Nikolai Fomenko: “I filed for divorce. Maria Golubkina: marriage with Fomenko, years of loneliness and the upcoming wedding The reason for the divorce of Golubkina and Fomenko

Golubkina works on the evening broadcast of Mayak radio together with Sergei Rost, but recently she was paired with her now ex-husband Nikolai Fomenko, reports

Maria and Nikolai spent an hour together, during which they also talked about the collapse of their family. Fomenko was in a great mood and presented everything in a rather funny way. As follows from Nicholas’ speech, Mary’s inconstancy irritated him.

“This woman... I put health and strength on her filthy, or not, magnificent equestrian sport. She kept wanting to compete with me,” says Fomenko. “She was involved in equestrian sports for 55 years, she just won the Moscow Cup, she got tired of it, and she gave up everything...”

“I’m not tired,” Maria intervened in the conversation. “I realized that we were breaking up, and I had no moral strength.”

“Then you decided that you are an artist again,” Nikolai continued his speech. “If you can’t combine them, don’t combine them.”

“This is how it was possible to live with this man,” Golubkina was indignant, “he constantly scolds me.”

From the conversation it was noticeable that the former spouses maintained a normal relationship. Fomenko encouraged the public to go to Maria’s performances, calling her a brilliant actress, smart and beautiful.

The topic of the conversation between Nikolai and Maria, paradoxically, was family and marriage. At the end of his conversation ex-spouses summed up a kind of conclusion.

“Someone compromises, someone shows character, the result, as a rule, is this: as Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy wrote, all happy people are equally happy, all unhappy people are unhappy in different ways. Whatever you do, you are destined to be a happy family - you will, no - you will get divorced,” Golubkina said, adding that there is nothing wrong with that and the main thing is not to share.

“I wanted people who break up to remain on good terms,” Fomenko took the floor.

“I would like our relationship to always be wonderful,” Nikolai turned to his wife.

With these words, Maria warned: for this to happen, you should not introduce her to a new passion. “I love Nikolai and am very jealous of him, and God forbid...” Golubkina began, but Nikolai hurried to leave the studio.

If you believe the rumors, the reason for the separation of the spouses was indeed Nikolai Fomenko’s new hobby. The couple, who are raising their 9-year-old daughter Nastya and 5-year-old son Ivan, preferred to remain silent about the collapse of their family for many months, and only now the divorce of Golubkina and Fomenko has become public knowledge.

This beautiful couple has been together for more than ten years, writes Komsomolskaya Pravda. It’s impossible to believe, but two popular artists met and fell in love in the Moscow subway. As Fomenko recalls, he did not even suspect that Masha was the daughter of actress Larisa Golubkina and the legendary Andrei Mironov.

Unfortunately, the happiness did not last long. Six months ago, rumors appeared that conflicts had begun in the star family. The couple stubbornly refused to comment on their breakup all this time. Fomenko and Golubkina decided to have a frank conversation with fans only now. After the official divorce.

The wonderful actor and showman Nikolai FOMENKO practically never leaves the television screen. Now we see him as the host of the Rossiya channel TV show “50 Blondes.” And soon the actor will appear in the series “Apostle” on Channel One - in the role of an NKVD colonel. Until recently, the star’s personal life seemed calm and stable. His wife is the famous actress Maria GOLUBKINA, two beautiful children. The news of the star couple's divorce came like thunder from a clear sky. As we managed to find out, the reason for the breakup was new girlfriend Nicholas - Natalia KUTOBAYEVA.


Before meeting the St. Petersburg beauty, who works as a press secretary for Governor Valentina Matvienko, Fomenko was married three times. But the general public knows the fact of only two of his marriages: the first, from which the showman has an adult daughter and two grandchildren, and the last, with Maria Golubkina. In interviews about his personal life, Fomenko prefers not to talk about it. His questions about his early youth especially irritate him. We were able to meet with the star’s former classmates and teachers, who talked about what they do not consider a secret.

First wife: start of a stellar career

Nikolai Fomenko met his first love, Elena Lebedeva, within the walls of the theater institute, the famous Leningrad LGITMiK, where he entered immediately after graduating from school. According to college friends Nikolai and Elena, their couple was admired by the entire university. Soon the newlyweds had a daughter, Ekaterina. The family was quite happy. The young father was terribly proud of his fatherhood. Witnesses of this beautiful romance are still perplexed as to why this wonderful union fell apart.

As stormy as this romance was, the boys’ separation was so quiet. I still can’t believe that these beautiful children, who were so suitable for each other, went in different directions. It’s a pity,” Lidia Grigorievna Gavrilova, Lebedeva and Fomenko’s teacher, shared with us.

The daughter of Elena and Nikolai grew up, graduated from the Faculty of International Journalism at MGIMO, got married and gave birth to two wonderful daughters. Nikolai about his granddaughters and eldest daughter She doesn’t particularly like to talk in interviews, but she tries not to mention her first love, Ekaterina’s mother, at all. Moreover, he told the press that after the divorce, his daughter remained in his family and Katya was raised mainly by his mother, Galina Nikolaevna.

