Landscape sketch on the theme of winter. Winter day

Landscape drawing.

Preparing for essay writing.

The purpose of the lesson: give the concept of landscape sketching; consolidate and deepen the idea of ​​the description; consolidate writing skills.

Lesson equipment:

booth "Landscape Sketch";

reproductions of paintings by I. Grabar "February Blue", "Winter Day", "Hoarfrost", K. Yuon "The End of Winter", K. Korovin "In Winter", I. Shishkin "In the Wild North";


record "The Seasons" by Vivaldi;

posters with definitions of a landscape sketch, with a plan for working on an essay-description, with a statement by K. Paustovsky.

During the classes .

Let's start with a little vocabulary dictation.

nature, landscape, narration , description, reasoning, composition , oral drawing .

Explain the spelling in the highlighted words (the teacher calls these words).

What words can be combined in one theme? To name one term? (Narrative, description, reasoning - types of speech.)

What type of speech is called narration?

What is called reasoning?

What is a description?

What can be the object of description?

(Nature, person, animal, object, room, architectural structure, monument, etc.)

What is the plan of the description?

(1. Given general idea described.

2. Description of its details, parts.

Description of nature ... That's what we'll talk about today. The topic of our lesson is “Landscape sketch. Preparation for an essay-description ”(the topic is written in a notebook).

Under blue skies

splendid carpets,

Shining in the sun, the snow lies;

The transparent forest alone turns black,

And the spruce turns green through the frost,

And the river under the ice glitters.

Are these lines familiar to you? Who is their author?

What is the attitude of the poet towards winter landscape?

What words convey this attitude? What means of expression does the poet use?

What allows us to see and imagine what the poet writes about?

Each season has its own charm, and the poets could not help but notice how amazing winter is. Russian artists have also repeatedly confessed their love for winter. Here are some examples.

Before you is a reproduction of Igor Grabar's painting "February Blue". Consider it. Do you like her? What feelings, what mood does this landscape create?

What struck the artist in the winter landscape? How did he portray it?

Here is how the author himself conveyed his admiration for the beauty of the February day: “All nature celebrated some holiday - holiday azure sky, pearl birches, coral branches and sapphire shadows on lilac snow.

What unites the pictures of winter in Pushkin's poem and in Grabar's landscape?

And now listen to an excerpt from the cycle of concerts of the Italian composer Vivaldi "The Seasons". (Sounds like winter.)

So the composer, with the help of sounds, conveyed his perception of the winter landscape.

What feelings does the music evoke in you? What picture does your imagination paint?

So, we turned to the image of nature in different types arts: in literature, in painting, in music.

Now let's turn to the topic of our lesson. And let's start with explanatory dictionary:

Sketching - the same as drawing.

Drawing - drawn image, reproduction of something.

Thus, a landscape sketch is an image of nature (in painting, in music, in literature). The illustrations you made for the poem by A.S. Pushkin's "Winter Morning" - also landscape sketches.

What do you see in common in landscape sketches in different types of art? What unites them?

Both the poet, and the artist, and the composer depict nature as they see it, they strive to convey what attracted, excited. Here is what K.G. wrote about this. Paustovsky:

If the writer, while working, does not see behind the words what he writes about, then the reader will not see anything behind them.

But if the writer sees well what he writes about, then the simplest and sometimes obliterated words acquire novelty, act on the reader with striking force and evoke in him those thoughts, feelings and states that the writer wanted to convey to him.

So, what does the writer see behind the words? Let us turn to an excerpt from the novel by I.S. Shmelev "Summer of the Lord":

what a beauty! The first star, and then another ... There are more and more stars. And what stars! Mustachioed, alive, fighting, pricking the eye. There is frost in the air, through it the stars are bigger, they shine with different lights, - blue crystal, and blue, and green, - in the arrows.

If you touch the gate, it will crackle. Freezing! The snow is blue, strong, squeaks thinly, thinly. On the street - snowdrifts, mountains.

And the air ... is blue, silvered with dust, smoky, starry. The gardens are smoking. Birch-white visions...

- Prepare an expressive reading of the passage. (There is text on each desk.) (Reading the text aloud.)

What is the writer's focus?

