Animals of our region of the name. Birds and animals of our region


Everyone knows the common squirrel. The idea of ​​it is quite consistent in general terms with the other 54 species of this genus. The body length of the squirrel is 20-32 cm, the tail length is 19-31 cm. The weight is from 180 to 1000 g. The color varies not only from species to species, but also within the same species, depending on the area, season, age, or simply on individuality. animal. Suffice it to point out that an ordinary squirrel can be red, ashy, almost black, etc. Most species do not have tassels on their ears. Only the common squirrel has them, and the North American Squirrel of temperate latitudes molt twice a year, but the tail molts only once during this period. Winter fur in squirrels from cold regions is very different from summer. All squirrels feed on a variety of plant foods: tree seeds, berries and fruits, nuts, mushrooms, buds and shoots, bark and lichens. Animal foods are added to plant foods: insects and other small invertebrates, eggs of birds, lizards and snakes, chicks and even small rodents and lizards. The common squirrel, like other species of this genus, is a typically arboreal animal. She climbs beautifully on branches and easily jumps from one tree to another. If necessary, the squirrel can jump from the top of a tall tree to the ground without harm to itself. She arranges a nest in hollows or branches of trees. The branch nest is ball-shaped with a side entrance. From the inside, such a nest (gaino) is lined with soft plant material.


The smallest animal of all predatory. She has a thin, elongated, surprisingly flexible body with a short tail without a black end. In summer, the weasel is light brown above, white or yellowish below, in winter in the north of the range it is entirely snow-white. Body length - 13-28 cm, tail no more than 9 cm, weight - 40-100 g. Weasel is distributed almost throughout Russia and the former USSR, with the exception of some regions of the Far North, deserts Central Asia. It is found throughout Europe, North Africa, most of Asia, North America. Weasel is found where mouse-like rodents are especially numerous - in the fields, among weeds, shrubs, in overgrown clearings, along the edges, on the outskirts of villages, in stacks of straw, haystacks, but only in the absence of its competitor - ermine. In the north of its range, it is a significantly small ermine, and in the south, on the contrary, it prevails. Weasel with amazing dexterity and energy destroys mice, voles, chasing them even in holes and shelters and, on occasion, killing more than it can eat. This caress brings invaluable benefits. The biology of reproduction is not well understood. Pregnant females and newborns are observed both in summer and winter. The duration of the pregnancy is unknown. In a litter, there are from 3 to 10 cubs. Their number increases in years of abundance of rodents.


The whole appearance of this predator testifies to its power and excellent adaptability to tireless running, chasing and attacking its victims. In size, the hardened wolf is larger than the large shepherd dog. Body length is on average 105-160 cm, tail - 35-50 cm, shoulder height 80-85 cm and up to 100 cm. Weight is usually 32-50 kg. The literature mentions wolves allegedly weighing more than 90 kg, but among the many hundreds of accurately weighed wolves from different parts of the world, there was not one heavier than 79 kg. The coloration and size of wolves are subject to strong individual and geographical variability. Only on the territory of Russia there are wolves of almost 8-9 subspecies, there are even more of them in North America. The largest animals live in the Far North, the smallest - in the south. The former are painted in very light colors, and in winter they turn almost completely white. The forest zone is characterized by wolves of the most intensely colored subspecies, while in the south, in the deserts, they are replaced by dull-sandy-colored animals. The wolf is widely distributed.


mole by appearance and a way of life similar to the rest of the real moles. Its body length is 12-16 cm, tail - 2-4 cm. Most of the animals inhabiting the middle zone of Europe, in front of a very small eye, like a poppy seed, have a narrow skin slit about 0.5-1 mm long, although the movable eyelids and no eyelashes. In most moles of the Caucasus, the eyes are hidden under the skin. In the Ukrainian Carpathians and the Caucasus, there were moles in which one eye was covered with skin, and there was a small slit opposite the other. Mole (only the European, or ordinary, mole is called this word) is a typical inhabitant of deciduous forests and river valleys with meadows and deciduous trees. Along the river valleys, the mole penetrates north to the middle taiga, and south to the typical steppes, although it is rare in the watershed areas of the taiga and dry steppes, and does not occur at all in semi-deserts, deserts, forest tundras and tundras. The mole spends its whole life in dark passages not connected with the surface, laid in different horizons of the soil. In loose and moist forest soil, horizontal near-surface passages are laid, located at a depth of 2-5 cm.

