What is the difference between white Ceylon tea and black tea? Ceylon tea: varieties, taste characteristics and brewing methods

Ceylon green tea: brewing, benefits and harm

Ceylon green tea: brewing, benefits and harm

Green hour from the plantations of the island of Ceylon has gained worldwide fame as a soft and amazingly tasty drink. Thanks to healing properties It is recommended to drink it with virtually no contraindications. Although there are some nuances that every tea ceremony lover should take into account.


During the reign of the British Empire, green Ceylon tea became the main import item for European countries. The decision to put production on stream belonged to a breeder from Scotland. Chance also helped, because an insect invasion in the mid-19th century completely destroyed coffee plantations. Then it was decided to replace them with tea ones, which are more resistant to the effects of such pests. These days, the popularity of green tea from the island of Sri Lanka has not diminished. Consumers appreciate this drink for:

  • Bright taste with a light herbaceous aftertaste;
  • Stunning floral-sugary aroma;
  • A feeling of lightness and vigor literally after drinking one cup.

This can be achieved if you brew the drink correctly. To do this, it is better to use a dry leaf, which, under the influence of boiling water, gives all its juices to the drink. It is advisable to use water that has been brought to a boil, but has already cooled to 92-98 degrees. For brewing, take only warmed dishes.

It is better to follow the proportions recommended by the manufacturer, although the ideal formula is 2 teaspoons per 450 ml of water. There is no need to assume that long-term infusion is a plus for taste properties. For a natural aroma and rich taste, brewing for 3-5 minutes will be enough.

Advantages and disadvantages

When discussing the characteristic taste properties of tea from the island of Sri Lanka, you need to keep in mind that it has both pros and cons. Although the information about the shortcomings is quite controversial. Firstly, this is the caffeine content, which can hardly be attributed to useful products, plus it flushes magnesium and calcium from the body. Secondly, this is the formation of a film during brewing. These are microorganisms that can harm the digestive system.

Thirdly, it is not advisable to drink green tea during pregnancy. This drink inhibits absorption folic acid, which affects the development of the child’s brain. Fourthly, a complete contraindication for peptic ulcer disease. But along with such obvious characteristics of denial, green Ceylon tea has a colossal number of benefits, it:

  • Removes toxins and waste;
  • Invigorates and rejuvenates;
  • Promotes weight loss;
  • Normalizes blood sugar levels;
  • Strengthens tooth enamel and prevents caries.

What is more significant is up to the consumer to decide.

A smart choice is always justified

These days there is a huge selection of tea, including in the “Ceylon green” category. That is why a potential consumer must at least somehow systematize such offers for himself, choosing by:

  • Method and strength of brewing;
  • Aroma and aftertaste;
  • Optimal packaging size.

A seller who can provide all this will always be on the buyer's list of preferences.


Reading time: 5 minutes


Ceylon loose leaf tea is very popular all over the world. Every morning we enjoy a tasty and aromatic drink. The main supplier of tea products is Sri Lanka, namely the island of Ceylon, which produces about fifty thousand tons of tea per year. The Ceylon variety is highly valued; due to its characteristics, it is considered even better than Indian tea.

How did Ceylon tea come about?

India and China are now the main tea producers, with Sri Lanka taking third place. Once upon a time, coffee was grown in Ceylon, but it so happened that all the trees died due to disease. The island was then considered a colony of the British, who decided to plant tea bushes. The favorable climate and surrounding mountains created favorable conditions for the growth of tea trees. They are located at an altitude of approximately two thousand meters above sea level.

Since then, real Ceylon tea has been grown in the regions of Dimbula, Nuwara Eliya, Uva and others. Prevailing clean air ideal for the growth of elite bushes.

Other provinces also cultivate bushes, but this is a second-rate product that is added to other refined mixtures.

Features of Ceylon teas

Tea from Ceylon is made from bushes whose plantations are located at an altitude of over four thousand feet. Mainly black varieties are produced here. Tea leaves are collected all year round. Those collected from February to March and from August to September are considered valuable.

Several trading companies produce tea blends. Good mixed varieties are brownish-red in color and have a delicate flavor.

