Water cakes with eggs. Unleavened cakes made from water and flour in a frying pan

  • Type of dish: Unsweetened baked goods
  • Cooking method: In the oven
  • Servings:6
  • 1 h 00 min
  • Nutritional value per 100 g:
    • Calorie content:238.51 kcal
    • Fat:2.44 g
    • Proteins:6.41 g
    • Carbohydrates:48.38 g


  1. Water – 1 glass;
  2. Flour – 4 cups;
  3. Salt – 2 tsp;
  4. Sugar – 3 tbsp;
  5. Egg – 1 piece;
  6. Sesame – 2 tbsp;
  7. Yeast – 2 tsp.

Cooking method

1. Before you make cakes in water and, in general, start cooking, you need to heat the water. It should be pleasantly warm, so that you can drink it, for example. Pour water into the bowl that we prepared for kneading the dough.

2. Measure out the specified amount of yeast and add to warm water. At the same moment you can add sugar, it will help the yeast work faster. Mix the contents of the bowl.

3. Pour out all the flour, add salt. We begin to slowly stir the dough. Let's achieve a homogeneous state and set the bowl in a warm place, covering it with a towel.

4. When the dough has risen, you need to knead it again: stretch, press and twist. Let it sit warm again. It should take approximately one hour.

5. As time passes, knead the dough a little more and begin to form “pancakes” from it, as in the photo.

6. On top, brush each flatbread with beaten yolk and sprinkle with a small amount of sesame seeds.

7. Place the cakes on a baking sheet on parchment and place in a preheated oven. Bake them for about 40 minutes. Temperature – 160 degrees. For the last 15 minutes, be sure to turn on the top heat. The finished water cakes can be left in the oven for a while, let them cool a little.

Cooking time – 1 hour. Number of servings – 6.

Baking in the house is the smell of comfort and warmth, and also a sign that home is waiting. Even the most tired and gloomy man will melt in front of this aroma when he returns from work. Baking is almost a guarantee of family happiness and prosperity in any home.

Bread flatbreads

Flatbreads made with water and flour in the oven can be prepared using another method. It's a little different, but overall very similar to the previous one.


  1. Flour – 350 g;
  2. Water – 150 g;
  3. Salt – 1 tsp;
  4. Soda – 1 tsp;
  5. Vinegar – 1 tbsp;
  6. Little vegetable - 2 tbsp.

Cooking method

1. Knead the dough. Pour the flour into a bowl and make a small hole in it. Pour water into the hole, add salt, quench the soda with vinegar, pour in oil.

2. Gently mix everything until smooth.

3. When we have a strong, tight dough, tear off a piece of it and form identical balls from it.

4. Roll out each ball to a thickness of approximately 5 mm and place all our circles on a baking sheet. They can be sprinkled with sugar or shelled seeds.

5. Bake the cakes in water and flour for about half an hour until golden brown. And you can also serve them with the first and main courses.

Cooking time – 40 minutes. Number of servings – 4.

As you may have noticed, the last recipe does not contain yeast, so it is suitable for those who are trying to take care of their figure. In addition to the fact that they can be fried in oil or in a dry frying pan, the flour can be replaced with rye or oatmeal. Please note that any flour other than white flour will make the cakes a little tougher.

In general, the dish that we are preparing today is considered universal, as it is served with almost everything. You can spread butter or pate on the bread, serve it with soup or broth, and also, by cutting a small pocket in the flatbread, you can actually put cabbage, meat and sauce there - you get almost real shawarma.

Another simple recipe for flatbreads made with water and eggs, which is suitable for those who prefer frying in a pan with oil.

Katlama flatbreads


  1. Flour – 200 g;
  2. Water – 100 g;
  3. Egg – 1 pc.;
  4. Butter – 20 g;
  5. Vegetable oil – 4 tbsp;
  6. Salt – 1 tsp.

Cooking method

1. To prepare the dough, you need to mix flour, water, salt and butter.

2. Knead the dough until smooth and make sure it is not too sticky. In this case, add a little more flour.

3. Roll out the dough into a large sheet, and using a bowl, cut out identical “pancakes” from it. Their thickness should not exceed 3 mm.

4. You will need the largest diameter frying pan you have in the house. Pour oil into it and heat it up.

5. Place the katlama in hot oil and fry on both sides until cooked. Place each flatbread on a napkin and let it absorb excess oil.

