The world of wild and domestic animals. Diversity of animals

Give an idea of ​​wild animals: wild animals live in the forest (hare, fox, bear)

Give children initial ideas about domestic animals and their cubs: dog, cat, cow, goat.

Draw children's attention to the fact that animals are covered with fur (unlike birds). Learn to find in animals: head, body, paws, legs, tail, etc.

Learn to find in a practical way more - less; selects the smaller of two animals, the larger of two animals, shows by manual action more or less.

Learn to trace the outline of an animal using an internal stencil.

Learn to imitate the movements of wild animals, convey their habits expressively.

"Wild animals"

This is a bunny, this is a squirrel, ( Bend your fingers into a fist, starting with the little finger)

This is a little fox, this is a wolf cub,

And this one is in a hurry, hobbling sleepily ( Rotate with thumb)

Brown, furry, funny bear cub.


A small squirrel is jumping on the branches ( The thumb touches the rest one by one

A tail flashes among the branches fingers, performing the exercise first with one, then

Who will keep up with her? with the other hand.)

Articulation gymnastics.

1. Exercise “Lapping the milk.” The cat laps the milk. The cat is calling us to lap.

A saucer with condensed milk is used.

2. Exercises for the masticatory and articulatory muscles “A cow and a calf chew the cud.” Imitate chewing.

3. Horse snorting. Vibration of lips.

Development of phonemic awareness.

1. Sound production M.

By imitation. The adult presses one hand of the child to his cheek, the other to the child’s cheek. The child feels the vibration on the speech therapist’s cheek and reproduces it through tactile control through his palm.

2. Repeat the words. Poppy, mom, Masha, shop, car, raspberry, wash, soap, moo; moss, sea, frost, carrots, flour, fly, Murka, purr. Point the horns on your head with your fingers and pronounce the sound M.

Cow: “Mooooooooo, who wants milk?” (Loud, low voice.)

Formation of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech.

1. Name the baby animals.

2. Retell the story: the adult invites the child to listen to the story and then retell it: “We have a cat named Murka. Murka has a beautiful mustache and a fluffy tail. Murka loves to drink milk. Mom buys it in the store especially for Murka. Here, Murka milk. Mur-mur-mur, - thanks the cat. How smart Murka is!”

Development of motor skills.

Five little pigs were walking in the open space, (Quickly move your fingers along the table.)

Five little pigs went to the sea for a swim. (Slowly move your fingers around the table.)

One of them is tired. (Bend your thumb.)

“I’ll go home,” he said.

And here's the result:

Four little pigs were walking in the open air,

Four little pigs went to the sea for a swim.

One of them is tired. (Bend your index finger.)

“I’ll go home,” he said.

And here's the result:

Three little pigs were walking in the open air,

The three little pigs went to the sea for a swim.

One of them is tired.

“I’ll go home,” he said. (Fold your middle finger.)

And here's the result:

Two little pigs were walking in the open air,

Two little pigs went to the sea for a swim.

One of them is tired. (Bend your ring finger.)

“I’ll go home,” he said.

And here's the result:

One little pig frolicked in the open space,

One little pig went to the sea for a swim,

Then I got tired. (Fold your little finger.)

“I’ll go home,” he said.

Wild and domestic animals




Summary of the final lesson in senior group on the topic of:

Wild and domestic animals

Target: Enrich children's understanding of animals. Note characteristic features animals. Clarify that each animal needs housing, food, warmth, and a certain habitat. To develop children's interest in living nature and emotional responsiveness. Be able to distinguish different animals by their characteristic features.

Wild and domestic animals.

Target : Enrich children's understanding of animals. Note the characteristic features of animals. Clarify that each animal needs housing, food, warmth, and a certain habitat. To develop children's interest in living nature and emotional responsiveness. Be able to distinguish different animals by their characteristic features.

Progress of the lesson:

- Guys, can anyone tell me what time of year it is? (winter)

What month? (January). Please prove to me that it is winter now. (The children say that it is cold outside, there is snow, the children are wearing fur coats, hats, felt boots and mittens).

There is a knock on the door. A small bunny appears.

Guys, an amazing baby came to visit us. But why are you so sad and tearful? What's happened?

