The most effective and easy diets. Diet for fast weight loss - an affordable and real diet for beginners

Fast and effective weight loss is possible. It should be carried out carefully, quickly responding to emerging complications. There are most effective diets, with which you can lose both 7 kg and 10 kg, and there is a chance that this weight will never return.

This is a fairly tough method of losing weight. Almost everyone who uses it is constantly dizzy, there is a significant decline in strength, therefore, with active work or the need to constantly do household chores, you should use the jockey diet carefully, constantly monitoring your condition. It is advisable to follow this diet during the holidays or when the pace of life is not too fast.

With the help of the jockey diet, you can get rid of 5 extra pounds in 3 days. Take this approach to nutrition:

  • 1 day. For all the time you can eat only one small baked chicken. Don't forget to skin it. Cook the meat in pure form do not add spices or salt to it. The portion must be divided at least 3 times in order to eat gradually. On this day, refrain from other food;
  • Day 2 The diet is getting tougher. It is necessary to eat 3 times a day, each time eating 100 g of veal, also served in a baked form;
  • Day 3 Limit food intake completely. This is the hardest day. You can only drink coffee, but you should not add sugar or milk to it.

If you fully follow these recommendations, then the result of losing weight will amaze you and those around you.

Vegetarian diet

This diet helps to get rid of 3 kg in 3 days. You should eat mostly fresh vegetables and fruits. Other dishes, including products of animal origin, should not be used at the indicated time. The presented diet is not only an active express method of losing weight, but also helps to clean the intestines, as well as get a large number of vitamins.

On days 1 and 3, only vegetables should be consumed. On day 2, eat only fruits. Stick to the rules of nutrition.

The execution of this diet can not be called difficult, but it is really effective. The feeling of hunger will appear, however, in order to become more slender, you can withstand such a diet for 3 days.

Buckwheat diet

With the help of such a diet, up to 4 kg is lost in 7 days. This is a gentle way to lose weight, but it invariably works and has a minimum number of contraindications. All the specified time will have to eat only buckwheat porridge. As a drink, use regular tea or kefir.

It is necessary to cook porridge according to a special plan. Pour cereal into a glass and wash it. Pour into a fairly spacious container and add 4 cups of boiling water. Wrap the container and leave it until the next day. This amount of porridge should be eaten the next day. You should not deviate from this rule. It is necessary to provide several meals. So you can ensure the best absorption of all useful trace elements. Continue this diet for 7 days and you will quickly feel the result.

Kefir diet

This is one of the most popular ways to lose weight on this moment. There is the most rigid kefir diet, in which only kefir is allowed to be consumed. For those who are unable to master this way weight loss, an easier method is provided, which is combined with the intake of kefir, the use of another product.

Stick to this diet plan:

  1. Within 3 days, in addition to kefir, use only well-cooked rice.
  2. 4-6 days additionally eat boiled chicken without skin.
  3. From 7 to 9 days, use apples.

If you strictly adhere to this diet, you can lose 6 kg in 9 days. This is an excellent result despite the fact that the diet is quite sparing.

Diet on prunes

This way of eating is common for a large number of people, but some praise it with particular force, claiming that they have achieved excellent results in losing weight absolutely painlessly. Prunes have a large number of positive qualities, among which the minimum number of calories stands out, a fairly light but effective laxative effect, a large percentage of potassium, and many other useful trace elements are also present. Prunes diet helps to lose weight, is also considered therapeutic. Those who use it according to the rules manage to quickly get rid of toxins and help strengthen the heart muscle.

Some women believe that this diet and its varieties are leading in terms of effectiveness. Follow the diet below for 4 days. During this time, you will be able to lose about 4 kg. To achieve excellent results, you must adhere to the specified menu.

mealFirst daySecond dayThe third dayFourth day
First mealBoiled egg, citrus, tea, 2 prunesCheese in the amount of not more than 100 g, 2 pieces of prunesClassic sandwich with cheese and ham, 3 prunesHercules porridge with milk without cooking, 4 pcs. prunes
Second mealBorscht without potatoes, black bread, walnuts, 8 prunesShchi with no potatoes, black bread, beef 100 gSoup with vegetables, black bread, vegetables, 2 pcs. prunesBorscht, bread, tomato with cucumber, 4 pcs. prunes
Third mealCooked fish, egg, citrus, teaVegetable salad to eat 2 pcs. prunesDairy product, bread with 5 pcs. prunesSandwich with ham, raisins with the addition of 6 pcs. prunes

During this diet, a person does not feel hunger, while the effect is noticeable almost immediately.

