2.3.

Table 2.3. Characteristics of working conditions factors

Maximum factor score, point

180360 200

3,75 2,5

And t = 10 = 45.

Therefore, labor is used in the workplace III categories of severity and intensity of labor.

When assessing the severity of physical labor, indicators of dynamic and static load are used. Dynamic load indicators:

The weight of the load lifted and moved manually;

Load moving distance;

Power of work performed: when working with muscles
lower limbs and torso, with predominant involvement of muscles
shoulder girdle;

Small, stereotypical movements of the hands and fingers, more
cost per shift;

Movement in space (transitions caused by technology
logical process), km.

Static load indicators:

Mass of the held load, kg;

Duration of holding the load, s;

Static load per work shift, N, when holding the load:
one hand, two hands, with the participation of the muscles of the body and legs;

Working posture, being in an inclined position, percentage
shift time;

Forced body tilts of more than 30°, number per shift;

Linear spatial layout parameter element
ments of production equipment and workplace, mm;

Angular spatial layout parameter of elements
production equipment and workplace, viewing angle;

Resistance value of drive elements of control elements
niya (the force required to move the controls), N.

Dynamic physical activity is determined, as a rule, by one of the following indicators: 1) work (kg/m); 2) force power (W); static physical load is determined in kg/s. 26

To determine the dynamic work performed by a person in each individual segment of a work shift, it is recommended to use the following formula:

W= (RN + (PL/9) + (RN,/2))K,

Where CG-work, kg m; R- cargo mass, kg; I is the height to which the load is placed from its original position, m; L- the distance over which the load is moved horizontally, m; N\- the distance to which the load is lowered, m; TO- coefficient equal to 6.

To calculate the average shift capacity, you should sum up the work done by a person for the entire shift and divide it by the duration of the shift:

N= WKi/t,

Where N- Power, W, t- shift duration, s; TO\- work conversion factor (W) from kgm to Joule (J), equal to 9.8.

Static load is the effort on a person’s muscles without moving the body or its individual parts. The magnitude of the static load is determined by the product of the force magnitude and the maintenance time (in the case of different magnitudes of effort, the maintenance time of each of them is determined separately, the products of the force magnitude and the maintenance time are found, and then these products are summed).

When assessing the intensity of mental work, indicators of attention, intensity of visual and auditory work, and monotony of work are used.


Performance phases. Efficiency is manifested in maintaining a given level of activity for a certain time and is determined by two main groups of factors - external and internal. External - information structure of signals (quantity and form of presentation of information), characteristics of the working environment (convenience of the workplace, lighting, temperature, etc.), relationships in the team. Internal - Level of training, training, emotional stability. The performance limit is a variable value; its change over time is called the dynamics of performance.

All work activity proceeds in phases (Fig. 2.2):

I- Pre-working state (mobilization phase) - subjectively expressed in thinking about the upcoming work (ideomotor act), causes certain pre-working shifts in the neuromuscular system, corresponding to the nature of the upcoming load.

I. Workability or stage of increasing efficiency

0 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Vrm.h Operating duration

Rice. 2.2. Phases of human performance during the working day

(hypercompensation phase) - the period during which the transition from a state of rest to a working state occurs, i.e. overcoming the inertia of the resting system and establishing coordination between the body systems involved in the activity. The duration of the working capacity period can be significant. For example, in the morning after sleep, all characteristics of sensorimotor reactions are significantly lower than during the day. Labor productivity is lower during these hours. The period can take from a few minutes to two to three hours. The duration is affected by: intensity of work, age, experience, training, attitude to work.

III. Period of stable performance (compensation phase) - set optimal mode the functioning of the body's systems, stabilization of indicators is developed, and its duration is approximately 2/3 of the entire operating time. Labor efficiency is maximum during this period. The period of stable performance is the most important indicator of a person’s endurance for a given type of work and a given level of intensity.

Endurance is conditioned the following factors:

1. Intensity of work. The higher the intensity, the shorter
period of stable performance.

2. Specifics of the work. For example, dynamic work can
continue without signs of fatigue tens of times longer than
static. It matters which organ is involved in the action. For
endurance of leg muscles is 1.5...2 times greater than for arm muscles. Among
The muscles of the arms are more durable than the flexors, and among the muscles of the legs, the extensors are the most durable.

The influence of the specifics of the work performed is characterized in Fig. 2.3, where a-light physical activity and rational speed of operations; b- maintenance of a complex control panel; - significant physical activity with high concentration of attention and performing fast and precise movements; d- simple visual work; e- complex visual work.

3 Age. In adolescence and young age, endurance increases, in old age it decreases.

4. Floor. Under load, equal
no half of the maximum
capabilities, endurance
static and motor action
fertility in men and women
is the same. For heavy loads
men are tougher.

5. Concentration and
volitional tension during intense
hard work reduces performance
whether endurance.

6. Emotional state
eat. Positive - confident
calmness, goodness
mood - activate action
efficiency, extending the stability period
good performance. Autry
nouns - fear, unsure
ness, bad mood - ok
cause a depressant effect,
waiting period of stable work

7. The presence of skills, abilities, and training reduces the
left and emotional tension, increasing performance.

8. Type of higher nervous activity (individual nature
new capabilities of the nervous system). Strength of the nervous system character
ensures the efficiency and reliability of the operator’s work, especially in
extreme situations.

IV. Period of fatigue (decompensation phase). Characterized by
decrease in productivity, reaction speed slows down, appearing
there are erroneous and untimely actions, physiological
thaw. Fatigue can be muscular (physical), mental
(mental). Fatigue is a temporary decrease in performance
due to depletion of the body's energy resources.

V. The period of increasing productivity due to emotional
left tension.

VI. A period of progressive decline in performance and emotional
Cional-volitional tension.

VII. Recovery period. Necessary for the body to recover
performance level. The duration of this period is determined
depends on the severity of the work done, the amount of oxygen debt,

Let's talk about what the development and upbringing of children should be like, how much can they be loaded? Where is the line, crossing which a child can fall apart? What activities are safe for children?
I believe that the child must be loaded. I remember that unpleasant moment when after school lessons at the university the classes started. And couples are an hour and a half without a break. This was hard. And then, when work began and the second higher education began, I began to think, why wasn’t there any workload for me as a child?

How to organize the development and upbringing of children in such a way as to prepare them for academic loads?

For example, after school you have to go to a club, then to the sports section, then some kind of instrument at home. It seems to me an error if they don't start downloading with kindergarten. Because then it becomes a problem. Suddenly, for example, in the fourth grade, music, drawing, and sports appear.
My youngest daughter I went to an advanced kindergarten. She doesn’t sleep there, she studies from morning until 6-7. It was a bit difficult the first week, I was worried and came in tired. Then I got involved. Now he’s asking what to do with his head.