6. Transfer everything into a plate and serve the katlama hot. As the dish cools, it will lose its crunch.

Cooking time – 30 minutes. Number of servings – 6.

The classic katlama is a steamed meatloaf, but these flatbreads also have that name because, for variety, you can wrap the filling in them and then fry them. This can be meat, cottage cheese, cheese, onions, eggs and other options.

How else can you prepare tortillas?

As we have already noted, premium flour can be replaced with any other, and you can also add filling to the middle. What can you take instead of water to prepare this treat? As a liquid it would be appropriate to add:

  1. Milk;
  2. Kefir;
  3. Serum;
  4. Cream and other dairy and fermented milk products.

Agree, how good it is to be able to cook flatbreads with water and yeast! In fact, this is already half of dinner! After all, when there is a bread component, adding a simple soup or a piece of fried meat to it will not be difficult.

It is interesting that water cakes are the most ancient dish, which was prepared back in the period when people lived in settlements and hunted wild beast. It was in those centuries that they began to grow different cereals, noticing that abandoned grain returns several of the same ones.

At first, grains were ground by hand between two stones, and later millstones appeared, which turned them into flour. Scientists suggest that it appeared about fifteen thousand years ago!

The flatbreads were baked over coals, boiled in water and finally baked in an oven. It is the latter preparation and recipe for this dish that has survived to this day and continues to be popular, but as an auxiliary treat or addition to the main dish.

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Flatbreads made with water and flour in a frying pan are prepared from products available in every home. Any housewife dreams of doing something similar, but she doesn’t always have enough time and experience. Fragrant baked flatbreads go well with first courses or stuffed with meat, potatoes, cheese, mushrooms, etc. There are many worthy recipes that can be used to make a whole mountain of delicious flatbreads in a short time. If you've never done this before, be sure to try it! You will see that the household will be surprised and grateful for the homemade delicacy.

A product made from refined flour is certainly not healthy. White flour is devoid of the most valuable components, and therefore it is an almost pure mixture of carbohydrates. But homemade flatbreads cannot be called harmful either. They do not contain chemical improvers, which are used in almost any bread production.

You can understand what other advantages lie in this product by comparing it with others flour products. Flatbread in a frying pan in water, cooked without oil, contains only 231 kcal. While any butter bun contains at least 339 kcal.

The dough for flatbreads in a frying pan on water is rolled out into a thin layer, so they are not particularly fluffy or soft. This means that to maintain the structure, it is not necessary to add products such as milk or eggs, which may be allergens for some people.

Of course, flatbreads are healthier than a butter loaf, as they contain fewer calories and sugar. And this product can be made truly valuable if you replace traditional white flour with whole grain flour.

Also, in addition to wheat, you can use rye, corn, flax or even buckwheat. Experiment with flavors, and you are sure to find a recipe you like.

Making the dough for flatbreads using water and dry yeast

Yeast cakes made with water can be used as bread or serve as an independent snack. Similar recipes are used to make lavash, which is served with hot dishes, as well as pita - white bread, eaten with all kinds of fillings.

For this recipe, water should be preheated to a temperature of 35-40°C, and then a teaspoon of dry yeast should be dissolved in a glass of warm liquid.

Mix three glasses of flour with a pinch of salt and a spoon of sugar. Add dissolved yeast and a tablespoon of refined vegetable oil.

It is necessary to knead the dough thoroughly, it should turn out quite stiff, and leave for one hour, covering with a towel. After time has passed, you need to divide it into equal pieces, there will be about eight of them, cover it with a towel again and let it stand for another 10-15 minutes.

Roll the pieces into balls. Using a rolling pin, we turn each into an even layer no more than 2 mm thick. Fry the flatbreads on both sides in a hot frying pan without oil.

You should be very careful while cooking. The flatbreads are fried in literally 10-15 seconds. Don't overdry them. Place the finished product in a stack and cover with a kitchen towel.

If you want to make something like pita bread, then do not roll out the flatbread too much. Their thickness should be about 1 cm. When frying, the bread will puff up, and you can cut a pocket in it, which can then be conveniently stuffed with stewed vegetables or fried minced meat.