Each Sri Lankan tea that grows in one province or another has its own characteristic taste characteristics. The leaves, which grow at altitudes of up to two thousand feet, have a weak aroma and taste, so they are mainly added to various mixtures.

The produce, collected from the bushes, which are at an altitude of two to three thousand feet, is highly prized and is considered to be of the highest grade. It is the best Ceylon tea; the finished drink has a strong taste and a beautiful amber hue.

The best teas of Sri Lanka

In each province there are plantations that have certain properties. There are tea regions that are famous for certain varieties:

Nuwara Eliya

The tea grown in this area is called "Champagne Splash". The bushes are harvested throughout the year; the highest quality product is the one collected from January to February. Varieties from this province have a pronounced taste and pleasant aroma. It is good to add milk to the brewed infusion.


In this region, as in the previous one, crops are not harvested during the monsoon season. Therefore, the best quality leaves are considered to be those collected from January to the end of February. Drinks from this region have a strong aroma. The leaves are long and fleshy, and the brewed infusion has an unusual oaky taste.


The plantations are located in the south of Ceylon. The beautiful medium-sized leaves allow you to make a flower tea that, after brewing, has a bright yellow and delicate pleasant taste.


Ceylon lowland teas are produced in this area. Long leaves usually added to mixtures. The finished drink has a pleasant soft taste and sweet aroma; it can be prepared with the addition of milk.


The tea bushes are found in the eastern part of the central mountains. The most famous tea is produced in this area. The collection of exquisite varieties occurs in summer period, they have a delicate taste and aroma. The prepared drink has a dark red tint.

Green and are also produced in Ceylon. The cost of white varieties is very high, and green varieties are inferior in quality.

Benefits of black Ceylon tea

The leaves have a rich composition; they contain vitamins: B, A, C, K and P, as well as microelements such as fluorine, potassium, phosphorus and others.

  • Daily use of the infusion has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • It has antiviral and antibacterial properties and prevents colds;
  • Prevents the development of atherosclerosis;
  • The drink calms and has a positive effect on the nervous system;
  • Daily use of the infusion helps remove waste and toxins from the body;
  • Thanks to the substances contained in tea leaves, the drink serves as an excellent prevention of cancer;
  • The presence of antioxidants slows down the aging process.

In addition to these properties, Ceylon tea improves brain performance and removes sand from the kidneys. It also increases potency and prevents the formation of blood clots.

There are few of them, but they are still present. It should be remembered that:

  • Tea in large doses causes headaches and leads to insomnia;
  • It can increase blood pressure, so hypertensive patients should not drink a lot of the drink;
  • People with stomach ulcers should take the infusion with caution, as it stimulates the production of gastric juice.

Rules for preparing the drink

To brew a high-quality, tasty infusion, you need to follow the recommendations:

  • Rinse the dishes in which you will cook with boiling water;
  • Pour one teaspoon of Ceylon loose leaf tea into a teapot;
  • Pour one glass of boiling water;
  • Cover with a lid and leave for five minutes.

Ceylon OR1, Orange Pekoe

Ceylon is a long-leaf black tea of ​​medium strength with a mild taste and rich aroma.

Real high-quality Ceylon tea is not only very tasty, but also healthy (this is confirmed by numerous reviews of Ceylon tea). It contains useful substances such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, fluorine and vitamins. Because Ceylon black tea has medicinal properties:

  • calms, relaxes, normalizes nervous system;
  • stimulates brain function;
  • prevents the penetration of viral infections into the human body;
  • increases immunity;
  • removes toxins from the body;
  • significantly improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • reduces the likelihood of blood clots;
  • relieves feelings of fatigue and depression.

Ceylon tea is the most popular type of tea all over the world. What is his secret?

In the 19th century, on the distant island of Sri Lanka, on the best plantations, large-leaf Ceylon tea began to be grown, which every year became more and more popular both in Europe and in Russia.

Large-leaf black Ceylon tea has a rich taste and slight astringency due to the unique climate of the island and the special harvesting method. Ceylon tea leaves are collected only by hand early in the morning. It is believed that when collected at this time of day, Ceylon black long tea will be the most delicious, because it will be filled with night fog. Only women collect Ceylon tea from Sri Lanka; men are trusted to work in factories.