Siberian chipmunk

The Siberian chipmunk is a typical representative of the chipmunks genus. Its body length is 14-15 cm, the length of the fluffy tail is 9-10 cm. There are 5 longitudinal dark stripes on a light gray or reddish background, characteristic of all chipmunks, on the back and sides. The Siberian chipmunk is distributed almost throughout the eastern part of Russia, Northern Mongolia, Central China and Japan. Chipmunks live in coniferous, mixed and deciduous forests, preferring edges, lighted areas, windblows and clutter. The nest is placed under a large tree felled by the wind, in voids among roots or stones, less often in tree hollows and birdhouses (in protected forests). Chipmunks are good at climbing trees, but in case of alarm they hide in their underground or above ground shelters. They are active during daylight hours. Chipmunks feed on seeds coniferous forests prefer seeds coniferous trees on the harvest of which their well-being depends. Chipmunks also eat berries, mushrooms, lichens, insects and other invertebrates. Up to 5 kg of selected seeds are stored for the winter. In winter, the Siberian chipmunk falls into a shallow hibernation. Shortly after spring awakening, the rut passes. In a single offspring in a year, there are from 2 to 10 (usually 4-6) cubs.

white hare

The white hare is a relatively large animal, its body length is somewhat different in different parts its range. The largest hare live in the tundra of Western Siberia, their body length is up to 70 cm, and their weight is up to 5.5 kg. The smallest race of white hare inhabits the taiga of Yakutia, the mass of such a white hare is 2.5-3 kg. The ears of the hare are not very long and bent forward; they only reach the end of the nose or slightly protrude beyond it. The tail is all white or with a slight admixture of dark hair on top; it is relatively short and round in shape. The paws are relatively wide, the feet are covered with a thick brush of hair. This provides better support in the snow. In summer, the color of the fur on the back is brown-brown with blackish ripples, the sides are lighter, and the belly is white. In winter, the hare fully justifies its name. At this time, he is dressed in pure white fur and only the tips of his ears are black. The white hare is of significant importance as an object of fur trade and sport hunting. The methods of extraction are very diverse. Commercial production is carried out mainly by wire loops installed on hare paths and by a corral. In some places, hunting is common, in which the hunter, having found the night trail of a hare, tries to find it on the hare. Hunting for hare, especially with hounds, is of exceptional sporting interest, and its fishing in the taiga regions makes it possible to involve a lot of meat and fur in the economic circulation.

Gopher gray

Gopher gray of medium size: body length up to 23.5 cm. Tail of moderate length: up to 7 cm. The soles of the hind legs are covered with hair almost to the calluses at the base of the fingers. The color of the top is monochromatic brownish-buffy, often with noticeable light spots. Distributed in the south of Western and Central Europe. This ground squirrel settles in the plains and mountain landscapes of the forest-steppe and steppe zones, on pastures, virgin areas and places inconvenient for processing (for example, very rocky). On arable land, he arranges only temporary holes, which are later destroyed by plowing. Before hibernation, adult ground squirrels come out less frequently and at different times of the daylight hours. Burrows of gray ground squirrel are temporary and permanent.

ferret forest

The forest ferret is very rare. The basis of nutrition in the steppe ferret is ground squirrels, hamsters, and pikas. Steppe ferrets living near rivers and lakes prey on water voles and birds. With an excess of prey, all ferrets stock up. Ferrets are important fur-bearing animals, especially the steppe ferret. However, its fishing has to be limited, given the role of this predator in the extermination of harmful rodents. In some cases, ferrets cause known harm poultry farming, but ideas on this score are usually greatly exaggerated. Outside of settlements, ferrets are certainly useful, or at least neutral.


