Honey gingerbread. Various gingerbread recipes

Hello, friends! I sincerely congratulate you on the upcoming 2017 New Year! And Merry Christmas! On the occasion of the Christmas holiday, I baked a delicious gingerbread in a pressure cooker. I will share this recipe with you now.

Many nations have a tradition - for the Christmas holidays, delicious pastries are always on the table. For some housewives, this is a whole ritual, a sacrament. Preparation begins long before the celebration - various cakes and stollen are baked, which should “ripen” for several months. For others, this is an interesting pre-holiday activity that brings the family together - cookies and / or gingerbread are baked, which are then painted with the children. Before, when my children were small, we also made gingerbread cookies. But I haven’t had my hands on stollen for a year now. More precisely, I remember when there is absolutely no time for the cake to ripen. But for the third year, gingerbread helps me out. So today, on Christmas Eve, it is on our table.

Of course, this recipe has nothing to do with Christmas baking. Nevertheless, for some reason it evokes associations with winter holidays for me. And I love its simplicity. Gingerbread can be prepared both directly on the day of the holiday, and the day before (it will be tastier). And even a few days before use. After all, thanks to oatmeal and molasses, the gingerbread does not get stale for a long time. Although I won’t say how long, I haven’t kept it for more than 2 days.

A little more detail should be said about molasses. IN original recipe(it was taken by me from the magazine "Quick and Tasty" AIF No. 8 for 2013) it is not said what kind of molasses should be. However, there are two types of product. This is caramel - light, which is added to the dough when baking some types of bread, gingerbread muffins, gingerbread and other desserts. And there is maltose syrup - dark, which is used mainly for black bread, including bread made from rye flour. Maltose seems less sweet to me, I like the flavor that it gives to the gingerbread more. Therefore, I have dark maltose in my test. Another personal preference of mine is dried cranberries instead of raisins. And you with molasses and dried fruits, be guided by your tastes.

Gingerbread Ingredients

  1. Wheat flour - 175 g
  2. Oat flour (oatmeal) - 50 g
  3. Soda (food) - 1.5 tsp
  4. Ground ginger - 1 tablespoon
  5. Cane sugar - 75 g
  6. Butter - 75 g
  7. Honey - 50 g
  8. Molasses - 50 g
  9. Milk - 150 ml
  10. Chicken egg - 1 pc.
  11. Raisins - 125 g

How to cook gingerbread in a pressure cooker

1. Prepare the necessary components. I ran out of cane (brown) sugar, so I took regular white, but about two times less. As I said, my molasses is dark - maltose, and instead of raisins there will be dried cranberries.

2. Recently, often instead of raisins in my pastries, cranberries. But I can’t find the right answer anywhere - is it worth washing and steaming it in boiling water before use. Therefore, I do as my inner feeling tells me: I wash the dried berry and lay it out on a paper napkin to dry it from water. If raisins are used, then we definitely wash them well, steam them in boiling water, and give them some time to soften. Then we drain the water, and place the dried fruit to dry on a napkin.

3. While the berries are drying, we can start the test. First, in one bowl, mix the sifted wheat flour with oatmeal or oatmeal, baking soda and ground ginger. Please note - soda does not need to be extinguished.

4. In another bowl, mix the milk with the egg. We do not beat the mixture strongly, but only combine the components.

5. Cut the butter into pieces in a saucepan, put it on the stove over a small fire. When the oil disperses, pour sugar, add honey and molasses. We continue to heat, stirring continuously, until the products are completely homogeneously dissolved.

6. Remove the pan from the stove, wait a bit for cooling. Next, gradually pour in the milk-egg mixture. (It is not necessary to use a mixer, you can get by with a hand whisk, spoon or spatula. But if you mix with a mixer, then do not make high turns!) Then pour the flour mixture in small parts. And at the very end we mix in raisins or cranberries. The dough is ready.

