Sesame seed paste recipe. Treating acne

The exotic word THINA (“tahini”) is often found in recipes for hummus, falafel and other Israeli dishes. What is this secret ingredient? We explain, show, prepare.

What is tahini (tahini)?

Tahini, also known as tahini (Hebrew טחינה‎), also known as sesame paste or sesame paste, is a thick, creamy paste made from ground sesame seeds. This is a necessary component of many dishes, in particular, well-known to our readers, falafel (read more about it) and hummus (and about it -). Various sauces are also made based on tahini.

The name of sesame paste is not entirely stable: in Russian and English languages it is called tahini or tahina, in Israel - tahini or tehina. The word comes from an ancient Arabic root meaning “to grind.”

History of tahini

Sesame has been grown in the East since ancient times. This culture is mentioned in cuneiform tablets written around 2000 BC. They talk about gods who drank sesame wine. The ancient Greek historian Herodotus writes that sesame was grown in the delta of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers; here they made sesame oil from it.

Tahini is mentioned as an ingredient in hummus in a recipe dating back to the 13th century. This paste is used not only in Israel and the Middle East, but also in China, Korea, Japan, and India. In the 20th century it became popular in the West; In the United States, tahini began being sold in health food stores in 1940.

What does tahini consist of and what are its benefits?

The main ingredients of tahini are sesame seeds, lemon juice, salt and garlic. Olive oil and various spices are often added to this base: ground cumin, red pepper, parsley.

Tahini is a rich source of vitamins and minerals: it contains a lot of calcium, zinc, manganese, copper, phosphorus, vitamin B1, as well as many important amino acids, protein and fiber.

How to eat tahini

Tahini is one of the staple Israeli foods. In addition to the fact that it is included in many Israeli dishes, it is served as a sauce for meat or fish, as a gravy for falafel or shwarma, or just like that - with pita bread or bread. Tahini is even used in making sweets, such as halva, halvic ice cream and tahini cookies. But the most tasty dish with tahini - this is her favorite with eggplant. The harmony of these two tastes cannot be confused with anything else... in fact, they are very similar, and that’s probably why they are in harmony - be sure to try it!

How to make tahini

If it’s difficult to find tahini in stores near you, but you really want to try the paste itself and dishes based on it, cook it yourself! It's easy and very fast.


Sesame seeds – 8 tbsp. l.

Vegetable oil (preferably olive, odorless) – 2 tbsp. l.

Lemon juice – 1 tbsp. l.

Salt - to taste

Sesame oil (preferably) – 1 tsp.


Heat the sesame seeds in a frying pan until golden brown and let cool. Then grind them in a blender or coffee grinder, add the remaining ingredients, mix thoroughly. If the paste is too thick, add more oil. To the resulting paste, add ground cumin, red pepper, garlic, and parsley to taste.

Prepare tahini and dishes based on it and be healthy! And don’t forget that if you want to taste real Israeli cuisine, it can’t do without tahini :)

By the way, the most delicious dish with tahini is eggplant with tahini. Try it and find out.

Gal Gutzeit

Creator, leader and spiritual inspirer of the “Israel with Love” project. Loves Israel, Tel Aviv and the sea.


Sesame paste tahini– a traditional product of oriental (Arab, Jewish, Greek, etc.) cuisine. It is obtained by grinding sesame (sesame) grains.

Tahini itself is practically tasteless. Having tried it for the first time in pure form, many are disappointed, although many like it anyway. In general, tahini is not intended for independent use. But it is a valuable component of many oriental dishes, including the famous halva. In combination with other products, tahini paste makes the taste of the dish sound completely new, while at the same time ennobling its aroma. That's why so many sauces and gravies are made from it.

IN eastern countries tahini is sold ready-made. It’s more difficult to get here, and it’s not cheap. Therefore, today we offer you a recipe with photos of making tahini at home. If you follow his recommendations, the paste will turn out tender, rich and homogeneous. Then you can add spices to it (lemon juice, salt, garlic, pepper, etc.) or mix it with sugar, honey, syrup, condensed milk - at your discretion. In any case, it will be delicious.

Well, let's start cooking!


Cooking steps

    Take 100 g of sesame seeds.