Dough for flatbreads made with water without yeast

Simple flatbreads on water in a frying pan are prepared without yeast. The dough turns out to be very elastic, so be sure to add vegetable oil. Fats envelop the protein fibers of flour and increase their elasticity. This dough does not stick to the rolling pin and rolls out very well.

Homemade pita bread can be made from just a few ingredients. Required:

  • glass of water;
  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • salt to taste.

Combine the ingredients, cover the resulting volume with a towel, and let it brew for half an hour.

After this, knead the dough and leave for another 30 minutes. Divide the piece into equal parts, round them, roll them out as thin as possible. Fry in a hot frying pan for literally a few seconds on each side.

Place the hot pita bread on a plate and cover with a towel.

Recipe for simple flatbreads in a frying pan on water

Fragrant unleavened pancakes can be baked in just a few minutes. These scones are a great way to start your day. They are high in calories to give you energy throughout the morning.

You will need a glass of flour, which should be mixed with salt and soda (at the tip of a knife). Add 20 grams of slightly melted butter to the resulting mixture, knead it manually together with the flour until a loose, crumbly mass is obtained.

Pour half a glass of water into a container and knead the dough. Let's leave him to rest for about half an hour.

Roll the dough into pancakes 0.6-0.7 cm thick. We will fry them in a frying pan with a thick bottom, coated with vegetable oil. The flatbreads are cooked over low heat with a lid on. It takes 5-7 minutes to bake on each side.

It is better to cook the flatbreads one at a time and eat them hot.

Onion cakes

Flatbreads made from lean dough in boiling water are very tasty. Young green onions are used as seasoning.

For the base, take two glasses of sifted flour. Two tablespoons of vegetable oil and a little salt are added to them. This recipe calls for the use of sesame oil. The entire mixture is mixed with a spoon.

In a thin stream, you need to pour a little less than a glass of hot, but not boiling water into the mixture. The mixture must be stirred constantly.

Knead the dough by hand until a smooth, homogeneous mass is obtained, leave in the refrigerator for half an hour, covering with cling film.

Then peel and finely chop a bunch of green onions. The best option will be if it is just picked from the garden. However, during the off-season, greens from the store will do just fine.

Divide the dough into equal pieces, roll out thin flat cakes, and cover each one completely with onions. Roll into a roller and cut into pieces.

Take a piece of onion sausage and roll it out again into a flat cake. You don't have to try hard. The thickness of each must be at least 5 mm.

Fry the pancakes in a very hot greased frying pan. Reduce heat to moderate. We do not cover with a lid. The flatbread should be baked for about 2-3 minutes on each side.

When frying, the dough will swell a little. The finished flatbreads resemble puff pastries in structure.

Oatcakes in a frying pan

Before preparing the delicacy according to this recipe, you must grind cereals into flour. Take a glass of the smallest rolled oats and grind it in a coffee grinder or using other kitchen equipment.

Add salt to taste to the oatmeal, one and a half tablespoons of butter and soda taken on the tip of a knife, after extinguishing it with vinegar, lemon juice or boiling water.

Pour hot water over the ingredients. Let's take it in the amount of half a glass. Knead into a homogeneous dough and leave to rest for 20 minutes.

Let's start forming the cakes. Roll the dough into one long sausage. Let's cut it into equal pieces. From each we will form a flat cake, which we will fry in vegetable oil on preheated high temperatures frying pan.

The thickness of each workpiece should be less than a centimeter. We make the fire more powerful. We do not cover with a lid. We make sure it doesn't burn.

Flatbread with meat in a frying pan

Meat flatbreads can be eaten for lunch or, if your figure allows, for dinner. Beautiful homemade baking like a cheburek, it will make a good snack or replace a meat pie.

The minced meat can be prepared in advance, or you can also use a ready-made version. The tastiest baked goods are those filled with half beef and half pork.

For the base you will need a glass of warm water and two glasses of flour. Both components are kneaded into a stiff dough, which must be left to “rest.” During this time, the filling is prepared.

We will need about 800 grams of minced meat. Add 4 finely chopped garlic cloves to it. Let's add salt and pepper. Chop a bunch of fresh herbs. It's better to use onions. Pour 4 spoons soy sauce, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil and a couple of tablespoons of vodka. It will make our meat more juicy.

Knead the minced meat, thoroughly stirring all the ingredients. Let's divide it into 8 equal parts. The dough should also be divided into 8 pieces.

