English mint plant. Peppermint (English mint, Cold mint)

- (English mint, cold mint, cold mint, chilly mint) Menta piperita L. Family Lamiaceae. Perennial herbaceous plant 30-100 cm high, with a characteristic strong odor and a cooling sensation when chewing the leaves. Rhizome... ... Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants

MINT- female Mintha plant. Curly mint, simple, wild or Russian, leavened, man. crispa. husband. viridis, curlytail. Peppermint, English, husband. piperita, coldweed. Wild mint, deaf mint, horse mint, husband. arvensis, perekop. Horsemint, Marrubium vulg… Dictionary Dahl

Mint- (Mentha L.) A genus of plants in the Lamiaceae family (Labiatae). These are perennial erect or creeping herbs, equipped with lateral underground or aboveground shoots. The leaves are opposite, serrate, the flowers form topaceous in the corners of the leaves... ... Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

mint- A spicy plant, found in wild and garden forms and used in cooking, confectionery and in the alcoholic beverage industry. In the confectionery and liquor industries, peppermint oil is used, obtained from peppermint (German) and... ... Culinary dictionary


Mint- (Mentha L.) genus of plants of the Lamiaceae family (Labiatae). These are perennial erect or creeping herbs, equipped with lateral underground or aboveground shoots. The leaves are opposite, serrate, the flowers form in the corners of the leaves are topaceous... ... encyclopedic Dictionary F. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

PEPPERMINT- Cuisine: Cuisine of the Maghreb countries Type of dish: Main courses Recipe... Encyclopedia of culinary recipes

MINT- A spicy plant, found in wild and garden forms and used in cooking, confectionery and in the alcoholic beverage industry. In the confectionery and liquor industries, peppermint oil is used, obtained from peppermint (German) and... Great Encyclopedia of Culinary Arts

MENTHA PIPERITA L. - PEPPERMINT, ENGLISH, COLD- see 831. Perennial plant. M. piperita L. M. pepper, English, cold Sp. pl. (1753) 576. Urinson (1938) 81. Hocking, Edwards (1955) 78. Wealth of India 6(1962) 342, f. Atlas lek. rast. (1962) 370, fig. S y n. M. piperita Huds. var.… … Plant Directory

MENTHA L. - MINT- 831. Mentha L. Mint cm... Plant Directory

Spices- Spices are various parts of plants added to food in small doses for various purposes, mainly to improve taste, and have a specific, more or less stable aroma and taste. Contents 1 General information 2 Etymology ... Wikipedia


  • Moderato cantabile, Marguerite Duras. Marguerite Duras is one of the most read, most fashionable contemporary writers not only in France, but throughout Europe. Her stories and novels are recognized as unusual in content and exquisite in…

Marguerite Duras

English mint

Dedicated to Jean Schuster

Everything that is stated here was recorded on a tape recorder. Thus begins the book about the Viorn murder.

– Do you agree to talk about what happened in Viorn, in the Balto cafe, on the evening of April thirteenth?

- Yes, I agree.

“We have here a double tape recording that was recorded without your knowledge in the Balto cafe on the evening of April thirteenth. The tape recorder remembers word for word everything that was said that evening at the Ball, but it is blind and does not allow you to see how everything really happened. So you should start this book. When, thanks to your story, the events of that memorable evening on the thirteenth of April become reality and are defined in space, the film will be able to tell us everything that has been preserved in its memory - and then the reader will stand in your place and see everything through your eyes.

– But what if not everything I tell you coincides with what I actually know?

– This gap will form the chapter that the reader himself will complete. It's in every book.

Now introduce yourself, please.

- My name is Robert Lamy. Forty-seven years. I bought the Balto cafe eight years ago.

“Until the evening of the thirteenth of April, you knew nothing about this murder, at least no more than any other Viornian, did you?”

- Nothing. Besides what was written in the newspapers.

“Now try to imagine that all the newspapers stopped publishing on the evening of April thirteenth.”

– But if I don’t always manage to erase from my memory what I learned later, what should I do then?

- Just mention it whenever you notice something like this.

So that the reader can imagine himself in your place on the evening of April thirteenth and learn about the crime together with you, let's start with a tape recording of the appeal of the local gendarmerie to the residents of Viorn, which the police read aloud for the third time that day on the Market Square.

