Baby Butter. Can children have butter, at what age, how much

Oils, although traditionally not included in dietary products, but must be present in the diet of the baby. They are a valuable supplier of vitamins, fatty acids, proteins, minerals necessary for the full development of the child. It is noteworthy that the cholesterol contained in this product is good for the child, but in strictly limited quantities. So, when and how to introduce oil into the baby's menu?

What are the benefits of oils?

The oil is rich in fats, which are almost completely absent in other foods. It is valued for its high content of fat-soluble vitamins A and D. Unrefined vegetable oil contains vitamin E, sitosterol, lecithin, a group of polyunsaturated fatty acids - all these components are involved in the synthesis of biologically active compounds necessary for the comprehensive and full development of the child.

During heat treatment (especially long and at high heating temperatures), acids and vitamin E begin to break down, and instead of them, carcinogenic products are formed that are dangerous to human life and health. For this reason, vegetable oil can be present in the infant's diet exclusively fresh (it can be added to vegetable mixtures, mashed potatoes).

Olive oil is good for strengthening of cardio-vascular system, effectively affects the work of the heart, protects the walls of blood vessels. Children up to a year need it for the normal development of all types of tissues. Extra virgin olive oil is good for the child's eyesight (because it contains an increased amount of vitamin A) and coordination of movements. The effect of its use in medicine in the treatment and prevention of mental disorders has been proven.

No less useful butter High Quality. We are talking about natural products with a high fat content without impurities and additives. It can be introduced for medicinal purposes into the diet of a child up to a year old, if he suffers from digestive problems (especially from the presence of ulcers in the duodenum), complex bronchial diseases, tuberculosis, dermatological diseases. Butter can strengthen the child's immunity, enhancing its protective properties against viruses and bacteria.

From what age to give the baby?

Both butter and vegetable oil are food heavy enough for a child's body, so it must be carefully introduced into complementary foods. Until the age of six months, it is recommended today to feed the baby exclusively with breast milk or a specially adapted formula, and from six months to ensure the introduction of healthy and balanced complementary foods.

Acquaintance with oil should begin no earlier than 7 months, when the baby is already well acquainted with vegetables. If a child up to a year old was fed ready-made vegetable purees, then they already contain oils (most often sunflower or soybean). At the first stage, it is better to introduce vegetable oil (sunflower, olive) into complementary foods, adding it a few drops in vegetable puree. For complementary foods, it is better to choose refined deodorized oil.


The introduction of butter into complementary foods can be started a month after vegetable oil, when the child's digestive system adapts to a new product.

Butter can be added to cereal porridge for children up to a year old: it will improve taste qualities dishes, and will allow starch compounds to be more fully absorbed by the body.

It is categorically not recommended to include all kinds of analogues of such a product in complementary foods for a baby up to a year old: spread, margarine, “light” butter. Most of these products contain a high concentration of potentially hazardous additives(emulsifiers, flavors, synthetic fats, flavor enhancers), so their introduction into the child's food will not only not bring him any benefit, but can also cause serious poisoning and allergic reactions.

It is better to add butter directly to a plate with porridge (rather than boil it together with cereals) - this way it will retain more vitamins and useful minerals.

About linseed oil

Linseed oil is very popular in healthy eating but is rarely used as food. And, according to pediatricians, in vain. Flaxseed oil contains a fairly rare vitamin F, nourishes the child's brain, affects cell metabolism, and has a beneficial effect on the functioning nervous system.

Flaxseed oil contains more unsaturated acids necessary for the health of the baby than, for example, fish oil.

Flaxseed oil relieves muscle tone, so it is actively used in sports nutrition after training. For children, this property of this product allows you to get rid of muscle strain caused by increased crying, congenital developmental anomalies.

Due to the fact that flaxseed is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, it is useful to use it in cases where fatty foods: unsaturated fats inhibit the action of fatty ingredients.

For children, flaxseed is useful for better absorption of calcium from natural products. To do this, it can be added to vegetable salads from carrots, other vegetables, eggs.

