How to fry pancakes in a frying pan: delicious and quick recipes. How to fry pancakes? How to cook delicious pancakes How to properly fry pancakes in a frying pan

Previously, pancakes were baked in ovens, but today the recipe is much simpler, and baking in a frying pan takes a minimum of time. There are a lot of recipes for making pancakes, but how to choose the best one and how to fry pancakes in a frying pan?

How to properly fry pancakes in a frying pan

To be able to cook pancakes according to any of the proposed recipes, you need to know the technology itself.

To do this you should:

  1. Make classic dough (according to recipe 1).
  2. Heat a frying pan with two tablespoons of vegetable oil. Pour in the dough by the ladle when the pan is hot and the oil begins to bubble.
  3. Twist the handle of the pan in your hands to even out the dough on the base.
  4. Fry the pancake until golden brown, on average 20-25 seconds on one side.
  5. Prepare a plate of pancakes from all the batter. If desired, you can lubricate them together butter so that they do not stick together.

You can reheat the pancakes either in the oven, so that they look as if they were just cooked, or in the microwave. As a first option, they can be baked for 10 minutes with sour cream and cottage cheese, and when reheated in microwave oven you can get a quick warm breakfast. You can add a little imagination here and try these pancakes with different fillings!

Universal pancakes in a frying pan (recipe 1)

Need to:

  • Vegetable oil
  • Water (can be replaced with milk, kefir)
  • Salt and sugar

This recipe produces very thin and even pancakes that do not bubble or tear when flipped.

The main thing is to knead the right dough, which will be discussed below. The base of any pancake is a delicious batter that sets quickly and cooks evenly.


  1. Prepare the base for pancakes - one glass and a couple of spoons of flour on top, dilute with water or milk with two glasses. Be sure to sift the flour.
  2. Add two eggs to the dry mass and beat the mass well.
  3. If cooking with water, you should strictly adhere to the recipe. If you choose milk or kefir, then you should add a little water, depending on the consistency. Pancakes made with milk alone can burn, and sour milk is quite thick, so it first needs to be diluted with water.
  4. Sugar should not be abused. Not only will the pancakes be very sweet, but then they will also start to burn a lot. Of course, this will affect the final result. Therefore, three tablespoons of sugar is the maximum, but it is best to take 1-2 tablespoons per small pinch of salt.
  5. If desired, you can add half a teaspoon of soda to the dough to make the pancakes more fluffy and soft.
  6. Be sure to add a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil to it to avoid overdrying. You shouldn’t pour more, otherwise the pancakes will be too greasy. It must be taken into account that vegetable oil You will also need it for frying.
  7. It is equally important to warm the frying pan well, but not to heat it to the limit. The best way To check this, take in some water and drain it immediately. Place the wet frying pan on the fire. When the water has evaporated, quickly pour a thin layer of vegetable oil and pour in the dough for the first pancake.
  8. Bake pancakes on each side for 15-20 seconds. Watch their color. It is best to follow the same principle for all pancakes so that they do not differ much in frying.

Milk pancakes

Need to:

  • Milk
  • Vegetable oil
  • Sugar and salt

Pancakes made with milk turn out even more tender and flavorful than those made with water. They are more elastic and resilient, and the dough of such pancakes has a pleasant color and ideal consistency.

Preparation consists of:

  1. Knead the batter from 2 eggs, three tablespoons of sugar, 2.5 cups of milk, 1.5 cups of flour, a pinch of salt and two tablespoons of vegetable oil. If the consistency of the pancakes is like liquid sour cream, the recipe was a success; if it is a bit thick, you can add a few tablespoons of water.
  2. Adding vegetable oil to the dough is necessary to prevent the pancakes from burning. It will also be used for frying, but in smaller quantities, which should be taken into account when heating the pan.
  3. Pancakes can be served with yogurt, honey or simple homemade jam. You can use any variations or even add different toppings!