“As it became known from the newspapers, in different parts of France, separate parts of a human corpse were found in freight cars.

The conclusion of the forensic examination of the police prefecture suggests that all the remains found belong to the same body. In Paris, the entire corpse was restored piece by piece, only the head was missing, which has not yet been discovered.

The picture of the intersection of the railway tracks allowed us to come to the conclusion that all the trains where the said human remains were found, regardless of their destination, passed through the same railway junction, more precisely, they passed under the Viorn Viaduct. If all these remains were thrown into carriages from that viaduct, then it is logical to assume that the murder could have been committed in our commune.

Considering the above, the city municipality appeals to all citizens of the city to immediately join their efforts with the actions of the local police in order to shed light on this terrible crime as soon as possible.

All citizens are asked to urgently report to the local gendarmerie about the disappearance of female persons, of average height and rather heavy build, aged between thirty-five and forty years.”

“I knew Claire and Pierre Lannes and Alfonso Rinieri too. They were among the five dozen residents of Viorn who often stopped by my cafe. I also knew their cousin, Marie-Therese Bousquet. She also came in from time to time with Pierre and Claire, sometimes at aperitif hour, sometimes late in the evening, with the Portuguese workers. True, I knew her worse than others, she was deaf and dumb, and you know, you can’t really talk to someone like that.

Pierre and Claire Lannes came in almost every evening, between eight and nine in the evening, after dinner. True, it happened that they didn’t show up for several days in a row, not because one of them was sick - maybe they were just too lazy to get out of the house, or they weren’t in the right mood, or they were tired, anything can happen.

I’m not a fan of prying into other people’s affairs, so I made it a rule to never ask Pierre why he didn’t show up yesterday or even for a couple of days. I noticed - at least, so it seemed to me - Pierre was uncomfortable when they asked him about something: where he had been, what he had been doing. In general, in my opinion, he did not like it when people got into his soul.

In short, on the thirteenth of April, when Pierre appeared, I did not ask him why he had not appeared for five days.

It was eight o'clock in the evening.

Local police had just finished reading this same appeal in the square, for the third time that day. I was laughing at this thing with crossing the railway tracks, I had just told Alfonso that it was all hilarious, and that’s all, when Pierre entered the cafe. He was alone. He had often happened to come in without Claire before, right on the way from work straight to my place at Balto. We said hello. I immediately asked: I wonder if the idea of ​​this trap with crossing the railroad tracks would have occurred to him? He replied that it was unlikely.

It seemed to me that he looked a little tired, and he was dressed somehow casually - he’s always such a neat guy. He was wearing a blue shirt, the collar was a little greasy - I remember I even noticed it. I thought to myself: I wonder why this would happen?

Since this very murder happened, not too many people gathered at Balto in the evenings.

That evening there were only five of us: Alfonso, Pierre, some guy with a girl whom none of us had ever seen before, and me. The man was reading a newspaper. At his feet, right on the floor, stood a plump black briefcase. We looked at him, all three of us. He had the typical appearance of a cop in plainclothes, although we were still not entirely sure whether he was from the police or not, because he also had that girl with him. He sat there as if he didn’t care what we were talking about among ourselves. But the girl, on the contrary, even began to smile when I started talking about this very intersection of railway tracks.

Since neither Pierre nor Alfonso seemed to have any desire to sneer with me, I then immediately dropped the question of the railway tracks.

It was Pierre who was the first to start talking about the murder again. He asked how, in my opinion, it was possible to finally establish the identity of the victim, because the head had never been found. I answered, of course, it won’t be easy, but it’s still possible, because everyone has something special, some birthmarks, defects, scars and the like, because whatever you say, we are all different, at least in some way... then yes, we are different from each other.

Everyone was silent for a long time. Everyone involuntarily puzzled over which of the Viornian women could match the description of the crime victim.

And while everyone was silent, I noticed Claire’s absence.

Then the conversation returned to the same murder.

I was terribly indignant at the brutal cruelty with which the killer dealt with his victim, and I remember Alfonso uttered one phrase that surprised us a lot. He said: "Who knows, maybe everything

English mint is popularly called chilli mint or chilli mint. This variety is valued for its life-giving properties and wide range of uses. It was bred by crossing wild subspecies - aquatic and spikelet.

