A journey through fairy tales, a fairy-tale world. Scenario for the holiday "Journey into a Fairy Tale"

Then let us go to the land of fairy tales on an airplane carpet.

We sit down on the carpet and say the magic words:

“One, two, three, our carpet fly to the land of fairy tales!”

But in this chest there are tasks from the Fox.

They open the chest and read the note:

“You must answer my tricky questions. Here's a magic flower for you. Tear off the petals and find out the tasks"

1 petal - Glade “Guess”

What song did Kolobok sing to the bunny?

What did Mashenka say to the bear while sitting in the box?

What did the animals ask in the fairy tale “Teremok” before entering there?

What words did the cockerel shout when he wanted to drive the fox out of the hare’s hut?

What words did Mishutka say when he saw the broken chair?

How did Ryaba the hen comfort Grandfather and Grandmother?

Well done kids, you coped well with the first test. Let's move on!

2 petals “What kind of fairy tale?”

The Fox’s next task is “Here is a set of circles, try to name a fairy tale with their help. I think you won’t succeed, and you won’t be able to move on.”

Which fairy tale hero is green? Gray? Orange?

What kind of fairy tale do you think these circle models are for?

Let’s remember what nicknames each animal has in the fairy tale:

Mouse... (norushka),
Frog... (wah)
Bunny... (runner),
Chanterelle... (sister),
Wolf... (clicking teeth),

Well done guys, you did a great job. Lisa failed to confuse us. And we need to move on.

Go to the stumps (chairs)

3 petal:

Presentation: “Name a fairy tale”

1. He pounded and pounded, on the plate with his nose -

I didn’t swallow anything and was left with my nose...

2. The mouse found a home for itself,

The mouse was kind:

In that house, after all

There were a lot of residents.

3. But the road is long, and the basket is not easy,

I wish I could sit on a tree stump and eat a pie...

4. They opened the door of the kids...

And everyone disappeared somewhere...

5. He trembled before the wolf,

I ran away from the bear.

And for the fox's teeth,

Still got caught...

Kolobok:- Guys, thank you for your help! You know fairy tales so well, thanks to your correct answers to the Fox’s tricky questions, I found myself back in my fairy tale! I want to stay with you, is it possible?

4 petal: "Tell me a story"

Now let's solve the riddles:

A ball of fluff, a long ear,

Jumps deftly and loves carrots.

Well done!

Cunning cheat

red head,

A fluffy tail is a beauty

What is her name?

Right. Look at the illustration and name the fairy tale?

Display of illustrations for the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut”

Conversation on content.

What kind of hut did the fox build?

Why is it called ice?

What kind of hut did the bunny build?

It is made from bast (bark), so it is bast.

What trouble happened to the bunny?

How can you call the fox's action?

Who wanted to help the bunny?

Why didn't the dog and the bear help him?

Who helped the bunny drive out the fox?

Why did the Rooster succeed?

How many times did the cockerel sing his song to the fox?

What kind of song is this, affectionate or menacing?

Which characters did you like? Why?

5 petal

Physical exercise.

Hey guys, are you sleeping?

Show us the animals.

The fox has a sharp nose,

She has a fluffy tail.

Red fox fur coat

Inexpressible beauty.

Fox walks through the forest

He strokes the red fur coat.

The hare was jumping through the forest,

The hare was looking for food.

Suddenly the hare is on top of his head

The ears rose like arrows.

The bunny jumped and turned around

And he bent under a tree.

The bear crawled out of the den,

Misha stretches his legs

He walked on his toes

And then on the heels.

6 petal Simulation of a fairy tale.

5 tables, on the tables are sheets of paper with circles, pencils.

What geometric shapes are drawn on the sheets? Each of the circles is a hero of the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut”

Guys, you must portray the hero so that it is clear who is the fox or the hare, etc. and name this animal in Kazakh and Russian languages.

We will split into groups.

1 group

Who will you portray, guess the riddle:

She is more cunning than all the animals,
She is wearing a red fur coat.
A fluffy tail is her beauty.
This forest animal is….(Fox)

Think about what distinguishes a fox from other animals?

(let's draw sharp ears and a long muzzle)

Bilingual component:

In the Kazakh language - fox - tulki.

2nd group

The scythe has no den,
He doesn't need a hole.
Legs save you from enemies,
And from hunger - bark.

What do the other heroes of our fairy tale not have, but does the hare have?

(let's draw long ears for the hare).

In the Kazakh language - hare - koyan.

3 group

I have excellent hearing
Intelligent look and subtle scent.
I immediately get into a fight with the cat,
Because I… ( Dog)

What distinguishes the dog in our fairy tale?

(let’s add a ring to the dog’s tail)

In Kazakh language – dog – it.

4 group

He lives in the thicket of the forest,

He is reputed to have a sweet tooth.
In summer he eats raspberries, honey,
He sucks his paw all winter.
Can roar loudly
And his name is... (

Veronica, what should we draw to show that this is a bear?

(let's draw small round ears).

In Kazakh language - bear - ayu.

5 group

Who's screaming in the yard?
Wake us up at dawn?
He has feathers - fluff!
And his name is...!

Kirill, what’s special about the cockerel?

(let's draw a cockerel's comb and beak).

In Kazakh language - rooster - әtesh.

Well done! What words do fairy tales end with?

Fairy tales end with the words: “They began to live and get along and make good things,” “That’s the end of the fairy tale, and well done to those who listened...”

And the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut” ends like this: “The hare and the rooster began to live well, but did not know grief.”

7 petal “Tell a story”

The diagrams drawn by the children are put on the board.

Guys, using this path scheme you can tell a fairy tale sequentially, without missing a single hero.

They tell a fairy tale using a mnemonic track.

Nicole will tell you about the fox and the bunny, and Polina about the dog. About the bear - Lenya, about the cockerel - Matvey.

The book opens, the fairy tale begins.

About a hare and a fox and about animals in the forest.