Flaxseed oil has the ability to cleanse the liver of toxins, so its introduction into complementary foods is especially justified after treatment with antibiotics and other potent drugs. Flax-seed in the baby's diet will help to improve the functioning of his digestive tract, solve the problem of constipation in infants up to a year (it often appears after the introduction of complementary foods).

Flaxseed oil has the ability to lower blood cholesterol levels. Its introduction into complementary foods helps strengthen blood vessels, and this is an effective protection against coronary heart disease, stroke, hypertension, and atherosclerosis.

Flaxseed is used in medicine as an immunomodulator. Moreover, it is used not only in the prevention of acute respiratory infections or influenza, but also in such complex cases as oncological diseases in children.

The introduction of this component into complementary foods does not require compliance special conditions. To preserve the rich composition of the product, it can be stored in the refrigerator and protected from sunlight. It is enough for babies up to a year to add a couple of drops of this oil to vegetable dishes. You can also introduce it into decoctions or drinks like smoothies from vegetables. This is an essential ingredient in the diet of children who, for various reasons, do not eat fish.

Rules for the introduction of oils in complementary foods

Whatever the useful oil, it can harm the fragile body of the baby. To avoid this, it is enough to adhere to the elementary rules for introducing this food product into complementary foods for the baby and take into account the following points:

  1. if used olive oil, you should choose a cold-pressed product (it is richer in its vitamin and mineral composition)
  2. creamy cannot be used for frying (fried foods are generally not recommended for children under one year old in any form, especially for high-calorie meat dishes and fatty fish)
  3. Flaxseed oil quickly becomes bitter if stored improperly, so it is important to follow the manufacturer's recommendations. temperature regime and keep open for no longer than 30 days
  4. whatever oil it is, it can provoke indigestion in an infant: it should be especially carefully introduced into complementary foods for children suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and having a weak intestine
  5. creamy - cannot be replaced with spread or margarine, citing a lower fat content
  6. olive - contains the same percentage of fatty acids as breast milk, therefore it is best used for the first complementary foods of nursing infants
  7. olive oil has a beneficial effect on the strength of the baby's bones and teeth
  8. the use of this product should be monitored if the infant has problems with bladder, liver, if there is increased blood clotting
  9. do not heat this product for a long time: during prolonged cooking, trans fats are formed in it, which in the future may cause the development of forms diabetes, oncology
  10. of all types, olive emits the least dangerous substance during frying, so it can be used for aphids stewing or cooking in a slow cooker
  11. an allergic reaction can be observed on olive oil (especially on unrefined varieties), so for children under one year old it is better to choose a purified, refined type (it is lighter, without an intense smell and impurities)
  12. on sunflower - allergy is less common than on olive; if a child has a reaction to the flowering of a sunflower, the introduction of oil from its seeds should be abandoned for at least two years.

It is not recommended to store this product in plastic or metal containers. The best option- decanters with tinted glass lids. Expired oil can cause severe poisoning in an infant, anaphylactic shock. Uncharacteristic smell, powdery sediment, turbidity - clear signs damaged product.

Oils must be present in the diet of the baby. Despite the fact that they are quite high in calories, their competent introduction into complementary foods will enrich the child's body with the vitamins, minerals and fatty acids it needs for full development and growth. For the first acquaintance with this product, olive oil is ideal.

It is not easy for a small child to adapt to a new world. Caring parents should do everything possible so that the baby learns everything new gradually. Breastfeeding oils are no exception. The correct introduction of useful products ensures the comprehensive harmonious development of children.

The importance of oils in a baby's diet

Thanks to the fatty acids contained in the oils, the baby's body is enriched with numerous useful substances. The importance of oils in the diet of infants lies in the fact that they contain:

  • Squirrels.
  • Fatty acid.
  • Vitamins.
  • Minerals.

It is important that cholesterol, harmful to adults, plays a very important role in the development of the child. Therefore, it must be consumed in small quantities.

What is the best oil for babies?

Any oil is useful if it is consumed and fed into the diet in accordance with norms and standards. Oil for babies, which one is better cannot be definitely said. Each is a real storehouse of valuable trace elements. It is important that unrefined vegetable oil contains a lot useful substances vital to every developing organism.

