Fairytale patrol games. All about the fairy patrol

Cartoons often inspire programmers to develop new games, and the wonderful animation Fairytale Patrol from the Parovoz studio has also migrated to desktops and Android devices. From now on, little fans of the squad can take a direct part in the adventures of fearless little ones and directly influence their fate fairy world.

By the way, being enrolled in a magical patrol is a great honor! The selection for the team was very strict. A strict commission from a thousand applicants selected only these four witches, whose parents were sorcerers of various kinds.

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The game Fairytale Patrol on the computer will tell you the story of charming girls whom nature has endowed with witchcraft skills. Young ladies use witchcraft and spells exclusively for the benefit of their fellow countrymen. Many adventures await you, where you will have to show courage, fearlessness and firmness. It's incredibly fun to play, you'll soon see that!

Four sorceresses

If you have seen the cartoon, then you know that all the actions take place in the small provincial town of Myshkin. By the way, it really is on the map of Russia (it is located in the Yaroslavl region). According to the plot of the cartoon, this city is a museum of fairy tales. Walking along the winding picturesque streets of Myshkin, you can easily meet popular characters from folklore. All the guys dream of communicating with them, so both boys and girls will equally love the Fairytale Patrol games.

The Magic Patrol was created with the sole purpose of convincing the residents of Myshkin that all the mystical events that periodically happen in these parts are only part of a large-scale show that is organized to amuse tourists. In these games, your key task is to help the girls cope with their official responsibilities.

Are you ready to play Fairytale Patrol? Then choose fun and join the secret patronesses of a strange settlement. Take virtual tests and find out which of these characters you are most like. If you're bored, download an adventure game. There are a lot of tricky puzzles for you here, and some of them you won’t be able to solve alone. Invite a friend and divide the confrontation between two people.

While playing through any game in this series, you will see a lot of fabulous things. You will visit the legendary hut from fairy tales that stands in the middle of the forest on chicken legs, chat with the learned cat about whom the storyteller Pushkin wrote. Afterwards, you will relax in the shade of an oak tree, on whose branches the little mermaid is sunbathing, and feed the squirrel nuts, for which she may thank you with a priceless emerald.

However, the fairytale patrol is not always concerned with eliminating the results of the harmful activities of dark sorcerers. Witches love shopping and beauty salons, so for lovers of fashion marathons, we have prepared Magic Patrol games for girls. Our colorful dress up games have an excellent collection of designer outfits, so the quest to change the image of your charges will be entertaining. We are sure that the fitting will take more than one hour!

Shall we meet?

The Fairytale Patrol expects many difficult missions, and in order to cope with them, it is better to explore all the abilities of the good sorceresses. So, the focus of these games will be on brave sorceresses:

The leader of the sorcerer's company is the sorceress Varya. This is a very sensible brunette who can teleport and attract objects through levitation.

Masha is a lovely brown-haired woman with cat-like green eyes. This clever girl is able to figure out the structure of any device in a matter of minutes. Use this in flash drives!

Tender blonde Snowball is the granddaughter of Grandfather Frost himself. From the bearded magician she learned to control the cold.

The fiery red-haired sorceress Alyonka is extremely restless. Her element is fire, all that remains is to learn how to control this magical power.

In the games you can become any of the fairy-tale patrol heroines and complete tasks on behalf of your favorite. Believe me, you will enjoy playing even more than watching cartoons. Here you will find a sea of ​​adventures for every mood and taste.

If you want, take up photography, or start collecting magical animals. Organize a gambling competition in a brand new game for fans of sports Olympics, or use enchantment to create a unique decor.

The Fairytale Patrol games invite you to plunge into a fun animated project and, together with its main characters, stand guard over the fairy-tale world. Or the human world? You can assess the situation game stories in two ways, because if the balance is disturbed, both sides will suffer.

The Fairytale Patrol is led by 4 girls and many fairy-tale characters and are the main heroines of the game projects. Varya, Alenka, Masha and Snezhana are hereditary sorceresses with amazing talents. They are friends with the natural elements and easily overcome any difficulties. And there are a lot of difficulties in the Fairytale Patrol games! And to eliminate them, you will need flight skills, knowledge of modern human technologies, teleportation, control of snow, ice, fire and wind.

What is offered by gamers? Depending on their preferences, players can choose duplicate stories from the animated series or engage in any entertainment of beautiful girls. In the first case, users will experience quests, adventures, travel and completing various missions. In another version - holidays, fashionable outfits, hairstyles and real girly secrets.

