Holiday as decoration of the hall for the day of the trip. DIY stage decoration for the holiday

Master class for teachers and children aged 12-15 years. Templates.

Crafts from the oracle. Step-by-step instruction with photo

Volumetric applique "22 Nauryz". Master class with step by step photos.

Purpose: Stage decoration for the spring holiday 22 Nauryz (according to Kazakh customs, March 22 is considered the New Year)

Target: Decorate a colorful stage for performances by artists for the spring holiday 22 Nauryz.
- develop practical skills in working with the oracle;
- develop children's mental abilities;
- develop fine motor skills hands, eye, imagination, aesthetic taste, compositional skills and spatial thinking;
- consolidate the ability to work with the simplest tools - scissors and an oracle;
- improve the skills and abilities of working with the oracle;
- cultivate independence, accuracy in work, patience, perseverance;
- cultivate love and respect for parents and relatives, the desire to present colorful decorations for the 22nd Nauryz holiday;
Manufacturing technique:
- applique
- cutting from the oracle

Materials and tools:
- oracle 60 cm by 90 cm
- scissors
- A4 sheets
Safety rules when working with scissors
1. Use well-adjusted and sharpened scissors
2. Scissors should have blunt, rounded ends

3. Place the scissors with the rings facing you
4. Watch the movement of the blades while cutting
5. Don't leave scissors open
6. Pass the scissors rings first
7. Don’t play with scissors, don’t bring them to your face
8. Use scissors as intended

Description of the holiday 22 Nauryz.

Nauryz coincides with the vernal equinox - March 22. On this day, nature is renewed. It is believed that on this day the grass grows especially vigorously, the buds on the trees swell, and the first rains fall. "Nauryz" means "birth of spring." As a matter of fact, this New Year according to ancient eastern calendar. It is believed that the more Nauryz is celebrated, the more prosperous the year will be. On this day, it is customary to put your home in order, pay off all debts, and forgive all quarrels and insults.
Everyone dressed up in festive colorful national costumes and went to a colorful performance. Many competitions were held among girls, boys and akyns.

When Nauryz is celebrated, the presence of the number “7” is mandatory - it contains 7 days of the week - time units of the infinity of the universe: 7 bowls with Nauryz-kozhe should be placed opposite the aksakal (white-bearded, old man). Nauryz-kozhe, made from 7 ingredients. These are meat, salt, fat, onions, wheat, kurt, irim-shik (cottage cheese). Everyone must visit 7 houses and invite 7 guests.

On the day of the Nauryz holiday, colorful yurts are placed on the street and in each yurt they set up a dastarkhan - a tablecloth with various dishes.

The day ended with a performance where two akyns poetic form competed in songs. Their competitions stopped when the sun set over the horizon, when good defeats evil. Then a fire was lit and people with torches lit from it walked around all the surroundings of the village, singing and dancing, thereby completing the holiday of spring renewal and equinox.
Nauryz is an ancient holiday full of symbols!

To work, you need to prepare an oracle 60 by 90 cm and scissors:

Templates that need to be printed on a black and white printer on A4 sheets:

Connect the entire template, which is 9 sheets in three rows, and cut it out (it will be easier to cut out the sheets separately and then connect them):

Cut out all the template sheets and transfer the pattern onto reverse side oracle in a mirror image, since we will need the front side of the deuce:

Up close it looks like this:

Now you need to cut the design with scissors from the edge of the pattern:

And now you can see the “two” pattern with front side:

Next, carefully continue cutting out the “Two”:

Are the holidays coming soon? Then it's time to think about the design of the room. The decor of the room today almost plays main role in creation Therefore, spare no time, effort and imagination to create beauty for yourself and your loved ones. By decorating a room with your own hands, you can significantly save on designer services. Ideas modern design Find the hall below.