Diet by time of day

This diet is based on the distribution of a certain amount of food during the phases of the day. Adapted for women who cannot or do not want to adhere to strict restrictions. It is necessary to take into account the phases of the day in order not to eat excess food, as well as to exclude malnutrition.

In the morning, the human body works best, so it is necessary to use it as much as possible then. large quantity food. The most satisfying ingredients are best eaten for breakfast after waking up. It is necessary to monitor not only the quantity, but also the quality of food. It is advisable to consume animal products such as fish or ham in the morning.

During the day, a person should be quite energetic, so you should not resort to hunger strikes at this time of day. Eat fish or meat, eat a vegetable salad, it is not recommended to forget about a liquid dish. For dinner, many people have a need to eat as much as possible, but this is not advisable. Better fool the hunger. In order not to feel discomfort, while not overeating, eat light foods, such as berries, vegetables and fruits. Use more satisfying foods only in moderation. It is advisable not to consume a lot of calories before bedtime, but to finish the last significant meal at 18-19 hours.

It is recommended to use this diet not for a certain period of time, but to make it a rule to eat according to this regimen. There is no fixed result from this diet, but it can be approximately calculated according to the principle: the less calories are eaten per day, the faster the process of losing weight is moving forward.

When following any diet, do not neglect its rules. Deviations from the basic recommendations can cause a decrease in a positive result. So that efforts are not in vain, always eat only high-quality and healthy food, not only during diets, but also after they are completed.

The most effective diet for fast weight loss: a selection the best systems and methods with description, rules, advantages, possible difficulties and contraindications.

The most effective diet for weight loss at home

Deciding to lose weight, women are reviewing their diet. There are two options: balance nutrition and exercise regimen, and bring the weight back to normal in the mode of minus 0.5-2 kg per week, or lose weight quickly on one of the extreme but effective diets. Which option do you like best? Many girls choose quick ways to lose weight because they want to see the results in a few days!

However, fast effective diets have back side: the result is short-term. Lost by fasting kilos come back as quickly as they left. In addition, extreme ways to lose weight are almost disposable. They help to reduce weight once or twice. But over time they stop working. This is due to the fact that periods of acute calorie deficit are stressful for the body, and gradually it “learns” to resist it. Therefore, more and more girls prefer not extreme methods of weight loss, but a healthy balanced diet that guarantees long-term results.

But sometimes you still need to lose weight quickly: before sports competitions, special dates or events. The list of requirements for some professions indicates weight norms, and if you are out of the standard, only a quick and effective diet can solve the problem. We have collected the most popular diets that help get rid of 5-10 extra pounds. But exercise reasonable caution! Severe dietary restrictions can have side effects.

TOP 5 most effective diets

The easiest and fastest way to lose a few pounds at home is mono-diets. They have several drawbacks: the monotony of dishes, which causes a deficiency of vitamins and trace elements, the rapid return of lost kilograms, the need to consult a doctor. And yet they are among the most effective diets for express weight loss.

Kim Protasova

Suitable for those who love vegetables and can easily do without meat. The diet compiled by Protasov is designed for 5 weeks. It is built on raw vegetables with a small addition of sour-milk products. The menu looks something like this:

  • breakfast: unsweetened coffee, low-fat yogurt, apple;
  • second breakfast: cucumbers with homemade cheese;
  • lunch: tea, apple, salad with grated cheese;
  • afternoon snack: carrots, lettuce, apple;
  • dinner: boiled egg, tomatoes with herbs and kefir.

diet for the lazy

Sometimes there is no time for cooking and complex recipes. The good news is that there are effective diets that do not require culinary delights. Main principle"Lazy" diet: before eating you need to drink 2 glasses of clean warm water. Definitely just warm! The bottom line is simple: warm water will quench the feeling of hunger, while at the same time preventing you from overeating.

As part of this method to quickly reduce weight, you need to eat three times a day, there are practically no restrictions on products. Although it is better to refuse sweets, fatty and fried foods, as well as alcohol and carbonated drinks.


With this mono-diet, you can lose up to 10 kg per week. However, buckwheat porridge should not be boiled, but steamed. Because of this, it becomes not so tasty, but it helps to reduce weight. First, rinse the cereal, pour boiling water and wait for the grains to swell completely. It takes a lot of time, so you need to steam the porridge in 12 hours. It is best to do this in the evening. Add a little salt, spices, a spoonful of soy sauce to buckwheat.

