Alder magical properties. Library of the Russian school of magic Kitezh-grad

When it all started with positive feelings, then the whole day runs more fun. Growing a garden is quite a pleasant hobby that brings joy not only to relatives but also to many neighbors. Walking past a bright corner, it is impossible not to look at some bright fruit. And immediately a thought flies by, or maybe think and plant flowers? Plants are a stylish enhancement to any design.

Alder tree - one of the 13 sacred trees

The alder tree is a genus of woody and shrubby plants from the birch family. Distributed in temperate and cold countries of the Northern Hemisphere. The maximum height of an alder is 20 m. Alder grows best near water, mainly along the banks of rivers and streams, in wet swampy places, on rich, sufficiently aerated, highly moistened soils. Leaves alternate, toothed. Flowers in catkins containing male and female flowers. Alder loves open lighted space and does not get along very well with other trees.

Alder has long been considered a strong natural medicine. The bark and leaves of most alder species contain high concentrations of tannins, which cause tissues to contract. In the 19th century, a decoction of alder bark was used to purify the blood. Alder constricts blood vessels and stops bleeding. Alder bark and leaves are harvested in the spring to make a decoction used as an astringent for inflammatory bowel disease. A decoction of the bark and leaves of alder is most often used in the treatment of diseases of the mouth, gums and throat in the form of a rinse. Used as compresses or poultices for wounds. In Spain, alder leaves are applied to the soles of the feet to relieve pain from calluses.

Piles are made from alder, which were laid in the foundation during the construction of buildings. Alder wood is not very susceptible to decay. Having a wood that is almost not subject to decay, alder was often used in the construction of bridges. In ancient times, alder was often used in the construction of cities. In the north of England, wooden shoes were made from alder wood and bark. Alder is often used to make woodwind instruments.

The otter often makes its home in the alder roots located near the water. Alder is one of the 13 sacred trees of the Celtic tradition used in magic. It is associated with balance, the period of the vernal equinox - a time of balance and harmony, since the vernal equinox is when day equals night.

The spring equinox falls on the Celtic month of Alder Moon, associating the tree with rebirth, fertility, and balance. A bonfire is an essential attribute of the celebration of the Spring Equinox. Alder bark is used to make a red dye used to dye sacred red robes and ribbons. Druids and witches used a decoction of alder bark to dye ribbons used in spells red. There is a belief that the door to the magical kingdom of elves and fairies is in alder. The alder was often addressed as the king of the waters. The ancient name of the alder is associated with the rune "Feoh", which in turn is associated with ancient legend about Bran, as well as with the letter "F" of the Ogham Celtic alphabet. It is believed that wearing a stone with the image of these symbols gives spiritual protection and develops the ability to foresee.

The name "Bran" of the king-hero associated with the alder means "raven". Bran is a legendary king - a giant who saved his people by throwing his body in the form of a bridge over the river Linon. He is often depicted wearing robes dyed red with alder. Bran foretold his own death, and after many heroic battles, his head was cut off. After that, Bran's head continued to sing and thus warn his followers of the danger that threatened him. Bran's severed head was buried at the base of a powerful fortress, which later became the Tower of London. Source:

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They will protect the harvest from bad weather, and people from diseases and dark forces.

Alder found in the forest and forest-steppe zones of Russia and western Siberia on the banks of lakes, rivers and swamps.

Alder names

Alder has many names that came from the people: wilkha, eloha, forester, oleshnik. The generic name Alnus is the Latin name for black alder, derived from the Celtic words Al (at) and Lan (shore). It was also found among the Roman writers Pliny and Vetruvius.

Where does alder grow?

Alder prefers rich, moist soils, but can be found in dry or clay soils. Sometimes it grows in a real quagmire, where a person is not able to pass.

Alder is able to change life forms from living conditions: trees or shrubs. In central Russia, two species are most widely found: Alder gray And Alder black(adhesive).

Black alder is included in the Red Books of Russia, Kazakhstan and Moldova. Here she prefers reservoirs, damp lowlands.

Often caught in the eye of people, Alder always remains invisible. In spring, its foliage darkens quickly, and in autumn, when all the trees put on bright outfits, it remains unchanged. At the time of leaf fall, the Alder leaf will only bashfully curl up and imperceptibly fall to the ground.

But in winter, Alder is not difficult to recognize by small bumps on the branches and in the snow.

Alder trunk mostly slender, covered with smooth bark. Trees grow rapidly, reaching a height of more than 20 meters.

Alder gray - deciduous tree or large shrub with a rounded silver-gray crown. The trunk is curved, with gray bark. The leaves are gray on the inside, sharp at the end. Flowers are unisexual. Women sit in the axils of the inflorescence, turning into a small cone by autumn. Alder has a sticky grayish-brown bark, and the foliage is sticky and shiny, dark green above, dull below.

When does alder bloom?

Alder blossom depends on the type and latitude of growth.

Most trees bloom in early spring, in April-May. Before or during the blooming of the leaves, long catkins bloom on the Alder.

Medicinal properties

Alder cones possess anti-inflammatory, astringent and disinfectant properties, which have long been used in folk medicine. Volatile phytoncides of the bark and leaves of Alder have a detrimental effect on some types of protozoa.

Alder has been used in medicine for centuries. In the herbalists of the Middle Ages, external applications of a decoction of Alder leaves for gout and fungal diseases are often found.

Alder cones used as a decoction or infusion for colitis, dysentery, colds, stomach and intestinal bleeding. Alder is also an affordable remedy in veterinary medicine.

A decoction of Alder cones has hemostatic and astringent properties. It is used for burns, bleeding gums, nosebleeds, skin inflammations, and duodenal or stomach ulcers.

Alder leaf decoction- diaphoretic during colds. In addition, special foot baths can be made from a decoction of the leaves to help relieve fatigue.

Alder wood It does not have high strength, but it has softness and a uniform structure, so it is easy to work with it. Thanks to these properties, Alder has found its application in many industries. When dried, the wood does not crack; musical instruments are made from it. Due to the viscosity and softness of Alder, sculptures, panels and carved dishes are carved. Alder has a beautiful red hue of wood, so it is widely used in furniture design and carpentry.