If you have never watched a funny cartoon, then you were not lucky enough to make friends in the form of awesome characters. In the games, a group of young sorceresses use magic for the benefit of the residents of their hometown. But not only magic helps to defeat the dirty tricks of insidious villains.

Fantastic Four

It all started from a fateful meeting in the city of Myshkin; according to the plot, this is a museum of fairy tales. Here you can meet fairy-tale characters, for example, Leshy, Baba Yaga, Malvina and others. Only the average half of the population living here is unaware that they all really exist, since order and the border between the two realities have been maintained for many years.

Ordinary people are convinced that everything unusual that happens from time to time is part of a grandiose performance to attract tourist flows. With the advent of the Fairytale Team, this mission fell on their shoulders. The first task took place without the consent of the girls, who met on the day of their arrival in Myshkin.

The Fairytale Patrol games include many applications of different genres, every gamer will find exciting entertainment for themselves. Virtual tests from this series of games will help to recognize which of the sorceresses the user has more similarities with. For lovers of more dynamic toys, turn on the Magic Patrol adventure games, here you need to pacify terrible monsters.

Thanks to the excellent graphics implemented in the Fairytale Patrol games, players, finding themselves in a hut on chicken legs, can see all the smallest details. Imagine how useful and interesting information will be told by the brilliant Cat Scientist, he mainly acts as a comedic character.

You will see with your own eyes a squirrel gnawing nuts with emeralds, a beautiful mermaid on a huge oak tree, the three-headed Rat King, who is also a sophisticated interlocutor. Feisty characters also live here, such as Karabas Barabas, who almost turned the entire village into robots. Don't expect that you need to play solely by eliminating the consequences of villainous tricks. The release of games in Russian has become of great importance, since it is not difficult to thoroughly understand the interface.

There are games where you have to dress up magical fairies, which will be a great activity for little fashionistas. Bright dress-up pages contain a huge range of outfits, so the fitting will end in success. However, if you still haven’t found a suitable outfit, use coloring pages to create it yourself. Both children and adults can play on Android.

Meet the heroines

Before you start playing the Magic Patrol games, immediately find out about the abilities of the witches so that you can easily complete the tasks. So, brave sorceresses joined the fairy-tale squad:

Reasonable dark-haired Varya, who took on the burden of patrol captain. She has the skills of teleportation and levitation.

Technological genius, green-eyed beauty Masha. She is able to make any device from available materials, and is the owner of the forces of nature.

The modest and powerful granddaughter of Grandfather Frost himself, Snowball, possessing frosty talents.

Indigenous inhabitant of the miracle reserve, restless and lively Alenka. She mastered the gift thanks to hard training and the instructions of her friends, as a result of which the fire element obeys her without fail.

Fairy tales are one of the the best ways explore the world and learn a lot of interesting things not only about fictional characters and traditions, but also much more. Through fairy tales, for example, you can learn how the world works, why all living beings need to sleep and eat, how to learn this or that skill, and so on. In fairy tales they talk about this much more excitingly and simply than in textbooks and lectures. It is not for nothing that children are often read fairy tales so that they learn something new and learn to fantasize. And many adults are not averse to reading their favorite fairy tales and stories from childhood again. And what’s interesting is that with age, it would seem that in simple fairy tales one can discern serious themes and truths. And if you just want to take your mind off the hustle and bustle of business, then fairy tales will become an excellent hobby.

Somewhere in Myshkin

Fairy tales and the virtual world can also be connected, and here is an example. Imagine that the heroes familiar from childhood - Leshy, Koschey, thirty-three heroes, Tsars Ivanushka, Gray Wolf, Baba Yaga and others - gathered in one place and live there quite happily, not knowing troubles and problems. Do you think this is impossible? But this is a fairy tale, and in fairy tales things don’t happen like that. The place where all the fairy-tale creatures gathered turned out to be the city of Myshkin. This, by the way, is not fiction; such a city really exists in Russia, it is famous for its museums and the feeling of antiquity.

In the game we are talking about now, Myshkin is also a kind of museum that welcomes tourists. There are a lot of people who want to see fairy-tale characters, so there is never a dull moment in the city, there is always something going on, excursions and various events are held. People are told about certain fairy tales and shown sights, for example, an oak tree from Pushkin’s fairy tale or a squirrel from the same place. But people don’t even realize that everything around is not scenery or fiction. All the characters are real, magical, able to cast spells and turn into someone or something. Only the indigenous residents of Myshkin know about this, and tourists remain in the dark, but this makes them no less impressed.

