Proper nutrition: a tasty and healthy menu for a month. PP diet - follow proper nutrition for weight loss An example of proper nutrition for a month

Losing weight is a process that consists of many aspects, but proper nutrition is the first thing you should pay close attention to. To do this, you need to get acquainted with the nutrition plan for weight loss for a month and a detailed menu that will give answers to many questions, allow you to quickly lose weight without creating any danger to the body.

Rules for proper nutrition

At home, you can also quickly and effectively lose weight, both women and men. To do this, you must follow some nutritional rules to improve performance. digestive system, accelerate metabolic processes, remove toxins and slags from the body.

Compliance with the rules does not take much time, they are not difficult, but very important. Among the rules of proper nutrition are noted:

  • Food is fractional and frequent;
  • Diverse menu;
  • Exclusion from the diet of flour, harmful, fried foods;
  • Focus on vegetables and fruits;
  • Include dairy products in your diet
  • Do not exclude meat and fish, replace them with low-fat varieties;
  • Reduce salt intake to 1 teaspoon per day;
  • Give up alcohol;
  • Give preference to steam cooking.

These rules of proper nutrition will allow everyone to stay in good shape, not endanger themselves and gain extra pounds. But, you need to remember that if at least one of the above rules is violated, it will be very difficult to achieve a result in losing weight.

Also, the rules involve the calculation of the individual caloric content of the diet, it depends on age, weight, level of physical activity. On average, the optimal calorie content for women is up to 1500 kcal, you also need to remember that reducing calories by more than 1000 kcal is dangerous to health.

The Benefits of Proper Nutrition

Proper nutrition for weight loss has many benefits for the body, which improve its functioning, strengthen the immune system, make a person stronger. If you eat right during the first month, the results and positive changes in the body will not be long in coming.

The benefits of proper nutrition include:

  • Fast and safe weight loss;
  • Removal of toxins and slags;
  • Cleansing the body of congestion;
  • Improving the condition of the skin;
  • The appearance of a healthy blush on the face;
  • Prevention of diseases such as diabetes and hypertension.

These are just some of the benefits that a person can get by following proper nutrition.

Important! A balanced and proper diet has a positive effect not only on weight loss, but also on the whole body as a whole. That is why it is worth observing it not only for losing weight, but for all people without exception.

Choice the right products, compliance with all the principles of nutrition will allow you to succeed in losing weight, saturate the body with useful components. The main thing to remember is that any disruptions and relaxation of the regime will minimize all the results.

To lose weight, you need to follow not only all the principles, but also be aware of the recommendations given by experts. They will help you lose weight correctly, without harm to the body and health. Among the recommendations are:

  • The drinking regime should not be less than 2 liters per day;
  • You need to regularly massage the abdomen;
  • Eliminate from the diet all foods that cause bloating and upset;
  • It is important to monitor the acidity;
  • Drink water 30 minutes before meals;
  • Chew food slowly and thoroughly;
  • Dairy products are consumed only in the first half of the day, at night it is strictly prohibited.

Prohibited Products

The menu for a month involves compiling a diet only from permitted products. Prohibited foods must be excluded from the refrigerator once and for all, and no longer be emphasized. The list of prohibited products includes:

  • Semi-finished products;
  • Fast foods;
  • Fatty meats and fish;
  • Sweets, pastries, flour;
  • Alcohol;
  • Carbonated drinks.

These products should be discarded, because they only provoke water retention in the body, contribute to the accumulation of large amounts of cholesterol, and destroy the body from the inside. In the early stages of proper nutrition, it can be difficult to give up such foods, so you need to do it gradually. First, prohibited foods are minimized, then completely excluded from the diet.

Table of products for healthy nutrition recipes

A proper nutrition program consists of a large number of useful components, which are presented in the table. Each product has its own individual calorie content, which is worth paying attention to. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with all the features in the table:

Whole milk powder475
Low-fat cottage cheese86
Rye bread214
Rice porrige323
Green pepper23

This is part of the products that can saturate the body, and allow you to cook delicious and mouth-watering dishes from them.

Monthly weight loss meal plan

The menu of proper nutrition for weight loss for a month with a weight loss diet can be the most diverse, the main thing is to learn how to focus on tasty and allowed foods. Consider the features of nutrition by week.

First week

The plan for proper nutrition for weight loss involves the presence of a variety of recipes, which we will now get acquainted with. Nutrition for weight loss is built for a week, and it should be as tasty and appetizing as possible.

  • Cheesecakes with sour cream. It is necessary to mix low-fat cottage cheese with an egg and a spoonful of flour, mix until smooth and fry cheesecakes in a non-stick pan until cooked.
  • Omelet with vegetables. Beat 2 eggs, add a spoonful of milk or sour cream, finely chop the tomato. Salt. Mix all the ingredients and fry over low heat under a closed lid until cooked.
  • Vegetable soup. You need to take potatoes, cabbage, peppers, onions, carrots. Grind the ingredients, send to the broth and cook until tender, without using the frying function.
  • Buckwheat with vegetables. Buckwheat is boiled according to a standard recipe, served fresh with any vegetables.
  • Fruit curd.
  • Chicken fillet and vegetables. You need to boil the chicken fillet until tender and serve with vegetables.
  • Kefir, fruits, vegetables, tea.

We also present good example how your diet for the week should look like:

Breakfast: scrambled eggs with vegetables;

Second breakfast: apple;

Lunch: vegetable soup, tea;

Snack: kefir;

Dinner: chicken breast with vegetables.

Second week

A balanced diet presupposes the presence of a certain nutrition system that allows you to effectively and quickly lose extra pounds.

  • Oatmeal with milk. Prepared according to the standard recipe.
  • Oatmeal. You need to beat oatmeal, a spoonful of milk and an egg in a blender. The mixture is fried under a closed lid over low heat for several minutes.
  • Rice with vegetables. It is necessary to fry the onions with carrots, then add rice to them in a pan and pour water over them. Simmer until done.
  • Mushroom soup. A standard vegetable soup is being prepared, and champignons fried until half cooked are added to it.
  • Baked salmon in the oven with vegetables;
  • Grilled chicken breast with vegetables.
  • Orange, apple, protein bar.

Menu for the day:

Breakfast: oatmeal with milk and nuts;

Second breakfast: a glass of kefir;

Lunch: buckwheat porridge with vegetables;

Snack: apple.

Dinner: baked fish with vegetables.

Third week

The weight loss nutrition program has sample menu, which should be guided when compiling a diet.

  • Whole grain bread and cheese sandwich;
  • Oatmeal on the water.
  • Boiled rice with vegetables;
  • Chicken soup with vegetables.
  • Baked mackerel with vegetables;
  • Fruit curd.


  • Vegetable or fruit salad.

Menu for the day:

Breakfast: whole grain cheese sandwich, tea.

Second breakfast: banana;

Lunch: vegetable soup;

Snack: apple;

Dinner: baked fish, grilled vegetables.

Fourth week

A weight loss menu can be delicious if you know the right dishes and how to prepare them.

  • Oatmeal on the water with a banana;
  • Barley porridge (pre-soaked overnight);
  • Vegetable soup;
  • Mushroom soup;
  • Vegetable salad with chicken;
  • Fruit curd.


  • Orange, grapefruit.

sample menu

Breakfast: oatmeal on the water, banana;

Second breakfast: a glass of yogurt;

Lunch: mushroom soup;

Snack: apple;

Dinner: vegetable salad, tea.