The higher above sea level the plantation is located, the better and tastier the drink itself will be. Currently, black Ceylon tea is divided into several categories:

To ensure that Ceylon tea does not lose its medicinal and taste properties, you must follow the brewing rules!

  • use only purified fresh water;
  • use a teapot made of porcelain, clay or earthenware or glass;
  • Boil water no more than once;
  • add about 3 grams of tea to 200 ml of water;
  • brew the drink at a temperature of no more than 90-95°C and no less than 85°C;
  • Brew for 3-5 minutes.

The famous island of Ceylon has many advantages. True, now it is called Sri Lanka, but this does not prevent it from occupying one of the leading places in the world in the production of the oldest drink - tea. In this art, local residents can be considered true professionals. Among the numerous varieties and varieties, it is Ceylon green tea that attracts special attention from connoisseurs.

The islanders saw tea bushes for the first time only at the end of the 19th century. They were brought from India by a well-known Scottish planter in those years. After the destruction of his coffee lands, the enterprising owner was forced to look for other sources of income. Life itself suggested a solution, and soon the product collected from the new ones brought him success and world fame. Over the years, this bush has become a real symbol of the island. It began to be grown everywhere: from the lowland eastern regions to the western highlands. The collected leaves, after simple processing, were turned into black or green Ceylon tea. The difference between these two types of product is relatively small. Both are obtained from small leaves of the same shrub. True, these leaves are processed differently. To obtain them in the production process after collection, there are 5 stages:

1) Withering.

2) Twisting.

3) Fermentation.

5) Sorting.

Green Ceylon tea is made in a similar way, excluding only the first and third stages. This allows the leaves to retain their natural properties as much as possible. The technology is taken from Japanese and Chinese masters. Moreover, Ceylon green tea is in no way inferior to them in quality.

Variety of tastes

These days, the tea industry in Sri Lanka is very well developed. Numerous plantations produce a rich harvest, which is then turned into aromatic goods and sent to all countries of the world. Tea accounts for almost 15% of the island's total exports. Tea factories produce the most different types and varieties. They differ from each other in the place of collection and processing methods. While the local industry has already mastered the production of black tea in six main regions, specialists gained experience in the production of green varieties not so long ago. Previously, this technology was used mainly in China. Now unfermented products are supplied in large quantities to the world market. The most popular is natural green Ceylon tea without flavorings. However, to expand the range and meet the growing demands of consumers, new types of tea cocktails have been developed using natural fillers that give the drink a special aroma. Commonly used additives are:

  • mint;
  • jasmine;
  • strawberries;
  • peach;
  • cherry;
  • pomegranate.

The main representative of the tea industry on the island is the Tarpan group of companies, which owns the two largest brands: Basilur and Tipson. They ship their products to many countries, some of which have made their name on top-notch products. Among them are representatives from Russia: Nadin, “Beseda”, “Brook-Bond”, “Tea with an Elephant”, Bernley and others.

Special product

Many buyers claim that of all known species and varieties of unfermented product, the best is Ceylon green tea large leaf. It is obtained at the last stage of production after sorting. Typically, this light, refreshing drink has a delicate taste, wonderful aroma and a long, pleasant aftertaste. Experts say that this product surpasses even the famous black tea in many respects. It contains a huge amount of catechins and 6 times more vitamins. And non-oxidized tannins are more biologically active. All this makes green tea infusion as beneficial as possible for the human body. It is recommended for use by heart patients and those diagnosed with certain types of cancer. And nutritionists say that green varieties speed up metabolism, which contributes to rapid weight loss. This feature of the drink is extremely interesting for women. But everything should be in moderation and under the supervision of doctors.

Promotion of a new look

Many people still only drink black tea. This habit has developed over the years. After all, for a long time it was believed that this drink should be exactly like this. Over time, other technologies became known to the world. At first, only eastern masters from China and distant Japan owned them. True, their methods and techniques were slightly different from each other. The Chinese rolled the leaf across the central axis so that it turned into a pea, and then dried it by direct heating. The Japanese acted somewhat differently. They simply evaporated the moisture from it.

