Folk signs of winter for schoolchildren. Ah, Mother Winter

From time immemorial in Rus', winter has been known for its frosts, blizzards and snow drifts. The peculiarities of the weather, dictating the impossibility of working in the field and in the garden, forced our ancestors to move the front of worries towards their home. In winter, as a rule, they were engaged in household chores and crafts. Meanwhile, the winter folk calendar did not at all impoverish with its signs and superstitions.

The experience of natural observations is passed from generation to generation, forming a wide range of winter signs. Many centuries ago, our ancestors noticed that snowy winter eventually leads to a rainy summer. If the winter is rich in frosts, then the summer will be hot. There was frost at night and early in the morning - snow would not fall during the day.

December is the first month of winter, the last month of the year. In the people it is called frowning or jelly. If in December snow fell and remained in thick snowdrifts, frost formed on the trees, then next year there will be a good harvest. If the snow in December falls close to the fence - wait for a bad summer, but if there is a gap, then the summer promises to be fruitful. The north December wind promises big frosts.

December 1- According to the folk calendar, Roman and Plato. What Roman and Plato turned out to be, such will be the winter. If a crow walks on Roman along the road, there will be warming.

December 2nd- Varlaam. If clouds float on Varlaam against the wind that develops snow on the ground, or the sky turns pink in the evening, it means snowfall. If firewood crackles in the oven, it means that it will be frost.

December 3- Prokl. Since ancient times, on Proclus, our ancestors had a custom to curse all insidious evil spirits. If it started to snow on Prokla, then there will be heavy rain on Elena-Lenosevka (June 3).

December 4- Introduction to the Temple Holy Mother of God. If a hardened winter with frosts and snows comes to the Introduction, there will be a rich harvest of bread in the summer. Our ancestors noticed that if snow falls before the Introduction, it will surely melt this winter. The peasants on the Introduction went on trial rides in sledges.

5th of December- according to the folk calendar, Prokopov's day. Prokop came to the yard - he stirred up a snowdrift, he was walking in the snow - he was digging a path. Our great-grandfathers believed that a good sledge track was being established from Prokop.

December 6- Egory is cold. Yegory is the protector of livestock, the master of gray wolves. If on this day it is snowing from the north and the wind is blowing, then on June 6 the wind will come from the north, and it will bring rain with it.

December 7- Katherine's day, a holiday of a girl's fate. Katerina the sannitsa is the patroness of brides and marriage. On this day, people rode sledges and celebrated winter festivities. If the weather is clear on Katerina, the winter will be frosty.

December 8- according to the folk calendar, Kliment's day. On this day, they say, winter knocks out a wedge with a wedge. Any serious business on this day is allowed to start only on an empty stomach.

9th December- St. George's day. It was believed that on St. George's Day in the den, the bear falls asleep, and the wolves begin to roam the villages. If you do not repay the debt before St. George's Day, then you can remain a debtor for life. If on this day the water in the well is quiet, the winter will be warm, if it is noisy, there will be severe frosts, and prickly blizzards.

December 10- Novel. According to folk beliefs, the fish hides in pits for the winter, and only one burbot goes to spawn that day.

December 11th- Saints Day: Stefan, Basil and Gregory. The snow that fell that day at night will lie for a long time, and the snow of the day will quickly melt. Blizzard on Stefan - to a fine summer.

12 December- Paramon. If it snows on this day, then the blizzards will last until Nikolai himself (December 19). If there is a fine morning on Paramon, then the whole month will be clear; and if there is a blizzard and snow, there will be inclement weather for a whole week. If snow has not yet fallen on Paramon, then the whole winter will be warm.

December 13th- Day of St. Andrew the First-Called. On this day, young girls pray to Andrey for good suitors.

December 14- Naum-literate. Grandfather Naum, will lead you to mind! According to custom, on this day, parents begin to teach their children to read and write.

December 15- Habakkuk. If the branches of the fir trees on Avvakum are bent, expect a blizzard, and if they level out, there will be clear weather.

December 16- John the Silent. On John the Silent, our ancestors advised us to hold our tongue, not to get involved in quarrels and disputes. Who is silent on this day, he will be eloquent all year.

December 17- Barbarian day. This day has always been famous for its frosts. People say: Baruch is coming - take care of your nose and ear! Girls on Varvarin's day cut branches from cherries and put them in water; if they bloomed around Christmas - the girl should expect an early marriage.

December 18- Savva. On this day, they watch how the smoke rises from the chimney. If the smoke rushes into the sky in a column - to frosty and sunny weather, if the smoke drags along - it will be bad weather, and when the smoke goes along the ground in calm weather - expect a thaw or snowfall.

December 19th- Nicholas the Wonderworker (Nikola winter). Nikola will drive a horse into the yard with cold in the winter, and fatten the summer grass with grass. It's time for Nikolsky frosts. Nicholas is the patron of livestock and agriculture, the owner of all earthly waters. Among the people, he was especially festively greeted, because after God he was the first intercessor on earth. Winter Nicholas is revered as the protector of all the poor and unfortunate. On this day, the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker enjoys special respect among believers.

December 22- according to the folk calendar Anna. On Anna - the sun was born, the day of the winter solstice. What is the weather like for Anna, it will be like this until spring. Anna gives rise to astronomical winter.

December 25- Day of Spiridon-turn. Spiridon turns the sun for the summer, and strengthens the winter with frost. Peasants feed chickens with buckwheat from the right sleeve so that they start laying earlier.

December 26- Eugene. The people have a belief that if from that day to note the weather for twelve days before Christmas, then each of them will show the weather of each of the months of the next year, respectively.

December 29th- Haggai. Prophet Haggai exposes the weather at Christmas time. If the trees on Haggai are covered with frost, then Christmas time will delight you with warmth. If there is bitter frost on this day, then it will linger until Epiphany itself (January 19).

December 30th- according to the folk calendar, Daniel the winter indicator. Frost on the trees on this day is a sign of a thaw at Christmas (January 7).

31th of December- Modest. Modest is the patron saint of cattle. This day has long been celebrated by men with meat and beer.


I am January - the beginning of the year, the turning point of winter. This month is known for its frosts and snowfalls. If January turned out to be cold, then July will be hot and dry. If in January there are many snowstorms and snowfalls, then in July there will be a lot of rain. A large number of frequent and long icicles hang from the roofs in January - the harvest will be good.

1st of January- Civil New Year. It is believed that if you overdo it in new year's eve in drinking - the whole year will go awry. Hear the old days on this day domestic cricket- expect happiness all year. If New Year's Eve is starless and moonless, then lentils and peas will not be born well, therefore it is advised in this case to sow them a little or not to sow at all.

January 3- according to the folk calendar, Peter is half the feed. The peasants' cattle had to eat half of the feed by that day.

4 January- Anastasia according to the folk calendar. Anastasia patronizes all pregnant women. People prayed to her during childbirth.

5 January- Fedul. If the wind rose on Fedul - to a good harvest. According to ancient beliefs, on this day our ancestors cast out evil spirits from animals and people.

6th January- Christmas Eve. You can start the holiday after the first star lights up in the evening - this means that Jesus Christ has come into the world.

Jan. 7- Nativity. Christmas is a bright and joyful holiday. On the night of January 6-7, in the old days, carolers began to go from house to house, sing songs and dance - people in wonderful costumes and masks. Dark and gloomy night - there will be dairy cows, light and starry - hens are socks. At Christmas, there is such a superstition: do not wear a clean shirt, otherwise a crop failure will happen. From Christmas until Epiphany (January 19), holy evenings continue - Christmas time. Young people play cards, guess and have fun. In the old days, it was not recommended to work at Christmas time, especially sewing, otherwise sick children would be born.

January 8- Babi porridge. Our ancestors on this day celebrated the feast of cereals, visited the midwife. Those whom she received treated her to porridge. Crows and jackdaws are constantly screaming - to a blizzard and snowfall. If a tit squeaks in the morning, frost will strike at night.

January 9- Stefan. On this day, aspen stakes were placed in all corners of the yard so that the witches could not approach the house.

January 11- according to the folk calendar, a terrible day. On this day, they make riddles for children and tell fairy tales for the night. Since ancient times, the Terrible Day was considered very successful for divination.

January 12- Anisya. On this day, geese and pigs were slaughtered for Vasiliev Day (January 14). It was believed that evil spirits wake up on Anisya, and you need to protect yourself from it.

13th of January- Malania. Vasiliev evening. Generous evening. If Vasily's night is starry, in the summer it will give birth to many berries. Our ancestors believed that on the night of Vasily, witches steal a month. Girls this evening usually wonder about their marriage.

January 14- Vasiliev day. Snow fell on Vasily's Day - a sign of a good harvest. According to the custom, on Vasiliev Day they baked cookies in the form of domestic animals and birds.

January 15- according to the folk calendar, Sylvester. Chicken feast. Peasants fumigate their chicken coops and clean them. On this day, according to legend, brownie chickens offend, so that this does not happen, an old torn bast shoe is usually thrown over the perch. If a chicken stands on one leg on Sylvester - to the cold.

January 16- Proud. You can’t brag about Gordey, otherwise he will take everything away. Pride was considered a mortal sin. It was believed that the healer only on Gordey could cure the insane.