Alder. Contraindications

The alder has its own legend explaining the unusual color of the wood. The fact is that freshly cut alder wood white color, but right before our eyes it becomes first pink, and then turns blood red. Time passes - and the surface of the wood becomes brown. And alder wood acquires a stable light chocolate color only after it is dried and aged. It is for the blushing wood that alder is considered a "bleeding" tree. The legend is also associated with blood: supposedly once the devil, who competed with God in the creation of the world, tried to create a wolf, but could not revive him. By the will of God, the wolf came to life and rushed at the devil, who, escaping from him, climbed into the alder tree. However, the wolf still managed to grab his leg, and the blood from the wound fell on the alder wood, painting it red.
Alder is a tree that provides patronage to the family. It is believed that the more descendants in the family, the stronger the alder supports its members. She unites relatives, brings together all family members, it is typical for her to unite people into a clan.
If you come to an alder with problems of family relationships, she will be happy to “suggest” a solution. This tree is for women - the keepers of the hearth, the tree " big house". Alder will help his wife "tie" her husband to the house.
Alder energy is unpredictable, it helps to get rid of stress. But if its energy is abused, serious nervous breakdowns are possible. Alder is a consumer tree and should be handled with care.
Alder patronizes the family, strengthens family ties, so if you have any problems in the family, contact the alder, and she will be happy to help you.
It is believed that alder connects the underworld and earthly kingdoms. Also, this tree is associated with foresight, divination and protection.
It is also mentioned in the legends about the crucifixion of Christ: alder branches were broken during the scourging of Christ, for which Christ blessed this tree.
Among the southern Slavs Alder is used in folk medicine, "living fire" is carved from it.
In the Russian North, it was customary to leave a sacrifice to the field or forest spirits on an alder - usually in the form of bread and salt.
Because of its red color, alder has become a magical amulet. Like everything bright, red bark attracts the eye and, accordingly, protects from the evil eye.
Even if the bark is hidden in a pocket, a person is reliably protected. Hence the popular sign of putting pieces of alder in the pockets of the newlyweds in order to protect the newlyweds from spoilage. Its branches are stuck along the edges of the field to protect against hail and bad weather; they bathe in the water that bathes the roots of the alder in order to protect themselves from diseases.
When you have a fever, you need to go to the forest and sit on a freshly cut Alder stump, and then the fever will pass into the tree. The Poles believed that the water washing the roots of Alder turns black; if you bathe in such water, the body will turn black, but at the same time the person will be saved from all diseases.
In Poland, on Trinity, Alder branches were used to decorate houses to turn away thunderstorms and hail. The Poles stuck Alder branches into barley crops so that moles did not tear the soil, and also placed Alder branches under sheaves to protect them from mice. Belarusians believed that Alder could protect households from visiting the "walking dead", since it had "the red blood of Satan." For the same reasons, in Polissya, people planted Alder near their houses, so that "the devil would not become attached" to a person. The Slovaks put a piece of alder leaf in the shoes of newlyweds going to the crown.
Magic wands and wands are made from alder.
The alder amulet can become for you the keeper of the hearth. In addition, alder branches are used as protective amulets against bad weather, damage and disease.
Black alder symbolizes death, fire in the forge and the power of evaporation. In Celtic mythology, black alder symbolizes resurrection and deification. Also, the Celts often associate her with a ram - the mighty king of Britain. There is an ancient myth "Battle of the Trees". In it, the alder fights in the front ranks, which shows the courage of the alder. Among the Greeks, black alder is the emblem of Pan. It is associated with spring and fire festivals.
If a person in Ireland cut down an alder tree, he is considered to have committed a crime. And from that moment on, he becomes responsible for all the accidents that occurred in the village. An alder dryad might even burn down that person's house after that.
The Spring Equinox tree is associated with Bran (Mars) and fire. This is a tree of warriors - talismans of courage were made from alder. The spirit of an alder is an aggressive and vindictive creature. Cutting down an alder most often means incurring a series of misfortunes. Since this is a fiery tree, misfortunes will end with a fire in your house. It was this property that was used when creating talismans for warriors - the natural aggression of the tree was directed against enemies. Red alder sap is used in rituals of Earth magic, symbolizing the blood of the Forest.
For medicinal purposes, almost all parts of this wonderful plant are used - cones, bark, leaves, pollen. The fruits have astringent, anti-inflammatory and hemostatic effect. Infusion and tincture of them are recommended for gastrointestinal diseases (dyspepsia, enterocolitis, enteritis, chronic colitis, dysentery, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum), as well as for rheumatoid arthritis and colds. In gynecology, an infusion of the bark or infructescence is used to stop uterine bleeding of various origins, uterine fibromyoma, accompanied by inflammatory diseases of the genital organs. A decoction of the leaves in folk medicine is used as a diaphoretic for colds, gout and polyarthritis.
Fresh leaves and bark in the form of an infusion are recommended for external use (rinses, lotions) for sore throats, sore throat, for the treatment of wounds and ulcers. A decoction of the leaves is used for foot baths - relieves fatigue after a long walk.
Alder has an important water protection value, strengthens the banks of reservoirs. The wood of this breed is brownish-red, homogeneous, elastic, resistant to decay, therefore it has long been used for the construction of various hydraulic structures (dams, dams, pile structures, well log cabins). The bark is used for tanning leather and making natural dyes (the fabrics are dyed reddish-brown).
Honey bees return to their hives in April with a rich supply of fresh protein food - alder pollen.
In veterinary medicine, an infusion of alder bark and seedlings is prescribed for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of calves, piglets and lambs.
Preparations of gray alder are used on a par with preparations from black alder for the same indications in humans and animals.

Celtic Druid Horoscope

The fundamental difference between the Celtic Druidic calendar and the so-called horoscope of the Gallic Druids is that the former is based on a lunar month and the latter on a solar earth year of 365 days. This whole calendar is called the Druidic lunar calendar, it consisted of three-year cycles, only 39 months. Moreover, there were tables with calculations which of these months are happy and which are not (we must give the Celts their due, the same tables existed for the twelve-month calendar. How exactly the lunar cycle was entered into it remained a mystery to us.

The calendar periods of the tree sign of the so-called restored Celtic druid horoscope have the following limits:

December 24 - January 20 "I am a deer with seven branches of a horn (or I am a bull of seven battles)";
January 21 - February 17 "I am a wide stream on an equal footing";
February 18 - March 17 "I am the wind of the sea depths";
March 18 - April 14 "I am the sparkling tear of the sun";
April 15 - May 12 "I am a hawk / falcon on a cliff";
May 13 - June 9 "I am the most beautiful among flowers";
June 10 - July 7 "I am a god who kindles a fire in the head";
July 8 - August 4 "I am the tip of a spear in battle";
August 5 - September 1 "I am river salmon";
September 2 - September 29 "I am a powerful word";
September 30 - October 27 "I am a cruel boar";
October 28 - November 24 "I am the terrible sound of the sea";
November 25 - December 22 "I am a sea wave";
December 23"Who except me knows the secrets of uncouth dolmens?"