This is a saying, and a fairy tale is a fairy tale ahead.

What does this fairy tale teach us?

Well done boys!

Kolobok:- Thank you guys, now I know that you love fairy tales, you know how to tell them using tables with symbols, geometric shapes.

It’s time for us to return to kindergarten, say, goodbye to Kolobok in Kazakh.

Bilingual component: Sau bolynyz! - Goodbye!

Well, it's time for us to say goodbye,
And part with the fairy tale.
The tale is new again,
There will be a wait ahead of us.

We sit down on the carpet and say the magic words:

“One, two, three, fly our carpet to kindergarten!”

Summer camp event. Scenario

Scenario. Game-travel through the “Land of Fairy Tales”

Evseychik Inna Nikolaevna, teacher of Russian language and literature Stakhanov Secondary comprehensive school I - III stages No. 32, Irmino.
Description: This development is intended for teachers and teacher-organizers for organizing summer leisure in school camps or recreation camps. Tasks offered different types, which contributes to the development of logic, attention, observation, and interest in literature. Children of all ages can take part in the game.
Target: organize leisure time for students, cultivate interest in literature.
- develop memory, observation, intelligence, and speech of students;
- teach children to act unitedly and in an organized manner;
- cultivate a sense of collectivism and camaraderie, interest in literature and reading in general.
Equipment: illustrations for fairy tales, illustrations with modes of transport, route sheets, costumes for the “owners” of destinations (fairy tale grandmother, postman, scientist, musician, art critic, Ole Lukoile).
Preliminary preparation: reading fairy tales, conversations on fairy tales, determining the location of the game (destination: library, museum - if there is one, office, on the site, etc.), preparing route sheets, appointing and training personnel for the game.
Conditions of the game: while moving from point to point, the guys in the squad hold hands.
Progress of the event
Leading. Dear Guys! Today is an unusual day for us - we will go on a journey through the “Land of Fairy Tales”. Let's visit different countries ah, from different authors, we will meet different heroes of famous fairy tales. Competitions await you interesting questions, tasks and meetings. And now I want to introduce you to our guest of honor - Fairytale Grandmother.
(Enter "Grandma's Fairy Tale")
Grandmother is a fairy tale. Good afternoon, dear children, listeners and readers of fairy tales! How many of you have gathered here? I am very glad to see you all and gladly invite you to the “Land of Fairy Tales”. But first you have to choose what type of transport you would like to travel by (shows illustrations of transport). And, having chosen the transport, appoint a captain, crew commander, chief engineer, driver...

(Teams choose transport for travel and a team captain)
Leading. Well, now the Fairy Tale Grandma will give each team a route sheet along which you will travel. It lists the destinations you should visit. But you need to follow only according to the route sheet. (The order of destinations for different units is changed so that there are no two units at the same point at the same time)

(The fairy tale grandmother hands the team captains route sheets)
Grandmother is a fairy tale. If a fairy tale knocks on the door,
Hurry up and let her in
Because a fairy tale is a bird:
If you scare me a little, you won’t be able to find it.
You follow her to the threshold,
And she’s not there...
Only thousands of roads
Scattered around the world.
Which way will she go?
Where will she show up?
Should she swim or walk?
Or rush from where,
Only where a fairy tale should be,
A miracle will happen there...
She has a supply of miracles
And always ready
Every time for all of us
Golden word! (Sergey Ostrovoy)
Leading. Guys! We wish you a successful journey and good achievements in it. And Grandma the Fairy Tale and I will be waiting for your return.
Grandmother is a fairy tale. Good luck, boys and girls!

(Teams are sent along the specified route)
Author's street.
Assessment conditions: For each correctly found match - 1 point. The maximum number is 16. (Sample answers: B – 1 – b)
Storyteller. Greetings to you, young readers and lovers of fairy tales on Avtorskaya Street. Wonderful authors from different countries live here. To continue the journey, you need to use arrows to establish the connection: author - portrait - fairy tale.

(Answers: G-1-b, A-2-c, B-3-a, B-4-e, Z-5-g, Z-6-g, E-7-d, D-8-h.)
(The team is given a card with a task - see the picture. The team completes the task and the Storyteller indicates the result in the route sheet).
Storyteller. Well done boys. You have completed the task and can continue on your way. Good luck!
Fairy mail
Assessment conditions: for a correctly named hero - 1 point, for the name of a fairy tale - 1 point. Maximum – 14 points.
Postman. Glad to see you, dear friends. I was waiting for helpers. We received many telegrams at our post office, but all of them were unsigned. I want you to help me determine who sent these telegrams.
(Gives the team a bag with telegrams and the guys read the telegram and name the hero of the fairy tale who sent it, and his address (fairy tale). Then the postman notes the result on the route sheet).
Telegram texts:
- “Sorry, I can’t come because I handed over my boots for repairs...” (Puss in Boots)
- “We can’t meet. An egg breaks - the grandfather cries and the woman cries. Must calm down..." (Rock hen)
- “I found myself in an unpleasant situation. I float on a water lily leaf along the river. I want to get rid of the nasty toad. I will be back later". (Thumbelina)
- “I can’t leave my post. You have to go right, left and guard the oak with fairy tales.” (Cat scientist)
- “So he shot an arrow that it flew away in an unknown direction. Busy looking for her." (Ivan Tsarevich)
- “I was in such a hurry to leave the ball that I lost my shoe. I’m waiting, maybe they’ll return it.” (Cinderella)

- “I offended my mother. I definitely have to find her and ask for forgiveness. When I find and earn forgiveness, I will arrive immediately.” (Boy Star)
Postman. You correctly named the heroes of fairy tales. I hope that we will wait for them. And I wish you an easy journey on your further journey.
Intellectual Quarter.
Assessment conditions: for each correct answer - 1 point, for each correct explanation - 1 point. The maximum number is 10 points.