Roll out the workpieces into very thin layers. The diameter of each cake should be approximately 25 cm. Cover three quarters of the circle with meat filling, leaving an untouched sector.

We make a cut from the center of the circle to the edge. Take the free end of the flatbread and cover the part with the minced meat with it. We make two more turns. Thus, you should get a puff triangle with meat and dough inside.

Place the workpiece to bake in a dry frying pan under the lid. Reduce the heat to low and wait a few minutes until the cake is toasted. Turn over and bake on the other side.

These flatbreads are very filling, tasty and disappear in no time.

Potato cakes in a frying pan

This oriental dish is prepared from unleavened choux pastry. It will take a minimum of time, but it can please any fan of home-baked goods.

To three glasses of pre-salted flour, add two tablespoons of vegetable oil. Slowly pour in a glass of boiling water and quickly stir the mixture until a homogeneous lump is formed.

Leave it to cool. And then knead into a smooth, homogeneous dough. It will need to lie under a towel for 20-30 minutes to swell.

During this time we prepare the filling. Salt the boiled potatoes and mash them into a puree. We will need one and a half cups of crushed potatoes.

Fry in oil in a heated frying pan onion until golden brown. One whole head small size can be cut into cubes or half rings. Mix everything and add chopped green onions to the total mass. The filling is ready.

We form thin cakes from the dough. Fry them in a dry frying pan. Place the filling on one edge. Cover with the free side. Grease the cake butter. We eat it hot.

Sweet cakes

Sweet flatbreads will replace crispy waffles. They are especially nice to serve for breakfast. With a glass of milk, they make a great afternoon snack for children.

For the treat you will need:

  • a glass of flour;
  • one egg:
  • two tablespoons of sugar;
  • a little salt (by eye);
  • a teaspoon of soda;
  • 50 mg warm water;
  • three large spoons of vegetable oil.

Let's prepare the dough: pour flour into a container, make a hole in it, break an egg, add salt and vegetable oil.

We will need to pour in 3-5 tablespoons of warm boiled water. Its quantity depends on the properties of the flour. The denser the dough becomes, the more liquid you will need.

Knead a fairly stiff dough. Leave it in a warm place, covered, for 40 minutes.

We make flatbreads out of it. Sprinkle each one lightly with baking soda. Roll out tightly, literally until transparent. Lubricate with oil. Roll in sugar. Roll it into a roll.

We wrap a thin sausage in a snail. Roll each one out to a thickness of 3 mm. Fry in vegetable oil until golden brown on both sides. Serve hot.

Honey cake

Honey cake has an appetizing golden color and a unique aroma. It will become even tastier if you add sesame seeds to the dough during cooking.

Fry a tablespoon of seeds in a dry frying pan. Set them aside and let cool.

Break one egg. Add a tablespoon of honey to it. Add a little salt (on the tip of a knife). Pour the resulting mixture with half a glass of warm water.

You need to stir so that all ingredients form a homogeneous mass. Pour the prepared sesame into it. Sift two cups of flour on top. Add half a teaspoon of soda.

Knead a thick dough from which we form small cakes. We will fry them in a frying pan in a large amount of oil. The flatbreads should literally drown in it, as if deep-fried.

Remove excess fat with a paper towel. When cooled, these flatbreads resemble sesame cookies, just as tasty and crunchy.

Corn flour tortillas

Corn tortillas are great for dietary nutrition. They are very beneficial for digestion. You can prepare them from just three ingredients: flour, water and salt. The recipe for tortillas in a frying pan on water, made from corn, is perhaps the simplest.

Choose a suitable bowl and pour two glasses into it corn flour. Add a little salt to taste. Pour in parts hot water. We will determine its quantity depending on the situation. Stir each portion in flour and look at the consistency. The dough should become dense, not flowing and unbreakable.

We form thick cakes from a homogeneous mass. They should look more like cutlets. We will fry them over medium heat in vegetable oil in a frying pan with a thick bottom. The lid should not be closed. Turn over carefully so that the cakes do not fall apart. We eat until it gets cold.

Flatbread in a frying pan with herbs

This hot snack prepares very quickly. The water for the dough can be replaced with whey. For the filling we use cottage cheese of any fat content and a large number of dill.

