Patterns of ornaments for drawing. How to draw patterns? Basic rules for drawing patterns and simple patterns for beginners

A sense of beauty, aesthetic needs are inherent in us by nature. Even in ancient times, as soon as a person consciously distinguished himself from the surrounding world, he sought to decorate his life by drawing charcoal drawings on the walls of caves, and various ornaments on tools, clothes, utensils. Primitive, imperfect, made by a rough, undeveloped hand, nevertheless, these obvious traces of our ancestors' craving for beauty are very, very revealing. After all, they are the origins of those magnificent embroideries, whimsical architectural stucco moldings, graceful and exquisite lace products that surround us now, causing sincere delight and surprise.

Types of ornaments

The subject of our conversation today is various ornaments for drawing, which can serve as a decor for dishes, paper products, photo frames, the basis for embroidery, etc. An ornament is an artistic decoration applied in one way or another to objects. They must be in harmony with the surface on which they are applied, emphasizing and enhancing the aesthetic component of the product. That is why ornaments for drawing are closely related to the shape of the object, its purpose, size and style in which the thing is made. Traditionally, artists subdivide ornamental art into such types as geometric, vegetative, animalistic, human symbolism.


The first, as a rule, includes various kinds of geometric shapes. Such ornaments for drawing contain parallel and intersecting lines, crosses, rhombuses and squares, circles and trapeziums in different variations and alternations. Vegetable ones consist of an interweaving of branches, stems and leaves, blooming flowers and buds, fruits and berries, trees. Ornaments for drawing with animal motifs include schematic images of bears, deer, fallow deer, hares, as well as birds: roosters, doves, doves, peacocks. Symbolic drawings of people are divided into male and female and often hint at the occupation, profession. And, of course, almost all ornaments for drawing differ on a national basis. Each people and even small nationalities have their own - original, associated with unique culture and philosophical and aesthetic views.

Russian antiquity

In passing, we note that not every drawing is and is considered an ornament. One of the main requirements for it is the unity of compositional elements and the presence of repeating alternations in the scheme. The so-called movement of the pattern is also important. For example, Russian ornaments are most often applied in a circle, clockwise, or, as they used to say in the old days, “in the direction of the sun”. It is not in vain that connoisseurs and connoisseurs of art consider them one of the most expressive manifestations of world fine arts. Russian ornaments were formed under the influence of the cultures of the West and East, the Caucasus. Borrowings were adapted and creatively processed by artists in accordance with the Russian "soil", national traditions dating back to paganism. Such drawings often served as amulets, were, as it were, magical protection from bad influence or evil forces. Or they reflected the people's understanding of the foundations of the universe. A decorative pattern was applied either entirely on the product, covering its entire area, or on some part, emphasizing the expressiveness of the thing.

ancient geometry

Traditional among the ancient Slavs, the descendants of the current Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians, was the same geometric ornament, sometimes reminiscent of complex pictograms. Especially often there was a stylized image of the sun, which the pagan Slavs worshiped. Often there was a swastika - full or partial, also considered a symbol of the sun, the brace. Later, geometry gives way to decorative weaving in drawings - it was also called magical or mimic. One of the main elements of the decor is the rosette. It is drawn with a different number of petals: four, six, eight, ten. And it personifies all the same sun, which for the Slavs was the center of the universe. In later times, from about the 12th century, the ancient Russian geometric ornament is combined with the floral one. This is especially evident in the drawings that adorned handwritten books. So in fine arts ancient Slavs appear arabesques - under the influence of the cultures of the peoples of Asia and the East.

Drawing and myth

Some types of ornament in Russian decorative art are of a mythological nature. First of all, these are vegetable and zoomorphic. This includes the image of the sacred tree of life (most often an oak), on the branches of which birds are sitting, personifying the forces of nature. Sometimes a snake-dragon was painted next to them. According to ancient folk beliefs, she embodied lightning and patronized dwellings. In addition to the cult of the sun, the cult of fire was widespread among the ancient Eastern Slavs. It is there that the roots of a tradition that has survived the centuries are located. We are talking about two-headed birds, which later became part of the Russian state symbols. Few people know about this, but the types of ornament with this element go back to pagan worship of the fire element and the spirits that are “responsible” for it. And one more bird was very often painted in decorative patterns. This is a duck, the personification of the World Duck, the progenitor of animals and birds. In ancient handwritten books, in the annals in Russian ornamentation, we often find interweaving of grape vines, curls, fine drawing of the details of the flower cup, veins on the leaves. Often, animals and plants were depicted in a mixed version, when the snake's tail smoothly turned into the bends of branches. Typically, a similar pattern adorned the capital letters in the annals.