The hamster is very handsome. Most readers will agree with this, looking at the color image of the beast. It is the size of a very large pasyuk (body length 25-30 cm). Sometimes there are almost black or black and white specimens. Hamsters live in the steppe and forest-steppe regions of southern Europe, Western Siberia, northern Kazakhstan and east to the Yenisei. Separate spots penetrate to the north. Willingly populate agricultural land along the border of fields and shrubs. The hamster behaves like a zealous owner, loving solidity and solidity in everything. It builds solid and complex burrows with numerous pantries, tunnels and nesting chambers. The depth of the holes reaches 2.5 m. Closer to autumn, the animal diligently fills its bins with various supplies: grain, potatoes, corn, carrots and other similar products. The total mass of such reserves usually reaches 10-20 kg, but even information is given about hamster pantries with grain up to 90 kg. Animals feed on these reserves in winter, when they are temporarily distracted from hibernation and fill their stomachs with a new portion of food, and also in spring before the appearance of the right amount food. In summer, animals also eat grass greens, various seeds and roots, insects and other small animals (occasionally it can even bite a mouse). Hamsters are active at night. If an enemy (for example, a fox, a dog or a person) unexpectedly cuts off the animal's path to the hole, the animal boldly rushes at the enemy and can bite him painfully, making his way home. From April to October, the female feeds numerous offspring twice or even three times. In one litter, there are most often about 10 cubs, but in some cases even up to 20. In many places, the hamster noticeably damages the fields, and it has to be exterminated. Its skins are used as cheap furs.

Days of the forest are celebrated in Russia from 15 to 17 September. A forest is a natural ecosystem in an area with more or less dense vegetation, which consists mainly of trees. Forests play an extremely important role in the nature of our planet. They influence the climate, give shelter to many species of animals. Here are 10 of the rarest Russian forest animals that live in Russian forests.

Black stork


Black stork (lat. Ciconia nigra) is very rare view storks that continues to decline. The bird can be found in the forests and swamps of the Kaliningrad and Leningrad regions. Weight does not exceed 3 kg, wingspan - up to 2 m. Nests only in deserted places. It equips its large nest on old trees or on the eaves of rocky cliffs. Feeds in swamps and wet forest meadows. It hunts for a variety of living creatures - large insects, frogs, lizards, snakes and small mammals, eats found clutches of eggs and nestlings of birds nesting on the ground.

Himalayan bear

Himalayan bear (lat. Ursus thibetanus). It inhabits the forests of Primorsky Krai, the southern regions of Khabarovsk and the southeast of the Amur Region. Despite the fact that the Himalayan bear belongs to a number of predatory animals, meat is not the main component of its diet. They enjoy eating leaves, fruits and honey. Prey on insects, lizards, small rodents, birds. In order to feast on them, he climbs even very tall trees. These bears are very cautious, so it is difficult to observe them in nature. However, researchers know that they can breed throughout the year. Usually, a female gives birth to 1 to 3 cubs. Bear cubs are very small, they weigh only 300-340 g. Destruction of habitats has led to a significant reduction in their numbers.

Heavenly barbel


Heavenly barbel (lat. Rosalia coelestis). In the south of Primorsky Krai, the sky beetle lives, which has an unusual bright blue color. This is a solitary beetle that feeds on tree sap, pollen, nectar, and sometimes larvae. Eggs are laid singly in the amount of 150-200 eggs. The number of barbel is declining due to felling of the maple.

Giant evening party

Giant Vespers (lat. Nyctalus lasiopterus). This is the biggest bat, which lives in the forests of the Orenburg, Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod regions. From October to April, the Vespers sleeps in the cave. In summer, females raise offspring together. Some populations of the giant evening are sedentary, others make seasonal migrations. In winter, they keep in huge colonies. Observations have shown that their number in winter places of residence is gradually increasing.

Fish owl

Fish owl (lat. Bubo blakistoni). Ego can be seen on the banks of the rivers Far East. The fish owl chooses trees with old hollows for life, near water bodies with opportunities for hunting. It is the largest species of its kind. The bird is famous for its voice, which she calls her friend, offering her to build a nest and breed. Married couples are formed for life.


Bison (lat. Bison bonasus). By the beginning of the 20th century, they survived only in Belovezhskaya Pushcha and the Caucasus. An adult bull can reach 2 m in height at the shoulders and weigh up to 1 ton. They like to graze in meadows and open glades, and at noon to rest in a cool forest. Bison form small herds, usually no more than ten individuals. Such a herd consists of adult females and young. Males keep alone or in groups of 3-4 individuals. Now in Russia, with the help of international environmental organizations, a federal program has been developed to recreate the number of bison in natural conditions.


