Large layout Lenormand at home. Meanings of Lenormand cards

The Oracle Lenormand (or small Lenormand) deck, as you understand, consists of 36 cards. But it differs significantly from the deck playing cards(36 cards), which is also used in divination. Small Lenormand can be purchased at the store, cut from the corresponding interpreter book (sold) or made by yourself, as I did by downloading cards from the Internet and making my own unique deck with my energy. Each card of the small Lenormand shows numbers and pictures, the interpretation of which is used in divination. I note right away that it is easier to work with Lenormand than with Tarot, this deck takes little energy from the fortuneteller and gives answers to universal questions.

1 - Horseman (9 worms)


Number. 1. Image. Rider.

Basic meaning. Messenger, news, news, messages, swiftness, movement.

Reversed meaning.

Mostly bad news.

The Horseman card can mean both good news and bad news, depending on the nearest cards. As you move away from the Questioner's card, this may be a message from a familiar person or some important news that came from afar. This important news can be quite serious and, perhaps, will have an impact on the entire future life of the Asker. Although, of course, at first glance, this news may seem insignificant to him, and at another time he might have missed this news.

By the way, this card can also mean not a mail message, but a phone call, information heard from the media or from an unexpected visitor. In any case, news remains news and the method of notification is completely unimportant here. It is important that the news reaches your ears accurately and in a timely manner. At the same time, you need to look at the surrounding maps, so that this messenger does not turn out to be the notorious "rider on a pale horse."

The value of the combination of cards

In some cases, this card may indicate connections with foreign countries, cultural or business (having fallen, for example, next to the SHIP card). In general, the cards are interpreted multifaceted and very broadly, for example, next to the MOON card, the RIDER card may indicate that some important news will be received from a woman or due to female influence.

When the HORSEMAN falls in a straight position and surrounded by favorable cards, this is a good omen and portends favorable prospects. The next card will report on the nature of the news, on the success or failure of these connections.

In the position of the future, the RIDER gives ground for hope - a message is on the way. You will find out about a solution to the problem soon. The emergence of new ideas and thoughts in business life. A CLOVER card dropped nearby can symbolize new beginnings. If the card lies close to the Questioner's card, the news will come from nearby lands and very soon; if far away - - from abroad. Next to the SNAKE, RAT, COFFIN - the news is disturbing and unfavorable (especially if these cards fell out in a direct position).

When the card on the front line is new information, behind is the received message, at the top is quick news, if it fell below, then the Questioner may neglect the message.

If the RIDER falls next to the HOUSE - news from the homeland;

with the RING - news about some of your union - personal or business.

2 - Clover (6 tambourines)


Six Tambourine- Clover
Number- 2
Image- Clover
The main meaning is expectation of happiness, hope.
Reversed meaning- anxious anticipation.

According to legend, when Saint Patrick converted Ireland to Christianity, he used a clover leaf as a symbol of the Trinity. Therefore, the clover, or shamrock, has become a symbol of Ireland. But ... please note that the clover leaf shown in the figure does not have 3, as expected, but 4 petals. The four-leaf clover, according to the ancient beliefs of the Druids, is a sacred symbol of happiness, good luck and the favor of the gods. Since ancient times, such a “wrong” clover has been used in folk magic to attract good spirits to the house and ward off evil spirits.

Thus, this is a card of good luck and help that will come to you in difficult times. Shamrock is very afraid of snakes, so this is an indirect indication that you will be able to resist your enemies.

In an inverted position and in combination with unfavorable cards, the Clover card means disappointment awaiting the Questioner, the collapse of plans, loss. If she is surrounded by bad cards, then the events that the Questioner fears will happen and bring sadness.

The value of the combination of cards

If the CLOVER card lies in a straight position near the CARD-BLANK (Asker's card), then this is a harbinger of good luck and prosperity.

In combination with favorable cards, the CLOVER card predicts the fulfillment of hopes, good luck and material wealth, with unfavorable ones, it changes the value to negative.

WITH FOX - evil people deliberately trying to harm the Questioner;

with the HORSEMAN - the problems that worry you today will soon disappear;

with the COFFIN - do not lose hope and remain optimistic;

with a TREE - these cards, falling out together, as a rule, portend well-being and good luck;

with HOUSE - prosperity in the house;

with the CROSS - let these cards give courage and confidence to a desperate person, he has a lot to go through;

with the SUN - - despondency and depression will recede and a new prosperous life will come;

with STARS - your happiness has returned. From now on, all your dreams, even the most incredible ones, will come true;

with CLOUDS - if the clouds lay on the thunderous side, then they literally thickened over your material wealth, but if on the bright side, then financial shocks will not affect you;

with a BOOK - knowledge and experience will lead you to material well-being;

with the RING - a fertile union will benefit your wallet;

with SKID - a gloomy streak will come in life.

3 - Ship (10 spades)


Ten of Spades - Ship

Image. Ship.

Basic meaning. Journey. Drive. Abroad. Wealth.

Reversed meaning.

Crash. Accident. Bad omen.

The ancient Chinese philosopher Xun Tzu in the III century. BC e. made this comparison: “The ruler is a boat, the people are water. The water carries the boat, but the water can overturn it.” Since then, no one could more accurately depict the relationship between people and power. It is strange that the "boatmen" still cannot understand this.

The sailing ship depicted on the map is, of course, a symbol, even if you have never sailed and cannot bear sea ​​voyages. Just as in ancient times a person resisted the elements of the sea, going out on a fragile boat into the boundless sea, so now a person sets sail on the waves of life, armed most often only with his own knowledge and skills, and often without them at all.

When upright, this card invites you to embark on a new venture. But in the opposite position, this is a prediction of failure, the collapse of ambitions and a painful fate.

The value of the combination of cards

In combination with the MOUNTAIN - you will face obstacles on the way;

with a BEAR - your journey may be risky;

with a SNAKE - a trip may be fraught with acquaintance with insincere people;

with a scythe - an enterprise can be deadly;

with a LETTER - you may receive an offer to start a certain enterprise. It may be worth paying attention to commercial relations with foreign countries;

with a TREE - - the cards promise the Questioner new perspectives, plans, opportunities for good luck and success in business;

with STARS - something new will enter your life;

with HOUSE - it's time for you to return to your native land;

with the HORSEMAN - the news received will call you to return back;

with CLOUDS - your enterprise may turn out to be unsafe (only the light or dark side of CLOUDS can tell whether this enterprise will be successful or not completely completed);

with the RING - the enterprise you have undertaken will end in a strong alliance;

with an ANCHOR - a clear hint that it is time for you to anchor, for further progress is fraught with problems;

with a FORK - is your ship at a crossroads? It's time to think: did you really need this enterprise.

4 - House (King of Hearts)


King of Hearts - House

Image. House.

Basic meaning. Family hearth. Fortress. Stability. Family.

Reversed meaning.

Trouble in the house.

In the most direct and literal interpretation, this card denotes the Questioner's own home, his family nest. The house is also a symbol of reliability and security in the storms of worldly fuss.

This good card in a straight position, combined with good cards, means a good result, a successful end to any business.

In all respects, this is a favorable card, meaning success in any business and mitigating the influence of unfavorable ones. The questioner will not be alone in life. This card gives a sense of security and reliability. However, the house in the symbolism of many nations is also associated with human body, especially in the aspect of exits from it, which was noted by Artemidor of Daldian.

The appearance of this card in the front positions should encourage the Questioner to come to grips with his household chores.

In distant positions and upside down, it indicates that the Questioner is not all right in his home.

The value of the combination of cards

It is considered a bad omen if the HOUSE is turned upside down or surrounded by the RAT, CLOUDS, SPIDES, COFFIN cards.

A house in combination with a SHIP or STORK means a quick possible move;

with a WOMAN - Freudian psychology correlates the house-symbol with a woman, wife, mother, and, moreover, in a certain sexual or obstetric sense, so that this combination of cards can be characterized as favorable prospects in marriage or in family life;

with the HORSEMAN - receiving news concerning your home or relatives left at home;

with a COFFIN - sad news concerning a person you know;

with a TREE - if both are in a straight position, then this combination speaks of good health; the inversion of one of the cards is interpreted as a malaise;

with a BROOM - you should not devote anyone to the details of your family problems;

with STARS - the combination of these cards is a symbol of peace and unity of man with the Universe. Do not doubt that you will definitely achieve happiness;

with a SNAKE - a person has appeared in your house who slanders or intrigues you;

with the RING - the happiness of your home lies only in a properly established married life;

with LILY - some power structures or government officials will visit your house;

with a LETTER - news will come from your home or from your homeland.

5 - Tree (7 worms)


Seven of Hearts - Tree
Number. 5.
Image. Tree.
Basic meaning. Vitality, potency, health, great internal resources.
Reversed meaning. Undermined health.