- Pay attention to the description of the stars. What words, expressions seemed to you the most vivid?

What epithets does the author choose for the word air? Why are these? (Blue - from the light of stars in a blue sky; starry - from snow that sparkles; smoky - since objects can hardly be distinguished in a snowy haze.)

- What unusual comparison did you come across in the last part? How do you understand it?

(Birches - white visions. The white trunks merge with the drifts of snow, so they seem distant in the frosty air.)

We analyzed several landscapes and landscape sketches. I really want you and me to learn to “draw” with words just as beautifully, to create landscape sketches. And now we will try to determine the order of work on the essay.

The teacher reads and comments on the plan written on the board, and the students on their desks have a memo printed on leaflets:

    Think about what you want to "draw" with words.

    What will be the main idea of ​​your sketch? What feelings do you want to evoke in the reader?

    What expressive means of language do you use in your work?

- At home, you will create your landscape sketch; themes: Hoarfrost, Falling Snowflake, Quiet in the Forest, Frosty Evening.

What definitions will you choose for the wordsfrost, snowflake (1st row)? Birch, sky (2nd row)? Snow, silence (3rd row)? On the board there is a poster with the most interesting examples, with the most common epithets. Have you managed to find the most accurate definition of your description?

Summing up the lesson.

Homework: pick up examples of landscape sketches from works of art; write a landscape sketch on the topic: "Hoarfrost", "Falling snowflake", "Quietly in the forest", "Frosty evening".

Subject. The composition is a landscape sketch.

Target. To teach children to see and understand the beautiful in nature, in life, in pictures, in music, in poetry. Develop the ability to express your feelings and admiration in writing. Help to feel bright autumn colors. Cultivate love for nature.

Equipment. A musical work by P.I. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons", a reproduction of Levitan's painting "Golden Autumn", autumn photo studies, children's drawings, a picture plan of the composition.

During the classes.

    Class organization.

    Speech workout.

Golden foliage swirled

In the pinkish water of the pond

Like a light flock of butterflies

With fading flies to the star.

And in the soul, and in the valley coolness,

The blue dusk is like a flock of sheep.

Behind the gate of the silent garden

The bell will ring and freeze.

S. Yesenin

Read the poem "bird market". Prepare to read aloud expressively to convey the mood.

What picture did you present?

What helped the poet to portray this picture?

What figurative language is present in the poem?

3. Message topics, lesson tasks.

Guys, today our lesson is dedicated to the most generous, most amazing, most beautiful time of the year - autumn. In the lesson, we will recall the works of artists, poets and composers dedicated to this season. And, we will write an essay with you - a landscape sketch.

4. Perception and awareness of new material.

1. Conversation.

When does autumn start?

With whom does autumn come? Name her three sons.

What kind of work does he do each month?

What is autumn like? (Early, golden, late...)

Where does autumn get so much gold?


According to folklore, autumn eldest daughter Sun. She was the last to leave her father's house and became the fourth season on Earth. Sending autumn to Earth, the Sun told her: - Take all my wealth. I give you all the gold. Be generous and people will love you.

And Autumn, as you see, fulfills the order of the Sun and every year gives us generous gifts from fields and gardens, and enchants us with its autumn gold.

Autumn is indeed a very beautiful time of the year. Its beauty inspires poets, writers, artists and composers to write poems, works about autumn.

3. Students reading poems about autumn against the background of P.I. Tchaikovsky’s musical work “The Seasons. Autumn".

4. A conversation about autumn based on the works of artists and our own observations.

Look at the picture of the talented artist Levitan "Golden Autumn". Autumn - as if a real artist, without a brush, without a pencil, painted trees, bushes, herbs. She invited everyone to her farewell carnival.

What color of the autumn season is most often repeated?

How many shades of yellow? Name them.

See how red burns in autumn gold. Name the shades of red.

5. Preparatory work for writing an essay.

You listened and watched how poets, artists, composers depict autumn, and now it's your turn. You will be in the role of writers.

What kind of text will you have? (text description)

What are the parts of the description text? (Beginning, main part, ending)

The essay will be small (thumbnail), so the beginning and ending are 1.2 sentences, and the main part is the largest -5.7 sentences.

To make it easier for you to build your description, you can use a picture plan.

