Quiz "Zimushka-winter" material (preparatory group) on the topic. Intellectual quiz "What do we know about winter"

extracurricular activity: Quiz "Zimushka - winter" is carried out with the aim of expanding the horizons of children; development of cognitive activity and individual abilities of students. Excites the student's desire for new knowledge, curiosity and inquisitiveness to learn new things. Allows students to activate, develops creative initiative and Creative skills junior schoolchildren, gives children the right to choose, develops visual and auditory memory of students, promotes the activation of initiative and creative self-expression of schoolchildren.



extracurricular activity

Quiz for students primary school



Extracurricular activity:Quiz "Zimushka - winter"is carried out with the aim of expanding the horizons of children; development of cognitive activity and individual abilities of students. Excites the student's desire for new knowledge, curiosity and inquisitiveness to learn new things. Allows you to activate students, develops creative initiative and creative abilities of younger students, gives children the right to choose, develops visual and auditory memory of students, promotes the activation of initiative and creative self-expression of students.

Goals and objectives:

Summarize children's knowledge about winter; talk about winter in an entertaining way;

To develop the creative abilities of students;

Cultivate a sense of camaraderie, respect for each other;

Cultivate love for animals and respect for native nature;

Develop the individual abilities of students; interest in reading, in the search for new things.

Event progress:

Leading: - Hello, guys and respected adults. Today we all gathered together to hold a quiz. And what it is dedicated to, you will find out if you guess my riddle.


Name it guys

Who is the owner of the riddle?

Pinches ears, pinches nose,

Frost creeps into boots.

If you splash water, it will fall

Not water, but ice.

Not even a bird flies

The bird freezes from the cold.

Snow falls in bags from the sky

And all around snowdrifts.

Snowfalls and blizzards

They attacked our Slavyansk.

Courtyard in the snow. White houses.

Came to visit us ... (Winter)

slide 1

Leading: - Two teams will take part in our quiz. (Introduction of teams and jury)

So, are the teams ready to compete? Begin!

slide 2

1 task: "Signs of Winter"

Select only signs of winter:

(icicles, leaf fall, frost, thunderstorm, snow, rain, hoarfrost, hail)

And what signs of winter do we observe in our Kuban?

Task 2: "Name the winter months"

- Choose only winter months from the given names:

(November, February, August, December, March, September, January, July)

Game "Baba Yaga"

3 task: "Proverbs"

slide 3

The names of which winter months are missing in these proverbs:

... a month of snowfalls, evil blizzards and the first warm sun. (February)

... the year ends, the winter begins. (December)

... the beginning of the year, the middle of winter. (January)

Arrange the names of the winter months in the order they occur in nature.


Children, children and adults love winter very much. Can you tell me why?

slide 4

Fizminutka: "Winter fun"

1. Skiing.

2. Snowball fight.

3. We make a snowman.


The snowman was blinded to fame:

For all the children to enjoy, for their own fun.

Played in the snow, rolled in the snow,

Skiing and laughing out loud.


Guys, but with the advent of winter, not everyone has fun. Who do you think is difficult in winter? Why do you think so? Can we, people, somehow help "our smaller brothers"? (children's answers)

slide 5


Feed the birds in winter
So that from all over

They flocked to you like home
Stakes on the porch.

Their food is not rich
One handful is needed.
One handful - and not terrible

They will have winter.

4 task: Wintering birds "

Choose from the given names of birds only those that stay with us for the winter:

(starling, bullfinch, swallow, magpie, rook, dove, swift, crow, woodpecker, sparrow)

Leading: -Guys, do you think all animals hibernate in winter? ( Children's answers ). But who else can be found in the winter in a forest clearing, we will find out by guessing riddles.

The game "Who will collect the most balls"

5 task : Riddles competition "Forest dwellers"

slide 6

* We recognize the animal with you

According to two such signs:

He is in a fur coat in a gray winter,

And in a red coat - in the summer. (Squirrel)

* Cunning cheat,

Red head.

Fluffy tail - beauty!

And her name is ... (Fox)

* Hook-nosed, long-legged,

Branchy giant.

Eats grass, shoots of bushes,

It's hard to compete with him on the run.