In all world cultures, plants are the main symbol of the living earth and cyclical nature. Plants symbolize life force, life cycle, nutrition, abundance, passivity, immobility. Esoterically, the tree can be seen as the great universal Tree of Life - a symbol of strength, health and the joy of existence. The traditional meaning of a tall tree with roots deeply rooted in the earth is power, strength, health. The Tree card symbolizes growth, development, good health and human affairs. In many ancient cultures, the tree in a broad sense was considered as the axis of the world, around which the Cosmos is grouped, for example, the myrrh tree Ipdrasil among the northern Germans.

The Tree card, falling out in a straight position, indicates that the Questioner has all the strength and ability to achieve his goals.

However, the fortuneteller should pay the Questioner's attention to the surrounding cards: surrounded by "bad" cards, the cards give him transparent advice to think carefully about his health.

The value of the combination of cards

If the WOOD lies below the Questioner's card, this is advice to ask yourself if the Questioner is suppressing any pain: physical or spiritual? And isn't it time to find out what caused it?

If the TREE fell on top of the Questioner's card, it may mean that the time has come to answer the most important life questions.

If it fell out in the position of the past, then this is a clear indication that the Questioner has already found his place in the world. The further path is clear to him, let him continue on the same path.

With the HORSEMAN - don't you really feel how the body persistently signals you about its trouble;

with the COFFIN - something should change for the worse in the near future;

with the HOUSE - it's time to start repairing or radically reorganizing the lifestyle;

with STARS - your dreams are far in the sky and have nothing to do with reality;

with a SNAKE - it's time for you to check your health - some hidden ailment, like a worm, gradually undermines it;

with OBLIQUE - you experience overload, stress, you need rest;

with LILY - you have a chance to achieve a high position in society;

with a BROOM - minor chores and troubles (after all, brooms are made from tree branches);

with a FORK - if you make a choice, then such that you are physically able to resist.

6 - Clouds (King of clubs)


King of Clubs - Clouds
Number. 6. Image. Clouds.
Basic meaning. A crisis. Impending trouble.
Reversed meaning.
There is a chance that the storm will pass by.

The Cloud map does not yet speak directly about the crisis, but clearly hints at its approach.

It darkens the mood of the Questioner, symbolizes troubles, ailments, generally undesirable events.

However, we must remember that the clouds are not always discharged by a thunderstorm, they can also be carried sideways. This can be transparently hinted at by the cards surrounding them.

It is worth considering that a thunderstorm is far from always a hurricane and a tornado. Remember: "I love a thunderstorm in early May, when the first spring thunder..."? During dry seasons, people are ready to pray to God for any thunderstorm. And in general, even a very terrible outwardly thunderstorm washes the dusty nature, brings relief. In a word, if the crisis is ripe, then it does not need to be artificially delayed, let a storm break out, an abscess will break through, then it will become clear who is worth what.

Considering that clouds can dissolve as quickly as they gather, we can consider them a symbol of psychological inconstancy.

The value of the combination of cards

You can see that one of the clouds on this map is light, the other is dark. The cloud extends its unfavorable influence to the cards adjacent to its dark side.

If the black clouds are turned towards the Questioner card, the prospects are painful, especially in combination with the SHIP card. Some kind of discord, trouble, bad prospects, perhaps a quarrel or a break awaits you. It will be difficult and will require patience.

The dark cloud also has a negative effect on neighboring cards.

If the bright side of the clouds is turned towards the Questioner's card, then this means a good omen. Even if a thunderstorm breaks out, it will not bring much harm and what happened will be for the best. Neighboring cards will tell you which side to wait for the storm if the CLOUDS card is nearby:

with HOUSE - a thunderstorm on the family front, noisy and abundant in precipitation;

with a WOOD - alarming symptoms of the disease should alert you;

with a SNAKE - as a result of intrigues, a crisis will occur that will unpleasantly hit everyone;

with a BOOK - either the study will not go smoothly, or there will be problems with the teacher;

with the RING - a thunderstorm that has happened will threaten your union (possibly family);

with LILY - you managed to anger the mighty of the world this, beware of their wrath;

with a LETTER - everything will start with bad news ...

7 - Snake (Queen of clubs)


Queen of Clubs - Snake
Number. 7.
Image. Snake.
Basic meaning. Deception. Betrayal.
Reversed meaning. Quarrels, troubles, deceit.

Mankind, with the exception of rare specialists in herpetology, has a sharply negative attitude towards reptiles in general and snakes in particular. The snake as a symbol is an enemy, an ill-wisher, in relation to which one must be extremely careful. So in divination according to the Lenormand system, the appearance of this card is a serious warning. This card certainly symbolizes the betrayal and deceit that hover around the Questioner. He must be extremely careful in his affairs and conversations.

However, the snake, along with the cow and the monkey, was the most revered animal in ancient Egypt, China, and Greece. First of all, thanks to its ability to shed its skin (as a symbol of renewing life) and proximity to water. The expression "wise, like a serpent" is well known.

And therefore, the inverted card says that you need to try to be wiser so as not to become a victim of insidious intrigue.

The value of the combination of cards

Even when surrounded by the most favorable cards, the SNAKE card portends danger and intrigue. Here's what it means when it appears next to the cards:

with the HORSEMAN - as a result of the news received, you can do the wrong thing;

with a COFFIN - your sick relative is in danger of a complication;

with HOME carefully consider the nature of the serpentine influence in your own home, you may need to become a little more tolerant and the conflict will go out by itself;

with a BOOK - the forked tongue of a snake portends jealousy, deceit and duplicity;

with the RING - a certain person will try to poison your union with the poison of her slander and flattery;

with SKID - be careful in everything you do;

with LILY - you have to use all your mind to oppose a different development of events to the Snake invested with power;

with a BROOM - a harbinger of painful events that will happen through no fault of yours, but it will not be in your power to take them away;

with a FORK - standing at a crossroads, you risk taking the wrong step, an ambush and betrayal will await you on the way;

with a HEART - besides everything, the Snake also means the female knowledge of life, so expect that you can fall victim to female intrigue.

8 - Coffin (9 tambourines)


Nine Tambourine - Coffin
Number. 8.
Image. Coffin.
Basic meaning. Change. Transformation. Ending.
Reversed meaning. The troubles are behind. The coffin is the “master of life,” as they believed in ancient Egypt. This is an extremely unfavorable card, and in the Lenormand deck it means exactly what it means in everyday life, that is, someone's illness, death, or other serious problems. But not only the problems of life and death are affected in this way. In combination with unfavorable cards, the Coffin can symbolize the loss of money and loss of wealth. At the same time, when this card is drawn, you should not dramatize the situation. Not only people die, but ideas too; because death is a natural process in life, and if your hopes die today, they will certainly be reborn to life tomorrow, but in a different way.

At the same time, in combination with favorable cards, the Coffin card can mean a turning point in life, which was preceded by some kind of crisis.

An inverted Coffin card indicates that your sorrows are already behind and an unpleasant period in life is over.

The value of the combination of cards

If this card fell out during the layout, the fortuneteller should carefully study the neighboring cards: they will indicate where the danger comes from and what its nature is.

WITH THE FORM - the closer the Coffin is to the Questioner's card, the more serious problems he will have to resolve;

with the RING - if marriage can be evil, then divorce is always good;

with HEART - “return, return, return my broken heart”;

with FISH - if there are problems with finances, do not say that you were not warned;

with a GARDEN - friends will turn away from you, but first everyone will say a heartfelt word about you;

with the MOON - “do not ask them for mercy and do not vote on the moon”;

with the HORSEMAN - The questioner needs to take drastic measures to prevent bad news;

with a WOOD - it is not for nothing that they say that later they allegedly made a cross for Christ from the wood of the Paradise Tree of Knowledge;

with HOUSE - sadness will settle in your house;

with STARS - it's time to leave all your beautiful dreams and turn to real life;

with a SNAKE - the intrigue of the evil and envious people put an end to your hopes;

with a BOOK - many knowledge multiply sorrows;

with the RING - your alliance is on the verge of breaking if you do not take the most decisive measures to restore it;

with LILY - misunderstanding of the leadership.

9 - Bouquet (Queen of Spades)


Queen of Spades - Bouquet
Number. 9.
Image. Bouquet.
Basic meaning. Celebration. Festival. Pleasant company.
Inverted meaning. False feelings. Despite the terrible Pushkin's Queen of Spades and the fact that with the light hand of the poet and in Russian gypsy fortune-telling this card is considered one of the worst, it does not hide anything terrible in the Lenormand deck. In the Drusbecke deck, this card depicts a bouquet bright colors and symbolizes happiness and joy. A very good card, especially for women, which means no more than a bouquet of flowers means in a person's life - a pleasant moment, a fleeting joy, a cute sign of attention ... In a word, a trifle, but nice.