Artistic art of the East

What is scenic oriental ornament? Naturally, there is no uniformity in it, each region has its own traditions and differences. For example, arabesques. This type of pattern was widespread in the medieval eastern states and is translated as "Arabic". It consisted of a complex interweaving of geometric and floral motifs, stylized flowers, leaves and climbing stems. Often, elegant ligature was wedged into it - inscriptions made in Arabic script. The national ornament of the Persians usually included images of griffins and other fantastic creatures. There were also flowers and leaves, fruits. And also fish, stylized in the form of rhombuses. The ornaments of the peoples of China and Japan consisted mainly of large-scale painted flowers with whimsically curved stems and leaves.

From the shores of Hellas

The Greek ornament is original and interesting in its own way. He came to Rus' from Byzantium, with the spread of Christianity and the establishment of close cultural and political ties. The name of the ornament is a meander, and it is a continuous broken line consisting of right angles. Like other ancient types of decor, the meander has an ambiguous symbolic interpretation. It personifies human destiny, the path of life, and straightness symbolizes a virtuous character. On closer examination, in some variants of the ornament, you can see a swastika. She, according to the Greeks, meant mystical grace, happiness. In addition, according to the philosophical views of the ancient Hellenes, the continuous line of the meander was equal to the sign of infinity, the change of times, generations, human races. The old shrank and died, the young unfolded and gained strength.


In addition to aesthetic, drawing an ornament also has purely practical benefits. This process develops the eye and memory, abstract thinking, observation, the ability to isolate the main thing and see small details. Forms the accuracy of movements, understanding of perspective, the role of compositional elements. And cultivates a delicate artistic taste. Of course, we must not forget about the cognitive function. By studying the principles of building national ornaments, the graphic designer learns new things about the culture, worldview and way of life of the people, their beliefs and superstitions.

A sense of beauty, aesthetic needs are inherent in us by nature. Even in ancient times, as soon as a person consciously distinguished himself from the surrounding world, he sought to decorate his life by drawing charcoal drawings on the walls of caves, and various ornaments on tools, clothes, utensils. Primitive, imperfect, made by a rough, undeveloped hand, nevertheless, these obvious traces of our ancestors' craving for beauty are very, very revealing. After all, they are the origins of those magnificent embroideries, whimsical architectural stucco moldings, graceful and exquisite lace products that surround us now, causing sincere delight and surprise.

Types of ornaments

The subject of our conversation today is various ornaments for drawing, which can serve as a decor for dishes, paper products, photo frames, the basis for embroidery, etc. An ornament is an artistic decoration applied in one way or another to objects. They must be in harmony with the surface on which they are applied, emphasizing and enhancing the aesthetic component of the product. That is why ornaments for drawing are closely related to the shape of the object, its purpose, size and style in which the thing is made. Traditionally, artists subdivide ornamental art into such types as geometric, vegetative, animalistic, human symbolism.


The first, as a rule, includes various kinds of geometric shapes. Such ornaments for drawing contain parallel and intersecting lines, crosses, rhombuses and squares, circles and trapeziums in different variations and alternations. Vegetable ones consist of an interweaving of branches, stems and leaves, blooming flowers and buds, fruits and berries, trees. Ornaments for drawing with animal motifs include schematic images of bears, deer, fallow deer, hares, as well as birds: roosters, doves, doves, peacocks. Symbolic drawings of people are divided into male and female and often hint at the occupation, profession. And, of course, almost all ornaments for drawing differ on a national basis. Each people and even small nationalities have their own - original, associated with a unique culture and philosophical and aesthetic views.