The easiest way to decorate a room is to decorate it with balloons. Don't think it's outdated. Designers use balloons inflated with helium for many holiday decorations. To prevent such decoration from looking “collective farm”, you need to use your imagination. Balloons can be hung above the ceiling, and paper figures can be tied to the ends of the ribbons. These could be hearts, numbers or even something from origami. If you don't want the balls to float in a chaotic order, then create a fountain out of them. This decor will look appropriate both at a children's party and at a party for adults. If you are organizing a family dinner, you can tie a helium balloon to each guest's chair.

But what shouldn’t you do? Don't hang balloons around the perimeter of the room - it looks ridiculous. The same goes for balloons scattered on the floor. They will make it difficult to move around the room and clutter up the space.

Stretch marks

One of the attributes of any holiday is paper flags. Both adults and children love this decor. Decorating a room in this way will not take up your time or effort. If you have these two resources in abundance, you can create stretch marks yourself. For this you will need colored paper, thick thread, magazine clippings or printed pictures. Cut out flags from colored paper. Now glue bright pictures on both sides of the workpiece. All that remains is to connect the finished elements with thread. A similar stretching plan can be purchased in a store. There you can also look at more complex decor options. For example, banners with holiday inscriptions. Such garlands can be bought for any occasion: birthday, wedding, March 8, etc.

How to hang banners? Using paper flags you can decorate the entire space of the hall. Place the guy wire diagonally, stretching it from one corner of the room to the other. If you want to attach a paper greeting, it is better to choose a suitable background for it, for example, a plain wall.

Fairy lights

You can use flashing lights to decorate the room. Garland has long ceased to be exclusive. Today, such decor is widely used to decorate rooms. Moreover, in some banquet halls the windows are permanently hung with garlands. How can you decorate a room with lights? You need to decide what exactly you want to draw the guests' attention to. If it's supposed to be a wall, then it needs to be decorated. You can place several garlands of the same type under each other or create a continuous curtain from a curtain garland. Interesting option decorating a room with lights is ceiling decor. On a large horizontal surface you can create a prototype of the starry sky. This decor would be appropriate if the festive event takes place in the evening. It is not necessary to repeat the exact location of the constellations; you can create the sky of an imaginary galaxy.

Paper flowers

Floral motifs are very popular today. You can see a photo of the decoration of the hall with paper flowers above. This decor will help create a festive mood and bring a touch of warmth and tenderness to the soul. Paper flowers most often decorate walls. This decor is suitable for large open spaces. The color scheme of paper products should match the style of the holiday. If you are having a seaside party, then the flowers should be white, blue or turquoise. Moreover, in the case of a marine theme, you can make something decorative from paper that looks like waves. Such additional elements can unite disparate flowers and create a holistic composition.

What kind of paper can you use for decoration? If you want to create something massive and voluminous, use whatman paper. If you set yourself the goal of making something light and airy, then you should take corrugated paper or use tracing paper.


If you can't come up with a concept for decorating the hall, the photo above should help you with this. In the picture, ribbons are used as decorative elements. Decorating a room like this is not very trivial. Satin stripes themselves look very attractive. They just need to be positioned correctly. Of course, you shouldn’t tighten the tapes on the ceiling or walls. But you can decorate chairs and tables with these decorative elements. Beautiful bows, which can be created from wide ribbons, will transform the most boring textiles. You can use ribbons to decorate the corner of the room. For example, make a photo zone in this place. Bright satin ribbons will create a festive mood and give event guests a lot of beautiful photographs.


If you decide to decorate a children's room, you will probably use paper, cardboard and self-adhesive film for this purpose. These materials can be easily attached to the wall and can then be simply dismantled. Paper is an endless source of inspiration. You can create anything from it, for example, fabulous applications. How to choose a topic? Use your child's favorite fairy tale as inspiration. A room decorated in this style will definitely please your child. You can glue your child’s favorite characters cut out of paper to the walls. Moreover, some elements of the characters can be made voluminous. So, the visual impression of the interior will be more vivid. If you cannot come up with a specific theme, you can take the collective image of fairy tales as a basis. For example, depict a tree with a learned cat, Baba Yaga, a princess and a prince.