Scientist. Hello guys!
I'm a scientist,
Your enthusiastic people have been waiting for you.
I have prepared tasks for you,
To test your logic and knowledge.
I think your mind can handle it
I can tell you what is superfluous and why.
Get to work quickly,
Decide everything together.
Exercise: find the odd one out and explain why.
1.A. S. Pushkin, S. Marshak, R. Kipling, K. Chukovsky. (R. Kipling is superfluous, since all writers are Russian, except R. Kipling).
2. “The Ugly Duckling”, “Cinderella”, “The Snow Queen”, “Wild Swans”. (The extra one is “Cinderella”, written by C. Perrault, and the rest of the fairy tales by H. H. Andersen)
3. Stepmother, mouse, swallow, mole. (The extra one is the stepmother. She is not the heroine of the fairy tale “Thumbelina”)
4. “Puss in Boots”, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, “Vasilisa the Beautiful”, “Axe Porridge”. (The extra one is “Porridge from an Axe,” since all fairy tales are fairy tales, but this one is everyday).
5. “Kolobok”, “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, “The Crane and the Heron”, “Ivan the Peasant Son and the Miracle Yudo”. (The extra one is “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, since this tale is the author’s, and the rest are folk)
Scientist. You guys are great -
We completed the task.
All ends were cut off
Demonstrating both logic and knowledge.
I wish you from the bottom of my heart,
So that you don’t know troubles along the way
And we won.
Good luck on your trip.
Art Gallery.
Assessment conditions: you need to put together four illustrations in 3 minutes and name which fairy tale they are for; for time – 4 points (if you did it in time), 5 points (if you did it earlier), 3 or less (if you didn’t invest in time); 1 point for each correctly assembled illustration and one point for the name of the fairy tale. The maximum number of points is 13.
Art critic. I am extremely glad to welcome you to our temple of art. But we had a problem - I can’t present you all the paintings, because recently robbers got into our gallery and cut the paintings into pieces. To find out what paintings were, you need to restore them.


("The beauty and the Beast")

("Alice in Wonderland")

("Aladdin's Lamp")
(Gives the team several envelopes with illustrations for fairy tales cut into pieces - the illustrations are offered below, and they can be cut arbitrarily. The guys must put the pictures together as quickly as possible and name the fairy tale. Time is taken into account when setting the result)
Art critic. Well done boys. You saved our gallery. Now other children will be able to see these pictures. Thanks for the help. I wish you success.
(Notes the result in the route sheet)
Music salon
Assessment conditions: for each correctly guessed melody - 1 point and for each performed excerpt from a song - 1 point. There are five melodies in total: the total number of points is 10.

Musician(musical director). Hello guys! Our music salon always welcomes guests, true connoisseurs of music and singing.
What is a song?
This is a true friend.
The song is joy
Loud laughter all around
A thousand melodies, voices in the surf...
There's nothing in the world
More wonderful music
Because music is always with you!
You love musical cartoons and films based on fairy tales. Many of the songs are probably familiar to you. Many have become favorites. And many of you even like to sing yourself. I suggest you play the game “Guess the melody”. I will play a few notes of the melody, and you must name what movie or cartoon this song is from and sing a few lines.
(Songs: Cinderella “Stand in a circle”, Princess Fun “But I don’t want, I don’t want by law...” from the cartoon “The Flying Ship”, the song of the Bremen Town Musicians, the song of Tortilla Turtle from “Pinocchio”, the song of the squirrel from “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” and other.
Note: the director can choose songs at his discretion; you can play them on a musical instrument or listen to them in an audio recording; there should be no more than five melodies.)

Musician. Hooray! On a narrow path
Occasionally meet
Poem with music
Like a couple in the spring...
And sometimes, dear ones,
Then they merge
They are in eternal understanding,
Like - air, bread, water.
They sing more wonderfully
They sound even brighter
And, becoming a good song -
They will make people happy! (Vadim Semernin)
Guys, live with music in your soul. Let her make you happy.
Boulevard of Secrets
Assessment conditions: for each correct answer - 1 point, if you put in the time; additional 2 points if completed faster; maximum amount– 6 points.
Ole Lukoile. They say that there is no such thing as a fairy tale...
Don't believe it! Who told you that?
The one who has grown up completely forgets
As he once dreamed as a child.
They say that there are no miracles in the world.
They're lying! Believe me, miracles happen!
The main thing is to believe in them, like children,
And they will visit you immediately. (Marina Loksina)
Welcome to the Boulevard of Secrets.
(Takes out a large multi-colored envelope)
There's a secret hidden in this envelope,
Having declassified it, they must give an answer.
Your captain will help you with this:
Try to find out what it will show.
Your team leader will be a mime, and your answers will show how good he is. Having taken a picture out of the envelope, you need to use gestures and movements to show what is depicted on it. And the team must name the object. One picture – 30 seconds.
(Pictures in the envelope: 1)magic wand

2)magic mirror

3) sword-kladinets

4) walking boots

(Captains show, teams name the item. Then
Ole Lukoile notes the result on the route sheet.)

Ole Lukoile. The secret is out. Let the fairy tale continue for you.
(The teams gather where they started their journey to the “Land of Fairy Tales”. They give route sheets to the jury, who will sum up the results of the game-journey.)
Leading. All teams returned from the trip, hopefully with good results and a wonderful mood. While the jury is summing up the results, I invite everyone to watch the fairy tale (film or play).
(While the jury is summing up the results, the guys watch a fairy tale film or a theatrical production of a fairy tale.)
Leading. So, are you ready to hear the results of the journey? All points have been tallied and the winner has been determined. Let's start with the awards. The jury's word.
(The jury announces the results of the game and awards teams.)
Leading. Our journey is over, but I want to say that
A fairy tale brings us joy,
He who knows will understand
The fairy tale has a lot of meaning,
And love walks close there.
There are many adventures in the fairy tale,
Very joyful excitement,
Good wins in her,
After all, it is stronger than evil.
The one who respects fairy tales
Surely grows
Transforming into a sage
He believes very much in miracles.
And a miracle comes to visit,
Doesn't pass by
The main thing is to believe in him,
And it's already with you.
A fairy tale is a wonderful piggy bank,
What you accumulate, you take,
And without a fairy tale in this life -
You will definitely disappear. (Elena Stepanova)
Thanks everyone for participating. Until next time.