Kolya, having married Elena, joined the family worthy people, - the actress of the Alexandrinsky Theater shared with us, who asked not to mention her name, explaining that her former classmate was very scary when angry.

Lena's mother, the beautiful Lyudmila Krasikova, was an actress at the Leningrad Youth Theater, and her father, People's Artist of the USSR Rem Lebedev, was rightfully considered one of the leading actors in Leningrad for many years until his death. The Lebedevs lived in prosperity; their family always had an au pair. Rem Fedorovich idolized his only daughter, and when Lena introduced her future son-in-law to her dad, he accepted him into his family with all his heart.

It must be said that Rem Fedorovich had extensive connections. “Many of our guys were jealous of Kolka,” the actress continues her story. - Lena had suitors hovering around her, one better than the other, many of the guys were from influential families, but she still chose Kolya as her husband, who at that time, apart from charm and an all-consuming desire to win, basically had nothing. Kolya's parents are ordinary Soviet engineers. The family was very generous and friendly, but far from the acting environment. And patronage for my son in circles, as they say now, show business I couldn’t make Kolya. And Fomenko dreamed of becoming a celebrity throughout his student life. Some of our guys joked that Fomenko married not Removna, but Rem.

After graduating from the institute, Kolya immediately ended up in the prestigious Leningrad Pushkin Theater, the famous Alexandrinka Theater throughout the country. Many people then said that Kolya played on the stage of this theater not without the help of his famous father-in-law, although the guy was certainly talented. Soon Elena also came to work at the theater. But her acting career was less successful than Nikolai’s. Lena does not have the quality that actors should have; she is completely devoid of vanity. Calm, soft, homely, she balanced her ardent husband, who dreamed of being a leader everywhere, and never sought to surpass him in anything.

In the family, any wishes of Kolenka were fulfilled. For example, he dreamed of a car, but it was, of course, impossible to buy one with a scholarship. But then Rem Fedorovich receives a brand new Zhiguli car at the theater, and, of course, Kolya, who has developed a lifelong passion for cars, gets behind the wheel. We can say that at the instigation of Kolya’s father-in-law, a famous racing driver appeared in our country. Now Kolka is driving like crazy. They say that now he can get behind the wheel completely drunk, but he will drive, observing all the rules traffic. the envy of any sober person! Talent!

Mother-in-law's "Secret": myths and legends

Soon Nikolai developed a new hobby - music. He began playing the guitar for days on end, dreaming of creating his own ensemble. But the young talent had neither funds nor connections.

Foma then tortured everyone around him with his guitar playing, strumming until he was stupefied at every party we had. At Lebedeva’s house, apart from the guitar and Kolya, no one else was heard, the musician’s former institute friend Oleg shared with us. - That’s when Lyudmila Ivanovna, Lena’s mother, who at that time taught at the Rimsky-Korsakov School, asked her student Sergei Alexandrov, who had the ability to produce, to help his beloved son-in-law. This is how the “Secret” beat quartet appeared, and with it the legend of how Fomenko and Max Leonidov met at the institute and how poor students tried their best to make their musical group popular and famous. Of course, the guys tried. But not without considerable efforts from Kolya’s mother-in-law and Sergei Natanovich, who became the producer of this group.

Unfortunately, Lena saw Kolya super popular already on TV. By this time they had separated... Everything happened unexpectedly for those around them. The firmer the ground became under Fomenko’s feet, the noticeably the relationship in their family cooled, and we soon learned that Kolya and Lena had filed for divorce. Lena's dad, despite his kind attitude towards his son-in-law, was simply furious. All Lenka’s friends saw this. No, he, a Leningrad intellectual, did not insult him in front of us, but from his entire appearance it was noticeable that he was not delighted with his son-in-law’s action. Poor Rem Fedorovich! He seemed to feel that when his daughter had a hard time, Fomenko, famous throughout the country, would not turn his head in her direction. And you know, that's what happened.

In the early 90s, it was hard for the whole country, and especially for the creative intelligentsia. Actors left the theaters in troupes. That's when Lena left Alexandrinka. Words cannot express how difficult it was for her in those years! She took on any job.

She even had to sell vegetables in a stall, which was located not far from her native theater. Then she got a job at a bakery. There was no one to help her. Lyudmila Ivanovna received only a pension, and Rem Fedorovich was no longer alive. In general, she did everything she could to feed her little daughter, her elderly sick mother, and to survive herself. Nikolai was at the peak of his popularity at that time, but he did not give a damn about the fate of the woman he so passionately loved until recently.