Let's start preparing the dough. Sift half a kilogram of wheat flour into a bowl. Add a pinch of salt to it and mix well.

Make a hole in the slide with flour and pour a quarter cup of vegetable oil and half a teaspoon of soda into it (you don’t have to extinguish it). Pour a glass of cold water.

Knead soft dough. Cover it with a towel. We give it a little rest, and at this time we begin to prepare the filling.

We will need 300 grams of cottage cheese and a large bunch of dill. We wash the greens under running water and shake off excess moisture. You can lightly dip it with a towel. Finely chop the greens and mix them with cottage cheese. Don't forget to add a little salt (to taste).

Roll the dough into small balls and form them into thin cakes. Place the filling on one half and fold in half. We pinch the edges of the cake. It will look like a cheburek. And fry all this beauty in vegetable oil until golden brown on both sides.

Lenten dough is very easy to prepare. Requires very little time and ingredients. However, it makes very tasty and varied snacks. Any of the proposed dishes can become a table decoration.

Flatbread in a frying pan is a dish appreciated and recognized by dozens of peoples of the world with different cultures. It has firmly taken root in our kitchens, being a delicious treat for the whole family and a delicacy that is simple, quick and convenient to prepare. Flatbread in a frying pan is a great help when, as they say, guests are on the doorstep; they are also irreplaceable simply as a quick, tasty dinner. After all, many of the products that every self-respecting housewife has on hand are suitable for making quick flatbreads.

The main thing in the article

Quick flatbreads in a frying pan: what to cook with?

Our flatbreads are fast because they are prepared in a matter of minutes: the dough for them is very easy to make, and frying takes literally 5-10 minutes. Let's look at the most common products that will be used for the most delicious recipes quick flatbreads:

  • kefir;
  • milk;
  • sour cream;
  • flour - wheat, rye, corn - to taste;
  • hard cheese;
  • eggs;
  • butter – butter and vegetable;
  • spices, yeast.

In our article we will look at recipes for flatbreads with fillings, for which you can choose your favorite products that are in harmony with your taste:

  • hard cheese, feta cheese or suluguni,
  • cottage cheese,
  • greenery,
  • ham
  • potato.

Kefir flatbreads in a frying pan: an easy and quick recipe

If you really want delicious baked goods, try this universal recipe - it won’t take much of your time, money or effort. Such flatbreads, of course, will be a little higher in calories than those baked in the oven, but how fried and crispy they will turn out! This recipe can be done even by a novice cook, and the ingredients needed for it are always at hand:

  • wheat flour - a little more than a glass;
  • low-fat kefir - half a glass;
  • one egg;
  • sugar – 2 tbsp;
  • baking powder (optional) – half a teaspoon;
  • salt;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp + for frying.

1. First take the kefir out of the refrigerator; it should be at room temperature.
2. Beat an egg into it, add salt and sugar.
3. Pour vegetable oil into the mixture and mix well.
4. Add baking powder to the sifted flour and pour everything into the kefir mixture.
5. Knead the soft dough, divide it into 8 parts.
6. Roll out each “round piece” into a thin round cake, the thickness of which is no more than 0.5 cm.
7. Fry the flatbreads in a heated frying pan until crispy.
8. After frying, it is advisable to place the tortillas on a paper towel so that it absorbs excess oil.

This dish is excellent both on its own and in combination with sour cream, pate, vegetable caviar, or as a “bite” with soups and meat dishes.

Flatbread with cheese in a frying pan

The recipe for flatbreads with cheese that we offer is universal: this dish will be delicious both as a bread substitute and as a separate treat “with sour cream.” Write it down and it will help you out more than once. You will need:

  • Wheat flour – 2 tbsp.
  • Kefir 1% fat – 1 tbsp.
  • Any hard cheese – 150-200 g (you can take feta cheese).
  • Sugar, salt, soda - half a teaspoon each.

1. Place warm kefir in a deep bowl, and mix the dough in it.
2. Add grated cheese to kefir, gradually add flour.
3. First knead the dough with a spoon, then work with it with your hands for 3-5 minutes.
4. Divide the prepared dough into 5-6 “bombs”.
5. Roll them out to the desired thickness and fry for 3 minutes on each side until crispy.

Tip: you can add finely chopped dill to this dough or sprinkle the finished, still hot cakes with fresh herbs to taste.