It turns out that the months, thirteen in number, were each associated with their own tree, and consisted of 28 days (28x13 = 364), the remaining 365th day - December 23, was called the Nameless Day, but it had a patron tree: Spruce. It was on this day that the Celts decorated the Christmas tree, made sacrifices and held a holiday.
This whole calendar is called the Druidic lunar calendar, it consisted of three-year cycles, only 39 months. Moreover, there were tables with calculations which of these months are happy and which are not (we must give credit to the Celts, the same tables existed for the twelve-month calendar. How they entered the lunar cycle into it, Merlin knows them. I suspect that only he knows ).
I will make a reservation right away, on English-language sites this calendar looks the same:
Dec. Jan 24 21I am a stag of seven tines Beith the Birch
Jan. 22 Feb. 18I am a wide flood on a plain Luis the Rowan
Feb. 19 Mar. 18I am a wind on the deep waters Nuinn the Ash
Mar. 19 Apr. 15I am a shining tear of the sun Fearn the Alder
Apr. 16 May 13I am a hawk on a cliff Saille the Willow
May 14 Jun. 10I am a fair amongst flowers Huath the Hawthorn
Jun. 11 Jun. 8I am a god who sets the head afire with smoke Duir the Oak
Jul. 9 Aug. 5I am a battle-waging spear Teinn the Holly
Aug. 6 Oct. 2I am a salmon in a pool Call the Hazel
Sep. 3 Sep. thirtyI am a hill of poetry Muinn the Vine
Oct. 1 Oct. 28I am a ruthless boat Gort the Ivy
Oct. Nov. 29 25I am a threatening noise from the sea Ngetal the Reed
Nov. 26 Dec. 22I am a wave of the sea Ruis the Elder
Dec. 23Who but I know the secret of the unhewn dolmen?

    Celtic Tree Approximate Gregorian
  • Beth (Birch) Dec 24-Jan 20
  • Luis (Rowan) Jan 21-Feb 17
  • Nuin (Ash) Feb 18-Mar 17
  • Fearn (Alder) Mar 18-Apr 14
  • Saille (Willow) Apr 15-May 12
  • Huath (Hawthorn) May 13-Jun 9
  • Duir (Oak) Jun 10-Jul 7
  • Tinne (Holly) Jul 8-Aug 4
  • Coll (Hazel) Aug 5-Sep 1
  • Muin (Vine) Sep 2-Sep 29
  • Gort (Ivy) Sep 30-Oct 27
  • Ngetal (Reed) Oct 28-Nov 24
  • Ruis (Elder) Nov 25-Dec 22
  • Secret of the Unhawn Stone (intercalary day): Dec 23
Birch (24.12-20.01) In Celtic astrology, the Sun was identified with the Birch. This tree is the first to decorate itself with leaves, marking the beginning of all things. A sprig of birch was the hallmark of young druids or bards who attached it to their tunics. In the Celtic lunar zodiac, the Nameless Day is located between the Birch and the Elder, as if between the sentries of the endless cycle of birth and death. Associated with the Birch, the White Deer is a character in all Celtic myths, symbolizing the seven-month reign of the solar gods. People born under the sign of Birch are divided into two types. The character of people born in the first two weeks of the sign is determined by the New Moon, and the character of people born in the final two weeks is determined by the Full Moon.
New Moon people are more impulsive and emotional, but at the same time tend to be subjective and introverted. A positive feature of their character is determination or faith in their ability to overcome all obstacles. Therefore, people of the new moon, born under the sign of Birch, show more perseverance in achieving the goal. Full Moon people know exactly what they want, are prone to visionary, objectivity and extroversion. However, they have a negative trait - they tend to disregard reality, which leads to an incorrect assessment of the situation.
The Druids believed that the birch was a tree with the potential to grow very tall, and therefore, in an astrological sense, people born under the sign of the Birch, like the Celtic god Talyezin, have very great potential. However, they will need very great perseverance to overcome the obstacles that arise in their path.

Rowan (21.01-17.02) The Druids believed that their great invisible god manifested itself in the restless elements of nature and in the electromagnetic forces contained in the phenomenon of lightning. It was believed that lightning was not afraid of mountain ash, and therefore, as a protection against evil witchcraft, all settlements, secluded intersections, and temples were planted with these trees. The Druids believed that each tree had its own spirit or "dryad". The spirit of the mountain ash represented the keeper of secret truths - secrets related to immortality and the personal freedom of their archetypal gods.
In Celtic mythology, the mountain ash was considered a magical tree, and its bright red berries were considered the "food of the gods", which is guarded by a green dragon. Like the forbidden fruit from the Garden of Eden, rowan berries represented magical powers jealously guarded by the Celtic gods.
Rowan people have the gift of foresight and clear humanistic principles. However, they are closed, and their prophecies do not always reach the rest of humanity. Beneath their cold manners lies a certain passion, which they need in order to prove their case to fanatics and ignoramuses. People of the New Moon are impatient, and they will face many disappointments on the way to asserting their great rightness.
Although in private life these people can be quite reserved, their irrepressible thirst for reform will help to start great social transformations.
Full Moon people are less reserved, but tend to promise more than they can actually deliver. At the same time, they cannot be deprived of their ability to inspire, powerfully influence other people and be indifferent to any attempts to infringe on the rights of the individual.

Ash (18.02-17.03) The Celtic name for ash is related to the Irish word for heaven. In Celtic mythology, ash was considered a witchcraft tree; magic wands were carved from it. The Egyptians called the Celts "tramps of the seas". The Sea Horse, symbolizing the ash tree, is associated with the Celtic ideas about the sea gods as half-fish, half-horses.
Ash people have a dual nature, which makes it very difficult to recognize their true nature or their motives. Although they have an artistic nature and temperament and seem very vulnerable or sensitive, they can suddenly change tactics and become very, very pragmatic. It is probably for this reason that people born under this sign are guided in their lives by a sense of compassion.
New Moon people are more impulsive and demonstrative in their relationships with other people, but strongly opposed to being exploited. They have a generally cautious approach to life, and at the same time they are extremely spontaneous.
Full Moon people are born "exhibitionists" and are very generous of heart, which indicates a certain gullibility and naivety. However, this is only an external weakness, under which a very rare human quality is hidden - humility.

Alder (18.03-14.04)
In Celtic mythology, alder is associated with a ram - a mighty giant and warlike king of ancient Britain. In the ancient myth "Battle of the Trees", the alder fights in the front ranks, which speaks of the courage inherent in the alder archetype.
In rural Ireland, it is considered a crime to cut down an alder sacred to the Irish. The one who does this is considered responsible for all the accidents that occur in the village. An alder dryad is aggressive and can even burn down such a person's house.
The sacred symbol of the Ram was the falcon. The Celts called falcons kings. The falcon is a prophetic bird, a sign of both victory and death.
Alder people are strong personalities, ready to go their own way through life. However, it is a very bumpy road and hallmark this sign is courage. Alder people are reliable allies, and yet they prefer to fight for their own. own interests and lead others. The restless spirit of these people leads them to unknown distances.
The New Moon people are the most restless and indecisive of the Alder people. Although their personal courage and sincerity are not in doubt, it will be useful for them every time to think about the consequences of their actions.
Full Moon people have a greater capacity for persuasion than others. They generally have a lot of self-confidence, but they may lack that vibrating energy that is inherent in people of the New Moon. However, if at the time of the crisis they are in the right place and at the right time, they will be able to achieve tremendous success.