(The bunny tells the children that he was lost, and since he is still small, he forgot who he is and what his mother is like. He only remembers that his name is Stepashka.)

Guys, how can we help Stepashka? First you need to figure out who he is. Who do you guys think he is? (Little Bunny)

Well done guys, tell Stepashka who he is. (Children communicate with the bunny, tell him who he is.)

The little hare is happy, thanks the children, but then again he is upset, because he does not know who his mother is and where he lives.

Stepashka, you sit on the chair, and the guys and I will try to help you. Guys, I’ll tell you riddles now, and you guess who it is.

1. I jump here and there

Cleverly through the trees

Never empty

I have a storage room.


2. Prowls through the forest day and night,

Day and night he searches for prey,

He walks - he wanders silently,

The ears are gray and erect.


3. What kind of Christmas tree is this?

This is a living Christmas tree

In gray clothes

Walks along the path.


4. Mustachioed muzzle

The back is striped

Squints his eyes

Fairy tales purr.


5. Small stature

A long tail,

Collects crumbs

Hiding from the cat.


6. Barks loudly in the yard

Resting in a kennel

Guards the master's house

And wags its tail at us.


7. I wasn’t in the store,

I wasn’t at the market

And I came home

I brought milk.

Milk for anyone?

To his owner.


8. Redhead with a bushy tail

Lives in the forest under a bush.


9. In winter - white,

In summer – gray.


10. Tail with a ring

Lives under the porch

Friendly with a person

The house is guarded.


11. Long ear, white belly,

Jumps deftly and loves carrots.


Well done, you guessed the riddles about everyone. Guys, who knows how to call everyone in one word? (animals)

What are the characteristics of animals? (paws, hooves, horns, tail, fur)

Guys, here are the cards, choose those that relate to animals.

So, we were convinced that our Stepashka was an animal, and he remembered it. But he doesn’t know where he lives. (children's answers: in the forest, in the clearing, in the meadow)

That's right, the bunny lives in the forest. What are the names of the animals that live in the forest? (wild)

Guys, we have a “wonderful book”, let’s open it and find wild animals in it and introduce Stepashka to them. (Children with a teacher find wild animals in the book, look at them and show the bunny his mother.)

Guys, but the bunny still doesn’t know that in addition to wild animals, there are also animals that live next to a person’s house. What are these animals called? (domestic)

Let's introduce Stepashka to pets, find them in the book. (Looking at pets)

Guys, do you think all animals take care of themselves: build their own housing, get food? (No, not all. Pets cannot take care of themselves; humans take care of them.)

That's right, a person takes care of his domestic animals, builds a home for them: a barn for a cow, a pigsty for a pig, a stable for a horse, a kennel for a dog.

Guys, let's tell Stepashka how people care for their pets. (They feed and water)

For this, domestic animals help a person in life: a cow gives milk, a cat catches mice, a horse carries loads, a dog guards the house.

Physical education minute

Guys, we introduced the bunny to the life of pets. Do you think wild animals in the forest have homes where they live? (different answers from children)

We have a magical car, I suggest you guys get into it with the bunny and drive into the forest. In the forest, see which wild animal has which house. Perhaps we will meet our bunny's mother there.

While we are going to the forest, I will tell you more about the birth of a little bunny. (teacher's story about a bunny - leaf faller)

So we arrived in the forest. Look how beautiful it is all around, how big the trees are. Now look around and remember what wild animal lives where. Each animal has its own home in the forest, only these houses are all different, where it is convenient for each: a fox - in a hole, a bear - in a den, a hedgehog - in a hole, a squirrel - in a hollow.

Guys, look how many different tracks there are in the snow. Where do you think you went? wild animals, were they walking? (no, they were looking for food)

Wild animals get their own food, no one cares about them. What do wild animals eat?

Bunny - grass, bark; squirrel – mushrooms, nuts; fox - mice; wolf - game.

Guys, look at these tracks, they resemble the tracks of a bunny. Surely a hare was running here - a mother in search of her little bunny. Let's leave him on this path, the little hare - his mother will come back and find him. Let's say goodbye to the bunny, wish him a happy winter in the forest and not get lost again. After all, now he knows who he is, where he lives and who his mother is.