The game is a journey " Mysterious world fairy tales" (script)

What a delight these tales are!
Each is a poem!
A.S. Pushkin

- deepen and generalize children’s knowledge in the fairy tale genre
- develop cooperation skills in children;
- develop reading independence.
- attract children's attention to the authors of the books they read.
- to cultivate in children a love for folk and literary fairy tales.

Equipment: book and illustrated exhibition “Island of Fairy Tales”, posters with illustrations of folk and literary fairy tales, portraits of storytellers (A.S. Pushkin, G.H. Andersen, P.P. Ershov, K.I. Chukovsky, C. Perrault, Brothers Grimm by A.N. Tolstoy), fairy-tale crossword puzzle, basket with objects, multi-colored petals.
Fairy-tale characters: Queen Book, Fairytale Fairy, Pinocchio, Baba Yaga, Little Red Riding Hood.

Progress of the event

Queen Book comes out
Queen Book: Hello, dear friends! I'm glad to meet you. As you may have guessed, I invite you to the world of kindness and beauty, to the world of fairy tales. You will meet your favorite fairy-tale characters and take part in fun competitions. And in order for us to find ourselves in a fairy tale, we need to find out its secret.
Queen Book reads a poem.
Fairy tales travel around the world
Night harnessed to a carriage.
Fairy tales live in the clearings,
They wander around in the fogs at dawn.
The world, illuminated with miracles,
Fairy tales fly over the forests,
They sit on the windowsill,
They look out of the windows like into a river.
And the Fairy will rescue Cinderella...
Gorynych the snake will no longer be...
Fairy tales are with me everywhere,
I will never forget them.
“Let evil be cunning on tricks,
But GOOD still wins!” (Children repeat).
Queen Book: Guys, we have to get into the magical world of fairy tales, but we can’t open the door? And a fairy-tale hero with a golden key will help you open the door to the book world.
(Pinocchio appears)
Pinocchio: I am made of logs
To the delight of the kids,
My precious key
Will open doors to you.