Lena managed to get out of this black streak. She, a smart girl, mastered the profession of an accountant and became the chief accountant of the company, but it seemed that she had forgotten about the theater forever. But an incident returned Elena to the theatrical environment. She now successfully teaches acting. Believe me, a person who has known Lena for a very long time, that she will not tell you anything bad about Kolya. He remembers only good things about this period of his life. Although Kolya, according to many, did not act like a man with her! In gratitude for the fact that Elena’s family took such care of him and became a kind of springboard for him, he could provide some kind of help to the mother of his child when she needed it, he could at least occasionally call and find out how they were doing. I’ll never forget how Foma went broke when he found out that Lena had filed for alimony; he didn’t want to pay it. But Lena covers for him, saying they had an agreement according to which he fulfilled his paternal duties. Fomenko yelled so loudly that he would never forgive Lebedeva for these alimony payments. Until today, I probably haven’t forgiven you. I haven’t spoken to Elena for 14 years!

They met for the first time after breaking up when Katya came of age. Then everything was already comme il faut for Lena. I confess that our entire former company - both girls and boys - were shocked when publications began to appear that talked about the hero father Fomenko, who himself raised his daughter. Kolya then blamed everything on the journalists’ inventions. I don’t even understand why he doesn’t want to talk about his grandchildren and daughter. Katka is adorable! Yes, of course, there is a lot in it good qualities: He is a very cheerful and interesting guy, but many of us have noticed that he will not communicate with people who cannot be useful to him. Recently we had a grand meeting of graduates, the whole class came, only Nikolai did not come, although he promised. Somehow all of us gathered, I don’t remember for what reason.

Kolya arrived in his beautiful car and invited a girl to get into it, who became the leading actress of one of our prestigious theaters. Other girls who had no connections were not allowed into the car.

The time has come when we began to receive the titles of Honored Artists. So we always congratulate each other on this event. The only one, Kolya, who received this title first, did not answer anyone and did not congratulate anyone. A friend of ours, Kolya and I, who also studied with us at the institute, was once in Moscow and decided to go to Nikolai’s play. He reprimanded her, but in the future he told her to contact him, including regarding tickets, only through his administrator. Frankly, she was confused when she saw how star fever had distorted our Thomas. Now you can’t recognize him, and you can’t understand his actions.

Second love: passion to the army march

Today, many people serve in Alexandrinka who worked with Nikolai or simply knew him. Many of them say that Fomenko was still a womanizer and Lena simply did not forgive him for yet another betrayal.

If he had affairs, he carefully hid them, says Fomenko’s classmate Irina. - In any case, he protected Elena from all sorts of rumors. Before the official divorce, Lena was sure that her husband was faithful to her. True, then some secrets of his biography were revealed. They say that he became interested in a girl while he was serving in the army. Foma was not in the best position to defend his homeland. hot spot Soviet Union, the son-in-law of the eminent artist was “accidentally” lucky to serve in the Leningrad Military District. Rem Fedorovich picked up the phone and asked, as always, for his boy. It was then that Kolya’s time for fun began. In the ensemble where the artist served, there were not only boys, but also girls, and Fomenko had a very good time in the army.

We talked with one of Nikolai’s colleagues, and it turned out that the future showman was fascinated by the army dance soloist Lyudmila Goncharuk. Kolya fell in love with a girl from a Ukrainian village, and she also became passionate about him. Without thinking twice, Lyudmila Goncharuk did not go home after serving, but came to Nevsky Prospekt, 3, to Nikolai’s family nest. According to one famous Moscow musician who worked with Fomenko at that time, ten years of life with his new lover turned into a living hell for Nikolai. It became increasingly unbearable for him to return to his “beloved.”

“I don’t know,” says Fomenko’s former friend, “what kind of tragedy happened in that family. There were rumors that Lyuda was constantly cheating on Kolya or simply didn’t love him. In general, things didn’t work out for them...

As a result, Nikolai managed to break off this union, but, according to rumors, he could not evict for a long time ex-wife from your home. Anyone else in his place would have forgotten the habit of getting married for a long time after that, but Nikolai had no time to be sad. After all, a new chosen one appeared on the horizon when he still had a wife, albeit bad, in the opinion of the actor’s entourage.

Divorce on air: there are no former loved ones in the world

Fomenko’s love for the young actress Maria Golubkina helped him take his mind off personal troubles. Soon the whole country knew romantic story about how the couple met by chance in the Moscow metro. At the same time, in acting circles they were gossiping about this ridiculous fiction, exaggerating the story of how Larisa Golubkina introduced her young daughter to a twice-divorced man who was over 30... As one of the acquaintances of the Golubkin family said, one day Larisa Ivanovna was invited to participate in the program , which was led by Fomenko. After talking with Nikolai after the program, the actress decided that this pleasant young man was a worthy match for her 20-year-old daughter.

Interviews of the spouses about their harmonious relationship appeared in the press, and the mothers of both sides, treating each other to tea, rejoiced at the happiness of the children, not realizing that in the meantime a real struggle for leadership was playing out between the children. Maria did not want to give in to her husband in anything. According to family friends, his wife’s desire for fame infuriated the vain Nikolai. Maria tried to work hard, and when Nikolai became seriously interested in auto racing, she took up equestrianism.

