What attracts mosquitoes to humans? How to get rid of mosquitoes in an apartment: from folk remedies to advanced technologies

How to kill mosquitoes at home, at night, when you are almost falling asleep and don’t want to disturb your household? The situation is very unpleasant, because the mosquito has disturbed your sleep, bitten you painfully, and even the site of the bite itches. And if there are small children in the house, then night bites can be a serious problem, because the child cannot sleep, cries, and in the morning all exposed parts of the body are swollen and red. This is the best case scenario if the child does not have allergies. We hope you find our tips on how to properly kill a mosquito helpful.

How to get rid of an annoying mosquito?

Those who did not manage to fall asleep in the evening before the buzzing bloodsucker appeared will agree that mosquitoes have now become much smarter. Previously, it was enough to turn on the light sharply and slam him while he was drinking blood. Now, in the light, the insect quickly disappears, rushes chaotically around the room, and it becomes impossible to quickly catch a mosquito.

Today's mosquitoes enter the room in the dark and fly to the source of increased temperature, not only through the windows, but also with the help of ventilation. Some “victims” claim that these creatures even “climb” to the ninth floor in the elevator!

There are such ways to find a mosquito in a dark room:

  • attract him with light;
  • remove with a vacuum cleaner;
  • attract with a flashlight;
  • become bait for him;
  • kill on the wall;
  • catch in a glass.

Each of the options is worthy of attention.

Into the light

When it's dark outside, mosquitoes love to fly into the light, so you can suddenly turn on the lamp, see and kill the mosquito at night before it has time to react. You should use a regular lamp, not an LED or sodium lamp. Act with lightning speed, if there are 1-2 of them in the room, then you can handle them quite well.

Vacuum cleaner

A vacuum cleaner is also useful in such cases. It’s one thing that you won’t be able to quickly get it out of the pantry at night. But, if you are not yet sleeping, then simply turn on the vacuum cleaner and pull the insect inside, in this way you can easily quickly catch a mosquito on the ceiling, high on the wall or behind a closet.


A flashlight near your bed will also come in handy in the summer. To do this, you need to leave some part of the body open and point a flashlight at it. One hand must be free to strike. We sharply turn on the flashlight, point it at the part of the body that serves as bait, when the bloodsucker sits down, sudden movement we kill. Perhaps this method of catching a mosquito at night is more effective than with the light on.


You can also become the bait yourself. Release one hand to clap, wait until the mosquito lands on you, and swat.


For the proboscis

Some craftsmen claim that if you sharply stretch the skin in the place where a mosquito is gnawing, it will be “caught by the nose”, will not be able to escape and will burst from the pressure of drinking the blood. This method Requires great dexterity and experience.

We hope that our tips on how to catch a mosquito in a room will be useful to you.

The main troubles are in the form of bites, which are fraught not only with allergies, but also mosquitoes that cause a person in the open air. However, female bloodsuckers also penetrate into human homes in search of prey, even despite protection in the form of mosquito nets. The annoying sound of one or more mosquitoes in the silence of the night can make anyone angry. How to catch a mosquito in a room if a winged vampire has entered the territory of bipeds and thirsts for human blood?

How to catch a mosquito in a room without using high technology?

The fight against flying blood-sucking insects has reached a new technological level in recent decades. Scientists have developed compact indoor traps that emit carbon dioxide and organic attractants, simulating the presence of a warm-blooded living creature. The mosquito mistakes the trap for prey, forgets caution and ends up being pulled into the body of the trap by the air pump. This is undoubtedly The best way combating harmful insects, eliminating the use of poisonous insecticides and not requiring human intervention. It is enough to plug in the device and leave the room so as not to distract the attention of female mosquitoes.

But not everyone has such devices, even if they are affordable. How to catch mosquitoes that have entered the house using traditional old-fashioned methods?