Queen Book: Who is it? From which book? Who is its author? (Children's answers)
Pinocchio: Hello, guys! Do you want to get into a fairy-tale world? But we can’t just go to the magical land. You face the first test - a fairytale crossword puzzle. If you guess it, well done, but no, you’ll have to come back. And from the letters in the highlighted squares form a magic word. Then a map of our Country will open before us. Fairy tale crossword. Annex 1
Queen Book: What word did you form from the highlighted letters? (fairy tale).
Pinocchio: Well, well done, guys. You completed my task correctly. And now I will open the door to a fairyland for you. Welcome!
Queen Book invites children to the decorated hall (library). Children find themselves in a fairy-tale world.
Pinocchio: Well, now I must leave you. Happy Travel. Other guys are waiting for me.
Fairytale music turns on. The Fairytale Fairy appears.
Fairytale Fairy: Good afternoon! Guys, I came to you from a distant, beautiful country, where the sun never sets in evergreen gardens, where Queen Fantasy reigns, I need to return home, but I can’t do this because I lost my magic wand.
Queen Book: How can we help you?
Fairytale Fairy: Guys who like to read fairy tales and know can help me fairy-tale heroes. I have a map of the route, but the road home is difficult and difficult. I can't cope with difficulties alone. I am glad to welcome you to this magical country.
In this room today
Miracles await.
Do you hear? They come alive here
Good voices of fairy tales.
We must believe in miracles!
And then a fairy tale will come to you.
Queen Book: Far, far away lies an immense state, an unprecedented kingdom - a land of fairy tales, miracles and magic. Wonderful country! The trees there are the most bizarre, the mountains are the highest, the towers are the most painted, the birds are the most sonorous, the monsters are the most terrible, the friends are the most faithful. It’s not proper for good fellows to lie on the stove, and for fair-haired girls to sing songs and husk seeds. I suggest you go on a journey - a path: to see the world, look at people and show yourself, and perhaps learn some wisdom. We have a long way to go. We begin our journey. And the first city on our way is the city where the author’s fairy tales and their heroes live. Why are these fairy tales called that? (Children's answers). Right. Author's fairy tales are fairy tales written by writers and poets.
Fairytale Fairy: This is very Big city, which has a huge number of inhabitants. And without an exact and detailed address - the title of the fairy tale and the name of its author, it is impossible to find them. Therefore, at the entrance to this city, there is an address bureau on our way.
Competition 1: (Each team is given a piece of paper with the name of the fairy tale and the surname of its author on it. They need to be connected in pairs to find the correct address of residence of the heroes of fairy tales.) Appendix 2
Queen Book: Well done! You named the correct addresses of the heroes of the author's fairy tales. It’s immediately obvious that you love and know fairy tales. Now let’s check if you know the heroes from these fairy tales. (Children guess riddles).Appendix 3.
Fairytale Fairy: How smart you are. You know all my fairy tales. We completed the tasks well.
Queen Book: Now try together to guess a common riddle that will lead you along the path to the next city in a wonderful country. Appendix 4.
And the riddle led us to the city of amazing fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin. Where do you think such an unusual name comes from? Who lives in this wonderful town? Guess which fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin are discussed in my riddles. (Children guess). Appendix 5
Fairytale Fairy: We did a great job. We want to rest.
Queen Book: Guys, close your eyes and with the help of your imagination and imagination we will go into the dense forest. Open your eyes, look, there is a hut on chicken legs (illustration of Baba Yaga’s hut). It’s not difficult to guess who lives in this hut. (Children's answers).
Fairytale Fairy: How do we get there? To do this, we need to pass the following test. (Illustrations for fairy tales are on the table). Look at the illustrations and name the fairy-tale characters. Appendix 6
(Baba Yaga appears)
Baba Yaga: Disgrace, well, disgrace! How did you get here without my consent? We thought we could sneak through unnoticed, right? Ha! That’s why I sensed Baba Yaga! (wiggles his nose). I don't have a nose, but a pump. Yes! (sneezes). A-pchhi! Are you laughing? Above me. And aren't you afraid? And we will check this now. (runs up to one then to the other, scares). Look, they're laughing! How cunning, you know, he who is having fun is not afraid! Be happy, I'm just in a good mood today.
Fairytale Fairy: Baba Yaga, how old are you?
Baba Yaga: (embarrassed), yes, I’m still young, a bride anywhere, just a flower - a seven-flowered one. In general, who asks such questions to a young lady? I’ll take you all and eat you now.
Queen Book: Baba Yaga, don't be angry. She didn't mean to offend you. I just wanted to ask if we can go through your forest?
Baba Yaga: Well, you’ll pass! First I'll play a game with you. Do you like fairy tales? (Coquettishly). How I love reading books about various fairy-tale characters, but in my hut there were mice and they gnawed half of the books. Help me figure out the names of my favorite characters. Otherwise I was completely confused.
Boy... (from a finger)
Ali - ... (Baba)
Koschei the Deathless)
Mouse... (King)
Sivka - ... (Burka)
Old man... (Hottabych)
Brownie... (Kuzya)
Dr. Aibolit)
Dad... (Carlo)
Signor... (Tomato)
Tiny... (Khavroshechka)
Crocodile Gena)
Sister... (Alyonushka)
Baba Yaga: Wow, how smart you are! All questions were answered. I don't want to let you go. I'll play with you again.
The game is called “Baba Yaga” (to any cheerful tune).
How to play: The player stands with one foot in a mortar (basket), the other on the ground. He holds a broom in his hand. In this position, you need to walk the entire distance to the chair, go around it, return to the starting point and pass the broom to the next player. This task is performed by all team members.
Baba Yaga: You charmed me. I'll have to let you go. But next time you won’t get away from me (he shakes his finger and leaves).
Fairytale Fairy: Well, we got out of the dense forest. We are on the path leading to new town. So the city with painted towers stretched out before us. This is the city of Russian folk tales. To warm up, remember their names. (Children name one by one).
Queen Book: And now for your next test.
Fairytale Fairy: Guys, I’ll tell you fairy tales and riddles, and you have to guess who and what they’re talking about fairy tales and riddles:
1. I knew it would end like this. I’m too shabby and old, I’ve been standing in the field for so many years. I dreamed, of course, that someone would settle in me - but there were so many of them that I simply could not stand it and collapsed. (Fairy tale “Terem-Terem-Teremok”).
2. What a tail this mouse has! It cannot be compared with either Grandfather's fist or Grandmother's fist. And this mouse had to run out at the most inopportune moment “now everyone would admire me, I would be lying in the most visible place...” (“Ryaba Hen” - egg).
3. There are frequent stars on the azure dress, there is a clear moon on her head, such a beauty - you can’t even think of it, you can’t guess it, you can only tell it in a fairy tale. (“The Frog Princess” - Vasilisa the Wise.)
4. “Are you warm, girl? Are you warm, beauty? ("Morozko")
Queen Book: You guys are just great! How smart you all are. Are you ready for the next final test?
Fairytale Fairy: Of course, we are ready. Really, guys?
Little Red Riding Hood appears. In hand is a basket with items.
Little Red Riding Hood: Good afternoon! Friends, I want to ask you for help. I was walking through the forest to my grandmother and found someone’s lost things. Help me return them to fairy tales. What is this in my basket? What fairy tale are these things from?
Game "Magic Basket". In the basket: a rolling pin, a golden egg, a large wooden spoon and 2 smaller ones, a feather, an arrow, a bun, a slipper, a mirror. (Children choose fairy-tale objects and explain in which fairy tale they occur
Children's answers: Fairy tales: “A fox with a rolling pin” - a rolling pin;
“Ryaba Hen” – golden egg;
“Three Bears” – a large wooden spoon and 2 smaller ones;
“Finist-clear falcon” – feather;
“The Frog Princess” - the arrow of Ivan Tsarevich.”, “Kolobok”, “Cinderella”, “The Tale of the Dead Princess”.
Little Red Riding Hood: Well done, guys. You helped me a lot.
(illustration of a fairytale castle)
Queen Book: Here she comes to the meeting. I am very happy for you guys, you withstood all the difficulties of the journey with dignity, which means you love reading fairy tales.
Fairytale Fairy: Thank you guys. Finally I reached my home, the Magic Castle. As I say goodbye to you, I want to say that you are wonderful and very talented guys. I love you all.
No, Russian fairy tales didn't lie
About Koshcheev’s death, about the magic carpet.
No, it was not idle people who composed those fairy tales,
And the seers, in whose plans the truth lives.
Queen Book: Our journey through the Land of Fairy Tales, Miracles and Magic ends! But now you can continue it yourself, because the fairy-tale path is endless. Once you open the book of fairy tales, you're on your way! Let them teach us to be kinder to people, to our friends. You did a great job today. And who was the best? Count the number of your petals (Summary).
Goodbye. And see you again. Now let’s remember the song “If you are kind.”
Phonogram of the song “If you are kind” from the cartoon adventures of Leopold the cat.
Annex 1
Fairy tale crossword
1. The name of the girl who lived with the seven dwarfs (Snow White).
2. Main character fairy tale story by E. Uspensky, friend of the Crocodile Gena (Cheburashka).
3. The Mistress of the Glass Slipper (Cinderella)
4. A little boy with a huge hat on his head, who even managed to visit the Moon (Dunno)
5. Dog from the fairy tale “Turnip” (Zhuchka)
6. The most terrible African villain (Barmaley)

Appendix 2
Assignment: You need to connect in pairs to find the correct address of residence of the heroes of fairy tales.