7. Coat the multicooker bowl with a piece of softened butter. We spread the dough of the future gingerbread, put the multibowl in the device. We close and lock the lid, turn on the multicooker-pressure cooker in the "Baking" mode, time 70 minutes (the mode works without pressure). After the signal, turn off the multicooker, leave the bowl with the gingerbread in the appliance so that the pastry cools down a bit.

8. Using a double boiler container, we take out the gingerbread from the multi-pan. In the same double boiler container, let the gingerbread cool completely.

9. Gingerbread can be consumed immediately, but it will still be tastier if prepared the day before the holiday, and when it is infused for at least 6 hours. Store baked goods conveniently in an airtight container. Before serving, you can decorate as you wish.

10. Bon appetit and Merry Christmas!

In English novels and fairy tales, gingerbread is often mentioned.
Usually it was baked at Christmas, because, like many spices, it was not cheap.
Today we can afford such a gingerbread not only on holidays.
I found the recipe in an English cookbook. The gingerbread according to this recipe turned out to be unusually soft, slightly moist and fragrant.
The recipe for gingerbread is surprisingly simple in terms of culinary technique, but requires two specific ingredients that I do not recommend replacing - dark molasses (molasses) and light molasses ("golden syrup").
It is molasses that gives the gingerbread a special caramel flavor and delicate structure.
Decorated with beautiful icing, the gingerbread can be a wonderful gift for friends and family for Christmas or New Year.

For a 20x20 cm form you will need:

Into the dough

250 gr. whole flour Spelled (spelt) is one of the varieties of wheat, valued for its special nutty flavor. Spelled grown in the USA is sold under the trade name "kamut", which introduces some terminological confusion. In fact, spelled, spelled and kamut are different names for the same wheat variety, which has not been crossed with other varieties and retained its unique properties. It is mainly used as a cereal, but spelled can also be ground into flour. flour products spelled have a pleasant smell and good texture. Porridge from... *

125 gr butter

80 g dark brown sugar

100 gr of light molasses (golden syrup)

100 g dark molasses (molasses / black treacle)

2 tsp baking powder

2 tsp ground dry The root is grayish-brown in color, with a burning taste and a pleasant lemon aroma. It is used both fresh and dried (grayish-yellow mealy powder). Fresh ginger is used in the preparation of many dishes of oriental cuisine, it is pickled and dried. Dry ginger is added to coffee and aromatic mixes for baking muffins, cookies and muffins.

40 gr candied ginger

1 tbsp orange peel /40 gr orange Candied fruits - boiled in saturated sugar syrup, and then dried berries, fruits or their peels. Most often, candied fruits are boiled from orange or grapefruit peels, as well as from watermelon and melon peels.

180 ml milk

Salt on the tip of a knife

For icing

100 gr powdered sugar

1 tbsp lemon juice


1. Ginger cut into small cubes. Wash the orange very carefully and remove the zest with a special grater.

2. Preheat the oven to 160 degrees C. Lubricate the baking dish with a thin layer of butter and put baking paper into it.

3. Sift flour into a large bowl, add baking powder, sugar, salt, dry and candied ginger. Thoroughly mix the contents of the bowl with a whisk.

4. In another bowl, whisk the egg until smooth. Add very soft butter, both types of molasses and milk. Blend all liquid ingredients until smooth.

5. Pour the contents of the second bowl into the dry mixture, mix the dough with a spatula until smooth.

6. Put the dough into a baking dish. Smooth the surface of the dough with a spatula, and then make a depression in the center of the dough about 10 cm in diameter. As a result, the dough in the center will become thinner and thicker around the perimeter, and the surface of the baked gingerbread will be completely even.

7. Bake the gingerbread for 40-50 minutes, check readiness as usual - a tester or toothpick should come out of the center completely dry.

8. Remove the form with the gingerbread from the oven, after 10 minutes, tip the form onto a cooling rack, remove the form and remove the paper from the gingerbread.