January 17- Feoktistov day. On this day, holy water is sprinkled in the house, and women dilute chalk or flour with it and draw crosses on the doors so that the evil spirits weaken. If the sky is clear on Feoktist and the full moon is shining, there will be a strong flood.

January 18- Epiphany evening. On this day, kutya is cooked, and at midnight on Epiphany, according to tradition, they went to the river to get water. There is a belief that at this hour the water sways, even the bowl of water itself moves. If on this day it snows in the morning, the early buckwheat will spoil, and if it starts in the evening, it will be late. There is also a belief that if fresh snow is thrown into the well on this day, the water in it will not deteriorate and will not dry out all year.

January 19- Epiphany. Epiphany frosts. Good and clear weather on Epiphany predicts a drought in the summer, snowy and cloudy - a bountiful harvest.

January 20th- John the Baptist. On John the Baptist, bread and salt were taken out of the house, which had been stored since Christmas and fed to domestic animals. If on this day the fog over the water has risen, there will be a lot of bread.

January 21- Emelyans-winterers. It was believed that Emelyan points to the summer. If the south wind blows, it will be summer with thunderstorms, and if the east wind - with abundant hail.

January 22- Peter and Philip. If you believe folk omens, the sunny weather of this day promises a different harvest in the summer.

January 23- According to the folk calendar, the Day of Gregory the Summer Marker. Frost will fall on the stacks - by a rainy summer.

January 24- Fedosey-spring. It has long been believed that it is warm on Fedosey - by early spring. If it is frosty that day, you will sow the fields late.

The 25th of January- Tatyana's Day. If the sun came out on Tatyana's day, the birds will fly early; if it snows - to a wet summer.

January 26- Ermilov day. If the cat rolls on the floor - to heat; if curled up in a ball - to frost; if it scratches the floor with its claws - to a blizzard.

January 27- Ninin's day. It has long been believed that people born on this day have a special gift for healing others.

January 29- Peter Veriga. On this day, the peasants checked the amount of leftover feed.

January 30- According to the folk calendar, Anton the winterer. Anton-perezimnik, warms, reassures and then deceives - with a sharp frost the whole earth will be pulled together.

January 31- Athanasius and Cyril. Severe Afanasiev frosts. If there is a snowstorm and a blizzard on Athanasius, the spring will be late. If the sun comes out at noon, spring will come earlier.


February is the last month of winter. In the people it is called bokogrey. February is full of blizzards and severe frost. Rainy February - to rainy spring and summer, bucket - to drought. If February turned out to be dry and cold, then August will be hot.

1st of February- according to the folk calendar Makariev day. Sunny weather on this day promises an early arrival of spring.

February 3rd- Maxim the Confessor. It has long been believed that the weather of this particular day determines the fate of the crop. If the moon rises because of a cloud, there will be a lot of life in the bins, and if the sky is clear, grain crops will give birth poorly. A clear dawn predicts the onset of cold weather.

February 4- Timothy-half-winter. The severe frosts that occur on this day are popularly called Timofeevsky. If window frames sweat on Timofey, there will be warming.

February 5th— Clement. Traditional day of household chores. If in the morning the tit cries - to frost.
February 6- according to the folk calendar, the Day of Aksinya the half-bakery. If the weather is good on Aksinya, then the spring will be the same. On this day, people wondered about the prices of the new crop.
February 7- Gregory the Theologian. What is Gregory the Theologian, such will be the next winter.

February 9th- John Chrysostom. If the clouds float low on John, expect an early cold weather, and if they go against the wind, expect a snowfall.

February 10- Efremov's day. Our ancestors believe that on the night of Ephraim, the brownie amuses himself in the yards, so they put porridge on the stump for him.

11 February- Lawrence. According to old beliefs, this is an unfortunate day. On this day, witches trample the fields. Therefore, it was advised to stick thistles in the corners of the field to scare them away.

February 13- according to the folk calendar, Vasily is warm. If on this day the sun is in circles, then there will be a rich harvest.

The 14th of February- Trifonov day. On this day, our ancestors conjured mice so that they would not be naughty and would not carry stacks of bread.

February, 15- Presentation. A snowstorm on this day indicates a late and cold spring. As water drips from the roofs on the Candlemas, so honey will drip from the hives. A calm and clear day predicts a good harvest and a lot of honey.

February 16- Simeon the God-bearer. Our ancestors believed that on the night of Simeon, the brownie rides horses.

February 17- St. Nicholas Day. There are often frosts and snowfalls on Nikolai Studenogo.

18th of Febuary- According to the calendar, the Day of Agafya the Cow. It has long been believed that it is on this day that cow death walks through villages and villages, and mother Agafya protects cows from her.

February 19- Day of Vukola-calf. On Vukola, the time of spring cow calving began. If a dog lies on the snow on Vukola, it means that heat will come soon.

February 21- Zechariah the sickle-seer. From this day on, according to the old fishermen, the fish stop biting. The colder last days February, the warmer it will be in March.

February 22- according to the folk calendar, Nikifor-Pankrats. Our ancestors wove bast shoes for Nikifor.

February 23- Day of Prokhor and Kharlampy. An old holiday of working cattle. On Prokhor, cattle were especially taken care of, the water was blessed and the animals were sprinkled with it.

24 February- Vlas'ev day. Winter is coming to an end. If there is a thaw in Vlas, then the frosts will not return.

February 26- Stepan. It has long been believed that if you call the stars on this day, you can improve your eyesight.

28th of February- Day of Onesimus the Sheepdog. The flood on Onesimus predicts a good haymaking. On the night of Onesimus, the shepherds call out to the stars so that the sheep will be well bred.

February 29- according to the folk calendar Kasyan. Appears only on a leap year. It was believed among the people that people born on this day would not become happy in life. According to beliefs, Kasyan is very angry when people rise on this day before the sun and go out of the house to the street.


Happy child 08.01.2018

Dear readers, and again on our blog winter theme. According to folk beliefs, mother winter arrives on earth on a beautiful piebald horse and begins to conjure: to cover the rivers with ice, to cover the fields with snow furs. And if winter is favorable to people, then there is a lot of snow and it covers the earth with a thick layer. So, the harvest will be good.

People every day watched the weather, the behavior of birds and animals. This is how winter signs were created, according to which it was possible to make weather forecasts. Signs were passed down from generation to generation, helping good owners to prepare for the cold and winter without feeling lack of anything.

Previously, not only adults, but also children knew about signs. But even now it is so interesting to observe nature with children. So we become closer to it, and sometimes such knowledge can be useful in practice. Learn more about winter from folk signs with the children, and let the children learn to predict the weather themselves.

Folk signs of winter for preschoolers

To kids kindergarten it will be very interesting to hear about folk signs of mother winter. Her voice is young and sonorous, and her eyes shine clear ice. There is snow in one of its sleeves, frost in the other ...

For kids, winter is a fairy tale about the New Year, outdoor games, fluffy snow and red bunches of mountain ash. But, in addition to these ideas, you can learn a lot of new and interesting things.

Signs of winter, predicting the weather for the next day, are suitable for children who still go to kindergarten.

If during the night frost covered everything around, then during the day it will snow.
A scattering of stars in a clear winter sky portends a hard frost in the afternoon.
Fluffy frost in the morning portends a sunny day.
If the frost weakens in the evening, then you can expect snowfall or rain.
Sunset in the clouds - to the snowfall.
It's getting lighter than usual - towards the snow.
If there was frost at night, don't expect snow during the day.
The day will begin with fog - to be thawed.
Clear skies to frost.
Clouds are moving fast - to good weather.
Firewood in the stove does not flare up well - to a thaw.
Frequent stars - to heat and snow, rare - to bad weather and blizzard.
The north wind blew, but there were no clouds - frost would knock.

The stars are bright - to frost.
Smoke from the chimney in a column - to frost.
If ice cracks on the river, it will be very cold.
A cat on the stove - a cold in the yard.
If the dog is lying around, then it is worth waiting for a blizzard.
Titmouse squeaks in the morning - expect frost at night
If a crow sits on the top of a tree and croaks loudly, then there will be a blizzard.
If the flies in the room flew, then there will be warming.
If the cat in the house gets up on hind legs and begins to scrape the walls, then a blizzard should be expected.
If the dog walks with his tail between his legs - to cold weather.
Birds on the street hide their beak under the wing - to severe cold.
If in winter, entering the hut from the yard, you will strongly inherit - to the thaw (the snow is soft, sticky).
The smoke from the chimney spreads to the ground without wind - to the snow.
The reddish hue of the moon means that the next day the wind will bring warm weather and snow will fall.
The sharp, brightly glowing horns of the moon portend rains, and the steep ones - frosts.
When the trees are covered with frost, wait for warming.
If in the morning a titmouse is heard on the window, then the night will be frosty.
If the clouds go against the wind, expect snow.
If heavy snow falls at night or early in the morning with a light wind, clear, sunny weather will be established during the day.
If the weather changes during the day (it is very cold during the day, and warmer in the evening), then there will be a strong blizzard for several days in a row.