Oils include:

  • sitosterol.
  • Lecithin.
  • Vitamins A, E and D.

It is important to know that when heated, many vegetable oils, or rather the vitamin E contained in them, is destroyed. This leads to the formation of carcinogenic products. Therefore, in a heated form, no vegetable oils should be given to babies. Exceptionally fresh oil as an additive to blends and purees.

Sunflower little for babies

It is not easy to determine the real benefits that sunflower seeds bring to babies. Enriched with vitamins E, A and D, it is well perceived by the child's digestive tract and has a positive effect on the skin and intestinal function. Vitamin D contained in the oil is simply invaluable for the normal development of the child and the prevention of rickets.

Sunflower oil for babies is useful in the form of small supplements to the diet in fresh form. fried foods Babies should not consume.

Olive oil for babies

This oil is useful for both adults and children. Olive oil for babies has invaluable benefits due to the large number of useful components. The benefits of oil for the development of the child's body:

  • Favorable effect on the cardiovascular system.
  • Strengthening the walls of blood vessels.
  • Maintaining the active development of all types of tissues.
  • Optimum effect on the vision of the baby.
  • Promotes regulation of coordination of movements.
  • Prevents the development of mental disorders.

Thus, olive oil for babies is a must. Timely management helps to cope with many health problems at an early age and nourishes the tissues with the necessary beneficial substances.

Palm oil for babies

Palm oil for babies is often used in infant formulas. Due to the high degree of purification, the oils are completely natural and can be taken by children. It is not worth consuming palm oil on your own. And as a baby food, it’s more complete really. In addition, it has been proven that the type of emulsion in which it enters the stomach is perfectly absorbed.

Additionally, it should be noted that palm oil for babies is useful for:

  • Works of the colon.
  • Processing and removal of harmful substances, excess carbohydrates, toxins.
  • Removal of excess bile acids.

Thus, palm oil for babies does more good than harm.

Vegetable oil for babies

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits that vegetable oil has for babies. Timely introduction to the diet can prevent the occurrence of many diseases and stabilize development. It is important to maintain a balance and introduce certain oils in a timely manner so that they only help the child's body, and do not cause unjustified harm.

Benefits of vegetable oils for babies

Before introducing oils into the diet of children, you need to know what are the benefits of vegetable oils for the baby. It is significant and is as follows:

  • Helps to stabilize the work of the nervous system, prevents the development of excessive excitability.
  • Improves memory.
  • Stabilizes vision.
  • Enriches the body with essential antioxidants.
  • Strengthen immunity.
  • Protect the stomach from the effects of harmful substances.
  • Stabilize work digestive system.

Real benefit vegetable oils clear for the baby. It is necessary to determine how to take them correctly and what dosage will bring only benefit, and not harm.

When to introduce complementary foods to infants

Every supplement has its time. Therefore, when to introduce this or that oil into complementary foods for babies, it is necessary to decide based on the recommendations of specialists who are well versed in this matter. In this case, it is necessary to decide on one more nuance. In its pure form, the oil is not introduced and is not given to the child with spoons. It is added to various cereals, mashed potatoes, soups. It all depends on the age of the baby and its tolerance of this or that oil.

Practice shows that when to feed babies with oils and in what volume, it is necessary to determine from age:

  • 4-5 months - 1-2 grams of oil.
  • 6-7 months - 3 grams.
  • 8-10 months - 4 grams.
  • 11-12 months 5 grams.

Further on the rise. In this case, you can combine olive, sunflower and corn oils. They will bring more benefits and demonstrate the reaction of the body and the individual tolerance of the child.

How to enter

The careful introduction of vegetable oils into the diet is the key to the development of a healthy digestive system. How to introduce and with which product you need to decide on your own. So, many use oil, mixing it with vegetable puree. In this case, a few drops of oil added to broccoli or zucchini can cause frequent stools.

Adding to cereals is also possible. In this case, the reaction will be less pronounced. Weak vegetable broths with the addition of oil will provide the necessary benefits. In each case, it is necessary to monitor the individual tolerance of the body. If the baby has an allergy or the stool has become more frequent, then you should stop consuming oil for a while. Perhaps the lack of enzymes played a role and so far vegetable oils should be abandoned.