If the pancakes burn or shrink, then you need to dilute the dough a little with water. Also, the reason why this happens may be an excessive amount of sugar in the dough. Next time it's better to put less.

Pancakes on the water

Many people think that pancakes on water are not as tasty. Of course, the dough is not so elastic and aromatic, but if you don’t have milk or kefir on hand, then this cooking option may be ideal. It is also worth noting the low calorie content of this dish. Even after eating a stack of these pancakes, you don’t have to be afraid that in the evening they will affect your waist.


  • Sugar and salt
  • Vegetable and butter
  • Salt and soda

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Take 2 eggs, dilute in 250 ml of boiled water and beat.
  2. Add two tablespoons of sugar (to reduce calories, one spoon is better).
  3. Add a teaspoon of baking soda, quenched with vinegar.
  4. Add 250 g of flour, stirring.
  5. Add a pinch of salt.
  6. Stir until all lumps are broken.
  7. For better results, you can then strain the dough.
  8. Pour it onto a hot frying pan, gradually leveling it over the base.
  9. You can fry in either butter or vegetable oil.

If the pancakes tear, it means the dough is too liquid - you need to add flour and mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps.

Pancakes with kefir and starch

Need to:

  • Kefir
  • Starch
  • Salt and sugar

Step-by-step preparation of pancakes with kefir and starch:

  1. For the recipe you need to prepare 400 g of kefir, 2 chicken eggs and half a glass of flour mixed with 100 g of starch.
  2. Separately, knead the dry ingredients, add two tablespoons of sugar, a pinch of salt and soda on the tip of a knife.
  3. Immediately add 50 g of butter at room temperature to the mixture, gradually kneading it with the bulk.
  4. Beat eggs with sugar in a separate bowl, add salt, kefir and soda.
  5. Gradually add the dry mass, stirring constantly.
  6. Pour in a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil when the mass is already well mixed (it is better to reduce it to one spoon so that the dough is not very high in calories and fat).
  7. These pancakes cook very quickly, you need to constantly monitor the degree of frying.

Do not pour a lot of batter, otherwise the pancakes will turn out thick and will not fry as well.

Yeast pancakes in a frying pan

Pancakes made with yeast are a rarity these days, because it’s much easier to knead the batter according to classic recipe. But is it really that tasty? After testing this recipe, you can definitely answer this question!

You will need for cooking:

  • Yeast
  • Milk
  • Sugar and salt
  • Vegetable oil

Previously, these were the pancakes that were baked in ovens. They turn out fluffy, but require more time, because you need to wait until the dough rises.

How to cook:

  1. Half the milk (about 400 ml) should be mixed with 10 g of yeast.
  2. Add a teaspoon of sugar, a pinch of salt and 75 g of flour.
  3. The dough should be quite liquid. It needs to be given time to brew in a warm place.
  4. Cover the dough tightly with cling film.
  5. After 20 minutes, you can open the dough and continue working with it.
  6. Beat in two eggs and mix well.
  7. Gradually add another one and a half cups of flour and pour another 450 ml of milk.
  8. It is better to gradually add flour, alternating it with pouring milk. This will help avoid lumps in the dough and also ensure uniformity.
  9. Leave the dough again for a while, literally 10-15 minutes in a warm place.
  10. After this, you can bake pancakes over medium heat.

Serve pancakes with yeast, brushing them with butter. This way they will be even juicier!

Non-stick pancakes (video)

Simple and delicious pancakes (video)

Each recipe is interesting in its own way; any housewife can bake such pancakes if she follows the given recipes. Of course, it is better to cook in a pancake pan, the diameter of which will allow you to bake pancakes of the ideal size. But even if you don’t have such a frying pan at home, you can cook in any one with a not very thick bottom.

Before we move on to cooking, let’s decide what to fry on. If you have a good cast iron frying pan, it is better to cook on it. If not, no problem. Suitable with ceramic coating or any non-stick coating. Make sure that the pan is not very thin. This pan will heat up and cool down very quickly. The pancakes will not bake, but will burn and burn.