If a crow sits at the top of a tree in the winter at the lodging for the night, in the direction of the wind, then the next day there will be calm weather; when she sits at the bottom of the tree and hides between the branches, then we should expect bad weather at night or on the next day.

Watch the daytime weather with the kids, and in the evening let the kid remember again that he noticed something interesting during the day.

Signs of winter for schoolchildren in grades 2-3

Pupils lower grades already know some winter signs and notice something interesting in the classroom or on a walk with their parents winter nature. And signs for next spring or summer can be written down and checked whether they will correspond to the forecasts.

Winter tips for spring and summer

If strong winds blow at the beginning of winter, then the beginning of spring will be slushy.
Dry and light snow - for a dry summer.
If it is dry and cold in winter, it is dry and hot in summer.
Snowy winter - rainy summer.
If there are blizzards in winter, bad weather in summer.
If frost in winter, dew in summer.
A large frost for the whole winter is a difficult summer for health.
If it's warm in winter, it's cold in summer.
Winter is frosty - summer is hot.
Winter without snow, but with severe frosts portends a dry hot summer.
If at the very beginning of winter it snows, then the beginning of summer will be rainy.
On which day of winter a snowstorm passes, on the corresponding day of summer it will rain.

If the snow covered up close to the fence in the very first month of winter, then the summer will not please you with good weather. If there is a lot of snow, but there is a gap before the fence, then this indicates that the harvest this year will be good.

Winter signs for the weather

Clouds float high - to good weather, low - to bad weather.
The cat on the stove - to the cold; and the cat on the floor is warm.
The pig itches - to heat; squeals - to bad weather; drags straw - to the storm.
Long dry spruce twigs bend to a blizzard, and straighten to good weather.
Hoarfrost on trees - to frost, fog - to thaw.
The oak forest turned black in winter - to a thaw or a storm.
The horns of the moon are sharp and bright - to the bucket, steep - to the frost.
The month is born lying down - to warmth, standing - to frost.
When there is a foggy circle around the sun, this is a blizzard, and if it rolls into a cloud, then there will be a snowstorm.
On a frosty day it snowed - to the thaw. Snow will fall - to warming.
The crow cries at noon - to the heat, to the north - to the cold.
Crows sit on the tops of trees - to the frost (the cold begins to creep down), on the lower branches - to the wind (the upper ones will sway more strongly).

Crows hover in the air - before the snow, if after that they descend and sit on the ground - there will be a thaw, and if they sit on houses and treetops - there will be frost, they will sit on the lower branches of trees - there will be wind.

If in winter time spiders weave their web very actively, run back and forth, fight with each other, hang on new threads, this means that in 9-10 days the cold will come; if the spiders hide, there will be a thaw.

Winter signs of a thaw

The forest is red in winter - to the thaw.
If the air above the forest turns blue, it will be warm.
The forest is noisy in winter - expect a thaw.
The cat sleeps soundly and for a long time - to warmth.
The cuckoo will crow - no more frost to be seen.
Birds whistle cheerfully and loudly early in the morning - for warmth, for spring.
Sparrows chirp together - to the thaw (warmth).
The bullfinch under the window chirps in winter - to the thaw.
Crows and jackdaws sit down at noon with their noses - to heat.
In winter, a horse rides, sleeps on land (on the ground) - they say, to heat.
A dog eats hay from a tub - to heat.
When the windows fog up in frosty weather, warming is expected.
Evening dawns quickly burn out - to the thaw.
Large flakes of snow - to the thaw.
Snow groats are a sign of a near thaw.
Large snowflakes are falling - to the thaw.
In frost, water appears on the ice - a thaw will soon come.
If the snow begins to stick to the trees, then we must wait for the heat.

Signs for a blizzard (blizzard) or storm

If the dog began to wallow in the snow - do not go hunting, a blizzard will catch you on the way.
The cat scratches the floor - to the wind and blizzard.
The chicken stands on one leg - to the cold.
Sparrows hide in brushwood - in the cold or before a snowstorm.
Sparrows scream - to the blizzard.
Magpie climbs under the eaves - to the blizzard.
The crow sits in the morning on the top of the tree and croaks - to the blizzard.
The sun sets into a cloud - to a blizzard.
A foggy circle near the sun - to a snowstorm.
In winter, the sky is clouded - to a snowstorm.
Thunder in winter - to strong winds.
Lightning in winter - to the storm.
Weak hoarfrost and noticeable warming - to the storm.
A circle near the sun or a month in winter portends long snowstorms with frost.
The cat closes its muzzle with its paw - to a blizzard.

Signs of frost and cold

Wolves howl near housing - to frost.
Hares keep near housing - to frost.
The crow hides its beak under the wing - to the cold.
If the windows begin to sweat with double frames - to increased frost.
If the samovar is buzzing - to frost.
Firewood burns with a bang - to frost.
Rapid thaw - long frost.
The sun is in mittens, like a rainbow, like pillars on both sides - to the cold.
In winter, a month up with horns - to frost.
A generous harvest of rowan berries speaks of a frosty coming winter.
The wind in winter blew from the north side - to a big frost.
The crackling of trees in the forest portends long frosts.
If thunder rumbles in winter, hard frosts will soon await.
Red fire in the oven - to frost.
A large number of acorns on oak trees - to be cold in winter.
Chickens perch early, which means it will be frosty, and the higher they climb, the lower the temperature will be.
Indoor birds are silent - the cold will still stand.

Signs for snow and snowfalls

Snow falling before all the leaves fall off portends a fierce winter.
Daytime snow does not lie, and the first reliable snow falls at night.
The first snow falls 40 days before the onset of winter.
If the snow that fell at night remains on the branches of trees, then it will not melt on the ground either.
If the snow creaks a lot under your feet, it will soon get colder.
Snow is falling in large flakes - to bad weather and sputum.
The snow bent the branches - there will be a good harvest.
Clouds against the wind go - to the snow.
The more snow on the fields, the greater the harvest.
In the morning dawn the sun is red - on a blizzard.
Clouds at sunset will tell about the imminent snowfall.

signs of december

Cold and snowy December portends a rich harvest.
If the first snow that fell in December is dense, wet and heavy, then expect rainy weather in the summer, and if it is dry and light, the summer will be dry.
Large icicles portend a good harvest of vegetables in summer and autumn.
If December turned out to be snowy and cold, then the harvest will be good.
Warm weather in December portends a long winter and a belated cold spring.
Strong frost, large snowdrifts, deeply frozen ground promise a good harvest.
If the first month of winter is very wet and cloudy, then summer will be rainy.
Frequent strong winds in December mean that spring will be late. Most likely, in March there will be a lot of rainfall, and April will be cold.

Signs of January

Frosty January is a fruitful year.
Snowy weather for a month with frequent snowfalls and blizzards promises occasional showers in the middle of summer.
In January, many frequent and long icicles hang - the harvest will be good.
Cold Januarys in a row are rarely repeated.
If January is warm, then expect severe cold in March.
If January is cold, July will be dry and hot.
If in January there are frequent snowfalls and snowstorms, then in July there are frequent rains.
Early in January, the woodpecker begins to knock - by early spring.

signs of february

If on the first day of February the sky is dotted with many stars, then the cold will last a long time.
By the weather on February 15, you can judge what spring will be like. If it snows on this day, then spring will be late.
Foggy February suggests that the whole coming year will be rainy.
The heat during the month means that the spring will be cold, even with frosts.
Abundant frost on the trees - to the harvest of honey.
If long icicles hang at the end of the month, then the spring will be long.
Rains in February - to a wet summer, a dry month - to a drought.
The beginning of February is more serene - expect an early spring, more beautiful.
If at the end of the month there is heavy snow that sticks to the surfaces, then it will be warm.
If in February the cries of tits are heard in the morning, then expect frost.

Notes for winter holidays

Many stars on New Year's Eve are a harbinger of a good harvest.
If frost appears at Christmas, this is for the grain year.
When there is a snowstorm at Christmas, it promises that the bees will swarm well.
Clear weather throughout the Christmas week - to a good harvest.
Sunny weather on Tatyana's Day promises an early arrival of birds, and if snow falls, then there will be a lot of rain in summer.
A blizzard on Epiphany - and a blizzard on Easter.
Full ice holes at Epiphany portend a big spill.
A full month during Epiphany also promises a lot of water in the spring.
If snow falls on Epiphany in large flakes, then there will be a fertile year, and a clear day - to crop failure.
When frosts are stronger at Epiphany than at Christmas and Candlemas, then a good harvest, prosperity and well-being are expected.
If Epiphany fell on a full moon, then expect heavy rainfall.

Unusual winter signs

What can cause surprise and admiration in winter? Something unusual, unexpected for winter: a rainbow in the sky, a butterfly that flew into the house or ladybug

Why a rainbow in winter? Signs

A rainbow is not always seen in summer, but in winter it is considered a miracle. In the old days it was considered a good sign see a rainbow in winter. Those who saw her tried to make a wish as soon as possible.

Seeing a rainbow in winter promises good luck and luck for the whole year.
The rainbow in winter is very bright and low, which means you need to prepare for prolonged bad weather.
If a rainbow appeared on a frosty and sunny day, severe frosts were expected.
If a rainbow peeked out from behind the clouds on a cloudy and gloomy day, they were waiting for snowstorms and snow storms.
If red colors predominated in the rainbow that appeared, windy days were expected.