When this happened

Meet, know, this is ... (Moose)

*Drops gray coat

Wear white for winter.

Jump - and behind the lawn,

Hid from the wolf ... (Bunny)

* Who is the gray robber in the forest?

Who clicks and clicks with his teeth?

Of course you guessed it:

This is furious, scary ... (Wolf)

* The owner of the forest, wakes up in the spring,

And in winter under a blizzard howl

Sleeping in a snow hut. (Bear)

Guys, not everyone has such a terrible winter. As we have already said, children and adults love winter very much. They also love winter because in winter we celebrate many fun and joyful holidays.

Slide 7

6 task: - Name the winter holidays.

(New Year, Christmas, Christmas time, Kolyada)

Slide 8

Leading: - At all times, in all countries, artists, photographers, musicians, writers, poets in their works of art, tried to convey the unique beauty of winter, its enchanting magic.

Guys, what do you think the artists do to show us all the beauty of the Russian winter? (children's answers)

And what do composers do for this?

How do photographers depict winter?

What do writers do? Remember what stories about winter you

Have you read?

And now, let's listen to how poets describe winter in their


7 task: Winter poetry competition.

8 task: Crossword "Winter-winter".

1. They are knitted, embroidered on clothes. (Patterns)

2. In the sky she flew like an asterisk,

It became a drop on the palm. (Snowflake)

3. Cold treat. (Ice cream)

4. Neither drive nor pass -

Pile of snow on the way. (Snowdrift)

5. Warm, fluffy frost protection. (Fur coat)

6. Grows in winter, not summer

And top to bottom at the same time. (Icicle)

7. What a beauty,

It stands, shining brightly,

How beautifully trimmed...

Tell me who is she? (Christmas tree)

8. Christmas decoration on the top of the Christmas tree. (Star)

9. And not snow, and not ice,

And he will remove the trees with silver. (Frost)

10. What kind of master did this on the glass

And leaves, and herbs, and thickets of roses? (Freezing)

11. The sleigh rides from her. (Slide)

Task 9: "Patters"

* Egor played with Igor -

Rolled down the hill somersault.

* Lucky on the hill Sanya

Sleigh behind you.

I rode from the hill Sanya

And on Sanya the sled.

* Bought for Yegorka

Slides for slides,

All winter, Yegorka,

Ride on the hill.


And in conclusion, I suggest you play the game “What do we do in winter?”

What do we do in winter
Give, my friend, you answer me.
Listen carefully,
Answering “yes” or “no”.
Do we play snowballs with friends?
We collect mushrooms in the forest ourselves?
Are we sledding down the hill?
Do we swim in the village on the river?
Are we skiing through the woods?
How many flowers do we find?
Are we digging beds in our garden?
And we dance with Santa Claus?

Well, well done, friends!


Winter quiz for elementary grades, grades 3-4

Part 1

1. Why are second frames inserted for the winter? (Approximate answer. The second frames are inserted to protect the room from rapid cooling. The still air enclosed between the two frames is a poor conductor of heat.)

2. Why does loose snow keep the soil from freezing better than packed snow? (Approximate answer. Snow is porous: there is a lot of air between the snowflakes and even inside them, which, we repeat, is a poor conductor of heat. The air contained in the snow retains the heat radiated by the earth into the atmosphere. Compacted snow contains less air and therefore retains heat worse. )

3. Why does the water in rivers and lakes not freeze to the bottom? (Approximate answer. Reservoirs do not freeze to the bottom because ice is lighter than water. Cooled layers of water freeze on the surface with a crust of ice, and then ice and snow on it protect the water from freezing. If ice were heavier than water, it would sink to the bottom and the water would freeze solid.)

4. Why do frost patterns appear on the inside of window panes in winter? (Approximate answer. In winter, the air near the window panes is very cold, and part of the water vapor from it settles on the cold glass in the form of ice crystals. At the corners of these crystals, “horns” form, which begin to branch and grow. Then the crystals combine with each other and form on glasses the most bizarre patterns.)

5. Why does a pedestrian, walking in deep snow, fall through, but not a skier? [Exemplary answer. The area of ​​the soles of the pedestrian, on which the weight of the body is distributed, is small, which is why they push through the snow. And the weight of the skier is distributed along the entire length of the skis, the pressure at each point is much less.)