English mint is a herbaceous perennial that reaches a height of 1 m, with a chill when bitten and a pronounced aroma. The rhizome is located close to the soil surface. Its foliage is ovoid, pointed in shape. It produces small flowers; its corolla is bare, with a lilac edge. Flowering lasts from June to September. English mint is represented here by two common types - black and white.

Conditions for the growth of English mint

The yield of mint is greater in nitrogen-containing soil. But all good things should be in moderation, because excess nitrogen in the soil can lead to the formation of rust on the leaves. Fragrant mint loves moisture and sun, but it does not tolerate dry heat well without additional spraying. The perennial grows comfortably at a temperature of +18…+20 °C.

With increasing temperature, a decrease in the menthol content in the leaves is observed. In harsh winter conditions, the perennial can withstand temperatures dropping to -10 °C. But if this temperature level is observed at the depth of unprotected roots, then they die almost immediately. In the presence of a snow cushion up to 20 cm deep, life-giving mint can tolerate temperatures down to -25 ° C.

Planting time

If the perennial is grown at home, then the selected seeds can be planted at any time, there are no restrictions. Thanks to its excellent frost-resistant qualities, life-giving mint can be planted in cool soil in the fall.

When sowing selected samples in garden soil, the planting period without seedlings is observed: the end of April - the beginning of warm May.

Preparation of planting material

Since the selected seeds are too small, the sowing process in open ground must be approached with the utmost seriousness.

Ripe mint seeds can be purchased at a specialty store or collected independently. Before sowing, material is selected at home and only mature specimens are left. Selected mint seeds have a low germination rate; 2-3 seedlings can come out of 1 bag.

Preparing the landing site

Before placing life-giving mint in the ground, it is necessary to prepare the area. First, you need to carefully dig up the selected area by 20 cm. Add 3 kg of high-quality humus per 1 sq. m. m. Do not forget about 2 tbsp. l. wood ash, 15 g ammonium nitrate. All these actions will help turn any selected area into a comfortable place for the growth and development of perennials. If the groundwater is too close to the surface, then it is better to make an elevation at the site of planting life-giving mint.

Prepare grooves for fragrant mint, maintaining a distance of 20-30 cm. To make planting convenient, use a stick with a pointed end or a planting syringe for seeds, since mature specimens are very small. They are buried 5 cm, carefully sprinkled with earth, and watered to avoid erosion by water.

If the seeds are planted for seedlings, then when the young shoots reach 6 cm in height, they can be safely moved to open ground.

Mint care rules

Gardeners who decide to grow aromatic English mint on their plot are lucky, because for its normal growth and development it is necessary to put in a minimum of effort due to its unpretentiousness. A perennial can develop in one place for up to 5 years; after this period it needs to be replanted. Bushes must be rejuvenated by emergency pruning.

To prevent the intensive spread of mint throughout the area, it is necessary to establish special restrictions. In places where the soil is depleted, fertilizers are applied for the development of mint. To prevent the fragrant plant from stretching, choose illuminated areas.


English mint loves moisture in reasonable quantities. It does not tolerate waterlogged soil, which causes the roots to rot. Therefore, perennials need high-quality watering.

Loosening and weeding

Periodic loosening of the soil and weeding of the tree trunk from insidious weeds are mandatory procedures that must be performed by every gardener who has English mint on his plot. Loosening the soil provides an additional flow of oxygen to the roots; this should be done once a month.

Diseases and pests

Aromatic mint is a perennial that is attractive not only to people, but also to pests.

From the moment the first leaves grow, she has been plagued by the mint flea, which makes round holes in the leaves. During the period of dry and warm spring, the risk of attack by this pest is very high.

Aphids destroy the upper part of the young shoot. Weevils infect the edges of leaves. The meadow moth can completely destroy a perennial. spoil root system maybe a wireworm. What are the main methods of controlling these pests? In case of severe damage, potent insecticides are used. Spraying procedures must be carried out 30 days before the start of harvest.

It is better to do without the use of potent substances in the garden plot; replanting the perennial once every 2 years will be a preventative measure. Spraying with a prepared celandine solution is also carried out.