My position is this: we remove everything that causes the child to waste a lot of energy. For example, in my family we do not give our children tablets, phones, or computers. We strive to exclude them from the lives of children as much as possible.

I advise you not to think about how to reduce the load, but to think about how not to lose energy. You can judge for yourself - after half an hour on social networks you become irritable. You don't fill up, you lose. And if you, an adult, lose, then think about the child who cannot control himself. Your task is to raise children and control them. For example, a child will fit into a tablet, spend 3-4 hours there, and then for some reason he gets angry and yells at his mother.

What other black holes are there (besides the Internet and gadgets) through which a child’s energy goes?

The most important black hole into which both parental and child energy goes is negative emotions. A child can run around in the yard for 6 hours and still have a lot of energy left. Or he may come back irritated after a half-hour piano lesson.

Why do such energy losses occur? Parents often project their desires onto their children. “I didn’t live my life the way I wanted, now you will live the way I imagined and wanted.” Often the child does not want to engage in some activity (boxing, music, chess), but the parents insist. As a result, the child is not happy.
It is very important to connect the development and upbringing of children with their own desires; you need to find a compromise between what the child wants and what you think will be right for him.

Often children begin to study with enthusiasm, and then laziness begins.

There are always 2 points in learning.
The first is the Kolb cycle. At first we are interested and we make progress, then we reach a plateau (it seems like nothing is happening), then there is a decline in skills. It seems that I was just able to do it, but now it’s no longer possible. Moreover, this cycle is applicable to everything - how we learn to walk, how we solve arithmetic problems, in any new skill. And at the moment when we leave the plateau and begin to decline, most people say, “This is not mine.” They go into something new, there they reach a plateau and again say “This is not mine.”
You are responsible for the development and upbringing of children. You need to explain this process to your child. This is how the brain works. At first you succeed, then you fail a little. When things don’t work out a little, you have to be patient and everything will be great again. This is an upward curve. The sooner we explain to the child that such cycles exist, the easier it will be for him to learn.
Parents often say - study, study, otherwise you will become a janitor.

What are the right words to choose to motivate a child?

The most important motivation is your responsibility. Because parents who decide lessons for their children are engaged in a very unpleasant task for the child - they take away the child’s opportunity to gain experience. Often the way we learn is to run away, hit our heads against the wall, and then understand something. It is very important to transfer responsibility to the child. It's complicated.

Many people choose the wrong path - to eat easily and eat correctly. We must choose the right path, where it will be good in the end.
For example, I haven’t seen my oldest child’s diary for 3 years. Over the years there have been certificates, awards, everything is great. Because responsibility has been transferred correctly. I don’t interfere, I don’t force, this is your story, your fate will depend on how you study now. This is a transfer of responsibility.
Dear parents, develop and raise your children wisely!

And if you missed something else due to illness or skipped work, then it’s even more difficult to catch up. The session may become an occasion for constant stress, chronic lack of sleep appears, and a feeling of endless fatigue arises. So the students, preparing for it, begin to look for ways to get a freebie or become a scientific genius in a couple of weeks, so as not to fail the exams. The latter method, by the way, is becoming more and more popular among students - take a pill, and a couple of textbooks settle into your head overnight. The pharmaceutical market now offers a wide range of drugs that can help remember large amounts of information and activate brain function.

What is memory

This is a person’s ability throughout his life to receive, store and reproduce information received from the surrounding world.

  • short-term - everything is remembered quickly, literally “on the fly”, but it’s all just as easily forgotten;
  • long-term - remembering information is difficult, but if it is stored in the head, then it will last for a long time and will be remembered easily at the right moment.

The main causes of memory impairment:

  1. Injuries and diseases affecting the brain.
  2. Chronic diseases that affect brain function.
  3. Lack of sleep, stress, mental and physical strain.
  4. Bad habits – alcohol, smoking, drugs
  5. Changes associated with age.

To improve memory, you can take complexes of vitamins, minerals and amino acids, dietary supplements and special medications to improve memory.

Over-the-counter medications

This drug contains two substances - vitamin B6 and L-threonine (an amino acid that is not produced in the body). Perfectly helps to increase attention, stimulates brain activity and strengthens the nervous system. Available in tablets.

One tablet contains: 0.1 g of L-threonine and 0.005 g of pyridoxine hydrochloride (Vitamin B6).

“Ginkgo biloba forte” (analogs - Vitrum Memory; Bilobil forte, Ginkogink, Ginkor procto, Ginkum, Ginos, Tanakan, Terra plant Ginkgo).

It is a herbal preparation that contains extract of the leaves of the Ginkgo Biloba plant. It is recommended for use under heavy mental stress and increased absent-mindedness. It has a good effect on the blood vessels of the brain. Available in tablets.

Ingredients: ginkgo biloba extract, green tea, pollen, dried onion, lactose monohydrate, stearic acid, calcium stearate, polyvinylpyrrolidone.

Directions for use: adults, 1 tablet twice a day with meals for a month. The reception can be repeated 2-3 times a year.

Lozenges. This amino acid-based drug is considered the safest among other similar products and affordable. Effective for severe emotional and mental overload, insomnia, stress, it is always recommended for students during the exam period. Available in powder or tablet form.

Ingredients: nonessential amino acid

Directions for use: adults, 100 mg three times a day for a month.

Helps to absorb glucose in the body, improves memory and attention. Available in tablets (0.25 g).

Ingredients: gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)

Directions for use: adults before meals, 0.5 grams twice a day, after 5 days you can increase the dose to 1 gram twice a day.

It is also worth paying attention to alcohol tinctures of Eleutherococcus, Schisandra chinensis and Rhodiola rosea. They have an excellent tonic effect, perfectly stimulate the brain, and therefore improve memory and attention.

Prescription drugs

Today, brain doping drugs such as nootropics (piracetam, encephabol, phenotropil, vinpotropil) are very popular.

The most famous drug from the line of nootropics. Available in capsules and ampoules.

Ingredients: nootropic drug piracetam.

Directions for use: adults: 400 to 800 mg three times a day, before meals. Daily dose mg/kg – twice a day.

Available in tablets. Helps restore processes in brain tissue, stimulates mental activity and improves memory.

Composition: contains the active component pyritinol

Directions for use: the daily dose for adults should not exceed 600 mg. You can take the drug for up to 12 weeks.

Available in tablets. It has a strong effect on memory abilities, speeds up thought processes, and increases performance.

Ingredients: nootropic drug phenotropil

Directions for use: for adults, apply once a day in the morning for two weeks immediately after meals.