6. Why do skates slide on ice? (Approximate answer. Standing on skates, the skater presses with the weight of his body on a very small area of ​​ice. Under great pressure, the ice melts, a thin layer of water forms between the runners of the skates and the ice, on which the skates slide.)

7. If in frost you open the door from the street to a hotly heated room, then steam begins to swirl at the threshold. How is it formed? (An exemplary answer. Bursting from outside into open door cold air, in contact with the warm air of the room, cools it. In this case, part of the water vapor contained in the warm air condenses into water mist - steam.)

8. Why does the air temperature tend to rise during snowfall? (Example answer. The air temperature rises during a snowfall, because when snow forms, heat is released from droplets of water or water vapor.)

9. Why sand pavements in winter? (An approximate answer. Sidewalks are sprinkled with sand so that the friction force is greater and pedestrians do not fall.)

10. Why does it still blow a little bit even from a carefully smeared and sealed window in winter? (Approximate answer. Of course, it doesn’t blow from the street. Everything is explained by air circulation. Cooled air at the window “flows” down, displacing warm air, then it heats up itself, is displaced by colder air ...)

11. How does wet laundry dry in the cold? (Approximate answer. Water in wet linen turns into tiny crystals in the cold, which gradually disappear.)

12. Is it true that with a cloudless sky, frosts are stronger? (An approximate answer. True. Clouds are like a blanket for the Earth, they do not allow it to cool down.)

13. Why do people try to make winter clothes from fur or wool? (An approximate answer. Fur and wool are poor conductors of heat, so they best protect the body from the cold (from heat loss).) Snowballs are a favorite pastime for children. While playing snowballs, the guys learn accuracy; it requires strength, dexterity, and courage. You can build a fortress, make a slide, a snowman. In general, winter holidays can be made so interesting that you will look forward to the next ones.

Part 2

Run along the path

Boards and legs. (Skis.)

One man

He rides two horses at once. (Skier.)

All summer stood

Winters were expected.

Waited for the pores -

Rushed down the mountain. (Sled.)

Rushing like a bullet, I'm ahead

Only the ice creaks

And the lights flicker.

What carries me? (Skates.)

I can't feel my legs for joy,

I'm flying down the snowy hill.

The sport became dearer and closer to me.

Who helped me with this? (Skis.)

Ran - noisy

She fell asleep - she shone.

What is this? (River in summer and winter.)

The forest has grown

All white

Do not enter on foot

Do not ride a horse. (Frost pattern on the window.)

Flying - silent

Lying silent

When he dies

Then roar. (Snow.)

In the new wall

In the round window

During the day the glass is broken.

Inserted overnight. (Hole.)

Warm in winter

Smoldering in the spring

Dies in summer

Comes alive in autumn. (Ice.)

Troika, Troika has arrived,

The horses in that trio are white,

And in the sleigh sits the queen -

Belokosa, white-faced,

How she waved her sleeve -

All covered with silver. (Winter months.)

A white star fell from the sky.

It fell on my palm - and disappeared. (Snowflake.)

Grabbed by the cheeks, the tip of the nose,

Painted the windows all without asking.

But who is it? Here is the question!

All this makes ... (frost).

Barely breathed in winter

They are always with you.

Warm two sisters

Their name is ... (mittens).

On the one hand, the forest

On the other hand, the field (Fur coat.)



Materials and equipment: pictures on the topic "Winter", pictures with images of birds and animals, easels with sheets of paper, felt-tip pens, kerchiefs (according to elm ki for blindfolding), sticks, pucks, skittles, medals for rewarding.

The quiz is conducted by the teacher and psychologist in the image of "Zimushki-Zima".

quiz evaluates the jury - from the teaching staff of the kindergarten.Each member of the jury receives an evaluation sheet.



Quiz "Zimushka-winter"

Target: Summarize children's knowledge about winter.

Tasks: create a happy mood

enrich lexicon on the topic "Winter",

educate the ability to act in a team, a sense of collectivism.

Materials and equipment:pictures on the theme "Winter", pictures with images of birds and animals, easels with sheets of paper, felt-tip pens, scarves (bandages for blindfolding), clubs, pucks, skittles, medals for rewarding.