Divide the resulting amount of cereal into 5 meals and eat during the day. The last meal should take place no later than 5 hours before bedtime. Drink a glass of water half an hour before meals. You can also drink unsweetened green tea. But you should not abuse this effective diet, otherwise you risk “earning” diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Ducan's diet

This is a protein diet, which is based on the almost complete rejection of carbohydrates. Pierre Ducan assured that this is how you can eat all the time, diversifying the menu. And yet, the diet created by Dukan is not suitable for everyone, but only for those who need to lose 10 kg and who are ready to wait a month or longer for results.

The transition to a carbohydrate-free diet occurs in several stages. First, you completely give up carbohydrates, replacing them with protein. Then alternate vegetables and protein, stabilizing the weight. Then you can slightly introduce carbohydrates into the diet, but their share should still not exceed 10% of the total number of products.

The easiest diet

Mono-diets are not suitable for everyone: they can be difficult to endure due to the monotony of the diet, a sharp reduction in the amount of carbohydrates, and the need to look for special foods. But there are ways to reduce weight without a lot of complex culinary conditions.

Kefir diet

One of the most popular options for emergency weight loss is kefir mono-diet. It is not easy to withstand it, but there are no difficulties with planning a diet and a meal schedule. The bottom line is that you drink 1.5 liters of kefir per day, even if it is fatty, and that's it. So you can lose up to 5 kg per week. However, you can’t sit on one yogurt for longer than 3-5 days, otherwise the body will begin to suffer from exhaustion.

Mode for fast weight loss

Severe food restriction is effective in the short term. Therefore, sitting down on one kefir or buckwheat porridge, you need to be prepared for the fact that the lost kilograms will quickly return. But you can rebuild your own diet so as to reduce weight and fix it at the same level, plus or minus 2 kg. To do this, you should eat fractionally: not in large portions three times a day, but in small doses 5 times. You will also have to give up all high-calorie foods:

  • carbonated sweet drinks;
  • alcohol;
  • desserts;
  • fried and baked potatoes;
  • fatty red meat;
  • sausages and sausages;
  • cereal, breakfast fast food;
  • fast food;
  • muffins and other pastries made from white wheat flour.

The basis of the diet should be fresh vegetables and fruits, lean fish and white meat, cereals with the exception of white rice. It is useful to keep a food diary, taking into account all meals, even the smallest ones. You should also calculate the daily calorie intake for your weight and lifestyle, subtract 300-500 units from it, and stick to just such a calorie content.

Effective ways to lose weight

In addition to these methods of emergency weight loss, there are others.

Diet for 5 days effective

"Ladder" - a technique for reducing weight by 3-8 kg in 5 days. It is based on five stages of nutrition, equal to 5 days of the week:

  1. Cleansing day: fasting with regular drinking of pure water.
  2. Restorative: you can eat dairy products.
  3. Energy: you need to please the body with glucose with the help of raisins, honey and other natural products.
  4. Building: at this stage we eat protein.
  5. Fat-burning: need fiber, which saturates and satisfies the feeling of hunger.

The most effective diet for the week

The easiest way to reduce weight in a week is with a diet of one buckwheat porridge and kefir. Yes, it turns out monotonously, but you lose up to 5 kg. Buckwheat should be cooked in the same way as for the buckwheat method: steamed, not boiled. We drink up to 1.5 liters of low-fat kefir per day.

Effective diet for 10 days

The essence of the super diet for weight loss: in one day you can eat only one product in an amount of up to 1 kg. Weight loss lasts up to 10 days, so you can reduce about 8 kg. However, doctors warn that although this method helps to reduce weight, it is not safe for health. Therefore, at the first sign of malaise, you should consult a doctor. And to avoid malaise, adhere to these principles:

  • choose natural products;
  • exclude fatty, sweet, smoked, red meat, alcohol from the diet;
  • make a meal schedule and stick to it;
  • reduce the amount of salt you consume with food.

Food options that are suitable for this method of weight loss: boiled potatoes, fresh cabbage, boiled beets, raw carrot. Fresh cucumbers, apples and boiled rice are also recommended. You can arrange "kefir" and "dairy" days.

You can also try a vegetarian diet. This is a safer option, but you will lose up to 3 kg. The essence of the method is to eat only vegetables and fruits, refusing all other dishes, including cheeses, eggs and milk.

Diet for 2 weeks effective

For fourteen minutes, you can try an extreme method of weight loss, which consists in the almost complete rejection of food. You need to eat very little healthy food so that there is no feeling of fullness. You will constantly experience hunger, you will lose the main kilograms in the first week of fasting, then the rate of weight loss will slow down.