Like all perennials, life-giving mint is susceptible to various ailments. Most often she suffers from powdery mildew, from which it can be saved by deep autumn digging of the soil and spraying with a solution of colloidal sulfur.

Leaf spotting - it is characterized by the appearance of brown spots on the leaves with black dots; spraying with Bordeaux mixture will help save the crop.

The fast-growing rhizome is infected by mycoplasma. The only way to get rid of these destructive pests is to destroy the infected plant and transplant healthy specimens to another location.

Timely application of phosphorus and potassium will help strengthen the protective properties of the perennial.

Collection and storage

To harvest young mint correctly, there are recommendations. You cannot pluck shoots with your hands; it is better to carefully cut the stem. It is cut to a third of the total length. During the period of active flowering, menthol extract is obtained from the shoots. If you need to dry a crop with stems, it is better to do this before budding begins. The collection of mint for making fragrant tea begins in early spring; the peak harvesting season occurs in hot July. Collection is carried out 1-3 times a month. It is better to cut shoots in the evening on a dry day.

Other names are cold mint, English mint, chilli mint, peppermint, cold mint, Mentha piperita (Latin).

This is one of the species of the genus - mint, of all species, on this moment– 25 and 10 subspecies: these are Japanese mint, water mint, spearmint, apple mint, orange mint (bergamot mint), etc.

Many types of mint are used in cosmetics, aromatherapy, food industry, and medicine.

For medicinal purposes, in pharmacology, folk medicine, peppermint is mainly used, less often water mint and steppe mint.

Peppermint is an artificially bred species by crossing. wild species– water and spikelet. It has 2 more subspecies: white mint, all green, and black mint - with red-violet stems and veins on the leaves.

This is a perennial, fragrant, herbaceous plant, 60-80 cm high. The stem is tetrahedral, often reddish in color, covered with numerous dark green leaves, oblong, sometimes with a purple tint. The flowers are small, light purple, collected in spike-shaped inflorescences. It blooms in the second half of summer, July-August. Harvesting is done before and during flowering.

Shoots, leaves, and flowers of mint contain a large number of essential oil, tannic, bitter and biologically active substances, sugar, fats, phytoncides, vitamins C and P, carotene, mineral salts.
Peppermint is grown by many gardeners, gardeners, and farmers as a valuable medicinal, culinary and cosmetic plant.

In medicine, both traditional and folk, mint is used to treat headaches, cardiovascular diseases, nervous disorders, insomnia, inflammation in the digestive organs, asthma, stomach ulcers, colds, vomiting, throat diseases, kidney and liver stones, atherosclerosis.

For medicinal purposes, as well as in cooking, mint leaves and shoots are used in fresh and dried form. They have a pleasant, cooling, spicy taste and a sharp, subtle aroma caused by their high menthol content.

Fresh mint is used to season salads, soups, meat and fish dishes. It is used to prepare drinks, sauces, confectionery, baking bread.
In cooking, it is recommended to use spearmint and apple mint, because it does not produce bitterness when heated.

Compresses and face masks are made from crushed fresh mint leaves. Fresh mint can be added to the bath, brewed tea, and decorated dishes.

Mint tea (1 tablespoon per 1 glass of boiling water, steep for 10-15 minutes) relieves nervousness, irritability, and improves sleep. You can drink 1 glass of it throughout the day without harm; if you have a cold, 2 glasses. But do not forget that mint is a female herb, it reduces the amount of male hormones in the blood and some women use this to reduce hair growth in unnecessary places.

Men should not get carried away with mint, because it reduces excitability, and sexual excitability too. Some people say that Georgians drink mint tea all the time and it doesn’t matter to them. So these are Georgians, but imagine what would have happened if they didn’t drink it?! So, all people are different, some have excess hormones, while others have too little, but I drank tea for a while and... complete indifference. Although, in some moments, this can be very useful.

In traditional medicine, mint herb is used as a raw material for the production of menthol, cardiovascular drugs, in ointments and drops for the common cold, and cough suppressants.

Preparations from mint leaves have anti-inflammatory, sedative, analgesic, appetizing, expectorant, choleretic, and moderate laxative effects.

Peppermint is included in many herbs. In the treatment of diseases of the liver and gall bladder, it is used as an auxiliary choleretic agent. If you have bad breath, rinse with mint infusion.