Picture plan.


2. Sky and sun.

3. Trees.

4. Flowers.

5. Birds.

In order for the composition to turn out beautiful, literary, one must not forget about the visual and expressive means of the language.

Compilation of a dictionary of key words

nouns adjectives verbs

golden autumn has come

day crimson turned yellow

sad birds turning purple

yellow fields fly away

silent trees are empty

the sky is serene

low cranes cooing

gray clouds float

golden-haired sorceress

beauty pensive

6. Writing an essay by students.

Sample essay.

A wonderful Golden autumn. Everything, as if tired of hard work, is waiting for winter rest.

All nature has changed. The days are getting shorter and cooler. It often rains. The sad cry of cranes is heard in the sky. They send their farewell song to the earth. The Crimson Forest says goodbye to its feathered friends. Gray clouds float across the crystal clear sky. The fields are empty and silent. The trees drop their golden dress and fall into a sound sleep. Withered grass and flowers are no longer visible under the golden carpet of leaves. Quiet and empty becomes around.

Autumn is a bit of a sad time. But I love autumn. After all, this is the time of generous gifts of fields, orchards, orchards. Thank you, autumn, for your gifts.

7. The result of the lesson.

Well done, guys, you worked very well today, showed the ability to competently and beautifully express your thoughts and feelings.

Sketch about spring for schoolchildren "Spring is a wonderful moment"

Tlektesova Asiya, 10th grade student of secondary school No. 35, Pavlodar city, Republic of Kazakhstan.
Supervisor: Aubakirova Manat Kamelievna, teacher of Russian language and literature, secondary school No. 35, Pavlodar city, Republic of Kazakhstan.
Description of work: this is a landscape sketch about spring, in which the author colorfully and emotionally talks about the wonderful transformations in nature, about spring holidays, conveys a passion for beauty native nature. The author managed to convey the sounds, smells, voices, colors of spring. This book is recommended for students to read. It teaches to love nature, to be attentive to it.
Goals: student development creativity; education of personal qualities that ensure the success of creative activity.

Tasks: improving the ability to competently, accurately and expressively express one's thoughts; development creative thinking, imagination, attention, independence; education of love, respect for nature.

Sketch "Spring beautiful moments"

Spring is a time of renewal, rebirth not only of nature, but also of the human race. It's time for charm, inspiration and love. In some places the snow has not yet melted, and spring is already asking for our souls. The anticipation of a peculiar miracle makes one tremble, thereby filling the soul with the magic of spring. The world is changing before our eyes, and we are changing with it. With the advent of the first spring days, something elusive penetrates the air, touches the soul and body.

In spring, all nature changes. spring nature striking in its beauty. Spring is beautiful in itself, she is dressed in a delicate primrose. Spring sweeps away the remains of snowdrifts, blackened ice on the road. It washes away the city dirt with streams, blows heavy clouds from the sky and with clean sponges of white clouds wipes the window pane, like a diligent mistress, the sky to a joyful and clear blue. There is nothing more beautiful than realizing that life is seething around. The air is so clean and fresh that filling the lungs, gives a feeling of peace and youth. Everything around woke up after severe frosts and is ready for life. The weather outside is changeable. Sometimes she gives generous sun rays that warm the earth, and sometimes she catches up with dreary clouds and cold winds. TO general noise the merry singing of returning birds was added to the city. Trees, not wanting to be left without a dress, first bud, and then leaves. We hear the rustle of the first leaves, the cheerful singing of birds, the murmur of streams ...

Spring is the friend of the sun, who becomes an artist next to him. Only instead of colors, she has the sun's rays. I took one ray and covered the ground with greenery. She took another ray and filled the gardens and forests with white and pink flowers, hung earrings on some trees. This is how the strict landscape of white winter was replaced by a gentle watercolor of spring. It became noticeably warmer outside, as if the sun decided to get even closer. And the earth, bound by frost, woke up after a long sleep.

Spring days give us amazing colors, joyful sounds. But there are special spring days. These are holidays. Spring starts with International Women's Day. Probably because spring has a feminine appearance. After all, the word "spring" is feminine. On International Women's Day, mothers and grandmothers, sisters and friends - all the fair sex in the spotlight. What wonderful poems, melodies dedicated to a woman are heard on this day!