Ceylon green tea repeats the experience of its closest neighbors. They began to make it only at the end of the 20th century, so the product is not yet so well known and popular. The islanders use a special bush for production, brought specially from India. Typically, such plantations are located near places where eucalyptus, cypress and mint grow in large quantities. They are the ones who give the future drink an incomparable aroma. Most often these are high mountain areas, which are located above sea level at an altitude of more than two thousand meters.

Understanding the tempting prospect, tea company executives have recently begun to pay special attention to this product.

Good day, dear readers! We all love to enjoy a cup of tea while sitting in a warm, pleasant company or at our workplace. We cannot even imagine that this drink once did not exist. Ceylon tea is one of the most beloved drinks in the whole world.

For example, in Russia it is an excellent warming drink on cold days. In England, not a single friendly get-together is complete without it. Residents Central Asia quench your thirst with it. Thus, tea is usually consumed cold or hot, depending on the area, customs of the country and weather conditions.

Previously, coffee was grown in Ceylon, and it brought a good harvest. However, at one point, the coffee plantation was struck by a fungal disease, which led to a sharp decline in production. It was not possible to restore the plantations, and they gradually began to be destroyed. This incident led to the beginning of tea cultivation.

The first production of tea for sale was established in 1867 by James Taylor. His tea plantation did not take up much space, only 77 sq.m.

However, over time, James expanded it and opened a tea factory. This factory produced a batch of Ceylon tea for the first time in 1873.

A few years later, the tea plantation outnumbered the coffee plantations, which meant that the drink was enjoyed by many. Thus, Ceylon tea began to be supplied throughout Europe.

To control the quality of tea leaves, the Tea Chamber was opened, which controlled all tea production. By the way, it still exists today.

In 1934, a ban was introduced that prohibited the supply of low-grade tea abroad.

1965 became practically the main year for Ceylon tea, as it began to be considered the leader among similar teas around the world.

Today people can no longer imagine a day without this drink, which is so loved by the whole world. The tea business in Sri Lanka is thriving and continues to delight connoisseurs with its amazing taste and aroma.

Types of Ceylon tea

Ceylon tea from Sri Lanka happens various types. It is chosen depending on personal taste preferences.

Black Ceylon tea is the main product produced in Sri Lanka. When brewed, it produces a thick, dark drink. Its taste is tart. It has tonic and invigorating properties.

Depending on the growing conditions of tea and the area where it is grown, black tea is divided into types. Thus, tea is grown on the following plantations:

  • Nuwara Eliya. It is a high-mountain plantation located 2000 m above the sea. Elite Ceylon tea, which is preferred by many gourmets, is grown here. The finished drink has a light color, mild taste, which has a slightly low viscosity. Tea grows on plantations where there are many eucalyptus trees and wild mint, which determine the taste of the finished drink;
  • Uda Pussellava. The finished drink from tea grown here has a medium strength;
  • Dimbula. The taste of the delicacy from this plantation is bright. It can be very rich or have a medium strength;
  • Uva. The tea collected here is included in various tea blends. In each individual case, due to its different composition, it has a different taste;
  • Kandy. The tea grown here gives the finished drink a bright, rich taste, so lovers of strong varieties will definitely like it;
  • Ruhuna. This is the strongest tea grown in Ceylon. Due to certain soil characteristics, tea leaves acquire a black color, which gives the resulting drink a dark infusion color and a tart taste.

It is worth saying a little about how tea is grown and harvested. About 1 million people work on tea plantations, including a large number of women from 12 years old. Some of the workers have been working on plantations from generation to generation, who live nearby in specially equipped barracks.

The highest grade of tea is collected only by hand by plucking a bud with two adjacent leaves.

The highest grade of tea is collected only by hand by plucking a bud with two adjacent leaves. No equipment is ever used to collect raw materials; everything is always done by hand. The most professional tea pickers are able to collect about 20 kg of elite raw materials per day. This is a lot, because the product is quite small and needs to be collected, selecting what is needed.

After assembly, the product is sorted and processed. The processing stage includes drying of raw materials, fermentation, roasting and packaging of products.