However, this diet is not suitable, to put it mildly, for everyone. Fasting is stressful for the body, and two weeks of malnutrition has a whole bunch side effects. Therefore, we recommend a less drastic way to normalize body weight: the already familiar diet of one product for one day. It can be stretched for 14 days, most importantly, do not forget to drink up to 2 liters of water per day and alternate foods.

Diet effective for weight loss for a month: food menu

BeFit service offers a ready-made weekly diet and menu useful products which help to normalize weight. We have developed a balanced and delicious food, you will not only lose weight, but also enjoy healthy and appetizing food. For a month of nutrition according to our system, you will lose up to 10 kg. The result will be better if you combine a healthy diet with physical activity.

The most effective diets for losing weight by 10 kg

There are three types of ways to reduce body weight by 10 kg: hard, cleansing and gentle. We advise you not to resort to harsh methods unless absolutely necessary, because they have many side effects. But if you need to lose weight urgently, you can try this option: a complete rejection of high-calorie foods and the transition to a low-calorie diet. The maximum daily calorie intake is 1300 calories. To avoid a constant feeling of hunger, you need to divide the food into 7-8 meals.

More gentle option: a cleansing method, which consists in the rejection of animal products, as well as fried, fatty and smoked dishes. They should be replaced with vegetables, fruits, cereals, low-fat dairy products. But in this case, it is important to eat small portions 5 times a day.

A sparing diet is the easiest to tolerate, it is designed for a loss of 10 kg within a month. There are no strict restrictions, but high-calorie foods, fast food, desserts, muffins, sweet and carbonated drinks should be completely excluded. We also refuse fatty, fried, smoked. Instead, we eat black and yeast-free bread, a little stale unsweetened buns, butter, celery, milk, vegetables and fruits. You can also eat grains, legumes, lean meats and fish. We drink green tea, kefir, fruit juices. But not from packs, but squeezed out with your own hands!

Easy Diet Secrets

To lose weight, it is important to stay motivated: remember your goal. Also try to make this period pleasant: do not close yourself, communicate, walk in the fresh air, play sports. Remember to drink at least 2 liters of pure mineral water per day, eat in small portions, and then the diet will be easier to perceive.

Almost every girl at least once in her life was on a diet. Sometimes it happens that an important event in your life will soon take place, but there is catastrophically little time left for losing weight. In this case, diets come to the rescue, which promise to achieve the maximum effect in the shortest possible time. And, as a rule, these diets are very strict with continuous food restrictions.

Perhaps every girl has her own recipe for quick weight loss, but almost always it comes down to the fact that a person generally refuses food, or leaves a minimum of calories in his diet. As for health during a period of severe restrictions, diets affect the body very negatively. Therefore, when choosing diets, you should not immediately resort to a complete denial of all products, you should choose at least the golden mean.

In general, there are a huge variety of diets for quick weight loss, the choice of diet is the right of each of you. But nevertheless, we present the most popular of the express diets:

  • diets based on the consumption of the same food long time, that is separate meals, for example, kefir diet, buckwheat, vegetarian;
  • jockey diet;
  • prunes diet;
  • cucumber diet;
  • express diet 3 days;
  • and others.

In order to understand how these diets work, you need to know some information about them. But in any case, the more restrictions in the diet, the tougher it is, the higher the expected result.

jockey diet

This diet is very tough, but quite effective in the fight against extra pounds. The diet promises to get rid of 5 kilograms in just 3 days of following it. The essence of the diet lies in the fact that within 3 days you can eat only protein foods in small doses. During these three days, the body will receive stress, so it is better to postpone all sports and devote this time to rest.

Kefir diet

This diet is also quite fast and tough, but the effect of it is very noticeable. It is based on the constant use of kefir for 1 week. If, nevertheless, the feeling of hunger torments you, then it is allowed to eat a small piece of lean boiled meat, or an apple. This also includes the buckwheat diet, it is also based on the use of only buckwheat for a week, and it is best not to boil buckwheat, but steam it overnight so that all the vitamins can be preserved, it is not recommended to salt it for greater effect. These diets promise weight loss up to 6 kilograms per week.