  • Cooking secrets

    The main rule for all pans is that they must be dry. Oil should be lubricated not only on the bottom, but also on the sides.

    Before pouring the mixture, the dishes need to be warmed well. Those. First you turn the burner to maximum. Then the heat must be reduced, otherwise the dish will burn.

    To save oil and reduce calories, I advise you not to pour it, but to lubricate the surface with it. You can use a silicone brush.

    How to properly pour pancakes into a frying pan

    You need to pour the dough into the middle. Then I tilt the pan in a circular motion. Ideally, the entire surface of the bottom will be covered with dough. This needs to be done quickly. Some people prefer to use a ladle to distribute the mixture along the bottom. It is poured into the middle, then a pancake is formed using circular movements of the ladle.

    Why do pancakes bubble in a frying pan?

    If your pancakes start to bubble, it means you haven't used enough flour. Try changing the recipe a little. Do not overdo it with flour, otherwise the pancakes will turn out too thick. They will not bake well. If a small bubble has formed in the center, simply pierce it with a fork. Then it still falls off.

    For the first time I saw my husband’s friend Damir preparing such an option. When they baked, they came out with such big bubbles. And all this magic fell on the plate. And they turned into regular ones :) They didn’t lose their taste because of this.

    What to do if pancakes tear in a frying pan

    Again, this is an error in the recipe. This means you have kneaded too much dough. You can add more flour. If there is enough flour, try diluting the mixture with an egg.

    This situation can also arise when you fry in a thin pan with a poor coating. The dough does not have time to bake, but the bottom is already burning and sticking to the bottom.

    How to cook without pancakes sticking to the pan

    Often the product sticks to it due to an uneven burner. Or because the stove itself is not level. In general, if you add a little vegetable oil to the dough, the product should not stick.

    Sometimes the mixture sticks if the pan has not been thoroughly washed. It will need to be washed and dried thoroughly with a paper towel. Grease with oil, heat well, only then pour in the dough.

    How to flip pancakes in a frying pan

    Let's look at popular methods:

    • Flipping with a spatula - use a spatula that is wide and thin at the end. She won't tear the pancake. Wait for the surface of the pancake to brown. Walk around the edge a little. Then slide a spatula under the pancake and lift it slightly. Then quickly flip to the other side.
    • Flipping with a fork - this requires a little skill. Prick the edge, then use your hand to turn it over. You need to do everything very quickly so as not to get burned.
    • Hands – You can grab the edge of the pancake with one or two hands and quickly flip it. This method is suitable for very thin pancakes. The edges cool quickly, once you pry them slightly, the risk of getting burned is minimal.
    • An aerial coup is a convenient and very effective method. Throw the pancake so that it turns over in the air. This is the height of skill, but I can’t do it yet. More precisely, I’m a little afraid, because I have a heavy frying pan. Even if I succeed, I may inadvertently fail to hold the frying pan in my hands.

    As you can see, there are many ways. Choose one that is convenient for you. And write to me which one works best for you :)

    If the finished product breaks when turning over, the dough is dry, dilute it with milk and add a little vegetable oil.

    Recipes for the most delicious pancakes

    Pancakes with milk

    For thin, aromatic pancakes with milk, we need two eggs, 75 g of sugar. A little salt, 2.5 cups of milk, 1.5 cups of flour. And so as not to stick - 50 ml of vegetable oil.

    Beat eggs with sugar and salt using. I use a whisk for this, but you can also use a mixer. Add milk to the mixture and mix everything well again. Sift the flour through a sieve. Add to the mixture in portions, stirring constantly. Make sure there are no lumps. When the mixture is ready, add vegetable oil. The consistency of the dough should be thinner than that of pancakes.

    Heat a frying pan and spread oil over the surface. Pour in the batter and spread in a circular motion. Try to make the pancake as thin as possible. Bake over medium heat for 30 seconds. At this point, regulate the fire yourself and don’t blink. On one side it should turn golden. Then turn over and bake until done.