They act quickly, significantly increase endurance, make it easy to endure large mental loads and stimulate memory. But all these products are sold in pharmacies strictly according to a prescription, and it is advisable to take them under the supervision of a doctor.

Vitamins and amino acids

The effect of taking these substances will not appear immediately, so you should take care of taking them several weeks before the session.

B vitamins are considered the main assistants in the fight against forgetfulness. For example, vitamin B3 alone can improve memory by more than 40%. It is recommended to drink them a month before the start of exams. During this time, the body will form required stock vitamins and information will be easier to remember. Also, while studying, you should always pay great attention to the presence in your diet of foods rich in B vitamins (cereals, cottage cheese, sour cream, milk, potatoes, meat, fish, eggs, seafood, liver, legumes, poultry).

Like vitamins, amino acids are natural substances. One of the most famous amino acids that can significantly improve memory and attention is OMEGA-3 fatty acid. It is contained in large quantities in fatty fish, and is also available in the form of special preparations that contain fish fat salmon.

The list of amino acids that promote better memory includes proline, tyrosine, glutamic acid, glycine, etc. Some of them are produced independently in the human body, so nutrition must be complete and balanced. Amino acids can also be taken along with vitamins three to four weeks before the expected mental stress.

Coenzyme Q10 is a substance produced in the body when proper nutrition, is a real energy booster for the brain. It is its deficiency that greatly affects concentration, attention and short-term memory.

Psychotropic substances (LSD, amphetamines and others). They give an immediate effect, allow you to stay awake for several nights in a row and remember large amounts of information at once. But after taking such highly effective drugs, irreversible changes in the brain may occur and irreparable harm will be caused to health.

Note from Biolab: The Kavesan dietary supplement can help improve brain function and memory in students. Since Kavesan is a dietary supplement, it can be used both for prevention and in complex therapy as an additional remedy. "Kavesan" serves as a source nucleic acids, which restore cell structure and strengthen the body as a whole.

Drugs used for increased stress

Important information for the patient, main contraindications and side effects.

Features: drugs used to improve mental performance usually act by stimulating metabolic processes in the brain.

The most common side effects: allergic reactions.

Main contraindications: individual intolerance.

Important information for the patient:

  • It is recommended to use the drugs in courses, the duration of which is determined by the doctor.
  • If you notice that after taking the medicine your child has become too excitable or has trouble sleeping, you should inform your doctor. Perhaps the drug is not suitable and needs to be changed.

In children, it is most often used in quite serious situations: with cerebral palsy, consequences of traumatic brain injury and birth injury, mental retardation. May cause nausea, vomiting, increased body temperature, sleep disturbances, and fluctuations in blood pressure.

  • There are no age restrictions for children.

It is used for low blood pressure, physical and mental fatigue, and during the recovery period after long-term and serious illnesses, including infectious ones.

May cause tachycardia, headache, sleep disturbances, increased blood pressure and decreased blood sugar.

  • Contraindications for use are hypertension, increased excitability, epilepsy, convulsive conditions, sleep disorders, acute infectious diseases, bleeding, age under 12 years.

Remember, self-medication is life-threatening; consult a doctor for advice on the use of any medications.

Buy the printed version of the directory at kiosks in your city or order it from the editorial office by phone or by e-mail with the mark PM (indicate your full name, postal address and telephone number in the letter).

  • Symptoms of chronic fatigue in schoolchildren. How to reduce the load? 0
  • Kick in. school? How to correctly assess a first-grader’s workload 0
  • How to stay healthy at school: main rules for children and their parents 3
  • How to save a schoolchild from chronic lack of sleep 0
  • Children against school: who spoiled whom more? 48

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Among pharmacological means of restoring sports performance and preventing fatigue, vitamins occupy a special place. Their lack in the body leads to decreased performance, fatigue and various painful conditions.

strengthen the walls of blood vessels and regulate their permeability. Vitamin P is more effective in

the presence of ascorbic acid, in particular in the processes of biological oxidation and reduction,

has antimicrobial properties. Take ascorutin during endurance exercise, 1 tablet 3 times a day.

synthesis of amino acids and nucleic acids, in the formation and metabolism of choline. Taken for anemia and other diseases, vitamin Biz deficiency and folic acid, during training in mid-mountain areas, liver diseases (especially in athletes losing weight) 1 tablet 2-3 times a day.

the body's resistance to colds, increased fatigue.

middle mountains. For overtraining and acute fatigue, take 1 teaspoon of a 5- or 10-percent oil solution, for intramuscular administration - 1 ampoule for 10-15 days, for normal training - 15-50 mg 2 times a day for 5 days. 10 days. Vitamin deficiency

manifests itself in impaired peripheral circulation, muscle weakness, and destruction of red blood cells.

tocopherols isolated from unsaponifiable soybean oil. Biological effect - normalization

lipid metabolism, stabilization of cell membranes, participation in the regulation of immunogenesis. Dose: 1 capsule

2 times a day (course 15-20 days).

phenomena of myocardial overstrain, liver pain syndrome, during training in mid-mountains. Take vitamin Bis 150-200 mg per day 4-6 days before the competition and in the subsequent days of stay in the middle mountains.

detoxifying properties, reduces intoxication from ionizing radiation, prevents some

vestibular sensory disorders. The drug is used for chronic hepatitis, lesions

peripheral nervous system, and also as a prophylactic agent for vestibular

sensory disorders, 1 tablet 3 times a day after meals. In case of vitamin Bg deficiency,

irritability, loss of appetite, peeling of the skin, conjunctivitis, impaired ATP resynthesis.

cardiovascular and other systems; 3) do not reduce the physical and mental performance of the body

with the usual provision of oxygen and contribute to its preservation under hypoxic conditions. Many substances meet these requirements: cytochrome-c, glutamine, ascorbic, aspartic,

folic, pantothenic acids, gutimin, etc. These drugs have a positive effect on the body during the development of oxygen deficiency. Under their influence, general well-being improves,

the intensity of hypoxia symptoms decreases, physical performance increases.

pills after training or competitions.

the body's resistance to infections and inflammation. Indications: frequent recurrences of colds,

inflammatory processes (bronchitis, prostatitis, urethritis, etc.). It is used as a prophylactic agent, as well as when changing time zones. Dose: 2-4 tablets per day.

body, promotes the penetration of potassium and magnesium ions into the intracellular space, has

antiarrhythmic properties, reducing myocardial excitability. Used for prevention

overwork (overexertion), when losing weight, when training in a hot climate. Dose: 1-2

tablets 3 times a day.

boxers, bobsledders, lugers, etc.). Dose: 1 capsule 3 times a day (course 10-12 days).

tablet 3 times a day (course 10-15 days).

