Analysis of the poem spring, spring as the air is pure Baratynsky. Analysis of the poem spring, spring, how clean the air is by Baratynsky Spring, how clean the air is, what iambic

"Spring, spring! how clean the air is!…” Yevgeny Baratynsky

Spring, spring! how clean the air is!
How clear is the sky!
His azure alive
He blinds my eyes.

Spring, spring! how high
On the wings of the wind
caressing the sunbeams,
Clouds are flying!

Noisy streams! glittering streams!
Roaring, the river carries
On the triumphant ridge
The ice she lifted!

More trees are bare
But in the grove there is a decrepit leaf,
As before, under my foot
And noisy and fragrant.

Under the sun most soared
And in the bright sky
The invisible lark sings
Congratulatory hymn to spring.

What's wrong with her, what's wrong with my soul?
With a stream she is a stream
And with a bird, a bird! murmurs with him
Flying in the sky with her!

Why is she so happy
And the sun and spring!
Does she rejoice like the daughter of the elements,
Is she at their feast?

What needs! happy who is on it
Oblivion of thought drinks,
Who is far from her
He, marvelous, will carry away!

Analysis of Baratynsky's poem “Spring, spring! how clean the air is!…”

"Spring, spring! how pure the air!..” is one of Baratynsky's most famous poems, which is a magnificent example of Russian landscape lyrics of the nineteenth century. In this work, the poet welcomes spring, the rebirth of nature. The ongoing processes delight him, immeasurably please. Therefore, exclamatory sentences are so often used in the poem, therefore a clearly enthusiastic tone is chosen. Baratynsky sings a real hymn to the arrival of spring - solemn, but at the same time light, without excessive pathos. The awakening of nature also causes the awakening of the soul of the lyrical hero. She murmurs along with the stream, ascends into the sky like a bird. Spring gives birth to inescapable joy in her, hope for the best. The fusion of the soul with nature allows the lyrical hero to feel the delight of the fullness of being.

The use of numerous verbs helps Baratynsky to create a lively and dynamic landscape: streams rustle, clouds fly, a lark sings, a river carries ice. The picture drawn by the poet is full of details, due to which a complete image of spring appears in the reader's imagination. It is one, but it is shown as if from different points of view. First, the poet draws attention to the sky, then to the river, after that, to the lark.

Love for spring was reflected not only in Baratynsky's poems, but also in some of his letters. In April 1815, he wrote to his mother that it was a great joy for him to watch how spring adorns nature, to notice “a few blades of grass that have broken through”, to walk freely along the dry streets of St. Petersburg.

Unfortunately, for a long time the work of Baratynsky remained underestimated. Contemporaries considered him a talented poet, but they were inextricably linked with the Pushkin school. The later lyrics of the poet turned out to be completely misunderstood by critics. At the same time, Pushkin always spoke positively about Baratynsky. They considered Yevgeny Abramovich to think correctly and independently, to feel strongly and deeply. Literary critics of the second half of the nineteenth century called the poet a secondary, too rational author. Interest in the work of Baratynsky revived thanks to the Russian symbolists. It was they who put him on a par with Tyutchev, recognizing him as a major lyric philosopher. Later, Joseph Brodsky paid tribute to Yevgeny Abramovich, who wrote the poem “In Memory of E. A. Baratynsky” in 1961.

Poetry notebook.

Evgeny Abramovich Baratynsky. "Spring, spring! how clean the air is!"

Evgeny Abramovich Baratynsky- a poet, born on February 19, 1800 in the village of Vyazhle, Kirsanovsky district, Tambov province, was brought up in the page corps, from where in 1816 he was expelled with a ban on entering military service. Three years later, after intensified troubles, he was, however, allowed to enter as a private in the Life Guards Jaeger Regiment; in 1820, having been promoted to non-commissioned officer, he was transferred to the Neishlot Infantry Regiment, stationed in Finland, and stayed here for about six years before being promoted to officer, after which he retired, married and settled in Moscow. In 1845, Baratynsky went abroad with his family, visited Germany, France and Italy, suddenly fell ill in Naples and died on June 29, 1844.
Baratynsky's works in verse and prose were published by his sons in 1669 and 1884. Baratynsky began to write poetry as a young man, living in St. Petersburg and preparing to enter the regiment; The general character of Baratynsky's lyrics is sad and thoughtful.

vocabulary work

Azure- light blue, blue (obsolete)

Blind- dazzles, makes it difficult to see, look.

Triumphant- from the word triumph - 1. Victory, complete success, 2. Feeling of joy, satisfaction on any occasion.