Diet 3 days

The diet promises that in 3 days of its application you can lose as much as 5 kilograms of unnecessary weight, while the products offered by the diet cleanse the entire body, removing toxins and toxins from it. Foods may vary depending on the diet, but mostly vegetables, fruits, protein foods, and all servings are minimal.

mealDiet Products
BreakfastTea (without sugar), cheese 200 gr. or 200 gr. cottage cheese / yogurt
In 2 hours1 boiled egg without additives
DinnerBoiled chicken / beef / pork 200 gr.
In 2-3 hoursCottage cheese 200 gr.
DinnerKefir 250 ml.

Protein diet for fast weight loss

This type of diet is gentle, because. the body does not suffer from hunger. The diet is based on the use of lean white meat, fish, vegetables and other protein-containing foods. But it is important to note that foods should be minimal in calorie content. The diet promises to remove 10 extra pounds in 10 days of use.

tea diet

The essence of the diet lies in the consumption of green tea daily, except useful properties it also contains protein, which is necessary for rapid weight loss. Tea on this diet should be consumed at least 5 times a day. At the same time, you need to understand that ordinary tea in bags will not suit you, you need leaf tea, which you yourself will brew. In addition to tea, you can afford some fruits, low-fat protein foods, but not much.

Diet of Larisa Dolina

This diet is also fast and quite effective in the fight against excess weight. Its essence lies in the fact that sweet, fatty, mayonnaise, mustard, various seasonings and pastries should be removed from the usual diet. It is best to eat vegetarian foods such as vegetables and fruits. The diet also welcomes green tea. During the diet, it is imperative to drink juice, while you need to drink at least 3 liters per day, you also need to drink water in considerable quantities. Juice is drunk instead of snacks.

potato diet

This type of diet is aimed at losing weight directly to the abdomen, potatoes cleanse the intestines and speed up metabolism. The diet is designed for 1 or 2 weeks, depending on whether time allows or not. In a week on potatoes you will lose about 5 kilograms. For a day with this diet, you need to consume one and a half kilograms of unpeeled boiled potatoes. Meals per day should be at least 4 and no more than 6, but it is best to eat potatoes in 6 meals. It is advisable to cook new potatoes every time, you can either boil or steam them, and you need to eat them hot.

In addition to this ingredient, the diet also provides for the consumption of water in the amount of at least 2 liters per day.


Fasting is indeed the most effective of the fast diets and has been used for many years. But her diet is quite tough, because for exactly 7 days you will have to eat only water and a small amount of black bread, and the amount of water while following this diet is not limited.

If you still decide on diets as a hunger strike, then you should hold out to the end, otherwise everything will be in vain. When leaving a hunger strike, it is important not to break loose and attack food, you do not need to immediately load the stomach with food, and include foods in the diet carefully and consistently. If you do everything right, then on this diet you can lose as much as 10 kilograms in a week.

cucumber diet

The diet provides for the use of a large number of cucumbers, but it is also allowed vegetable soup, a small piece of black bread, various salads with cucumbers, but without oil, it is advisable not to salt them or make sure that the salt content is minimal.

At least 4 cucumbers should be consumed per day, as well as a large amount of water, at least 2 liters.

Fast diets last a short time from 3 to 7 days, they have an effect, but the body also suffers from a lack of vitamins. But in any case, because diets take a short period, then the harm to the body is minimal.

Saving the result

The most important thing in any diet is that the kilograms do not return, and the result remains as spectacular as when leaving the diet. Moreover, the weight lost on fast diets is much easier and easier to return than with other diets. To prevent this from happening, you need to get out of the diet correctly, the main thing is not to overeat and introduce foods into the diet smoothly and sedately, while you do not need to abuse junk food. And it is worth including in your regime at least small physical exercise. Subject to these rules, you will always look attractive, and your figure will be perfect.

Being slim and not overweight is the common dream of all girls, no matter how old they are. Many believe that only a hunger strike and limiting oneself in everything can lead to positive result weight loss. In fact, a diet is not starving yourself, but a properly selected and compiled menu with which you will feel comfortable and full. Let's talk today about what exist easy diets at home and what is their effectiveness.

Yes, a diet is a limitation to some extent of oneself in certain products, their quantity, but at the same time, this should be a comfortable period in which a girl will lose weight and at the same time not be a vixen who suffers from malnutrition and is ready to destroy everything and all. It was for comfortable weight loss that they were invented very simple diets so that the weight is dropped and the body remains satisfied.

It is worth noting that today it is precisely simple diets that are considered rational and correct. Only in the modeling industry can they still use the fasting method, and even then, this happens extremely rarely.

The main task of any diet is not just to lose weight, but to fix your result and not gain even more after the end of the dietary period. For this reason, at home it is best to use long-term diets, that is, nutrition systems that you can sit on for a long time.