Do you need to decorate your garden room? How can you decorate a huge room without investing your own finances in the decor? You can use children's work. Have the children draw posters. Give the kids sheets of whatman paper and gouache and set a theme. Children will be happy to help with decoration. The main thing is to ask a specific topic, and not say something vague. An adult, but not a child, can make a drawing on the theme “homeland”. Children need specifics. If you are decorating the hall for March 8th, tell the guys to paint flowers. If you want to decorate the room for the autumn holiday, ask the kids to fantasize about a walk in the forest. Even when giving a specific task, you can still be in for surprises that will be presented by the inexhaustible children's imagination. So you will have to draw a couple of posters that will hang in the center of the hall yourself.


It is difficult to imagine a holiday that does not include elements of a staged performance. If your event will take place in a room where some skits will be performed, then you can customize the decoration of the hall with your own hands to the theme of the performance. Make simple but effective decorations. For example, you can make a forest landscape from cardboard. Cut out various trees and bushes and place them on the stage or in a distant corner of the room. This section of the hall will then be used by actors or guests who want to say words of gratitude to the organizer of the celebration.

Decorations can be made not only from cardboard. Styrofoam, plywood, tree trunks and even old furniture will do. Just think about how you can decorate simple things in a non-trivial way.

Natural flowers

If you want to decorate your space to give the impression of a garden of Eden, you simply need to use a plant. Decorating the room with flowers looks rich and stylish. Of course, this method of decoration can hardly be called budgetary. But you can save a lot if you collect flower arrangements yourself. How can you decorate a room with flowers? The easiest way is to decorate tables with compositions. More difficult option- make various decorative elements from flowers, such as arches, which can be used to decorate windows, stages, walls, etc.

If you think this method of decoration is too expensive, you can combine fresh flowers with artificial ones. For example, use live buds and artificial greenery.


Decorating the hall for March 8 and preparing the holiday takes a lot of time. If it is sorely lacking and you need to decorate the room quickly, you can use textiles. In this way, you can decorate anything: chairs, tables, walls, stage and visually divide the room. The main thing in this matter is to use those fabrics that combine well with each other in color and texture. When decorating a room with textiles, it is advisable to choose natural materials. Synthetics look cheap and definitely won’t add beauty to the room. If you are decorating a room only with fabric, then you should play not only with a beautiful color scheme, but also with interesting draperies. Place pleats in the fabric when hanging it on the wall. Throw something translucent over thick material when decorating the chairs.


Want to do something original? Then use it in the decoration of the hall for March 8th kindergarten arch. Many people associate this decorative element with a wedding. But why not use such a beautiful decorative detail at a children's party. Parents will love the opportunity to take a photo with their children in front of something truly beautiful.

What can an arch be made from? The easiest way is to build a frame from wood and then fill it with foam. Such a structure should be decorated with flowers, both paper and real. You can also use balloons, ribbons, fabric or children's crafts to decorate the arch frame. The main thing is that the design fits into the style of the holiday not only in its theme, but also in its stylistic design.


The design of a music room will be incomplete if you do not install lighting equipment in it. Yes, it’s beautiful when children in the garden or adults at a party walk around a richly decorated room. But without appropriate lighting design, the hall will look gray, especially as evening approaches. If you want to give your room a fairy-tale atmosphere, consider lighting and music. She will be able to create a festive mood for guests. It is not necessary to throw multi-colored circles of light around the room. You can choose warm or cool light in some shape, such as large crescent moons or a scattering of miniature stars.

Diffused side lighting can also create coziness in a room. A large garland or small portable lanterns can cope with this task. They will be able to create coziness in the room, and at the same time they will play the role of non-trivial decorative elements.

Creating a special holiday atmosphere suitable for each specific event is one of the main tasks when preparing a celebration in kindergarten.

In this thematic section, we have collected and systematized for you hundreds of ideas for decorating the interior of the hall, illustrated with photographs. From simple materials at hand, you can create a single composition that can surprise holiday guests. No need for large quantities scenery. Literally a few successful “touches” will completely transform the interior of the hall, making it cozier, fresher, more solemn! Check out the experience of your colleagues in creating decorations and other design elements. And also - attributes for dances and theatrical performances!