Alkina. These butterflies inhabit the southwestern reservoirs of Primorsky Krai. Alkina gives two generations a year: the first in June, and the second in August. The female lays one egg at a time on the underside of the leaves. Representatives of this species fly quite slowly. Males prefer to live in trees, and females sit in the grass almost all the time. Today, this butterfly is under the threat of complete extinction.

Amur leopards


Amur leopards (lat. Panthera pardus orientalis or Panthera pardus amurensis). These very rare cats inhabit the Primorsky Territory of Russia. Today, leopards suffer from a lack of food, so their territory is shrinking. They hunt from ambush or sneak up on the victim. They often make ambushes in trees. Sometimes, when he cannot completely eat the victim, he drags the remains of the carcass onto the tree. The extraordinary strength helps the leopard to cope with much larger and heavier animals than himself.

Japanese green dove

Japanese green dove (lat. Treron sieboldii). It inhabits the forests of Southeast Asia, but can sometimes be seen in the Sakhalin region. First of all, they are very beautiful birds. Their exquisite yellow-green plumage makes a unique impression. The length of the pigeon is 25-30 cm, and the weight does not exceed 250-300 g. It nests in the crowns of trees. Eats fruits and vegetables.

musk deer


Musk deer (lat. Moschus moschiferus). It is a small deer-like animal. It has no horns, but has long upper fangs. These fangs, used in combat, are 7 cm long in the male, shorter in females. They feed on lichens and mosses, which are mined from rocks and trees with spade-shaped lower incisors. For many years they have been hunted for musk, which is found in the gland near the tail and is used in medicine and perfumery.

The forest is an integral part of nature and a habitat for many rare animals. In particular, the forest is involved in the circulation of water, oxygen and carbon, filters the atmosphere, reducing the amount of dust, retains snow, and prevents soil weathering. However, today the volume of forest destruction is several times higher than the volume of its natural restoration. It must be remembered that each tree in the forest is responsible for the life of more than one animal.

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  • The hare can lie still for a long time, even when it sees an approaching enemy. And only in extreme cases jumps up and takes off running. Some can reach speeds of up to fifty kilometers per hour. When he runs away, he is cunning: if the predator is far away, then the hare returns and covers its tracks, and then makes a long jump to the side.
  • The hare changes the color of the fur coat. It is gray in summer and white in winter. Belyaki live where the climate is warm.
  • The hare eats grass, winter crops, cereals and vegetables from the garden, and sometimes the bark of trees.

  • The badger lives in a dense forest and digs holes on the slope of a hill or ravine. The burrow of these animals can be both a primitive structure and a very complex one.
  • Badgers dig easily. They have a dense, as if wedge-shaped, muscular body, a sharp-faced head and paws with long, sharp claws. With these claws they loosen the ground, dig out the roots and eat them. Badgers also eat insects and rodents, but do not attack large animals. By autumn, they become very fat and fill pantries with roots, seeds, acorns.

  • The life of beavers is strongly connected with water. In the water they feel better than on land and build houses on the water. Beavers dig holes reaching eight to ten meters.
  • When the house is ready they build the platinum. Platinum is very important for beavers. Firstly, thanks to platinum, the water level rises, reliably closing the entrances to the dwelling, and secondly, animals have a place to swim. Beavers are animals (solid): their length is more than a meter, and their weight reaches thirty kilograms.

  • You can see him in the taiga - he is not particularly shy and very curious. And in the spring you can also hear (singing) a chipmunk.
  • Mink chipmunk arranges on the ground and is quite long. Sometimes in the hollow. In the middle of summer, the family breaks up and everyone prepares supplies for the winter. He collects: nuts, acorns. For two or three months, a chipmunk collects five or even ten kilograms.
  • It spends most of the winter in hibernation.

  • This is a predatory animal. Body length: an average of one hundred five to one hundred and sixty centimeters (plus a tail of thirty-five to fifty centimeters).
  • Height at the shoulders: from eighty to one hundred centimeters.
  • Weight: usually thirty-five to fifty kilograms.
  • Movement speed: at short distances - eighty-five kilometers per hour, at a speed of thirty-five - forty kilometers it can run for several hours, and I do 20 - 25 kilometers, it runs for many hours without stopping.
  • The wolf has excellent eyesight, delicate hearing, and an amazing instinct.