Two teams of 6 children each participate in the quiz.

The quiz is conducted by a teacher and a psychologist in the form of "Zimushki-Zima".

The quiz is evaluated by the jury - from the teaching staff of the kindergarten. Each member of the jury receives an evaluation sheet.

The hall is decorated with drawings of children, applications on winter theme.

Quiz progress:

The teacher welcomes the children, guests and the jury.

Educator: “Today we have a thematic quiz. And you will know the topic when you guess the riddle-poem.

The child reads a poem.

Comes in a white coat

Beauty winter

Becomes queen

Fringe on the hat.

Decorated with snowflakes

Sparkling Outfit

She will wave her handkerchief -

Snowflakes will fly.

Children guess: "Winter!".

The appearance of the character "Zimushka-Zima". Her greetings to the children.

Zimushka-Zima invites the children to randomly pull out cards with the names of two teams “Snowflakes” and “Snowmen” from the basket (whoever pulls out which card will be a member of this team).

Zimushka-Zima announces the start of the quiz. For each contest won, Zimushka-Zima gives the team a “winning ball”.


  1. Competition "Do you know winter?"

The teacher asks questions about the winter in turn to each team (6 questions each). The team that answers to large quantity questions.

Sample questions:

a) What are the winter months? (December January February)

b) What are the winter holidays? (New Year, Christmas, Defender of the Fatherland Day, baptism)

a) What is the most famous New Year's dance song? (The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree…)

b) Which tree is the symbol of the New Year? (spruce)

a) What is the first month of the year? (January)

b) The shortest winter month? (February)

a) What does a bear do in winter? (asleep)

b) Which forest dweller dries mushrooms on a tree for the winter? (squirrel)

a) Who has a carrot instead of a nose? (at the snowman)

b) What is the name of Grandfather Frost's granddaughter? (Snow Maiden)

a) What do you knowwinter fun? (snowballs, skis, skates and sleds)

b) Who draws winter patterns on the window? (freezing)

2) "Name the bird"

Host: In autumn, migratory birds flew south, and we still have wintering ones, the task for the teams is to choose wintering birds in the picture and place them on a branch.

With the fans, while the players choose the birds, the game "Tell the word" is played.

3) Physical education "Funny hockey players"

Sports competition. Each team has a set of pins in front of them. A child with a stick in hand must move the puck past the pins, after which he returns to the team, passes the stick to the next player.

4) "Puzzles"

Task: it is necessary to put together a puzzle of 8 parts on the topic "Winter sports". Each team performs a task at a separate table.

5) "Riddles"

Leading: The most pleasant and easy task is guessing riddles. The support group can help their team.

1. The cold has come,

Water turned to ice

Long-eared hare gray

Turned into a white bunny.

Who's to say, who knows

When does it happen? (winter)

2. Who whitens the glades with white.

And writes with chalk on the backs.

sews downy feather beds,

Did you decorate all the windows? (winter)

3. Who, guess, the gray-haired mistress?

Will shake the feathers - over the world of fluff? (winter-winter)

4. I was not raised

Blinded from the snow.

Instead of a nose deftly

Put in carrots.

Eyes - corners,

Hands are bitches.

cold, big

Who am I? (snow woman)

5. I ride it until the evening,

But my lazy horse carries only from the mountain.

And I always go up the hill on foot,

And I drive my horse by the rope (sleigh)

6. Wooden horses

Running through the snow

And they don't fall into the snow (skis)

7. I have two horses, two horses,

On the ice they carry me

And the ice is hard, stone (skates)

8. Who buzzes in the pipe in winter? (wind)

9. As across the sky from the north

A gray swan swam.

The swan swam full,

Down threw - poured

In the fields, lakes

White fluff and feathers (snow cloud)

10. It froze yesterday

Mosquito flew.

And from this mosquito

Yards became white (snow).

6) "Young artists"

Opposite each team set up an easel with a sheet of paper. Children are blindfolded and handed markers. Task: each team must draw a snowman. One by one, the children approach the easel. Each child draws a certain part of the snowman: 1st - bottom ball, 2nd - middle ball, 3rd - top ball, 4th - bucket on the head, 5th - broom, 6th - carrot (and eyes , mouth). After the end of the work, the children take off the bandages and, together with the jury, cheerfully evaluate their work.


