Chinese lanterns romantic stories. Chinese sky lanterns: history and traditions

One of the essential attributes Chinese New Year are paper lanterns. They can be seen in Asian countries on the streets, in homes and offices. Paper lanterns are not a common decoration. Like almost any Asian paraphernalia, they have a symbolic meaning.

Red lanterns symbolize wealth, prosperity and good luck. It is believed that the place where the Chinese lantern hangs brings abundance and success. This is why you see red paper lanterns in Chinese restaurants so often.

Paper lanterns of different colors are a popular decoration in the East.

Although red is the most popular color, there are other colors as well. White lanterns attract happiness and success, blue lanterns bring good luck in career and work, green lanterns promote abundance and prosperity in the new year. During the celebration of the Chinese New Year, thousands of colored paper lanterns with burning candles are launched into the sky.

During Chinese New Year celebrations, thousands of burning paper lanterns are launched into the sky.

While Chinese lanterns are associated with Chinese New Year celebrations, their use is much wider.

As feng shui symbols, they can be an excellent tool for transforming the interior and exterior of a home, attracting good luck to it.

Paper lanterns can be powerful feng shui charms if you know how to use them correctly.

Paper lanterns for home

Paper refers to yang energy. Chinese lanterns are a great decoration for your home. Feng shui experts claim that paper lanterns can improve feng shui. They attract positive energy, activating all areas inside the home.

They can be hung in the bedroom, in the kitchen, in the office, at the entrance and on the balcony. Inexpensive and beautiful paper lanterns add unique oriental accents to interior design. They can be used as a lampshade for a lamp, or simply hung as a decoration.

An additional symbolic meaning is added by a hieroglyph on a paper lantern.

For single people looking for a soul mate, or those who want to return a partner, it is recommended to place a couple of small red lanterns in the love sector (southwest of Bagua). symbolizes passion and romance, and small red lanterns strengthen relationships, revive extinguished feelings, strengthen them. A pair of red lanterns can also be hung in the sector of glory (south).

Orange paper lanterns are a great party decoration.

Green lanterns can be placed in the wealth sector (southeast), blue lanterns in the career sector (north), and white lanterns in the career and health sector (center and east). Small multi-colored lanterns can be decorated at the beginning of the Chinese New Year celebration to bring good luck to the house.

Lantern color

Color symbolism plays a big role. Red is associated with happiness, luck, prosperity and abundance. In Feng Shui practice, red lanterns are believed to bring family happiness. Red lanterns at the main entrance will bring marital happiness to the couple and protect them from evil.

A good marital ritual is to light two red lanterns at the same time. If the spouses fulfill it, then this will strengthen their union and make it more joyful.

Paper lantern in the office.

Yin and yang are important concepts in the theory and practice of feng shui, as everything in this world is constantly changing and, at the same time, tends to balance. Purple lanterns are associated with yin energy, which brings peace, spiritual awareness, mental and physical healing into the home.

Deep, rich and dark shades of magenta bring fortune, fortune and fame. In areas where you meditate and reflect on the eternal, it is good to use flashlights of light shades of purple.

Green symbolizes growth, harmony, health, feminine, yin energy and well-being. Flashlight Green colour next to your desktop helps you focus. Green lanterns promote spiritual growth and humility.

Unlike European culture, where blue is the color of boys, in Asia this color is full of feminine yin energy and symbolizes girls. Peace, tranquility, the element of water - these are its other characteristics. Since the color blue promotes relaxation, a blue flashlight can be placed in resting or bathing areas.

Paper lanterns and holidays

Chinese New Year is not the only holiday when paper lanterns can be used. Red lanterns will be a wonderful decoration for a wedding or a romantic dinner. Pink lanterns will look great at any bachelorette party. Orange colored lanterns set the tone for communication and add energy and brightness to any party.

Let's dive into history and find out where sky lanterns came from and why.

Despite the fact that sky lanterns have recently begun to come into vogue, their existence goes back far into the past. Nearly two and a half millennia ago Ancient China born amazingly beautiful tradition: launch into the sky flying lanterns. Several stories are connected with the appearance of this custom, each of which causes genuine admiration.