If a woman is guessing, then she will soon, perhaps, be presented with some kind of pleasant gift. The card predicts the Questioner good luck in daily affairs, success at work. However, the influence of this card is short-lived, as the life of any bouquet is short-lived, and when turned upside down, it generally indicates the withering of some kind of relationship or the transience of success and good fortune. With bad cards, it can indicate tinsel, which you pay too much attention to.

The value of the combination of cards

Regardless of whether they are guessing at a woman or a man, this card promises pleasant events in heart affairs.

With BLANCA - an intimate relationship can either begin between two people, or an already established relationship can receive a new impetus;

with RIDER - an update related to deep experience;

with the COFFIN - since the beauty of the flower quickly fades, the combination of these cards is a symbol of temporality;

with a WOOD - this card indicates contemplation, the need to maintain stability;

with HOME - the need for reconciliation or repayment of some long-standing domestic conflict;

with STARS - it's time to think about the future and outline new horizons for yourself; success awaits you in a new field;

with a SNAKE - your joy will be poisoned by the poison of malice;

with a BOOK - academic success (professional or ordinary) will please you;

with the RING - a solemnly concluded union or marriage will be magnificently celebrated;

with SKID - a bad omen, the holiday will be spoiled;

with LILY - dignitaries will be present at the celebration;

with a LETTER - good news will come to you in ordinary business paper;

with GARDEN - success in social activities and recognition from other people;

with HEART - literally name day of the heart.

10 - Scythe (Jack of diamonds)


Jack of Diamonds - Scythe
Number. 10.
Image. Spit.
Basic meaning. Threat. Destruction. Danger.
Reversed meaning. An empty threat, the danger is over.

In the art of the Renaissance, there were images of the Father of Time (the god Kronos - Saturn) - a naked winged figure personifying Time. His most common attributes were a scythe or a sickle. So the Scythe card can be taken as a warning card, indicating that the time has come to make important decisions.

At the same time, this is a very dangerous card, warning of the possibility of a fatal accident, injury, accident. However, even great danger can be avoided with the help of good surrounding cards. Sometimes this card can mean conflict, separation, termination of relations with a certain person. At the same time, the Scythe is not only a symbol of death, but also a symbol of birth, since it brings the end of life to the ear, the grain of which, in turn, provides food for man.

In an inverted form, the card means that the danger will pass by, or that time has run out, or that you have no time left.

The value of the combination of cards

Even far from the CARD-BLANK (the Questioner’s card), the SPIDER card warns: now is not the time to take risks, travel should be postponed, it is advisable to avoid air travel for a while, and, in general, it’s time to take care of yourself;

With the HORSEMAN - - the end of a certain series of times (a chain of events) has come;

WITH A COFFIN - a fatal misfortune in your environment;

WITH A WOOD - you must act decisively and take the bull by the horns;

WITH HOUSE - a tragic incident in the family;

With STARS - - refer to the still

To the stars and you will see they do nothing

But everything is done by them, and you must become like Heaven in everything;

WITH A FORK - it's time to make some very important decision;

WITH OWLS - in spiritual terms, the appearance of this

cards can mean advice that you need to be wiser;

with the RING - the union is very problematic, if at all possible;

with LILY - the authorities will refuse you, as they will cut off;

with a BROOM - be a philosopher: since sorrows have fallen on you from both sides, then wait for the third;

with a LETTER - if you cannot help but respond to this letter, then answer something very evasive and neutral so as not to aggravate the situation;

with the GARDEN - people will not understand you, and this will not make it easier for you, but at least speak out.

11 - Broom (Jack of clubs)


Jack of Clubs - Broom
Number. 11. Image. Broom.
Basic meaning. Anxiety. Problems. Failure.
Reversed meaning. Punishment. discord.

Let the reader remember the symbol of the Russian oprichnina: a broom combined with a dog's head, and the immeasurable suffering that this movement brought to our people, and he will understand that Maria Lenormand had many reasons to give this symbol one of the worst cards of the deck. The broom is made from thin rods, which are called rods - a word long forgotten by us, but close to Lenormand's contemporaries. Rods in those days were used for punishment and flogging. This card may mean a possible (fair or not) punishment of the Questioner.

Although where there is punishment, there is judgment, so perhaps this card will help you separate the wheat from the chaff, that is, good from evil.

In any case, advise the Questioner to be extremely cautious for the foreseeable future. There is a big risk of falling under the flywheel of fate. It is better not to enter into risky transactions in the near future and not to trust unverified people. Now let's take a look at the surrounding cards and see who you can turn to.

The value of the combination of cards

If the BROOM card falls next to the Questioner card, it may indicate some personal problems and dramas. If not on the personal front, then on the production front, a change of order is possible, the arrival of a new leadership, finally, some old unpleasant story will come up (that is, dirty linen will be taken out of the hut) and as a result of this someone may get it.

Next to a TREE, this card most likely means illness (for brooms are made from the branches of a tree);

next to the BOUQUET speaks of the need to bring harmony into your life;

with the HORSEMAN - rumors of very disturbing changes will reach you;

with a COFFIN - yes, trouble does not come alone, most likely it is a serious illness or death of a close relative;

with the HOUSE - do not even try to share your home problems with your friends - the one who needs to know this least of all will know about them;

with STARS - this card will delay the fulfillment of your hopes for a long time;

with a SNAKE - in this case, the BROOM acts as a harbinger of the trials that you will have to endure through the fault of a certain person;

with a BOOK - if you study, then there will be problems with teachers or with passing exams, if you teach, then with students;

with RING - for family man complications on the personal front, for a bachelor - an unfavorable time for marriage;

with GARDEN - conflict with society.

12 - Owls (7 tambourines)


Seven Tambourine - Owls
Number. 12.
Image. Owls.
Basic meaning. Everyday problems. Studies. Cognition.
Reversed. Envy and espionage.

In ancient Greece, the owl was associated with Athena - it could be found on the reverse side of the coins containing the image of the goddess. Therefore, she became a symbol of wisdom, which Athena personifies. But in the Lenormand Owl deck, it is also a call for prudence.

If this card can mean difficulties or some problems in the life of the Questioner, then these are temporary difficulties, like the night, and non-fatal problems, like fears when an owl hoots.

Even if not everything is going well with the Questioner, this card advises you not to give up, but to take up business with enthusiasm, overcome the fear of the new and boldly continue on your way. Neighboring cards give information about what or who will be useful to you or will interfere with your path to happiness. An inverted card symbolizes the impotence of the mind and spies who spy on you.

The value of the combination of cards

Card combinations give a broad interpretation of this symbol:

with LILY - The questioner is threatened with acquiring a dubious reputation;

with STARS - the thoughts of the Questioner are by no means fruitless, they will help him to better understand himself;

with a WOOD - it's time for you to pay attention to your health;

with GARDEN - discomfort in society will lead you to alienation;

with a MOUNTAIN - think three times before doing what you have in mind, because the smart one will not go uphill;

with the HORSEMAN - it's time for you to look at your problems from a new, more correct point of view;

with the HOUSE - obviously, the time has come to improve relations with your relatives;

with a SNAKE - misunderstanding of others, intrigues of envious people;

with a BOOK - - draw wisdom from book examples, but do not forget that this is primarily the fruit of the inventions of idle writers who did not have much happiness in life;

with the RING - show wisdom and insight, foresight and the ability to analyze on the eve of this union;

with SKID - - in the face of future trials, wisdom and stoicism are useful;

with LILY - mind and recognition of leadership;

with a BROOM - before making a decision, the Asker needs to weigh all the pros and cons.

13 - Child (Jack of Spades)


Jack of Spades - Child
Number. 13.
Image. Child.
Basic meaning. Start. Confidence. A pleasant surprise.
Reversed meaning. Terrible child. Difficult start. Solid problems.

This is the sweetest and most cloudless card, which most often means just a child, if they are guessing at him or if he participates in the fate of the Questioner. But at the same time, the symbolism of this card should not be overlooked, and it symbolizes the embodiment of potentialities, future opportunities, simplicity and innocence. A child is both the beginning of the path and wide open roads in life.

Every child has something beautiful and sinless. Something pure and good is knocking on your life. It can be the first steps in some area, a fresh perception of life, but it can also mean a call for simplicity: “Be like children!” However, since the child is a weak and timid creature, the sprouts of this new undertaking can be easily stifled and destroyed, so that this undertaking will require the guardianship of the Questioner.

In general, this is a favorable card, if it is not turned upside down, because in this form it means humiliation and humility, the need to obey the elders.

The value of the combination of cards

For a woman, this card portends the birth of a child (but not necessarily with the Questioner, but possibly with a lady close to her), especially in the vicinity of the Stork or other favorable cards.