Butter for babies

Experts believe that you can introduce butter for babies after getting used to vegetable oil. After a pause of a month, after the introduction of a new product, you can proceed to butter. It is ideal to add butter to a plate of porridge to enhance it. taste characteristics. It is strictly forbidden to introduce fat-free butter, spread, margarine or oils with all kinds of additives as complementary foods.

The benefits of butter

In this case, it should be noted that the benefits of butter are invaluable for the mental activity of a young organism. Fatty acids help the nervous system work better. In addition, they are good for the digestive tract. For children living in harsh climates, butter is a real source of extra warmth and minerals.

When to enter

The body has to get used to everything new. Therefore, when to introduce it is worth deciding on the basis of the individual tolerance of vegetable oils by the child. If the reaction is good, then already in the 5th month you can try to add a gram of oil to complementary foods, but no more. Several days of observation will allow you to determine whether the product is introduced in a timely manner and how the baby's body reacts to the new product. Monthly, you can add one gram of butter.

How much butter to give to a baby?

If the enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract of the baby are present in sufficient quantities, then it is enough to introduce one gram of natural non-salted oil from 5-6 months. In no case should you give preference to ghee, as the fat content in it is increased. In some cases, deciding how much butter to give to a baby is based on its tolerance. If the first experience was successful, then you can give 2-3 grams in the first month of complementary foods. Further, the amount can be increased by a maximum of one gram per month.

Oils for feeding babies are very important. Proper and timely complementary foods ensure the harmonious development of the child by obtaining all the necessary vitamins, minerals and amino acids.

Butter is included in the list of products, the presence of which on the table becomes mandatory in the first year of a baby's life. When adding it to the diet, it is important to take into account the high sensitivity of the baby's body to culinary innovations and the recommendations of pediatricians on the nutrition of infants. For many parents, information regarding when butter can be added to complementary foods and what are the norms for using this healthy product will be important.

Butter and vegetable oils include:

  • fatty acid;
  • proteins;
  • vitamins;
  • amino acids;
  • minerals.

Due to the intake of such substances into the body, its normal growth and functioning is ensured, digestive processes are normalized, and the immune system is activated. Butter stimulates the brain, promotes the timely formation of teeth and proper bone growth, maintains the necessary level of moisture in the skin, healthy hair.

Allowed until the child reaches the age of 12 months, vegetable oils (sunflower, olive, corn) improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, participate in the formation of tissues of various organs, maintain the organs of vision in a normal state, promote proper coordination of movements, timely transition from crawling to walking.

The belated introduction of such products into the diet of crumbs or their complete absence is fraught with the appearance of various health problems at an early age, a lag in terms of physical and mental development.

At the same time, it is important to take into account that oily substances are a source of cholesterol, an excess of which leads to negative consequences for good health. That is why they should be present in the children's menu in small, age-appropriate quantities.

When to introduce complementary foods to infants

Many pediatricians are unanimous about the age at which it is necessary to enrich the baby's diet with oil products. In accordance with the recommendations of experts, they should appear on the menu after 8 months in children who are breastfed, and after reaching six months in children who receive instead mother's milk adapted mix.

The famous children's doctor E. O. Komarovsky recommends supplementing complementary foods with butter when the child is well acquainted with vegetables, cereals, and fermented milk products.

Rules for introducing complementary foods

The creamy product is introduced into complementary foods as an addition to a variety of cereals, mashed potatoes, meat puree, and vegetable broths. Being added to these dishes, it will not only improve their taste, but also help to better assimilate the starch contained in cereals and root vegetables. It should be added not during cooking, but immediately before serving to the child.

Vegetable oil is introduced into the diet first, then butter. This is due to the fact that the substance of animal origin in most children is more difficult to digest.

The recommended pause between getting used to such products is about one month. It is important to remember that oils should only have a natural composition. Not to be used as food low fat foods, margarine or spread containing additives of synthetic origin.

When the child's body masters culinary innovations, it is necessary to constantly monitor the development of a possible negative reaction.