Ridge - spine, back.

dilapidated- decaying from old age; decrepit.

Zazdravny - performed or proclaimed for someone's health.

Hymn - solemn song.

Reading with commentary

What is the poem about? (- The theme of nature, the arrival of spring.)
How do you think the poet feels? ( - Delight, admiration, flight of the soul, joy, renewal ...)
What feelings did this poem evoke in you? (- Same!)
The punctuation system helps the author convey the mood, and we can feel this mood and understand the author:

H what do you hear when you read a poem? (- the murmur of a stream, the roar of a river, the rustling of old leaves, the song of a lark.)
How does the author manage to convey these sounds?

Conclusion: by repeating certain sounds, the author can convey to us what he hears, and help us hear the same.

Let's turn to expressive means:

What? Where? For what?
"Wings of the Wind"
"ridge" of the river,
clouds fly, "caressing",
sheet "noisy"
Animation of nature, nature rejoices at the arrival of spring, rebirth
epithets Azure is alive
the triumphant ridge of the river,
congratulatory anthem,
the height is bright
Show happiness, joy of nature.
comparison "With a stream she is a stream"
"With a bird bird"
There is no comparison as such: the soul dissolves in nature, becomes part of it.

Conclusion: using expressive means, the author shows his attitude to nature. He inspires her. His soul is part of the soul of nature. He lives in nature, with nature. Experiencing the same feelings as nature. This makes him unspeakably happy. In the last stanza, the author appears, his soul.


- With what feelings does the lyrical hero of the poem meet spring? (The main feelings of the poem are joy, jubilation, delight. The emotional state of elation, spiritual uplift is conveyed by an abundance of exclamatory intonations.)

What words and expressions create a picture of spring? What signs of spring are especially pleasing to the lyrical “I”? Why do you think so? ( The poet creates a light, joyful picture of spring: a clear sky, a breeze, sun rays, clouds, streams, bare trees, a lark. The feeling of joy, the festivity of a pleasant spring day is created by the words pure, clear, caressing, flying, shining, soaring, triumphant, congratulatory, etc. The words of high style: azure (even the outdated form of the word sounds sublime compared to modern azure) give special solemnity to the poem. eyes, trees, naked, decrepit, anthem, etc.)

- What colors, sounds, smells of spring do we feel when reading a poem? ( The poet paints spring with words that help to feel its coming, to feel its colors, sounds, smells. (You can instruct individual students to choose words and expressions from the text that help to see, hear, feel spring.

Colors: the sky is clear, azure, blinds, towards the sun's rays, shine, the sun, in a bright height.

Sounds: streams rustle, roaring, the river carries ... the ice lifted by it, the leaf ... is noisy, the lark sings a salutary anthem, the soul ... murmurs.

Smells: the air is clean, the leaf ... fragrant, etc.)

What images are created in the poem with the help of sound writing?

Find epithets in the text. What meaning do they give to the poem? (The most expressive epithets of the poem are “living azure”, “on a triumphant ridge”, “in a bright height”, “invisible lark”, “healthy anthem”. They convey the power and grandeur of spring, the poet’s admiration for the changes in nature, which he welcomes .)

Find personifications, metaphors, hyperbole in the text. What character do they give to the description of spring? (Personifications: “clouds fly”, “roaring, the river carries”, “it (the soul) ... murmurs ... flies”; metaphors: “on the wings of the breeze”, “the river carries ... on the ridge”, as well as hyperbole: “blinds ... eyes ”, “caressing the sun’s rays”, “under the sun the very thing soared ... a lark” depict spring alive and strong being who has no barriers.)

What is the scope of the poem? Define its "boundaries". What helps us to understand the study of "spatial" words and expressions? (Words and expressions denoting “height”: air, sky, high, wings, fly, on a ridge, under the sun ... soared, an invisible lark - help the reader feel the boundlessness, breadth and power of spring, the immensity of a spring day, the light of which extends from decrepit leaves underfoot until the sun.)

What is the meaning of the last stanza of the poem? Can it be considered the key to understanding the entire poem? ( The last stanza is the main one in the whole poem. It contains a clue that explains the feelings of the lyrical hero, who is delighted with the spring. The renewal and revival of nature in spring causes the lyrical “I” and the reader to strive to merge with the spring day, to dissolve in it. That is why in the spring the human soul, like a stream, joyfully murmurs and flies in the sky like a bird. Such a state of a person induces him to high feelings, calls him to strive for the ideal.)


P got acquainted with the poet Yevgeny Abramovich Baratynsky. They learned to analyze the poetic text of his poem "Spring, spring! how clean the air!".