For information on how to properly compose a PP menu for a day, week or month, see the video:

Nutritionist answers to questions

From a nutritionist you can hear a lot of valuable information that will allow you to quickly and correctly lose weight, achieve good results without harming the body. It is not always possible to discuss directly with a nutritionist important points, because this is an expensive pleasure, which also takes a lot of time.

Below we have provided answers to the most interesting questions of losing weight, using the best and most experienced nutritionists. We invite you to familiarize yourself with them in detail.

How much can be thrown on the PP?

You can lose weight in a month on proper nutrition, and the indicators for each person will be individual. On average, the figure is from 6 kg, taking into account the observance of all nutritional rules, principles, the exclusion of harmful and prohibited foods. It is worth remembering that from the second month the indicators may be somewhat lower, because the body sooner or later gets used to food, and reacts to it to a lesser extent.

Who is suitable for losing weight on proper nutrition?

Weight loss with proper nutrition is suitable for everyone healthy people, because it is not a diet, not severe restrictions on the consumption of products. If a person has certain diseases and abnormalities in the functioning of systems and organs, he is prescribed a therapeutic diet, then the use of PP for weight loss will be highly undesirable. Such moments should be discussed only with your treating specialist.

What mistakes do those who lose weight on PP most often make?

When losing weight, losing weight can make certain mistakes, because they don’t know how to properly compose a diet, what to pay attention to and focus on. Among the errors are:

  • Eating with excess calories;
  • Monotonous menu that quickly gets bored;
  • Non-compliance with the drinking regime;
  • Meals less than 5 times a day.


A monthly weight loss nutrition plan and a detailed menu will allow everyone who is losing weight to achieve the desired result, lose extra pounds, and improve the functioning of the digestive system.

Many women and men, trying to pick up the next diet for themselves, look forward to the return of extra pounds soon after its completion. To prevent this, it is important to draw up a nutrition and training plan for weight loss - a properly selected program will help you correctly set up your body for weight loss, as a result of which the weight will not return to its previous value. The result that you will achieve thanks to your activity, adjusted menu and water balance will continue in the future, but on the condition that you do not return to your previous diet.

What is a weight loss program

Everyone who wants to get rid of extra pounds should know that the weight loss program is A complex approach, which includes a specific training schedule and an optimal diet. To make the figure slim and athletic, it is necessary to develop an individual scheme based on already known complexes. To achieve the weight loss you need, you must have a specific plan of action, so choose the exercises, make a schedule, adjust the menu and be sure to write down your results.

Schedule for the month

The program of nutrition and training for weight loss involves the development of a specific schedule for a certain period, for example, for a month. Make a training schedule - it is best to do it every other day, but not more often. If you increase the intensity of cardio, aerobic or strength training, then your body will not have time to recover. The duration of training should be at least 45 minus, but not more than 1.5 hours. In order to start the process of burning fat, this is enough.

How to make a plan

Before you go on a strict diet or join a gym, create a personalized weight loss routine. The result of any activity largely depends on a clearly defined goal and a pre-planned plan to achieve it. The process of weight loss is no exception. To create an effective plan, you will need:

  • set deadlines;
  • distributor number of meals;
  • clearly consider a nutrition plan;
  • develop an individual training package.

How to lose weight in a month

A weight loss plan that will help you lose those extra pounds in just 30 days should be designed so that the weight loss process does not harm your health. Not too fast, but an effective method of weight loss involves a combination of a certain physical activity with an adjusted menu. Forget about grueling workouts and strict diets, it is better to observe the following 5 iron rules:

  • Eliminate fried foods from your diet fatty foods, white bread, fast food, sweets.
  • Drink up to 1.5-2 liters of water per day, but not coffee, tea, compotes.
  • Have breakfast, lunch and dinner every day at the same time.
  • Forget about losing weight - just enjoy the process.
  • Do not forget to move more - do not stay too long at the workplace.

In the gym

You can also start the process of weight loss if you work hard on the simulators. If you are a beginner, it is better to use the services of a personal trainer. With the help of various exercises, you can significantly increase the muscles, but do not forget about cardio training - do it on a treadmill, stepper, elliptical trainer, etc. A workout for weight loss should take about 1.5 hours - do not forget about the warm-up in 5-10 minutes.

When choosing strength exercises, you should work out the largest muscle groups: chest, back, legs. When working with them, a maximum of energy is spent, which will allow you to burn more calories. It is advisable to do each exercise in 3-4 sets. Be sure to stretch after class. It is very important to have quality sleep, without it your performance will decrease to zero. Strength exercises that can help you lose weight include:

  • squats;
  • bench press;
  • chest press:
  • pushups;
  • barbell curls, etc.

Video: bench press technique

At home

Need an effective diet and workout plan for weight loss at home? In this case, pay attention to a few exercises. At the same time, do not forget about a balanced diet and a complete rejection of overeating. Preparation for classes is very important, which should include warm-up exercises: torso to the right and left, light running in place, etc. In order for weight loss in 4-5 weeks to be effective, select the optimal list of exercises that you need to do 10-20 repetitions in 2-3 sets:

  • classic torso lifts;
  • side plank;
  • twisting;
  • lifting the pelvis in a supine position;
  • squats;
  • lunges;
  • back riding;
  • jumping rope;
  • kick back, etc.

Monthly weight loss meal plan

A healthy regimen that will help you lose excess fat includes at least 5 light meals:

  1. Breakfast is the most nutritious meal - it can include yogurt (low fat), fresh fruit, muesli with oatmeal.
  2. For lunch, you can make any soup, vegetable salad with rice.
  3. For dinner, it is better to cook boiled poultry breast with salad / baked fish with vegetables.
  4. For snacks, choose fresh vegetables, apples.

The principles of proper nutrition

For weight loss, it is very important to develop a specific plan. In 3-4 weeks of well-executed actions, such as regular exercise and proper nutrition, you can bring these habits to automatism. The very process of reducing excess weight will become not only fast, but also streamlined, and the result will eventually be stable. It is recommended to focus on plant products, not forgetting meat and fish. The principles of proper nutrition:

  • Fractional nutrition. You need to eat an average of 4-5 times a day.
  • calories. The formula is as follows: 0.9 x desired weight (kg) x 24. It should be taken into account that part of the calories is spent on a particular activity, so several hundred kcal can be added to the resulting figure.
  • BJU ratio(proteins, fats, carbohydrates). The best option is a value in the range of 2-2.5: 0.8-1: 1.2-2.
  • Portion volume. Eating 5-6 times a day, make sure that the portion size is no more than 250-300 g.
  • Water balance. Drink about 2 liters clean water per day - best mineral.

What should be eliminated from the diet

It is necessary to start correcting your diet, which should become low-calorie, by eliminating foods that will increase your weight. At the same time, your daily diet should include all the elements necessary for the body. Only a well-chosen nutrition system will help bring weight back to normal and get rid of fat in problem areas. Eliminate the following foods from your diet:

  • flour;
  • smoked meats;
  • confectionery;
  • sweet and carbonated drinks;
  • fast food;
  • sausages;
  • bakery products made from wheat flour.

What foods help you lose weight

Nutritionists recommend that those wishing to reduce weight, in addition to imposing restrictions on the volume of servings and calorie intake, resort to products that promote weight loss. At the same time, one should not forget that the result depends both on the characteristics of the body losing weight, and on its age. Products that help in the process include peanuts, pine nuts, walnuts, almonds, apples, figs, grapefruit, pineapple, dried fruits, cabbage, carrots, kefir and some others.