Now, guys, let's get into our car and go home. (children express their impressions of the forest)

Guys, I want you to draw pictures as a souvenir of our trip and depict what you remember most.


V. N. Volchkova, N. V. Stepanova “Development and education of preschool children”;

Magazine “Child in kindergarten” No. 6-2001

The fauna is, of course, very huge and diverse. It attracts with its unknownness and beauty. Domestic and wild animals are very interesting for children. Kids, of course, need to be told about the life of animals, their habits and characteristics, how they live in conditions wildlife. An important and very pressing issue is the proper maintenance of animals at home, as well as their role in our lives.

The world around us: domestic and wild animals

The world is huge and rich in a variety of animals. Among them there are both cute domestic fluffies, which we have known since childhood, and evil wild predators. The life of domestic animals is certainly interesting, but much more informative is information about wild fauna, about which we know so little.

Most of the animals live in forests. It is they who received the name - wild animals. Many of them are very dangerous predators. And others are quite cute and harmless little animals that live in all corners globe. We can say that they are all united by one single goal - survival.


As you understand, pets are those animals that live next to humans. People support them, take care of them, giving them food and a home. Some types of pets bring very specific benefits to their owners. For example, they provide food (milk, cottage cheese, meat, eggs), materials (leather, wool) or perform work (guard, transport goods, help in agriculture). On the other hand, pets are friends who have long lived side by side with a person and share his home, helping to spend leisure time together.

For residents of megacities, pets are, rather, family members that they take care of, play with, and go on vacation. So the life of domestic animals in urban conditions is completely unrelated to bringing any benefit to humans. Rather, on the contrary, people care about the comfortable living of animals, which do not face the difficult task of obtaining food.

The role of domestic animals in human life

It must be said that wild and domestic animals are quite different. Nevertheless, they all play an important role in Let’s start, for example, with domestic animals.

Their role in our lives depends on what goals we set for ourselves when getting a pet for ourselves or for a child. Dogs protect us and are our friends. Cats and other furry creatures are our favorites. We take them into the house for our own pleasure. Another thing is that these species include cows, camels, ponies, sheep, horses, pigs, oxen, goats and many others.

However, it would be unfair if we did not remember that absolutely all domestic animals descended from wild ones. But in the process of his purposeful activity, man selected among them the best specimens with the necessary characteristics, until he achieved the development of certain agricultural breeds. Such domestic animals are usually kept in special buildings (cowsheds, chicken coops, pigsties, stables, sheds, enclosures). Generally, their productivity depends on how well they are cared for and fed.

Wild and domestic animals have very different diets. Unlike domestic animals, wild ones have to take care of their “dinner” on their own every time. Agricultural species are fully supported by humans. However, even such breeds are bred not only for benefit, but also for pleasure. For example, horses are purchased for equestrian sports and riding, rabbits are used for decorative purposes.

Historical excursion

They started ten to fifteen thousand years ago, during the period when people began to switch to a sedentary lifestyle and agriculture. After the hunt, wounded, weak individuals who had lagged behind the herd were often killed. Such animals remained close to the people who cared for them, providing protection and food. And they, in turn, provided food. It also happened that wolf cubs that grew up near human settlements got so used to it that they stayed with people forever and even went hunting with them. So gradually man acquired pets, which subsequently began to benefit him.

Taming animals was not an easy task. After all, people once kept antelopes, cheetahs, cranes, aurochs, wild boars, mouflons and argali at home. People watched and cared for them. The animals gradually changed. Of course, the process was very long.

Wild animals

Wild animals live in the wild. Unlike domestic species, no one cares about them. They get their own food, protect themselves, breed and raise their offspring. Of course, such a life is much more difficult and more dangerous. It is necessary to wage a daily struggle for survival. A comparison of wild and domestic animals in this sense is hardly possible, since different conditions their lives.

Wild animals are very diverse, they live a large number of Worldwide. Let's give an example of just a few of them: bears, foxes, lynxes, moose, hares, seals, tigers, cheetahs, elephants, giraffes. It’s simply impossible to count them all.