Then another holiday comes to our region - Nauryz. Nauryz holiday is one of the most ancient holidays on Earth. It has been celebrated for more than five thousand years as a holiday of spring and renewal of nature by many peoples of Central and Central Asia. Nauryz is a holiday of spring and abundance. Nauryz is a national holiday in our country. In the days of Nauryz, folk festivals are held: snow-white yurts are set up, dastarkhan is served with rich refreshments. Bake delicious bread, baursaks are fried, nauryz-kozhe is cooked. Looking at a generous treat, you just want to reach out, touch, taste. But you don’t need to do this, because they will definitely treat you. After all, the dastarkhan is covered for all guests of the celebration. Joyful music sounds. The people themselves are in bright clothes. The mood is upbeat, festive. Everywhere you will hear the cheerful conversation and laughter of children, congratulations and wishes. According to ancient chronology, this day coincided with March 22 - the day of the spring equinox. It was believed that on this day nature is renewed: the first spring thunder, buds swell on the trees, greens sprout wildly. On the eve of the spring equinox, people put their house and yard in order, planted trees, planted flower beds, paid off debts, forgave insults, put up, because, according to the elders, when Nauryz enters their homes, all diseases and failures should be avoided. It is during the days of Nauryz that the state of nature is in tune with our festive mood.

We admire and admire what spring gives us. She scattered green carpets under her feet, hung green curtains everywhere, brought into our lives the charm of flowering, the freshness of rain, the harmony of light and color - in a word, she disposed of it so well and so carefully that it is impossible not to appreciate all this. Spring also affects people. Unbends the backs of those who lowered their shoulders; smoothes wrinkles on the face. Makes you take a deep breath of air, heady to dizziness. In spring, when the earth thaws, people also seem to become softer. Spring is a time of rebirth and new beginnings. Spring is impossible not to love. She gives life and hope for happiness. What can I say, spring is happiness.

The purpose of the lesson: organize creative activity students in preparation for writing a miniature, using personal observations, works of recognized masters of the word, reproductions of paintings by artists.

Lesson objectives:

  • educational: give the concept of landscape sketching; to consolidate the skills of working on an essay-description;
  • developing: to improve the ability to consciously use figurative and expressive means of language in speech;
  • educational: to promote the formation of "related attention" to nature, the poetic perception of nature.

Equipment: computer presentation - Annex 1; audio recording of "Spring Song" by F. Mendelssohn - Annex 2; cards with working materials for performing a creative task - Appendix 3 .

Preliminary preparation

A week before the lesson, groups are formed from among the students: "Scientific consultants", "Journalists-naturalists", "Readers", "Art critics". Each group receives a lead task. "Scientific consultants" work with explanatory dictionaries, establish lexical meaning the word "drawing". "Naturalist journalists" observe changes in nature. "Readers" are preparing a lyrical composition from poems about spring. "Art critics" collect material about the canvases of A.K. Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived" and I.I. Levitan "March".

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. "Warming up" the study group.

Reading by the teacher of the epigraph to the lesson:

I am sure that in order to fully master the Russian language
you need fellowship with pastures and forests, waters, old willows,
with the whistle of birds and with every flower,
that nods its head from under a hazel bush.

K.G. Paustovsky

Teacher. Consider the statement. How can it be related to the topic of today's lesson?

III. The topic of the lesson. Vocabulary work.

(Presentation, Slide 2)

Teacher. Description of nature ... That's what we'll talk about today. Write down the date and topic of the lesson in your notebooks: “Landscape sketch. Preparation for essay-description.

Which word in the formulation of the topic requires interpretation? (Sketch.) Let's ask the "scientific consultant" about the meaning of this word.

Student. According to the definition of the school explanatory dictionary, a sketch is a sketch from nature, reproducing what has been seen in painting, music, and literature.

Teacher. What is landscape painting? (Landscape sketching is a depiction of nature in various forms of art.) Write the definition in your notebook.

IV. Goal setting.

Teacher. Our goal is to prepare for writing a landscape sketch on the theme “The First Breath of Spring”. Define your tasks learning activities at the lesson. (Find the first signs of spring in nature; pick up bright, figurative words to describe them.)