The simplest method is suggested by an old fairy tale - “with one blow of seven.” It is difficult to kill a nimble mosquito in the air with a clap of your palms, but insects do not spend all their time in low-level flight and often land on walls, ceilings and other surfaces. A newspaper, magazine or fly swatter is an excellent tool for exterminating mosquitoes sitting on the wall. An electric fly swatter is also suitable; it only needs to lightly touch the pest.

IN Soviet times The method of fighting mosquitoes using a vacuum cleaner was popular. Nothing prevents you from using it now. Mosquitoes drawn inside are guaranteed to die in the dust bag.

Catching mosquitoes with a bottle of yeast

The listed methods require active human participation. You can try to minimize physical effort and material costs by building a primitive mosquito trap from plastic bottle. But its effectiveness remains in question.

The trap works like this. Take a standard plastic PET bottle with a capacity of 1.5 or 2 liters. A neat cut is made at 2/3 of the height of the bottle. The upper part with the neck is removable. The screw plug is removed completely, or a hole is made in it, into which a mosquito can penetrate.

Warm water is poured into the cylinder from the bottom of the bottle ¼ of the way, granulated sugar and brewer's yeast are poured. Then the cut off “head” of the bottle is lowered neck down. To prevent it from falling through, it can be secured with pins, tape or other available means.

That's it, the trap is ready. Within half an hour, brewer's yeast begins to ferment, releasing carbon dioxide, which is attractive to female mosquitoes. According to the idea of ​​​​unknown inventors, insects should rush into the bottleneck, penetrate into the trap and die there from the concentrated vapors of ethyl alcohol, which is formed during fermentation.

Practice, however, shows that mosquitoes are reluctant to fly to such hand-made baits. Moreover, some of them manage to slip back out of the bottle. The disadvantages of homemade traps also include the strong smell of mash that they emit, as well as the need to constantly clean the neck of accumulated foam.

Due to the fact that this year the summer was very hot and at the same time rainy, a lot of mosquitoes bred, as these are ideal conditions for them. Moreover, there are so many of them that it is almost impossible to be on the street in any way. evening time, not during the day. However, these insects bother you not only on the street; if they get into the house, then you are guaranteed a fun night. In this article we will talk about the main methods of exterminating mosquitoes that have entered your home.

To catch a mosquito, you must first detect it, and this is almost impossible to do in the dark, of course, if you have night vision. Therefore, turn on the lantern or lamp in the room and wait for the bloodsucker to appear, after which you can inflict reprisals on him. However, keep in mind that these squeaking insects are not attracted to the light of LED flashlights, sodium lamps or yellow bug lamps. The latter option is designed to repel them, not attract them.

Sometimes a mosquito circles in the air for a very long time and is very difficult to catch. Or in your apartment there may be stretch ceiling, which can be damaged if you suddenly decide to smear the bloodsucker who sits on them. In this case, try using a powerful vacuum cleaner, which will easily suck in the annoying mosquito and kill it forever in its belly.

Lie on your back and leave one part of your body bare to attract mosquitoes. Wait until he sits down and slam him with your free hand. The problem is that while you wait for him, you can simply fall asleep, and wake up already bitten.

It is easiest to kill a mosquito on the wall, so wait until it sits and spread it softly. As practice shows, mosquitoes like to sit near the ceiling, so you may need a chair.

It is not always possible to kill a mosquito with your hand. Therefore, you can use available means for this: a rolled up newspaper, a rolled up towel, a slipper, a fly swatter.

Try turning on the light in another room

As you remember, mosquitoes fly towards the light. Therefore, if you really want to sleep, but you can’t kill the mosquito, then try turning on the light in the next room, where this harmful insect can fly away.

You can try a special trap to catch mosquitoes, which is quite simple to make. I haven’t tried it myself, so I can’t say anything about its effectiveness.

Folk remedies

There are several types of oils that mosquitoes really don't like. These include: tea tree oil, cloves, basil, anise, eucalyptus, cedar oil.