Today we are looking at simple diets, the main advantages of which are:

  • no bouts of hunger
  • a set of simple and accessible products
  • rational nutrition system

In this case, your body receives all the necessary nutrients, you do not remain hungry, and excess weight successfully leaves your body - the perfect picture, and believe me, it is real if you listen to the recommendations of experts who have already tested the proposed types of diets in practice.

Easy home diet

If you decide to start losing weight at home, then you need to know about the list of rules that are mandatory to achieve the desired result:

  • As soon as you wake up, drink a glass of water (it can be boiled or purified water). You can add quite a bit of lemon juice to it or throw a whole slice into a glass.
  • Remember that the first meal of the day should be done before 10 am. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to lose weight and keep fit.
  • Eat slowly and confidently. Food must be chewed thoroughly. Thoroughly chewing every bite of food will help the body catch the moment when it is really full, which means it will not let you overeat.
  • At 4 p.m., you need to have a snack so that by dinner you don’t go berserk with hunger and eat 5 servings at once.

  • As you know, you need to have dinner 4 hours before you decide to sleep, which is why the rule of not eating after 6 is not always useful, because people who go to bed after midnight can have dinner at 20.00 without any problems.
  • If just before going to bed you are tormented by a terrible hunger, you think that you are about to break loose and eat everything and everything, do not be afraid to take a piece of chocolate and eat it. It will not harm the body, will not add extra weight (in such quantity), but at the same time, it will satisfy your need to eat something.
  • After dinner, you can not lie down on the sofa and watch TV. The evening should be active, only in this case, the food is digested as expected, and does not leave fatty traces in your body.

By following the above rules, you will be able to notice how you will feel light in the body, you will begin to sleep calmly, without even waking up at night, the weight will gradually go away.

This is just the beginning, do not forget about the most important thing - there are foods that you will have to give up if you are overweight. So, taboo foods during a home diet:

  • Sugar. It is found in sufficient quantities in fruits and other foods that we consume every day.

  • Salt - you need to understand that salt retains water in the body, does not allow the lymph to function normally in our body, this leads to the fact that we swell, and this, in turn, is overweight.
  • Alcoholic drinks. After taking them, appetite is played out in the body with triple strength, and it becomes simply impossible to stop the desire to eat, most often.
  • We must minimize foods that contain fast carbohydrates, which is why we will have to stop eating wheat flour products.
  • Semolina and wheat porridge are not desirable visitors to our body, therefore, refuse to take these cereals.
  • Fatty meat is taboo - lamb, like pork, should not be present in your diet.

And now let's make a list of foods that should be present in your diet during a home diet:

  • mango, banana, melon, apples
  • tomato, cucumber, pepper, radish, greens, celery
  • poultry and rabbit meat
  • low fat dairy products

Diet easy 7 days

Let's get acquainted with a very simple and effective diet that will last a week. If you like the result and the nutrition itself, then you can easily extend it, thereby healing your body and cleansing it of excess weight, toxins, etc.

First day

  1. We start breakfast with boiled meat (in this case it is preferable to choose beef), weak tea with cheese and bread.
  2. For the second breakfast, we use one glass of low-fat kefir or fermented baked milk.
  3. The lunch meal includes a salad of various vegetables (you can dress olive oil) and boiled poultry meat.
  4. For an afternoon snack, drink a glass of kefir.
  5. Dinner should consist of only two components - meat and porridge (chicken and oatmeal are recommended).

Second day

  1. For breakfast, prepare yourself an omelette (1-2 eggs), you can add cheese there. Make a vegetable salad.
  2. For lunch, stew beef, cook oatmeal, if desired, add vegetables here.
  3. Dinner - make a salad of vegetables and boiled chicken eggs.
  4. Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of fermented baked milk.

The third day

  1. For breakfast, we prepare green tea, black bread with butter and cheese
  2. Eat vegetable salad for lunch
  3. Dinner includes egg, vegetable salad, green tea
  4. Eat a piece of dark chocolate at night

If there is a need for an afternoon snack and a second dinner, then it is better to drink a cup of low-fat kefir or fermented baked milk.