Initial appearance flying lanterns was due to the need to transmit military signals in the dark. But in Peaceful time there was no need to light signal lights, and Chinese lanterns have become a symbol of the invisible connection that exists between living people and the souls of their ancestors. There is nothing surprising in this: looking at hundreds of lights rushing into the heavenly distance with sparkling constellations, it is easy to believe that the universe will hear all prayers and fulfill each of the wishes.

According to Buddhists, flying lanterns free people from negativity. It is easy to clear your mind of the accumulated negative phenomena: you need to go through the troubles in your thoughts and set fire to the burner Chinese lantern. Flying away, the ball of desires will take with it all the problems and sorrows.

And Indian girls present sky lanterns as a gift to divine temples. It is believed that the donor will be enlightened, as the fire burning inside the ball indicates the path to the truth and symbolizes wisdom.

Years have passed, and the ancient tradition has not only not lost its popularity, but has become an invariable part of many holidays: from a small family celebration to a festival of grandiose proportions.

Festival where all dreams come true

Traditionally, on the 15th lunar day of the new year in China, Yuanxiao Jie is held - flying lantern festival. This holiday completes the series of New Year's festivities with the final chord. Most Chinese people associate Yuanxiao Jie not only with a masquerade, bright fireworks, cheerful dances, but also with romantic feelings, love confessions, fulfillment of the most secret desires. A long time ago, only on this special day, girls were allowed to freely walk the streets and show men an open face.

Chinese Lantern Festival considered Valentine's Day. Perhaps for this reason, the custom of launching flying lanterns into the sky has resonated in the hearts of people around the world. Two elements - Fire and Air - unite and give birth to a miracle, which, according to legend, fills the soul of a person with positive energy, giving him peace and love.

Enchanting holiday, one of the participants of which are wish balls, is celebrated annually in the city of Cheng Mai, located in northern Thailand. Concerts, theatrical performances, festivities accompanied by fireworks and fireworks are held at the festival for several days. Finally, the holiday has died down, and its participants, slightly tired of the impressions, gather together to launch Hum Loy into the sky - flying lanterns.

Only here, in the north of the capital, you can admire this ancient tradition in all its scope and take part in it. The custom came from Burma, which has adjacent borders with the northern provinces of Thailand. For some reason, flying lanterns have not become widespread in the south of the kingdom and in its central part, but in the northern part they are sold everywhere.

By evening, people stream to the riverbank and before the sky lanterns take off, dreamers of all ages make wishes with excitement. Even the most skeptical participants in the depths of their souls hope that their plans will come true.

It happens that the flashlight is not able to take off, or even burns out completely, entangled in the branches of a tree. In such situations, the Chinese are not embarrassed or upset, but laughingly say that so many wishes were made that they could not rise above the ground.

Flying lanterns: the secrets of creation and flight

In China sky lanterns are called Hum Loy or Hum Fey. Thousands of years ago, they were made from generously oiled rice paper, which was stretched over a lightweight bamboo frame. The Chinese used paper impregnated with wax as a burner. Nowadays, Chinese lanterns are made of the thinnest heat-resistant paper, which is in no way inferior to its ancient predecessor.

Flying lanterns can have a wide variety of shapes: from strict and concise geometric shapes and ending with silhouettes of outlandish animals, jewelry or household items.

The principle by which sky lanterns operate can be illustrated by the example of an empty plastic bottle, immersed in water. In order for it not to emerge to the surface, you will need to make some efforts and keep the container under water. On the contrary: if the bottle is full, it will settle at the bottom.

This phenomenon is based on the law of Archimedes, according to which a denser substance will certainly push out a less dense substance. Flying lanterns are arranged according to the same principle. The flame that ignites inside the dome heats the air to about 100~120°C. As a result of heating, the density of air, as well as its weight, becomes less.

What does this tell us? The fact that the air that is inside the flashlight has become warmer and lighter than the air that is outside. Just as an empty container floats in water, Chinese lanterns rush up in the air. Such a simple explanation from the point of view of physics can be given to the wonderful magic, which in a matter of minutes captures the spirit of all, without exception, the spectators of the silent flight of fireballs.

Through the millennia to the present

Today, in almost every city you can buy flying Chinese lanterns. The popularity that they have is quite understandable: a romantic and memorable spectacle, which can be organized for a very reasonable fee, will envelop any holiday with the magic of magic.