increase in body weight, normalization of basal metabolism. Indications: diseases and conditions,

accompanied by decreased appetite, decreased body weight, physical exhaustion, traumatic

encephalopathy. Dose: 1-2 teaspoons 2-3 times a day.

various metabolic processes; necessary for many enzyme reactions that provide

vital activity of the body, plays a large role in the absorption and biosynthesis of protein, amino acid metabolism,

carbohydrates and lipids, as well as a number of other processes. Indications: anemia, diseases

peripheral nervous system, asthenic conditions, etc. Dose: 1 tablet 3-4 times a day. Often

cobamamide is used together with carnitine, washed down with boiled water with holosas (or a solution

rose hips with vitamin C).

hypovitaminosis of group B, asthenoneurotic syndrome, vegetative-vascular dystonia, liver diseases,

changes on the ECG (impaired repolarization, etc.). Dose: 1 tablet 3 times a day after meals.

combination with Riboxin. With タュ_m+拗overdose, “clogging” of the muscles often occurs. In this case it is necessary

reduce the dose, do a hyperthermic bath and massage at night.

oxygen; accelerates oxidative processes in tissues. Indications: traumatic brain injury

(concussion, bruises), migraines, muscle congestion, tissue anoxia. Dose: 1 tablet 2-3 times a day.

as a tonic for fatigue, neurasthenia, asthenic conditions, weakness

cardiac muscle, hypotension. Dose: 30-40 drops before meals 2-3 times a day or subcutaneously 1 ml per day

(course 10-12 days). If you have high blood pressure, pantocrine should not be used.

rovic acid, which ensures normal breathing; enhances the effect of orotate

potassium, especially during endurance training. Indications: acute and chronic cardiac overstrain,

the possibility of painful liver syndrome, heart rhythm disturbances, intense

training, etc. Dose: 1 tablet 4-6 times a day, depending on the type of sport and the weight of the athlete (course

breakdown of carbohydrates. It is especially important for the contractile activity of skeletal and

heart muscles. Under the influence of ATP, coronary and cerebral circulation increases. Dose:

intramuscularly, 1 ml of a 1% solution daily (course of 20 injections).

purpose during heavy physical exertion. Indications: acute and chronic cardiac overstrain,

liver pain syndrome, liver and biliary tract diseases, heart rhythm disturbances. Dose: 0.5

g 2-3 times a day. With prolonged use, allergic reactions are observed.

heartbeats. Indications: myocardial overstrain after heavy physical exertion,

heart rhythm disturbances, coronary circulatory insufficiency. Dose: intramuscularly

0.05-0.1 g daily (usually together with ATP), if the heart is overstrained - 0.1-1 g. Course - 10-15 days.

eliminate their deficiency. Used for heart rhythm disturbances, overexertion syndrome

myocardium. Dose: 1 tablet 2-3 times a day (course 10-15 days).

brain cells, increases the body's resistance to hypoxia, has a beneficial effect on

recovery processes during physical activity, improves heart function. Indications: large

physical and mental stress. Dose: 1 tablet 2-3 times a day after meals (course 10-15 days).

previous traumatic brain injuries, headaches, insomnia, dizziness associated with

elevated blood pressure. Dose: 1-2 tablets 3-4 times a day. The course for injuries is 200-300 tablets. With the aim of

to restore performance, the dose is reduced to 2-3 tablets per day (course 10-15 days).

intense training loads, overtraining, recovery after heavy physical exercise

stress, fatigue, exhaustion of the nervous system. Dose: 0.1-0.3 g 2-3 times a day (often in

combination with iron supplements).

anemia, etc. Dose: 2 tablets 3 times a day after meals.

cattle Used during intense training and competitions, during overtraining,

overwork, loss of strength, anemia, hypotension. Dose: 1 tablet 3 times a day (course 10-15 days).

1-2 tablets 2 times a day (course 2 weeks).

% organically bound phosphoric acid. Used during intense training and

competitions, overtraining, functional disorders of the nervous system, vascular hypotension

7 Best Nootropics

The nootropic effect of the drug is considered to be a complex effect on the central nervous system, which manifests itself in improved memorization, a more complete analysis of perceived information, and acceleration of thinking skills. Nootropics are used for diseases such as asthenic syndrome, after traumatic brain injury, dementia, encephalopathy, and strokes. Also, these medications are indicated for use in healthy people with increased mental stress.

This review includes the most popular nootropic drugs, which are the best “vitamins for the brain” and help both adults and children. Some of the nootropics also have an additional sedative or activating effect.

The best nootropic drugs without additional effects

Piracetam is the first of the discovered nootropics, and the first drug introduced into widespread clinical practice to improve memory mechanisms. Available in both tablet form and solution for intravenous administration. Effective with long-term and course use and in patients of all ages.

Nootropil improves memory and affects learning processes. Along the way, it increases nutritional processes both in nerve cells and in glial elements. It is important that the improvement in microcirculation is not accompanied by vasodilation, that is, Nootropil does not have a vasodilating effect.

  • Nootropil can be successfully used during increased mental stress, for example, when studying, during final exams for schoolchildren and students.
  • Protects brain neurons from hypoxia, improves brain resistance to stress.
  • It is successfully used in the complex therapy of withdrawal syndrome in chronic alcoholism.
  • It is not used for cerebral hemorrhage (hemorrhagic strokes), as well as for severe renal failure.

Cavinton (vinpocetine) is a cerebral circulation corrector that has a powerful nootropic effect. In fact, Cavinton is a drug for improving cerebral circulation, but the nootropic effect it has allows us to classify this drug as a “mind improver.” It is derived from the medicinal periwinkle, a flowering plant.

The scope of the drug is wide: strokes and encephalopathy, vertebral artery syndrome, vascular visual and hearing impairment, tinnitus, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, Meniere's disease. Cavinton is able to help brain tissue tolerate hypoxia with minimal consequences. It protects nerve cells from free radical oxidation, prevents capillary aggregation of platelets, and is capable of dilating brain vessels. One of the indications for the use of Cavinton, in which it has a pronounced nootropic effect, is the complex therapy of traumatic brain injuries and concussions.

Cavinton is very well tolerated, both in old and young people. The form of administration to the body may vary: tablets of 5 and 10 mg, or forms for parenteral administration.

Perhaps the only negative property of this wonderful drug is the slow drip administration of Vinpocetine when administered intravenously. Also, this drug should be prescribed especially carefully to elderly patients with cardiac arrhythmias.

Pantogam is a natural metabolite of gamma-aminobutyric acid, one of the best nootropic drugs, which is indicated even for children.

The active ingredient of the drug, hopantenic acid, has been very well studied in pediatric psychoneurology, where it successfully treats many functional and organic disorders. Pantogam is also available in the form of cherry-flavored syrup, which is why children like it so much. It can be used even from the first days of life.