Sign "Butterfly in the house in winter"

A butterfly in winter in our cold climate is strange and unusual. After all, these summer beauties are used to sleeping under the bark of trees or in crevices in winter. wooden houses. And suddenly they fly into the house ...

If the butterfly is white and cream - to replenish in the family.
If the color of the butterfly wings is orange, gold, brown, there will soon be financial profit.
A butterfly flies around the room - you will live in joy and prosperity.
Butterfly sits on the wall - hear from relatives.
If the butterfly sat on the right shoulder, it prophesies a quick meeting, on the left, it warns of enemies and envious people.
A pied beetle sitting on your head portends a pleasant meeting with an old friend or a trip to distant lands.
It is considered a good sign to see three moths sitting side by side at once.

Sign "Ladybug at home in winter"

The people believe that the ladybug is a servant of the Virgin. And the ancient Slavs considered her the messenger of the goddess of the Sun. Therefore, it cannot be not only killed, but even roughly shaken off clothes. You can only slightly push the ladybug with a blade of grass or with your breath so that it flies further.

If the wings of a ladybug yellow color, this promises positive changes and speedy happiness.
An insect with white spots is a harbinger of good news.
A black ladybug with red dots speaks of success in all matters.
A monochromatic bug without spots is itself a newborn, therefore it portends an early replenishment in the family.
A few red cows promise a rich harvest for farmers, and for ordinary people - a good relationship in family.
The appearance of a ladybug in a dwelling speaks of the favorable energy of the apartment: she will never be in a house in which there is a lot of negativity.
If a ladybug crawls in a baby's crib, this indicates that the baby will grow up healthy.
If a cow flew into the house through an open window or door, it is a sign that the lost item will be found quickly enough.

In order for the signs of a ladybug that flew into the house during the cold season to come true, it is necessary to leave it indoors, planting it on an indoor flower.

Sign "Fly in the winter in the apartment"

Few people can say why flies suddenly wake up in winter and fly around the house. And what can their unexpected appearance lead to?

December is the last, twelfth month of the year - a month of cheerful and joyful holidays, but also of severe, severe frosts and deceptive blizzards. In Rus', it used to be called jelly, among the Poles - “gruzday”, and among the Serbs - “wolf month”.
“December ends the year, and opens the real winter.”

General December omens

Large hoarfrost, mounds of snow and deeply frozen ground in December - for the harvest.

In December, the water in the well is quiet - for a good winter, noisy - for frosts, storms and snowstorms.

In December, winter lays white canvases, and frost builds bridges across the rivers.

In December, the frost increases, but the day arrives.

There are usually up to four thaws in December.

In December, there are seven weathers in the yard: blowing, blowing, circling, tearing and sweeping.

At the end of December, the sun for summer, winter for frost begins.

The year ends in December, winter begins.

December is the month when the old grief ends, the new year lays the path with new happiness.

December is the month of big packs of wolves.

December is the month of the first white trails.

December ends the year.

December is snowy and cold - it will be a fertile year.

The December wind from the north portends bitter frosts.

If in December there is a big hoarfrost, mounds of snow, deeply frozen ground - this is for the harvest.

If in December a lot of snow fell, which did not have time to melt, but lies in large snowdrifts, then in coming year expect a good harvest of bread.

If there are frequent winds in December, then in March and April there will be slush in the yard.

If the snow sweeps close to the fence - wait for a cloudy and rainy summer, and if there is a small gap, then the summer promises to be bucketful.

Green sneezes on alder branches sing "tilly-tip" - to frost.

Hoarfrost in December - to the harvest of oats.

We are spruce in the house, and she is with her - a blizzard.

North wind in December - to bitter frosts.

Warm December - to a long winter and late cold spring.

Steady blizzard weather - to a good swarming of bees.

Folk calendar december

December 1 (Day of Plato and Roman). What is the weather on this day, and so it will be all winter.

The people said: "Plato and Roman show winter to us." If you say to the martyrs Plato and Roman: “Plato and Roman, pour it into my pocket,” then money will flow all year long.
Signs December 1

Look at winter from Plato and Roman to praise it on Maslenitsa.

What is the first day of December, such is the winter.

If a mosquito flies around the room on Roman, wait for the thaw.

A crow wanders on Roman along the road - to heat.

December takes everything and gives nothing back.

December 2 (Andrian's name day). If northern birds arrive on this day, then it is worth waiting for early frosts.

Also - Avdey the guardian.

The patron saint of this day was responsible for the economy and peace in the house. In order to prevent any evil spirits from sneaking into the house, it was necessary to take an ax and knock on all the jambs, door and window frames with its butt.

What is the weather on this day - such is the haymaking.

It was believed that from that day a winter sledge track was established, and Saint Proclus was asked to establish it. On Proclus, every evil spirit underground is cursed so that it does not come out.

Evil evil spirits are cursed on Proclus.

What is Proclus, such is June.

Before Proclus, do not expect any good from the road.

If it snows that day, then it will rain in June.

On this day, according to popular beliefs, Winter herself passes through the earth in a snow-white fur coat and with her icy breath casts snow patterns on window panes. From that day, the Vvedensky thaws often began, from which the roads became completely limp, but there were also Vvedensky frosts. They said about them: "Vvedensky frosts do not set winter."

Introduction - the gates of winter.

Introduction - thick ice (frosty).

Introduction breaks ice (thaw).

The introduction has come - the winter has brought.

If there is frost on the Introduction, then wait for hot days in the summer.

Vvedensky frosts do not set winter.

In the oven, millet porridge blushes - to the snow.

December 5 (Prokop). From that day on, a good sledge track is established, most often enough snow has already fallen, so that there is a need for winter roads suitable for both walking and sleighing. On Prokopiev day, it was supposed to do just that, usually the roads were laid by the whole village, after which they arranged a plentiful treat for all the workers.

Prokop came - he dug up a snowdrift, he steps on the snow - he digs the road.

Prokop steps through the snow - the roads are torturing.

December 6 (Mitrofan's day). If on this day there is snowfall and a north wind, then on June 6 it is worth waiting for a north wind and rains.

Also Memorial Day of Alexander Nevsky.

On this day, they always remembered the fallen soldiers and wondered about those who went to war or served in the army. To do this, you need to catch the spider and put it in a jar, which you then tie. After six (sometimes after eight) days, they look to see if he is alive. If he is alive. then the person they are guessing at is also alive. Or the spider should be planted in a pot. The insect begins to weave a web. If it starts doing this from the very top of the pot, then the person they are guessing at will soon return home.

The clouds are floating low - the cold is near.

Clouds - burn at sunset - the weather will be clear.

December 7(Katerina sannitsa). On this day, mass festivities were held among the people, a cart was opened, fortune-telling began, and sleigh races were arranged. On December 7, the girls looked out for their suitors, and the peasants prayed to Katerina that she would protect them from their harmful wife.

Saint Catherine among the Russian people is revered as the patroness of marriage and brides, pregnant women, as well as an assistant in childbirth. On the night of this day, one could tell fortunes about marriage. To do this, it was necessary to break off a branch from an apple tree, put it under the pillow and ask to show the betrothed. Young man could have been bewitched. To do this, they rolled a loaf of bread from the rye ear, which was placed at the door, to the thing, slowly taken from the guy they liked, and then around this thing in circles. The girls believed that the guy near her house would walk in circles. From that day on, a winter cart was opened, and merchants were going on a long journey with goods.

December rolls the road to Catherine.

December 8 (Klima is cold). On this day, according to legend, the frost is severe and wolves walk in a pack around the hut of a newborn.

At this time, a real winter was already established throughout the country, and from white snow the house became much brighter. Therefore, it was possible to do needlework, spin, embroider at the window, and not only at the torch. It was believed that any important business could be started on Clement only on an empty stomach.

Frost showered white roses on Clement.

Clement drives the peasant to tears.

A big frost wraps up on Clement.

Frost on Klim drove a wedge into the winter of cold.

December 9 (St. George's day). In the old days, it was on this day that peasants passed into possession from one master to another. In 1649, this tradition was canceled and it was from here that the saying “Here you are, grandmother, and St. George’s Day” came from.

Also - George the Victorious.

Memorial Day of St. George the Victorious, who is popularly called Yegoriy or Yury, and whose second name day falls on May 6 (Yuri is warm). After St. George's Day, people, according to custom, went out to the wells to listen to the water. If the splash of water was not heard, it foreshadowed a warm winter. On this day, before the journey, a prayer service for well-being for the upcoming journey was sure to be served. By Egoriev's Day, it was customary to caulk windows and cellars.

In Rus', there are two Yuri - one cold (winter), the other hungry (spring).

Do not repay the debt before St. George's Day - go all your life in debtors.

Yuri collects cold dues.

December 10(Sign of St. Roman). On this day, the future weather is judged by the stars and winds. If you stand with your face in the direction of the wind from the north, he will take away all sorrows and sorrows with him. People pray to the holy novel for deliverance from the punishment of infertility. All the fish by this day should already hide in pools and pits for the winter, but burbot, whitefish and frogs swim up to spawn.