Cheese flatbread in a frying pan with filling: recipe with step-by-step photos

If desired, you can add a “filler” to any flatbread - a filling that will make such a loaf of bread even tastier and juicier. Having chosen one of the dough options for flatbreads given above, we arm ourselves with our photo hint and prepare the most delicious flatbreads in a frying pan with filling.

Tips for delicious filled flatbreads:

  • To make the dish more filling, you can choose richer kefir.
  • Cut the filling for the flatbreads as thin as possible or grate it so that it does not “stick out” when frying.
  • Hard cheese can be included in the dough and added to the flatbread filling.
  • When you roll out the dough thinly and put the filling on it, gather it into a “knot” and roll it out again as thinly as possible.
  • Work on a table generously dusted with flour.

Yeast flatbreads in a frying pan

We offer an original video recipe for yeast cakes in a frying pan using whey. This flatbread tastes very much like real Caucasian lavash bread, and based on the proportions presented in the recipe, you can feed the whole family with this dish.

Unleavened flatbreads made with water and flour in a frying pan

What to do if you want aromatic pastries during fasting? Such food temptation is not a reason to give up your principles if you are fasting, because you can make delicious, crispy bread with water, without eggs or dairy products. This recipe will help out, and if you simply don’t have the ones stated in the traditional recipes flatbread products. So, the ingredients for unleavened flatbreads:

  • sparkling mineral water (can be replaced with regular table water) – 1 tbsp;
  • wheat flour – 2 full glasses;
  • vegetable oil – 2-3 tbsp;
  • salt, sugar - one and a half tablespoons;

1. Mix mineral water with butter, add bulk ingredients, except flour.
2. Sift the flour and add it to the water-oil base gradually, stirring the mixture with a whisk.
3. Make a thick dough that does not stick to your hands, divide it into equal parts-lumps.
4. Roll out each lump as thinly as possible and fry on each side for 3-5 minutes.

Tip: dilute the bland taste of water flatbreads with a variety of fillings. The most delicious options:
mushrooms fried with onions;
mashed potatoes with greens;
rice with green onion.

Place the filling on a thinly rolled out layer of dough, pinch it into a “bag” and again roll it out thinly along the diameter of the frying pan.

Recipes for flatbreads in a frying pan with milk and sour cream

Full-fat milk and sour cream make such flatbreads that you'll lick your fingers! For a family of three, we offer the following version of flatbreads with milk, which is called "Mingrelian khachapuri" :

  • milk – 100 ml;
  • warm water - a little more than half a glass;
  • dry yeast – 2 tsp;
  • one egg;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • salt – 1 teaspoon;
  • sugar – 2 tsp;
  • flour – 2 tbsp;
  • suluguni cheese or cheddar – 0.5 kg.

1. To prepare the dough, heat the water a little.
2. Add sugar, mix, add dry yeast, wrap the bowl with cling film and leave to rest for half an hour.
3. Lightly heat the milk and heat the butter in the microwave.
4. Sift the flour into a bowl, add salt, beat in the egg and add butter.
5. Combine the dough with the flour mixture and knead the dough, working with it for 10 minutes until good elasticity is achieved.
6. Grease the finished dough with vegetable oil and leave to “grow” for a couple of hours.
7. While the dough is rising, grate cheese on a coarse grater (300 g for filling, 200 for topping).
8. When the dough has risen, divide it into 3 parts, roll out each and generously sprinkle with cheese filling. Pinch and roll out, turning seam side down.
9. If air has collected inside the dough, pierce it in several places with a fork. Fry the flatbread for 5 minutes on each side, or bake in the oven for 10 minutes.
10. Sprinkle the finished hot flatbreads with grated cheese, which immediately melts, forming an appetizing crust.

Why is this recipe called quick? Yes, you have to tinker with the initial version of the test. But it can be prepared in larger proportions, and the leftovers can be hidden in the freezer. This dough does not lose its taste when frozen. Therefore, when you need to quickly prepare a treat, simply take the semi-finished product out of the refrigerator, fill it with cheese, fry it and serve the aromatic, fresh pastries to your guests!