    You can serve with honey, sour cream, yogurt or homemade jam. With the filling you like. Bon appetit!

    Pancake dough on water

    This is what I call a quick dish. If you don’t want to run to the store for milk or kefir :) And the resulting baked goods are less caloric than those made with milk.

    So, for this dish we need flour - 250 g. Boiled warm water - 250 ml. 50 g vegetable oil, 2 chicken eggs, a pinch of salt. You can add sugar at your discretion. According to the recipe - 50 g. If you want fewer calories, add one tablespoon. If you like sweets, you can add more.

    You will definitely need baking soda on the tip of the knife. And also a teaspoon of vinegar. You're probably wondering why? The pancakes will end up in a hole.

    Beat eggs with sugar. Add 0.5 cups of warm water to the prepared mass. Whisk again. Quench the baking soda with vinegar and pour into the mixture. Sift the flour and gradually add to the eggs beaten with sugar and water. Add the remaining water, vegetable oil - the dough is ready.

    Pour a portion of the mixture into a heated frying pan, greased with oil. Distribute evenly, bake until golden brown. Cooking from 30 seconds to 1 minute. Then turn it over. Bake until done.

    Delicious pancakes with starch

    If you are just learning to cook of this dish, I advise you to start with this recipe. Starch holds the dough well and does not tear. At the same time, the pancakes turn out to be quite thin.

    To prepare them, take 400 g of kefir. Couple chicken eggs, 75 g flour, 100 g potato starch. Soda on the tip of a teaspoon, a pinch of salt, sugar - 50 g. To prevent the dough from sticking to the pan, add 50 g of butter to the mixture.

    Beat eggs with sugar, add salt, kefir and soda. First, slowly add flour, then starch. Make sure there are no lumps. When the mass is completely homogeneous, add vegetable oil. The mixture turns out liquid, do not pour much of it so that the pancakes are thin. They bake very quickly. You can cook over medium heat.

    For the dough we need 850 ml of milk. Two glasses of flour, two eggs, 50 g of sugar, 10 g of dry yeast. Be sure to add 50 g of vegetable oil and 5 g of salt to the mixture.

    The first thing to do is to mix a large number of milk with yeast. Add half a teaspoon of sugar, a little salt and 75 g of flour to them. You should end up with a thin dough. Cover it with cling film and let stand for 20 minutes.

    While it is cooking, beat the eggs with the remaining sugar. Add a little salt to the mixture. Combine the ripe dough with beaten eggs. Add enough flour to the mixture until it thickens. Make sure that no lumps form. Then add milk so that you get a single thick mass.

    Then add flour again, making the mixture thicker. Afterwards, dilute with milk until liquid. Those. you will constantly alternate between milk and flour. Until it all goes into the dough. Place the finished mixture on a plate with boiling water, cover with cling film. As soon as it fits, open the film, stir, cover again.

    After this, you can bake pancakes over medium heat. They are best served brushed with butter. This is delicious.

    How to make pancakes with seasoning

    Pripek is essentially a filling for a pancake. It can be anything - sausage, vegetable, mushroom. You can make it from ham, cheese and even fruit.

    I suggest this option. One boiled egg, finely chopped and mixed with chopped green onions. Fry the mixture in oil for 10 minutes. Using a spoon, distribute it evenly throughout the frying pan. Pour a portion of the pancake on top. On the bottom side, the onion and egg will be “imprinted” into the dough and will be further fried. And when we eat, in the body of the pancake itself there will be such delicious filling. It's extremely tasty!

    You can do the opposite. First pour the dough, and then put the bake on top.

    I hope you like my recipes. How do you fry pancakes? Share yours the best recipes and cooking secrets. Do not forget . I'll be glad to see you here again. Bon appetit.