From this day, they always expected something special and carefully looked at the starry sky, the flight of birds, clouds and listened to the wind. Everything in nature contained signs for those who mastered the art of interpreting signs and symbols. On this day, clouds and stars were used to predict the future weather. It was believed that if at dawn you stand facing the north wind, then all troubles and hardships will go away with it. They prayed to St. Roman the Wonderworker for the resolution of infertility - according to legend, this reverend, through his prayer, asked "to give birth to many barren women." The people believed that by this day the fish had to be buried in wintering pits and whirlpools, prepare for wintering, and burbot, whitefish and vendace began to spawn.

December 11th. Irinarch's day. According to signs on Irinarkh, they “listen to the water” for success in future affairs. If some kind of tinkling is heard in the well, next year one should expect monetary profit, and if the water is silent, there is nothing to count on success.

Even on this day, they tell fortunes on coins. To do this, you need to throw a handful of coins into the nearest snowdrift, and then get them out of there. If the smallest coin comes across first, do not expect success in business, and if it is large, the year will be successful.

On this day, they tried to see the jay, which was considered a prophet. If on her day she flies to the window and starts screaming at him, this is a good sign: the jay heralds happiness.

December 12 (Paramon Winter Index). If this de There will be a lot of snow - it is worth waiting for week-long snowfalls.

On this day, snow was thrown from the roofs, and, according to legend, this had to be done with a broom and brooms, but not with shovels, so that the roof would not leak. In general, the broom was treated with great respect, it was believed that he was endowed with special magical properties. It was impossible to sweep the floor with different brooms in one hut, otherwise wealth would scatter in the corners. On this day, they predicted the weather for the whole winter, for this it was necessary to look at the morning dawn. Crimson dawn - to cold winds, clear morning - to clear December, snowy morning - to be snowstorms.

If the valleys are covered with snow, then the blizzard will blow for another seven days.

On Paramon the earth turns to stone, the river freezes.

December 13 (Andrew the First-Called Day). On this day, it is supposed to “listen” to the water; for this, in the evening they go to rivers, lakes or wells. If the water is calm, then this means that the winter will be warm, without blizzards. If the water is splashing, buzzing, then we have to wait for storms, severe frosts. If the water is very worried - to trouble. On this day, the girls could tell fortunes about their betrothed. To see your fiance in a dream, you need to sow flax in a pot of earth. Above it, you need to read “Our Father” nine times while standing, nine times on your knees and sitting nine times, and then say such conspiracy words: “Saint Andrew, I sow flax on you, let me know who I will be that flax for. tear, ”- and go to bed. To find out if a girl will get married soon, you need to pick a branch of an apple tree or any other fruit tree that day and put it in water. If leaves bloom on it before Christmas, then in the spring the girl will marry. In order for fortune-telling to be truthful and accurate, one must certainly ask for the help of Andrew the First-Called and fast for a week before that day.

If it snows on St. Andrew's Day, then it will lie for 100 days.

December 14 (Naumov day). The people said about this day: “Nahum came, the winter wind blew”.

On the day of the holy prophet Naum, children were sent to school - this day can be called the original Russian September 1. They prayed to St. Naum, asking to be thoughtful - to teach, they said: “A head is crazy, like a lantern without fire”, “Not learning, and you can’t weave bast shoes.”

December 15th. Habakkuk Day. If there is a lot of snow in mid-December, there will be a rich harvest of herbs in summer.

December 16th. Ivan the Silent. This day is dedicated to the memory of St. John the Silent, and on December 16 it was supposed to chat as little as possible, talk about yourself in order to avoid absurdities and rumors, and in no case make promises. They said: "Ivan is silent, a good rumor grows things." As they say, people were afraid to "take dirty linen out of the hut." It was believed that the one who fulfilled this covenant would be eloquent all year and would be able to resolve conflicts and reconcile those who quarreled with the power of the word.

December 17 (Barbarian day). Particularly severe frosts were expected on Varvara the Great Martyr, which continued for the next few days. It was believed that this is one of the coldest days, and the cold on Varvara is second only to Epiphany. Saint Barbara was considered the intercessor of women; pregnant women prayed to her.

To the cold - the sky in the rash of stars, to the heat - blind, dull.

On Varvara, winter will make the road barbaric (brew).

December 18(day of Savva the omentum). According to legend, Savva continues Varvara's work “Varvara bridges, and Savva lays” - it becomes a little warmer. It is impossible on this day to swear with a topic who has a horse.

Even in the people they said that Savva continues the work of Varvara - he freezes rivers and lakes. It was with this day that the saying was associated: "Barbara bridges, Savva nails the nails, Nikola nails."

Savva is torovat in the cold (generous).

Savva rolls away - the earth will be covered properly.

The bullfinch sings - in the snow, blizzard and slush.

December 19 (Nikola Zimniy, Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, cold Nicholas). St. Nicholas the Wonderworker was considered the patron saint of all sailors and travelers. According to popular belief, on December 19, Nicholas the saint in the form of a kind grandfather passes through the earth, dispersing all the dark forces. Saint Nicholas is also considered the patron saint of marriages. They like to say to Nikola: “You can’t drive around the betrothed”, “whoever you marry, he will be born into that one”, - thereby confirming the belief in the power of St. Nicholas to bind the fate of the betrothed. This day was considered the deadline for all sorts of transactions, payments and business contracts. The weather was also closely monitored that day.

Winter comes to Nikola with a nail.

Winter sweeps over Nikola - there is no road.

Nikola will nail that Yegoriy will pave.

Ask Nikola, and he will say: I will save you.

If on Mikhailov's day the winter will shackle, then it will unshackle on Nikola.

We drove the winter on sleds to Nikola, here's a thaw for you.

If winter covers the trail before Nikolin's day, the road will not stand.

Nikolsky convoy for the boyar treasury is more expensive than gold.

Winter on Nikola covers roofs with ice resin.

If Nikola is cold and clear - by the grain-bearing year.

The height of the summer grass will depend on how much snow falls that day.

December 20 (Ambrose Day). It was on this day that all the winter holidays of the current year ended, and the girls sat down to sew on the upcoming dowry. The people said: "Ambrose threw away the holidays", - there will be no more before Christmas folk holidays. It remained only to wait for the Bright Christmas and Christmas time.

Cold winter - hot summer, warm winter - summer cold.

The snow is dense and wet - to a wet summer, dry and light - to a dry one.

The sun is in a foggy circle - expect a blizzard.

The sun sets in the clouds - to the snowfall.

21 December. Anfisa Day. On this day, the girls were engaged in needlework: they spun, weaved, embroidered. It was believed that on this day an extra eye is for the evil eye, therefore, on these evenings, girlish beauty is dissuaded from damage. To protect yourself from the evil eye, you could also tie a silk thread around your wrist.

December 22(Anna Winter). The people believed that it was from this day that the real winter began. The shortest day of the year.

It was believed that on December 22, a real harsh winter begins. On this day, pregnant women had to observe a strict fast (on other days they are exempted from fasting), avoid any quarrels and troubles, and not be seen by the crippled and disabled. There were other prohibitions: you can’t make a fire, knit, embroider, so as not to accidentally harm the unborn child - it was believed that the fire kindled that day could leave a red mark on the child’s body, tangled threads twist his umbilical cord, and the miserable and ugly people she saw his mother, can pass on their injuries to the baby.

The sun - for the summer, winter - for the frost.

Opoka (lace) on trees for the conception of Anna - for the harvest.

Anna finally sets the winter.

December 23rd. Ming Day. The Great Martyr Mina is considered a healer of eye diseases - this saint really had the gift of miracles and really healed eye diseases. It was believed that he not only grants healing to the eyes, but also removes the veil from the eyes that prevents them from distinguishing good from evil, truth from lies. He was approached with a request for spiritual insight.

If the snow rolls down to the hedge - a bad summer, and if there is a gap - a fruitful one.

December 24th. Nikon day. On this day, it was supposed to pray to Saint Nikon so that he would calm the soul and drive away the evil spirits, which were trying with all their might to get into the house. The people said: "Nikon stands at the icons."

December 25 (Spirodon Solstice). If the sun shines brightly on this day, spring will be early, and New Year frosty and clear. If there is a storm outside the window, expect long cold weather and the New Year will be gray and warm.

This is the day of the solstice - the longest night and the shortest day of the year. “The sun for the summer - the winter for the frost,” they say about this day. It was believed that Spiridon himself turns the sun for the summer and watches that it does not hide from people, and from that day the sun dresses up in a festive sundress and kokoshnik, gets into a cart and goes to warm countries.

According to the weather of the first 12 days following Spiridon, the weather of each of the 12 months of the coming year was judged.

From the solstice of the day it will arrive at least at a sparrow's lope.

If the sun is bright, radiant, the New Year will be frosty, clear, and if it is gloomy and there is frost on the trees, it will be warm and cloudy.

Spiridon's Day determines the character of the whole winter.

December 26(the day of the martyr Eustratus, Eugene). The people said: "Martyr Eustrat is glad for the sun." From this day, they begin to observe the weather of the next twelve days, believing that every day they predict the corresponding weather of the next 12 months.