Willow (15.04-12.05)
willow tree has ancient history and is associated with death - willow leaves are found in burials of the megalithic era and in the tombs of the pharaohs. The ancient Israelites had a feast "Days of Willow" (Feast of Tabernacles), during which their main altar was decorated with willow branches. There is a belief that when Jesus met Mary Magdalene, she was living in the hollow trunk of a huge willow. Until He cast demons out of Mary, people considered her a witch, and they associated willow with evil.
The Druids considered the willow tree to be sacred. In their Creation myth, the sea serpent laid two purple eggs, which contained the Sun and the Earth, precisely in the branches of a willow. It was the first tree of creation, in the branches of which the universe was hatched, which symbolizes both the birth of the cosmos and the beginning of earthly life. The sea serpent among the Celts symbolized the power of the moon over the oceans and its fateful intervention in the life of the human race.
People born under the sign of Willow are very difficult to unravel, as all the mysterious aspects of nature associated with the Moon are superimposed on them. The "antennas" of their psyches are constantly turned on, thanks to which they can use even the most remote corners of memory. Favorable aspects of character tend to show up in their passive perseverance and insight.
People born in the first two weeks of the lunar month are more prone to sudden mood swings, which results in a certain inconstancy of character. Favorable aspects are manifested in the susceptibility of these people to change and the ability to quickly seize the opportunity.
People born in the second half of the month tend to disregard advice; at the same time, their arguments are not convincing. Favorable aspects are manifested in ingenuity and excellent memory.

Hawthorn (13.05-09.06)
It is believed that the Glastonbury Thorn grew from a cutting cut off from the crown of thorns with which Jesus was crowned. In Celtic Ireland, it was believed that a person who destroyed a hawthorn exposes himself to the greatest danger, since as a result of this his cattle could fall, his children could die, and he himself could be completely ruined. Hawthorn was used during ritual orgies, when the Druids called on the people to imitate the fertile summer.
The "protective" functions of the hawthorn are associated with the mythical properties of Vulcan, the blacksmith god, the keeper of heavenly fire, which, according to astrologers, directs the higher energy of the mind. The Celtic symbol "chalice" is associated with the mastery of the Celts to work with metal. However, in later myths, the cup is a symbol of the Holy Grail, with which the divine mystery or source of eternal life is identified.
Hawthorn people are constantly bubbling with new ideas. Those born under this sign have many talents and easily adapt to all changes. As a rule, their strength lies in knowing the weakness of the enemy. They are good strategists, but they are not ruthless.
People born in the first half of the lunar month are more impulsive and sensual. However, having made a decision, they are able to focus all their positive qualities on putting it into practice.
People born in the second half of the lunar month are characterized by a completely different approach to life and are much more reluctant to bind themselves with personal obligations. Their positive quality is the ability to see more broadly, which opens those doors of the mind that are usually closed.

Oak (10.06-07.07)
The religion of the Druids was based on the worship of the oak, with which all the ancient gods of thunder were associated. The oak symbolized the turning point of the year, when the summer Sun rose briefly into Greenwid's Circle to receive divine inspiration. During the seventh lunar month of Oak, the Druids carved a circle on this tree, divided into four equal parts ( ancient symbol earth) - it was believed that he would protect the tree from lightning. The Celtic name for oak means "door". It was understood that the doors "made of oak are the most reliable protection against evil.
The people of Oak are broad-minded. Their most important positive qualities are optimism and the ability to tell the truth without thinking about the consequences. However, carelessness can be their weak point.
People born in the first half of the month tend to risk large amounts of money, as well as make obligations that are not so easy to fulfill. Positive character traits are innate leadership qualities and the ability to rise above such human vices as greed and greed. In both lunar phases or parts of the sign, there is an element of self-sacrifice, but people born under the Full Moon are less likely to risk their money.
People born under the New Moon tend to be high profile and tireless seekers of fame.

Holly (08.07-04.08)
In Celtic mythology, the holly (or holly) was the evergreen brother of the oak. IN lunar calendar Druids, the sacred oak ruled the waxing (bright) part of the year, and the evergreen holly - its waning (dark) part. In the ritual calendar of the Druids, the Holly King was called the Dark Heir. The Celtic symbol Fire Lance is identical to the Lance of the month of the Heir. The mythical unicorn - the symbol of the holly - is a white horse with a spiral horn resembling a spear. In Buckingham Palace, in the collection of King Edward, a special horn is kept, considered to be the horn of a unicorn. In the Middle Ages, it was believed that it protected the king from poison. In the esoteric sense, the holly symbolizes the evergreen aspect of the soul, and the oak symbolizes the sacrificial ego. An ancient Welsh poem says that these two trees support a bridge spanning the "Rainbow River", in which the evil of the world dissolves and flows into Greenwid.
People born under this sign, unlike Oak people, are less inclined to take risks of any kind until they have weighed the pros and cons. It's about extreme practicality and down to earth combined with the ability to decide difficult problems with simple logic.
People born in the first half of the month are associated with the New Moon and are more inclined to financially support the dreams and ambitions of others. This indicates a selfless and caring nature, which, however, has a negative aspect - thoughtless optimism, which can harm these people.
Full Moon people born in the second half of the month are more concerned with their dreams and ambitions. They are among the founders of various societies and large corporations. The negative aspect of Full Moon people is their hypersensitivity to criticism.

Nut - Hazel (05.08-01.09)
In the mythology of the Irish Celts, the hazel was the "sacred fort" in which the fairy of poetry lived. According to Irish law, trees were divided into four categories, according to which the punishment for their unauthorized felling was determined. By this law the death penalty relied on cutting down only two chief trees - Hazel and Apple.
The ancient name of Scotland - Caledonia - means "hill overgrown with hazel". Hazel in Celtic legends is a symbol of concentrated wisdom, and by eating nuts, one could learn everything one needs to know about art and science. According to one of the Celtic legends (the saga of Finn), hazelnuts fell into the well and became food for the salmon that lived in it. When Finn caught and ate one of them, he immediately gained wisdom. Therefore, the hazel is also called the Tree of Wisdom, and the Celtic symbol "Salmon" represents the prophetic power of knowledge.
Hazel people are receptive, intelligent and sensible. This sharpness of mind makes them excellent debaters and writers. They are excellent organizers and planners, able to foresee everything to the smallest detail. The need to acquire knowledge makes them scientists and specialists.
People born in the first half of the month are distinguished by their inherent new moon a desperate desire for knowledge and curiosity, which can turn into a desire to poke your nose everywhere.
People born in the second half of the month are distinguished by the openness and temperament inherent in the Full Moon. They tend to strive to achieve public recognition to be able to educate other people in the field of art. Their positive features are honesty and adherence to principles, negative - excessive criticality.

Ivy (30.09-27.11)
The main properties of ivy are clinging, restraint, stamina, euphoria, determination. Ivy, like grapes, can symbolize intoxication. It is poisonous and its leaves, if chewed, cause a hallucinogenic effect. (Just don't try to check it!) Since this plant is very unpretentious, it can grow even in the cracks of a wall or pavement and symbolizes tenacity and resistance against all sorts of accidents. There is also wisdom in ivy, and it is one of the most sacred plants of the goddess. Places where ivy grows in abundance are full of dark secrets.