The most popular types of Ceylon tea are:

  • Ceylon black long tea. In fact, it is called baykhov in Russia, and the correct name is “Bai Hoa”, which means the presence of small cilia on the tea leaves. They are what give the drink the taste it has. It is worth noting that not every loose tea can be considered long tea. Small tea leaves in finished form will help you identify the drink. This type of tea has big amount useful substances, so it includes calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium.
    The color of the finished drink should be close to black. If you find light parts of the tea in the composition, it means the product has been poorly processed or is completely fake. The original Ceylon long tea has black leaves and a tight twist. There is a division into large and small leaf types.
  • Ceylon tea large leaf. To make the product, only whole leaves located at the top of the tree are taken. Only the best ones are selected here large leaves, which are then rolled into balls. After the drink is brewed, they will open up and take their original shape.
    It takes longer to prepare the drink than brewing small-leaf tea. Its taste will be distinguished by its tartness and bright taste. Large-leaf black Ceylon tea is more expensive than other similar varieties.
  • White tea. In another way it is called the elixir of immortality. It is stored for a fairly short time, so transporting it to other countries is very difficult. Compared to other types of tea, white tea is harvested very rarely, only twice a year. It is customary to collect only in the morning, since at this time many useful substances can be obtained from it.
    A drink made from white tea can be used for medicinal purposes: for toothache, heart disease and even oncology. It helps prevent the appearance of tumors and also has a healing effect.
  • Green Ceylon tea. This type of drink is produced only on the Uva plantation; you cannot find it anywhere else. Its rich aroma is not comparable to similar Chinese varieties. The drink has a nutty and malty taste, which are more pronounced in the finished drink.
  • Turquoise tea. To make it, the collected leaves are dried in a special way. By taste qualities we can say that this drink is something between black and green. It helps burn excess fat and improves metabolism.

The use of Ceylon tea helps prevent certain diseases. Thus, we can highlight the following beneficial features, after stable consumption of the drink:

  • The product has a fairly low calorie content, which allows you to enjoy it on diets. The only caveat is that the low calorie content is maintained only when using pure tea without added sugar, milk or cream;
  • It has a property that helps improve immunity and prevents various viruses. In this regard, it is recommended to drink the drink in cold weather to prevent various colds;
  • Constant but moderate consumption of the drink helps prevent atherosclerosis;
  • A beneficial effect on the nervous system has been noted. The drink does not excite her, but on the contrary helps to calm down and eliminate anxiety. However, it is important to remember that excessive consumption of the drink can lead to the opposite effect: nervous excitability and insomnia;
  • Helps the body cleanse itself of harmful substances, toxins and waste. Thus, the drink allows you to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, restore metabolism, and also helps to remove excess fat;
  • Prevents urolithiasis and eliminates sand in the kidneys;
  • Stimulates brain function;
  • Prevents the development of thrombophlebitis;
  • Tea has tonic and invigorating properties;
  • Prevents aging, which allows you to live longer;
  • Strengthens sexual function.

The only thing that is important to remember when drinking tea is that you should not abuse the drink, as it may cause insomnia or nervous breakdowns.

Ceylon tea from Sri Lanka: all companies

The main symbol that indicates that the tea is collected according to all the rules and grown in Sri Lanka is a lion with a sword. It is this symbol that speaks of a quality guarantee. All companies that produce this product in Sri Lanka display this logo.

Foreign manufacturers cannot affix such a sign. This is the main distinguishing mark of tea companies in Sri Lanka. Lion with Sword guarantees the quality standard that has been set by the Tea Chamber.

The main symbol that indicates that the tea is collected according to all the rules and grown in Sri Lanka is a lion with a sword.

Good Ceylon tea can only be purchased in original packaging from the manufacturer with the “Lion with a Sword” symbol.

Ceylon tea: brands

Among the most popular brands of Ceylon tea are the following:

  • Orange Pekoe has large thin leaves. It has a fruity flavor that sets it apart from others;
  • Broken Orange Pekoe is a medium leaf tea. Lovers of a strong and aromatic drink will love it.
  • Broken Orange Pekoe Fannings. A very strong drink. It can rightfully replace coffee;
  • Flowery Pekoe. It has a balanced taste and strong infusion;
  • Flowery Orange Pekoe. It is distinguished by a golden tip at the end of the leaf. Due to this, it has a sweetness and pleasant taste.