Life of wild animals in winter

Wild animals especially suffer in winter. During this period it is quite difficult for them. This is due, first of all, to the fact that there is much less food, and it is more difficult to obtain it when the ground is covered with a thick layer of ice and snow. Of course, all animals are adapted to such natural conditions. Nevertheless, it is still very difficult for them to survive at times. IN winter time Some animals change the color of their fur (foxes and hares), others hibernate, like badgers and bears, and others make reserves for the cold period, like squirrels. Everyone prepares for the arrival of cold weather in their own way.

Wild animals live very differently in winter. Some are saved by food supplies and warm houses (squirrels), others sleep, using up summer fat reserves (bears), and still others get food even in cold weather.

The importance of wild animals in people's lives

Wild and domestic animals clearly provide benefits to people. We have already discussed the role of domestic species earlier. Let's now talk about wild animals.

I must say that they are also useful for us, because they give us:

  • I'm eating. In many regions of the world, the meat of wild animals is used for food. The fact is that wild representatives of the animal world are more adapted to life, and therefore more productive. For example, hunting species include wild boars, roe deer, hares, beavers, muskrats, foxes, wolves and many others. Don't forget about fish and birds. Fishing is generally widely used by people. In addition to fish farming in specialized farms, they also fish in the seas, rivers and oceans.
  • Leather and fur. Wild animals are a source of beautiful natural fur. Artificial products There is no way to replace them either in warmth or beauty. There are also special farms where representatives of wild species such as fox, muskrat, rabbit, and arctic fox are raised for fur. All of them are valued for their beautiful and warm fur. And the number of animals in the wild is not able to provide us with the necessary skins. Therefore, people began to breed some species in artificial conditions.
  • Medicinal and perfumery substances that are used in pharmaceuticals and perfumery.

In addition, wild animals in any case remain, so to speak, the gene pool of livestock farming. By crossing them with domestic species, you can get new breeds with better performance.

People use animals to combat environmental pollution. Animals act as a kind of indicators. It’s no secret that animals react very sensitively to the slightest changes in environment, which means that their behavior can be used to judge environmental pollution.

In addition, animals help humans in searching for certain types of minerals, forecasting weather and earthquakes. Many examples can be given. Absolutely all animals know in advance about the upcoming earthquake. Fish and jellyfish, for example, can sense the approach of a storm.

And do not forget that animals are carriers of plant seeds in nature. And this is very important in the cycle of biological processes.

Wild pets

The increasing pace of urbanization has led to people increasingly wanting to interact with wildlife. If a hundred years ago it was customary to keep only cats and dogs at home, now hamsters, hares, jerboas, chinchillas, otters, monkeys, hedgehogs and many other representatives of wildlife are in fashion. The “Wild Pets” project has been sufficiently implemented. In fact, many wild animals began to live in our homes like pets. And this no longer seems something unusual and exotic. Of course, these are not exactly the same species that exist in the wild. After all, some of them were subject to crossing to breed better breeds. However, these are not the same pets that lived next to humans before.

Instead of an afterword

They are wild and play a big role in the life of humanity. In our article we gave only some examples of the usefulness and necessity of animals. In fact, their sphere of influence on our lives is much greater. We just don’t always think about it and sometimes cause irreparable damage to nature through our actions.

Svetlana Kelba
Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world “Wild and Domestic Animals”

Organizational game "We went to the meadow"

Children, what's the weather like outside? What kind of sun is there? What mood do you get when looking at the clear sun? Yes, I’m also in a good mood, looking at the sun and at you.

And who we are going to talk about, you will find out by solving the riddle.

Mystery: they are wild, live in a dense forest, homemade come and help people (animals) .

And now, children, we will go on a journey.

First station "Lesnaya".

Where have we come, children?

How did you know that this was a forest? (trees, shrubs, grass, mushrooms)

What trees do you know?

Spruce, birch, oak, etc.

What types of mushrooms are there?

Honey mushrooms, fly agaric, white, etc.

What a beauty! And who lives in the forest? (birds, animals, insects)

Name animals people you know (bear, squirrel, wolf, fox).

Yes, the forest is a home for birds and animals.

Guys, what is the name of the squirrel's house?

And the bear (den, the wolf (den, the fox) (Nora). Right!

Children, I have prepared for you exercise: here are four tables, stand in groups of five around each table.