Cane (28.10-24.11)
The history of the symbol of the reed - the White Hound - is as follows. Pluto, king of the underworld, tied up trusting relationship with Arawn, ancient lord of Annun. Celtic Pluto became the ruler of both kingdoms and was considered the savior of the human race. The Celtic symbols associated with the sign of the reed indicate that this god was both a savior and a guardian. Legends say that Pluto met Arawn on a hunt, surrounded by a pack of white ghost dogs, and therefore the White Hound is the symbol of the month. In both Egyptian and Greek myths, the entrance to the mysterious realm was always guarded by dogs. In Celtic mythology, white hounds are the keepers of the secrets of the moon and the Stone, which symbolized the divine right of the Celtic kings and queens to rule their people.
Reed and Ivy are two aspects of the same duality. Persephone and Pluto form the unity of the soul, which, nevertheless, is filled with drama and passion. People born at this time, like Ivy people, have a powerful influence on other people, with the only difference being that Reed people are more strong-willed and less prone to compromise, since the role they play in life excludes the manifestation of any weakness or the luxury of sitting between two chairs. They prefer to change the order of things instead of fighting for a warm place in the already existing order, and they want to change their lives, not individual aspects of it.
People born in the first half of the month, that is, under the New Moon, make powerful friends and make powerful enemies, because they are distinguished by impatience and impulsiveness. Nevertheless, they will retain their position and gain great respect, especially from their enemies.
People born in the second half of the month, that is, under the Full Moon, plan their actions more carefully and achieve greater social recognition, but they tend to switch from one task to another, which can weaken their sense of purpose. In general, the people of the Reed are very survivalists, and they like to fight with enemies rather than receive help from friends.

Elder (25.11-23.12)
The elderberry has been shrouded in mystery since the time of the megalith, when the exact image of its leaf began to be carved on tombstones as a symbol of death and, at the same time, a new birth. In the ritual zodiac of the Celts, this stage between life and death coincides in time with the winter solstice. In the lunar Celtic zodiac, birch and elder stand on opposite sides of the entrance to the underworld of Annun, denoting the descent and ascension of the Sun. The month of the Elder symbolizes the imprisonment of the Sun or the solar spirit. Kronos is associated with this month - the ruler of the kingdom of minerals, in which the source of all life and light is imprisoned.
Symbolically, the elder was depicted as a golden pillar of decay, from which, after a series of transformations, a green pillar of birch grew, associated with the birth of the Celtic solar gods. The month of Elder represents the fickleness of life and the need to constantly adapt to a changing situation.
Elder people develop gradually. In their youth, they tend to spend a lot of time and energy on meaningless projects. Many of them receive an inheritance, which contributes to extravagant tastes and pampering. Their nature is based on restlessness or insatiable curiosity, as a result of which they tend to acquire deep knowledge and tend to make long journeys in order to broaden their horizons.
People born in the first half of the month belong to the phase of the Young Moon and are more frank and impulsive. However, they have excellent oratory skills and constantly fight against injustice or what they consider corruption.
People born in the second half of the month belong to the Full Moon phase and have excellent visionary abilities, they prefer to operate in the shadows and avoid head-on collisions.

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Vorovtsov Egor

The purpose of the research work is to study the features of the ecology of the alder as a bright representative of the living world of the Smolensk land. Alder is a small, inconspicuous plant. However, for its unique biological and ecological features, this tree can be a living symbol not only of the Smolensk region, but also of Russia. As a result of the work, the emblem "Alder - a living symbol of the Smolensk region" was designed.



municipal budgetary educational institution

"Yartsevskaya high school№1"

Yartsevsky district of the Smolensk region

Alder -

a living symbol of the Smolensk region

Smolensk region

city ​​of Yartsevo





Alder ecology

The role of alder in human life


Alder and oral folk art


Alder as fuel


Alder as a building material


Alder as an ornamental material


Alder is a pioneer plant


Alder and soil


Alder - animal feed


Medicinal properties of alder


Alder as a natural dye


Geographic features



Study of the species diversity of alder in the Yartsevo region


Modern distribution of alder in the Yartsevo region


Soil fertility research


The study of alder firewood




Smolensk land! Amazing space of Central Russia! The Smolensk region, resembling a heart in shape, is located almost in the center of the East European Plain, in the western part Russian Federation(appendix 1, map 1, 2). The geographical position of the region is in many ways peculiar and even unique. Located in temperate latitudes, in a zone of noticeable influence of air masses from the Atlantic, it occupies a watershed of three major rivers- Volga, Dnieper and Western Dvina. These features of the physical and geographical position determine the main features of the nature of the region: temperate continental climate; predominance of highlands and small rivers; development of the ravine-beam system; widespread forests; infertile soddy-podzolic soils.

Under such conditions, a rich and diverse vegetation cover was formed on the territory of the Smolensk region, represented by 1,100 species of wild and cultivated plants. Once the territory of Smolensk land was 95% covered with mixed spruce-broad-leaved forests, from which, as a result of intensive felling, only 42.2% of the modern territory remains today. Now small-leaved forests predominate. A small percentage is occupied by meadows (treeless spaces covered with perennial herbaceous vegetation) and swamps.

The fauna on the territory of the Smolensk region is represented by 70 species of mammals, among which rodents, predators, bats predominate, 270 species of birds, 45 species of fish.

And every living organism contributes to the development of the nature of our region. But how to choose the most important, significant living organism for the Smolensk region from such a variety?

Birch is the most common and one of the most beautiful. And nettle is distinguished by amazing medicinal abilities, and the fabric was made from the fibers of this plant, strong ropes were twisted. Flax is the blue symbol of the Smolensk region, which has “dressed” the centuries of the population of our territory. The sharp-eyed falcon is not only a feathered predator, but also a wonderful companion of any hunter in Rus'. Artiodactyls (roe deer, elks, wild boars, etc.) - this is meat for the livelihood of the tar, and skins for clothes and shoes, and horns for ornamental material.

You can talk about any object of wildlife in the Smolensk region for a long time, citing interesting, amazing facts, highlighting the special role in human life, the wildlife of our region.

However, my supervisor and I settled on a simple and inconspicuous, at first glance, woody plant - alder (Appendix 2, photo 1)!

Purpose: to study the features of the ecology of the alder as a bright representative of the living world of the Smolensk land.


  1. Study scientific sources of information.
  2. To study the species diversity of this plant.
  3. Determine the distribution areas of the tree species.
  4. To get acquainted with the directions of the use of alder by the local population.
  5. In practice, to study the features of alder wood.
  6. Get acquainted with the geographical objects of the Smolensk region associated with alder.

The object of research is alder.

The subject of the study is the ecological features of the alder.

Hypothesis: since ancient times, alder has been one of the revered and sought-after plants in the Smolensk region.


  1. Theoretical - the study of theoretical material, analysis of information sources.
  2. Empirical - laboratory observations.
  3. Mathematical - statistics of the collected material.
  4. Experimental - setting up an experiment.