Wish Balls awaken hidden hopes and dreams in us. It would seem that just a second ago, the flashlight was resting in the hands, and now, after just a moment, it is already gradually gaining altitude and lining up in a constellation along with other lights. Looking at the flying lanterns slowly rising into the sky, you sincerely believe that together with a bright light rushing up, all insults and annoyances will fly away, and your plan will certainly come true.

Wishing balls can rise to a height of 1000 meters, and if weather conditions and fuel allow, then much higher. On average, the enchanting performance lasts about 20 minutes. And delightful memories are stored in the soul for a long time.

Chinese lanterns are a universal, and at the same time very original and sincere gift that can be made for the New Year, Birthday, wedding, graduation party or even in honor of the victory of your favorite football team. A variety of shapes and sizes will allow you to choose wish balls that will resonate both in the soul of the giver and in the heart of the recipient of the gift.

Chinese lanterns become an indispensable attribute of every holiday, but not everyone knows that they appeared eighteen centuries ago and were used for military purposes. Their inventor was the commander Kong Ming, launching lanterns into the sky, which were visible for many kilometers, he transmitted messages to military units.

The invention was not forgotten even in peacetime. Sky lanterns began to be used on holidays. Thus, the Chinese wished their loved ones happiness, longevity and health. They were launched at weddings and birthdays, with the help of lanterns they tried to propitiate the gods, and also gave thanks for a good harvest or an excellent catch. Beautiful sky lanterns spread very quickly throughout Asia, and in each country some special traditions and customs were associated with them.

In Thailand, for example, flying lanterns are launched on almost all holidays, but most of the lights soaring in the sky can be seen on the days when the Banana Boat Festival is celebrated. Thais make a wish when they release a lantern into the sky and follow it until the lantern is out of sight.

Sky lanterns brought to India Buddhist monks, and therefore, the tradition of presenting them as a gift to the Temple during religious holidays has been preserved. Fire symbolizes spiritual purification, and everyone who brought a lantern as a gift should become a little better and wiser.

And Indian girls, launching flying lanterns into the sky, think for themselves successful marriage, wealth and prosperity in the future family life.

Sky lanterns came to Russia not too long ago, but the custom of launching lights into the sky is becoming more and more popular. Flashlights are used at children's parties, during weddings, birthdays, New Year's Eve. Lanterns are made in a variety of shapes and colors, and you can choose the right lantern for any important event.

Both adults and children like to launch flying lanterns. There is something joyful and sad, philosophical and naive in this action. The ritual combines faith in the unknown and hope for the future. Lanterns flying in the sky seem to take our desires with them to where they are destined to come true.

Those who at least once in their lives have released a flying lantern into the sky and watched the light gradually disappearing in the sky, they understand very well why this beautiful custom has become so popular all over the world, and why, despite the invention of the brightest and most sparkling fireworks, people continue to buy and release simple and unpretentious flying lanterns into the sky.

Anyone who has ever attended Chinese New Year celebrations will never forget the ceremony of launching fire lanterns into the night sky. The sight is truly fantastic. It looks like hundreds of flashing "fireflies" rush high into the sky, conquering the skies. There is a feeling that magic descended to the earth and fascinated everyone around with its magic.

History of appearance

How and where did Chinese lanterns first appear? Sky lanterns owe their appearance to ancient China. Few people know, but initially their purpose was completely different than now. The first mentions of Chinese sky lanterns are found more than 2 thousand years ago, in ancient chronicles that tell about the combat episodes of history. With their help, they intimidated enemy troops, and used as a signaling tool. Also, with the help of flying paper heavenly candles made in the shape of a commander-in-chief's hat, military units exchanged messages on the battlefield. That is, they were used in military strategies, and won bright victories.

Over time, the Chinese forgot about the military purpose, and fire lanterns received a symbolic meaning, becoming a full-fledged traditional attribute of the culture of the Middle Kingdom. They have become symbols of goodness and prosperity. Lanterns can serve to bring good luck and material well-being to the house. They can also decorate any part of your living space.

It is believed that a burning lantern flying into the sky is able to fulfill wishes and make the most cherished dreams come true. It is necessary, with the help of hieroglyphs, to indicate your intention on paper, and then light your talisman and release it into heaven. Along with the traditional decorations that decorate the outer facades of houses, streets and trees, not a single significant holiday in China is complete without this beautiful ritual.