Russian antiquity

In passing, we note that not every drawing is and is considered an ornament. One of the main requirements for it is the unity of compositional elements and the presence of repeating alternations in the scheme. The so-called movement of the pattern is also important. For example, Russian ornaments are most often applied in a circle, clockwise, or, as they used to say in the old days, “in the direction of the sun”. It is not in vain that connoisseurs and connoisseurs of art consider them one of the most expressive manifestations of world fine arts. Russian ornaments were formed under the influence of the cultures of the West and East, the Caucasus. Borrowings were adapted and creatively processed by artists in accordance with the Russian "soil", national traditions dating back to paganism. Such drawings often served as amulets, were, as it were, magical protection from bad influences or evil forces. Or they reflected the people's understanding of the foundations of the universe. A decorative pattern was applied either entirely on the product, covering its entire area, or on some part, emphasizing the expressiveness of the thing.

ancient geometry

Traditional among the ancient Slavs, the descendants of the current Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians, was the same geometric ornament, sometimes reminiscent of complex pictograms. Especially often there was a stylized image of the sun, which the pagan Slavs worshiped. Often there was a swastika - full or partial, also considered a symbol of the sun, the brace. Later, geometry gives way to decorative weaving in drawings - it was also called magical or mimic. One of the main elements of the decor is the rosette. It is drawn with a different number of petals: four, six, eight, ten. And it personifies all the same sun, which for the Slavs was the center of the universe. In later times, from about the 12th century, the ancient Russian geometric ornament is combined with the floral one. This is especially evident in the drawings that adorned handwritten books. So in the fine arts of the ancient Slavs arabesques appear - under the influence of the cultures of the peoples of Asia and the East.

Drawing and myth

Some types of ornament in Russian decorative art are of a mythological nature. First of all, these are vegetable and zoomorphic. This includes the image of the sacred tree of life (most often an oak), on the branches of which birds are sitting, personifying the forces of nature. Sometimes a snake-dragon was painted next to them. According to ancient folk beliefs, she embodied lightning and patronized dwellings. In addition to the cult of the sun, the cult of fire was widespread among the ancient Eastern Slavs. It is there that the roots of a tradition that has survived the centuries are located. We are talking about two-headed birds, which later became part of the Russian state symbols. Few people know about this, but the types of ornament with this element go back to pagan worship of the fire element and the spirits that are “responsible” for it. And one more bird was very often painted in decorative patterns. This is a duck, the personification of the World Duck, the progenitor of animals and birds. In ancient handwritten books, in the annals in Russian ornamentation, we often find interweaving of grape vines, curls, fine drawing of the details of the flower cup, veins on the leaves. Often, animals and plants were depicted in a mixed version, when the snake's tail smoothly turned into the bends of branches. Typically, a similar pattern adorned the capital letters in the annals.

Artistic art of the East

What is a picturesque oriental ornament? Naturally, there is no uniformity in it, each region has its own traditions and differences. For example, arabesques. This type of pattern was widespread in the medieval eastern states and is translated as "Arabic". It consisted of a complex interweaving of geometric and floral motifs, stylized flowers, leaves and climbing stems. Often, elegant ligature was wedged into it - inscriptions made in Arabic script. The national ornament of the Persians usually included images of griffins and other fantastic creatures. There were also flowers and leaves, fruits. And also fish, stylized in the form of rhombuses. The ornaments of the peoples of China and Japan consisted mainly of large-scale painted flowers with whimsically curved stems and leaves.

From the shores of Hellas

The Greek ornament is original and interesting in its own way. He came to Rus' from Byzantium, with the spread of Christianity and the establishment of close cultural and political ties. The name of the ornament is a meander, and it is a continuous broken line consisting of right angles. Like other ancient types of decor, the meander has an ambiguous symbolic interpretation. It personifies human destiny, the path of life, and straightness symbolizes a virtuous character. On closer examination, in some variants of the ornament, you can see a swastika. She, according to the Greeks, meant mystical grace, happiness. In addition, according to the philosophical views of the ancient Hellenes, the continuous line of the meander was equal to the sign of infinity, the change of times, generations, human races. The old shrank and died, the young unfolded and gained strength.


In addition to aesthetic, drawing an ornament also has purely practical benefits. This process develops the eye and memory, abstract thinking, observation, the ability to isolate the main thing and see small details. Forms the accuracy of movements, understanding of perspective, the role of compositional elements. And cultivates a delicate artistic taste. Of course, we must not forget about the cognitive function. By studying the principles of building national ornaments, the graphic designer learns new things about the culture, worldview and way of life of the people, their beliefs and superstitions.

Oriental ornament. Master class with step by step photo.