Combinations of the CHILD card with others:

with HEART - love is fraught with far-reaching consequences;

with the RING - there will be children in marriage;

with RATS - bad friends or environment will have a bad effect on the child;

with the HORSEMAN - the appearance of something new in life, a successful start to the business, but a lot of time must pass before its final completion;

with a TREE - pregnancy, ambitions and new business plans;

with HOME - you should pay close attention to the development of the child in your family environment;

with STARS - big plans related to the personality of the child;

with a SNAKE - excessive naivety and gullibility harm you;

with a BOOK - you need to pay close attention to your studies;

with a SKID - clouds thickened over the child's head; you should pay attention to his surroundings, find out if he fell under the influence of the street;

with a LETTER - some news regarding the child will reach you;

with a FORK - your child will soon face a choice, help him make it or do not interfere.

14 - Fox (9 clubs)


Nine Clubs - Fox
Number. 14.
Image. Fox.
Basic meaning. Deception. Insidiousness. Intrigue.
Reversed. Disclosure of intrigue or affair (frivolous love affair).

One of the cards that are traditionally considered unfavorable. The fox is a symbol of deceit and deceit. Since the time of Aesop, the worst qualities have been attributed to her, and therefore beware! They want to deceive you! Rob! Shit! It is known that, once in a chicken coop, a fox will not be satisfied with one chicken and will not resist the pleasure of strangling all the chickens.

So they want to harm you, perhaps even on trifles, even without self-interest, out of pure meanness. The situations associated with this card are fraught with secrecy and intrigue. The questioner will have to be prepared for all sorts of traps.

Foxes have a wonderful ability to wait. The questioner needs to look around: he can easily be lured into a trap.

At the same time, the fox has always acted as a symbol of lust and voluptuousness, so it is likely that the Questioner is in for some kind of frivolous romantic adventure.

The value of the combination of cards

Look very carefully at the surrounding cards: they will tell you exactly who and how is trying to deceive you:

with a CHILD - someone's inept flattery misleads you;

with a GARDEN - The questioner is cruelly mistaken about the disinterestedness of his friends;

with a KEY - The questioner may expect the deception to be exposed;

with a WOOD - this is a disease, a difficult to diagnose disease, a medical error;

with a DOG - "it is better when a dog is a friend, worse when a friend is a dog." The questioner will be severely struck by the betrayal of an old friend;

with a LETTER - beware, you may be slipped fake documents.

with a BOOK - using a common book example, they will try to give you incorrect and very harmful advice;

with a LETTER - no matter how disturbing the news that has reached you, they are false;

with LILY - beware of searching for power structures, most likely, their representative pursues his own very selfish interests;

with STARS - your dreams lead you to a dead end;

with a HEART - alas, the subject of your passion is far from sincerity and pursues selfish interests;

with the HORSEMAN - bad news fly faster than an arrow and hit in the heart, while good news usually keep up when it's too late;

with HOUSE - home theft.

15 - Stars (6 hearts)


Six of Hearts - Stars
Number. 16.
Image. Stars.
Basic meaning. Dream.
Inspiration. lofty plans.
Reversed meaning. Literally, "the sky has turned over" is an unfavorable omen.

On the one hand, the Stars are a universal, immense category, but on the other hand, each star creates the destiny of a person. No wonder they say "under a lucky star." The questioner feels on horseback, he is already close to success. This is the meaning of a directly dropped card.

In general, this card near the Questioner's card means that the Questioner has fallen into a certain track of events. If this track is favorable (and this will be shown by neighboring cards), then the Stars portend further good luck.

If, however, problems lie in wait for the Questioner, then these problems will expand and multiply, literally according to the proverb: "Trouble is coming, trouble is leading, the poor girl is dragging by the hand."

Away from the card of the Questioner, the Star card only says that he harbors some dreams in the depths of his soul, which, although feasible, are in some distant future. Otherwise, this card has little effect on the overall alignment of events.

The value of the combination of cards

In the interpretation of this card, neighboring cards have a special meaning:

with a BOUQUET - soon you will need all your insight;

with FISH - a good omen: the growth of the material well-being of the Asker, good earnings, salary increase;

with a BOOK - your literary abilities will find a warm welcome;

with the FOX - your false ideals and delusions will lead you to collapse;

with GARDEN - a wide circle of friends of the Asker will show him universal respect;

with the RING - surrounded by the Asker, a successful contract or a happy marriage will be concluded.

with the HORSEMAN - look above and to the left of the rider, it is quite possible that the news will be very favorable;

with the COFFIN - this is not a mourning card, but rather marks the beginning of some new relationship;

with a WOOD - you are guaranteed good health if the WOOD is not upside down;

with HOME - pay more attention to the family, your household needs it now;

with a SNAKE - a certain person, cunning and dodgy, is intriguing against you;

with a BOOK - only this book will tell you where to look for a way out. Decide for yourself what kind of book it is;

with the RING - a happy union, and for a long time.

15 - Bear (10 clubs)


Ten Clubs - Bear
Number. 15.
Image. Bear.
Basic meaning. Power. Force.
Reversed meaning. Weakness, powerlessness.

In front of my eyes, a certain fortuneteller, having drawn the Bear card before the last elections (in front of the TV audience), quite definitely predicted the victory of the party in power. However, for this, let's face it, it was not worth resorting to Lenormand cards, just as there should not have been seven spans in the forehead. Here is a true example of deceit and hypocrisy.

This card means strength, but strength is clumsy and clumsy.

Being a large and strong animal, the bear can be dangerous to others. And although this card usually portends good luck, try not to annoy him. The card also encourages the Questioner to be more diplomatic with some strong and influential person(maybe a jealous and domineering husband or a potential rival).

An inverted Bear card warns the Questioner that someone from his entourage is sharpening a knife against him. Keep that in mind and keep an eye on your co-workers.

The value of the combination of cards

Close to the card of the Questioner, the BEAR card indicates that he has an influential patron.

Surrounded by unfavorable cards, it can mean that you are “under the hand” or have caused an unfavorable attitude among the powers that be. We must try to smooth the situation.

But with favorable cards, the BEAR is good-natured and stately - it's time to ask your high-ranking patron for a favor or make a valuable offer that can be considered positively. In various combinations, the BEAR portends:

with a BOUQUET - a generous gift in communication with the authorities does not hurt;

with FISH - large sponsorship, patronage is about to fall on you;

with a STRAIGHT or BROOM - they can do you a disservice - you don’t need it;

with HOUSE - influential parents can help you;

with a TREE - cards promise you good health, which is the basis for longevity;

with a SNAKE - the one who stuffs himself into your friends, at the slightest alarm, will expose you to a blow;

with the HORSEMAN - some influential structure became interested in you;

with the COFFIN - - leave the idea of ​​​​cooperating with someone who offers you generous help;

with a BOOK - cover yourself with books and look for the answer to your question there;

with the RING - you have a chance to make an alliance either with a very influential person or with his relative.

17 - Stork (Queen of Hearts)


Lady of Hearts - Stork
Number. 17.
Image. Stork.
Basic meaning. The changes are mostly favorable.
Reversed meaning. Unfavorable changes in the near future.

The stork is considered by many peoples as a bird of happiness. No wonder a rural house with storks on the roof is considered happy. An ancient legend says that the stork takes care of the food of his elderly parents, and this makes him a symbol of the love of children for their parents. However, the Stork also symbolizes change, as he is a migratory bird. However, although he flies away in the fall, he returns every year.

This card, if it falls in a direct position, belongs to a number of favorable ones and promises good news to the Questioner, symbolizes some important changes in life.

At the same time, the stork is also a symbol of prudence, vigilance, piety and chastity. So if this symbol falls upside down, then events will happen in the life of the Questioner that require him to exert maximum spiritual and moral strength. Of course, all this is true if the Stork card falls in the immediate vicinity of the form.

The value of the combination of cards

with a MAN - the pregnancy of a woman from the inner circle of the Asker;

with a WOMAN - pregnancy (neighboring cards will tell you what you want or not);

with a CHILD - the birth of a child from a woman from the inner circle of the Asker;

with STARS - favorable changes in the fate of the Asker;

with a RING - a wedding associated with pregnancy, or the appearance of a groom;

with a TREE - cards portend longevity, a happy and peaceful old age, filial piety;

with GARDEN - these cards portend only friends who will come to visit;

with a LETTER - important news that will change all the plans of the Questioner.

with a SNAKE - in Christianity, the stork is regarded only as a symbol of happiness. Mainly because he absorbs snakes, so this combination can be interpreted as the successful destruction of the intrigues of ill-wishers and victory over enemies;

with the SUN - in the northern countries, the regular return of storks in the spring was interpreted as associated with the Resurrection holiday, so the combination of these two cards can be interpreted as a combination of happiness, health and prosperity;

with a MOUNTAIN - the stork flies high above the mountains, vast expanses of land and sea, so this combination is also interpreted favorably. You will overcome obstacles by literally soaring above them.

18 - Dog (10 hearts)


Ten of Hearts - Dog
Number. 18.
Image. Dog.
Basic meaning. Loyalty. Friendship. Responsiveness.
Reversed meaning. Unreliable friend.

Since ancient times, mankind has been friends with the dog tribe, which makes the dog a symbol of constancy, help and protection, especially for women and children. The main meaning of the card is protection, reliability, dedication, altruism.