Menu for the month

It is very difficult for girls and boys to lose weight without proper nutrition. Even such a factor as fitness may not be entirely successful in this case. Having decided to make a menu yourself, remember that meat and fish do not need to be completely excluded from the diet - this is not a diet. Milk, yogurt, cottage cheese will save you from calcium deficiency. Start an online diary where you will enter your nutrition and all your workouts. Example healthy eating for 1 day, which you can take as a sample and use for weight loss over time, making some adjustments:

  • Breakfast: fiber with carbohydrates.
  • Second breakfast: protein food, for example, yogurt, cottage cheese with fruits.
  • Lunch: proteins with carbohydrates, for example, soup, chicken broth.
  • Afternoon: fruits.
  • Dinner: protein, for example, meat or fish fillets.
  • At night: cottage cheese or kefir.

Training plan

You can lose extra pounds and strengthen your body by resorting to a well-planned training process. At the same time, do not forget to consume the required amount of healthy food and drink water. Your task is to correctly distribute the strength and cardio load so that the body works seriously every weekday, but does not overstrain. Let him recover over the weekend. Sample lesson plan:

  • Monday - strength, cardio.
  • Tuesday is cardio.
  • Wednesday is strong.
  • Thursday is cardio.
  • Friday - strength, cardio.
  • Saturday and Sunday - rest.

Fitness program

Have you started compiling a step-by-step training that will provide you with a gradual weight loss with further consolidation of the result? In this case, resort to fitness. It is best to train 3 times a week every other day for 40-60 minutes. If the schedule does not allow or you have the strength, then sometimes you can make adjustments and train twice in a row. On some days, you will have to devote to cardio training: a treadmill, an elliptical trainer, a bicycle. Sample program for 1 day, which can become the basis:

  • Squats - 15 times.
  • Lunges with dumbbells in hands - 10 times with each leg.
  • Dumbbell pull to the belt with one hand - 10 times with each hand.
  • Pull-ups - as many as possible.
  • Bench press on an inclined bench - 12 times.
  • Stretching.

Strength exercises

The nutrition and training plan for weight loss should include strength training, at least low intensity. Thanks to them, the body will become more toned and embossed. It is not recommended to combine them with a cardio load. Before training, you need to warm up well to make the muscles more elastic. Effective strength exercises - each type of load should be performed 10-20 times 3 sets:

  • lunges;
  • leg lift;
  • squats:
  • push ups;
  • spreading arms to the sides with dumbbells;
  • pumping the abdominal muscles;
  • sitting leg extension.

Video: Standing Dumbbell Raises

Alternating cardio and strength training

A combination of strength and cardio is the perfect solution for weight loss. You can alternate them both by day and within the same lesson. For example, interval training is a good option, which involves combining both types of load in one visit to the gym. In this case, you need to alternate cardio and strength exercises every 8 minutes. Completely separate training is suitable for those who visit the gym very often.

Calculation of the intensity of physical activity

A plan for a healthy diet and workouts for weight loss requires the calculation of the intensity of classes. One way to solve this problem is based on determining the pulse. The maximum allowable norm is calculated as follows: the number of years is subtracted from 220, for example, 220-50 \u003d 170. Moderate intensity of physical activity is 50-70% of the maximum allowable heart rate. At high intensity, this figure is 70-85%.

The scheme of training for weight loss

Occupation in gym should start with a warm-up. Spend about 15 minutes on the treadmill, stepper, exercise bike, or elliptical trainer. After that, you can start pulling the vertical block, which will help strengthen the muscular corset of the back. The optimal weight for beginner girls is 10-15 kg. Do 3 sets of 12 reps. To work out the muscles of the middle of the back, perform a horizontal block pull: weight - 10 kg, 3 sets of 10 times. Other exercises for weight loss:

  • Classic dumbbell breeding lying down. Start with 3 kg - 3 sets of 10 times.
  • Simultaneous bending of the arms with dumbbells in a standing position. Start with 3 kg - 3 sets of 15 times.
  • Perform leg reduction on a special simulator. Start with 15-20 kg - 2 sets of 20 times.
  • Engage in leg breeding by placing your legs under a soft roller on a special simulator. Start with 10-15 kg - 3 sets of 12 times.


Interval cardio to reduce volume is great for all those who prefer strength training. The execution time is 30-40 minutes. For this activity, you will need a treadmill and a jump rope. You have to warm up for 5 minutes at a calm pace in order to sweat a little, and the pulse has reached 110. In the process, drink liquid (water at room temperature). After that, a serious but effective workout awaits you, which helps in losing weight:

  • Run 3 minutes at an increased pace (pulse 130-140), then spend 2 minutes jumping rope. Repeat block.
  • Jump rope for 1 minute, then gradually increase the pace for 4 minutes. Repeat.
  • For 10 minutes, alternate minute by minute acceleration and work at a slow pace.
  • Hitch. Run slowly for 3-5 minutes, stretch the buttocks, lower back, quadriceps.


You can start the process of weight loss with the help of circular training. Its duration is 15-60 minutes. During this time, you need to complete 3-8 cycles, consisting of 10-12 exercises, the break between which should be 2-5 minutes. The gap between circles should not exceed 2-5 minutes. The classic weight loss program consists of:

  • squats;
  • push-ups;
  • emphasis crouching;
  • jumping "starfish";
  • press swings;
  • jumping rope;
  • shuttle run;
  • small run.


CrossFit is also great for weight loss, the basic exercises of which consist of squats, pull-ups, push-ups and jumps. There are a lot of options in this technique, therefore, to choose the right program, it is better to resort to the help of a professional trainer. During training, it takes a large number of energy, so nutrition must be appropriate. In general, you can achieve weight loss with CrossFit - at the same time, you will pump up well. Some exercises:

  • "Burpee". Squat down with your hands on the floor with your feet touching your chest. Stand in an emphasis lying down and fold your legs. Return to the starting position and jump up.
  • "Kipping". Regular pull-ups on the horizontal bar that need to be done quickly.
  • "Squatting". The exercise is similar to regular squats, but during the lift you should jump up with all your might.


Proper nutrition helps not only to lose weight, but also to be healthy, not to get sick. Eating right means eating a balanced diet that is rich in vitamins and minerals. It is also important to consider the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet. Learn more about proper nutrition for weight loss. The menu for the month, which you will see below, is a guideline. That is, you can adjust the menu to your liking. The most important thing is to burn more calories per day than you consume.

A lot of diets are based on how to quickly lose weight. But what about the next result? As a rule, after a diet, a person gains weight again. The menu of proper nutrition for weight loss for a month helps not only to lose weight, but also to stay in shape further.

Diet Rules

The menu of proper nutrition for weight loss helps to lose about 20 kg of excess weight in a month (depending on what weight you have now). And then you need to follow simple rules to maintain a normal figure:

  • Try to eat every day at the same time;
  • Count the calories you eat;
  • Enrich your diet with raw vegetables and fruits;
  • Eat calmly, chew food slowly;
  • Take vitamin and mineral shakes;
  • Try to eat as much as possible boiled and fried food, and more raw;
  • Each kilogram of your weight requires 30 ml of water per day;
  • Get rid of sugar and confectionery;
  • The menu of proper nutrition for weight loss for a month, over time, can become a regular diet.