Ch. Perrault "Fedorino's grief"
A. Pushkin "Three stories about Carlson"
E. Uspensky "Little Red Riding Hood"
A. Lindgren "The Wizard of the Emerald City"
A. Volkov "Dunno on the Moon"
N. Nosov "Puss in Boots"
"Crocodile Gena and his friends"
Br. Grimm "Dunno in the Sunny City"
Ch. Perrault "The Town Musicians of Bremen"
A. Lindgren "The Snow Queen"
N. Nosov "Thumbelina"
G. Andersen "The Little Mermaid"
K. Chukovsky "Pippi Longstocking"
P. Ershov "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"
"The Tale of Tsar Saltan and the Seven Knights"
"The Little Humpbacked Horse"
Appendix 3
1. A funny little man lives on the roof,
Funny man chews toffee.
The funny little man is not used to being bored,
A funny man is a big mischief maker
Did you recognize him? (Carlson - A. Lindgren “Three stories about Carlson”)

2. A girl appeared in a flower cup,
And that girl was a little bigger than a marigold.
The girl slept in a nutshell,
Who has read such a book?
He knows a little girl. (Thumbelina – H.G. Andersen “Thumbelina”)

3. Walks to school with an ABC book
Wooden boy
Gets to school instead
In a wooden booth.
What is the name of this book?
What is the boy's name? (Buratino–A. Tolstoy “The Adventures of Pinocchio”

4. Come, doctor,
To Africa soon
And save me, doctor,
Our kids! (Doctor Aibolit - K. Chukovsky “Doctor Aibolit”)

5. This one is not beautiful at all:
And pale and thin,
Tea, about three inches in girth;
And the little leg, the little leg!
Ugh! Like a chicken. (Tsar Maiden - P.P. Ershov “The Little Humpbacked Horse.”)

Appendix 4
Now let's talk about another book.
Here is the blue sea, here is the seashore.
The old man went to the sea
He will cast a net,
Someone will catch you and ask for something
The story here is about a greedy old woman.
And greed, guys, does not lead to good.
And the matter will end in the same trough
But not new, but old, broken.

Appendix 5
Tales of Pushkin
1. The princess is a miracle:
The moon shines under the scythe,
And in the forehead the star is burning,
And she herself is majestic,
Performs like a peahen. ("The Tale of Tsar Saltan".)

2. My light, mirror! Tell
Tell me the whole truth:
“Am I the sweetest in the world,
All blush and whiter? (“The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”).

3. Balda went to the nearby forest
I caught two bunnies and put them in a bag (“The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda”)

4. He waited a long time for an answer,
He didn’t wait, he returned to the old woman -
Lo and behold, there’s a dugout in front of him again,
His old woman is sitting on the threshold,
And in front of her is a broken trough... (“The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”)

5. “Plant this bird,”
He said to the king, “on the knitting needle;
If everything around is peaceful,
So he will sit quietly;
But only a little from the outside
Expect war for you...” (“The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”)

6. “If only I were a queen,”
The third sister said,
I would give birth to a hero for the Tsar’s father (“The Tale of Tsar Saltan”)
Appendix 6 (illustrations)

Snow White

S n e z h a n a

m e c e v

Shabaeva Larisa Veniaminovna

Educator, MADOU "Kindergarten No. 6 "Lukomorye", Nefteyugansk, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, Tyumen region

Shabaeva L.V. Entertainment script "Travel through fairy tales" // Owl. 2018. N3(13)..07.2019).

Order No. 114975


generalize children's knowledge about Russian folk tales; activate and develop clear speech; enrich lexicon; cultivate interest in reading; skill to work in team.


1. Expand children’s understanding of folk tales. Improve the ability to recognize fairy tale characters.

2. Develop the ability to conduct a dialogue with a teacher and a peer; be a friendly and correct interlocutor.

3. Develop logical thinking, attention. To teach children to make independent judgments.

4. Cultivate a culture of verbal communication, the ability to interact with peers, the ability to cooperate, and friendliness.

IN: Hello guys! Guys, do you want to be in a fairy tale now? Then I invite you to a fabulous journey, let’s go with you to visit a fairy tale. What is the fastest way to find yourself in a fairy tale? That's right, you need to say the magic words.

Let's quickly say them all together:

Clap twice

Stomp three times

Turn around yourself

And in fairyland find yourself!

So we found ourselves in fairy tales of antiquity

Tell me, guys, do you like fairy tales?

D: Yes

IN: Do you like to solve riddles?

D: Yes

IN: Do you know that in every fairy tale there are riddles?

D: children's answers

IN: Well then, let's move on to our first competition, which is called “Mysterious”.

Competition "Mysterious"

IN: I will make riddles based on fairy tales, and you must guess which fairy tale it is. and name her in chorus... listen carefully and until the end

1. A girl is sitting in a basket

Behind the bear's back.

Without knowing it himself,

Carrying her home (Masha and the Bear).

2. The people are surprised:

The stove is moving, there is smoke

And Emelya on the stove

Eats large rolls (At the command of a pike).

3. The granddaughter went to her grandmother,

I brought the pies to her.

The gray wolf was watching her,

Deceived and swallowed (Little Red Riding Hood).

4. Those who didn’t want to work

Did he play and just sing?

To the third brother later

We ran to a new house (three little pigs).

5. The girl is sleeping and doesn’t know yet

What awaits her in this fairy tale?

The toad will steal it in the morning,

The unscrupulous mole (Thumbelina) will hide you in the hole.

6. The beautiful maiden is sad:

She doesn't like spring

It's hard for her in the sun!

The poor thing is shedding tears!...(Snow Maiden).

AT 2: Well, well done, you completed this competition. Let's continue our journey. And our next competition is called “Say the Word”

Competition “Say the Word”

IN: Many fairy tale heroes have unusual and very interesting names, let's remember them. I tell you the beginning of the name, and you will try to continue it. We answer just as amicably...