After serious psychological trauma (at one of the ceremonies, Fomenko was simply called the husband of Maria Golubkina. - G.Sh.), the crack in the spouses' relationship began to widen. Nikolai began to visit his native St. Petersburg very often, and not only during tours. Then rumors spread in the acting community that Fomenko met new love and is going to divorce Masha. Soon the couple themselves announced their decision to separate on live radio. Many who listened to this confession considered it a joke, the couple spoke so easily about their breakup. No one had any idea that a scandal had broken out in the studio. Nikolai even finally decided not to give in to his wife. Masha asked her husband to finish the broadcast for her, as she was in a hurry to go to the performance, and he promised her to fulfill this request. But when she couldn’t restrain herself and hinted to her rival that she wouldn’t just leave her husband stealing, Nikolai became furious. The showman immediately announced that he was going to St. Petersburg, slammed the door and left.

According to one of Nikolai’s acquaintances, Maria should have expected such an outcome. After all, who, if not her, who lived with this man for 13 years, doesn’t know what her husband is capable of. When this man grows cold towards a woman, he breaks off the connection with her cruelly, once and for all, leaving no chance of renewing the relationship.

Today Nikolai’s heart is occupied by 30-year-old Natalia Kutobaeva, press secretary Governor of St. Petersburg Valentina Matvienko. Natasha, like Nikolai, loves cars and extreme sports. The girl was seriously interested in windsurfing. Successful in her career, Natalia has not yet managed to get married, but, according to her own words, she has never been deprived of male attention. In her interviews, Natasha admitted that officials simply bombarded her with compliments. The girl boldly calls all Russian men dramatic actors. Mrs. Kutobaeva claims that she knows exactly how to conquer a man who is her type, but she does not share the secrets of seduction. However, according to her friends, she buys cookbooks. Natasha imagines her future family life as a union of equal people and admits that she is ready to make compromises. According to rumors, Nikolai’s new hobby could end in another wedding. In any case, the showman has already introduced his new lover to his mother.


Once upon a time, little Kolya Fomenko saw Larisa Golubkina on the screen, and since then she has become the personification of the woman of his dreams. As an adult, one day he met a girl, Masha, who, by a strange coincidence, turned out to be the daughter of his idol. Another would have seen the finger of Fate in this, but Nikolai believes that the main thing for family happiness is to first choose the right mother-in-law.

Psychologists say that girls often choose as husbands those who remind them of their father. Characteristic feature Andrey Mironov and Nikolai Fomenko have an amazing sense of humor. Now Masha Golubkina likes to tell an anecdote about how she met her future husband precisely because of this feeling: “It happened in the subway. I was driving, reading the book “The Odyssey of Captain Blood.” Suddenly, at some point, I feel a male figure leaning towards me and asking: “Excuse me, girl, was it by chance that you stole the book “The Odyssey of Captain Blood” from me a hundred years ago? I looked up - bah, Fomenko! However, she did not show that she recognized the popular TV presenter even then. We laughed, laughed at something else, talked about something, and then Kolya invited me to go visit him. I went, and within a day we began to live together...” There is not a grain of truth in this anecdote, and real acquaintance in the interpretation of each of the spouses looks different. And all because both love humor and practical jokes.

Just ten years ago we didn’t know such a profession as a showman. There was a showwoman, Aunt Valya Leontyeva, who simultaneously read Politburo messages in the “Time” program, hosted the “With All My Heart” program, as well as the “Skillful Hands” program. There was a showman Igor Kirillov, who moved from the “Time” program to the “ViD” program.

Now young people with terrible ambitions and incredible drive instantly become showmen. They “didn’t graduate from academies,” but they know how to behave in a crowd and say: “Hello! Today I am with you, Petya Sidorov...” Nikolai Fomenko is a strange, one might say transitional option. He is from the breed of talented actors who went to television (other options of the same type are Yakubovich, Yarmolnik), who clearly create a sense of personality on the screen... but at the same time do not say anything “fundamental”.

The future famous artist and showman was born in Leningrad on April 30, 1962. His mother, Galina Nikolaevna, was a ballerina, but due to an injury she was forced to change her profession and became a civil engineer. Father - physicist-metrologist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Fomenko - was one of the inventors of homing missiles. He is now included in the list of the world's 500 best scientists and in the Cambridge encyclopedia "Outstanding People of the 20th Century." The very fact of being born into such a family determines life choices. If both parents are strong and bright personalities, the child has two options left: either to obey and be an intelligent good boy, or to become a rebel for the rest of his life.

Nikolenka’s decisive character made itself felt from childhood: “I was kicked out of kindergarten almost three days later. For attacking a neighbor kindergarten. On the very first day, I explained to the children that they were living wrong. We need to play war. At my request, the children brought pistols, machine guns, and helmets from home, and their parents sewed shoulder straps on them (they didn’t know why). And we attacked a neighboring, completely unprepared kindergarten...” The violent thirst for activity was noticed and appreciated. The parents decided to turn this volcano into a peaceful direction and, handing their son a violin, took him to a music school. After the violin, it was much easier for Nikolai to master any musical instrument and... study at the Theater of Youth Creativity, which attracted acting romance. And he really liked skiing– liked him so much that he became a master of sports and even joined the country’s youth team.