Proper nutrition mode

How to follow a proper diet for weight loss? The menu for a month can be any recipe, the main thing is not to overeat and not starve. Determine the portions yourself, based on our recommendations. If you eat 400 grams of apples, then you do not need to eat 500 grams.

  1. Food is best taken 4 hours after waking up and 2 hours before bedtime;
  2. Drink water 15-20 minutes before meals, and 2 hours after meals;
  3. Edit the menu of proper nutrition for weight loss for a month if you understand what you are doing.

sample menu

A diet for a month can be stretched out for a longer period, or finished ahead of time - it's not scary. Let's see the proper nutrition and daily regimen, what you can eat on a diet.

Salads from vegetables and fruits can be made to taste. Alternatively, we offer the following recipes:

  • Fruit salad: apple, banana, pear, a teaspoon of honey, a tablespoon oatmeal. Top with a little yogurt.
  • Vegetable salad: cucumbers, herbs, lettuce. You can fill with yogurt, kefir or a little oil.

Any snacks between meals can be made with raw fruits or vegetables.

Table 1. Menu and proper nutrition for weight loss for a month.

Days of the weekBreakfastDinnerDinner
MondayVegetable or fruit salad, a couple of slices of rye bread.Vegetable salad, cottage cheese 150 grams, 2 slices of bread.Boil a portion of cereals, cucumber, tomato, a piece of bread.
TuesdaySweet fruits.Vegetable soup, slice of bread, baked potato 3 pcs.Boiled rice, chicken breast 300 grams, a slice of bread, tomato.
WednesdayMake pancakes with a spoonful of honey.Ukha, baked fish, 2 loaves.Boiled beans 250 grams, vegetable salad, bread.
ThursdaySalad of vegetables or fruits.Boil a couple of eggs, salad, bread.Porridge, 250 g of boiled beef, bread, greens.
FridayCitrus.Bake 3 potatoes, 200 g of baked fish, greens.Stewed vegetables, cheese, rye bread.
SaturdayGrate the carrots.Chicken breast 300 g, tomato, cucumber, vegetable soup, bread.Stew zucchini, eggplant, cabbage. 2 slices of bread.
ResurrectionBananas or dried fruits.Bake 3 potatoes, vegetable salad, bread, boiled turkey.Boiled fish, salad, bread.

Adjust your meals, count calories yourself. They should be few, but not less than 1200 calories. It doesn't matter if you are a girl or a man.

Another recipe

There is another recipe for proper nutrition for weight loss for a month. The menu can be divided into 4 main stages. The trick of this diet is that the first week is preparatory, and on the third you remove meat from the diet. A very strong menu that will help you get rid of excess weight.

We scheduled three meals. You can snack between meals if you like. Only fresh fruits and vegetables are allowed.

No. 1. Introductory week.

The task of this week is to prepare your body for weight loss so that it passes without stressful conditions.

  • Morning: boil an egg, make a toast, squeeze fresh juice;
  • Day: a portion of vegetable soup, boiled chicken breast 100 g, salad;
  • Evening: a glass of yogurt, fat-free cottage cheese.

No. 2. Second week.

  • For breakfast, only a glass of kefir - 250 ml;
  • Boiled chicken breast 100 g, lettuce, cottage cheese with honey;
  • Dine on your choice: cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, plus a salad.

No. 3. Third stage.

  • Stew vegetables with buckwheat, a glass of kefir;
  • Cook vegetable soup, a portion of buckwheat, salad;
  • Stew any vegetables.

No. 4. The last stage of the diet.

  • Boil a portion of buckwheat, stewed vegetables, a glass of kefir;
  • Boil 200 g of beef, make soup, salad;
  • Fresh vegetable salad, kefir, cottage cheese with honey.

This menu does not claim to be an Oscar, but it will help you get rid of extra pounds in a month. Proper nutrition allows you to lose about 20 kg in 30 days - this is very cool! Agree?

In order not to feel hungry, during the diet, you can eat raw vegetables (carrots, beets, cabbage) in any quantity.

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Product Options

Let's see what foods you can supplement your diet on your own. If you wish, you can create your own menu and send it to us for approval. We will correct and help you to carry out the right diet.

So, both men and women, when compiling a menu of proper nutrition for weight loss for a month, can safely include the following foods in their diet:

  1. Any dairy products. Give preference to trusted home producers. In stores there may be a fake from the powder. It won't do any good;
  2. Dried fruits of all kinds - they are rich in vitamins;
  3. Cereals;
  4. Boiled meat (chicken breast, beef, turkey);
  5. Raw fruits and vegetables;
  6. Salads from vegetables and fruits (without dressing);
  7. Brynza or low-fat cheeses;
  8. boiled eggs;
  9. Vegetable soups without fat;
  10. Fish soups (ear);
  11. baked or vegetable stew;
  12. Stewed or baked fish;
  13. Potatoes, only baked in the oven;
  14. Cereals, rye bread;
  15. Greenery.

If we forgot to add something to this list, be sure to add it. As you can see, from these products you can easily create a menu of proper nutrition for weight loss for a month.

Finally, we wish you good health! It is not difficult to stick to the right diet for weight loss. The monthly menu is just the beginning. We prove it from our own experience. For more than a year we have been raw foodists, eating only vegetables and fruits in their original form.

If you want to be healthy and never get sick, we wish you to take the path of proper nutrition.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious :)


What is the key to the success of any diet? In a well-organized dietary table. The menu of proper nutrition for weight loss for a month is a healthy balanced diet that will help you during this short term lose up to ten kilograms of excess weight. Without exhausting hunger strikes, overloads in the gym and on the treadmill. You will eat fully and correctly, gradually losing weight, without compromising your health.

What is proper nutrition

It is known that it is harmful to eat at night, overeat, eat irregularly or fast food. What is the right diet? What is attributed to useful products How should they be prepared and eaten? The answers to these and other questions include the concept that we will consider next. Proper nutrition is a set of fundamental principles for preparing and eating food that will help you:

  • Have good figure Lose weight and don't gain weight again.
  • Strengthen the health of the whole body.
  • Maintain the proper tone of the immune system.
  • Look better and keep your body and soul younger for longer.

The principles of proper nutrition

In dietology, the following basic principles of proper nutrition for weight loss are distinguished:

  1. Daily fractional diet - at least 5 meals a day, strictly by the hour.
  2. Menu calorie control - from one and a half to two thousand kilocalories for women, and about two and a half thousand for men, with the obligatory consideration of an active lifestyle. Reduce the number of calories in the diet, first at the expense of carbohydrates, then at the expense of fats (use the calorie table).
  3. Daily distribution of calorie content of one meal: the first two (three) meals are nutritious, the rest are light.
  4. The most varied diet to provide all the necessary vitamins and useful substances. Fruits, vegetables, herbs, dairy products, milk, cereals, fish and meat must be included in the menu for weight loss for a month.

Reduce portions, avoid overeating, snacking on the run. During meals, focus on the process - do not be distracted by reading or watching a movie at breakfast. Drink two liters of water without gas per day. cook simple meals from 3-4 ingredients, enter into the diet foods that can be consumed without heat treatment - kefir, berries, vegetables, cottage cheese. Proper nutrition excludes the use of fried, spicy and salty foods. Replace animal fats with vegetable ones.