  • It belongs to the order of insectivorous animals. It feeds on all sorts of beetles, caterpillars, worms. It can also catch a mouse or a vole, and occasionally a viper. Needles help him defend himself from enemies. His back is covered with needles and therefore the viper's venom has almost no effect on him.
  • In the summer, the hedgehog sleeps wherever he wants. By autumn, the family breaks up. They hibernate alone, climbing into a hole and hibernating.

  • RACCOON-POLOSKUN one of the typical members of the family. He is about the size of a medium sized dog. The body of a raccoon is stocky, on short paws with long movable fingers. The head is wide, with a short thin muzzle, large ears. The coat is thick, long, its color is brownish-gray. The muzzle is characterized by a black mask with a white trim. There are 5-7 wide black or brown rings on the tail. It is a good tree climber but usually forages on the ground, in marshes and shallow waters. It feeds on frogs, crayfish, fish, rodents (even young muskrats), as well as all kinds of berries, acorns, nuts, and fruits. Before eating prey, the raccoon rinses it in the water, which gave reason to call it a gargle.

  • This is a predatory animal. She lives only in the forest.
  • Her body is slender, strong, the tail is long, the fur is fluffy, thick and very beautiful, dark brown in color. And on the throat and chest there is also a yellowish-white spot.
  • She makes nests more often on trees, in hollows. She climbs trees well and jumps better than squirrels.

  • The sense of smell and keen hearing help the fox hunt. Especially in winter.
  • In the spring she dances - climbs on hind legs and walks in small steps.
  • She eats mice, voles and hares.

  • He is clumsy and loves honey very much. The bear is not very dangerous. But it is not always good-natured and peaceful. If the bear is angered, it may attack.
  • The bear has great strength. He can drag a load of four hundred to five hundred kilograms through the forest. He can run more than one kilometer at the speed of a racehorse and more than one kilometer.
  • At the bear poor eyesight, but hearing and smell are well developed, and this helps him a lot in hunting. He hunts more often for small animals.
  • The main food of the bear is various roots and nuts, berries and mushrooms, young shoots, small rodents and insects.

  • In the European part of Russia, the sable was completely destroyed, in Siberia there is very little of it left. Now there are about eight hundred thousand.
  • Sable is very attached to one place. He very rarely runs away from his place. Sable lives settled, constantly bypassing his plot, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich can be 3 thousand hectares. Sable climbs trees well, and live and hunt on the ground. Sometimes he dives into the snow and catches mice. Only in winter it lives in the hollow of a tree.

  • Write a description of the insects of our region.
  • Sketch several representatives.

Russia occupies one sixth of the land. Therefore, the number of vertebrates inhabiting Russia is huge and exceeds 1500 species. Among them:

  • more than 700 species of birds;
  • more than 300 species of mammals;
  • over 85 reptiles;
  • more than 35 species of amphibians;
  • more than 350 species of representatives of freshwater fish.

Mammals of Russia


The bear is a large animal, it is considered one of the symbols of Russia.


Brown bear is a forest dweller, a forest animal. Very often this animal can be found in Kamchatka. The brown bear is a rather large animal, the maximum recorded weight of a male bear caught in Kamchatka was more than 600 kg.

Bear with cubs.

The brown bear can eat both plant foods and prey on other animals. More than half of his diet is plant foods: various berries, nuts, roots, and so on. Since the bear is clumsy and cannot run fast, it rarely manages to catch a deer or a roe deer. But such a giant can eat insects and their larvae, catch fish, lizards

In winter, bears hibernate until spring. To do this, they equip dens in pits or caves.


The wolf is a beautiful predator, similar in appearance and size to the German Shepherd. Wolves are pack predators, with their devotion to the pack, they can set an example for people.


The main prey of the wolf is large ungulates. A pack of wolves drives a weak deer, a strong pack can even attack an elk weighing about half a ton. The leader is the first to start the meal, only after him the rest eat.


Fox - has the glory of a very cunning beast.


Foxes are small animals. An adult fox weighs no more than 10 kilograms. They feed on small rodents, so they can often be found near human settlements, where there are more rodents.

But not only rodents make up her diet, she can hunt small birds, try to catch a hare, but it is difficult for her to do this, since hares are faster than foxes. In hunting, the fox often uses cunning, for example, it can pretend to be sleeping near a flock of partridges, and when the birds lose their vigilance, they suddenly attack.