If the child has signs of allergies or frequent stools, oil consumption will have to be temporarily abstained. Such phenomena are most often associated with a lack of enzymes and the imperfection of the digestive system.

How much butter and vegetable oils should be given to the baby

There are special baby food standards that describe how much creamy or vegetable product can be given to a child in the first year of life. They look like this:

  1. Daily allowance for babies receiving artificial nutrition- 1 g at 6 months, 3-5 g after 7 months, 5 g at 8 months.
  2. Daily portion of the product for children on natural breastfeeding- 1 g starting from 8 months.

When the child is 9 months old, it is allowed to add 3-5 g of oil to food (not taking into account what the method of feeding the crumbs was in an earlier period). At 10-12 months, the recommended amount of the product per day is 5 g.

As the child develops, the portions of oils in the daily diet should gradually increase. For children from 1 to 3 years old, the norm of a creamy or vegetable product is increased to 6-10 g. After 3 years, the child should receive 10-15 g every day. At this age, butter is not only added to cooked cereals and other dishes, but also offered to the baby with bread and pastries.

Help in choosing an oil for a child

It is important for parents planning to introduce a creamy or vegetable product into the baby's diet to know how to choose it correctly, and which oil will not cause a negative reaction from the child's body. When purchasing butter for feeding a baby, you should carefully study its expiration date, composition and appearance. If possible, it is also recommended to taste oil products.

Quality butter has yellowish color, and has a characteristic, pleasant aroma of cream. Its composition should not contain any flavors and flavors. Pediatricians are advised to give preference to a creamy product with a fat content of at least 82.5%.

Vegetable oils that can be safely included in baby food have a beautiful color. They should be clear, without haze or sediment. For baby food, you should choose refined foods, while it will be possible to minimize the risk of developing allergic reaction. Cold-pressed oil is also considered useful, as it retains all the valuable natural substances in its composition.

When the time comes for the introduction of complementary foods, cereals occupy a firm place in the children's menu. And then the question arises for young mothers: is it possible to add butter to cereals? After all famous saying, which claims that you can’t spoil porridge with butter, refers to adults and does not specify whether butter is suitable for children and, if so, from what age the product can be present in the baby’s diet.

Composition of butter

Butter is a healthy product rich in various minerals and vitamins. It is made by churning cream obtained from cow's milk. This type butter is characterized by a high percentage of milk fat - from 50% (tea) to 82.5% (traditional). The product is quickly absorbed due to the low melting point, has a delicate taste and a fairly high calorie content (traditional - 748 kcal per 100 g). 100 g contains 0.5 g of protein, 0.8 g of carbohydrates and 16 g of water.

Content of vitamins, fatty acids and cholesterol

Content in 100 g
Saturated acids
stearic, g 11
palmitic, g 25
Polyunsaturated acids
linoleic, g 6
linolenic, g 0,7
oleic, g 34
A, mg 0,59
β-carotene, mg 0,38
D, µg 1,5
E, mg 1
B2, mg 0,2
Calcium, mg 12
Phosphorus, mg 19
Magnesium, mg 0,4
Potassium, mg 15
Sodium, mg 7
Sulfur, mg 5
Iron, mg 0,2
Zinc, mg 0,1
Copper, mcg 2,5
Manganese, mg 0,002
Lecithin, g 0,5
Cholesterol, g 0,19

Beneficial features

Many parents are afraid of the content of cholesterol in the product, but these fears are in vain. Cholesterol, which is present in all animal products, is essential for the normal development of the child's nervous system, as well as for maintaining intestinal health.

Vitamins A and D will bring invaluable benefits to the child's body, contributing to the formation of healthy teeth and bones. Vitamin A also has a positive effect on visual acuity.

Video recipe for the occasion:

The presence of a moderate amount of butter in the baby's diet does not threaten the baby with weight gain. Saturated fats are not stored, but are converted into energy that children actively use. In addition, saturated fat has another invaluable property - it protects against the development of asthma.

Introduction to Diet

Unsalted or sweet butter begins to be introduced into the diet of a child from 5-6 months. It is given to the baby after the child's body has become accustomed to vegetable oil, in the event that the use of vegetable oil did not cause negative reactions.