Recipes for proper nutrition for weight loss

In order for the diet throughout the month to be as effective as possible, dishes for proper nutrition for weight loss are prepared according to a number of principles:

  1. A small number of ingredients - up to four in one dish.
  2. No salt, sugar or spices.
  3. Minimum heat treatment time.
  4. Steam or water bath recipes are preferred.
  5. No semi-finished products.
  6. Soups and cereals on the water: sweet - with dried fruits, salty - with mushrooms.
  7. Poultry meat - steamed; fish and beef - baked in foil in the oven.

Monthly weight loss nutrition program

To organize proper nutrition for a month for weight loss, plan in advance a program according to which you will cook food. Exclude smoked and fried foods, sauces from the menu, do not use salt and seasonings when cooking. Liquids - without gas and without sugar, replace sweets with dried fruits: dried apricots or prunes. A diet for a month for weight loss completely eliminates the use of alcohol and flour products. A monthly refusal of coffee will be useful (replace with chicory).

Be sure to include the following products in the menu for a month for weight loss:

  • Vegetables: cabbage different types, carrots, beets, cucumbers and zucchini, spinach, tomatoes, peppers, always fresh herbs. Avoid potatoes.
  • Fruits (with the exception of bananas and grapes).
  • Freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices.
  • Cottage cheese, kefir, natural low-fat yogurt, milk.
  • Cereals and legumes: lentils, beans.
  • Whole wheat bread.
  • Fish, chicken or quail eggs, beef (animal protein), mushrooms.

Where to start eating right for weight loss

To lose weight, starting a proper diet is a necessary but not sufficient measure. It is important to remember the importance of physical activity. If you spend all day sitting at the office in front of the computer, and the evening - lying in front of him on the couch, the diet will not bring the desired results. Move more, walk or walk from work, sign up for a pool, fitness, yoga - the choice is huge, find something you like.

In addition, it is important to get rid of wrong eating habits. To draw up a menu of proper nutrition for weight loss for a month, be sure to add a nutrition schedule that excludes late plentiful dinners. A small amount of fluid you drink also refers to bad eating habits. Two liters a day of plain clean water will be your body's faithful assistants in the fight against extra pounds. And be sure to get a good night's sleep, at least seven hours.

Proper nutrition menu for a month

It is worth planning in advance the menu of proper nutrition for weight loss for one month. Choose from the recommended products those that you like, do not forget to diversify your diet. A diet for a month for weight loss should not be a torment for you, on the contrary, a good mood and well-being are indispensable companions healthy lifestyle life. Therefore, carefully consider all the details before you start losing weight.

An example of a diet menu for a month for weight loss:

Day 1/7/14/21

Day 2/8/15/22

Day 3/9/16/23

Day 4/10/17/24

Day 5/11/18/25


Rice porridge on the water with prunes, soft-boiled egg.

180 g fat-free cottage cheese, chicory, whole grain bread with hard cheese - 80 g.

Oatmeal porridge on the water, chicory, half an avocado.

Carrot salad with honey, boiled egg.

Millet porridge with pumpkin, chicory, half a grapefruit.

Buckwheat porridge with mushrooms - 180 g.

Yogurt / kefir, diet bread with fat-free cheese or hard cheese, green tea.

An apple / half a grapefruit / a glass of freshly squeezed juice.

Ginger drink, whole grain bun with hard cheese (25 g).

180 g oatmeal with freshly squeezed juice.

A glass of kefir, 20 g of hard cheese.

Carrot salad with kiwi - 180 g.

Spinach soup, green vegetable salad, dressing - olive oil.

Vegetable broth, mashed lentils or peas - 150 g.

Pea soup, Salad Of Radishes And Fresh Cucumbers.

Vegetable soup,

120 g of boiled beef.

Broccoli puree, vegetable salad.

Buckwheat porridge with mushrooms - 180 g.

Chicken fillet defatted with lettuce, apple or freshly squeezed juice.

Kefir or yogurt, pear,

30 g dried fruits.

180 g fat-free cottage cheese, half a grapefruit or orange.

Apple, a glass of yogurt.

Ginger drink, diet bread with honey.

Dried fruits, kefir / yogurt.

Carrot salad with apple and kiwi, kefir.

200 g oven-baked trout fillet with boiled cauliflower.

150 g of steamed chicken fillet, a glass of kefir.

Buckwheat porridge with mushrooms - 150 g.

Celery stalk salad with apple.

Dried fruits, kefir / yogurt.

Video: monthly weight loss meal plan

Attention! The information provided in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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The program and menu of proper nutrition for weight loss for a month, examples of diet recipes

The diet menu for a month is very effective - you can lose up to 20 kg per month. At the same time, you need to understand that the extra kilos in such an amount should be available to you. It would be foolish to try to lose that many pounds if you don't actually have them.

One of the main advantages of a diet for a month is a long term. Compared with fast diets, this diet for losing weight by 20 kg in a month will give you a lasting result.

Such a result can be achieved only with the strictest observance of the rules and menu of this diet.

Diet rules for a month:

You need to be prepared for the fact that at the first time of the diet (three days) you will feel weakness, deterioration of health, headaches. In some cases, with a sharp cleansing of toxins from the body, bad breath appears. Sometimes the condition is characterized by a furred tongue and even a rash on the skin. In such cases, it is recommended to repeat the cleansing enema to alleviate the condition.

How all diets work

The great secret of nutritionists, weight loss specialists and diet creators: absolutely all nutrition systems aimed at weight loss are based on the number of calories consumed. The Dukan, Maggi, kefir, chocolate, etc. diets, as well as methods developed in expensive clinics, all involve reducing the calorie content of the daily diet. But this is done by limiting the consumption of a person's favorite food.

How does the calorie counting diet work?

Diet for 2 months does not limit the size of portions, the choice of your favorite food and variety of products. A person who is losing weight can choose what and when he will eat, but observing a certain calorie limit, namely 1200 kcal. This limit is optimal. Since, if this norm is observed, the weight goes away quickly, without affecting the state of human health in any way. And not all newfangled diets can boast of this.

Controversy about calories

Many nutritionists strongly recommend not to lower the 1200 calories per day, as it is a necessary minimum for a healthy functioning of the body. And although the weight with it will go away quickly enough, there is a danger of slowing down the metabolism.

Experts suggest calculating the daily calorie intake using a special formula. It was developed by the famous French nutritionist and doctor with many years of experience - Mufflin-San Geor. Currently, it is used most often, unlike all previous ones. There are two versions of the formula: simplified and modified.

Simplified formula:

  • For women: 10 * weight in kg + 6.25 * height in cm - 5 * number of years - 161.
  • For men: 10 * weight in kg + 6.25 * height in cm - 5 * number of years + 5.

The modified version of the formula looks exactly the same, with one exception - the final result must be multiplied by the energy cost factor.


  • Minimum = 1.2, i.e. a person practically does not move during the day.
  • Weak activity = 1.375. A person does work at home, in the office, but does not go in for sports.
  • Average activity = 1.55. In addition to work, she goes in for sports 2-3 times a week.
  • High activity = 1.725. He walks a lot, works and plays sports regularly.
  • Very high activity = 1.9. Hard physical labor at work and everyday sports.

Having calculated the daily calorie intake, you can begin to lose extra pounds.

Where to get the calorie content of products

On this diet, a person who is losing weight needs to count calories. But the question arises as to where to get them. As a rule, calorie content is written on packages and labels. They sign her as energy value". It is indicated in kJ and Kcal, you need to look at the latter, since kJ is difficult to count, and there are a lot of them.