The jury announces the results. Medals are awarded to the players of the winning team. Regardless of the results, all participants receive sweet prizes.

Nadezhda Korosteleva
Quiz for older kids preschool age"Zimushka-Winter"

Quiz for preschool children« Zimushka-Winter»

Target: a generalization of ideas about winter.


generalize and systematize ideas children O characteristics winter, winter entertainment;

expand and activate vocabulary on the lexical topic Winter";

develop ingenuity and ingenuity children, their erudition;

develop the ability to work in a team, make a collective decision;

bring up cognitive interest, a sense of camaraderie, respect for partners and opponents in the game.

Equipment: pictures depicting snowmen and snowflakes for the draw, two trees, snowflakes - points; pictures depicting migratory and wintering birds, presentation "Name the story"; soundtrack for the game "The deer has a big house"; details of a snowman made of cardboard in duplicate; prizes to be awarded children(chocolate medals).

Leading. Hello guys! I invite you to participate in an interesting quiz. What will the assignments be about? Guess.

She came so snowy.

Covered in white clothes

Forests, fields, houses and streets.

She is a diligent artist

Everything will be painted into the kingdom of snow,

Will hang lace from frost,

So fabulously beautiful...

What is it about? (about winter)

Leading. Now we will be divided into teams. Each of you takes out a small piece of paper from this magic bag, on which the command symbol is drawn: Snowman or snowflake. Children who have a drawing with a snowman in their hands sit on the chairs to my left, children whose drawings have snowflakes sit on the right ...

So, we have 2 teams: "Snowmen" And "Snowflakes". For each correctly completed task, the team receives a snowflake and can decorate their winter tree with it. The team that earns the most snowflakes wins.

And now the teams must choose their captains.

1 round: Captains warm-up “Who will name more "winter" words"

The captains take turns saying words related to the topic. "Winter". The last person to answer wins a snowflake.

2 round: Riddles for teams.

Each team is asked a question or riddle on a winter theme. If the team cannot answer, the word is passed to the opponents. The one with the most correct answers wins. Answers-shouts without a conditional signal are not counted.

The most important grandfather new year holiday. (Freezing)

Santa's Gift Box. (Bag)

Granddaughter of Santa Claus. (Snow Maiden)

Why winter is coming (for autumn)

What month according to folk wisdom, "The year ends, and winter begins» ?

What month according to folk proverb, "the beginning of the year, and the middle of winter"?

How does a hedgehog look like a bear in winter?

What is popularly called "white flies"?

What are the names of the birds that stayed with us for the winter? (wintering)

Who is cold in winter, wandering angry, hungry? (wolf).

Fast little animal, hopping through the trees, hopping. (squirrel)

Guess what kind of bird, afraid of white light

Crochet beak, piglet eyes

Eared head, what's her name? (owl)

Walking in summer, resting in winter (bear)

He walks through the forest, wears a tree on his head (elk)

Look at what, everything burns like gold

He walks in an expensive fur coat, his tail is fluffy and big

On the evasions of a craftswoman, what is her name? (fox)

3 round: A game "Flight and wintering birds» .

Leading: We know that in winter all the birds stay with us, some have flown to warmer climes. What do we call them? (migratory) What are the names of the ones that are left? (wintering) I suggest checking how you know migratory and wintering birds.

One team selects pictures depicting migratory birds and attaches them on a magnetic board under the sun, and the other team selects pictures depicting wintering birds and arranges under a snowflake. Players come to the table with pictures in turn.

Dynamic pause "The deer has a big house"

The deer has a big house

He looks out his window

The hare ran across the field knocked on the door:

"Knock, knock, open the door,

there, in the forest, an evil hunter "

"Hare, hare, come in,

Give me a paw"

It is carried out 3-4 times with an accelerating pace.

4 round: "Winter Tales"

Leading. You all love fairy tales. My next task is: name the fairy tales that mention winter and winter events nature. And to make it easier for you to remember such tales, we look at the screen. Do not forget that the teams answer in turn.