What Russian doesn't like pancakes? Yeast and unleavened, wheat and buckwheat, thin and plump, with butter or sour cream, with filling or baking. Among such a variety, everyone will find a pancake to their liking. Every housewife wants to know how to fry appetizing, aromatic and tender pancakes.

There are different technologies and each time it’s a new, unique taste. Pancakes are baked from different flours - wheat, rye, buckwheat, wheat-buckwheat. From different doughs - sour, yeast-free, water, milk, whey, kefir, sour cream and even beer. They come in the size of a frying pan or small irregular shape. They are eaten with butter, sour cream, honey, jam, sauce, rolled up into a tube or folded with a handkerchief. And how many filling options can you come up with: vegetable, fruit, cottage cheese, meat, fish, mushroom, caviar, cheese, nut, chocolate, combined...

Russian pancakes have a centuries-old history. Thanks to the experience of our ancestors, we know many tricks on how to properly fry pancakes so that they turn out tasty and golden brown.

It seems that baking pancakes is very simple, but without knowing some of the subtleties, you can end up with a lumpy pancake. Every housewife has her own little secrets, how to fry with sour milk, how to get delicate and spongy pancakes, how best to prepare this or that filling.

You need to start baking pancakes immediately before serving them. Because the most delicious pancakes- those that only come from the fire.

To make the dough more fluffy, a good housewife must sift the flour and do this right before baking.

Sugar and salt must be thoroughly mixed with milk or water until they are completely dissolved, or even better, strain through a sieve.

To prepare delicious pancakes, you only need fresh eggs, which must be thoroughly beaten before combining with the dough. In this case, the yolks and whites are beaten separately.

Another secret of real pancakes is the correct combination of flour and liquid. It is necessary to pour the liquid component into the flour, but in no case vice versa.

And yet, pancakes turn out tastier if you use a wooden paddle to stir the batter rather than a mixer.

Oil improves the taste of pancakes. To prevent the dough from turning out too dense, you need to put it in the very last place, after adding flour and kneading. At the same time, it is important not to overdo it with the amount - two or three tablespoons are enough.

Pancakes made from yeast dough in water turn out fluffier, but in milk they are more tasty. The yeast dough should be allowed to rise 2-3 times; if it does not ferment, the pancakes will be too dense and not very tasty; if it ferments, they will be too sour.

It is recommended to keep a separate frying pan for baking pancakes. Traditionally it is a black cast iron frying pan. Before frying pancakes, heat the frying pan over high heat with salt, then wipe thoroughly with a dry, clean cloth. In the future, the pancake pan is not washed. To grease, you can take half an onion or potato, dip them in vegetable oil and apply to the pan. In this case, a lot of oil will not get into the pan and the pancakes will not be too greasy. The shaving brush can be made from a rag or gauze.

For unleavened ones, which usually wrap the filling, a frying pan with a larger diameter is suitable. And for yeast it is better to have dishes the size of a saucer. This is explained by the fact that the yeast dough is poured into the frying pan without removing it from the heat, the dough spreads itself, and with the correct consistency its amount (a full ladle) occupies exactly the same area as a tea saucer.

There are some tricks on how to fry. If the dough is yeast, then you need to try to bake the pancakes before it falls, and under no circumstances interfere with the risen dough. Yeast pancakes require low heat to allow the batter to rise and set.

The first pancake determines whether the dough was kneaded correctly. So, how to fry pancakes if the pancake does not turn over, but breaks? In this case, you need to add flour, but not to the whole dough, but to a small part of it, and only then combine it with the whole dough. If the dough continues to tear, you should add an egg. Pancakes may tear if they are too thin. Pancakes mixed with kefir and yogurt are especially fragile. Pancakes also tear if the pan is not heated or greased well. If the dough is too thick, then it can be diluted, but not with milk, but with water - otherwise the pancakes will burn.

Before we move on to cooking, let’s decide what to fry on. If you have a good cast iron frying pan, it is better to cook on it. If not, no problem. Suitable with ceramic coating or any non-stick coating. Make sure that the pan is not very thin. This pan will heat up and cool down very quickly. The pancakes will not bake, but will burn and burn.