It is preferable to add butter to porridge, this will not only improve its taste, but also increase the absorption of starch from cereals by the child's body. Oil is added to ready-made porridge, and not boiled together with cereals. Also, the product can be added to an omelet or smeared on bread.

The amount of butter is increased gradually. At the first meeting, a serving of oil should not exceed 1 g (at the tip of a knife). If the product is normally tolerated by the child's body and does not cause allergies or gastrointestinal disorders, by the first anniversary of the baby, the amount of butter is adjusted to 5 g, which corresponds to 1 teaspoon. By the age of 3, with health benefits, a child can eat 15 g of oil daily.

Precautionary measures

The use of butter is contraindicated for babies who are allergic to milk protein. Do not exceed the recommended daily intake of the product. This can cause gastrointestinal upset.

It is categorically not recommended to introduce the so-called analogues of butter (spread, margarine, etc.) into the diet of a baby under 3 years old. These products contain various flavors, synthetic fats and flavor enhancers. There will be no benefit from the use of such analogues, but the harm can be serious, which manifests itself in the form of allergies and even food poisoning.

Product storage rules

In the refrigerator at a temperature of -12 to +6 degrees, the oil can be stored for about 2 months. Temperature extremes and high humidity should be avoided during storage.

Butter does not like bright light; under its influence, the amount of vitamin A in the product decreases. The product tends to easily absorb foreign odors, so it is recommended to store it in a container with a tight-fitting lid.

Recipes for children with butter

Mashed rice porridge with butter

Delicious and nutritious porridge suitable for children from 6 months.

  • rice - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • butter - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt, sugar a large number of.


  • Pour washed rice into boiling water. Cook over low heat for 40 minutes.
  • Pass the cooked rice through a sieve or grind with a blender to a puree state.
  • Add hot milk, salt, sugar, bring to a boil.
  • Before serving, add butter to the porridge.


These cookies will appeal to kids over 3 years old. Children not only eat it with pleasure, but also enthusiastically take part in the preparation.

  • wheat flour - 300 g;
  • butter - 200 g;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream - 1 tbsp. spoon.


  • Sift flour, add sugar and mix.
  • Add the softened butter to the mixture and mash with a fork.
  • Make a well in the resulting mixture, pour in the sour cream and add one egg.
  • Knead a homogeneous dough, remove it for half an hour in the refrigerator.
  • Roll out the cooled dough into a layer 5 mm thick, cut into squares or cut out figures using molds, put on a baking sheet.
  • Beat the remaining egg, grease the cookies.
  • Bake for 20 minutes at 190°C.

Butter, which contains a large number of useful components, must be present in the diet of a growing baby. The greatest difficulty for parents is usually the search in stores natural oil High Quality. The main thing is to carefully read the composition indicated on the package and follow the norms for the consumption of the product.

natural butter - useful product, which contains important vitamins and minerals necessary for every person. This is a real source of energy and good mood, immunity.

But many consider butter to be unhealthy because it contains animal fat, which raises bad cholesterol levels. This disrupts the functioning of the heart and the state of blood vessels, leads to the development of atherosclerosis and even cancer.

But if you use high-quality oil and do not overeat, it will only bring benefits. This product is one of those that are introduced into complementary foods for a child up to a year old. It is important to follow the rules for the introduction and norms of complementary foods, otherwise negative consequences may occur.

Butter: benefit or harm

The benefits of butter for a child are determined by the fact that it contains vitamins A and E, D and K, vitamins of group B. By the way, milk fats, which are also included in the composition, are easily and completely absorbed in the body, which is important for young children. In addition, here you will find calcium and magnesium, iron and manganese, sodium and zinc, copper and phosphorus, selenium and chromium, sodium and other useful elements.

Butter performs the following useful functions:

  • Contributes to the harmonious growth and development of the child;
  • Increases immunity and restores strength after illness;
  • Charges with vivacity and energy;
  • Strengthens bones and teeth, improves the condition of hair and skin;
  • Ensures the correct formation and development of the reproductive system;
  • Improves digestion and material metabolism;
  • Fights stress and fatigue, improves mood and performance;
  • Stimulates brain activity, development of intelligence and thinking;
  • Prevention of asthma, viral and infectious diseases, help with sore throat and respiratory diseases.