Mint infusion is taken for hemorrhoids, female diseases (both insufficient and excessive menstruation), nervous disorders, hysteria, heart disease, lung disease, gastritis, rheumatism, toothache, etc.

Mint infusion: 2 teaspoons of crushed leaves, pour 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes and filter. Drink during the day for heart pain, etc.

Mint decoction: 15 g of dry crushed herb per 1 glass of water, boil for 10 minutes, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day half an hour before meals for pulmonary bleeding, etc.

For increased acidity of the stomach, accompanied by constipation and sour belching, use an infusion from a collection of herbs: peppermint - 3 parts, St. John's wort herb - 6 parts, three-leaf leaves - 0.5 parts.
Then pour 2 tablespoons of the mixture into 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 2 hours in a thermos, strain. Drink everything in 5-6 doses during the day.

For low acidity of the stomach, it is recommended to take an infusion of the following components: peppermint - 4 parts, yarrow herb - 3 parts, dill fruits - 2 parts, knotweed herb - 3 parts, cudweed herb - 3 parts, chamomile - 2 parts, caraway seeds – 2 parts, hop cones – 1 part.
Then 4 tbsp. spoons of the mixture pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave in a thermos for 11 hours, strain. Drink 200 ml of napara in the morning on an empty stomach, drink the rest after 2 hours, 200 ml.

In addition to the decoction, you can also take powder from mint leaves internally, 1-2 times a day, on the tip of a knife.

Mint is a good remedy that increases and improves physical state and mood. For depression, use the following recipe: 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of mint herb into 1 cup of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes. Take half a glass of decoction in the morning and evening.

Peppermint oil is an effective drug for abdominal pain, bloating, and reduces heartburn. Drink 2-4 drops with water or on a piece of sugar. Peppermint oil also helps with acne, inflammatory skin diseases, eliminates nervous excitement, soothes headache and etc.

Mint contraindications. You should not use mint if you have an individual intolerance, as it can cause allergies. Peppermint oil is contraindicated during breastfeeding, during pregnancy, and for children under 6 years of age. Also, men should not get carried away with mint, as it reduces libido. In case of an overdose, sleep deterioration, heart pain, and bronchospasms may occur.

Peppermint is included in the Crimean herbal teas:

Everything that is stated here was recorded on a tape recorder. Thus begins the book about the Viorn murder.

– Do you agree to talk about what happened in Viorn, in the Balto cafe, on the evening of April thirteenth?

- Yes, I agree.

“We have here a double tape recording that was recorded without your knowledge in the Balto cafe on the evening of April thirteenth. The tape recorder remembers word for word everything that was said that evening at the Ball, but it is blind and does not allow you to see how everything really happened. So you should start this book. When, thanks to your story, the events of that memorable evening on the thirteenth of April become reality and are defined in space, the film will be able to tell us everything that has been preserved in its memory - and then the reader will stand in your place and see everything through your eyes.

– But what if not everything I tell you coincides with what I actually know?

– This gap will form the chapter that the reader himself will complete. It's in every book.

Now introduce yourself, please.

- My name is Robert Lamy. Forty-seven years. I bought the Balto cafe eight years ago.

“Until the evening of the thirteenth of April, you knew nothing about this murder, at least no more than any other Viornian, did you?”

- Nothing. Besides what was written in the newspapers.

“Now try to imagine that all the newspapers stopped publishing on the evening of April thirteenth.”

– But if I don’t always manage to erase from my memory what I learned later, what should I do then?

- Just mention it whenever you notice something like this.

So that the reader can imagine himself in your place on the evening of April thirteenth and learn about the crime together with you, let's start with a tape recording of the appeal of the local gendarmerie to the residents of Viorn, which the police read aloud for the third time that day on the Market Square.

“As it became known from the newspapers, in different parts of France, separate parts of a human corpse were found in freight cars.

The conclusion of the forensic examination of the police prefecture suggests that all the remains found belong to the same body. In Paris, the entire corpse was restored piece by piece, only the head was missing, which has not yet been discovered.

The picture of the intersection of the railway tracks allowed us to come to the conclusion that all the trains where the said human remains were found, regardless of their destination, passed through the same railway junction, more precisely, they passed under the Viorn Viaduct. If all these remains were thrown into carriages from that viaduct, then it is logical to assume that the murder could have been committed in our commune.