The fox is a very curious creature. She is interested in everything new and unusual, and this often causes problems. For example, a fox can fall into a hunter's trap.


Boar are wild pigs. Boars are quite large animals, the weight of an adult boar can reach 250 kilograms. With such a mass, they can run at speeds up to 40 km / h.


Wild boars feed on everything they find in the ground. It can be different roots, worms and insect larvae, fallen fruits, acorns, chestnuts, and so on. A boar can eat a lizard or a toad if it catches one.

Piglets of a wild boar.

If the boar feels threatened, then it becomes very dangerous. His fangs can reach 20 centimeters in length, he does not hesitate to use them.

In search of food, the wild boar performs the function of a tiller, it loosens the ground and the seeds of plants fall deeper, while their chance of sprouting increases.


Elk is a large herbivore. This animal gained fame thanks to its spade-shaped horns, they look like a plow - a tool of farmers. Therefore, since ancient times, the elk has a nickname - elk.

Elk with big horns.

Only male moose have antlers; females do not. Every year until December, moose shed their antlers, then these antlers can be found in the forest.

Moose live in the northern latitudes of Russia, as these animals do not like heat.


The hare is a small herbivore that is considered to be cowardly. But this is fundamentally wrong, having fallen into the clutches of a predator, the hare fights off with strong hind legs. On these paws, in addition, he has large claws with which he can seriously injure the attacker, or even kill him.


But hares avoid fights with predators, and they have only one way to do this - to quickly run away. They are able to reach speeds of up to 75 km / h if their lives are in danger. Who just does not try to hunt hares! The fox is a danger to young hares; it cannot keep up with adults. Wolves often prey on older hares. Lynxes and large eagles, ermines, wolverines and martens can attack hares.

Bunny with a bunny.

Wolverine is a predatory animal of the northern forests of Russia. Wolverine is a relative of martens, although outwardly it resembles a bear.

The wolverine can weigh up to 30 kilograms. Females are slightly smaller than males, this is where their external differences end.

It is believed that the basis of the wolverine's diet consists of carrion, which she picks up from bears and wolves. In addition, the wolverine preys on everything that it can catch. Great luck for wolverine - to catch a wounded and weakened deer small sizes.

Beaver belongs to the rodent family. It is the largest rodent in Russia and Europe. In the world there is only one representative of rodents larger than a beaver - this is South American capybara. The weight of a beaver can reach 30 kilograms.

Often a beaver is called a "beaver", but this name is not accurate, since in the dictionary of the Ozhegov S.I. dictionary, this word is called the fur of a rodent.

The beaver leads a semi-aquatic lifestyle, spending most of its time in the water. Beavers are famous for building dams on small streams. Beavers live in burrows, if it is not possible to dig a hole, a beaver builds a hut.

Beavers are active at night, and during the day they sleep in their dwellings. Beavers feed on plant foods, they make reserves for the winter and do not leave their shelters throughout the winter.

Ermine - little predator, no more than 40 centimeters in length. But a very aggressive and bloodthirsty animal. It lives in thickets of bushes, on the banks of water bodies, including swamps. Ermine swims well and deftly climbs trees.

The stoat preys on small rodents, but is also capable of killing prey larger than it, such as a squirrel or a rabbit.

In winter, stoats change their coat color to white so that they are more likely to go unnoticed while hunting.

Ermine in winter.

Sable is a predator, similar in shape to an ermine, but larger. The main habitat of the sable is coniferous taiga.

Sable on a branch.

Sable mainly preys on small rodents, but may attack squirrels and hares. He also preys on small birds such as capercaillie or hazel grouse.

Sable fur is very valuable, which led to its mass extermination.

Birds of Russia

As mentioned above, in Russia you can meet more than 700 species of birds.

The bullfinch is a bird slightly larger than a sparrow, the males of which are painted bright red. Female bullfinches are not at all a bright color.

Bullfinch in winter
Bullfinch in May

The diet of bullfinches consists mainly of seeds and buds of trees and shrubs, bullfinches are especially fond of mountain ash and bird cherry. Bullfinches can also eat small insects, mostly they manage to catch spiders.

In winter, bullfinches do not fly anywhere, but winter in Russia. If the winter is very cold and there is little food, then many bullfinches die. Under favorable conditions, a bullfinch can live up to 15 years.