Table 1 – choose wild from the picture animal

Table 2 – cut pictures "gather the wild animal»

Table 3 – spread out into two rows wild and domestic animals

4 table – animals and their babies

Children, there are so many of you, but everyone wants to tell you about the task you have completed. Let me ask distinguished guests to listen to your answers. Do you agree? (Yes). Get started! When you're done, put your hands behind your back, I'll see everyone. Oh, it looks like it's going to rain! Everyone get into the trailers. Tu-tu-tu! (song "Locomotive").

Second station "Polyanka".

Music sounds - birds singing (woodpecker, magpie, rook, nightingale).

Guys, do you know a game about birds?

Finger game: "Ten birds are a flock".

Oh, be careful, don't step on it! Look who it is there. Yes, it's a butterfly!

And look who is it below?

Riddle - we, forest dwellers, are wise builders (ants).

She eats aphids from the leaves, helps to look after the garden, so she took off cleverly, this is a ladybug!

Guys, how can you call a butterfly in one word? ladybug, ant? (insects) What other insects do you know?

Third station "Village".

Guys, look, you can see the roofs of houses across the river. What's across the river?


Let the girls walk along the wide, long bridge, and the boys along the narrow, short bridge.

So we ended up in the village.

A lot of we met animals in the forest, as well as insects and birds. Where else do they live? animals?

- Houses in the village.

Name animals who live in the village Houses? (show pictures when answering).

What are they called in one word? (homemade) .

What a warm word HOME!

Why can't they live in the forest? (they don’t know how to find food, build housing, winter).

What benefits do they bring to people? (food, wool).

We love them so much and always talk kindly!

Which of you guys have home pets? (children's answers).

And now we will come to our beloved kindergarten, and we will sculpt or draw our pets.

It's time to go back to kindergarten. Too-too-too.

Publications on the topic:

Hello dear colleagues and guests. I would like to share with you a wonderful idea, namely didactic game for kids from.

The purpose of this manual: to expand children's knowledge about animals. Objectives: 1. Strengthening children’s skills to classify animals into domestic and wild.


Lesson summary “Wild and domestic animals” (middle group) GCD Summary of integrated lesson in 2nd younger group on the topic: “Wild and domestic animals.” Teacher of the highest category.

Summary of the lesson “Domestic and wild animals are our guests” lesson notes on the topic "domestic and wild animals and their young." educational objectives: continue to introduce children to domestic and wild animals.

Goal: to consolidate and systematize the acquired knowledge about wild and domestic animals, about their place of residence (wild ones in the forest, and domestic ones near humans).

Back forward

Attention! Slide previews are for informational purposes only and may not represent all the features of the presentation. If you are interested in this work, please download the full version.

Subject section: Natural science subjects.

Item: The world.

The project was carried out in 2nd grade.


  • General education: Formation of skills in using additional literature, selecting and systematizing material; development of educational motivation; use of ICT in the preparation of work results; developing skills for publicly presenting work results.
  • Educational: Expanding students' knowledge about wild and domestic animals, their lifestyle and habits.
  • Educational: Develop a caring attitude towards animals.

Brief description of the completed project (2-4 sentences):

While working on the project, students worked with additional literature: fiction and scientific literature, encyclopedias, Internet resources; selected and created crosswords, puzzles, riddles, poems, and made presentations.

The children observed domestic and wild animals in order to study their lifestyle and habits; identified which animals appeared in humans first, through modeling the processes of domestication of animals by ancient man.

Children learned: groups of animals and their signs; how humans influence animals; difference between wild animals and domestic ones; animal care rules.

They were able to partially carry out the search activity, analyze its results, and draw conclusions; compose coherent stories based on the materials of the work performed; work in groups; use the products of joint project activities.

At the end of the project, an exhibition of drawings and mini-essays about animals was created.

Based on the results of observations, a folder “This is interesting” was collected with working materials that can be used in lessons.

Project topic: Wild and domestic animals.(slide 1)

Features of the project implementation.

Tasks for students:(slide 2)

Find out into what groups all animals can be divided.

Find out when and who man tamed first.

Hypothesis(slide3) : Let's imagine that there are no domestic animals on planet Earth.

Do you think people need them?

If so, who would you tame first?

You are encouraged to do your research and try to answer tough questions.