    We send it to a dry frying pan to fry over high heat until light golden brown. Do not leave the sesame unattended for even a minute and stir all the time so that it does not burn. When the seeds give off a pleasant smell (after 5 minutes), remove them from the heat. Of course, you can fry the sesame seeds longer, but keep in mind that even when removed from the stove, it will still “heat” (continue to warm up) for some time, so don’t overcook it!

    Pour the sesame seeds into a plate to cool.

    After that, we send it to the blender container.

    Blend the sesame seeds with a blender for about a minute at high speed. Soon the oil will come out and the grains will begin to linger on the walls of the bowl.

    At this point, you need to pour a tablespoon (or 3 tsp) of vegetable oil into the mass (in our case, sunflower oil, but the Greeks usually add olive oil). The indicated proportions are very important, because otherwise you will not get a homogeneous viscous paste. In general, tahini paste producers proudly say that in its production they use only sesame seeds without additives. This may be true, but at home you cannot do without additional oil, otherwise the mixture will not be homogeneous. When preparing sauces from tahini, they still add vegetable oil, so such a deviation from technology is not critical, and is even useful for the quality of the paste.

    Blend the tahini again with a blender for 1-2 minutes (until it becomes completely homogeneous). Now the pasta is ready and can be added to any dish.

    Homemade tahini can be stored for quite a long time, since it contains no perishable ingredients. But it’s still better to put the jar of pasta in the refrigerator.

    Bon appetit!

Those who have been to the East may have come across jars on sale with the name “Tahini”, unknown to many. What is hidden behind these six letters? Turns out, tahini is a thick paste made from ground sesame seeds. The first mention of tahini, which is often also called sesame paste, is found in cuneiform instructions written about four thousand years ago. These sources tell of the custom of serving sesame wine to the gods. If you are not planning to go on a trip in the near future, but would like to try this unusual dish, then we suggest preparing it at home. Fortunately, this is not as difficult as it may seem.

Tahini is eaten in Greece and Cyprus, where pies with this paste are especially popular during Lent. The appetizer is well known in Israeli cuisine (by the way, in Israel it is called tahini). In China, Japan and Korea, tahini is considered an important ingredient large quantity dishes. Pasta goes well with vegetables and fish; before use, it must be diluted with water to the consistency of sour cream; lemon juice, garlic and salt are also added to it. Paste often becomes an ingredient for many oriental sweets, including halva. A world-famous snack, hummus, is also prepared from it. Some even eat tahini, spread on bread or flatbread.

Benefits of tahini

Tahini is not only tasty, but also healthy. Pasta is considered a source of large amounts of vegetable proteins, which give strength and youth to the body. The paste contains essential fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6, which are not produced by our body. Tahini also contains small amounts of calcium, iron, copper and phosphorus. Among the valuable elements present in the paste are methionine, which cleanses the liver of poisons, as well as alkaline minerals that promote weight loss. Product research results indicate that tahini may help combat diabetes mellitus, as well as Alzheimer's disease, and by regularly enjoying sesame paste, you reduce the risk of cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

Tahini. Classic recipe

You will need:

  • sesame – 100 grams,
  • sesame oil – 1-2 tablespoons.

Cooking method

  1. Place sesame seeds on a baking sheet. Before cooking, be sure to taste the seeds; under no circumstances should they be bitter. Place in the oven for 8-10 minutes to brown a little (do not overdo it, otherwise taste qualities the finished product will be far from the original), do not forget to shake periodically.
  2. Pour the toasted sesame seeds into a blender and, gradually pouring in sesame oil (by the way, it can be replaced with nut, olive or any other not strong-smelling oil), beat until smooth, homogeneous, creamy consistency.
  3. If during preparation you followed all the recommendations, then you should end up with a mass similar in consistency to thick, viscous sour cream.
  4. It is recommended to store the finished tahini in a tightly closed container in the refrigerator for no more than 2 months.

We said that some people eat the paste simply by spreading it on bread, but if you find it too concentrated, you can diversify its taste by adding ingredients to it as you wish. So, as we mentioned above, some add garlic to it, others put finely chopped greens, and still others even mix sesame paste with honey and devour it afterwards as a dessert. You get an original taste if you add a little to the pasta. lemon juice. Experiment, try and you will definitely find the combination of tahini that seems ideal to you. Bon appetit!

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Many people have heard about the delicious tahini paste. Many people know what it is, but not everyone knows that this sesame paste, also called tahini and tahina, can be prepared independently without much effort. This ingredient is considered an indispensable component for all oriental dishes. Today we are sharing a tahini recipe. Let's get acquainted with it step by step.