The tit is a sparrow-sized bird. It is distinguished by a yellow breast and a blue tint on the back.

In the warm season, tits prefer to eat insects, at this time they are the real predators. But in winter they are forced to switch to plant foods.

Tits on a sunflower

With the onset of cold weather, tits move to cities, since it is easier for them to find food here. In the spring they fly back to the forests.

The woodpecker is famous for pecking trees with its beak in search of insects and their larvae. The knock from his "work" is heard for a hundred meters.

Like tits, woodpeckers have a diet that depends on the time of year. In the warm season, they eat more insects, although they can destroy the nests of small birds, eating eggs and chicks. In winter, woodpeckers switch to vegetable food.

The woodpecker's tongue is visible in the photo.

Woodpeckers instead of nests on branches hollow out hollows in trees with soft wood (alder or larch for example). This work is done mainly by the male and takes about two weeks.

The life expectancy of a woodpecker very rarely exceeds nine years.

The body length of an adult cuckoo is just over 30 cm with a mass of 190 grams, the maximum wingspan of a cuckoo reaches 65 centimeters.

Cuckoo with prey.

Cuckoos are migratory birds and for the winter they migrate to Africa and tropical latitudes of Asia.

A cuckoo chick in a forest pipit's nest.

Fish of Russia

There are more than 350 species of freshwater fish in the water bodies of Russia. Let's consider some of them.

Catfish is a real predator, not a scavenger, as is commonly believed. One of the largest freshwater fish in Russia, which is common in many reservoirs.

Catfish can hunt not only fish and crayfish. He can also attack birds, for example, here is a video about how a catfish hunts pigeons.

Catfish in the Dnieper River.

Usually catfish reach a mass of 20 kilograms with a length of 1.5 meters. But under favorable conditions, catfish can grow to the size of real giants and weigh 400 kilograms with a length of up to five meters. It's just a monster fish!

Pike - predatory freshwater fish, the heroine of folk tales.

Usually pike grows up to one meter long and weighs no more than 10 kg, but some individuals reach a weight of up to 35 kg.

Pike hunt from ambush. They can hide in thickets for a very long time, waiting for prey. Then, with a lightning lunge, they grab the victim with their powerful jaws. There is no chance for a fish that has fallen into the mouth of a pike to free itself, since the teeth of the pike grow towards the inside of the jaw.


Pike perch is another predatory freshwater fish that is widespread in the European part of Russia. It lives only in flowing reservoirs, the water of which is rich in oxygen.

Pike perch can grow up to 120-130 centimeters, while its weight can reach up to 18 kg.

Pike perch is a very aggressive predator, but the diameter of its throat is small, so it does not attack large fish, as catfish and pike do. Its prey: bleaks, small ruffs and so on.

Beluga is the largest freshwater fish, can grow to a length of more than four meters, while weighing more than one and a half tons.

For most of their lives, beluga live in the waters of the Azov, Black and Caspian Seas. Belugas rise into the rivers only during the breeding season.

Belugas lead a solitary lifestyle. For the winter, they hibernate, before which their body is covered with a thick layer of mucus, which acts as warm clothing.

The main food of beluga is small fish, such as gobies and a variety of cyprinids, herring and other similar fish.

Carp is a very cautious fish. Carp are almost omnivorous and survive well in the most difficult conditions.

On the territory of Russia there are two types of crucian carp: gold and silver.


Crayfish is an aquatic animal, reaching a length of 30 centimeters. Although crayfish are usually much smaller, most often their size is 15 centimeters.

Cancer has powerful claws, and outside it is protected by a shell.

Crayfish are nocturnal predators. During the day, they hide in their shelters, it can be a hole or a secluded den in the roots of a coastal tree. At night they feed. The basis of the diet of cancer is plant food, from animal food they can get mollusks, worms, and they also do not disdain carrion.

Arctic animals of Russia

Polar bear- the ruler of the northern latitudes of Russia.

The main prey of polar bears is different kinds seals such as bearded seals and seals.

Having a huge mass, the polar bear has no natural enemies. In terms of mass, only walruses are not inferior to him, and polar bears try to bypass them.

Polar bear and walruses.

Polar bears spend almost their entire lives on drifting ice floes. Only pregnant females come to land to give birth to cubs.