The Dog card should be considered as a true friend or reliable partner, on whom the Questioner can always rely. If the Dog card fell out straight, then the Questioner had a true and lasting friendship. This card, by the way, can also symbolize the successful outcome of the planned business.

Surrounded by unfavorable cards, the Dog cannot withstand long pressure and gives up. In this case, it can be predicted that at the moment the Questioner is surrounded by unreliable friends and his success in his chosen enterprise is very doubtful. We advise him to be careful in communicating even with the most bosom friends, because there is someone in your environment who is abusing your credulity.

The value of the combination of cards

Surrounded by auspicious cards, the DOGS card symbolizes good luck, the loyalty of an old friend.

With LILY - friendship with the powerful of this world, relationships within the family clan (“A dog, when it is in the service, should be obeyed,” Shakespeare wrote);

with STARS or the MOON - a dog barking at the stars or howling at the Moon is a symbol of envious people who slander in vain without attracting the attention of others, so that envious people incline you in every way;

with a SNAKE - usually a dog is a companion of healers such as Aesculapius, and a snake is his animal; we interpret this combination as the fact that friends will not leave you during the period of illness;

with HEART - Plutarch says that dogs symbolize "a conservative, vigilant, philosophical beginning in life", in other words, the combination of these two cards is a call to vigilance;

with the SUN - there is nothing more passionate and more true than a DOG under the shining SUN: this symbol represents a passionate desire to serve and help, to be faithful and devoted to you;

with the HORSEMAN - help from afar or after some time has passed;

with a COFFIN - a dog scraping its owner's grave with its paw will not leave him even in the grave; this personifies a person who is truly faithful, like a loving dog - the most faithful of all creatures created by God;

with a CROSS - dogs were also used in legends as animals warning of dangers invisible to humans.

19 - Tower (6 spades)


Six Spades - Tower

Image. Tower.

Basic meaning. Life path. Life style.

Reversed meaning.

Failure, destruction of plans.

Unlike the Arcana of Etteila, in which the Tower card is the worst possible, the Six of Spades in the interpretation of Lenormand does not bode well. This card shows the result of some work you have done, whether it is a long-term scientific work or a commercial enterprise.

Surrounded by favorable cards, the Tower portends a good, strong position in society, good health, prosperity.

However, the inverted Tower turns out to be a sad and even tragic symbol. No wonder the Tower of Babel acquired a special symbolic meaning as a crazy enterprise, entailing disasters and mental confusion.

If the Tower card is surrounded by unfavorable cards, it also changes its value dramatically. It can portend illness, financial failure, and collapse in family or personal life.

The value of the combination of cards

Combined with other cards:

with BLANK - soon you will see the result of your efforts;

with the RING - a serious quarrel threatens your family life, a break is possible;

with a COFFIN - a threat to health lurks in a minor disease that you once did not attach importance to;

with a MOUNTAIN - in overcoming the obstacles that have arisen, you have to rely only on yourself, on your margin of safety;

with CLOUDS - if they are turned by the bright side, then it's okay, just a light flurry, if they are turned by the thunderous side, then expect a serious grfoza;

with a SNAKE - the cards between the TOWER card and the SNAKE relate to the mother of the Questioner;

next to the SHIP - the unsuccessful completion of some enterprise, trip, journey;

with the HORSEMAN - the news will make you reconsider your attitude to a number of events;

with a COFFIN - an unfavorable omen, symbolizing the collapse of hopes;

with a TREE - both auspicious symbols portend success in the intended enterprise;

with a HOUSE - you are well protected, literally like behind a stone wall;

with STARS - the cards offer you to leave your usual way of life for a while and spend a few days in solitude and reflection;

with a scythe - a sad omen.

20 - Garden (8 spades)


Eight Peak - Garden
Number. 20.
Image. Garden.
Basic meaning. People. Society.
Reversed meaning. hostile society.

Eight Peak in the interpretation of Lenormand, the card is also very favorable, but only in relation to celebrations, events and meetings with people.

At the same time, the garden is interpreted not just as a fenced area planted with trees and bushes, but as the Garden of Eden, which indicates the Creator who placed the first person in a spatially designated, safe place. Christians have a fenced garden - a symbol of the Virgin Mary. In this place, a person feels happy, communicating with other people. This can symbolize an act of creativity, a favorite job, a hobby that is approved by others.

In other cases, the Garden card may portend a great vacation, a picnic, a trip to a resort.

You will have an interesting meeting, or a new friendship may begin. Close to the Questioner card, the Garden card can also portend success in art or science, a period of inspiration for a creative person.

The value of the combination of cards

Although a person is unthinkable without society, but life in society is fraught with loss of individuality, submission to the laws of public morality, loss of identity.

But in general, a favorable SADA card is not always a good sign.

WITH RATS - A bad company lies in wait for the questioner;

with a SNAKE - this is a warning symbol - beware of false friends;

with HOUSE - cards portend harmony in family life;

with the OBLIQUE - - an unexpected threat will interfere with the measured course of your everyday life;

with a BROOM - vanity interferes with you;

with the HORSEMAN - unexpected news will bring you a pass to a very refined society;

with a COFFIN - you will have to visit the cemetery;

with a WOOD - - a completely harmonious pastime in the village will do you good;

with the SHIP - an excellent trip, and no particular problems;

with a BOOK - you should do science that will distract you from disturbing thoughts;

with the RING - you should think about strengthening the planned union; now is the time for his conclusion;

with SKID - an unexpected threat looms over your calm lifestyle;

with LILY - a meeting with a certain high-ranking person.

21 - Mountain (8 clubs)


Eight Clubs - Mountain
Number. 21. Image. Mountain.
Basic meaning. Let. Burden. Call.
Reversed meaning. Overcoming obstacles, throwing off the burden.

The symbolism of the mountain in the minds of mankind is deep and ambiguous. After all, it is not for nothing that in Japan about 200,000 pilgrims annually rise to the top of Mount Fuji, or people make donations at the foot of the mountain in one of the many Shinto shrines. And not only in Japan, but also in Central Europe during the early Christianity, churches or chapels were often built on the tops of mountains. People are sometimes unconsciously drawn to the mountains, despite the difficulties and dangers.

So the questioner should perceive the dropped card of the Mountain not only as an obstacle growing in the way of a person, but also as a certain life stage that he must overcome in order to become more perfect.

By the way, it is not for nothing that there is a belief that giants sleep inside the mountains. Having overcome the mountain, a person becomes stronger, more courageous, he becomes tempered and learns to overcome difficulties. Overcoming oneself and rising above oneself is the main meaning of the Mountain card.

The value of the combination of cards

Neighboring cards will give a better understanding of the problems you have to deal with:

with a BOOK - either the Asker or his relatives will have to endure problems with their studies;

with a LETTER - the Asker will have some difficulties in formalizing official papers;

with a GARDEN - The questioner will have to survive the distance from his usual environment;

with LILY - there is a long way to go before you manage to get an appointment with a high-ranking person;

with STARS - having overcome this stage in your life, you will approach very tempting peaks; far-reaching prospects will open to you;

with HEART - do not let some difficulties confuse you on the way to the heart of your chosen one;

with a TREE - a slight ailment can develop into a serious illness (neighboring cards will tell you how serious it will be);

with the HORSEMAN - the news will dazzle you, and you will understand how great the obstacles that have grown in your path are;

with the HOUSE - you have to make some efforts so that peace and tranquility reign in your house again;

with CLOUDS - being caught by a storm in the mountains is not sugar. However, if the CLOUDS are turned to you by the sunny side, then the hardships will quickly pass;

with a SNAKE - having met her on a mountain path, it is better to get around than try to drive her away.

22 - Fork (Dama Tambourine)


Lady Tambourine - Fork
Number. 22.
Image. Fork.
Basic meaning. Choice. Decision-making.
Reversed meaning. No choice. Wrong decision.

This card, in our opinion, corresponds with the sixth Arcanum of the classical Tarot (the Beloved). The symbolism of the images is similar. In the classic version, the young man is torn between earthly love and heavenly love in the image of two women - one low and the other sublime.

Thus, the Questioner faced a situation in which he had to choose a path for himself. There may be several choices, and he is given different times to make a decision, but the risk of making a mistake in choosing is always present.

An inverted card indicates either a lack of choice, or its meaninglessness: no matter what decision is made, the result will be basically the same. In addition, an inverted card warns of a wrong decision, which the Asker subconsciously for himself, most likely, has already made.

Now let's look at the combinations of cards and decide which interpretation will be the most correct.

The value of the combination of cards

If there are unfavorable cards next to the BLANK, it means that the Asker runs the risk of choosing not the best option.