1. Boy...(with a finger)

2. Nightingale... (Robber).

3. Sister...(Alyonushka)

4. Fox...(Patrikeevna)

5. Scarlet... (Flower)

6. Geese... (swans)

7. Tiny...(Khavroshechka)

8. Brother...(Ivanushka)

9. Baba...(Yaga)

10. Sivka…(Burka)

11. Red…(Cap)

12. Sleeping…(Beauty)

13. Zayushkina...(Hut)

14. Winnie...(Pooh)

Competition "Fairytale Objects"

AT 3: You have completed this task again, well done! But this was a small warm-up, and now the tasks are more difficult. I have a magic bag with fairy-tale items in it. with whom we will play. and so ready

1. magic ball (the teacher in the center throws a magic ball to each child)

2. magic wand (pass it around and make a wish)

3. gold fish(jump to the fish)

4. invisible hat (to the music, we pass the hat around in a circle, the music stops; whoever holds the hat in his hands stands in the center and shows the exercise for children)

5. carpet plane (we take our places on the points, start the engine, remember that during the flight our planes do not collide and do not fly beyond the white line)

Competition "Confusion"

I will tell you a phrase from the title of the fairy tale, you will need to unravel it.

  • Ax soup (Porridge)
  • According to the hare's command (Pike)
  • Green Riding Hood (Red)
  • Puss in Shoes (Boots)
  • Two little pigs (Three)
  • Wolf and five puppies (Seven kids)
  • Sister Tanyushka and brother Ivanushka (Alyonushka)
  • Boy with a palm (with a finger)

Competition "Memories"

  • remember the kolobok song (I am a kolobok, the kolobok is mixed with sour cream, it’s cold at the window. I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather)
  • remember with what words Ivan called Sivka - Burka (Sivka Burka - prophetic guard, stand in front of me like a leaf in front of the grass)
  • remember how to turn the hut (hut, hut, stand in front of me, and back to the forest)
  • remember what words the queen addressed to the mirror (tell my little mirror, and tell me the whole truth, Yal is the cutest in the world? The most rosy and white)
  • remember what the goldfish said when the old man caught it (let you go, older than me, into the sea dear, I’ll give you a ransom for yourself, I’ll pay you off with whatever you want)
  • what words did Mashenka say as soon as the bear was about to sit on the stump (don’t sit on the stump, don’t eat the pie - bring it to grandma, bring it to grandpa)
  • remember what phrase Leopold the cat repeated when he wanted to make peace with the mice (guys, let’s live together)

IN: Well done guys, you love fairy tales very much, you know their heroes, but our fairytale journey is ending, and it’s time for us to return to kindergarten.

In order to find ourselves in a d/s, let’s all say the magic words together:

Clap 2 times, stomp 3 times,

Turn around yourself, B kindergarten find yourself!

Presenter: Did you like traveling through fairy tales? Read fairy tales, love fairy tales and remember that fairy tales teach us to be friends, to be faithful and to live honestly. See you again!

The lesson is conducted in the form of a journey using games, riddles and theatrical performances. The lesson introduces children to one of the genres of folklore - a folk tale. Students are given the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and Creative skills. The material can be used in class and in extracurricular activities.

Target: formation of children's understanding of the diversity of Russian folk tales.


  • to form in children knowledge about one of the genres of folklore - a folk tale;
  • develop the ability to competently and expressively express one’s thoughts, logical thinking, and train memory;
  • educate children through fairy tales best qualities human: honesty, loyalty, kindness, camaraderie;
  • through elements of theatricalization, give children the opportunity to express their feelings, emotions, and fantasies.


illustrations for various Russian folk tales, Baba Yaga’s house, the saying “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows,” an exhibition of drawings “On the roads of a fairy tale,” a model of an apple tree, apples, fishing rods, fish for playing, a knapsack with magical objects, costumes of fairy tale heroes, a screen for a puppet theater, dolls for the fairy tale “Kolobok”, a tape recorder, sound recordings, a book exhibition.

Progress of the lesson

Storyteller. Hello guys! Hello, dear guests! I came to visit you. Do you know what to call me? I am a storyteller. I tell people fairy tales. Listen here. In ancient times, old times people could neither write nor read. And in order to amuse their little children, adults began to invent fairy tales, nursery rhymes, and jokes for them. The children grew up, they told them to their children, passed them on “by word of mouth.” And these children - to their children. Everyone added something of their own to the fairy tales. So fairy tales have come down to us through the centuries. And who can say why they are called Russian - folk?

And today, I invite you to go on a little journey: to see the world, to see people, to meet Russian folk tales. We have a long road ahead of us. You need to pack a knapsack with the most necessary things. A self-assembled tablecloth is spread out in front of you. On it are not overseas dishes, but fabulous objects. They will help you on your way: (invisibility hat, mirror, vessel with living water, ring, comb, towel, apple, ball.)

You must name the magical properties of each item. Pack your knapsack and hit the road! To the land of fairy tales, miracles and magic! What words do fairy tales begin with? (Once upon a time, in a certain kingdom, in a certain state.)

Anything can happen in a fairy tale
Our fairy tale is ahead.
A fairy tale is knocking on our door,
Let's tell the guest: “Come in!”

Music plays, children run out playing geese and swans. They fly around the hall and sit in a corner. Alyonushka and his brother Ivanushka appear.

A scene from the fairy tale “Geese and Swans”.

Alyonushka. Yablonka, Yablonka, hide us!

Apple tree. Eat my forest apple and I’ll hide it.

Children eat apples and sit under spreading branches. The geese fly around the hall again, looking for children. Not finding them, they fly away.

Storyteller. What fairy tale have we visited? Who are the heroes of the fairy tale? How did the fairy tale end? Alyonushka and Ivanushka will travel with us through fairy tales.

Roll, roll, bullseye
On a silver platter
Show me on a platter
Cities and fields
And forests and seas,
And the heights of the mountains
And the beauty of heaven.

A game.“Don’t drop the apple.”