Somewhere between skiing, plays and concerts, normal school lessons leaked in: “I was considered a terrible hooligan and a poor student, although I myself thought that I did well at school, and they gave me bad marks for integrity and honesty. I could stand up during a lesson and say: “That’s it, Tatyana Vasilievna, I’m tired. You’re wrong,” fold your bag and leave the classroom. One day the head teacher called me and said: “Fomenko, our patience has run out, we’re sending you to a colony. We give you one last chance.” Although I didn’t have a single report to the police, I didn’t smoke, I didn’t break glass, I was just a bully.”

Yes, and of course, it was Kolya who led all the school dance evenings. But for some reason this did not improve relations with teachers. When Fomenko finished 10th grade, he was not even given a certificate. Despite the strictest ban, he and his friends sang songs to English language, and I had to call my dad to save the documents. It seemed that Kolya’s future had been determined long ago and firmly - a music school awaited him, for which everyone was preparing him last years. But unexpectedly for everyone, he decided to enter the theater institute. No one particularly contradicted him, but his decision did not cause any delight. Admission to the theater required serious preparation, which, according to his parents, his son did not have any trace of at that time.

Nikolai was enrolled in the first year of LGITMiK simply by miracle. He couldn’t pronounce the letter “r” until he was 17, and people with speech impediments are usually rejected before the first round. When asked by the examination committee what the future actor was thinking about when preparing to enroll, Fomenko resourcefully answered: “I was preparing for the role of the leader of the world revolution.” At that exam, the applicant shocked the teachers with his performance of Krylov’s fable “The Frog and the Bull” - he portrayed a swollen frog so that the commission was dying of laughter. But the burr was only corrected by the end of the first school year.

In 1981, a historic meeting took place between two students of LGITMiK - Maxim Leonidov and Nikolai Fomenko. Everything that Nikolai needed like air - passion, music, theater, risk, temperament, love of life and humor - all this was intertwined into one and realized, finding an absolutely precise place of application in the vocal-instrumental ensemble "Secret".

After graduating from the institute in 1983, Kolya was taken to the famous Leningrad Alexandrinka, where he managed to play main role in the play “The Trumpeter on the Square” and several supporting roles. But it was impossible to combine work in the theater with the group “Secret,” which was rapidly gaining popularity, and Fomenko abandoned the theater.

The following summer, “Secret” submitted its program to Lenconcert and became a professional group, however, as eccentric artists, since there were no vacancies for a vocal-instrumental ensemble on the staff: “There were a lot of inventions, tricks, jumping on stage. There were 12 people sitting in an empty hall, and in front of them, wet with tension and horror, “The Secret” gave its best. Rock music and pop music were forbidden words, the quota for VIA was very limited. And then “The Secret” received the title of “artists of the original genre.” We almost juggled on stage to somehow justify our new name.”

After this difficult test, “Secret” got the opportunity to work in all the halls of Leningrad, earning 5 rubles per concert and playing 20 concerts a month. At the ensemble's performances, doors, chairs and glass were broken, fans sat on stairs and hung from chandeliers. By the summer of 1985, when the Moscow Festival of Youth and Students was held, the group had become super popular: Secret fans wore red ties to look like their idols, and almost the whole of Leningrad wore these red rags. The group gave concerts almost every day at various concert venues, the Smena newspaper recognized “Secret” as one of the twelve “Discoveries of the Year,” and the musicians went on tour in a specially rented limousine.

For Fomenko, popularity was like an explosion: “For the first time, we seriously went out to play a concert at the Youth Palace. Four groups performed, and we closed the matter. We have never played in such large numbers before. The public didn’t know us at all – they only saw us on TV. They turned off the lights and announced: the group “Secret”!.. And I heard a collapse that I have never heard since then. It was scary to go on stage! We performed a 45-minute program in 25 minutes – we were so nervous. I remember this as a shock: people were hysterical, we couldn’t leave after the concert... This is probably called “woke up famous.”

They were the first to “play all these games with the same clothes, long limos, the same life. We lived by the principle: we must first get involved in a fight, and then figure out what will happen next.” But in the winter of 1989, Maxim Leonidov announced his departure from the group, which came as a shock to all group members, including Nikolai: “It was difficult and very useful. Because at some point we became wealthy people; if we want, we write songs; if we want, we don’t write. And everything somehow began to freeze, and some kind of wave was needed. Max's departure gave me a very big boost. I have always been ashamed of my own self. I was taught that it is indecent to be the first, it is indecent to stick oneself out. And here I had to take real responsibility. And for this I must say thank you to Max...”