Before making such an important decision, take a look at the neighboring cards:

with FISH - you will find an opportunity not only to get away from danger, but also to enrich yourself;

with STARS - do not take risks in haste, but carefully listen to all the arguments of both sides;

with a HEART - if you make the wrong decision, this love triangle risks turning into a square;

with the GARDEN - be prudent, and the situation itself will tell you the way out;

with a BROOM - with all responsibility approach the problem of choice and boldly move in the chosen direction;

with a LETTER - the letter received will mark the end of the next stage of life;

with the HORSEMAN - the messenger will bring you news that will affect the choice of decision;

with the COFFIN - no matter how you choose, there is still little fun in this whole situation;

with a WOOD - a lot depends on your decision, and therefore take your time;

with HOME - think it over carefully, as your family may not approve of your choice;

with the RING - when choosing between an alliance and loneliness, remember that in an alliance your profit will decrease, but the probability of luck will increase;

with LILY - your choice should be guided by the position of some high-ranking person.

23 - Rats (7 clubs)


Seven of Clubs - Rats
Number. 23.
Image. Rats.
Basic meaning. A loss. Destruction. Loss.
Reversed meaning. Destruction of intrigue.

This card in the Lenormand deck warns of theft, loss, or illness. Any appearance of this card in the layout should alert you and set you up for possible loss or theft. Something torments the Questioner and does not allow him to live in peace. In matters of health, this card can be a signal of stomach or digestive problems.

In matters of business, he may have problems. The questioner may well be robbed. Therefore, let him check once again whether everything is in order with the locks, whether the water pipes need repair, whether he carries a wallet in the outer pocket of his bag, and once again looks through the last quarterly report of his accountant (just in case, under a plausible pretext, let him take He has the keys to the safe.

However, if the Rats fell upside down or next to favorable cards, then it will be possible to protect against the thief. If in direct form and next to the cards of the Coffin, Scythe, Broom, Snake, one must prepare for the worst.

The value of the combination of cards

Rats are not alone in the spread, but they certainly affect the overall course of the spread.

If RATs fell out next to the CROSS, this may indicate that you will have to suffer because of the intrigues of other people, your ill-wishers;

with the RING - - envious people try to interfere with your union;

with FISHES - RATs can inflict very large material damage on the Asker;

with HOUSE - very serious accidents await you in household(beware of fires and floods);

with a SHIP - trouble on the trip, however, a very serious danger on the journey will threaten if the ship is in an inverted position;

with a COFFIN - - trouble, serious illness or death of a relative;

with a GARDEN - someone sets others around you against you;

with an OWL - you are suspected of something and you are constantly being watched;

with HEART - unjustified jealousy will destroy our feeling; resist your thoughtless suspicion;

with the HORSEMAN - you will be disturbed by unpleasant news of a loss or robbery;

with a WOOD - undoubted harm can be done to your health, so for some time it is better to go on a diet and not get carried away with general catering delicacies.

24 - Heart (Jack of Hearts)


Jack of Hearts - Heart
Number. 24.
Image. Heart.
Basic meaning. Love. Friendship. Happiness.
Reversed meaning. Cold. Indifference.

Remember the song: “Heart, you don’t want peace ...” - and you will immediately understand what this card will tell you about. As an organ indispensable in maintaining life and signaling in emergency circumstances with a rapid beat, the heart in many ancient cultures was assigned a role that, from a rational point of view, is not inherent in it. Usually people with a cold mind are opposed to people seething with passions. But for the Egyptians of the era of the pharaohs, the heart was at the same time the seat of reason, will and feelings.

In the events represented by this card, the Questioner will experience an emotional upsurge or stress (depending on the direct or reverse position of the card).

Moreover, his faith in people will be tested. It was not for nothing that the Lord said to Samuel: “I do not look the way a man looks; For a man looks at the face, but the Lord looks at the heart” (I Samuel 16:7). So the Heart is also a card that tests a person's conscience.

The value of the combination of cards

It will be great luck if the Heart is located between card No. 28 MAN and No. 29 WOMAN. No wonder they say: "Those hearts fully satisfy desire, in which love burns with one fire." Both of them will have passionate feelings for each other.

WITH THE CARD-BLANK - you feel passion, but do they feel it for you?

strong feelings will shake you with the Ring, and in the future you can expect a successful marriage;

with the HORSEMAN - news of the welcome guest will come to you;

with a CROSS or a COFFIN - in many religions the heart is an emblem of truth, conscience and moral courage, so it is time for you to show sincerity and frankness;

with a WOOD - the heart is a symbol of life. If the heart gets tired, the body dies, so you need to pay the closest attention to your health;

with SKID - a serious emotional crisis. In some cases, it may mean a violation of cardiac activity;

with HOUSE - call your parents, they really need it now;

with STARS - your heart soars in sky-high heights, but life will make you turn to dust;

with a SNAKE - someone's insidious intrigue will hit you in the heart;

with the BOOK - "Dry theory, my friend, and the tree of life is forever green." Look around you, perhaps someone has been burning with passionate feelings for you for a long time, but you simply do not notice this.

25 - Ring (Ace of clubs)


Ace of Clubs - Ring
Number. 25.
Image. Ring.
Basic meaning. Devotion. Marriage. Agreement.
Reversed meaning. The union is unequal, forced, or problematic.

The ring is a symbol of power, which comes from the use of the signet ring. This use was known in ancient Greece. But it is also a symbol of the power entrusted to someone, since such a ring could be transferred to another person.

The ring also symbolizes union, as is the case in the rite of marriage.

Being close to the blank card, this card speaks of a relationship in which we assume any obligations. Here the Questioner will need all his responsibility and seriousness.

If the Questioner is guessing at everyday affairs or business interests, then the Ring may mean the conclusion of some kind of agreement based on trust and mutual sympathy. And if nearby cards do not contradict this, then successful partnerships.

If the card is turned upside down, the union is broken.

The value of the combination of cards

If the RING fell out next to the Questioner's card, this is a good omen, there is a prospect of a marriage union, or it is possible to awaken a feeling of love in the person of interest.

Surrounded by favorable cards, the RING portends a successful marriage or a profitable contract with reliable partners.

With a BOOK - some secrets or secret alliances;

with LILY - relationship with a high-ranking person;

with a LETTER - some important business documents; perhaps you will be trusted;

with a WOOD - a long-term friendly or business alliance;

with the SUN - a happy marriage is very likely;

with a COFFIN of letters. - “you will be engaged to a disease”;

with OBLIQUE - something is ready to undermine your happiness;

with a BROOM - breaking a contract, union, friendly relations;

with a SNAKE - intrigues are woven against you or gossip about you;

with a FORK - before making a decision, you should think hard;

with CLOUDS - depending on which side of the CLOUDS "shine" on the RING - light or dark - and you can determine whether the union will be successful or not.

26 - Book (10 tambourines)


Ten Tambourine - Book
Number. 26.
Image. Book.
Basic meaning. Open book. Teaching. Cognition.
Reversed meaning. Closed book. Secret.

The book is a symbol of scholarship and literary activity, however, this subject symbolizes not only the process of learning, learning new things, but can mean an important discovery, a difficult riddle, one of the secrets of life, which the Questioner has to penetrate.

On the card of the Book, which falls next to the card of the Questioner, one should concentrate and look for the hidden meaning of this symbol, which can be interpreted very broadly.

The appearance of this card in the layout indicates the need to learn something new. The book can mean the disclosure of a secret, a secret hitherto hidden from you, as well as the need to study some kind of material or science. An inverted card symbolizes a closed book, and this indicates some possibilities that you have not realized.

The closed (inverted) Book symbolizes a business inaccessible to you, an object, a heart that is deaf to your pleas, a lack of hope. In any case, the Questioner should think carefully about this card.

The value of the combination of cards

With a GARDEN - in vain you show your scholarship in a society that does not understand and does not appreciate it;

with the SHIP - enough theorizing, it's time to go on the road yourself and check whether this is really so;

with the FOX - false theories will bring you all the more trouble, the more diligently you understand them, so it's better to throw these thoughts out of your head;

with a FORK - standing at a crossroads, turn to the BOOK for advice;

with the CROSS - in front of you is a closed BOOK - open it and read it before judging;

with the HORSEMAN - hurry up now to study what may remain unknown to you;

with a WOOD - this secret is covered in darkness and you will not be aware;

with STARS - Paracelsus preferred reading the "book of nature" to theoretical calculations, so it's time for you to move from theory to practice;

with HOUSE - the news you receive does not contain anything particularly important, but still

without a value, cards do not fall out;

with LILY - literary studies will draw the attention of the powerful of this world to us;

with a COFFIN - the study of this subject will inspire gloomy thoughts on us (no more);

with a SNAKE - you will know the price of deceit and betrayal;

27 - Letter (Seven of Spades)


Seven of Spades - Letter
Number. 27.
Image. Letter.
Basic meaning. Official documents, notices, maybe a diploma or an agreement.
Reversed meaning. Unpleasant, disturbing documents requiring investigation.