It was believed that on this day, witches arrange gatherings and gatherings, where they decide how to deprive people of sunlight and heat. It is impossible to use foul language on this day - otherwise the witches from the sky will fall directly on the head of the offender. It was impossible to leave a broom on the porch - otherwise the witches would drag it away.

27th of December. Filimonov day. The darkest days of the year have come, it was believed that at this time echidnas, kikimoras come out into the light of God, huddle up to the windows, scratch at the doors. To scare away evil spirits, it was necessary to wash more often on this day - the undead of water are most afraid of water.

December 28th. Trifonov day. From that day on, the day began to increase, and people in the fight against evil spirits had allies - the sun's rays that pierce the evil spirits and drive them away from their homes.

Red rainbows are visible in the sky - frost will be formidable.

There will be a strong frost if the cat is looking for warmth in the morning.

If the water drops in winter, the summer will be clear.

If there is frost in winter, dew in summer.

If there is little snow in winter, there will be little rain in summer.

If there is a lot of moisture in winter, then the summer will be good and warm.

If there was frost at night, it will not snow during the day.

If the snow is deep, the bread is good.

December 29 (Ageev day). If on this day there is frost on the windows in the morning, Christmas will be warm, and if the cold is strong, this will be the weather until January 7th.

It was believed that the prophet Haggai instructs on a righteous life and especially notes in a person the love of work. If a lot of hoarfrost falls on this day - deep snow will fall on Svyatki, frost will hit - the cold will last until Epiphany itself. It was also possible to learn about the weather at Svyatki in this way. On this night, according to an old custom, bonfires were kindled and little men made of snow were thrown into them. If the flame soon went out, clear, sunny weather was expected at Svyatki.

Haggai sows frost.

If the frost is strong, winding the spirit of curls (patterns on the glass), it will freeze for another twenty days.

If there is a severe frost on Haggai, he will crack all Christmas time, stand until Baptism.

If there is frost on the trees, Christmas time will be warm.

December 30th. On this night (from 30 to 31), people used to make bonfires, and throw snowmen there. If the flame continued to burn, Christmas time will be cloudy and snowy.

In the old days, this day was called Danilov's day, and since it is the penultimate one in the month of December, they usually said: "Daniel hurries December."

On Danilov's day, there was a smell of the Holy Spirit and incense.

On Danila's day, the hostess stoked the stove so that there would be enough heat for two days.

If there is frost on this day, it will be warm in a week.

In December, snowstorms - the bees will swarm well.

On the prophet Daniel, frost - warm Christmas time.

Danila December hurries.

31th of December(Simeon or otherwise Modestra, Novolet e ). On this day, the people slaughtered pigs for the festive table, and prepared for the holiday.

Saint Modest is known as the patron saint of livestock, and therefore, in the Legend of the Saints, a prayer is assigned to him in case of an animal case. According to popular beliefs, on this day, all the evil spirits that seek to harm people are released. Therefore, it was impossible to leave milk in an open container - evil spirits would climb in. In no case did they leave knives on the table unattended - the evil spirits would indulge, and there it was not far from trouble.

December old year finishes, lays a new path with new happiness.

The wind blew from the west or from the southwest - warming will come.

We live according to the laws of nature, but we do not always think about how closely this or that natural phenomenon is connected with us. Our ancestors believed in folk beliefs and. And in those days, the people did not waste their faith and time. So maybe we should listen to folk signs about winter, and we will understand what to expect in the future?

Russian folk omens about winter

What winter signs say about the harvest:

  1. If the winter is cold, then good harvests are expected. A warm winter, on the contrary, promises meager harvests and a hungry year.
  2. If the reservoirs are covered with even ice, this year there will be little bread, and if the ice is bumpy, there will be a good grain harvest.
  3. The amount of bread is also predicted from the snow: a snowy winter means a good plentiful harvest of wheat.
  4. For a good harvest - abundant hoarfrost, large snowdrifts, deeply frozen ground.
  5. Fog on New Year's Eve and a clear New Year's day, heavy snowfalls and frosts in new year holidays- also promise rich harvests.

What winter signs say about the weather:

  1. If there are a lot of stars in the sky, a frosty day will come.
  2. The forest is cracking - long frosts are expected.
  3. Clouds are moving against the wind - snow is expected.
  4. If there are blizzards in winter, the summer will be rainy.
  5. Logs burning with a crash - to a cold snap.
  6. Warm and snowy weather on New Year's Eve - it will be a warm and rainy summer.
  7. The bullfinch chirps under the window in winter - to the thaw. The same can be said about the singing of sparrows.
  8. If all the birds flew away at once in winter, it is a sign that the winter will be harsh.
  9. According to the weather on February 1, the weather for the whole month was judged. If this day is sunny and drops are ringing, then it will be early spring. Blizzards on this day mean the same weather until the end of winter.
  10. If there are a lot of mountain ash on the trees, the winter will be harsh and cold.
  11. If the first snow falls dry in winter, the summer will be warm and good.

Signs of winter about upcoming events.

Winter is a stunning time of year that combines bone-deep frost with the rare but welcome winter sunshine. If we consider the ancient signs of winter, as a rule, people have always tried to find out what events of the future should be prepared for and how long to wait for the onset of spring.

  • Remember the date when the first snow fell- winter will come 40 days after this day.
  • If there is a lot of snow in winter, which means that you will have an excellent harvest of bread. Conversely, the lack of snow will indicate a poor harvest.
  • If there is heavy snowfall at the beginning of winter, which means that in early summer there will be heavy rains.
  • The snow fell before all the leaves fell- In winter there will be severe frosts.
  • Thunderstorm in winter portends a strong cold, and the appearance of lightning indicates a storm.
  • If smoke comes out of the chimneys of the house, it is worth preparing for a cold snap.
  • In the daytime it is very cold, and in the evening it begins to warm up- get ready for a long cold.
  • The presence of a strong blizzard in winter promises inclement weather in summer.
  • Cold and dry winter predicts that summer will be dry and hot, and warm winter indicates a cold summer.
  • The stars are shining bright in the sky- severe frosts are coming.
  • The sun is framed by a foggy circle- wait for a blizzard, and if it hides behind the clouds, there will be a strong snowstorm.
  • There is not a cloud in the sky- expect frosty weather.
  • When the moon is formed horizontally in the sky- wait for warming, vertically - cooling.
  • reddish moon indicates that the next day will be warm and snowy.
  • If the moon has sharp luminous horns- expect heavy rains, and when steep - get ready for frost.
  • Frost appeared on the trees- warming is coming.
  • When light and dry snow falls This means the summer will be dry.
  • Falling leaves on wet ground promises a warm winter.
  • On a fine winter day, you can hear the sound of the forest- It will rain soon.
  • Snow falls on the ground in large flakes, it is worth preparing for inclement, wet weather.
  • If the winter is very cold- it means that the spring will be warm, but on the contrary, a warm winter portends a cold summer.
  • Strong snowstorms in winter Spring will be rainy and summer will be sunny. Our ancestors believed that on what day of winter a snowstorm passed, on the same day of summer there would be a downpour.

Winter signs for birds, animals and plants

Our ancestors paid increased attention to how animals and birds behave, as well as the state of plants. All this helped to make a certain forecast for the future.

Notes for winter holidays

A very large number of signs and beliefs are dedicated to the theme of the New Year.

So, for example, it was believed that how you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it. For this celebration, they always tried to dress in everything new, so as not to know the need for the whole next year.

The following are also very popular:

  • Appearance on New Year's Eve a large number stars in the sky foreshadowed a good harvest.
  • Frost appeared at Christmas- the year will be grain-bearing.
  • Snowstorm at Christmas indicated that the bees would swarm well.
  • If the days are clear all Christmas week- reap a big harvest.
  • If there is a snowstorm on Epiphany There will also be a blizzard on Easter.
  • Filled hole for Epiphany predict a big spill.
  • Full moon on Epiphany also indicates polyhydramnios in spring.
  • If on Epiphany the snow begins to fall in large flakes- it is worth waiting for a fertile year, and clear days will indicate a crop failure.
  • If it's colder on Epiphany than on Candlemas and Christmas- this is for a good harvest.
  • On Tatyana's day the weather is very sunny.- it means that the birds will arrive early, and if it is snowy, the summer will be rainy.

Signs for the months of winter

Winter signs in December

  • When in December the first snow fell thick, wet and heavy - get ready for rainy weather in the summer, and if dry and light - wait for a dry summer.
  • The presence of frequent winds winter indicates slush in March and April.
  • December is warm- it means that winter will drag on for a long time, and spring will be cold and belated.
  • The presence of heavy frost and large snowdrifts when the soil freezes well, indicates a good harvest.