Let the festive hall sparkle with new colors!

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In this article you will find ideas for decorating any room for the holiday using balloons.

How to beautifully and stylishly decorate a room with balloons for a New Year’s corporate party: ideas, tips, photos

Any celebration is accompanied not only by noisy songs and dances, but also by mood. The New Year's mood, for example, depends on many things: gifts, wishes and decorations that are present not only on the tree, but also around it.

The easiest way to decorate any room, making it bright and festive, is to inflate and hang balloons. Balloons of all colors, sizes and even shapes can be purchased at every stationery or toy store.

TIP: Try to purchase a special pump along with the balls. It is not expensive, but it significantly saves your energy and time on inflating balloons.

What can be made from balloons, what compositions:

  • Santa Claus(both large and small symbolic, only the head).
  • Christmas tree - This balloon figure will definitely decorate any room and create a festive mood.
  • Present - simple figures from a small number of balls.
  • Christmas balls - the most simple craft made of balloons, which looks very impressive.
  • Snowman - it can be made from large balls.
  • Caramel – an unchanging symbol of the New Year and Christmas, which will become not only a decoration for the hall, but also an attribute for positive New Year’s photo shoots.
  • Arches and chains of balls – if you want to avoid balloon figures, you can always decorate the celebration hall with arches and chains of balloons, running them along the walls and under the ceiling.

IMPORTANT: Before you start decorating the room, it is important to read the instructions and recommendations on how to.

How to beautifully and stylishly decorate a stage with balloons: ideas, tips, photos

Organizers of various holidays often resort to decorating the stage with balloons for the following reasons:

  • It always looks impressive
  • The decor turns out very beautiful
  • The decor is not heavy and is easy to move
  • You can choose any balls for work and decoration.

Before you start decorating, it is important to decide exactly the color of the balls. If this New Year's celebration, combine red and green balls in the arch; if it’s an anniversary, you can use gold balls and so on. The simplest and most elegant way to decorate the stage with balloons is.

It is best to tie balls in an arch with serpentine; it will look impressive when the arch does not consist of a bunch. And from just one string of balls. In addition, you should make sure that the arch is well secured (has weights or two pedestals on the sides also made of balls).

TIP: For a themed holiday, you can always add some kind of balloon figure to the arch: Santa Claus, a flower, hearts, a Christmas tree, a tree, Mickey Mouse and much more.

If you don’t want to make an arch or simply don’t know how, you can Use these decorating tips:

  • Chaotically hang multi-colored balls along the curtain and walls of the stage, scatter them on the floor
  • Make simple shapes from balloons, such as flowers, and hang them on the stage
  • You can make numbers from balloons and decorate the stage with them.
  • Choose foil balloons in unusual shapes and colors for variety.

How to beautifully and stylishly decorate a school classroom with balloons: ideas, tips, photos

Many classes, together with their teachers, decide to decorate their classrooms with balloons for some upcoming holidays. Why is this necessary? In order to instantly lift the mood and give significance to the event.

When decorating, it is important to remember that a classroom is not such a large room, which means that the decor should be discreet and compact, one that will not interfere and will look impressive.

Most often, the classroom is decorated for the occasion:

  • New Year
  • Halloween
  • Graduation
  • Celebration of the first and last bell
  • March 8

Decor options:

How to beautifully and stylishly decorate a hall or a kindergarten group with balloons for a children’s party, kindergarten graduation: ideas, tips, photos

Kindergarten often hosts important and meaningful events for groups. Each of them is perceived by children completely differently if parents and class teachers make sure that the festive hall is elegantly decorated with balloon compositions. Kids love balloons so much that they will rejoice and, most likely, will remember such an event for a long time.

TIP: After the holiday, the balloons can be distributed to children as souvenirs or gifts; they will take them with pleasure.