Dramatization of an excerpt from the fairy tale “Kolobok” (puppet theater).

Storyteller. Do you know what fairy tale this is? What song does Kolobok sing? Who did Kolobok meet on his way? How did the fairy tale end? Yes, the fairy tale has a sad ending, but it is also instructive: Kolobok will know how to trust the fox. Russian folk tales teach us to distinguish good from evil, because it is not without reason that in many fairy tales you can read the phrase: “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.”

Our journey continues. And we found ourselves in the forest, near a strange hut. She stands on chicken legs and turns around herself. How to get into it? What words need to be said?

Children: Hut, hut, stand with your back to the forest, and with your front to me.

Music is playing. Baba Yaga appears and dances.

Baba Yaga. What dear guests came to see me today! How glad I am to see you, otherwise the old me has been completely forgotten and abandoned. What has it come to - they avoid them, they are afraid, they consider them evil. Ah, I'm not like that at all. I'm even very good! In my spare time I read fairy tales. If you want, I'll tell you. No, I’d rather tell you riddles, not simple ones, but about fairy-tale characters.

Mysteries of Baba Yaga.

Iron teeth, bone leg,
All people know this... ( Baba Yaga)

My father had a strange boy,
Unusual, wooden,
But dad loved his son
Naughty... ( Pinocchio).

Get into the habit of going into the poultry house - expect trouble,
With a red tail, it covers its tracks. ( Lisa Patrikeevna)

The Fox carries me through the dark forests,
Behind fast rivers, beyond the high mountains...
Cat! Thrush! Help me! ( Cockerel - golden comb).

Gobbling up rolls
A guy was riding on a stove.
Rode around the village
And he married the princess. ( Emelya).

The horse gallops is not easy
Miracle - golden mane.
Carrying the boy through the mountains
There's no way he'll be reset.
The horse has a son -
Amazing horse
By nickname ( Little Hunchback).

A girl appeared in a flower cup,
And that girl was a little bigger than a marigold.
The girl was sleeping in the nutshell.
What a girl, how small she is!
Who has read such a book?
Does he know the little girl? ( Thumbelina).

Long unknown to many,
He became everyone's friend.
An interesting fairy tale for everyone
Boy - Onion is familiar.
It’s called very simply and not long... ( Cipollino).

A game. “Jump over the broom.”

Storyteller. Well, we visited Baba Yaga and she’s not entirely evil. I wonder what fairy tale we will find ourselves in now?

How cunning the fox is!
These are downright miracles.
The peasant was outwitted
She stole the fish from the cart,
Deceived the wolf
Also very clever!

A dramatization of the fairy tale “The Fox and the Wolf.”


I'm tired, so tired!
I was walking near the river.
Outwitted the peasant
And she took all the fish away.

Wolf. Lisoveta, hello!

Fox. How are you, toothy?

Wolf. Things are going well, my head is still intact.

Fox. Where have you been?

Wolf. On the market.

Fox. What did you buy?

Wolf. Pork.

Fox. How much did you take?


A clump of wool.
Skinned right side
The tail was chewed off in a fight.

Fox. Who bit it off?

Wolf. Dogs. Well, where have you been wandering?


I caught fish in the hole
She just lowered her ponytail.
See how much I caught!

Wolf. I want fish too!


So if I catch you, I’ll teach you.
Go, my friend, to the river,
Sit in a secluded corner
Lower your tail into the hole
And repeat all the time:
- Catch fish big and small.


Well, thank you, Lisoveta!
You helped me with advice.
Where is the hole here? Show me.

Fox (shows). Don't forget, say the words.

Storyteller. What fairy tale? Did you guys guess right? Now we will help the wolf catch the fish.

Game “Catch a fish”.

Storyteller. Well, well, we helped the wolf catch a fish, let's move on. Oh, what is this? Yes, this is a birch bark letter. What's in it? I don’t understand anything... The signature is half erased. Maybe you can help? Here the fairy tales were completely written, and now they are just excerpts. What kind of fairy tales are these?

(Excerpts from fairy tales are read, children guess.)

  1. Fox and Crane.
  2. By magic.
  3. Cat, rooster and fox.
  4. Chicken Ryaba.
  5. Sivka - Burka.

Storyteller. Well done, you know the fairy tales. And this vegetable is from what fairy tale?

Round, but not a ball,
Yellow, but not oil,
Sweet, but not sugar
With a tail, but not a mouse. ( Turnip)

A dramatization of the fairy tale Turnip.

Storyteller. All Russian folk tales end happily. This fairy tale has a good ending. What helped you pull out the turnip? ( Friendship.)

Russian people knew how not only to write beautiful fairy tales, but also to sing songs and lead round dances.

Round dance to the song “There was a birch tree in the field.”

Ivanushka. Sister Alyonushka, I’m tired, I want to go home.

Alyonushka. Vanya, I have a magic ball, and it will show us the way home. Roll, Magic Ball, straight to the house, to the threshold! Look, Ivanushka, who has our little ball rolled to?

Ivanushka. To the boys, to school.

Storyteller. Our journey through fairy tales is coming to an end. You have seen many fairy tales today. What fairy tales have you visited? What is the most important thing in Russian folk tales? (Good conquers evil.)

What words do fairy tales end with? (They began to live and live and make good things. That’s the end of the fairy tales, and whoever listened, well done. I was there, honey, drank beer, it flowed down my mustache, but it didn’t get into my mouth.)

And you will also read other fairy tales in these books that are displayed in front of you. It's time for me to say goodbye to you. Good luck! See you again in the Land of Fairy Tales, Miracles and Magic!


  1. Kalashnikova O.V. “Holidays at school.” - Volgograd: Teacher, 2003.
  2. Tales of the Peoples of the World Volume II. “Russian folk tales.” - Voronezh, “Infa”, 1992.
  3. “Fairy tales for children’s theater.”// Teachers’ Council No. 8, 2004.

Varezhnikova Irina Anatolyevna, primary school teacher

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 25, Balakovo