Option for quick flatbreads in a frying pan with sour cream

Potato cakes in a frying pan: photo recipe

A wonderful dish option for vegetarians, for those who fast, and simply for lovers of delicious, original pastries. Potato cakes are best served with vegetable salads and toppings of eggplant, mushrooms and tomatoes. Components:

  • mashed potatoes (you can take yesterday’s) or boiled potatoes – 1 kg;
  • flour - 1 tbsp;
  • salt – 1 tsp;
  • egg – 1 pc;
  • vegetable oil - a couple of tablespoons.

1. If we have ready-made mashed potatoes, we have already made our task easier; if we just have boiled potatoes, we make mashed potatoes from them.
2. Beat an egg into the puree (you can do without it if you are fasting), add salt, flour and knead until smooth.
3. Divide the entire mass into 8 lumps, roll them out as much as possible on a floured surface.
4. Prick the surfaces of the flatbreads with a fork to release the accumulated air from the dough.
5. Fry until crispy and appetizing.

Original idea: this potato flatbread is a good base for pizza with any topping.

An alternative version of yeast potato cakes in our photo recipe

Recipe for Mexican flatbread in a frying pan (tortilla)

Tortilla is a Mexican dish that can be classified as national. Without this thin flatbread, it is impossible to prepare and serve such exotic dishes as burritos or fajitas. These flatbreads should be eaten “hot and hot”, and that’s how it will be if you arm yourself with our recipe. We take:

  • margarine or butter – 50 g;
  • hot water (but not boiling water) – 1 tbsp;
  • flour - 3 tbsp;
  • salt – 1 tsp.

1. Pour the flour onto the table, add softened butter and salt to it, knead into crumbs.
2. Pour in hot water and knead the dough.
3. Wrap the dough in cling film and let it rest for a while.
4. Divide the dough into 4 lumps, each of which is divided into two.
5. Using flour, roll out the thinnest flat cakes: the finished version will be slightly thicker than pita bread.
6. Fry the bread in a hot frying pan for no more than 2 minutes on each side. Anything can serve as a filling for the finished flatbread!

Corn and rye tortillas in a frying pan

To make the above dish even more “Mexican” and exotic, we recommend using corn flour instead of traditional wheat flour.

And for those on a diet, we offer an alternative recipe for quick rye flatbreads in a frying pan.

Flat bread in a frying pan: a simple step-by-step recipe

Contrary to the general belief that baking bread is a very labor-intensive process, we will tell you how to bake bread in the form of a flatbread in a frying pan without spending extra money and time. For this we need:

  • warm water – 0.5 l;
  • salt – 1 tsp;
  • dry yeast – 1 tsp;
  • flour - as much as the dough will absorb so that it does not become too dense;
  • sugar - to your taste.

1. Mix the given ingredients into a homogeneous dough.
2. We leave him to “rest” for two hours.
3. When the dough has risen, mix it and place it in a frying pan with thick walls.
4. Select the lowest heat and fry our bread on each side for at least 20 minutes.
This bread is incredibly easy to prepare and delicious both hot and cold. Bon appetit!

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Even if there is bread in the house, sometimes you really want to get away from the daily monotony. When I have time and desire, I try to bake something. To the easy chicken broth I often make hot flatbreads using water and flour and eggs in a frying pan. Previously, I always considered them a dish of exclusively Central Asian cuisine. But such fried bannock bread is prepared in Indian, mchadi - Georgian cuisine. They are loved in the countries of the Latin American continent and Finland. Distinctive Features What unites these pita breads is the absence of yeast. Sometimes spices, white cheese, fried lard or dried fruit are added to the dough. I suggest making quick cakes using water and flour. They can be used as a substitute bakery products or bases for rolls and sandwiches with a variety of colorful fillings. See step-by-step illustrated recommendations for this simple but very interesting delicacy. You will need a maximum of 30 minutes, but you will be provided with a delicious breakfast or a hearty lunch. This recipe will help you make these flatbreads quickly and easily. I think you'll like these too.


- 1 glass of sifted premium wheat flour,
- ¾ tablespoon of refined sunflower oil,
- 1 fresh egg,
- 70 milliliters of purified boiled water,
- 1/3 teaspoon of table salt.

How to cook with photos step by step

Sift the flour, combine with salt and mix the ingredients.

Add the egg and add water, stirring constantly.

Knead the sticky dough, gradually pour in the oil. Knead the flour mass, comparable in consistency to the dumpling dough piece.
To allow the gluten to swell, leave the dough for a quarter of an hour, then roll it out into a sausage shape and cut into pieces no more than 2 centimeters thick.