V. "Immersion" in the topic.

Reading by the teacher of an excerpt from a poem by A.A. Feta "Spring".

More fragrant bliss of spring
We did not have time to descend,
More ravines are full of snow
Still at dawn the cart rumbles
On a frozen path
As soon as the sun warms at noon,
And the nightingale does not dare yet
Sing in a currant bush ...
But the news of rebirth is alive
Already there…

Teacher. Let's try to find this living message of rebirth in the nature around us.

VI. Collection of factual material for the essay.

Teacher. For several days, your classmates have been watching the nature of their native village and noticed this…

Speech by students from the group "Journalists-naturalists".

1st student. Spring this year flew to us on sunny wings.
2nd student. Although the frosts are still strong, but not the ones that were in the middle of winter. Although the snow is deep, and not the same as it was - it has faded, loosened.
1st student. And icicles grow from the roofs.
2nd student. And in the afternoon from icicles - drops.
1st student. The sun is peeking out more and more.
2nd student. Warms the glass with a golden ray.
1st student. And the sky is no longer frozen, white-blue winter color.
2nd student. Turns blue day by day.
1st student. But the water is still sleeping under the ice.
2nd student. But the trees have already woken up from their winter sleep, thawed, breathed.
1st student. And the spring air!
2nd student. It smells fresh and new.
1st student. Spring is very late this year.
2nd student. But the days will soon come when the shadow will seem like a small island in the sea of ​​the sun.

VII. Poetic composition "The first breath of spring".

Teacher. Remarkable Russian poets not only knew how to observe, see and deeply understand nature, to find beauty in its most modest corner, but also to describe what they saw in vivid, emotional language, to express their own attitude to the depicted.

Speech by students from the group "Readers".

1st student.

Spring! Spring! How clean the air is!
How clear is the sky!
His azure alive
He blinds my eyes!

2nd student.

clear blue sky,
The sun became warmer and brighter,
It's time for evil blizzards and storms
Again a long time passed.

3rd student.

The winter has gone with cold,
The snowdrifts became puddles.
leaving southern countries,
The birds have returned.

4th student.

The sun shines early,
The snow turned dark and wet.
And, singing the springfly,
A cheerful stream runs.

5th student.

The kidneys open
Like rivers!
Such is worth the chatter!
Heavy sleepy eyelids
Finally lifted!

Teacher. What signs of the coming spring did the poets see in the surrounding nature? What mood unites all these passages? (Joy at the onset of spring.)

Do poets talk about it directly, or do they express their feelings in some other way? (The authors' attitude to the spring landscape is not directly expressed. The specially selected vocabulary and the abundance of exclamatory sentences helped the poets to convey their mood.)

VIII. "Excursion to the art gallery."

Teacher. With the same lyricism, but artistic means artists convey the formation of spring.

Speech by the group "Art critics".

(Presentation, Slide 3)

1st student. More than a hundred years ago, Alexei Kondratievich Savrasov painted his famous painting “The Rooks Have Arrived”. But now, as before, Tretyakov Gallery people gather near a small canvas and examine it for a long time.

“The Rooks Have Arrived” is not a spectacular work at all. It would seem, what could be beautiful in ordinary, unremarkable village backyards with snowdrifts near the fences and thin, crooked, as if by chance birches that grew here? But the canvas is striking in its combination of the “ordinary” motive with the rare poetry of its interpretation. Savrasov performed a miracle: he opened people's eyes to the amazing beauty and poetry of what was considered ugly.

(Presentation, Slide 4)

2nd student. In the painting "March" by Isaac Ilyich Levitan, by the way, a student of Savrasov, there is also nothing special: wooden house, at the porch - a horse, nearby the forest darkens. But the artist showed the beauty of awakening nature with such love that for many years the picture has not left anyone indifferent.

Towards the heat and the sun, the birch poppies fluffed up. Melted snow slowly slides off the roof - it's about to fall. Nothing prevents the sun's rays from warming the earth. Therefore, the walls of the house became golden, like honey, and long blue shadows lay on the loose snow.

(Presentation, Slide 5)

Teacher. How did the artists see spring? (Early.)