In February 1996, Nikolai finally parted ways with The Secret. The group’s new album “Blues de Moscou” was half recorded without Fomenko. By that time, he had already moved to Moscow, became the host of several super-popular television projects, acted in films, played in the Satyricon theater, and participated in automobile “races for survival.”

Nikolai saw his future wife for the first time in 1990, when “The Secret” was at the peak of its popularity. Fomenko came to Odessa, where a film with his music was being filmed: “Some director ordered me to write music for the film. Well, I’m writing music, flying to Odessa, and there everyone is whispering, with a breath: “We’re filming MASHA GOLUBKINA!!! Have you seen MASHA GOLUBKINA?!!” No, I haven’t seen Masha Golubkina, why should I see her, I just returned from Hamburg! And then she walked past me and said: “Dress me!”

Masha herself added, laughing, that she was “completely wooden” at that moment: “Out of excitement, I didn’t even see that Kolya was alone. I was told that this was the “Secret”, and it seemed to me that there were three of them. And all with guitars. And I told all three of them: “Give me a break!” And then there are two versions of the development of events. Golubkina: “Lord, come on, these three idiots are the group “Secret”?!” And Fomenko’s version is: “I wonder what hotel she was staying at?” But then nothing happened between them...

Masha was born in Moscow on September 22, 1973 in the family of theater and film actors Andrei Mironov and Larisa Golubkina, who had been married for 14 years. There are still many legends about this union, which, however, is quite understandable - when two stars live under one roof, gossip cannot be avoided. “I had such an unexpected situation in my childhood - I was terribly embarrassed that I was the daughter of artists. Everyone said: “Mironova and Golubkina,” in the yard for some reason they called me “cold and hot smoked,” the children had such a stupid joke. I was terribly complex about this: all people are like people, I’m the only one here... It’s hard to be a child of artists in this sense.”

Masha, who is traditionally called the adopted daughter of Andrei Mironov and whom the daughter of his first wife, Ekaterina Gradova, does not consider as a sister, has an absolute resemblance to the legendary actor. And not only externally, but also her behavior is as swift, impulsive and clear as Mironov’s. The father had a huge influence on his daughter. She believes in the ancient eastern wisdom: until the age of five, a child is like a king, until the age of 15, like a slave, and then like an equal. In her relationship with her dad, she believes, the time was just coming when he began to talk to her as an equal person. At home, he was sometimes a real despot, and Masha fully experienced her father’s passion for perfection and absolute order. However, today she recalls her childhood experiences with humor.

Larisa Golubkina was an exemplary homemaker: “I have never met women like my mother. It happens that a woman knows how to cook well, but does not like to clean the apartment and does not work. It happens that a woman devotes herself entirely to work and does not do housework at all and does not give birth to children. My mother managed to do everything.”

As a child, Masha did not even dream of becoming an actress. Always seeing her father before her eyes, she believed that she would not be able to master the acting profession at his level. Mironov’s daughter studied in a Moscow special school with a French bias and did not understand why the teachers were bullying her: “They scolded me a lot. Although, as I now understand, there was a problem: in Soviet schools, teachers wanted their artist parents to visit them more often. How to lure them there? That's right, in twos. That's why I always got bad marks. And they also strove to say all the time: “THIS parents! AND SUCH a daughter!” I don’t understand what kind of person I was. A meek and well-mannered child, if you think about it: “Hello - thank you - excuse me...” But my mother could not understand what was the matter, and kept looking for flaws in me. And in the end she transferred me to another school, where all were the children of artists and where I was forgiven by SUCH parents...”

Little Masha was greatly influenced by the companies that gathered at home, the conversations, the arguments, the stories that were told here, the atmosphere: “We were never bored. Not a day. For example, I published a wall newspaper for my parents on their birthdays. I cut out some phrases from newspapers, made drawings myself and glued signatures to these drawings. I composed a long story of their love, and it ended very funny: an old man and an old woman are sitting on a bench and the inscription: “The finish is getting closer.”

Parents did not tell their daughter that she should definitely be an actress. And she herself had not thought about this profession. At the age of 10, for example, Masha became seriously interested in horses, she even went to study in the equestrian section at the Timiryazev Academy and for a long time dreamed of only one thing - to become a professional equestrian after graduating from school. But at the age of 16 she starred in the film “Adam’s Rib,” and this event ultimately became the decisive moment that determined the choice of profession: “More precisely, not the work itself in the film, but what my grandmother, Maria Vladimirovna, told me when she saw it: “You have the right to be an actress.” To receive such an assessment from her lips, I’ll be honest, is worth a lot.” Therefore, after school, Golubkina entered the Theater School. B.V. Shchukina, and when she graduated, she was accepted into the Satire Theater.