Decor tips:

  • You can decorate the hall not only on the stage and throughout the entire area of ​​the room.
  • Not just arches, but figures made from balloons look very impressive.
  • You can use balloons to make a colorful rainbow, a bright sun or a cloud.
  • To make it more elegant, you can tie a helium-filled balloon to each chair.

Decor options:

Decorating the stage with balloons and figures

How to beautifully and stylishly decorate a cafe hall with balloons for an anniversary: ​​ideas, tips, photos

Most people celebrate their personal holidays at home, but if the hour of a significant anniversary comes, in such cases it is customary to rent a hall in a cafe or restaurant. As a rule, the celebration room is decorated with balloons - the simplest and most effective means of decoration.

You should choose balloons based on the age of the hero of the day and his preferences. It is advisable to use no more than 3 colors of balloons so that the room does not look tasteless and childish. Balloons can be placed under the ceiling (you will need helium for this), on walls, above tables.

As a rule, the place and chair where the hero of the day sits is decorated with anniversary numbers. It is also recommended to tie helium balloons on long strings to the guests’ chairs and to each table (here it is best to use a composition of balloons).

Decor options:

How to beautifully and stylishly decorate an apartment with balloons for a birthday: ideas, tips, photos

Every parent wants to decorate their child's house for his birthday. This can be done with the help of balloons and it is not at all necessary to order the services of a decorator, because simple decorations and compositions can be easily made with your own hands.


  • The easiest way to decorate a room is to hang balloons along the cornice line, walls and curtains, and scatter the rest on the floor.
  • You can also make several figures and compositions in advance, placing them in the corners of the room.
  • It’s not difficult to decorate a room with helium balloons; just stretch them under the ceiling and leave a long streamer hanging down.
  • Buy different balloons in the form of cartoon characters, hearts and stars for variety.

Decor options:

How to beautifully and stylishly decorate a room with balloons on February 14, Valentine's Day and Valentine's Day: ideas, tips, photos

Valentine's Day creates an unusual romantic atmosphere, which can be seen not only in the mood, gifts, but also in the decorations of the house, city, and streets. Try decorating your room for the holiday by making a pleasant surprise for your “other half.”


  • Choose red and pink balloons
  • You should buy a lot of heart shaped balloons
  • You can write words from long balloons declaring your love.

Decor options:

different types holiday decor

Inflated balloons - bed decor for Valentine's Day

How to beautifully and stylishly decorate a group in kindergarten or a school class with balloons on February 23: ideas, tips, photos

Many schools and kindergartens solemnly celebrate Defenders of the Fatherland Day. To create a festive mood and impress children with colorful, eye-catching decorations, you can use balloons as decoration.

Decoration options:

How to beautifully and stylishly decorate a group in kindergarten or a class at school with balloons on March 8: ideas, tips, photos

Decorating the premises for March 8 is a mandatory event that will give everyone present at the holiday a positive mood and the joy of rich colors, spring, and a feeling of warmth. You should decorate a room or classroom based on the symbols of the holiday: Arch for March 8

How to beautifully and stylishly decorate a group in kindergarten or a school class with balloons on September 1: ideas, tips, photos

September 1st is the holiday of the first day of school. This is a real holiday for children in schools, kindergartens and others educational institutions. That is why you can decorate a room (assembly hall, classroom or group) with compositions and figures made from balloons.

Decor options:

Office decoration Arrangement of balloons for September 1 Decoration for graduation

If you decide to celebrate the holiday at home, then birthday decor will play an important role. After all, guests, as soon as they enter the house, will plunge into a magical atmosphere that you are quite capable of creating with your own hands. Guests and the birthday boy will immediately understand that today’s birthday is a wonderful, cheerful holiday, where a lot of interesting things await everyone. It will be very easy for you to make your party room unusual with the help of special decor. At your service are all kinds of decorations with which you can transform the room and create a festive decoration in any style. Feel free to involve in decoration children's party your child - children will be happy to help you choose details for decorating a room, table, create decor for a holiday with your own hands, buy a cake, balloons, garlands.