There are products that do not list calories, for example because they are sold by weight. There is a huge variety of tables. You can find absolutely all products in them.

Diet duration

Many women are faced with the issue of losing weight when time is running out. For example: summer is coming, a vacation or a wedding is planned. For such cases, this diet is perfect. Losing weight in 2 months is a great result. But it is not necessary to strictly observe this period. If the weight is gone in a month, then there is no need to continue the diet, weight loss.

2 months may not be enough if the weight is much higher than normal. In such cases, the period can be extended. The advantage of this diet is that its duration does not affect health, you can sit on it for a year or even more.

How many pounds can you get rid of

The diet is designed for two months. During this period, you can get rid of at least 10 kilograms. But it all depends on the initial volume of the body and the desire to lose weight. This means that if a girl is thin and she only needs to get rid of a couple of kilograms, then she is unlikely to be able to lose 10 or more weight. But if her weight is above the norm by 50 kg, then she will be able to get rid of 20-30 kg.

Diet for 2 months by day, or How to speed up the process

Diet is good, but the result can always be improved. In order for an effective diet for 2 months to help get rid of more kilograms, you need to carry out a number of activities.

  1. Arrange yourself an alternation of regular and protein days. One day you can eat at your discretion, without exceeding the calorie intake. On the second day, limit yourself to the consumption of your favorite protein foods, such as baked chicken, kefir, cottage cheese, beef, etc. The main thing is not to exceed the daily calorie intake.
  2. Another need during the diet is sports. Daily cardio loads will increase calorie consumption, which means it will speed up the process of losing weight. And regular strength training will help keep the body in good shape and prevent the muscles from weakening.
  3. Water in the amount of 1.5-2 liters per day. It will start the metabolism and help get rid of toxins.
  4. Eat little and often. This is one of the most effective ways accelerating the process of losing weight. You need to eat 5-6 times a day, in portions of 200-300 g.
  5. Healthy foods. Of course, cakes on this diet are acceptable, but if you replace them with fruits, vegetables, complex carbohydrates and complete proteins, then the figure will change much faster.
  6. More protein, as it removes excess water from the body and preserves muscles.
  7. Healthy fats. They are the key to female beauty. You can find them in fatty red fish, beef and linseed oil.

sample menu

It is almost impossible to make a diet menu for 2 months, since the diet can be very diverse. But it is possible to make an approximate menu for the day so that losing weight understands its essence.

  • Breakfast: 200 g of oatmeal on the water, 1 yogurt with fruit.
  • Second breakfast: One piece of fruit, such as an apple, grapefruit, or small banana.
  • Lunch: chicken breast 100 g, two tablespoons of boiled buckwheat, vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, greens).
  • Snack: cottage cheese with herbs or fruits.
  • Dinner: steamed fish and vegetable salad.

Advantages and disadvantages

A diet for 2 months, like any other, has its pros and cons. Let's start with the positives, as there are many more.

Benefits of calorie counting:

  • Diet for 2 months does not limit the variety of products. You can eat barbecue, a piece of cake or any other favorite dish.
  • The person does not have hunger pangs.
  • Effective.
  • You can lose weight on it for a long time.
  • The diet is absolutely harmless to the body.

Cons of counting calories:

  • You have to keep counting. At least until the calorie content of the products is remembered.
  • The body can get used to it. Therefore, the daily calorie intake should be changed regularly. For example, today - 1200, tomorrow - 1500, the day after tomorrow - 1100.


There are millions of reviews about this diet, and they are all positive. This weight loss system has helped a huge number of people to get rid of hated kilograms and acquire the desired shape.

At the end of the article, we can say that a diet is not necessarily associated with hunger or torment. You can lose weight quickly, deliciously, simply and at the same time not disturb your usual lifestyle.

The first week - accustom the body gently

In the first week, you should not make serious adjustments. You can even sometimes allow yourself something from the list of "harmful" dishes. But portions should already be reduced, and the diet should be systematized. Take a look at the sample menu.

First breakfast Lunch Dinner afternoon tea Dinner
100 grams of scrambled eggs, a large tomato, a sandwich of cheese and black bread, a mug of green tea Kefir, a few grapes Chicken soup (100 grams), tomato and cucumber salad (100 grams), a glass of plain water, a slice of rye bread Oatmeal cookies, glass of cranberry juice Steamed veal with potatoes (100 grams), freshly grated carrots (50 grams), a mug of black tea
150 grams of rice porridge with milk, a glass of tea with lemon A glass of orange juice and a small sandwich with salmon and brown bread 100 grams of broccoli puree with baked cod (50 grams), fresh lettuce, a mug of green tea 100g fruit salad, a glass of mineral water Pasta with rabbit gravy (150 grams), fresh cucumber, a slice of black bread
100 grams of banana puree with milk, a glass of carrot juice Two fresh apples and a glass of yogurt 150 grams of buckwheat porridge with baked turkey, a slice of second-class bread, grated fresh beets A couple of loaves, black tea, fresh apricot 100 grams of fresh vegetable salad, 100 grams of steamed salmon, a glass of mineral water

Second week - big news

The second week can be safely called a difficult stage. It is advisable to eat for dinner, first breakfast and lunch only one hundred and fifty grams of food, moreover, of exclusively natural origin.

Heavy foods in the form of white rice, potatoes, bananas and pasta are best avoided. They need to be replaced with fortified dishes.

All products from the "harmful" list are also subject to exclusion. The second week is the time when indulging in unhealthy goodies is unacceptable.

Snacks and second breakfasts should now include the use of one piece of fruit or fruit juice. Here is an example of a one-day meal plan:

  1. First breakfast- 100 grams of cottage cheese, a glass of green tea.
  2. Lunch- peach.
  3. Dinner- 100 grams of potato soup, 50 grams of boiled turkey with broccoli, a slice of black bread.
  4. afternoon tea- a mug of kefir.
  5. Dinner- 100 grams of stew and eggplant, 50 grams of stewed veal, a slice of rye bread, a glass of mineral water.

The third week is a mini-holiday for the stomach

After a difficult second week, you can arrange a mini-holiday. It is quite acceptable, because the body will already get used to innovations and approve them.

You can increase portions by twenty to thirty grams. The role of an afternoon snack and second breakfast can be played by light dairy products, as well as cookies.

What does the standard diet of one day of the third week look like:

  1. First breakfast- millet with pineapples (100 grams), a mug of kefir.
  2. Lunch- a sandwich with black bread, tomato and egg, a glass of black lemon tea.
  3. Dinner- 100 grams of fish soup, chopped cabbage with lemon juice (60 grams), a slice of second-rate bread, mineral water (one glass).
  4. afternoon tea- a glass of yogurt drink.
  5. Dinner- steamed omelet (100 grams), carrot and beetroot salad (50 grams), a slice of second-rate bread, a glass of green tea.

Week number four - the second week with pleasant changes

By the fourth week, the body will finally get used to the changes. We can say that the diet is now a cross between the second and third week.

The daily diet should be close to this:

  1. First breakfast- buckwheat with boiled chicken (150 grams), lettuce and a glass of mineral water.
  2. Lunch- an apple.
  3. Dinner- vegetarian soup (100 grams), a slice of second-rate bread, 70 grams of boiled rabbit, cabbage and apple salad, a glass of green tea.
  4. afternoon tea- salad of plums, pears and strawberries (100 grams), a mug of kefir
  5. Dinner- a casserole with cheese, lean veal and vegetables (100 grams), a sandwich of second-class bread and pink salmon, grated carrots with grated apple (50 grams).