Conducting research, even if it is as small as studying a plant object, is a new direction for me in learning activities. In general, the ability to identify a problem, select scientific material to solve it, build an algorithm for one's actions - this ability is relevant, as it allows you to apply the basics critical thinking in learning activities and in everyday life.

Implementation period: February-May 2016.

Nature has taken care of everything

that everywhere you find something to learn

Leonardo da Vinci


1. Alder ecology

Alder is far from being a simple tree, as it might seem at first glance. And here's why: she has more than one name, or even two. From the explanatory dictionary of V.I. Dahl, we learn that alder was called differently by different nationalities in Rus'. So in the Vladimir and Vyatka provinces - this is elha, eloha. In the Nizhny Novgorod province - this is olshina, and in the Novgorod and Pskov provinces - elshina, olshina. And we call her nice name- alder. By the way, alder forests in different provinces were called differently: alder, alder, oleshnik, alder, elshnik, elshanik, elshnik, alder, olekh.

In the collection "Medicinal plants of the Smolensk region" edited by Gozin A.A. and Yasnetseva V.S. a detailed systematic affiliation of this plant organism is presented. It turns out that alder belongs to the Birch family (Betulaceae), to the genus Alder (Alnus). Here we learn another feature of the alder: the plant can be both deciduoustree , and shrubs, the life form of which may vary depending on environmental conditions.

We got acquainted with the ecology of the alder on the pages of the online magazine, where this information is presented in sufficient detail. Alder grows in marshy places, in floodplains and along river banks, in fertile areas with peaty soils. On peaty wetlands it forms a highly productive clean forest stand. Since ancient times, these thickets have been called ols (Appendix 2, photo 2). They were also called “ols-log”, “ols-bog”, “ols-bog”, or black alder bogs. In ols, the soil surface is uneven, covered with bumps, and often with continuous thickets of stinging nettle (Appendix 2, photo 3).

The root system of the alder is powerful, does not form a taproot, does not go deep into the soil, and often protrudes 0.5-0.7 m above its surface. Because of this, the alder forests are difficult to pass, and there are few people who like to walk in these places, especially since there are clouds of mosquitoes in summer. In spring, alder thickets are flooded with water, so alder can be cut and taken out only in winter, in severe frosts.

In the dictionary of a young naturalist, they found another biological feature of the alder - it is a surprisingly fast-growing plant. Coppice alder grows exceptionally fast. If it is cut down, then next year it will give a shoot up to 2 m long. An enviable speed! But, unfortunately, after reaching twenty-five years, the plant stops growing. The average duration of an alder tree is only 40-60 years.

The trunk of an alder, regardless of age, is very slender, even, small in diameter (about 50 cm), and reaches a height of no more than 12 meters. To the touch, the alder bark is very smooth, matte, radiant, light gray, fissured in old trees (Appendix 2, photo 4). On close observation, we note the pubescence of non-glutinous leaves, which are ovate-elliptical in shape with a sharp or pointed tip, 4-11 cm long and 4-8 cm wide.

Another feature of the alder is that it is one of the first among tree species awakens from winter sleep, the first and blooms without waiting for insects (she does not need them, since she is pollinated by the wind). The beginning of alder flowering is evidenced by the release of pollen from male inflorescences - catkins (Appendix 2, photo 1).

Why is the tree in such a hurry? It turns out that the leaves do not interfere with the wind to spread pollen. The wind is not constant at this time. It carries pollen everywhere. But the trees "know" about his whims and at the slightest movement of air emit whole clouds of yellowish pollen. Ultimately, most pistillate, female flowers, despite the willfulness of the wind, turn out to be pollinated.

Alder fruits (Appendix 2, photo 5) are hard black cones, up to 1.2 cm long, collected in 3-6 pieces, contain small flat seeds that ripen in October. After opening in autumn, the cones remain on the tree all winter.

Conclusion: alder has a number of amazing biological features: rapid growth, depending on the conditions, there are two types of life forms, grows in humid areas. As a result - wide distribution in Rus'.

2. The role of alder in human life

2.1. Alder and oral folk art

2.1.1.Myths and Legends

On the pages of an online magazine, we learned that alder is mentioned, it turns out, in folk art different countries from ancient times. So in Celtic mythology, alder, likethe miracle tree symbolizes resurrection and deification.

In the horoscope of the Druids, people born between March 18 and April 14 are considered alder people. Usually they are strong, brave and independent leaders (you can always rely on an alder man). Sincerity, confidence and the ability to convince are inherent in such people.

There is an ancient myth "Battle of the Trees". In it, the alder fights in the front ranks, which shows the courage of the alder.

Among the Greeks, the alder is the emblem of Pan. It is associated with spring and fire festivals.

If a person in Ireland cut down an alder tree, he is considered to have committed a crime. And from that moment on, he becomes responsible for all the accidents that occurred in the village.

In Western legends and Eastern Slavs it is said how the devil, who competed with God at the creation of the world, tried to create a wolf, but could not revive him. By God's will, the wolf came to life and rushed at the devil, who hid from him on an alder tree. The blood from the devil's heel bitten by the wolf fell on the alder tree. Therefore, the bark of the alder turned red.

One of the reasons for the deification of the alder is that when the alder is cut down, its white wood turns red, as if it bleeds like a person (Appendix 2, photo 6).

The alder branch is a sign of resurrection, since the buds on it are arranged in the form of a spiral (Appendix 2, photo 7).

In Greece, Phoroneus, the son of the ash-nymph Meli, the hero of the soothsayer, was considered the spirit of the alder. He was the first to discover the secret of making fire and began to use it, and after Phoroney, blacksmiths and potters began to use alder wood as the best material for maintaining heat.

The ark in which Rhea Sylvia sent Romulus and Remus (the future founders of Rome) down the river was also made of alder.

The Eastern Slavs, who, by the way, lived on the territory of the modern Smolensk region, called alder the “soul-tree” for the reason that the souls of dead people move into it. There is such a version of the origin of the alder:

Silver streams of the melancholic shade of Alder and Willow
Forever connected with water
And before (as the legend says),
They were two poor people who lived by fishing,
Until one day Pale's feast took place,
On which the whole city rejoiced with pious joy,
Only this couple despised the local rites
And went about her usual business
Until their crime was punished by the goddess:
When they stood on the shore, looking at the water,
The angry goddess nailed them to this place,
Transforming them into edification
For their abusive occupation.
And irrigated by a generous stream, they took root
And they became branched trees,
And yet their leaves are pale, and seem to realize how they have fallen,
What croaking frogs gossip about.

2.1.2. Alder Riddles

Not only in myths and legends, alder is reflected, but in oral art, for example, in riddles:

with rounded leaves
And May flowers
With thin inflorescences,
And with cones sonorous.
And she is strict in autumn,
It stands, like in summer, green.
And leaf after leaf drops,
Preparing for the winter though.

There are bumps
And the earrings are beautiful.
humble tree,
And not arrogant.