When it gets dark, the stream of people moves to the river bank and before starting the lanterns, people think about it in order to make a wish. At this moment, even the most inveterate skeptics hope that their wishes will certainly come true. By launching lanterns into the sky, people believed that they were undergoing a purification process and filled with new vital energy. If for some reason the lanterns do not take off, burn out at the start, without even rising, or blown away by a gust of wind, get tangled in the nearest trees, then the Chinese are not particularly upset, joking that they made too many wishes.

souvenir gifts sky lanterns popular all over the world, having managed to win recognition far beyond the borders of China. Fashion for them continues to grow, covering holidays associated with almost all areas of human life. A rare wedding does without a memorable finale with burning lanterns, which bypass even crackling fireworks in demand. They are "silent", and therefore create a more "intimate", tender atmosphere of this romantic holiday.

Luminous bright lanterns are welcome guests at other bright events - graduation parties, anniversaries, birthdays, corporate parties. Extremely popular at children's parties, as they can cause indescribable delight in any child.

Design. How is a sky lantern

What is the secret of their lightness and weightlessness, and what is the principle of operation of flying lanterns? It's all about the special design. The basis of each lantern is a bamboo frame, which is carefully covered with special rice paper. To prevent thin paper from igniting when the burner is ignited, it is pre-impregnated with a non-combustible compound. On the flashlight itself, a burner is fixed, which is made of cotton fabric treated with wax, or from porous paper with a flammable coating.

Frame and dome are made various forms and colors, ranging from simple geometric shapes to the exhaustion of the creator's imagination. These can be images of animals, household items, flowers, etc. The image of the dragon, which is especially revered in China, is also actively used in the manufacture of sky lanterns. There are modern fashionable options - for example, in the form of a smiley. Interestingly, until recently, lanterns were made exclusively by hand, so as not to violate centuries-old traditions. It is believed that the more labor is invested in their creation, the more wealth and good luck will go to the owner.

At present, in China, of course, an entire industry for the production of flying lanterns has been established, now according to modern the latest technologies, and the enterprising Chinese export them to many countries around the world.

This is how, with the help of simple devices, the Chinese invented their famous heavenly masterpiece, known and extremely popular now all over the world. The height to which it can fly is, as a rule, 200 - 1000 meters, and the duration of its life in a burning state lasts about 15-30 minutes.

It is better to launch a flashlight into the sky in an open area, a large wide area, and so that there are no tall structures, trees, parking lots nearby. After all, I would not want the flashlight to get stuck at the very beginning of the flight or create a fire hazard.

The weather for launching is preferable to choose calm and rainless. The bright sun is also undesirable, because because of its light the fire of our flashlights will not be visible. Therefore, it is desirable to launch after dusk, or do it at night.

It is better to launch lanterns into the sky together. One person holds, and the second sets it on fire. When the air inside warms up (in about a minute), then you can let go - the flashlight will soar up, and you can enjoy the beautiful spectacle of its flight.

Nowadays, it is very easy to buy Chinese souvenir lanterns. It is not necessary to visit the countries of Southeast Asia for this. Specialized stores selling Feng Shui symbols make it possible to place an order from anywhere in the world and provide a huge selection for the most demanding taste.

Bright and touching fiery "moths" will not only be a pleasant addition to any holiday, but also help to fulfill your innermost desires. Good spirits will surely notice the shimmering color, and will flock to start doing their good deeds.

History of sky lanterns

Chinese masters own many truly great inventions that have changed the world. Paper, gunpowder (and then fireworks), porcelain, compass, spyglass... Even the first toothbrush, according to historians, was also made in ancient China. Here is the invention received in last years the unexpected popularity of sky lanterns is also attributed to ancient Chinese generals.