Festive birthday decor is an important part of the holiday for your baby. We will tell you about ideas and help you choose interior design options.

The most indispensable and popular birthday accessory is balloons. Made from latex or foil, with or without helium, luminous, with patterns, in all the colors of the rainbow - the choice is yours!

A child’s birthday is an occasion to decorate the room with whole garlands of them. Decor children's day birthday party can be done in the style of your child’s favorite fairy tale or cartoon, choosing the right colors with designs on the balloons.

For example, decor ideas for a girl’s first birthday will include decoration with balloons in the most delicate shades, a boy’s birthday in a pirate style will be complemented by decor from blue and black balloons, and for a party with the Fixies, it will be enough to stock up on products with portraits of the main characters.

You can decorate a room by attaching balls to the wall and ceiling, make a flower bed or a cloudy sky out of them, they are perfect for decorating a children's table, and in addition to decorative elements, they can be used as accessories for competitions and comic tasks. Decorating a child’s birthday party with balloons will not be difficult at all, because the choice is huge, you just have to decide on the colors, sizes and textures.

The decoration of a children's birthday party can be supplemented with an original design called a “surprise ball”.

This is a large ball up to one and a half meters in size, suspended from the ceiling, which contains:

  • candies;
  • confetti;
  • serpentine;
  • rose petals;
  • small balls;
  • small toys;
  • magical predictions;
  • lottery tickets;
  • and everything that your imagination tells you.

You can make the ball yourself or buy it from specialists in children's party decorations. This design bursts at the end of the party and showers guests with prepared surprises. You can pop the ball yourself using a sharp stick or by installing a fuse with batteries in it. Despite the apparent complexity, it is quite possible to do such a miracle with your own hands by studying the video master class.

If there are very young children at the party, remember that they should not be afraid of the loud bang when the surprise balloon pops. Perhaps they should be temporarily taken out of the room where everything will happen.

Balloon figures

You can create an interesting decor if you decorate the room with balloon figures. You can buy ready-made masterpieces or, using your creative ingenuity, make decorations from balloons.

These are the three-dimensional products you can use to decorate your holiday:

  • dolls;
  • animals;
  • letters;
  • trees;
  • flowers and whole bouquets;
  • wall and ceiling compositions made of balloons;
  • arches;
  • fountains;
  • Garlands.

Taking into account fashion trends in children's birthday decor, you can decorate the wall with a flower meadow of flowers, replace the ceiling with clouds, and place cartoon characters that you and the children like that are cute around the room.

Compositions for the ceiling, large bouquets for festive decorations will require filling the balloons with helium in order for the decor to be at its best in the literal sense. You can decorate a room with ordinary balls using tape, securing them in the shape you need.

Walking figures

Festive birthday decor can be decorated with walking figures made from foil balloons. With the help of this invention, almost real ones will appear at your party. fairy-tale heroes. The figures are filled with helium and secured with a small weight.

With the help of these balloons you can take a photo with Mickey Mouse, the Little Mermaid, Batman, Cinderella and any other character from your child’s childhood dreams.

Paper decorations

From paper birthday decor fashion trends dictated the use of such decorations as:

  • accordion balls;
  • honeycomb balls;
  • paper pompoms;
  • pompom tassels;
  • voluminous stars.

Accordion balls are large products made of ribbed paper that can be easily unfolded and turned into a ball with folds on the surface. Several balloons can serve as the main decor for a birthday party.

An LED is sometimes placed in such balls, which softly illuminates them from the inside. Honeycomb balls look like accordions, but their surface is made up of many honeycombs, reminiscent of bees.

Pom-pom balls are made from the thinnest paper, resembling the shape of huge peony flowers - with the same fluffy torn petals.

You can use paper tassels to decorate the edge of a festive table, chairs, the edges of curtains, or create an entire composition by decorating tree branches with tassels.

Paper decorations will perfectly support the style and color scheme of a children's party.

Fairy lights

Garlands are a great way to create your own decor for a children's birthday party. These products can be made from anything: from yarn and threads, from fabric, from colored paper and cardboard, from small toys, from flowers, and simply from anything that your imagination suggests.