What signs indicate that the power of winter has not yet been completely overthrown? (In the shade of the trees, where the sun's rays do not penetrate, there are still huge snowdrifts. The house hung on a birch for spring guests is empty. There are no leaves on the trees, the sky shines through the bare branches.)

IX. Relaxation. Listening to the musical landscape of F. Mendelssohn "Spring Song".

Teacher. And here is what the German composer Felix Mendelssohn saw in spring. Let's listen to his Spring Song. Take a comfortable position, close your eyes, relax.

Sounds "Spring Song" F. Mendelssohn (Appendix 2).

What pictures did your imagination draw to the sounds of this beautiful melody?

X. Creative work.

(Presentation, Slide 6)

Teacher. Now imagine that you are an artist. In your hands you have magic brushes and a rich palette of visual means of the language. Finish the sketch, try to convey your feelings and mood through words.

Students write the text by filling in the gaps. In case of difficulty, you can use the cards - "hints" (Appendix 3). At the end of the work, those who wish to read their essays.

XI. Reflection.

Teacher. At home, you will have to complete a sketch on the theme "The first breath of spring." Are you ready for this job? Is there enough factual and linguistic material accumulated? What was the most rewarding part of the lesson for you?

Let's think together whose work in the lesson deserves a grade of "5". Who worked for "4" today? Who should pull up?

Thanks to all. The lesson is over.

Address: Moscow, st. Krasnoarmeyskaya, 30b.



3rd grade



When I left the house, I breathed in the fresh, frosty air. Gentle cold snow fell on me in small grains. Snow piled up to the ankle, and under it the ice is a frozen puddle.

Snow-white trees simply struck me with their beauty. I immediately felt delight, and sadness, and tenderness. Delight because the trees have a solemn look, sadness because this beauty will disappear, and tenderness from the fragility of this creation of winter.



I went out to the school yard and ... got into a fairy tale! Immediately hit the nose air, fresh, clean, frosty, minty! The snow was loose, grainy, and the kind Christmas tree still holds lazy snow on its shaggy paws, which does not want to fly down anymore. The branches of the bush look like snow-covered deer antlers. Icicles hang from the eaves like white sabers.



When I went outside, I saw trees covered with snow. The snow was fluffy, soft, fresh, like winter air. On the ground, the snow was completely different: it was blown up, porous from footprints, and it seemed that you were standing on a snow blanket. I can’t believe that under this magnificent white tablecloth the earth is hiding and, when the snow melts, there will be slush and nasty rains.

Snow-covered branches intertwined, and it seemed to me that they hide the overcast sky. And I felt like I was in a fairy tale.



This story began when I went out into the yard. Snowball slowly flew from the sky. Soft snowflakes fell on my face. They were like children who touch us with their soft little hands. The sky was covered with clouds, and underfoot the snow was fresh, fluffy and loose. The Christmas tree lowered its branches and sprinkled snow on me.



I went out into the street and got into the snow kingdom. The trees were so cunningly intertwined with snow-covered branches that a passage turned out. I entered it. Sometimes snow fell from the roof of this passage, as if the corridor were ancient. And suddenly I saw a Christmas tree - a hut. I went under the Christmas tree, and there ... it's so cozy! The branches of the Christmas tree are thick, thick, and they were also sprinkled with snow.


It was snowing. It was very cold outside. The air was soft and light. Snow fell on the ground, bushes, trees and on the roof. And everything seemed white! The sky was unusually white and transparent. Small snowflakes fell and fell, there were a lot of them, and they had already formed whole snowdrifts. Sometimes they fell on our face, and it became cold.

The trees were all covered in snow, but they were not cold in those white fur coats.

When it snowed, I wanted to run out into the street to dance with light snowflakes.



I went out into the yard. What a beauty! Trees in the snow, as in fur coats. The snow crunches underfoot, and small snowflakes freeze the face.

And in the morning, when the lanterns were still burning, the snow glowed, and it seemed that it was not snow at all, but small particles of a star or even star dust.

The sky is gray, overcast, but the street is light from the snow.



Today is very beautiful. Snow is falling, like airplanes, all the trees are covered in snow. All snowflakes are of different shapes: stars, circles ... like figures. I like them very much. They are everywhere! Everywhere!