Signs in January

  • Long and frequent icicles hang on the roofs of houses- the harvest will be good
  • If for 30 days the weather is snowy with snowstorms and snowfalls– a lot of rain in the middle of summer
  • Cold January predicts that July will be dry and hot.
  • And warm weather indicates a cold March.
  • If at the beginning of the month you can strongly hear the woodpecker knocking- spring will come early.
  • If January was very cold, next year is likely to be warm.

signs of february

  • If the days at the beginning of the month are warm Spring will be early and fine.
  • If on the evening of February 1 there are many stars in the sky- the cold will persist for a long period of time. And sunny weather heralds a late spring.
  • In February it's worth heavy fog - the year will be rainy.
  • The presence of abundant frost on the trees predicts a good harvest of honey.
  • If snow sticks strongly to the trees- Expect warm weather soon.
  • Heavy rain in February indicate a wet summer, and their absence indicates a drought.
  • If you hear the chirping of tits in the morning- you need to prepare for frosts.

Listening to these popular beliefs, you will be able to make a certain forecast of the future weather and will be prepared in advance for its various surprises.

Despite the frost and cold, winter days are always considered a fabulous and amazing period of the year. Living according to the laws of nature, a person rarely thinks about the meaning natural phenomena. However, received from ancestors, winter signs surprise with the accuracy of predictions.

Folk omens about winter

Most people want to learn how to predict the future in order to build their plans for life correctly. Ancestors believed that a person born in winter days is wise, purposeful and capable of performing miracles. It has long been shown how much time is left until the beginning of spring and what kind of weather the summer will please. What winter signs have reached the present time:

  • severe frosts predict a fruitful year;
  • if the ice on the river is even, there will be little bread;
  • warm outside the window, summer will be cold and rainy;
  • a lot of snow, the harvest is expected to be plentiful;
  • if in December the clouds are low, a severe cold approaches;
  • many stars in the sky - the cold will intensify;
  • February is frosty - the cold season is short;
  • the less snow falls, the drier the fields will be;
  • in order to make a profit in the new year, on January 1, a man must enter the house first;
  • on Svyatki snow sweeps a lot, raspberries will spoil well;
  • on Epiphany sweeps, Shrovetide will be cold;
  • the first snow fell at night, a blizzard will come soon;
  • a crow croaks at the top of the trees, signs portend a blizzard;
  • January is warm and foggy - spring is late and cold;
  • the bullfinch flew in - the frost soon arrived in time;
  • a strong cold in February, testifies to a sultry June;
  • what is the weather on the Assumption, this will be the whole of December;
  • the moon on the horizon is red, the wind and snowstorm will rise in the morning;
  • the echo is heard in the distance - the frost is getting stronger;
  • wolves howl in the cold;
  • before a strong cold, hares come to the house;
  • on Epiphany the full moon is a rainy spring;
  • a winter sign notes that while the bird cherry blossoms, it will be cold;
  • the dog is lying on the floor - a blizzard is approaching;
  • cones on spruce close in anticipation of bad weather;
  • on the eve of warm days, the air turns blue over the forest;
  • if smoke creeps along the ground, then a blizzard is approaching;
  • December 30 the weather is like in May;
  • February 10 is windy for a wet summer.

Miracles happen at this time, because the beginning of the new year brings happiness to every home. What winter signs are associated with this holiday:

  1. On New Year's Eve, you can not send guests home until they themselves want to leave, otherwise you can scare away luck.
  2. Breaking dishes in the midst of fun threatens problems in your personal life.
  3. Before you start the feast, you should take a bath and wash off all the negativity of the past year.
  4. On New Year's Eve, a dream is a dream that characterizes the coming year.
  5. Throwing away the leftover food after a feast can drive away wealth.

The first day of winter - signs

Winter omens say:

  1. As you spend December 1, so you will meet the whole year.
  2. If the day is warm, then the season will be mild.
  3. Folk signs on the first day of winter show the quality of weather conditions until spring.
  4. Crows roam the roads, it will be warm.
  5. The mosquito woke up in the room as the thaw approached.
  6. Damp and warm this month, a sign of cold and late spring. The first snow fell, in forty days the beginning of cold weather is expected.
  7. Icicles have appeared, the summer will be rainy.
  8. The sound of a woodpecker is heard, spring will come early.
  9. The tit chirps outside the window, frosts are expected.

Winter harvest tips

The most popular of the fruit will take:

  1. A lot of snow and hoarfrost at Epiphany - to the lush growth of grasses.
  2. On New Year's Eve it is warm and snowy, bread will spoil well.
  3. January 12 is a starry night, there will be a lot of peas.
  4. Winter signs for the harvest are offered on Epiphany night, put cups with different cereals outside the window, where the frost will fall, such a cereal will abundantly disfigure.
  5. February 15 windy fruit harvest will be.
  6. A March blizzard in the fields portends good growth for vegetables.
  7. Cereals are plentiful if the snowdrifts are large.
  8. If at Christmas the wind blows from the west, the year will be profitable.

Sign - the leaves did not fall for the winter

Winter signs about foliage and plants:

  1. If the snow falls before the leaves fall, the frosts will be severe, but spring will come early.
  2. A rich harvest of mountain ash grows if there are harsh days.
  3. Hoarfrost forms on the trees - the cold will weaken.
  4. Folk winter signs warn that if the fallen leaves lie with the wrong side up, then the crops will be large.
  5. If December is rainy, and there is foliage on the trees, then snow will not be known until Epiphany cold.

Sign - a butterfly in the winter in the house

Winter signs can also tell about a butterfly that appeared in a dwelling. To understand why the butterfly flies around the apartment, it is necessary to determine the color of its coloring. Folk signs about winter say that if the moth is red, yellow or pinkish, then prosperity comes to the house. An insect of a green or bluish hue predicts an approach interesting events and good news. An awakened guest of black, brown or gray color portends trouble. It must be sent out of the window as soon as possible and in no case be killed.

The fly woke up in winter - signs

The awakening of insects in the cold season is an unnatural phenomenon that occurs before warming outside the window, so some winter signs are associated with it. A fly in the winter in an apartment is a sign that speaks of an imminent illness of the household. In folk beliefs, there is information about the appearance of buzzing guests, as messengers of death. There is a ritual action that will help protect the family from trouble. Seeing the winged guest, you need to knock on the window glass and say: “There is a time for everything, but the trouble is away from us! Let it be so!".

Sign - ladybug at home in winter

Winter signs are also associated with ladybugs. A cute speckled insect appears in families with a favorable atmosphere. A ladybug appeared in the winter in the house of a childless couple, a baby is expected soon. By counting the number of spots on the back of a bug, you can find out how many happy and profitable months there will be in the coming year. Talismans with the image of a cute insect bring good luck and protect the owner from magical influences. The bug sat on an unmarried girl, to be an imminent wedding.

Sign - pigeons bathe in a puddle in winter

Animals, insects, and birds are excellent indicators of weather changes, which is why there are winter omens associated with them. Signs associated with birds in winter will tell a lot of new and interesting things. Pigeons bathe in puddles, heralding dry summers and low rainfall in autumn. A bird on the roof is a sign of an approaching strong blizzard.

Sign - to see a rainbow in winter

Affected winter signs and such a phenomenon as a rainbow. Some people believe that by finding a place where the colored rays rest on the ground, it is possible to get rich. For many years, seeing a wondrous beauty in the sky, people make wishes. which indicates good. The greener it is, the faster happiness will come. Seeing such a miracle, you can’t point your finger at the sky, there is a risk of calling trouble on loved ones. The rainbow appeared in the cold season - success and happiness for the whole year. If she abruptly disappeared from sight, failure is approaching.

Sign - a thunderstorm in winter

Thunderstorms in the winter cold is a very strange and inexplicable phenomenon that has been observed since ancient times and even then the winter signs associated with it at this time of the year were born. Signs about winter are varied and not always clear:

  1. A morning thunderstorm on a snowy day portends a warm one, but not hot weather in July.
  2. Hearing the heavenly roar, it is necessary to wash the face from silver dishes to attract health and youth.
  3. If there is no such bowl, put silver coins in any convenient container.
  4. Not calm in the sky always portends a strong wind and storm.
  5. Elderly people believe that a thunderstorm rumbles on a bare forest, predicting famine and war.

Lightning in winter signs

Lightning has long been considered a symbol of Perun. The blow of the heavenly guest was considered a punishment for sins. To prevent the house from falling under her blow, it is required to store a piece of burnt wood on the window. Winter signs of weather associated with lightning are varied and contradictory:

  1. If you believe the superstitions, then the fire that appeared from a lightning strike cannot be extinguished, the dead devil burns in it.
  2. Lightning appeared on a snowy day, the night will be the frostiest.
  3. Lightning in a cold season portends a heavy snowfall.
  4. To protect against heavenly punishment, it is necessary to have a black animal or slip consecrated birch branches under the roof.

Thunder in winter omens

Since ancient times, heavenly rumbling has been considered a manifestation of God's wrath. Winter signs associated with this phenomenon indicate the following:

  1. Thunder rumbles coming from the north indicate a cold and short summer.
  2. Natural signs of winter notice that thunder in mid-February is a sign of poor haymaking.
  3. There is ice on the river, and thunder rumbles in the sky - you should stock up on felt boots and a sheepskin coat.
  4. Rumble in the last days of November clear sign cold January.
  5. February thunder promises a windy April.

This page was created to help children in grades 2-3, who actively study this topic in the lessons of the world around them, creating projects about the seasons.

For thousands of years, our ancestors have observed nature and the weather. Signs emerged from such observations. From generation to generation, new observations were passed on and new observations arose, because the life of the people, especially earlier, was inextricably linked with nature, dependent on the future harvest.