Considering the above, the city municipality appeals to all citizens of the city to immediately join their efforts with the actions of the local police in order to shed light on this terrible crime as soon as possible.

All citizens are asked to urgently report to the local gendarmerie about the disappearance of female persons, of average height and rather heavy build, aged between thirty-five and forty years.”

“I knew Claire and Pierre Lannes and Alfonso Rinieri too. They were among the five dozen residents of Viorn who often stopped by my cafe. I also knew their cousin, Marie-Therese Bousquet. She also came in from time to time with Pierre and Claire, sometimes at aperitif hour, sometimes late in the evening, with the Portuguese workers. True, I knew her worse than others, she was deaf and dumb, and you know, you can’t really talk to someone like that.

Pierre and Claire Lannes came in almost every evening, between eight and nine in the evening, after dinner. True, it happened that they didn’t show up for several days in a row, not because one of them was sick - maybe they were just too lazy to get out of the house, or they weren’t in the right mood, or they were tired, anything can happen.

I’m not a fan of prying into other people’s affairs, so I made it a rule to never ask Pierre why he didn’t show up yesterday or even for a couple of days. I noticed - at least, so it seemed to me - Pierre was uncomfortable when they asked him about something: where he had been, what he had been doing. In general, in my opinion, he did not like it when people got into his soul.

In short, on the thirteenth of April, when Pierre appeared, I did not ask him why he had not appeared for five days.

It was eight o'clock in the evening.

Local police had just finished reading this same appeal in the square, for the third time that day. I was laughing at this thing with crossing the railway tracks, I had just told Alfonso that it was all hilarious, and that’s all, when Pierre entered the cafe. He was alone. He had often happened to come in without Claire before, right on the way from work straight to my place at Balto. We said hello. I immediately asked: I wonder if the idea of ​​this trap with crossing the railroad tracks would have occurred to him? He replied that it was unlikely.

It seemed to me that he looked a little tired, and he was dressed somehow casually - he’s always such a neat guy. He was wearing a blue shirt, the collar was a little greasy - I remember I even noticed it. I thought to myself: I wonder why this would happen?

Since this very murder happened, not too many people gathered at Balto in the evenings.

That evening there were only five of us: Alfonso, Pierre, some guy with a girl whom none of us had ever seen before, and me. The man was reading a newspaper. At his feet, right on the floor, stood a plump black briefcase. We looked at him, all three of us. He had the typical appearance of a cop in plainclothes, although we were still not entirely sure whether he was from the police or not, because he also had that girl with him. He sat there as if he didn’t care what we were talking about among ourselves. But the girl, on the contrary, even began to smile when I started talking about this very intersection of railway tracks.

Since neither Pierre nor Alfonso seemed to have any desire to sneer with me, I then immediately dropped the question of the railway tracks.

It was Pierre who was the first to start talking about the murder again. He asked how, in my opinion, it was possible to finally establish the identity of the victim, because the head had never been found. I answered, of course, it won’t be easy, but it’s still possible, because everyone has something special, some birthmarks, defects, scars and the like, because whatever you say, we are all different, at least in some way... then yes, we are different from each other.

Everyone was silent for a long time. Everyone involuntarily puzzled over which of the Viornian women could match the description of the crime victim.

And while everyone was silent, I noticed Claire’s absence.

Then the conversation returned to the same murder.

I was terribly indignant at the brutal cruelty with which the killer dealt with his victim, and I remember Alfonso uttered one phrase that surprised us a lot. He said: “Who knows, maybe the whole point is that the killer simply did not have enough strength to drag the whole body, so he did this because he had no other choice.” Neither Pierre nor I such an explanation even occurred to us. And then Pierre noticed: one can imagine how eternity those three nights seemed to the killer. It was then that the girl spoke up. She clarified that, apparently, during these three nights the killer had to walk to the viaduct and come back nine times, and would have lost as many as ten times with his head. The only thing people talk about in Paris is this story about crossing the railroad tracks. A conversation ensued. I asked what else they were talking about in Paris. She replied that they believed that this was the work of some mentally ill person, one of the crazy residents of the Seine-et-Oise department.