Fourth day

  1. Boiled meat and raw vegetables are eaten for breakfast
  2. Lunch - similar to breakfast
  3. For dinner, you can have tea with vegetable salad and meat, porridge is also welcome
  4. Eat some fruit before bed

Fifth day

  1. For breakfast we eat a boiled egg, a little cheese and drink green tea.
  2. For lunch, enjoy oatmeal + boiled chicken breast
  3. The evening meal should consist of an omelette and vegetable salad.
  4. In the afternoon you can eat some fruit, drink low-fat kefir at night

Sixth day

  1. Black bread with cheese and butter, washed down with black but weak tea
  2. Lunch and dinner on the 6th day are similar: vegetables + fruits
  3. Allowed quantity - up to a kilogram of products
  4. A slice of chocolate before bed is not prohibited

Seventh day

  1. We have breakfast without bread, include a little boiled beef and cheese in the first meal, drink coffee
  2. For lunch - vegetable salad and some boiled chicken
  3. Dinner - vegetable salad + scrambled eggs
  4. Kefir drink one glass between meals

As you can see, there is nothing complicated and supernatural in diet food No. Our menu turned out to be useful, varied, and, most importantly, satisfying. If you follow such a diet, and, moreover, follow all the rules and listen to the recommendations that were listed above, you can be sure that excess weight in the body will begin to melt before our eyes, and your forms will become closer and closer to ideal.

Video: Easy diet for fast weight loss

The fight against excess weight often takes a lot of effort, but does not always bring results. It is important to choose the most effective diet for weight loss: effective and quick ways to get rid of extra pounds can be found even at home. When choosing, you should take into account the recommendations of nutritionists, the positive experience of other people, your own weight and age.

What are the diets

In some diets, you need to eat almost nothing, while others allow those who want to lose weight to hardly change their habits, only slightly adjusting the menu. Not always the severity of nutrition guarantees a good result and health benefits. Before deciding to lose weight, you need to choose the best option for yourself in terms of efficiency, safety, comfort.

For fast weight loss

Many people want to lose weight as quickly and effectively as possible. It is much more beneficial for health to lose weight gradually, but there are also effective diets for quick weight loss at home:


On the first day, you need to eat only poultry meat, on the second day a little lean meat, and on the third day limit yourself to coffee and juice.

One of the fastest ways. In 3 days you can lose up to 5 kg.


The basis of the diet is vegetables, some fish and beef are allowed. This is the best option for treatment. overweight in diabetics.

You can lose up to 5 kg in a week.


Assumes a glass of buckwheat per day, boiled in water without spices.

You can lose 3-4 kg in a week.

Popular diets

The popularity of the method does not always guarantee its safety and effectiveness, but follow fashion trends still worth it. Recently, the following effective diets have become especially common:

Hollywood Diet or Diet of Top Models

It is worth eating cereals, black bread, lean protein foods, fruits, vegetables and vegetable oil. At the same time, it is worth saying “no” to sugar and salt.

A safe and good diet for weight loss at home, although you can only lose 0.5-1 kg per week on it.

This is a long-term nutrition plan developed by a French doctor. The first five days you need to eat a little protein-rich foods. Then several months must be alternated healthy eating And fasting days. Next comes the strictest stage of fixing and a diet is offered to maintain the figure.

Strong weight loss up to 5 kg occurs in the first stage. Further, the weight will decrease gradually.

low calorie

Allows the consumption of mainly vegetables, cereals and legumes. Sticking to this option is incredibly difficult. In addition, such food is unhealthy.

You can lose weight on low-calorie foods by 2 kg per week.

sandwich shop

You should eat sandwiches: 12 slices of bread with ketchup, mustard, avocado, banana and cottage cheese. The option is effective, but it can be harmful for the gastrointestinal tract.

You can lose up to 3 kg in 10 days

Nutritionists say that almost any effective ways aimed at rapid fat burning are harmful. Excess weight is better to correct gradually. For those wishing to establish a proper metabolism, nutritionists give the following recommendations:

  • It is worth eating mainly vegetables and fruits, cereals and legumes.
  • An adult should eat meat and fish 3-4 times a week. It is desirable that they have less fat, and it is best to cook steamed or in the oven.
  • Flour and sweet should be limited. Few people manage to completely abandon desserts, but it is better to indulge yourself no more than a couple of times a week.
  • Ideally, you should give up salt altogether - there is a lot of it in fruits or vegetables.

For strong weight loss

Strong weight loss in a matter of days threatens not only with stretch marks and poor health, but also with serious health problems. However, some try to lose weight quickly on the following weight loss programs:

apple diet

It is proposed to consume 2 kg of apples per day with low-fat cottage cheese and herbs. A little cereal or bread is acceptable. It is very difficult to adhere to such a diet, the body will lack many necessary substances.

You can lose up to 6 kg in a week.