Tours of the city and memorable places are conducted by trained people who know how to turn any story into a fascinating story, which makes tourists listen with open mouths. There are also those in the magical city who keep order. After all, it’s easy to guess that such a place attracts not only good fairy-tale creatures, but also evil ones who don’t want to be just an exhibit in a large living museum. Some villains want to rule people, others are trying to defeat good fairy-tale heroes, but so far they have not succeeded and will not succeed as long as brave heroines stand guard over the city-museum, who harmoniously use both magic and their own ingenuity.

On guard of magic

Who are these heroes who are not afraid to confront the villains? There are four of them, their names are Varya, Snezhka, Masha and Alenka. Three of them came to Myshkin from other cities and from birth had fabulous abilities. One has always lived in a museum city, but what’s interesting is that she didn’t even suspect that amazing magic was happening right next to her every day. Right now you will find out who these girls are and what they are capable of.

The founder of the fairy-tale squad is named Varya, she is the most reasonable and serious. She is subject to magic, but at the same time she is not deprived of simple human ingenuity and luck, so Varya thinks ten times before calling on magical powers for help. What if the task is not so difficult and you can cope on your own, without witchcraft? Varya also knows how to teleport from place to place, which often amuses her friends.

The second girl, Snezhka, is the granddaughter of the famous Father Frost, he is perhaps the only fairy-tale character who did not move to Myshkin, but remained among the snow and ice, but let his granddaughter go. As you might guess, Snowball is also endowed with magical powers; she controls the cold and can freeze or cause a blizzard if she gets angry. Snezhka is very kind and calm, loves new acquaintances.

The third girl’s name is Masha, she is the “brain” of the fairy patrol. She also knows how to cast magic, but most often she turns to help modern technologies, is well versed in computers and compact gadgets, and can fix any breakdown no worse than an installer or a computer genius. Her love for technology does not prevent Masha from loving nature with all her heart and drawing energy from there.

Alenka is the last girl from the patrol, she has not been on the team from the very beginning, so at first they were wary of her, but Snezhka convinced her friends that Alenka can be trusted, she can also be useful. The girl loves to joke and have fun, she is a real “lighter,” but until recently she did not have magical skills, although she was born in Myshkin and initially lived in the real capital of fairy tales.

Most often, girls cope with everything themselves, but sometimes they are helped by the Wise Cat and other magical creatures. You too can join the patrol and take part in exciting adventures.

Fairytale girls with magical powers show that difficulties can be overcome without any magic, the main thing is to be brave and stop at nothing. Now you can not only see your favorite characters on TV, but also take part in their adventures. The four constantly monitor the balance of power in the city of Myshkino, where such famous heroes as Koschey the Immortal, Leshy, the Scientist Cat, Baba Yaga and others live. Some are engaged in entertaining the population, while others are waiting for the moment when they can spoil someone. Now gamers can always help the Fairytale Patrol prevent disasters and dangers, find missing objects, collect colorful pictures, and so on.

A new one opens for users interesting world, in which they will encounter all the famous characters from different fairy tales. On the way you will meet: the hen Ryaba, the Bogatyrs, the Gray Wolf, the Goat, the rat king from “The Nutcracker,” characters from “Pinocchio” and that’s not all, because there are a lot of residents in Myshkino. Among all the inhabitants of folk epics there were four girls who closely monitor order. Even when something unexpected happens, everything turns out in such a way that it looks like a kind of attraction for visitors to the city.

Meet the characters from Fairytale Patrol

The green-eyed girl's name is Masha. She always knows what works and how it works and quickly fixes technical problems. In addition, the heroine has a special power that originates from energy from nature. Her friend Varya is easy to recognize by her leadership manners; she has beautiful dark hair. She is a believer in inner strength, and only uses teleportation to extreme cases. The third patrol member's name is Snezhana. The girl is a very sweet and kind blonde who is the granddaughter of Santa Claus. But, unfortunately, he was unable to move to Myshkino and remained in the North. Like others, the beauty has superpowers. When she is not in a good mood, she can freeze everything around and create a wild blizzard. The only native of the fabulous city of Alena. The red-haired mischief loves to have fun, so she is the noisiest of them all. In addition, the emotional heroine did not show any powers at first, but later she showed what she was capable of.

A variety of entertainment for children of different ages

After the four girls have teamed up and it is now clear what they are, you can begin to choose a suitable game. You definitely won’t be bored, because this section contains only the best fun for boys and girls of different ages. IN fairyland It’s never calm, here every day is like a holiday. The authors invite gamers to search for objects, assemble colorful puzzles, color pictures, and take tests on their knowledge of the animated series. In addition, you can open your own cafe and try your hand at business. It’s nice to spend time with such entertainment every day.