Also, mosquitoes are not happy with the smell of elderberry, chamomile, peppermint— these plants just need to be brought into the room. Elderberry and mint should be fresh, but dry chamomile will do. Moreover, peppermint can be grown at home in a pot.

This may be the simplest remedy, but at the same time, it may not be entirely safe.

Don't rely on ultrasonic repellers. As practice shows, they are ineffective in controlling mosquitoes.

Don't let mosquitoes into your home

And of course, you won’t have to fight these bloodsuckers if you block their path to your home. It is very advisable to hang special curtains-nets on the doors, and install mosquito nets on the windows.

Hello, dear readers of the blog “Secrets of the Brownie”. Summer has come, and with it merciless mosquitoes, so today I want to talk about how to get rid of mosquitoes at home. At the same time, I would like to draw special attention to folk remedies for mosquitoes, because chemical mosquito repellents are not suitable for children under one year of age, pregnant and lactating women, or people who are allergic to chemical repellents.

1.The easiest way to get rid of mosquitoes is to use a protective mosquito net. On sale are mosquito nets for windows, cribs, and ventilation holes. This method of protection is ideal if there are small children in the house.

2. A reliable and proven way to fight mosquitoes are chemicals - fumigators and repellents. Fumigators (Raptor, Fumitox, Reid, Mosquitoll) destroy mosquitoes. They are ideal for indoors. Among fumigators, it is better to give preference to models with liquids rather than plates. It’s better to light the record with a match, put out the fire and carry it smoking around the room. Do not use special outdoor spirals or sprays indoors under any circumstances. Repellents (Deta-prof, Taiga, Mosguitall, Off, Gardex) mosquito repellents can be produced in the form of aerosols, sprays, pencils, spirals, bracelets, scented candles. Repellents are ideal for use outdoors. If you want to find out which mosquito repellents are better, then watch this video and you will get the answer to your question, and also get acquainted with the interesting Thermosel device. It is suitable for both fishermen and summer residents, and will also help you out at home if the electricity is accidentally cut off.

Eight traditional ways to protect yourself from mosquitoes

1. An attack by bloodsuckers can be prevented by essential oils eucalyptus, anise, cloves, basil. Soak cotton pads in oil and place them close to your sleeping area or use an aroma lamp.

2. Cut off excess elderberry branches and place them in a vase with water. The smell of fresh elderberry perfectly repels harmful insects.

3. The best mosquito repellent is tomato leaf. It is enough to place two pots with tomato bushes on the window, and mosquitoes will not even fly to the windows. Do not think that this method of protection is only suitable in the country. Tomatoes can also be grown in a city apartment. The Balcony Miracle tomato variety is ideal for growing indoors. It is compact, no more than 60 centimeters in height, does not require tying or pinching, can be grown in an ordinary pot, and can bear fruit for 2 years. Here's a harvest of up to 2 kilograms per bush and protection from mosquitoes at the same time. Although there are other varieties of indoor tomatoes (“Room Surprise”, “Arctic Cherry”, “Mikron-MK”).

4. Vanilla will provide reliable protection against insects. The best option Place a vanilla bean under your pillow, wrapped in a paper towel. If you can’t find a pod, then dilute vanilla powder in warm water (1 teaspoon per liter of water) and sprinkle the furniture with the solution, after pouring it into a spray bottle.

5. Attach to ceiling lamp thin strips of foil: when moving under the influence of the wind, shadows will walk along the walls and ceiling of the room, which will scare away mosquitoes.

6. Hang yellow curtains on the windows, which mosquitoes cannot tolerate, and unwanted guests will not fly into the apartment. This advice may seem strange to you. However, the US Army Medical Council conducted an experiment on the effect of paints on mosquitoes. They took several boxes and painted them in different colors, and then counted how many mosquitoes settled on them. The results of the experiment showed that maximum amount mosquitoes settled on blue boxes, then on brown, red, only 2 on white, and yellow boxes were completely ignored by mosquitoes. Hence, yellow pushes them away.