The fox is an animal that looks like a fox. Lives in the arctic tundra.

Polar fox, photo: August 2014.

In winter, the color of the fox is white. But in the summer it sheds and its color becomes brown.

Arctic fox in summer.

The main prey of arctic fox in summer is lemmings. Although the arctic fox is not picky about food and can eat more than 120 species of small animals (including fish and shellfish) and more than 20 species of plants. Arctic foxes have a hard time in winter, especially if the winter is cold.

The snowy owl is the largest of all owl species. Also, this bird is called a white owl, because of its color. The wingspan of a large individual can reach 175 centimeters.

Snowy owls spend summer in the Arctic zones, and for the winter they fly to the zones of deciduous forests. Their main prey is lemmings, these are small rodents that live in the north in the tundra zone.

The polar owl tries to nest away from people.

Ekaterina Turbina
Quiz "Wild animals of our region!"

Quiz« Wild animals of our region» for older children.

Target: to introduce children to the study wild animals.


1. Consolidate children's knowledge about wild animals of our region about their habitat.

2. Develop creative thinking, cognitive activity, imagination.

3. Cultivate a sense of love for the world around, respect for the inhabitants wildlife.

The course of educational activities:

caregiver: Guys, let's remember who they are wild animals?

Why are they called wild? Tell me what's different wild and domestic animals? (children's answers).

That's right, for home man caring for animals, prepares food, prepares a dwelling for winter, etc. a wild animals get their own food preparing for the winter, preparing a home for themselves.

So today we will remember how they live and what they eat wild animals. Which wild animals live in our area? (children's answers). Well done.

Now look at the screen. Children answer questions. After each question, the answer in the form of pictures appears on the screen.

Fox Riddle:

She is smarter than all the animals

She has a red coat on.

A fluffy tail is her beauty.

This is a forest animal - ....!

Who is this? On the screen is a picture of a fox.


Where are foxes born?

What do foxes eat in spring and autumn?

Why do foxes shed in spring?

Who are the enemies of the fox?

What color are the foxes in our edges?

Riddle about the wolf:

Grayish, toothy, prowling around the field, calves, looking for guys?

Who is this? - wolf.

Where do wolves live?

Where are wolf cubs born?

What do wolves eat?

Why are wolves called "orderlies of the forest"?

Lynx riddle:

Wool like silk on a pussy

And brushes on the ears.

You just can't say "shove",

More seriously pussy….

On the screen is a picture of a lynx.

When do lynxes have lynx cubs?

Who do lynxes hunt?

How to hunt lynx?

What are the paws of a lynx?

Why do lynxes have tassels on their ears?

The riddle of the hedgehog:

And this little animal

Prickly up and down,

And only you can stroke your tummy,

It's not hard to find out!

Does the hedgehog make a nest for its offspring?

Are little hedgehogs spiny?

What does a hedgehog do in winter?

Where does the hedgehog winter?

What do hedgehogs eat in spring and summer?

The mystery of the squirrel:

Lives in a hollow

Does he chew nuts?

Where does the squirrel live in winter?

What does it do in very severe frosts?

Why does a squirrel have a fluffy tail?

What are the long, hind legs used for?

What does a squirrel eat?

Why does the squirrel build itself a very warm nest - gayno?

What does a squirrel do in autumn?

Moose riddle:

Very strong and tall

Knee-deep snow.

He is not a deer, but horned,

Everyone calls him elk!

What are moose antlers for?

What does a moose eat?

Riddle about the bear:

Walks without a road in summer

Near the pines and birches,

And in winter he sleeps in a lair,

Hides the nose from the cold.

What do bears eat in summer and autumn?

What do bears do in winter?

Why does a bear suck its paw in winter?

When do the she-bear and cubs leave the den?

Who is a bear bear?

Is a she-bear with cubs dangerous for humans? How?

Hare Riddle:

Little, white, jump through the woods, jump! On a snowball poke, poke?

What hares are found in our area?

What does a hare eat in winter?

What do rabbits eat in spring?

Who are the enemies of hares?

Why do rabbits have longer hind legs than front legs?

caregiver: Well done boys! About what animals did we talk to you? Why are they called wild? Can they wild animals do not live in the forest, and with the person? If not, why not? If yes, why? What animals we saw today? The lesson is over.

Related publications:

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