  • Cooking secrets

    The main rule for all pans is that they must be dry. Oil should be lubricated not only on the bottom, but also on the sides.

    Before pouring the mixture, the dishes need to be warmed well. Those. First you turn the burner to maximum. Then the heat must be reduced, otherwise the dish will burn.

    To save oil and reduce calories, I advise you not to pour it, but to lubricate the surface with it. You can use a silicone brush.

    How to properly pour pancakes into a frying pan

    You need to pour the dough into the middle. Then I tilt the pan in a circular motion. Ideally, the entire surface of the bottom will be covered with dough. This needs to be done quickly. Some people prefer to use a ladle to distribute the mixture along the bottom. It is poured into the middle, then a pancake is formed using circular movements of the ladle.

    Why do pancakes bubble in a frying pan?

    If your pancakes start to bubble, it means you haven't used enough flour. Try changing the recipe a little. Do not overdo it with flour, otherwise the pancakes will turn out too thick. They will not bake well. If a small bubble has formed in the center, simply pierce it with a fork. Then it still falls off.

    For the first time I saw my husband’s friend Damir preparing such an option. When they baked, they came out with such big bubbles. And all this magic fell on the plate. And they turned into regular ones :) They didn’t lose their taste because of this.

    What to do if pancakes tear in a frying pan

    Again, this is an error in the recipe. This means you have kneaded too much dough. You can add more flour. If there is enough flour, try diluting the mixture with an egg.

    This situation can also arise when you fry in a thin pan with a poor coating. The dough does not have time to bake, but the bottom is already burning and sticking to the bottom.

    How to cook without pancakes sticking to the pan

    Often the product sticks to it due to an uneven burner. Or because the stove itself is not level. In general, if you add a little vegetable oil to the dough, the product should not stick.

    Sometimes the mixture sticks if the pan has not been thoroughly washed. It will need to be washed and dried thoroughly with a paper towel. Grease with oil, heat well, only then pour in the dough.

    How to flip pancakes in a frying pan

    Let's look at popular methods:

    • Flipping with a spatula - use a spatula that is wide and thin at the end. She won't tear the pancake. Wait for the surface of the pancake to brown. Walk around the edge a little. Then slide a spatula under the pancake and lift it slightly. Then quickly flip to the other side.
    • Flipping with a fork - this requires a little skill. Prick the edge, then use your hand to turn it over. You need to do everything very quickly so as not to get burned.
    • Hands – You can grab the edge of the pancake with one or two hands and quickly flip it. This method is suitable for very thin pancakes. The edges cool quickly, once you pry them slightly, the risk of getting burned is minimal.
    • An aerial coup is a convenient and very effective method. Throw the pancake so that it turns over in the air. This is the height of skill, but I can’t do it yet. More precisely, I’m a little afraid, because I have a heavy frying pan. Even if I succeed, I may inadvertently fail to hold the frying pan in my hands.

    As you can see, there are many ways. Choose one that is convenient for you. And write to me which one works best for you :)

    If the finished product breaks when turning over, the dough is dry, dilute it with milk and add a little vegetable oil.

    Recipes for the most delicious pancakes

    Pancakes with milk

    For thin, aromatic pancakes with milk, we need two eggs, 75 g of sugar. A little salt, 2.5 cups of milk, 1.5 cups of flour. And so as not to stick - 50 ml of vegetable oil.

    Beat eggs with sugar and salt using. I use a whisk for this, but you can also use a mixer. Add milk to the mixture and mix everything well again. Sift the flour through a sieve. Add to the mixture in portions, stirring constantly. Make sure there are no lumps. When the mixture is ready, add vegetable oil. The consistency of the dough should be thinner than that of pancakes.