This is a diet that involves the use of kefir, fruits and lean meat in small quantities. It is safe to adhere to such a diet for no more than five days.

For 5 days, it is possible to lose, on average, 4-5 kg.


This meal plan is relatively safe, although you should not get carried away with it. The basis is carrot salad, potatoes, some chicken meat.

For 5 days you can lose weight by 3-4 kg.

The best diets for weight loss

Now there is a huge variety of ways to lose weight. Choosing the best one can be difficult. The most effective weight loss diets are often unsafe and difficult to stick to. Every year there are new diets, but only a few find a large number of followers. The best ways should not only reduce weight, but provide the body with the necessary substances.


This is a strict but effective diet for fast weight loss. It belongs to the category of mono-diet: every day you need to add only a couple of products containing a minimum of calories to kefir. The plan is designed for 7 days, during which some manage to lose up to 7 kg. One and a half liters of kefir should be consumed per day, adding 400 g of other products: fruits, cottage cheese or potatoes. This diet for quick weight loss at home is not very useful and is especially dangerous for people with high stomach acid.


The Kremlin diet will appeal to meat lovers. In the course of such weight loss, you need to eat lean beef, chicken, turkey, fish and legumes, limiting the intake of simple carbohydrates. You can successfully lose up to 2 kg per week on a carbohydrate-free diet, but you can’t stick to such a diet for too long in order to avoid health problems. After 7-10 days, it is recommended to return to a balanced menu.


This method of losing weight is considered effective, although it is very difficult to adhere to it. A day you need to boil a glass of buckwheat, and eat porridge in small portions. From drinks, you can use kefir or tea. It is strictly forbidden to add any seasonings, including salt, sugar, pepper. It is forbidden to eat 4 hours before bedtime. You can lose weight in two weeks by 12 kg, but there is a risk to health.

Minus 60

The author of this system, Ekaterina Mirimanova, lost 60 kg in a year and a half without special dietary restrictions. She urges to take weight loss easier, not to torture yourself with a hunger strike - you just need to gradually switch to a healthy diet. Instead of large plates of food, you should get used to small portions, and you can find healthier alternatives to unhealthy fatty or sugary foods.


The method is designed for 5 days or 5 stages: cleansing, recovery, energy storage, "building", fat burning. You can lose weight by 2-4 kg. The basis of the diet on the first day will be apples, water and activated charcoal. On the second day you need to eat cottage cheese. On the third day, it is proposed to eat a lot of raisins with honey. The diet of the fourth day will be boiled meat. On the fifth day, meals consist of oatmeal with raw vegetables. The ladder is safe, although willpower is required.


This is one of the options for an effective mono-diet. It lasts 7 days, during which you can lose up to 5 kg. The diet is strict: the first two days you can only drink, the next two days you can only eat fruits and vegetables. The diet of the fifth day will be lean meat and eggs. On the sixth day, you can only drink again, but on the last day you can relax and go on to a normal balanced diet.

6 petals

It's a healthy, productive way that's easy to stick to. It includes 6 days: fish, vegetable, chicken, cereal, cottage cheese and fruit. These products should be eaten little by little, about 500 g per day. Due to the alternation of different foods, fat is burned by 0.5 kg per day. If in 6 days you have not achieved the desired effect, you can continue the same diet for another 6 days.

Elena Malysheva

To choose the right diet, you need to calculate your excess weight based on your initial weight and height. Elena Malysheva proposes to do this in her weight loss technique. Depending on your body mass index, you will be offered a suitable diet. Elena Malysheva's system offers ready-made meal kits - these are frozen dishes that can be easily warmed up at home or taken with you.

What is the most effective diet for weight loss

The effectiveness of a particular system will largely depend on the initial weight, age, and characteristics of the organism itself. Even the most effective weight loss diets won't work for everyone. To do right choice take note of a few tips:

  • It is important that the number of calories consumed is less than the amount consumed. Simply put, you need to eat much less than the body requires. At the same time, there is absolutely nothing - a bad way out. It is better to follow a healthy diet, combining it with sports training.
  • Best of all, the most stringent mono-diets are tolerated at a young age from 20 to 40 years. Express diets are not recommended for teenagers - it is better to just switch to a healthy diet. Older people often tolerate food restrictions more easily, but it is important to gradually move in and out of a new diet, otherwise there is a risk to health.
  • If you only have a couple of extra pounds, getting rid of them can be easy, effective and fast. If you want to lose weight thoroughly, it is important to do it gradually to avoid stress on the body.