Roll each piece into a round cake. You can carefully form a circle with your hands, then the workpiece will be softer and more pliable.

Heat a frying pan, add just a little oil and fry over low heat on both sides.

When baking the first one, cover with a lid to retain moisture and protect the product from drying out. If you cook in a non-stick frying pan, you don’t have to add oil to the next cakes, then they will be less high in calories. These also turn out very tasty.

Place the golden brown cakes in a stack (they do not cool quickly), brushing each one with butter. When serving, cut into 4 pieces. Try this wonderful delicacy with meat or sweet filling, or as an addition to a hot dish.

Is the house out of bread? Is your family used to eating fresh bread for breakfast? But shouldn’t we run to the store now? There is the simplest option - make delicious water cakes from products that you probably have in your home. Plus, your flatbreads will be much healthier and tastier than regular store-bought bread. And believe me, your household will appreciate your creation.

In order to quickly prepare the dough for our flatbreads, you need the following basic components:

flour, water, vegetable oil, a little salt and sugar, soda (baking powder) - optional.

The simplest recipe

You need to mix flour (500 grams), water (1 tbsp.), salt - ½ teaspoon and baking powder (20 g) or soda - ½ teaspoon (for fluffy dough). Cover the finished dough with a napkin for 10 minutes.

Then cut the dough into several pieces, each of them needs to be rolled out into small flat cakes. Fry them on both sides in a greased frying pan.

Ready water cakes should be stored in a bag so that they remain fresh for a long time. Before eating, the flatbread can be topped with garlic dressing (grated garlic mixed with previously melted butter). They can be safely served with borscht.

Delicious flatbreads with cheese

In a small saucepan, bring 300 ml of water to a boil, pour the boiling water into a deep plate with flour (300 g). Knead the dough and let it rest for 15 minutes. As you can see, the recipe for water cakes is quite simple and accessible to every housewife.

Cut the finished dough into small pieces and then roll each into a thin layer with a diameter of 15 centimeters. Place a mound of grated cheese in the center of each layer (any hard cheese can be used). Roll up each layer and roll out carefully. And now the finished cakes can be fried in a frying pan greased with any vegetable oil.

Please note that instead of filling, you can put mashed potatoes with fried onions, salted cottage cheese, ready-made minced meat, etc.

Green flatbreads

To prepare flatbreads with water, you will need flour (225 g) and warm water (half a glass). For the filling - fresh green onions (quantity to your taste).

Prepare a soft dough from flour and water. Leave it for a few minutes.

Roll out a layer with a diameter of 40-45 cm. Grease it with any oil and scatter chopped green onions over the entire surface.

Now the resulting “sausage” needs to be divided into 5 parts and then each of them is rolled out into a small flat cake.

Fry all the flatbreads in a greased frying pan. And our flatbreads are ready!

Sweet cakes with honey

Do you want to please your kids with sweet cakes? Try it - and you will see, they will go away with a bang! Of course, like previous recipes, these water cakes are made using the same technology. So, we need two tbsp. flour, salt (a pinch is enough), lukewarm water (four tablespoons), honey (two tablespoons), 1 egg, sugar to taste. And, of course, any oil for frying.

Mix honey and salt in a deep plate, add water and egg. Mix and add flour to the resulting mass.

Cut the finished dough into pieces, and then roll each into a layer. Fry the resulting flat cakes in a frying pan with oil.

Sprinkle with sugar when serving.

Flatbread with mineral water

Mineral water flatbreads are prepared in the same way as regular ones. The difference is that instead of regular water, you can add carbonated mineral water to the dough. The dough turns out fluffy and airy. We recommend preparing flatbreads, maybe minced meat, mashed potatoes, mushrooms with vegetables, etc.

For the dough you need to take: mineral water (1 tbsp.), salt (teaspoon), sugar (2 teaspoons), vegetable oil. butter (2 tablespoons) and flour (2 tbsp.). Prepare dough from these ingredients.

Divide it into small pieces and then roll each into a small flat cake, grease with any oil and put any filling in the center. Pinch the edges and carefully roll out again into a small cake.

Fry the finished flatbreads in a hot frying pan.

Enjoy your meal!