    Heat a frying pan and spread oil over the surface. Pour in the batter and spread in a circular motion. Try to make the pancake as thin as possible. Bake over medium heat for 30 seconds. At this point, regulate the fire yourself and don’t blink. On one side it should turn golden. Then turn over and bake until done.

    You can serve with honey, sour cream, yogurt or homemade jam. With the filling you like. Bon appetit!

    Pancake dough on water

    This is what I call a quick dish. If you don’t want to run to the store for milk or kefir :) And the resulting baked goods are less caloric than those made with milk.

    So, for this dish we need flour - 250 g. Boiled warm water - 250 ml. 50 g vegetable oil, 2 chicken eggs, a pinch of salt. You can add sugar at your discretion. According to the recipe - 50 g. If you want fewer calories, add one tablespoon. If you like sweets, you can add more.

    You will definitely need baking soda on the tip of the knife. And also a teaspoon of vinegar. You're probably wondering why? The pancakes will end up in a hole.

    Beat eggs with sugar. Add 0.5 cups of warm water to the prepared mass. Whisk again. Quench the baking soda with vinegar and pour into the mixture. Sift the flour and gradually add to the eggs beaten with sugar and water. Add the remaining water, vegetable oil - the dough is ready.

    Pour a portion of the mixture into a heated frying pan, greased with oil. Distribute evenly, bake until golden brown. Cooking from 30 seconds to 1 minute. Then turn it over. Bake until done.

    Delicious pancakes with starch

    If you are just learning how to cook this dish, I recommend starting with this recipe. Starch holds the dough well and does not tear. At the same time, the pancakes turn out to be quite thin.

    To prepare them, take 400 g of kefir. A couple of chicken eggs, 75 g flour, 100 g potato starch. Soda on the tip of a teaspoon, a pinch of salt, sugar - 50 g. To prevent the dough from sticking to the pan, add 50 g of butter to the mixture.

    Beat eggs with sugar, add salt, kefir and soda. First, slowly add flour, then starch. Make sure there are no lumps. When the mass is completely homogeneous, add vegetable oil. The mixture turns out liquid, do not pour much of it so that the pancakes are thin. They bake very quickly. You can cook over medium heat.

    For the dough we need 850 ml of milk. Two glasses of flour, two eggs, 50 g of sugar, 10 g of dry yeast. Be sure to add 50 g of vegetable oil and 5 g of salt to the mixture.

    The first thing to do is mix a small amount of milk with yeast. Add half a teaspoon of sugar, a little salt and 75 g of flour to them. You should end up with a thin dough. Cover it with cling film and let stand for 20 minutes.

    While it is cooking, beat the eggs with the remaining sugar. Add a little salt to the mixture. Combine the ripe dough with beaten eggs. Add enough flour to the mixture until it thickens. Make sure that no lumps form. Then add milk so that you get a single thick mass.

    Then add flour again, making the mixture thicker. Afterwards, dilute with milk until liquid. Those. you will constantly alternate between milk and flour. Until it all goes into the dough. Place the finished mixture on a plate with boiling water, cover with cling film. As soon as it fits, open the film, stir, cover again.

    After this, you can bake pancakes over medium heat. They are best served brushed with butter. This is delicious.

    How to make pancakes with seasoning

    Pripek is essentially a filling for a pancake. It can be anything - sausage, vegetable, mushroom. You can make it from ham, cheese and even fruit.

    I suggest this option. One boiled egg, finely chopped and mixed with chopped green onions. Fry the mixture in oil for 10 minutes. Using a spoon, distribute it evenly throughout the frying pan. Pour a portion of the pancake on top. On the bottom side, the onion and egg will be “imprinted” into the dough and will be further fried. And when we eat, there will be such a delicious filling in the body of the pancake itself. It's extremely tasty!

    You can do the opposite. First pour the dough, and then put the bake on top.

    I hope you like my recipes. How do you fry pancakes? Share your best recipes and cooking secrets. Don't forget to subscribe for updates. I'll be glad to see you here again. Bon appetit.