(Illustration: Sona Adalyan)

Analysis of the poem "Spring, spring! How clean the air! .."

A feature of Russian poetry at the beginning of the 19th century is the combination of the emotional vulnerability of a subtle nature with a great love for nature. native land. E. A. Baratynsky became a bright and memorable representative of the poetic genre about nature. In his famous creation “Spring, spring! How clean the air is! the feelings and emotions, the mood of the poet are very subtly conveyed.

From the first lines, the reader opens up the strength and depth that overwhelms the author from the moment he saw the awakening of nature. Reading these lines involuntarily mentally takes the reader to a spring meadow and helps to experience the emotional upsurge and joy of the arrival of spring. The ease, rhythm of the poem and the simplicity of phrases perfectly convey the mood of Baratynsky. By using an exclamation point after many phrases, the author, as it were, conveys to the reader his admiration and joy of the soul. “Streams are noisy!”, “Clouds are flying!” “The river roars”, “The sky blinds my eyes” - these phrases show the movement of nature, and the epithets used here “bright height, salutary hymn” emphasize the solemnity of the situation.

The simplicity of the phrases that convey the sublime state of the poet's soul at the sight of the rapid awakening of nature from winter sleep, make this work very expressive. To show all the strength and beauty of Russian nature, it is not at all necessary to use grandiloquent phrases.

Readers, together with the poet, are immersed in a pleasant atmosphere of spring mood, experience his state of mind with him and sincerely rejoice at the arrival of Spring. Vivid epithets used in relation to native nature, admiration for the song of the lark, the power of the river that breaks the ice, the murmur of the stream, evoke high feelings and convey the simplicity of the nature of a Russian person who strives for the ideal.

The delight and jubilation of the poet's soul makes you feel the arrival of spring, conveys the smells and sounds in full, makes you feel it. bright colors. Reading the words of the poem, you imagine the fullness of the described events as in the picture. Mentally you draw a noisy picture of ice drift, which is accompanied by the solemn song of a lark in the rays of the gentle sun, shining in the azure sky.

Analysis of the poem Spring is spring like the air is clean by Baratynsky with a plan briefly Grade 6


1.Description of spring

2. Sounds and smells of spring

3. Meaning

The famous poem by E. A. Baratynsky, written in the 19th century, is an example of the Russian spring. In his poem, the author seeks, as tenderly and deeply as possible, to draw a picture of the coming time. He very reverently talks about the sun's rays, the breeze, the lark. The words that the poet selects fully embody the mood of the coming days. From the first lines, the picture about spring is conveyed to readers in a joyful, jubilant tone.

The abundance of sublime intonations completely saturates the poem with the warmth of spring days. Reading the lines, you completely immerse yourself in the atmosphere of awakened nature, on a sunny day. It has a "clear sky", "clouds are flying", "the trees are bare", "streams are shining"... Each line of the verse finds a spiritual response. The joy of the arrival of spring is saturated with the entire work of the poet, which is conveyed to readers in an exciting tone.

The poet not only colorfully describes spring, but also conveys its sounds and smells. As if nature came to life after winter days: streams rustle, the lark sings, the decrepit leaf is noisy ... The chosen words make you feel the approach of a miracle. Short Descriptions invite readers to submit subsequent paintings, color them on their own.

"The river carries... the ice lifted by it" - lines that give rise to the imagination of a stormy picture of a confidently coming spring. Crunchy, breaking ice leaves places for a long time, making room for a new stage of nature. The poet endows his creation with smells so that the reader can better understand the surroundings.

The words "the leaf is fragrant" invites the reader to feel the aromas of forest life. Feel the taste of spring, plunge into a marvelous romantic time. The lark, meanwhile, on a clear day announces to all who hear about the arrival of the long-awaited spring. "A congratulatory anthem," the author of the poem called the song of the bird.

The admiration of the spring day by the poet, the emotions experienced are felt throughout the entire poem. The height of the words used by E.A. Baratynsky help to understand the depth of action, the wide scope of spring, its inevitability and power. The author is a lyrical hero, overflowing with feelings for novelty, getting used to the spring landscape. His soul is eager for romantic moods. The onset of spring awakens the soul of the hero. She is everywhere, she is in heaven and earth, she is with a lark, with a stream, with a tree.

When reading touching lines, one feels that the author completely merges with nature. Every spring day he fully lives without a trace. Enjoys clear days, is delighted with overwhelming feelings for the spring reincarnation. A lively poem about the long-awaited season makes the reader long for her coming. Swimming in sunny days and listening to the sounds of nature is available to everyone.