...In 1994, Nikolai somehow moved from St. Petersburg to Moscow: “And somewhere my friends and I had a drink and a snack, and Maria and her friends formed there.” Masha’s friends said: “Let’s go, there will be such a group there, just three guys.” They have already counted everything. And I sat at home, cuckooing. That’s why she agreed”... Then he took her home. And without any prospects, because “she behaved like, “I’m not like that, I’m waiting for the tram.” This was her presentation... She told me with all her appearance: “Where you studied, we taught there!” And I had no choice but to make a face: “Gospadziya, we have people like that...” And then I had the 300th Mercedes, the 124th body...”

Then Masha “grazed” Nikolai for a long time, with whom she fell in love at first sight. I came to the recording of the TV show “Simply Simple”: “Oh, guys, what an interesting program you are filming! Is it okay that I'm wearing so much makeup? After the performance I..." Then I went to where they were hanging out, and specially took with me a friend who was portraying her gentleman, so that everything would not be so obvious...

In general, they laughed and laughed so much, Fomenko still out of habit believed that she was “so cool...” And then, at Christmas, he said to her: “Well, Masha, is that enough?” “Yes,” said Masha, “that’s enough.” And they left for Mosfilmovskaya Street and disappeared from humanity for four days: “They didn’t leave the apartment at all. And Laris-Ivanna called every five minutes and told the answering machine: “Pick up! Kolya! Masha! I still know you’re there!!!””

Then Nikolai told his chosen one about his previous life. About the fact that he has a daughter from his first marriage and a wife from his second in St. Petersburg. The daughter had been living with his parents for a long time, and the girl: “...In short, it’s all over there, and not on my initiative. There was already another man there. I'm not the kind of person who starts something new until the old one is finished. To come and say: “You know, dear, I met someone else” is not about me. This cannot happen in my life. I know exactly. And when everything started with Masha, I already felt completely cleared of the past. She, of course, didn’t know this for sure, of course she was worried, and, of course, Laris-Ivanna was worried too. She told Mashka something like, don’t repeat my mistakes, and so on. It’s not written on my forehead that I am a very serious and responsible person...”

In 1995, a year after they met, the young people got married. Two years later, a daughter, Nastya, was born into the family, and in 2002, a son, Vanya. Although the spouses are both very busy at work, they take care of the children themselves: “We do not have any strict division of family responsibilities. When circumstances develop such that I, say, have urgent filming, and Kolya has to fly to another city for several days, a nanny comes to us. And so we constantly try to insure each other. You know, Kolya never climbed onto my balcony, never sang serenades under my windows, never gave me a million Red roses... But his most extraordinary actions are dearer to me - this is when he gets up at four o’clock in the morning with the awakened Vanya and then entertains him until eight, or when, after the guests leave, Kolya takes and washes all the dishes.”

Fomenko is indeed a “very serious and responsible” husband: “You can’t let the universe revolve around you. At some point you have to turn around yourself. We need to find common ground... Let's say Maria now wants to stand on her head. Don't you like it? But maybe this is just right! By the way, I came to this profound conclusion not long ago. This understanding comes from Masha. I used to be much tougher. I just knew that you shouldn’t talk like that, and you shouldn’t behave like that... But Masha taught me to take another person into account.”

Golubkina has been involved in equestrian sports for sixteen years (by the way, it is very fashionable now in Moscow) and has “jumped” to the title of master of sports. Not long ago she was able to afford to buy her own horse - a 5-year-old gray English trotter, Bias. Masha practices dressage with him. By the way, Fomenko is afraid of horses and is a rare guest at his wife’s stable. Masha “pays” her husband in the same coin - she doesn’t go to car races, explaining that it’s too noisy and dusty.

Famous actor, composer, showman, radio and television presenter Nikolai Fomenko since the mid-1990s. became seriously interested in motorsport and is now considered one of the best racing drivers in the country. He acts in films, TV series, plays in plays, hosts original programs on Russian Radio and makes his own TV programs. In addition, it participates in the World Touring Car Championship. Racing takes up 80% of his time - 15 races a season plus 10-12 tests - almost thirty weeks a year.

In 1998, he mentioned that he wanted to earn $2 million, give up everything and go abroad. Either the economic crisis had such an impact on Nikolai, or the fact that his jeep was then stolen, they pulled him and the driver out of the car and laid him face down on the asphalt in front of the Rossiya cinema and concert hall. Now he regards his star status quite ironically: “We seem to live under capitalism, but at the same time, three-quarters of the country lives on rubles and only two cities live on dollars. When our stars roll up to the Moscow Film Festival in Cartier and Tiffany, it causes nothing but laughter. We don't have an institute of stars! Well, they will give you a title, but, unfortunately, this does not bring anything material. Yes, and it sounds shameful.

Imagine: Michael Schumacher is the Honored Master of Sports of Germany, Al Pacino is the People's Artist of America... Funny! I’m not fighting for good now, we knew where we were going. But you have to think about whether they will throw you out of the car. It is clear that these are problems big city: in Amsterdam they also throw cars out of them. And this is done by the same people who are here. All that remains is to grit your teeth and fly forward. But how many amazing actors do we have who work in the theater, act in films and then fly home by metro? When you say that you want to leave, you mean that you want to stay. Sitting with the children and wife and reading books.”