7. Dry and arrange the leaves, stems and flowers of Caucasian chamomile (pyrethrum) around the house. Where there is this smell, a mosquito will not even go - it has been tested for centuries! After all, as it turned out, Caucasian chamomile is one of the most ancient ways to combat this insect. You can also buy pyrethrum powder at the pharmacy and sprinkle it on strips of paper coated with starch paste.

8. Among the plants that fight bloodsuckers, wormwood, thyme, and wheatgrass perform well. Collect fresh plants in bunches, tie them with thread and hang them in various places in the house. Geranium flowers will also help repel mosquitoes. ABOUT beneficial properties you can read about this unique plant here.

How else can you get rid of mosquitoes?

Mosquito trap

Human thought does not stand still in matters of mosquito control. To protect himself from uninvited guests, people came up with mosquito traps. They can be either thermal or water, as well as ultraviolet, but all this requires significant financial costs, so it is better to use proven methods of protection against mosquitoes.

Dear readers of the blog “Secrets of the Brownie”, I hope that the information on how to get rid of mosquitoes at home was useful for you, and you also learned about folk remedies for protecting against mosquitoes. Perhaps you have your own methods of protecting yourself from mosquitoes, tell us about them in the comments to my publication.

Sincerely, Nadezhda Karacheva

Mosquitoes are quite insidious and agile creatures, capable in some cases of breaking through all obstacles! Even if you have protective nets on your windows, and you use others, as practice shows, several mosquitoes still manage to sneak into the house and cause nightly tyranny with their buzzing and bites. In this article we will look at how to catch a mosquito in a room and kill it with improvised means.

Attracting with light

Mosquitoes, like many other insects, are attracted to light, so if you hear a buzzing noise at night, there is no point in operating in the dark. Turn on a flashlight or lamp, so a spot of light will appear in your room, which will help you quickly find a mosquito in the room, and you can swat it.

To successfully and correctly kill a mosquito, you need to know that they do not fly to sodium lamps or LED lights, as well as special yellow lamps from insects. They are best used as protective night lighting.

Vacuum cleaner

How to kill mosquitoes at home if they are in a hard-to-reach place? A fairly original method, which is nevertheless very effective. If you notice a mosquito in the room, it is much more convenient to try to kill it simply by sucking it into the vacuum cleaner. The main thing is to sharply point the vacuum cleaner hose at its victim so that the mosquito does not have time to fly away. By the way, this method will perfectly help destroy mosquitoes that have settled on the ceiling or at the top of the walls, where you cannot reach with your hand.

Be the bait!

How to kill a mosquito at night in the dark? If a mosquito makes its attack at night, when you have already gone to bed, and you do not feel strong enough to wage a full-fledged fight, you will have to take a risk. Roll over on your side and cover your entire body with a blanket so that only one half of your face remains unprotected. The main thing is to place your hand in a comfortable position so that at the right moment you can quickly take it out of cover and strike.

Then you just need to listen carefully for a while. The mosquito will fly around and its itching will tell you how far away it is. After flying a little above you, the mosquito will understand that it is not in danger and will land on the open half of your face, most likely on your cheek. Focus will help you feel its bite. Wait another second and strike sharply and confidently. Enough to kill the insect, but not enough to injure you.

Trap in a glass

If you do not want to destroy mosquitoes, but still do not intend to tolerate their company, try this, the most humane method. Mosquitoes most often sit on walls. Find the location of the mosquito. If you can't find the mosquito on the wall, lean one side of your face against the wall so you can see it in a different plane. This way you can better spot the bloodsucker.

Take the glass and slowly approach it. With a sharp wave of your hand, cover the mosquito with a glass and slide a piece of paper under it so that the trap can be moved. And then decide the fate of the prisoner at your own discretion, you can simply release him onto the street.

There are many ways to help you quickly catch a mosquito in an apartment, but most of them come down to simply swatting with improvised means; we tried to tell you more interesting and original options. Catching a mosquito at night is not difficult if you use your imagination.