However, with abuse or poor-quality composition, the product may have negative impact. It causes the appearance of excess weight and metabolic disorders, increases the level of bad cholesterol, clogs blood vessels and worsens heart function. In addition, butter, like other dairy products, can cause an allergic reaction in a child.

When and how much to give

You can introduce butter into complementary foods for babies at eight months after the introduction of vegetable oil and basic vegetables. It is important that the child is not allergic to cow protein! Babies on milk formulas are given the product as early as seven to eight months.

For the first time, put a small piece up to 1 gram in boiled cereal porridge and let the baby try a teaspoon. If there is no negative reaction, gradually increase the dosage. The daily norm of the product is presented in the table.

Age Norm per day
8 months 1 gr
9 months 3-5 gr
10-12 months 5 gr
1-3 years 6-10 gr
older 10-15 gr

Add oil to an already prepared dish, and do not cook on it. The creamy product goes well with vegetable side dishes and cereals. Oil is also added to pastries and desserts. Children over one and a half to two years old can eat sandwiches with butter and cheese. Give butter dishes to your child for breakfast. They are easier to digest and provide energy for the whole day.

Do not fry food in butter, otherwise it will become even more fatty and high-calorie. Such food is difficult and takes a long time to digest in the child's body. The child develops heaviness, pain and discomfort in the abdomen, the stool is disturbed, weight increases, and even poisoning may occur. In addition, during the frying process, carcinogens and other harmful substances are formed. What oil is better to fry, see.

How to choose quality oil

Choose butter that is made according to GOST, exclusively from cream and with a fat content of over 82%. On the packaging, in addition to GOST, there must be a marking STR (compliance with technical regulations). A high-quality natural product has a yellowish color and a characteristic creamy aroma. The shelf life of such goods should not exceed one month.

Carefully check the composition and do not take products containing margarine, spread (fat product), vegetable oils or other additives. They must contain only whole milk and cream. Salt is allowed. Take the product in foil, not paper packaging.

It is desirable that the oil is obtained on environmentally friendly farms, where animals do not receive various growth hormones and estrogen, antibiotics and other harmful substances. After all, all these elements fall into the composition of the derivative product. If you are not sure about the quality of the product, you can make the oil at home.

To prepare, take 0.5 liters of heavy cream and beat in a blender until they separate. Drain the liquid separated milk, and rinse the remaining solid part under cold water and form a ball. Remove the butter to a glass or ceramic dish, or wrap in parchment paper and store in the refrigerator.

By the way, do not rush to drain the remaining milk. It will come in handy for pancakes, dessert or a cocktail. In addition, such milk is useful for cosmetic purposes.

Can a child have ghee

Ghee is obtained after heat treatment of butter. In the process, pure fat is separated, which acquires a nutty flavor and an amber hue. It becomes melted butter. It is stored longer than creamy and is suitable for frying, as it does not form carcinogens even under the most severe conditions. high temperatures. This is, of course, a natural product. By the way, it goes well with vegetables.

Melted butter has mass useful properties. It improves digestion, eliminates colic and constipation, stimulates the brain and develops intellectual abilities. Unlike a creamy product, melted, on the contrary, removes harmful cholesterol from the body and strengthens blood vessels.

Ghee is easier to digest and also suitable for children up to a year old. But since it is extremely fatty, such a product can be given to a child only in the morning and in a minimal amount - up to six grams at a time. This is a suitable option for children with milk protein allergies and lactose intolerance, as all protein and sugars are completely evaporated in the process. Only fat remains.

A quality product should be soft and without hard lumps, with a pleasant creamy aroma and amber color. When heated, it should not give sediment or foam. If you are not sure about the quality of the product, ghee can also be prepared at home.

To prepare, take a creamy product and melt it on the stove. After boiling, the mass is stratified into three parts. From above there is foam with milk protein, water with impurities sinks to the bottom. And pure fat remains in the middle. Carefully remove the foam and pour it into a container, leaving the sediment at the bottom.