In addition, you will learn:

  • work with scientific literature;
  • make presentations;
  • carry out investigations;
  • briefly express your thoughts in writing and orally.

The results of your research, as well as Interesting Facts from the life of wild and domestic animals, drawings, mini-essays, crosswords, riddles, puzzles, poems you will place on the pages of the “This is Interesting” folder.

Project progress

(successive stages, steps, activities indicating their duration)

1st lesson

Stage 1 – preparatory, goal setting. (10')(slide 4)

1. Organizational moment.

  • Distribution of students into groups.

Before work, we will divide into groups so that the distribution is fair, and we will draw lots according to the color principle.

(The teacher offers the children tokens of different colorsby number of pages of the proposed project: groups of animals and their characteristics; human influence on animals (domestication of animals); difference between wild animals and domestic ones; pet care rules, depending on the color of the token that the child received, the children are divided into groups.)

Let's repeat the rules of working in a group. (slide 5)

  1. Distribute roles in the group ( analyst, experimenter, illustrator, researcher).
  2. Develop rules of behavior in the group
    • Goodwill
    • Listen to each other ( I understood you correctly...)

II. Formation of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

What groups did we divide the animals into? (slide 6)

(animals, birds, fish, insects, amphibians, reptiles)

What signs of different groups of animals do you know? Give examples. (slides 7 to 12)

What other groups can all animals be divided into? (slide 13)

(wild, domestic)

Stage 2 – drawing up a research plan, (15’)(slide 14)

In order to make a plan, you must answer the question:

How can we learn something new about what we are researching?

To do this, we will determine which methods we can use, and then arrange them in order.

Study plan:

  1. Think for yourself.
  2. Look at books about what you are researching.
  3. Ask other people.
  4. Get acquainted with cinema and television films on the topic of your research.
  5. Go to your computer and look at the global computer network Internet.
  6. Observe.

Stage 3 – thinking about the project. (20')

You suggested a project topic about animals. Each group will receive a task. To do this, you must ask yourself questions:

What do I know about animals?

What conclusions can I draw from what I already know about animals?

Write down your answers.

(As a result of collective discussion, changes are made to the main stages, taking into account the new distribution into groups).

Group action plan. (slide15)

  1. Discussion of the task ( collectively).
  2. Performance practical taskexperimenters").
  3. Formulation of the task (“ illustrators").
  4. Formulation of conclusions (“ analysts").
  5. Applying the results(" researchers").

Collective action: testing the entire project.

(discussion of the purpose of the lesson).

“Analysts” from each group select the best sections of the project. As a result, a blank with the main sections of the project appears on the board.

  1. section "Animals"
  2. section “Human influence on animals”.
  3. section “Difference between wild animals and domestic animals.”
  4. section “Rules for caring for pets”

Distribute tasks within the group.

Extracurricular activities.

Stage 4 – research (2 hours)

selection of additional literature, work on the Internet, library.

Lesson 2

Stage 5 – Protection of design work.(slide from 17 to 21)

Generalization of results and conclusions. (1 hour)

Lesson 3

Stage 6 – analysis of successes (using video materials made during the defense), correction of shortcomings. (thirty’)

Appendix 2– report on the work on the project.

Appendix 3- how I worked on the project.

Attached ready-made handouts.

(project developed by the manager)

* for teacher (to prepare for the project)

  • presentation / “Wild and domestic animals”.
  • video (cartoon) “The cat that walked by itself”;
  • short film “Life with Animals” (African snails, freshwater turtles, 6th edition).

* for students:

  • task;
  • handouts for each group;
  • album sheets for designing project sections;
  • reference literature;
  • glue, markers.

Required equipment for the project.

(including hardware and software)

Software – Microsoft Word, Power Point, Adobe Photoshop, Internet.

Computers, multimedia projector, printer, scanner, video camera, photo camera.

The work can be presented in electronic formats: a Word document, a Power Point demonstration, or a handwritten booklet.

Principles for evaluating work during this project.

Main criteria for evaluating work:(slide 22)

  • Independence in performing work.
  • Brightness of design and originality of materials indicating the source.
  • Completeness of the topic.
  • Illustration of the research with your own photo and video materials, drawings, presentations.

Appendix 4– jury form.

Appendix 5– nominations.