The card symbolizes all paper official business. Maybe it's a contract that you need to sign, or a notice from the judicial authorities that some kind of charge has been brought against you. The closer to the card-blank, the more important this document is for you.

The letter lying on the table is sealed, and it is quite difficult to interpret the symbolism of this image; one must rely on the context, i.e., on the surrounding cards.

Unequivocally, this symbol can be interpreted as an unfavorable omen only if the card is turned upside down or adjacent to the cards of the Coffin, Cross, Broom, etc.

At the same time, next to favorable cards, the Letter turns out to be the very long-awaited paper that puts an end to a long drawn-out story, for the resolution of which some official paper was not enough. For suing people, this can be a court verdict or a ruling.

The value of the combination of cards

If LETTER is surrounded by CLOUDS - bad news should be expected;

with the RING - perhaps a proposal to enter into a marriage or other alliance will soon follow;

with a COFFIN - sad news;

with a HEART - a dear friend will send you a long-awaited news;

with a WOOD - so far no news: neither good nor bad; anticipation stresses you;

with TOWER - official notification of some event;

with HOUSE - there will be an opportunity to make some kind of deal in the real estate market;

with the HORSEMAN - you may be handed an official paper by courier;

with a SNAKE - you will read with amazement a slander composed by some spiteful critic;

with LILY - a denunciation or an anonymous letter will shock a certain high-ranking person;

with OBLIQUE - after reading this paper, you will understand that it will change a lot of things very abruptly in your life;

with a BROOM - a distressing omen of impending troubles;

with a FORK - this letter will put you in front of a painful choice;

with GARDEN - this letter can poison your relationship with loved ones for a long time;

with a HEART - you will receive news from a person who worries your heart;

with the SUN - this paper will please you and become significant in your life;

with CLOUDS - depending on the position of the clouds (gloomy or sunny), it is possible to assess whether the content of the letter will be favorable or not.

28 - Man (Ace of hearts)


Man (Ace of Hearts)
Neutral card, subject to the values ​​of the surrounding cards.

Description: Male querent, partner, friend, spouse, beloved man, lover, boss. It also denotes a father, brother, colleague, a person who plays an important role in the life of the querent. Head of family, homeowner.

Ace of hearts - a personal card for a man or young man. This is the central card in the layout, the interpretation of the surrounding cards begins with it. The ace of hearts is a card of happiness. This is the ultimate triumph. The ace of hearts expresses the activity of a man and a woman: in pursuit of love, passion, fulfillment of heart desires. The ace of hearts denotes great authority in society and is a symbol of the highest goal that everyone can achieve for himself. This card expresses joy at the success that has finally come. Now there is enough time for the fulfillment of personal desires; the future will never be lost from sight. The behavior of a man testifies to his pride and dignity. Surrounded by positive cards, Man means satisfaction, joy - both in emotional matters, and - depending on the surrounding cards - in professional and public. Surrounded by negative cards brings anxiety, obstacles, sadness.

The card may not necessarily denote a loved one, but also a man who simply plays an important role in this situation. It doesn’t matter whether we are talking about the benevolent intervention of government officials, a teacher or a colleague, but it is the card that shows the person to whom we can be grateful for his work and efforts, and whether his work will have a result will be shown by the surrounding cards.

If a woman has not had a relationship with anyone for a long time, then a Man in her alignment can mean love that will come, a man who will enter her life. If we consider the non-personal meaning of this card, then the Man in the layout can mean something like the male part of the woman, often means that the Woman is the master of the situation. Or there is something masculine in her, for example, her property, property, power.

If a woman is divorced, then her former spouse can be denoted by Bear or Clouds. If she still has feelings for her ex-husband, then the Men card may mean her husband. Three cards above the Man's head indicate what the Man is thinking about, his desires, hopes, intentions and, depending on the cards, may indicate his fears. In principle, the card (as well as the Ace of Hearts, which underlies) brings happiness, which, however, can be negatively affected by neighboring cards. All men's problems that can be asked about can be dealt with through this card. However, the card also touches upon issues of pride, and possibly arrogance. In addition to everything, the card also shows male abilities. Taken separately, it gives an indefinite answer.

Key words: The questioner, the partner or spouse of the questioner, the man with whom there is a love affair, Yang energy, phallus. The period of creation and implementation of the new, the time of "issuing" information. In everyday terms - a meeting with a man or events associated with him (neighboring symbols indicate events).

29 - Woman (Ace of Spades)


A neutral card that obeys nearby cards.

Description: Querenta, partner. For a male querent, it means his wife or girlfriend, always the girlfriend of the heart. For married man who is in love with another may mean his beloved. Beloved woman, sincere friend or influential ally. In a negative sense: a selfish, treacherous, arrogant woman. It all depends on its position in the layout.

The Ace of Spades is a personal card for a Woman. It is the central card in the layout when it comes to a prediction for a woman. The interpretation begins with this card and you need to pay attention to which cards surround it. The ace of spades means happiness, and it is happiness that crowns the relationship. Love here goes far beyond passion. In a partnership or other close connection, the unconscious, the soul, plays a significant role. The card means feminine, feminine(also in men). Means fertility in the broadest sense of the word, driven by a calm, deep power. A symbol of courage and inner perseverance. This lady can be entrusted with the most secret without hesitation. She can be a confidant, an initiate, even a priestess. This is a person who, even despite success, can silently retire. However, she never gives up her rights. She knows who she is and what she wants. Highly appreciates approval, but she does not need to be honored openly.

Card number 29 in any scenario means a female character, it can be a lawful wife, a girlfriend, a boss, a confidant, or any other person. Among other things, it is a symbol of inner strength. In no case is it a card of shame and disgrace, to which the value of the Ace of Spades may incline. This card is based on the legend of Europa, which was abducted by Jupiter in the form of a Bull. This card symbolizes all feminine qualities about which a question can be asked, as well as all intimate women's issues if the question was also asked about them. Like the Men's card, the Lady points to the querent, if that woman, or to a friend, sister, mother, if the querent is male. It is very important to pay attention to the cards that are next to the Lady, because they show her thoughts, actions and intentions. Three cards horizontally above the Lady often indicate what she thinks, what she wants, what she hopes for. Depending on the cards, it can mean what the querent is afraid of.

In the layout, a Woman may not necessarily mean a lady of the heart, and if there is no connection, then this may be a lady of dreams, dreams, an imaginary lady of the future (especially if the Ship - Storks - Moon - Lady is nearby) - whether his dreams will come true, you need to look throughout the schedule as a whole. Or the Lady can indicate what place women occupy in the life of the querent, what importance he attaches to them, his feminine ideal, or simply be some kind of woman who in this situation plays an important role for the querent. If the Woman's card in the layout lies in the place of the Man, this may mean that in life she alone can stand up for herself. If she has a partner, then this may mean that she has a strong influence on him. Lady with Lilies - this lady can be very elegant, even somewhat cold (especially if the Stars lie nearby - in the sense of "Ice") or probably also arrogant. But it can also be that the Woman is very attractive and bewitching, because. Lilies denote eroticism and excitement. If there is also a negative card here, then this can be a reason for excitement, but already in the negative sense of the word. If next to the combination of Lady - Lilies - Stars lie the Horseman and Pisces, then this may no longer speak of arrogance, but means that the woman has many lovers, and Pisces is simply responsible for prostitution - although in such cases there should be an Anchor nearby - as a profession , or at least the House next to the Stars. The Lady in combination with the Tower and the Child (possibly the Snake, if it has no other meaning in the layout) can denote a mother who alone is raising a child. Also, intuition can be added to the characteristics of a Woman, which just corresponds to the sign of Cancer. In the book of Anna L. Briver, it is written that the position of the personal card determines how much a person holds his life in his hands. If the PC (personal card) lies in the center of the layout, it means that a person holds his life in his hands, if the PC lies on the edge of the alignment, then his life is still uncertain. If the PC lies on the edge of the alignment and, as it were, looks out of the alignment, this means that the person wants to finish the old before starting to plan for the new, and that the person is now at the end of some life span.

Next to favorable cards, a Woman is a symbol of love, happiness, success. Next to more gloomy cards predicts unrest and clouds. If the Lady is located to the left of the Man, this indicates that both will come to an agreement, because. look at each other. If on the right, they turn their backs to each other, which means that there are contradictions, disagreement between them.

It can also mean public relations in a broad sense, an upcoming meeting.

Taken separately, it gives an indefinite answer.
If this card fell out to the Questioner, he can be considered lucky, because he will be in favor with persons endowed with high authority, power, wealth. It can also symbolize a new position, a promotion, a responsible appointment and, accordingly, all sorts of material benefits associated with this appointment. However, it is bad if this card is turned upside down or surrounded by unfavorable cards.