Like other nootropic drugs, Pantogam helps neutralize the effects of toxic substances on brain tissue, and has such a rare combination of a fairly mild stimulating effect with a mild sedative effect. Therefore, in general, it can be considered a neutral drug. Thanks to this “selectivity”, “Pantogam” is used to treat cerebral palsy, various forms mental retardation in childhood. The drug is gently able to correct the delay mental development in children, at the same time it eliminates the “hyperactivity” syndrome and neurosis-like conditions. This drug is used to treat neuro-reflex urinary disorders (incontinence, enuresis).

“Semax” is a unique drug, since among nootropic drugs, regulatory peptides (short chains of proteins) created in such a convenient form for instillation into the nose have not yet been found. In fact, this drug is a structural analogue of ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone) that has been specifically deprived of this hormonal activity. As a result, it is a powerful neuroregulatory agent with nootropic, protective and antioxidant effects.

It is important that the mechanism of drug administration into the body is physiological. Intranasal administration allows the drug to quickly penetrate the blood-brain barrier, and its effect lasts more than 24 hours after a single administration. The manufacturer stated only mild irritation of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages with prolonged use.

The best nootropics with an energizing effect

This drug is one of the best nootropic drugs with a noticeable psychostimulating effect. Therefore, with its help, asthenic syndrome, which develops after severe somatic diseases and infections, is very well treated. In addition, Phenotropil has anticonvulsant and general neuromodulatory effects.

The drug has a direct activating effect on cortical and subcortical structures. It is capable of accelerating the exchange of information, both between the hemispheres and vertically - from the periphery to the center. It is capable of significantly increasing the background mood. It is important that this drug can be used in complex therapy for weight loss, as it has a mildly expressed anorexigenic effect, which manifests itself only with a course of taking the drug.

Phenotropil is able to increase the threshold for pain perception, so it can also be used as an analgesic drug, for example, in the treatment of neuropathic pain.

Phenotropil is able to increase the body's nonspecific resistance to difficult conditions, during stress and periods of increased physical and mental stress.

It is important to improve vision, which is reflected in improved color perception and overall image contrast, and an increase in visual fields.

One of the “non-core” indications is the diagnosis of chronic ischemia of the lower extremities (varicose veins, thrombophlebitis).

The drug has no side effects. It is low toxic and does not affect the development of the fetus.

The best nootropics with a calming effect

Phenibut is able to relieve tension, fear, in complex therapy improves sleep, enhances the effect of sedatives and hypnotics. Has a slight sedative effect.

The drug is able to facilitate the transmission of nerve impulses in the central nervous system and has an antiplatelet effect, preventing red blood cells from sticking together. Able to improve some psychological indicators, for example, reaction speed, memorization time.

It is used in complex therapy of encephalopathy, in the early recovery period of ischemic stroke, and can be successfully used even in old age, since it does not cause an inhibitory effect. It fights well against fears of various causes. It is used to prevent seasickness in air passengers, as well as when traveling by other modes of transport. The distinctive effect of the drug is the lack of influence on cholinergic receptors and histamine receptors. Therefore, it does not cause dry mouth and other symptoms characteristic, for example, of first-generation antihistamines.

In case of long-term use, it is necessary to monitor liver enzymes; it may enhance the effect of alcohol. In case of overdose, drowsiness and hypotension may occur.

Glycine, the most affordable and safe nootropic, is a truly “folk” drug, which, due to its cheapness and availability, can successfully compete with the most expensive drugs. This medicine differs from all others in that it is a purified amino acid, which, among other things, makes up our proteins. It is glycine that is part of GABAergic receptors, one of the inhibitory mediators in the central nervous system.

This drug is used for encephalopathies, in the treatment of memory disorders, for strokes in the elderly and as a preventative measure in schoolchildren and students.

Glycine is well tolerated and is used in all situations in which “mental burnout” occurs. It helps with stressful situations in both adults and children. Glycine relieves mild neurosis-like conditions and is able to relieve manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia, both in hypertonic and hypotonic variants.

In some conditions, glycine may not be a strong enough drug. But this disadvantage has its continuation in the form of an advantage - glycine has practically no side effects, and it is very difficult to cause an overdose. This drug is able to activate inhibition processes in the cerebral cortex.

Nootropic drugs allow a person to adequately withstand various stresses in urban life with its “crazy” rhythm, improve metabolic processes in the central nervous system, and are indicated for use even in healthy person, for example, during the period of spring vitamin deficiency.

Performance enhancing drugs

Performance-enhancing drugs help cope with temporary physical and mental overload, relieve feelings of fatigue, stabilize and harmonize a person’s psycho-emotional state - that is, significantly improve his well-being.

In addition, there are many pharmacological means to increase the body’s adaptive capabilities in situations where, under the influence of certain external negative factors, the autonomic and neuroendocrine regulation of natural physiological processes fails.

However, it must be borne in mind that - in order to avoid negative consequences- performance-enhancing drugs should be used only on the recommendation of a doctor, since many of these drugs have contraindications and serious side effects.

Indications for the use of performance-enhancing drugs

A decrease in a person’s performance is a clear indication that his body, as they say, has accumulated fatigue from prolonged physical work or (much more often) constant mental stress, from experiencing or suppressing strong emotions, from an irrational regime (in particular, lack of sleep), unhealthy lifestyle, etc. When the feeling of fatigue does not disappear even after rest, doctors note a very common painful condition modern man- chronic fatigue syndrome. And the indications for the use of drugs that increase performance primarily relate to this syndrome, that is, they are aimed at increasing resistance to physical and mental stress.

Drugs that improve mood and performance are also prescribed for autonomic neuroses and asthenic disorders, depression, loss of strength and muscle weakness, and in cases of pathological decrease in the ability to concentrate during work or study. Medications of this pharmacological group are effective for cerebral circulatory disorders, which are accompanied by dizziness, impaired memory and attention; in states of anxiety, fear, increased irritability; for somatovegetative and asthenic disorders associated with alcohol withdrawal syndrome.

It is almost impossible to list all the names of drugs that enhance performance, but we will look at their main groups and dwell on the use of some of them in more detail.

To increase physical endurance and eliminate the consequences of many painful conditions that reduce the body’s level of adaptability to external factors, drugs from the adaptogen group are used. In order to improve memory and increase mental performance, nootropics (neurometabolic stimulants) are widely used in clinical practice. Moreover, in both cases, doctors prescribe vitamin preparations that increase performance - B vitamins.

Drugs that increase mental performance: pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Drugs that increase mental performance, which belong to the group of nootropics, are presented in a wide variety. These are Piracetam, Deanol aceglumate, Picamilon, Calcium hopanthenate, Phenotropil, Cereton and many others.