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CAPTAIN A. FOMENKO On Breslaustrasse I hastily go down, almost running into a dim basement, barely lit by a candle. “Comrade Major!” The commander of the divisional artillery battery, assigned to support your battalion, has arrived. Major Yakovlev, without wasting time, introduces the situation

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Nikolai FOMENKO Fomenko got married for the first time at the age of 20 - when he studied at the Leningrad Theater Institute. He chose his classmate Lena as his wife, modest and pretty, who was two years older than him. In 1982, their daughter Katya was born. N. Fomenko recalls: “I

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ANDREY MIRONOV AND LARISA GOLUBKINA The love story between the famous Soviet Figaro and the “cavalry maiden” from “The Hussar Ballad” lasted a total of about a quarter of a century. During this time, they came to the forefront family life other characters also came out,

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15. Masha Masha turned fifteen. She wore glasses that constantly slipped down her short nose, and straightened them with splayed fingers. She cut her hair and put strands behind her ears. In high school, students no longer wore uniforms, and the school administration

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Interview with P. N. Fomenko “Root System” Background This conversation in August 2006 served as the reason for my personal acquaintance with Pyotr Naumovich. Naturally, I knew and loved his theater for a long time in various forms, and the “Workshop” in general from the moment of its creation. Studied at

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Chapter 2. Pyotr Fomenko Pyotr Naumovich Fomenko (1932–2012), director, People's Artist of Russia. “I was kicked out from everywhere for my ideas,” Pyotr Naumovich used to say. According to legend, he was expelled from the Moscow Art Theater School because he blocked traffic on Gorky Street near Telegraph

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Chapter 14. Larisa Golubkina, a woman similar to her mother After leaving Gradova, Mironov settled with his parents. The apartment on Volkov Lane was unsuitable for habitation, because almost all the furniture from there had at one time moved to Herzen Street. Living with parents (read: mother)

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Future wife: Larisa Golubkina In the summer of 1963, a very significant episode happened. As part of a representative delegation from Goskino, Fateeva went on a creative trip to Syria. As fate would have it, one of her companions was the young but already popular actress Larisa

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Second wife: Larisa Golubkina As we remember, Larisa could have become Mironov’s wife back in the first half of the 60s, but then she was not ready for this. Mironov was not one of her priority men. As a result, Larisa made love with other representatives of the stronger sex.

From the author's book

Andrei's second wife: Larisa Golubkina At the time of Andrei Mironov's death, his wife was 46 years old. Not the oldest age for a woman who also knows how to take care of herself. And then it seemed to many that some time would pass, the widow would grieve and then get married again. Good

Famous Soviet and Russian musician and actor, TV presenter and showman, sports commentator and columnist, racing driver, Chief Editor magazine "Autopilot" (until 2008), director of the engineering department of the Formula 1 team Marussia Nikolai Fomenko is a man of bright destiny, who has realized himself in many ways.
His path career growth and creative manifestations illuminated 4 marriages.

Nikolai Vladimirovich Fomenko was born on April 30, 1962 in Leningrad. After graduating from school, he entered the Leningrad Institute of Theater, Music and Cinema. As a student, he was ringed for the first time (1980). His wife was Elena Lebedeva, the daughter of the People's Artist, leading actor of Alexandrinka Rem Lebedev and the beautiful actress Lyudmila Krasikova. Nikolai’s career got off to a successful start, he starred in films, his father-in-law gave him a brand new Zhiguli car and helped him promote the Secret beat quartet. In 1981, the young couple had a daughter, Ekaterina (she had already given her beloved daddy two charming granddaughters, Aglaya and Masha).

This marriage lasted 5 years. Having become a popular singer and showman, Fomenko decided to change his quiet haven. The artist’s second wife is the soloist of the army dance ensemble Lyudmila Goncharuk. He met her while serving in the army. The couple lived together for 10 years (1985–1995). Goncharuk devoted herself entirely to Nikolai Fomenko: she cooked, washed, baked, and received the necessary guests. And when the passion cooled down, the musician kicked her, pregnant, out of the house. After the divorce, her daughter Dasha was born (1995).

The third wife was actress Maria Golubkina, who was ambitious and did not intend to leave the stage for her husband. This infuriated Nikolai Vladimirovich extremely. She managed to do everything: raise children (daughter Nastya, 1998, and son Ivan, 2002), and be popular, and she also had hobbies, and did not forget about social gatherings. At one of the events, Nikolai Fomenko was called... “the husband of Masha Golubkina.” For the ambitious man, this was the last straw. The marriage broke down in 2008.

Fomenko’s fourth wife was Natalia Vladimirovna Kutobaeva, press secretary of St. Petersburg governor Valentina Matvienko, now head of the press service of the Federation Council. In 2009, his wife gave him a son, Vasily. Will Nikolai Fomenko stop in the pursuit of happiness? Time will show.