Tahini - what is it?

Still, there are people who are not aware of what this aromatic paste is. The main ingredient of the sauce is sesame seeds, which can be purchased at almost any store. Tahini is especially appreciated by lovers of original oriental cuisine and vegetarians. The latter fell in love with pasta for its calorie content, it is very filling, which is why, if you are watching the condition of your figure, you should not be overzealous with eating it, as it will quickly be deposited in problem areas of the body.

Tahini - what is it? This is very valuable and useful product. The paste contains many fatty acids, vitamin B and minerals. By eating tahini, you improve the condition of your hair, prevent acne, and your skin becomes healthier and fresher. In addition, the product has a beneficial effect on digestion, and therefore on the body as a whole.

If you add yogurt or plain drinking water to tahini, you get a flavorful sauce that enhances vegetable dishes, salads and unleavened cakes. Feel free to use tahini during fasting. What it is - now you know, it is a healthy, tasty and satisfying addition to any dishes.

Choosing the right sesame seeds

Making tahini is a simple process and the resulting flavor will depend on the ingredients chosen. You will need 300 grams of sesame seeds and four tablespoons of refined olive oil highest quality. If problems cannot arise with the second component, then you need to be able to select the first one.

When you come to a store or shop that sells similar products, ask the seller to give you two or three sesame seeds to try. Chew them well and distribute throughout your mouth. There should be no signs of bitterness in the taste; even a small amount of it will completely ruin the paste.

Seed preparation

It is very easy to prepare the paste, but for this you need to properly prepare the seeds. After buying sesame, many women prefer to immediately fry it, after which the sauce turns out uneven, there are small pieces, and the tahini should be completely pureed. So, first of all, the seeds need to be soaked in water at room temperature for four hours. Place the ingredient in a deep container, fill it so that there is a centimeter more water. After the time has passed, drain the water and keep the product in the refrigerator for another four hours.


Place the sesame seeds in an even layer on a baking sheet lined with baking paper if you don't have a non-stick coating. First, heat the oven to 180 degrees, after the seeds have dried, increase the temperature to 200. The roasting time is about 20 minutes, including drying, during which you need to remove the baking sheet from the oven several times and mix the seeds. It’s easy to check if they are ready; they should become a beautiful golden color; do not overcook them, which will cause the sesame seeds to turn dark brown.

Of course, you can do it differently by frying the seeds in a frying pan. Do not cover the dishes while drying.

Preparing tahini

When the seeds are well roasted, pour them into another container until they cool completely. After this, place the ingredient in a blender bowl and grind them for several minutes at low and then at high speed. First of all, the sesame will break into small particles, from which oil will appear, which will contribute to the complete abrasion of the seeds in the puree. If the process takes too long and the particles do not wear off for a long time, add half (2 tablespoons) of the prepared olive oil. After this, the paste will form faster. At the end of the process, add the remaining oil and mix the ingredients with a blender for another four minutes. That's it, sesame tahini is ready.

Additional components

As was written earlier, tahini sauce is prepared depending on the recipe of the dish for which this ingredient will be needed. Add water, salt, yogurt or lemon juice to the paste. If you prepare the sauce immediately after preparing the pasta, you can add a tablespoon of sesame oil, just not refined, so the component will acquire an even brighter aroma. If you are preparing tahini for future use and will store it in the refrigerator, it is better not to add anything extra so that the paste can be stored for a longer time and does not lose its taste and smell.

What to cook with tahini?

You can dip pieces of grilled meat, fresh vegetables, and pita bread into this sauce. Without tahini, you won’t get a full-fledged hummus; this sauce will complement its taste. We bring to your attention this particular recipe, it really deserves attention.

You will need to take two cups of chickpeas, also called chickpeas and garbanzos. All existing liquid is drained. Other Ingredients:

  • the third part of a glass of tahini - we have already told you what it is and how to prepare it;
  • four tablespoons of lemon juice;
  • a teaspoon of salt;
  • two cloves of garlic, cut in half;
  • a pinch of paprika and a teaspoon of any herbs;
  • a tablespoon of refined olive oil.

Blend all ingredients, except herbs and butter, in a blender and place on a flat dish in an even layer. After this, make longitudinal grooves, pour in oil and decorate with herbs.