The pharmacodynamics of performance-enhancing drugs is based on the ability of their active ingredients to activate the metabolism of nucleic acids, the release of serotonin from sensory neurons, as well as stimulate the synthesis of dopamine, norepinephrine, acetylcholine and the main source of intracellular energy - adenosine triphosphoric acid (ATP). In addition, drugs in this group increase the synthesis of RNA and proteins in cells. The result of this therapeutic effect is an improvement in the energy state of neurons, increased transmission of nerve impulses and more intense glucose metabolism in the cerebral cortex, subcortical nerve ganglia, cerebellum and hypothalamus.

Also, the pharmacodynamics of performance-enhancing drugs directly affects the normalization of the structure of the cell membranes of neurons, and during hypoxia helps reduce the need for oxygen in nerve cells. In general, these drugs make nerve cells more resistant to various negative influences.

The pharmacokinetics of performance-enhancing drugs depends on the biochemical properties of their specific components. Since nootropics are predominantly amino acids and their derivatives, their bioavailability reaches up to%. After ingestion, they are well absorbed in the stomach and enter various organs and tissues, including the brain. At the same time, they do not bind to blood plasma proteins, but penetrate through the BBB and placenta, as well as into breast milk. The maximum concentration in blood plasma ranges from 1 to 5 hours, and the time during which the highest concentration of drugs in cells is achieved ranges from 30 minutes to 4 hours.

Most performance-enhancing drugs are not metabolized and are excreted from the body by the kidneys (urine), biliary system (bile), or intestines (feces).


Piracetam (synonyms - Nootropil, Piramem, Piratam, Cerebropan, Ceretran, Cyclocetam, Cintilan, Dynacel, Oxiracetam, Eumental, Gabacet, Geritsitam, Merapiran, Noocephal, Noocebril, Norzetam, etc.) is available in the form of capsules (0.4 g each) , tablets (0.2 g each), 20% solution for injection (5 ml ampoules), as well as granules for children (2 g piracetam each).

It is recommended to take tableted Piracetam 3 times a day, and 2 capsules a day (before meals). After the condition improves, the dosage is reduced to 2 tablets per day. The course of treatment lasts from 6 to 8 weeks (it can be repeated after 1.5-2 months). Method of administration and dosage of Piracetam in granules for children (after 1 year, with cerebrosthenic disorders): mg per day (in two doses, before meals).

Deanol aceglumate

Release form of the drug Deanol aceglumate (synonyms - Demanol, Nooclerin) - solution for oral administration. This drug, which improves mood and performance, has a positive effect on the condition of brain tissue, improves well-being in asthenia and depression. Its use is justified if it is necessary to facilitate the processes of memorizing and reproducing significant amounts of information. As experts note, Deanol aceglumate has a positive effect on elderly patients in a number of neurotic conditions caused by organic brain lesions or traumatic brain injuries.

Method of administration and dosage of Deanol aceglumate: for adults, the drug should be taken orally, one teaspoon (5 ml of solution contains 1 g of active substance) 2-3 times a day (the last dose should not be later than 18 hours). The average daily dose is 6 g (with a maximum allowable dose of 10 g, that is, 10 teaspoons). The course of treatment with this drug lasts from one and a half to two months (2-3 courses can be carried out within a year). During treatment, special care should be taken when driving vehicles or operating machinery.


Nootropic drug Picamilon (synonyms - Amylonosar, Picanoyl, Picogam; analogues - Acefen, Vinpocetine, Vinpotropil, etc.) - tablets of 10 mg, 20 mg and 50 mg; 10% solution for injection. The active ingredient nicotinoyl gamma-aminobutyric acid increases brain performance and improves memory by dilating blood vessels and activating cerebral circulation. For strokes, Picamilon improves the condition of patients with movement and speech disorders; effective for migraines, vegetative-vascular dystonia, asthenia and senile depression. For preventive purposes, it can be prescribed to people who are in extreme conditions - to increase resistance to both physical and mental stress.

Method of administration and dosage of Picamilon: it is recommended to take the drug twice or three times a day (regardless of meals); the maximum daily dose is 150 mg; Duration of therapy – days (a second course of treatment is carried out after six months).

To restore performance, a 45-day course of treatment is indicated - mg of the drug per day (in tablets). In severe cases, a 10% solution of the drug is injected dropwise into a vein - 1-2 times a day for two weeks.

Calcium hopantenate

To restore performance under increased loads, as well as with asthenic syndrome in adults, the drug Calcium hopanthenate (in tablets of 0.25 g) should be taken one tablet three times a day (one minute after meals, in the morning and in the afternoon).

This drug is also widely used in the complex treatment of brain dysfunction and congenital brain dysfunction in children with developmental delays (mental retardation), in the treatment of cerebral palsy and epilepsy. The dosage in these cases is 0.5 g 4-6 times a day (treatment lasts at least three months).

When treating with Calcium hopantenate (trade names - Pantocalcin, Pantogam), it is not allowed to simultaneously prescribe other nootropic drugs or drugs that stimulate the central nervous system.


The drug Phenotropil - release form: tablets of 100 mg - a nootropic with the active ingredient N-carbamoyl-methyl-4-phenyl-2-pyrrolidone. Its use is recommended to increase the stability of brain cells and stimulate its cognitive functions, as well as to improve concentration and mood. The drug, like all nootropics, stimulates blood supply to the brain, activates intracellular metabolism and normalizes impaired redox reactions in nervous tissue associated with the breakdown of glucose.

Doctors prescribe Phenotropil (Phenylpiracetam) depending on the individual characteristics of the pathology and the condition of the patients. The average single dose is 100 mg (1 tablet), the tablets are taken 2 times (after meals, in the morning and in the afternoon, no later than one hour). The average daily dose should not exceed mg. The duration of the course of therapy is on average 30 days.


The therapeutic effect of Cereton (generics - Gleatser, Noocholin Rompharm, Gliatilin, Delecit, Cerepro, Holitylin, Choline alfoscerate hydrate, Choline-Borimed) provides it active substance Choline alfoscerate, which delivers choline (vitamin B4) directly to brain cells. Choline is needed by the body to produce the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Therefore, the drug Cereton not only normalizes the functioning of receptors and brain cells, but also improves neuromuscular transmission and helps increase the elasticity of neuronal cell membranes.

Indications for the use of this drug include dementia (including senile age) and impairment of cognitive functions of the brain, decreased attention, encephalopathy, consequences of stroke and cerebral hemorrhage. Cereton capsules are taken in the indicated cases, one piece 2-3 times during the day (before meals). Treatment can last from 3 to 6 months.