Melikhova Natalya Valentinovna, teacher primary school MBOU secondary school No. 12 Kamyshin city, Volgograd region

The master class is designed for students of secondary school age 13-14 years old, their parents and teachers.

Purpose: decorating household items oriental style.

Target: execution of oriental ornament - islimi.

1. Arouse interest in oriental culture, improve the ability to work with gouache, learn to notice and reflect the beauty of oriental art in the ornament.
2. Develop creative imagination, fantasy, fine motor skills hands, precision.
3. To cultivate a sense of beauty and respect for Eastern traditions and their creativity.

Technique: drawing and painting ornament.

Materials and equipment: White paper, simple pencil, eraser, brushes, gouache, black marker.

Rules for working with gouache:
1. Carry jars of water carefully, immediately pour them into the sink at the end of work.
2. Contain workplace in cleanliness and tidiness.
3. Use gouache carefully, do not splash; do not swing the brush.

Knowledge update

In our environment there are many different beautiful objects, they are skillfully decorated, festive and unique. These items belong to the arts and crafts. "Decor" means "to decorate, to give a beautiful look." Applied, that is necessary for man in his life, in his life. Decorative and applied art forms the environment in which people live, decorates life and makes life more attractive and unique. Ornaments are often used in the design of objects.

IN explanatory dictionary Russian language S. I. Ozhegov gave the following explanation: “Ornament is a pictorial, graphic or sculptural decoration from a combination of geometric, plant or animal elements.”
Today we will draw an oriental ornament. As they say: "The East is a delicate matter." The East has always attracted the whole world with its non-standard beauty, mystery, mystery, different philosophies. In past centuries, people were very religious, and therefore the influence of religion affected all aspects of human life. People tried to figure out how the world works, to find an explanation for the incomprehensible, secret . They tried to attract good forces nature and at the same time protect yourself from the evil ones. In this they were helped by art, where each event was indicated by certain symbols. So the ornament appeared. Our task is to discover the beauty of this amazing art.

There are two main types of oriental ornament: girih and islimi. Girih is a complex geometric pattern built with lines in various geometric figures(stars, rectangles, rhombuses, etc.). This ornament is used in the decoration of buildings, mosques. Islimi is a style of pattern in which a stem and a spiral are connected. It is used to decorate books, clothes, dishes and other commodities.

Stages of work:

1. For work we need: paper, pencil, ruler, compass, gouache, black marker (preferably with different thicknesses).
2. Take a sheet of paper of scale A 3, draw on it with a pencil and a ruler four squares 10 * 10 cm

3. Using a compass, draw the main details of the ornament

4. In the center we will create the details of the flower

5. We complement the ornament with secondary plant details

6. Made the base, now you can start pouring.

7. Here we have made our ornament, now we will repeat the same thing on other squares!
And we get such a result!

Very often, when drawing, it is necessary to depict patterns of varying degrees of complexity. Patterns can be used to decorate characters' clothes, furniture and household items, dishes, houses and other places where they live, for example, fairy-tale heroes(towers, palaces), and much more. A lot of pictures can be decorated with beautiful patterned lines. But drawing patterns is not always easy. They can be very simple, or they can be so ornate and complex that it takes skill and skill to portray them well. Let's learn how to draw not very complex patterns on paper here.

Stage 1. Let's draw pattern helper lines. These are curved lines twisted in different directions. Here we have three options. We will start from these lines and draw developing patterns further, as if imposing next curls on these.

Stage 2. Now, next to each of the options, we draw additional curls. These lines remind us of stems climbing plants with leaves.

Stage 4. Now we will finish drawing the patterns with the last, final curls. It looks like intertwining lines. Such patterns can be placed on the clothes of fairy-tale characters.

Stage 5. Color the patterns in different colors. These can be plain patterns, as in our case, or you can make them multi-colored. Everything is up to you.

Each pattern is a combination of colors, shadows and lines, no matter what it is intended for. If you look closely at the patterns for embroidery, ornaments for wooden objects or fragments of mugs, you can make sure that they have common details with each other. Sometimes you want to learn how to draw patterns on your own to decorate household items or just like that - for the soul.

How to draw patterns on paper?

In order to draw patterns on paper, you will need: in fact, the sheet of paper itself and a pencil, and to draw an ornament on a stencil, you may still need cardboard, a sponge, a shoe knife and paints.