Paper garlands are cut out in the form of flags, hearts, stars, flowers, and animal silhouettes. An interesting design can be made from corrugated paper: details in the form of fans, bows, and flowers are cut out of it. Unnecessary scraps of fabric are quite suitable for textile garlands: they will make tassels, ribbons, bows, and round scraps stuffed with filler and sewn together will make rag snowballs.

The yarn is perfect for creating fluffy multi-colored pompoms. Garlands in the form of paper and fabric ribbons decorating the ceiling or walls look great. They can completely transform a room and change its color scheme.

Will fit perfectly into holiday decor origami garlands. An ordinary hanger is perfect as a pendant, to which you tie ropes with birds or flowers.

In addition to homemade products, you can decorate the room with garlands with congratulatory slogans. Birthday decor may well combine handmade decorations and store-bought decorations.

A few more decor ideas

A great idea would be to decorate the wall with the so-called “wall newspaper” - whatman paper, on which guests can write and draw their wishes and congratulations to the birthday boy. You can use a large piece of wallpaper for this.

Accessories for guests

You can make your party brighter and more fun by providing guests with popular holiday attributes. Is your princess turning one year old?

Give your guests decorations in the form of small crowns that are attached to the head with hairpins.

Make a gangster-themed party for your son? At your service are fake mustaches on a stick, black mini-hats attached to the chin with an elastic band and paper bow ties. Or maybe mice, bunnies and kittens came to the child’s birthday? Don't forget to decorate your guests with ears in the form of headbands.

The main advantage of this product is that you buy a ready-made solution for the holiday, all you have to do is provide food and a good mood. The sets are arranged according to color scheme and adhere to a specific holiday scenario.

What child's birthday would be complete without a festive treat! The easiest, most convenient and safest way to set the table is with paper and plastic dishes, because they won’t break or hurt anyone if the children get naughty and cause a little festive mayhem.

At the same time, unbreakable dishes are presented in stores in a huge assortment, and you can buy plates and glasses in your child’s favorite colors and with images of the most popular cartoon and movie characters. Another plus: you don’t have to do the washing up, just bring a large garbage bag.

Include in your holiday table decor:

  • paper glasses and plates;
  • forks, spoons, knives made of plastic;
  • bright tablecloth;
  • napkins;
  • stands for cakes, canapés, sandwiches;
  • plastic flower vases;
  • cocktail straws for drinks;
  • candles for cake.

It makes sense to use a disposable tablecloth for the table with a bright and colorful pattern, because such decor will hide stains that appear from spilled drinks. Few children can be sat down to eat for a long time, so small portioned dishes are suitable for the holiday table, such as:

  • canapes;
  • sandwiches;
  • tartlets;
  • cakes;
  • candies;
  • mini pizza;
  • meat and fruit skewers;
  • meat and vegetable slices for the salad bar;
  • fruit slices;

If gatherings at the table are still expected, it would be useful to place cards with the names of the guests in front of each place. You can tie the cutlery with a ribbon on which the guest's name will be written.

Gifts for guests

The birthday will become even more interesting if the child guests of the birthday boy receive small gifts at the party. You can put several in boxes for sweet surprises chocolates, miniature cakes or give each guest a small soft toy.

You can give girls beautiful hair clips, and boys - flashlights. If your child already knows how to make crafts with his own hands, he can come up with and prepare souvenirs with your help or on his own. It's a good idea to give room decorations, such as balloons, to your guests. This can be done at the end of the holiday, when saying goodbye to the guests. A small souvenir will definitely extend the feeling of celebration to all participants in a children's birthday party. You can send photos from the children's party to everyone who visited you, because it is not difficult to do, and everyone will have the best impressions.

Joint preparation and decoration of the holiday can be good family tradition. Let all relatives participate - after all, joint work brings people closer together. Use your imagination, take a good mood with you, involve the children themselves - the heroes of the occasion - and you will definitely succeed!