Contraindications to the use of performance-enhancing drugs

It should immediately be noted that the use of performance-enhancing drugs during pregnancy and lactation is contraindicated, although in many cases the tyratogenic and embryotoxic effects of these drugs have not been studied by their manufacturers.

Contraindications to the use of performance-enhancing drugs are as follows:

  • Piracetam is not used in children under 1 year of age;
  • the drug Deanol aceglumate is not used for hypersensitivity, infectious diseases of the brain, febrile conditions, blood diseases, renal and liver failure, epilepsy;
  • the drug Picamilon is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance, acute and chronic forms of kidney pathologies;
  • Cereton cannot be prescribed to patients under 18 years of age, or in the acute stage of stroke;
  • Acetylaminosuccinic (succinic) acid is not used for angina pectoris and glaucoma;
  • Pantocrine is contraindicated for atherosclerosis, organic heart pathologies, increased blood clotting, inflammatory kidney diseases (nephritis), and stool disorders (diarrhea).
  • tinctures of ginseng, eleutherococcus and Manchurian aralia are not used in the treatment of children, with acute infectious diseases, bleeding, hypertension, epilepsy, tendency to seizures, insomnia and liver pathologies.

Side effects of performance-enhancing drugs

When prescribing to patients, physicians must consider the side effects of performance-enhancing drugs. Namely: Piracetam can cause dizziness, headache, mental agitation, irritability, sleep disturbances, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, cramps; Deanol aceglumate can cause headaches, sleep disturbances, constipation, weight loss, itching, and in elderly patients – depression.

Side effects of the drug Picamilon are expressed in the form of dizziness and headache, irritability, agitation, anxiety, as well as nausea and skin rash with itching. For some, the use of Phenotropil is fraught with insomnia, irritability, dizziness and headache, an unstable state of mind (tearfulness, anxiety, as well as the appearance of delusions or hallucinations).

Cereton has such possible side effects as nausea, headache, convulsions, dry mucous membranes, urticaria, insomnia or drowsiness, increased irritability, constipation or diarrhea, convulsions, and anxiety.

But the side effects of Melatonin occur quite rarely and are expressed in the form of headaches and discomfort in the stomach.

Drugs that increase physical performance

Drugs that increase physical performance include drugs for increasing the overall tone of the body and activating its adaptive abilities, such as Acetylaminosuccinic acid, Melatonin, Calcium glycerophosphate, Pantocrine, alcoholic tinctures of ginseng, Eleutherococcus and other medicinal plants.

Release form of Acetylaminosuccinic acid (succinic acid) – tablets of 0.1 g. General tonic effect this tool is based on its ability to stabilize and simultaneously stimulate neuroregulatory processes of the central nervous system. Thanks to this, taking succinic acid relieves fatigue and removes the depression associated with it.

Method of administration and dosage of Acetylaminosuccinic acid: the usual dose for an adult is 1-2 tablets per day (only after meals, with a glass of water). Children under 6 years old are prescribed 0.5 tablets per day, after 6 years old - a whole tablet (once a day).

The drug Melatonin increases the content of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and serotin in the brain and hypothalamus, and also acts as a powerful antioxidant. As a result, this drug is used in the complex treatment of depressive states and central nervous system disorders, insomnia, and reduced immunity.

Melatonin is prescribed to adults, 1-2 tablets before bedtime. While taking it, you should not drink alcohol or smoke. This medicine is contraindicated for children under 12 years of age; Children over 12 are given one tablet per day (immediately before bedtime).

Calcium glycerophosphate (0.2 and 0.5 g tablets) is used as a performance-enhancing drug due to the fact that this substance can enhance protein synthesis, and more active anabolic processes in the body tissues, in turn, increase the tone of all its systems Therefore, doctors recommend taking Calcium glycerophosphate for general loss of strength, chronic fatigue and nervous exhaustion. In addition, calcium is very useful for strengthening bones.

The drug should be taken one tablet three times a day (before meals), but it cannot be combined with acidic foods and drinks, as well as with milk.

Pantocrine - a liquid alcohol extract of young (non-ossified) antlers of deer, wapiti and sika deer - is a central nervous system stimulant and is used for asthenic conditions and low blood pressure. Directions for use and dosage: orally, drops 30 minutes before meals (2-3 times during the day). The course of treatment lasts 2-3 weeks, repeated courses are carried out after a break of 10 days.

For many decades, drugs that increase physical performance have been represented by the classics - tincture of ginseng (root), Eleutherococcus, Manchurian aralia and Chinese magnolia vine.

The presence of triterpene glycosides in these biogenic stimulants, which affect energy processes in the body, explains their unconditional effectiveness in regulating glucose metabolism. Doctors recommend taking these tinctures for physical and mental fatigue, increased drowsiness and low blood pressure.

The form of release of drugs based on these medicinal plants is an alcohol tincture. Directions for use and dosage: ginseng tincture - drops (dissolved in a small amount of water at room temperature) 2-3 times a day (for 1-1.5 months); Eleutherococcus tincture - a teaspoon twice a day (before meals); tincture of Manchurian aralia - drops inside 2-3 times a day; Schisandra chinensis tincture - drops twice a day.

Interactions of performance-enhancing drugs with other drugs

The use of any nootropic or adaptogen must be coordinated with the use of medications from other pharmacological groups. Here are the main characteristics of the interaction of performance-enhancing drugs with other drugs:

  • Piracetam increases the effectiveness of thyroid hormones, antipsychotic drugs, psychostimulants and anticoagulants;
  • Picamilon reduces the effect of sleeping pills and enhances the effect of narcotic analgesics;
  • Calcium hopanthenate prolongs the effect of hypnotics and can also enhance the effects of anticonvulsants and central nervous system stimulants;
  • Taking acetylaminosuccinic acid with sedatives (sedative antidepressants and tranquilizers) can significantly neutralize their effects.
  • the use of tinctures of ginseng, eleutherococcus and Manchurian aralia enhances the effect of psychostimulant drugs, as well as cordiamine and camphor-containing drugs. And the simultaneous use of tonic tinctures with tranquilizers or anticonvulsants completely blocks the therapeutic effect of the latter.

An overdose of the above drugs can lead to undesirable consequences. In particular, there may be insomnia, increased irritability, trembling of the limbs (tremor), and in patients over 60 years of age - attacks of heart failure and sharp fluctuations in blood pressure.

The storage conditions for performance-enhancing drugs are almost the same and require their storage in a dry place, protected from light, at room temperature (not higher than +25-30°C). Required condition: The place where they are stored must be out of reach of children.

Manufacturers, as expected, indicate the expiration date of these drugs on the packaging.