Children must name fairy tales:

"The Snow Queen"

"Fox and Hare"

"Wolf and Fox"

"Winter hut of animals"

"Snow Maiden"

"Grey neck"

"Snowman Postman"

"Twelve months"


5 round: A game "Make a Snowman"

Leading. And now we will check how friendly and attentive you are. The next task can be performed only by the whole friendly team at once. To the music, you go to roll imaginary clods of snow. On command "One, two, three - make a snowman!", each of the participants finds one of the details and connects it into a common figure. Who is faster and friendlier. Please note - snowballs of two colors: pink for the team "Snowflakes" and blue for the team "Snowmen".

6 round: "What do I do in winter?"

Leading: Winter is the time for fun outdoor games and you know a lot of winter fun. I suggest that the teams take turns showing each other actions - winter fun, but without words. One team shows the movements, and the other guesses. Then they change.

For each correct answer, the team receives a snowflake.


Leading: So my assignments are over. And your winter trees are decorated with carved snowflakes. Let's count the snowflakes on the trees and find out which team was more attentive and quick-witted today. We congratulate the winning team!

I want to reward everyone with sweet prizes!

Related publications:

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Synopsis of GCD on music in the group of senior preschool age "Zimushka - winter" PURPOSE: To create conditions for fostering a feeling of love for music about nature. Problem: How composers, poets, artists talk about winter.

Synopsis of the open developmental lesson "Zimushka-winter" for primary preschool age. Abstract open class for preschool age. Theme: "Winter-winter". Prepared by the teacher-psychologist Chernova Maria Alekseevna.

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"Winter" QUIZ

All children are drawn and divided into 3 teams + spectators. Teams sit at tables.

  1. Application "Snowman".

While the teams complete the task, we play with the audience.

Here comes some grandfather

He is dressed in a warm coat.

On his shoulder is a bag

There is snow in his beard.

(Father Frost)

Santa Claus is standing by the Christmas tree

Hiding a laugh in his beard.

Don't torment us too long

Untie it soon ... (bag)

She is dressed in silver with pearls -

Magic granddaughter, magic grandfather.

(Snow Maiden)

I come with gifts

I shine with bright lights,

smart, funny,

On New Year's Eve, I'm the main one.

(Christmas tree)

I shoot like a gun

My name is ... (clapperboard)

In January,

For an important holiday

It is raining

Color, paper.


I flung open the doors,

I look into the garden, I can’t believe my eyes.

Hey! Look, miracles!

The heavens have fallen!

There was a cloud above us

It turned out to be underfoot.


Who draws on the ground

Winter pictures?

Falling from the sky, spinning,

White ... (snowflakes).

Oh soft pillow

Don't take it under your ear!


The man is not simple

Appears in winter

And disappears in the spring

Because it melts quickly.


The jury writes down the guessers. The teams are done. The jury evaluates the most accurate application at 3 points.

  1. Who will list more New Year's characters.

New Year, New year's night, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, snowman, snowflake, snowman, New Year's cracker, Christmas tree, symbol of the year, animals. The jury evaluates 1 point for each character.

  1. Draw a snowflake with your eyes closed.
  2. Crossword "Winter".
  1. In a new wall, in a round window, glass is broken during the day,

And inserted overnight. (hole)

  1. The old man at the gate, warmly dragged away,

He does not run himself, and does not order to stand. (freezing)

  1. When winter is cold and cold,

Both the pond and the puddle are covered with it. (Ice)

  1. The beginning of the year, the middle of winter. (January)
  2. Winter begins, year ends. (December)
  3. From the sky - a star,

In the palm of your hand - water. (snowflake)

  1. With a broom in hand

With a bucket on my head

I'm standing in the yard in winter. (Snowman).

The jury gives one point for each guessed word.

While the teams are solving a crossword puzzle with the audience, we are playing, reciting poems.

  1. Anagram words.

1 team. LTEEM, VARYAN, KAHPULOSH, TAKKO, KILZHNY. (blizzard, January, cracker, ice rink, skier)

2 team. GYUVA, DIAKEBR, RVERFEKE, KYINKO, FUTGSIRI. (blizzard, December, fireworks, skates, figure skater)

3 team. POGNESDA, VRLAEF, LTYUAS, BORNODUS, KASIN. (snowfall, February, fireworks, snowboard, sled)