9. Cool the gingerbread completely and pour over the icing.

Gingerbread, like all pastries of this class, will be much tastier after aging.

In this case, do not cover the gingerbread with icing, but wrap it in baking paper and foil and put it in a cool place for 1-2 weeks.

Garnish with icing before serving.

Preparation of icing.

1. Beat the protein, mix it with powdered sugar and lemon juice. Beat the icing with a whisk until smooth.

2. Spread a piece of foil, put a grate with a gingerbread on it and pour the icing on the center. Spread the icing over the entire surface of the gingerbread with a spatula. Use the icing that has drained onto the foil for additional glazing.

* Spelled (spelt) is one of the varieties of wheat, valued for its special nutty flavor. Spelled grown in the USA is sold under the trade name "kamut", which introduces some terminological confusion. In fact, spelled, spelled and kamut are different names for the same wheat variety, which has not been crossed with other varieties and retained its unique properties. It is mainly used as a cereal, but spelled can also be ground into flour. Spelled flour products have a pleasant smell and good texture. Porridge from...

On the Internet, many recipes for gingerbread are provided, below will be the most delicious, as well as recipes as close as possible to the traditional.

In almost all novels and fairy tales of English writers, one can often find mention of ginger treats, which were baked for Christmas. This is not surprising, since ginger at that time was quite an expensive and rare ingredient, and even fairly wealthy people could not always afford it. Correct name gingerbread - parkin, it was baked exclusively in England in the county of Yorkshire.

Traditional gingerbread recipe

  • Flour 1 grade - 250 g;
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • Baking powder - 0.5 tsp;
  • Brown sugar - 115 g;
  • Fresh ginger (grated) and ground - 1 tsp each;
  • Cinnamon - 0.5 tsp;
  • Black ground pepper - 10 g;
  • Dark beer - 180 g;
  • Baking soda - 0.5 tsp;
  • Honey syrup - 230 g;
  • Sunflower oil - 75 g;
  • Chicken egg - 2 pcs.

Cooking method

Combine all dry ingredients together in one bowl. Pour the beer into a separate bowl and add soda (the beer will begin to foam very strongly). Then add the remaining ingredients. At the last moment, all dry mixed ingredients are added to the beer. The resulting dough should be liquid.

A pre-oiled baking dish can be additionally lined with parchment paper. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for about 45-50 minutes.

English gingerbread recipe

The recipe is taken from an English cookbook. The rug is incredibly fragrant and soft. The recipe contains two necessary ingredients: dark and light molasses. It is not recommended to replace them with something else.

Thanks to the molasses, the gingerbread will have a caramel flavor and aroma.

Required Ingredients

  • Flour (spelt) - 250 g;
  • Butter - 125 g;
  • Brown sugar - 80 g;
  • Molasses light and dark - 100 g each;
  • Baking baking powder - 2 tsp;
  • Ginger powder - 2 tsp;
  • Candied ginger - 40 g;
  • Orange peel - 1 tsp;
  • Candied oranges - 40 g;
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • Milk - 180 ml;
  • Salt is on the tip of a knife.

Cooking method

Grind the ginger, remove the zest from the orange with a special knife. Preheat the oven to 160 degrees.

In a large bowl, mix all the dry ingredients, in another bowl, mix the egg, oil and both types of molasses, mix thoroughly. Combine the contents of the two bowls together, mix thoroughly until smooth. Pour the batter into a greased pan and bake for 50 minutes. At the end, pour icing over the gingerbread and let it brew for a couple of hours.

Attention! Such products become tastier and more aromatic after a short exposure. And. After baking, traditional gingerbreads were wrapped in paper and put away in a dark, cool place for 2 weeks. After storage, the gingerbread was soft and juicy.

Good to know!

Aising is a traditional icing for gingerbread and cookies, which gives the product an unusual taste. It is recommended to apply to the product 2 hours before serving.

Spelled is a type of wheat flour. In the absence of such, you can replace spelled with 250 g of any wheat flour.