There are earrings, but not a girl.

There are bumps, but not a pine;

Lives in the lowlands

Near the vine.

2.1.3. Poems

The poets did not bypass the alder with their creativity:

Alder dressed up -
Hung up the earrings.
Their breeze playfully
Slightly touches the palm.

A. Kokhichko

Alder learned a little
Put on an earring behind an earring,
And when she grew up
I gave you two earrings.
And she's not a fashionista at all.
Yes, that's the way it goes:
Everyone wants to grow up
Everyone wants to flourish.
E. Serova.

2.1.4. Folk omens, Proverbs and sayings

Oral creativity once again proves to us the close attention of the Russian people to the alder, its use as a weather forecaster:

If the birch leaves before the alder, then the summer will be dry, and if the alder is ahead, then it will be wet.

There are a lot of earrings on the alder - for the harvest of oats; and many cones - for the harvest of barley.

On the alder forest, buds (buds) - a crop for oats.

Elokha (alder) has grown where everyone feels bad.

Where is the alder there is a heap of hay.

Do not spoil with an ax, do not hide the keeper of the waters - elohu (alder).

Before the alder and the frost breaks his hat.

Talk about alder, and oak is stronger! .

From the foregoing, the following conclusions can be drawn: firstly, alder is indeed a revered plant in the culture of different times and peoples; secondly, it is reflected in different directions of oral creativity (omens, proverbs, sayings, riddles, poems).

2.2. Alder as fuel

Alder is, first of all, wood (appendix 2, photo 8). Alder firewood is light, neatly and evenly chopped, burns very well, and soot does not form, clogging chimneys and chimneys. Their quality was highly valued in Rus', which is why they got their name "royal firewood". One disadvantage of such firewood is that coal does not hold heat.

An interesting point, alder firewood was used by Russian peasants to burn soot out of chimneys, especially after using birch and spruce firewood. By the way, drawing (drawing) coal is produced from alder firewood, as well as coal for the production of gunpowder.

2.3. Alder as a building material

Alder wood does not differ in strength and durability on land. However, in water this wood is durable. This quality made it possible to use alder for the construction of solid log cabins of wells. The fact is that the tannins present in the alder, acting on the surface of the wood, form compounds with the metal salts contained in the water. In addition, tannins have antimicrobial and antifungal properties. All this prevents the wood from rotting, gives it special strength, stability and durability. Archaeological excavations have proven that in underwater hydraulic structures it can serve up to 3 thousand years.

2.4. Alder as an ornamental material

Alder wood is distinguished by its special density, softness, very light, viscous, plastic, non-fragile, white. These qualities were used, and are used today for joinery and turning products, since the wood is very well cut, it does not prick when carved, and does not crack when dried. The end of the wood is processed well and can be used for front side crafts, for example, for making ornaments on flat end cuts from round blanks. Viscous and pliable for processing in all directions, it is used in such critical products as musical instruments: in some types of accordions, all wooden parts are made only from alder. By the way, in Rus', branches were used as hoops for barrels.

In our school workshop, the boys make decorative boards (collection) from alder, decorating them with carvings.

The uniformity and strength of wood determine its wide application in the production of plywood. At many modern furniture factories, original furniture is made from alder wood, from chairs to cabinets. Alder is also used in match, pulp and paper production, for the production of vinegar and charcoal.

Alder wood is also in great demand in container production, it is used for the manufacture of box containers and barrels for dry cargo. In the textile industry, it is used in the manufacture of spinning spools. Alder wood is a good material for woodcarving, it serves as the basis for baguettes. Drawing boards and special boards for painting under oil paints and tempera are also made from it. Glass polishing factories mainly use alder wood.

By the way, alder shavings are considered the best for packing fruits, they are also used for smoking fish and meat.

2.5. Alder is a pioneer plantVery interesting fact- alder, tolerant to soil pollution, and the very first to populate burnt areas, clearings, abandoned arable lands. Thus, it prepares the soil for more demanding plants, usually spruce.

2.6. Alder and soil

It turns out that alder, like legumes, enriches the soil with nitrogen, since bacteria accumulating nitrogen settle on its roots (Appendix 2, photo 9). In addition, this tree produces a lot of leaf litter. This plant surprisingly sheds its leaves green, which allows the leaf litter to decompose very quickly, which also contains a lot of nitrogen.

In Rus', it turns out, vegetable gardens were arranged on alder clearings, which gave rich harvests of vegetables, especially cucumbers. In the alder forests the grass rises like a wall. Hence the expression: "Where there is an alder, a heap of hay."

2.7. Alder - animal feed

The leaves and branches of the alder are fed to pets: sheep, goats, rabbits, nutrias. In summer, the population prepares alder brooms for them.

Alder thickets attract wild animals. The buds and tops of alder branches serve as food for hazel grouse and black grouse in winter period.

2.8. Medicinal properties of alder

It is interesting to note that students in Soviet time collected medicinal herbs, which later went to pharmacies. From here they went to the manufacture of medicines. From the memoirs of my parents, who, like all the pioneers of that time, actively participated in the collection of medicinal material, the most popular were plantain leaves, and in winter time there was a massive collection of alder cones. And this is not surprising: alder is truly a natural healer!

The book "Medicinal plants of the Smolensk region" indicates that the cones of gray alder contain alkaloids, tannins, phenolcarboxylic acids, flavonoids, fatty oil, triterpenoids, aliphatic alcohols, steroids. An extract from alder cones called "tkhmelin" is widely used in medical practice. In folk medicine, alder cones have been used since ancient times as a fixing and hemostatic agent for bleeding from the nose and gums, as well as for colds, rheumatism, and gout; decoction of the bark rinse the throat and mouth to strengthen the gums.

Alder bark contains triterpenoids, tannins. Alder leaves contain provitamin A (carotene), vitamin C, phenolcarboxylic acids, tannins, anthocyanins, and are used for skin diseases.

In official medicine, preparations from gray alder are used as an astringent and hemostatic agent, especially for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, acute and chronic enteritis and colitis (acute and chronic inflammation of the small and large intestines). Infusion of cones helps to reduce fermentative-putrefactive processes in the intestines, stool quickly normalizes, tenesmus disappears. In order to normalize the intestinal microflora, it is recommended to take decoctions of alder cones for patients with dysbacteriosis, with diarrhea in children. Cones are part of the gastric tea.

Decoctions of the bark, cones and leaves of alder are used for articular rheumatism and colds, as they have an antimicrobial effect and reduce the risk of allergies.

2.9. Alder as a natural dye

Alder bark was used for tanning and dyeing leather in black, red and yellow colors, cloth - in red and yellow, wool - in black, red and yellow.

2.10. Geographic features

Analyzing the modern geographical map of the Smolensk region, we found many geographical objects, the names of which, we can assume, are associated with alder. These are, firstly, the villages: Olkhoviki (Kardimovsky district), Olkhovka (Vyazemsky district), Olkhovtsy (Sychevsky district), Olsha (Rudnyansky district), Olsha (Krasninsky district), Olkhovo (Yartsevsky district), Olshanka (Safonovsky district). Secondly, these are water bodies, rivers: the Olsha in the Dukhovshchinsky District and the Olshovka River in the Vyazemsky District.