Features of following a diet lasting a month

All such weight loss systems are united by similar rules and nuances, which are advised to adhere to for effective weight loss.

To get a more or less good result, you can not do without physical activity. And if for weight loss by 3-5 kilograms in 30 days it is enough to add light walking or yoga classes to the daily schedule, then the mark on the scales of minus 15-20 kilograms is already achieved with a thorough physical exercise, visits to the gym, swimming or sports training. dancing. The stories that only with the introduction of food restrictions, you can remove 20 kilograms per month are highly likely not true.

Pro bad habits already mentioned above - they need to be forgotten, deleted from everyday life. It is unlikely that quitting smoking and strong alcohol is a significant loss in life, because they do not bring any real benefit to the body, only weakening its natural resources and causing various diseases.

In addition to cigarettes and alcohol, there are more harmless, at first glance, habits. modern man, which ultimately prevent you from losing weight:

  1. Insufficient fluid intake: pure boiled or mineral water removes from the body a lot of harmful compounds and decay products of substances obtained in the process of life. The norm for an adult is at least 2 liters every day.
  2. Late dinners: they not only prevent the figure from becoming slimmer, but also create an additional load on the heart during sleep, when all organs should work in a relaxed mode.
  3. The combination of fats and carbohydrates in one meal: there is no unequivocal opinion of nutritionists on this issue, although most of them say that it is the wrong combination of foods that often causes obesity.
  4. Lack of sleep and rest: lack of sleep, combined with physical and mental daily stresses and experiences, becomes chronic stress for a person, in which the body has to turn on the mode of survival and accumulation of body fat for the future.

Refusal of harmful products - required condition weight loss with any diet. We are talking about favorite buns, sweet pastries, confectionery, soda, fast food, fried, smoked foods, foods with a large amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids, sausages and sausages, marinades and canned food of store origin, ketchup and mayonnaise. To be fair, it should be noted that not only in diet food there is no place for the listed products - they are advised to limit their use even to healthy people.

Before embarking on an effective process of losing weight, it is necessary to carry out cleansing procedures for the intestines. You can start 3-5 days in advance: for example, take a laxative tablet before bedtime or do an enema every other day. If removed in advance and gradually harmful products like sugar, sweets, and fried foods from your diet, on “Day X,” the transition won’t feel so abrupt.

Weight loss must be monitored daily - for these purposes, it is recommended to keep a weight loss diary. In addition, during the diet, it will be useful to take complexes of vitamins and minerals.

To change your own figure for the better, the attitude and confidence in the result, as well as positive emotions, are very important. Although the lack of sweets and the need for constant exercise can cause depression, discouragement will not help you get rid of fat.

Advantages and disadvantages of 30-day weight loss regimens

Nutritionists say that the effectiveness of diets for 30 days, in addition to real weight loss, lies in the fact that they cause less damage to the body than express diets.

The main advantage of such diets is real results, subject to all restrictions: this way you can lose from 5 to 20 kilograms. overweight.

In addition, in 30 days the body gets used to new conditions of nutrition and lifestyle in general, so after the end of the weight loss marathon it will be easier not to return to previous habits that are detrimental to a thin waist. You need to be aware that the fight against excess body weight is not a temporary breakthrough for a mark on the scales, after which you can start to kill again fried potatoes before bedtime. In the process, a cardinal and conscious revision of the entire lifestyle and eating habits is ahead.

For some, this may be a drawback of the 30-day diet: such a long-term adherence to strict dietary restrictions is not for everyone.

TO weaknesses long-term diets also include the rate of weight loss: those who expect to fit in a swimsuit 2 sizes smaller in a week will not be particularly pleased with the result in the form of 500-700 g per day.

Combining a diet with traditional holiday feasts and corporate parties will not be easy - you also need to be prepared for this, as a breakdown threatens to nullify the results achieved.

"Autumn Diet" - a popular method for losing weight in a month

To lose up to 15 kilograms of body fat within 30 days, a diet called “Autumn” is suitable. Her main diet consists of seasonal fruits and vegetables, and the bottom line is that at first you need to adhere to strict dietary restrictions for 5 days, and then take a break for 7 days. A break does not mean a complete loss of control - at this time you will have to eat more varied than the previous five days, but all meals in the diet will be low-calorie and healthy. The nutrition program looks like this:

  • first day: 2 kg of watermelon pulp, which is eaten in 5 doses;
  • second day: 2 kg of green apples are also divided into 5 parts during the day;
  • third day: 1.5-2 kg of white grapes, which you need to eat every three hours, about 300-400 g at a time;
  • fourth day: a melon weighing about 2 kg can be eaten every time when hunger begins to be felt, but no more than 5-6 times a day;
  • fifth day: vegetable stew, boiled vegetables, steamed or grilled, it is proposed to consume 4-5 servings (potatoes are prohibited in this case).

A week of rest from the strict part of the diet allows you to eat low-fat soups, lean meats and fish, stewed vegetables, bran bread. Further, the scheme is repeated again, but its last part lasts not 7, but 9 days.

How to lose 25 extra pounds in 30 days

Is it possible to lose 20 or even 25 kilograms of excess weight in a month? The developers of the following diet scheme claim that this is quite realistic, but this will require some effort. The effectiveness of the technique lies in dividing the process of losing weight into six stages.

The first three of them last for 5 days. It all starts with preparation: in the first five days, cereals (except for semolina), potatoes, sunflower seeds in small quantities, walnuts and pine nuts, peanuts, hazelnuts are allowed. From corn, lentils, beans, peas, you can prepare protein-carbohydrate salads with dressing from corn or olive oil.

The next vegetable period is the time for zucchini, pumpkins, beets, radishes, bell pepper, cabbage, cucumbers and tomatoes. For dressing, take onion, garlic and vegetable oil. From drinks, clean boiled water is allowed.

The third period is fruity, at this time you need to eat pears, plums, apples, cherries and cherries, kiwi, bananas, peaches, apricots, and it is allowed to drink not only boiled water, but also mineral water, as well as freshly squeezed fruit juices without sugar.

In the next three days, they eat dates, figs, dried apricots and prunes, washing them down with boiled or mineral water.

The fifth period of the diet is the most difficult. At this time, you can eat only natural flower honey and drink boiled water.

The last 12 days are divided into 4 stages. Allowed foods are the same as in the first 4 diet periods, but in reverse order. You no longer need to eat honey, meals in these three-day intervals begin with dried fruits.

The peculiarity of leaving such a diet scheme is that in the next 28 days, once a week, they arrange a fasting day on boiled water. This avoids returning the weight to its original values.

Diet of astronauts or "Kremlin"

A well-known technique, scheduled for 1 month, - Kremlin diet. It can, of course, be followed for a shorter period, for example, a week, but the results will not be as impressive. Reviews of those who lose weight call the Kremlin diet the most effective of protein diets. The food menu consists of meat, fish, eggs, vegetables and mushrooms. All products are assigned points, the lower the score, the lower the carbohydrate content in it. There is a special table of the Kremlin diet, which presents specific products and a “score” for each. In total, you need to eat less than 40 points per day to lose weight, or no more than 60 points so that the figure on the scale does not change. Everything that does not fit into 60 points is deposited in fat folds at the waist.