There are several types of signs:

  • winter signs by which the weather was determined for the near future;
  • signs of winter that determine what spring and summer will be like;
  • and the most important signs of winter, predicted what the harvest would be like.

Folk winter signs for schoolchildren

Signs related to the behavior of animals and birds

The bullfinch under the window chirps in winter - to the thaw.

Sparrows hiding in brushwood portend frost or a blizzard.

The chicken stands on one leg - to the cold.

Chickens perch early, which means there will be frost, and the higher it climbs, the lower the temperature will be.

A cat on the stove - a cold in the yard.

The cat closes its muzzle with its paw - to a blizzard.

The cat sleeps soundly and for a long time - to warmth.

The cat scratches the floor - to the wind and blizzard.

Hares stay near housing - to frost.

If tits scream in the morning - to increased frost.

If the dog is lying around, then it is worth waiting for a blizzard.

If the cat in the house stands on its hind legs and begins to scrape the walls, then you should expect a blizzard.

The friendly chirping of bullfinches, sparrows - to the thaw.

The crows croaked with the whole flock - to the frost, arranged round dances in the sky - to the snowfall, they sit on the ground - to the thaw, sat on the lower branches of the trees - wait for the wind.

Crows and jackdaws are circling in the air - towards the snow.

The crow hides its beak under the wing - to the cold.

The crow sits in the morning on the top of the tree and croaks - to the blizzard.

Wolves howl near housing - to frost.

Folk signs of winter, predicting the weather in spring and summer, as well as the future harvest.

  • Warm winter - to cold summer.
  • What a winter, such a summer, and according to it the harvest.
  • Dry and cold winter - to dry and hot summer.
  • December is snowy and cold - it will be a fertile year.
  • A lot of snow in winter - a lot of bread.
  • Snowy winter - to a long spring and rainy summer.
  • Heavy snowfalls in early winter lead to heavy rains in early summer.
  • If the most severe frosts for the whole winter fall on the Feast of Epiphany, then the year will be fruitful.
  • If a lot of snow falls at the beginning of winter, it will often rain in summer.
  • Clear days in the Christmas week for a good harvest.
  • A bunch of large icicles means a good harvest of vegetables.
  • In Epiphany, the hole is full - there will be a big spill.
  • On Tatyana's day the sun will peep through - to the early arrival of birds; snow on this day - summer will be rainy.
  • If the snow is dense and wet, there will be a rainy, fruitful summer.
  • If the snow is dry and light, it will be a dry summer.

Folk winter signs about the weather

  • Clear skies to frost.
  • Frequent stars - to heat and snow, rare - to bad weather and blizzard.
  • Snow is falling in large flakes - to bad weather and sputum.
  • The north wind blew, but there were no clouds - frost would knock.
  • Big snowflakes are falling - to the thaw
  • Clouds against the wind go - to the snow.
  • When the windows fog up in frosty weather, warming is expected.
  • If the snow begins to stick to the trees, then we must wait for the heat.
  • If there was frost at night, don't expect snow during the day.
  • If a crackling is heard in the forest, then the frosts will last for a long time.
  • Smoke from the chimney in a column - to frost.
  • The smoke from the chimney spreads to the ground without wind - to the snow.
  • Firewood burns with a bang - to frost.
  • Firewood in the stove does not flare up well - to a thaw.
  • Snow will fall - to warming.
  • The wind in winter blew from the north side - to a big frost.
  • It snowed on a frosty day - to the thaw
  • Large flakes of snow - to the thaw.
  • White clouds in winter - to the wind, blue - to the heat.

Winter signs of December

Warm December - to a long winter and late cold spring.

Warm weather in December portends a long winter and a belated cold spring.

North December wind - to big frosts.

Hoarfrost in December - to the harvest of oats.

If the first snow that fell in December is dense, wet and heavy, then expect rainy weather in the summer, and if it is dry and light, the summer will be dry.

If the clouds in December float from north to south, it will be sunny weather, and if from south to north, then be bad weather.

If December is without rain, expect a long dry autumn and a dry summer.

If in December the snow rolls close to the fences, the summer will be bad; if there is a gap - fruitful.

If in December there is a big hoarfrost, mounds of snow, deeply frozen ground - this is for the harvest.

If December turned out to be snowy and cold, then the harvest will be good.

Folk omens of January

Cold Januarys in a row are rarely repeated.

Early in January, the woodpecker begins to knock - by early spring.

Low temperatures in January mean dry and hot weather in July.

Frosty January is a fruitful year.

If in January March - be afraid in March January.

If January is cold - July will be dry and hot, do not wait for mushrooms until autumn.

If the most severe frosts fall on the Epiphany week, then the year will be fruitful.

If in January the echo goes far, the frosts get stronger.

If in January there are frequent snowfalls and snowstorms, then in July there are frequent rains.

If there are many long frequent icicles in January, then there will be a bountiful harvest.

If the sun shines on Tatyana's day (January 25), it means early spring and the early arrival of birds; if it snows, it means a rainy summer.

Folk signs of February

Bright stars in February - to frost, dim - to thaw.

The colder the last week February, the warmer it will be in March.

February fogs - for a rainy year.

February is cold and dry - August is hot.

February is warm - by a cold spring, and frosty - by a favorable summer.

Warm February is deceptive: it will be cold, with frosts, spring.

On the 15th day of February, they judge how soon to wait for spring. If it snows on this day, then spring will not come soon.

The beginning of February is more serene - wait for the early spring, come

If February is cold - to a favorable summer.

If February turns out to be rainy, then spring and summer can be expected to be the same. A fine February portends a drought in the summer.

If the sky is clear on the first day of February, then spring will be early.

If on the first day of February the sky is dotted with many stars, then the cold will last a long time.

Rains in February - to a wet summer, a dry month - to a drought.

Thunder in February - to strong winds.

There is a lot of frost in February - in summer there will be a lot of dew and a lot of honey.

In early February, it is warm, the snow melts - to a mediocre harvest.

At the end of February there are many long icicles - for a long spring.

A snowless February threatens with a summer drought.

Many hopes were associated with the future harvest, which is why so many winter signs are associated with the coming spring and next summer. According to what kind of winter it will be, they tried to predict the weather in spring and summer. Many signs have grown into proverbs about winter.

The nature of winter determined the entire next year. Without modern technologies our ancestors almost unmistakably could predict the volume of the future harvest or the beginning of the thaw.

For people who lived in ancient times, signs were very important, because at that time there was no meteorological forecast and modern instruments to know the weather. What winter would be like in the old days was understood even before its onset. In the summer, by the number of acorns and mountain ash, they determined how much snow would fall, but in the winter they judged what the summer and the harvest would be like.

Since ancient times, Rus' has been monitoring the weather and the state of nature. It was these observations that became the basis of a large number of signs, on the basis of which our ancestors tried to create all the conditions for a good harvest. Often, it depended on whether spring would be early or vice versa, that is, on the correct choice of time for planting. The signs were carefully preserved, passed from father to son, and new observations appeared over time.

In 2nd grade, studying the world, schoolchildren learn a lot about such signs, use them to work on projects about the seasons.

What are the signs left to us as a legacy of distant ancestors?

In Rus', they tried to prepare in advance for cold winter and by the following signs to determine whether it will be severe.

In autumn, the leaves stay on the trees for a long time - by the harsh winter.

In the summer there was a large harvest of berries - by the frosty winter.

A lot of mountain ash was born - to be a fierce winter.

The snow fell until all the leaves on the trees fell off - for a harsh winter.

Schoolchildren are always interested in signs related to pets or the weather outside the window.

For example, many winter signs are associated with cats:

The cat stands on its hind legs and scratches the walls or floor - to be a strong blizzard.

The cat lay down to warm herself on the stove, to be colder.

The cat lies on the floor - wait for warming. If the cat sleeps for a long time and calmly - also be warm.

The cat closes its muzzle with its paws - wait for a blizzard.

A harbinger of a blizzard was also considered a crow croaking in the morning on the top of a tree.

If jackdaws and crows are circling in the air, there will be a big snowfall.

Huge snowflakes are falling from the sky - to be thawed.

The crackling of trees in the forest portends a severe frost.

Firewood crackles strongly in the fire - to a great frost.

The smoke from the chimney goes vertically upwards - expect severe cold weather.

Hoarfrost covered the bushes and trees - the day will be sunny.

If thunder rumbles in winter, there will be strong winds and frosts; if lightning strikes, there will be a storm.

If there is heavy snowfall in the first days of winter, there will be heavy rains in the first days of summer.

If the first of February is a clear day, look forward to early spring.

Cold and snowy December is a harbinger of a rich harvest.

A cold winter without snow is the key to a dry and hot summer.

If a flock of crows sits on the upper branches of a tree - get ready for frost, if on the lower ones - for a strong wind.

If the daytime crackling frost has been replaced by evening warming, there will be a long cold.

If hares come close to residential buildings, there will be frost.

If the sparrows hide in brushwood, there will be frost or a blizzard.

A lot of snow on the fields - in the summer, wait for a good harvest, in other words: winter without snow - summer without bread.