Conclusion: alder is an amazing plant object used in Rus' as a specialized building material (well logs), optimal fuel, ornamental material, medicine, dye, livestock feed, widely reflected in folklore.

3. Research

3.1. Study of the species diversity of alder in the Yartsevo region

Using the Internet determinant, it was revealed that only two types of alder grow in the Yartsevo region. These are gray alder (Alnus incana) or white alder, elokha, oleshina (Appendix 2, photo 10, 11; Appendix 3), and black alder (Alnus glutinosa). Another name is sticky or European alder (Appendix 2, photo 12, 13, 14; Appendix 3).

So, in the Yartsevo region, two types of alder grow.

3.2. Modern distribution of alder in the Yartsevo region

If you look at the map of the city of Yartsevo, then the largest areas of alder are found outside the city limits: the coast of rivers, lakes, swampy and waterlogged lowlands, forest areas of the village of Pioneer, Yakovlevo, Pologi, Krasny Molot. Extensive thickets are observed along roads, in rural areas, on abandoned land plots (Appendix 2, photos 15, 16, 17).

Alder does not grow on any of the central streets of the city of Yartsevo. What is the reason?

Firstly, alder is a tree that prefers moist lowlands. Therefore, it grows along rivers, lakes, the Moscow-Minsk highway. Secondly, perhaps this plant is not used for artificial gardening in the city because of its small size, unpresentable appearance.

So, alder grows in areas of high humidity: along the banks of rivers, lakes, in lowlands. And this is mostly suburban area.

3.3. Soil fertility research

From literary sources, we found out that the soil under alder has high fertility. To confirm or refute this fact, it was decided to conduct the following experiment: to trace the degree of germination of seeds on soils from under various tree species.

In the mixed forest, we took soil samples under alder, spruce, birch, and maple. The universal fertile soil for seedlings acted as a control sample.

For sowing, we used watercress seeds, as they germinate already in 3-4 days. Next, the same containers were half filled with soil from under different types trees, where he placed 70 seeds of watercress (Appendix 2, photo 18). Next, the seeds were covered with a thin layer of soil, moistened. Within 14 days, careful monitoring of seed germination was carried out (Appendix 2, photo 19).

So, two weeks later, the following results were obtained: the smallest number of seeds grew on the soils of the spruce forest - 46 seedlings. In addition, they are weak, different in height. 50 seedlings appeared on birch soils; they also differ sweat height, relaxed. On the control soil, 60 seedlings appeared, however, they differ in low growth (about two times less than the rest of the seedlings), and thickening of the stem. 65 even seedlings were noted on maple soils. And 100 demonstrated germination on the soil from under the alder. Seedlings are strong, even, have a rich green color.

Conclusion: the best germination of seeds on the soil taken from under the alder. This means that the Russian people are right, having put together the proverb: "Where the alder is, there is a heap of hay."

3.4. The study of alder firewood

It is known that alder firewood is considered royal firewood. And why? To answer this question, you need to conduct an experiment. For this, dry logs of three different types of trees were taken: gray alder, common spruce, drooping birch. The logs were crushed into small chips. For the purity of the experiment, 800 g of chips of each type of wood were taken. Further, using a metal barbecue, bricks, a small device was built for the safe burning of wood chips (Appendix 2, photo 20) and heating one liter cold water(temperature + 50C) in a cast iron with a lid. Burning time for wood chips (Appendix 2, photo 21) for each of the three samples is 15 minutes. During this time, the water (Appendix 2, photo 22) heats up. As a result, under the same conditions, the temperature of the water will show which type of wood gives more heat. It should be noted that after each of the three experiments with burning wood chips, the cast iron is cooled for 20 minutes in a tank of cold water!

During the experiment, when burning (Appendix 2, photo 23), spruce chips, the water temperature heated up to 570C; birch - 630C; alder - 700С (Appendix 2, photo 24). By the way, in 15 minutes, almost all wood chips in all three experiments burned down, forming coals and soot.


1) Most of the heat is released when burning alder chips, which means that alder firewood can rightfully be called royal firewood. The reason may lie in another feature of this type of wood: when burned, it is alder that does not form digging and soot that clog the chimney in fireplaces and stoves.

2) The following features were noted during the combustion process. When burning spruce chips, the crackling and clicking of combustible wood was well heard. Throughout the experiment with spruce chips, sparks constantly fell into the air. This once again proves the danger of using coniferous trees as fuel without additional security measures. When burning alder chips, given open space streets, a pleasant aroma was noticeable. Most likely, it is for this quality that alder sawdust and wood chips are used for smoking meat and fish.

3) After burning spruce wood chips, small coals and a lot of powdered ash remained (Appendix 2, photo 25). This indicates most of the combustion of the studied material. When burning birch chips, a lot of small coals and little powdered ash were formed (Appendix 2, photo 26). This means that birch burns longer than spruce, and in addition, it forms coal, which can later be used as fuel in barbecues and barbecues. During the combustion of alder chips, large coals of approximately the same size were formed (Appendix 2, photo 27). This means that more time is needed to burn alder firewood. And this means that alder firewood is more economical to use. In addition, large coals are best used in the future in barbecues and barbecues.


Alder is a small, inconspicuous plant. However, for its unique biological and ecological features, this tree can be a living symbol not only of the Smolensk region, but also of Russia.

As a result of their work, the emblem "Alder - a living symbol of the Smolensk region" was developed and decorated, which displays the main advantages of alder. The basis of the emblem is an alder leaf, in the center of which is the outline of the Smolensk region.

Multi-colored drawings of the emblem are images that demonstrate the role of alder: fuel, medicine, dye, complete feed for livestock (especially in winter), building and ornamental material. The importance of this plant among the Smolensk people can be judged by numerous geographical names villages and rivers: Olkhoviki, Olkhovka, Olshanka, Olkhovo and others, which are reflected on the emblem.

Even folk art (and riddles, and poems, and proverbs, and signs) are closely connected with this unsightly plant. Therefore, one of the most characteristic proverbs about alder is placed along the edge of the sheet: “Elokha (alder) has grown where everyone is bad”, “Before the alder, the frost breaks its hat.”

And how not to agree with the statement of Samuel Butler: "Nature is like a magician: you need an eye and an eye for it."


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  6. Internet magazine.
  7. Photo album of medicinal plants.
  8. Russians folk proverbs and sayings. Comp. A.M. Zhigulev, 1965, Moscow worker
  9. seasons-years.rf. Internet magazine.
  10. Teaching materials on the geography of the Smolensk region. - Smolensk: Universum, 2004. - 28s.
  11. Encyclopedic Dictionary of a Young Naturalist. Comp. A.G. Rozhozhin. - M .: Pedagogy, 1981.- 406 p., ill.