So, first you need to decide for what purposes the drawing will subsequently be used. From this it will directly depend on what materials will be needed to create it, what elements will need to be drawn. If the pattern becomes part of a drawing on paper or an ornament for embroidery, then its location should be determined on the sheet in the first place. It can be either part of the frame or located in any part of the sheet.

By the way, its color scheme will directly depend on the purpose of the ornament. The outline of the embroidery pattern should be solid, but at the same time it will be necessary to clearly represent all color combinations. A drawing for subsequent woodcarving or chips for lace should look self-sufficient in a solid color scheme. It will also be necessary to consider which elements will be chosen as additional ones, because they must belong to the same style as the main pattern. You should also not forget about those nuances that will be constantly repeated.

Now it's time to think over the main part of the pattern, namely its main elements. For a floral ornament, they should be leaves, flowers or berries. You will also need to choose their location. You may have to connect the elements to each other with other secondary elements using stems or other lines.

For an ornament in a geometric style, triangles, circles, squares should be chosen as the main elements. You need to try to place them on a small piece of paper in different areas and in different sequences, and then choose the one you like best. You can connect elements to each other using straight, dotted, broken lines. You can also first try to draw the lines in turn in combination with the main element, and then choose the most appropriate one.

Now, on a large sheet of paper, you should arrange the elements of the ornament in accordance with a pre-selected scheme and connect. If at the end of the process you have a feeling of incompleteness, looking at the drawing, then supplement it with other details. But before that, you should outline in the figure those places where they will look most advantageous.

If the pattern subsequently becomes part of the easel drawing, then it should be done in the same style in which the main drawing will be made. And the pattern that will be used as a sketch for embroidery or for other purposes in needlework should be circled with a felt-tip pen, and then transferred to a fabric or a wooden surface.

Learning to draw with a pencil

Patterns are present in all branches of art: from folk art of various peoples of the world to modern abstract works. In general, at the first glance at the patterns, it begins to mistakenly seem that they are very difficult to perform, it is almost impossible to draw them yourself. But if you take a pencil, a sheet of paper and stock up on patience and diligence, you can very easily be convinced of the opposite!

  • Wondering how to draw beautiful patterns? Take as a basis simple circuits. Even the most complex ornament begins with them. First of all, you should choose basic elements, in their role can be: dots, circles, droplets, waves, loops, rectangles, crosses. Any of these shapes can be chosen as the beginning of drawing a pattern. Using dots, you can draw a simple pattern.

  • It is only necessary to correctly observe all the stages of drawing. So, taking a pencil and a sheet of paper, you can begin the creative process. If you cannot draw straight lines on your own, then you will need graphic paper, or you can use a regular stationery ruler. You should take a piece of paper and draw dots on it in a row.
  • Now the points should be circled with shapes in the form of droplets.
  • Then, on top of each drawn droplet, one more should be drawn.
  • After that, a small circle should be drawn above the resulting drawing, above each of which, in turn, it is necessary to draw a curl turned to the left, and after the same curl, only to the right.
  • In general, if you look at it, then drawing patterns is drawing simple shapes in a row, one after the other. By the way, each element can be painted in a different color, or you can decorate the picture at the end of the work.
  • Now you can start drawing a more complicated pattern.

  • So, you should draw several dots in a row, each of which then needs to be circled in a small circle.
  • Now each circle should also be circled in another circle.
  • Then, for each resulting circle, you will need to add petals, and below - a small circle.
  • From the bottom, along the edges of each resulting flower, you need to draw a pair of droplets, each of which will be turned in different directions.
  • After that, under each element, you should draw in a spiral, and between them - a small circle. The latter should be circled in the same circle, only larger in size.
  • After that, under each flower, draw 3 petals. That's it - another pattern is ready!
  • Now you can try to draw an ornament using other technologies. Instead of dots as the basis of the ornament, you should draw waves in 2 rows. Then, loops should be drawn from the top of each wave.
  • A circle should be drawn between each of the loops, and a straight line should be drawn at the bottom of the picture.

  • Now, from the drawn horizontal straight line, vertical stripes should be drawn to the upper wavy line.
  • Then at the bottom you should draw another straight horizontal line, and under it - a series of circles. That's it - now your creation is ready!