Medical Expert Editor

Portnov Alexey Alexandrovich

Education: Kyiv National Medical University named after. A.A. Bogomolets, specialty - “General Medicine”


To make information easier to understand, these instructions for use of the drug “Performance-enhancing drugs” have been translated and presented in a special form based on the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use, read the leaflet included directly with the medication.

The description is provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-medication. The need to use this drug, the prescription of the treatment regimen, methods and doses of the drug are determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.

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At the bottom of the article is a selection of drugs to prevent the disease

You can increase your performance, improve your memory and concentration, as well as become more intelligent and attentive even during periods of great mental stress, be it preparing for entrance and final exams, sessions, diplomas, PhDs, large projects or simply important business meetings. To do this, it is enough to introduce into your diet a complex of special foods that are responsible for brain function. Interestingly, among other things, they will help improve sleep, get rid of irritability and stress, and significantly improve the quality of your life (1).

Vitamins to improve mental performance

It is no secret that the brain, like any other organ, requires proper nutrition. At the same time, the diet of a person seeking to improve mental activity must include:

  • B vitamins. They affect memory and promote the restoration of brain cells. Contrary to the erroneous belief that these cells do not regenerate.
  • Vitamins A, C and antioxidants. They are on the same page because they perform identical functions, protecting cells from the action of free radicals and toxins.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids. They improve brain function and lower blood cholesterol levels.
  • Zinc. It helps improve memory and cognitive functions.

At the same time, it is imperative that the body receives all vitamins together with food, and not as part of medications and vitamin complexes. And there are several reasons for this.

Firstly, in this form they are better absorbed.

Secondly, the vitamins contained in food are absolutely safe. Meanwhile, the effect of such drugs on the human body has not yet been studied.

Third, they have no contraindications. At the same time, doctors do not recommend taking certain vitamin complexes to improve brain function for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases or allergies (1).

Top 21 products for high mental stress

To improve brain function, it is important to choose high-quality organic and, most importantly, fresh food. At the same time, we must not forget about clean drinking water. After all, our brain is 85% fluid, which means it is in dire need of it (2). By the way, if fatigue occurs during prolonged mental activity, doctors advise replacing the usual cup of coffee with a glass of clean water.

Despite the fact that there are quite a lot of products that have a beneficial effect on the human brain, scientists highlight the most basic ones. Among them:

  • Salmon. In addition, mackerel, sardine or trout are suitable. This is an oily fish, thanks to which omega-3 fatty acids enter the body. A study led by Velma Stonehouse at the New Zealand University of Nutrition found that “regular consumption of fatty fish improves short-term and long-term memory and prevents the risk of Alzheimer's disease” (3).
  • Tomatoes. These vegetables contain the antioxidant lycopene. It protects cells from the action of free radicals and toxins, improving blood circulation, and with it brain function. Regular consumption of tomatoes improves memory, attention, concentration and logical thinking. It also prevents the risk of developing Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.
  • Blueberry. It contains antioxidants and polyphenols that help improve short-term memory and concentration. In addition, they help prevent the development of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, which, according to one hypothesis, are caused by toxins (3). You can replace blueberries with cranberries, strawberries, raspberries and other berries.
  • Green leafy vegetables. First of all, these are all types of cabbage and spinach. Their uniqueness lies in their high content of vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid. Their deficiency in the body causes forgetfulness and even the development of Alzheimer's disease. In addition, they contain iron, which reduces the risk of various cognitive impairments.
  • Cereals. Best fit brown rice and oatmeal. Among other things, they improve blood circulation. And this, in turn, has a positive effect on brain function. In addition, these are complex carbohydrates that provide the body with energy and help improve concentration and speed up the process of comprehending new information.
  • Walnuts. Source of omega-3 fatty acids. Numerous studies have shown that they improve memory, concentration and cognitive skills. In this case, it is enough to eat only a handful of nuts a day. They also contain vitamin E, which prevents the development of age-related brain diseases (3).
  • Avocado. It contains monounsaturated fats, which normalize blood circulation and also prevent the risk of developing hypertension.
  • Eggs. It is a source of protein and vitamin B4. This vitamin plays an important role in the regulation of emotional behavior and sleep. In addition, it improves memory and concentration.
  • Green tea. This drink has a huge amount beneficial properties, among which there is memory improvement.
  • Almond. Like oily fish, it contains omega-3 fatty acids, which directly affect brain activity. It also contains antioxidants and vitamin E. Together, they protect cells from the harmful effects of toxins and improve blood circulation, thereby allowing a person to remain concentrated, attentive and as collected as possible for a long time.
  • Sunflower seeds. Source of vitamin E and antioxidant that prevents memory loss.
  • Beans. Improves cognitive functions of the brain.
  • Apples. They contain quercetin, an antioxidant that prevents the development of Alzheimer's disease. Apples also improve brain function and memory and prevent the risk of cancer.
  • Grape. All types of grapes contain quercetin and anthocyanin, substances that improve memory.
  • Carrot. Source of vitamins B, C and beta-carotene. Regular consumption of carrots slows down the aging process, which, among other things, is manifested by memory deterioration and loss of brain activity.
  • Pumpkin seeds. They contain vitamins A, E, zinc, as well as omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Regular consumption of these seeds can help you get rid of sleep problems, as well as improve concentration and brain function.
  • High quality dark chocolate. It is a source of caffeine and antioxidants. These substances improve blood circulation, so the brain receives more oxygen and useful substances. As a result, the ability to pay attention and concentrate, as well as remember, improves new material (4) .
  • Sage. A source of antioxidants and beneficial substances, which are also found in medications against Alzheimer's disease. According to research published in the journal Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior in 2003, “sage helps improve short-term memory and speed up the process of remembering new material. In addition, it improves concentration and speeds up the process of comprehending what you read or hear” (3).
  • Caffeine. This is an antioxidant that, in moderate quantities, can quickly relieve fatigue, increase performance and concentration.
  • Beet. Positively affects blood circulation processes. This improves memory and concentration. At the same time, a person acquires a clear and sharp mind (3).
  • Curry. A spice that contains curcumin, which helps improve memory, stimulate neurogenesis, which is actually the process of creating new cells, and reduce the risk of developing brain inflammation and Alzheimer's disease.

How else can you improve brain function under heavy mental stress?

  1. Take care of sound and healthy sleep.
  2. Don't forget about rest. Alternate mental and physical activity.
  3. Exercise regularly (4) .
  4. Solve mental puzzles, solve puzzles and crosswords more often.
  5. Listen to music. Some studies show that listening to music while doing mental work can help you relax and rejuvenate.
  6. Avoid eating fatty foods, foods high in starch, as well as sweets and starchy foods. It dehydrates the body, thereby impairing brain function (5).


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