History of appearance

Just imagine, if the very first sky lantern had survived to our time, then its age today would be almost two thousand years. The invention of light lanterns soaring into the sky under the influence of heated air is attributed to the Chinese general Zhuge Liang, who used them in his military campaigns at the beginning of the 3rd century AD. By the way, this is not surprising, because even today many inventions used by people have come into wide use precisely from the military.
How could the sky lanterns used today for the entertainment of children and adults help in conducting bloody battles? It turns out that a lot. First, let's remember how limited our ancestors were in the means of communication. Pigeons, messengers, bonfires, clouds of smoke, huge drums and trumpets - that's Hi-tech connections of those times. The use of light sky lanterns, quickly rising into the air and clearly visible from a distance, perfectly helped the forward detachments to warn the rear of the approach of the enemy, the generals to give various orders, the soldiers to report that help was needed, and so on.
The military also had another purpose for sky lanterns. The fact is that the times were dark, and the enemies of the Chinese people were just as dark and superstitious. Therefore, for a very long time, just launching sky lanterns was enough for Chinese officers to put to flight the enemies of the empire, who were more afraid than the fire of heavenly punishment, signs of which they saw in strange luminous objects.
Soon, lanterns flying into the sky began to be used for purely peaceful purposes. Living in a deep inner world, both high-ranking and ordinary Chinese used sky lanterns as a man-made bridge between the earthly and heavenly worlds. Flying sky lanterns carried away the dreams and desires of thousands of people many, many years ago. So they became one of the obligatory attributes at every holiday. Believing that sky lanterns bring good luck, the Chinese used them at weddings, religious celebrations and other holidays.

Celestial or Chinese?

Sky lanterns are sometimes confused with Chinese traditional Chinese lanterns. The latter became widespread along with Buddhism, since the lighting of hanging paper lanterns was considered a sign of reverence for the Buddha. Chinese lanterns have a fundamental difference from heavenly lanterns in that they simply hang as decorations on the street and indoors. Sky lanterns are of a completely different design and are used to launch into the sky.

How sky lanterns work

The sky lantern is a simplified model hot air balloon. The simplicity of its design is due to the disposability of use and low cost. The first Chinese sky lanterns were made from a bamboo frame with a holder for a wax burner, on which a rice paper dome was put on. Modern lanterns are made from more affordable and versatile materials, for example, mulberry paper is used to make the dome.
As we have already said, sky lanterns rise into the air according to the principle of a balloon. The burner fixed from below warms up the air in the dome, which tends to rise up and drags the entire structure along with it. The live fire of the burner not only heats the air for lifting, but also creates a mysterious illumination of a flashlight flying into the sky.
In the manufacture of sky lanterns, only environmentally friendly materials are used. The paper dome, wooden frame and fossil fuel in the burner are quickly disposed of by nature itself and do not pollute the environment.

Some specifications sky lanterns

The weight of the average flashlight in the assembled state is 200-250 grams. The fuel in the burner is usually enough for 15-20 minutes of flight. When the fuel element burns out, the flashlight slowly lowers to the ground. During its flight, a sky lantern manages to rise to a height of 200 to 500 meters. If the launch is made at night, then the luminous dome of the flashlight is visible for several kilometers. At the same time, hundreds and thousands of people can watch a light flashlight flying into the sky, so they are a universal means of entertainment, along with salutes and fireworks.

Varieties of sky lanterns

The classic form of sky lanterns was the cylinder. In ancient China, such lanterns were the easiest to manufacture, and therefore the cheapest. However, the Chinese have always been masters at creating shows, so they raised triangles, and balls, and even whole paper dragons into the sky.
Modern flashlights are also most often in the form of a cylinder or a “diamond” expanding at the top. Their average height is 1 meter. They are the easiest to manufacture, therefore they are the most inexpensive and popular model. Any images and inscriptions can be applied to the paper from which the dome is made, so sky lanterns are used on the occasion of a variety of celebrations.
Heart-shaped sky lanterns are also popular. They are used at weddings and just on romantic dates.
Lanterns in the form of various animals are made for children. It can be bunnies, cats and other popular and recognizable characters.
For sports events can be used, for example, lanterns in the shape of a soccer ball. Other types of sky lanterns are also made, for example, in the form of a flying saucer or an alien's head. There is a lot of room for your imagination here.

Some rules of use

Both adults and children can launch sky lanterns, this does not require any special knowledge or permissions. You can do this at any time of the year, regardless of the air temperature. However, there are a few things to know simple rules their use.
- The flight time of a flashlight depends on its mass and size, weather and amount of fuel;
- Sky lanterns should be launched in the absence of strong winds and at a distance from fire hazardous buildings and structures;
- Lanterns are launched at a distance of 1.5 or more km from airports;
- Do not hang additional items on the flashlights;
- When starting the flashlights, it is not allowed to use any other fuel than the one supplied in the factory.