Weight loss in this case is uneven: in the first week, edema and excess fluid leave the body along with fat, so the loss in 7 days will be up to 5 kilograms. Further, the decrease in body weight occurs more slowly, and in just the period of following the diet, you can lose up to 20 kilograms.

Of the options for nutrition systems with a sufficiently high-calorie diet, there are diets for losing 5-10 kilograms per month. According to nutritionists, such techniques are great for people whose body weight does not exceed 60-80 kilograms along with being overweight. Radical dietary restrictions the best option for weight loss of those whose parameters exceed 100 kg. However, in any case, before you start adhering to dietary restrictions, it is recommended to be examined by a therapist and consult a nutritionist.

Diets lasting 30 days are preferred by those who are not ready to eat one buckwheat on water for three days, or resort to other similar methods for dramatic weight loss. We must not forget that significant weight jumps in a short period of time contribute to the appearance of stretch marks and sagging skin, and can worsen the condition of hair, nails, and teeth. As for smooth weight loss, nutritionists consider it more rational. That is why there are a huge number of nutrition schemes for combating excess weight, designed for a month. Of these, the Malysheva diet, the Kremlin diet, the Maggi diet and Dr. Dukan are known. However, the latter can be observed up to 3-4 months.

Since 4 weeks is a long time, it is very important to constantly balanced intake of all nutrients, vitamins, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. After all, losing weight is a temporary process, and with its results, the body will then need to fully exist throughout life.

A properly selected monthly nutrition plan allows not only to get rid of excess weight, but also to improve health, well-being, performance and mood.

1. Maggi (egg)

For many, Maggi's egg diet is the most effective, as monthly losses can be 20 kg. However, the flip side of such performance is its rigidity. Firstly, not everyone can eat so many eggs for 30 days. Secondly, the rest of the set of products and portion sizes are significantly limited. Thirdly, experts do not recommend changing anything on the menu in order to achieve good results. It is very difficult to bear all this.

Essence. The process of losing weight provides an abundance of eggs in the diet. They are digested for a long time, saturating and allowing you to withstand the gap between the main meals without snacking. The feeling of satiety prolongs their tandem with citrus fruits (and especially with grapefruits). Substances in the composition of eggs (in particular, biotin) actively control the metabolic process throughout the month.

Main product:

  • eggs;
  • grapefruit (it can be replaced with oranges or tangerines).


  • hard cheese (no more than 20% fat), cottage cheese (maximum - 5%), kefir (1.5%);
  • citrus fruits, apples, peaches, apricots, pears, persimmons, melons, pineapples, watermelons, kiwi, plums, unsweetened berries;
  • beef, rabbit, turkey, chicken;
  • zucchini, broccoli, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, radishes, greens;
  • bran, toast, cereal, diet crackers;
  • pollock, haddock, shrimp;
  • decoctions of herbs, tea, chicory, coffee (all without sugar);
  • olive oil (no more than a tablespoon a day), balsamic vinegar, lemon juice.
  • hunger is not particularly tormenting;
  • the recipes are very simple;
  • the formation of muscle relief during sports;
  • long lasting results.
  • increased cholesterol;
  • lethargy;
  • constipation, bloating, flatulence;
  • this is a strict diet, because it requires strict adherence to the menu;
  • high risk of breaking;
  • various stomach problems.


Add-ons. To improve results, eat soft-boiled eggs without salt.

2. Potato

Compared to the previous one, the potato diet for 30 days is very simple and easy. Everyone loves potatoes, they are satisfying, they definitely won’t let you die of hunger. Yes, and you can cook a huge number of dishes from it. So it can be said that this system- for weight loss lazy, not self-confident people. However, for the deliciousness of the diet, you will have to pay with efficiency. Don't expect the results to be amazing. But you can still lose 8-10 kg.

Essence. Potato starch, getting into the stomach, quickly breaks down, without lingering in the digestive system. The diet can last a month without exhaustion, as potatoes are rich in vitamins and minerals. All dishes are very nutritious and satisfying.

Main product:

  • potatoes in any form, except fried.


  • protein products;
  • vegetables.
  • variety of diet: a huge number of dishes can be prepared from potatoes;
  • fast saturation;
  • no unpleasant side effects;
  • minimum contraindications;
  • pleasant weight loss: the taste of potato dishes will allow you to enjoy a diet throughout the month.
  • minimal effectiveness compared to other diets for a month;
  • not many can withstand such an abundance of potatoes in the diet for such a long time;
  • lack of fruit can provoke a lack of vitamins.


Add-ons. Each subsequent week repeats the menu of the first. It is recommended to give preference to vegetables with yellow flesh, because they contain a lot of carotene.

3. Lean

Another effective, but very strict diet for a month is lean. It concerns religion only relatively, having borrowed from it the principles of proper nutrition. year-round cycle Orthodox holidays forced Christians to give up animal products for several days and switch to a plant-based diet. The absence of fat in food is a guarantee of harmony and beautiful body without cellulite.

Essence. All products of animal origin are excluded. The diet is exclusively vegetable, which means it is predominantly carbohydrate. Weight loss of 10-12 kg becomes possible due to the almost zero amount of fat and compliance with the principles of proper nutrition.

Allowed products:

  • vegetables;
  • mushrooms;
  • fruits;
  • vegetable oil (in limited quantities);
  • nuts;
  • legumes;
  • cereals.


  • meat;
  • dairy products;
  • eggs;
  • fish;
  • offal;
  • seafood.
  • efficiency;
  • due to the presence of carbohydrates (cereals) and proteins (nuts, mushrooms, dried fruits) in the diet, the body is not depleted;
  • no bouts of hunger;
  • digestion is normalized;
  • cleansing the body leads to a significant improvement in well-being;
  • ideal for vegetarians.
  • cholesterol can drop sharply;
  • the risk of oncology increases;
  • bones suffer, the mineral density of which decreases;
  • blood circulation worsens due to a lack of fatty acids.


Add-ons. The menu for the month should repeat this weekly scheme 4 times. Starting from week 2, include olive oil and cereals in the diet more often, at 3 - low-calorie pastries, at 4 a gradual exit from the diet is recommended.

4. Chemical

Recently, the chemical diet, developed by the American therapist Osama Hamdy, has gained great popularity. His primary concern was the treatment of obesity in those suffering from diabetes. And the result was a unique method of losing weight, with the help of which people lose up to 20 kg in a month. No chemical industry is involved in any way.

Essence. The basis of the diet is the chemical reactions in the body that lead to weight loss. They are launched by protein foods with a minimally reduced amount of fats and carbohydrates. There is an active splitting of subcutaneous reserves, due to which the weight begins to decrease intensively. Hunger is not felt due to the long digestion of proteins and the feeling of satiety. The diet is scientifically based, very clearly developed, requiring strict adherence.

Main products:

  • protein (low-calorie).


  • fruits, vegetables, berries.
  • efficiency;
  • no age restrictions;
  • persistent results;
  • cleansing the body;
  • the menu is balanced;
  • all products are freely available, are inexpensive;
  • simplicity of recipes;
  • lack of hunger;
  • therapy and prevention of diabetes.
  • this is a strict diet that requires strict adherence to the rules;
  • monotony of breakfasts;
  • the predominance of proteins can shake the digestive system;
  • decreased performance, feeling of constant fatigue;
  • any load is difficult to bear;
  • lack of snacks;
  • minimum serving size.

Menu I week

II week

III week

IV week

Add-ons. If you break loose, you can’t go back to the point where you left off - you have to start over.