The value of the combination of cards

Next to BLANK - you have a happy and prosperous life or deeds ahead of you;

with a FOX - beware of a gossip who will bring disharmony into your family relationships;

with a COFFIN - loss of honor or virtue, loss of influence, disgrace from the authorities;

with a FORK - one of the paths you have chosen will bring you success and a high position in society;

with the HORSEMAN - the news will delight you (or upset you, depending on whether the cards fell out directly or not);

with a WOOD - this combination of cards can speak of high patronage, powerful support (you risk becoming a favorite);

with SKID - disfavor, distrust of the authorities;

with a BROOM - failure, uncertainty and other troubles at work;

with HOUSE - well-being and joy in your own home;

with STARS - your high aspirations will receive a response from the leadership;

with a SNAKE - the slanderer will try to discredit you in the eyes of the authorities or a loved one;

with a BOOK - scientific knowledge and scholarship will bring you respect in society and the location of the leadership;

with the RING - an alliance with a high-ranking person will bring you considerable material benefits;

with GARDEN - you will be welcome in any society;

with HEART - heartfelt joy.

31 - Sun (Ace of diamonds)


Ace Tambourine - Sun
Number. 31.
Image. Sun.
Basic meaning. Luck. Happy fate.
Reversed meaning. Discovery of a secret. Cognition.

This card is one of the best in the deck (and not only in the Lenormand deck, but also in the classic Tarot). The Ace of Pentacles immediately turned any value of the layout into the most favorable one. Etteila says that if the Ace of Pentacles fell out to the ancient Egyptians in the scenario, they no longer guessed - they say, there is no greater happiness. This is a card of success, fame, gain, wealth, triumph. If you are sad, then you have to rejoice, if you are sick - restoration of strength, if you are scolded, then you will experience recognition. The questioner will have to go through a period of good luck, good health and optimistic mood.

However, in symbolism, our daylight is also a symbol of the comprehension of truth, since in its light everything becomes clear. The inverted card speaks precisely of our insight and the discovery of some secrets, possibly undesirable. The surrounding cards will tell you exactly what luck (or insight) will be, but even being surrounded by unfavorable cards, the Sun softens their negative meaning.

The value of the combination of cards

SUN - a very favorable card, it reduces the negative impact of bad cards:

with the HORSEMAN - good news will change the routine course of your life;

with a COFFIN - luck or help will come, but later;

with a TREE - if the Asker is in a difficult situation, these cards can mean the help that he will be provided with;

with HOUSE - the joy in the family and the house will be shared by all your household members;

with STARS - rejoicing in connection with the achievement of some great goal;

with a SNAKE - they will try to poison your joy;

with a BOOK - the joy of learning, academic success;

with the RING - an excellent combination of cards points to a happy and prosperous union, marriage;

with a BROOM - the combination indicates that it is possible to achieve happiness in the future, but for now you have to be patient;

with SKID - alas, your joy will be overshadowed;

with LILY - you will be treated kindly by the leadership and government agencies;

with a LETTER - joyful news will illuminate your life with the light of hope;

with GARDEN - - achieving a high position in society, recognition from the zeros around you;

with HEART - joy on the personal front and the serene development of the novel;

with CLOUDS - after a thunderstorm and bad weather, the Sun will soon look out again.

32 - Moon (8 worms)


Eight of Hearts - Moon
Number- 32
Image- Moon
Basic meaning- change, inconstancy.
Reversed meaning- unfavorable changes, sadness and grief.

Despite the fact that in the Arcana of Etteilla the Moon is one of the shadow, unfavorable cards, everything is not so sad in the Lenormand deck. After all, the Moon, passing through different phases, changes its shape.

The moon is a symbol of tradition, deep roots. If a person adheres to these principles in his affairs, then he is guaranteed the support and recognition of others (family or a group of like-minded people). In a good environment - reward, recognition, respect for others. Hence the feeling of psychological comfort, calmness, harmony.

The moon is most often interpreted as a feminine principle. First of all, due to its significance as a celestial body that passively receives light, and also due to the coincidence lunar month with women's periods.

However, in some cases, the fall of this card can only mean a pause, a period of time no longer than a month, during which you should wait and do nothing.

The value of the combination of cards

In a bad environment means non-recognition of merit, indifference of others, and therefore discomfort, anxiety or depression.

WITH A CARD - FORM - fortune has temporarily turned away from you, but soon the light will shine again. The more the Moon wanes, the closer it is to the full moon;

with the COFFIN - there are times when luck is waning, but we should not despair, because, like the Moon, by the grace of God, whom we pray for help and protection, it will soon be full again;

with the CROSS - knowledgeable people compare Christ with the Sun, and the Church with the Moon, since it is the Church that takes on all the brilliance and beauty of Christ. From this we conclude: if your soul is restless, go to church and pray;

with the SUN - the Sun is solidity and constancy in judgments; The moon is impermanence and lightness as a result of variability. “A wise man is constant, like the Sun, but a foolish one is changeable, like the Moon,” Ecclesiastes instructed us;

with STARS - The moon and stars in symbolism are a weak and imperfect image of Divine glory, and at the same time this is a powerful and full of power image of Divine wisdom. May this welcome you to the thought that you are living in perfect harmony with heaven;

with a CLOUD - The moon is a symbol of variability or inconstancy, it seems to say: “I am changing all the time”, so the object of your passion will not be monogamous;

with a SNAKE - the danger of being exposed to magical powers or damage.
The possession of keys in the old days had importance in family life. The wife wore a bunch of keys on her belt as a symbol of her position. She usually received them from the groom's mother when she moved into a new house. So the fall of this card can be considered an indication that the woman will feel like a complete mistress in the new house. However, the Reversed Key calls not to try to penetrate what is not given to us, since the discovery of some secret will harm you.

The value of the combination of cards

In different combinations, cards change meaning:

with a RING - if there is a female CARD-BLANK nearby (or a woman asks) - this is a clear solution to love problems;

with a HEART - if the Questioner is a man, then he needs to look for the right approach to his passion; if a woman asks, her heart's hunger will be satisfied;

with a BOOK - keep the secret as long and as carefully as possible;

with an ANCHOR - the way out has not yet been found, the decision is being postponed, or you are on the wrong path;

with the HORSEMAN - fulfillment of desires and hopes;

with the FOX call to remain truthful, do not use cunning to achieve the goal;

with a WOOD - a solution to the problem will be found;

with HOUSE - The questioner will find (or has already found) a way out of the maze, solve his problem;

with STARS - soon a new paw of life will begin for you, full of new plans;

with a SNAKE - you will be able to reveal the secret plans of our ill-wishers;

with LILY - the key opens doors and gates, each task and problem has its own key, there is a key to the person whose favor you now need so much;

with a BROOM - an unfavorable moment for solving problems;

with a LETTER - be more decisive. If the key is in your hands, then act without delay.

34 - Pisces (King of Tambourines)


King Tambourine - Pisces
Number. 34.
Image. Fish.
Basic meaning. Income. Wealth. Luck.
Reversed meaning. Doubtful profit.

Let's not forget that the first apostles were fishermen, and therefore, for a very long time, fish were a symbol of Christianity. There were times when believers were called ... ("fish"), font - ... (literally "garden").

In the Lenormand deck, this is one of the best cards, meaning that the hopes and plans of the Asker will come true. In Mediterranean cultures, fish has always been considered, and still is considered, a symbol of happiness. In many ancient religions, fish are associated with the goddesses of love and fertility, so success can also be predicted in the personal life of the Questioner. If his hopes and aspirations are connected with love, then he will be reciprocated; if he is busy with some hard work, then it will bring long-awaited results.

When reversed, this card loses much of its appeal. In the words of the preacher: "A man does not know his time just as the fish do not know when they will be caught in the net of death."

The value of the combination of cards

WITH THE SUN - cards promise you well-being and joy;

with OWLS - people are closely watching your luck and are happy to slander;

with a COFFIN - a disease is planned, but not particularly severe;

with RATS - discomfort, quarrels over trifles, in a word, we do not store what we have;

with a FORK - you will have to abandon your plans, most likely they will not be realized;

with CLOUDS - if they are turned by the light side, then soon you will have a big catch, but if it is thunderous, then the profit will be small and associated with anxiety;

with the HORSEMAN - - good news will overtake you on the road;

with HOUSE - domestic joy, a holiday in the family;

with STARS - your lofty plans tend to be fulfilled;
Anchor is an ancient early Christian symbol of hope that can be found in the art of the catacombs and on coins. If this card falls in a direct position, it means that you must remain hopeful, show resistance against unfavorable developments and gain stability and calmness in the future.

This card is a symbol of trust and constancy, but at the same time static. If you are planning some kind of bold and risky venture, then it's time to suspend it and wait for further developments. Now is not the time to take risks, because during a storm only a strong anchor saves ships.

If you are traveling, then return quickly and find a calm marina in your homeland. Moreover, if you feel that a storm is about to break out (and it can break out in financial and family life), then now is the time to look around and. look for an opportunity to anchor somewhere.

The value of the combination of cards

Next to the card of the Questioner, above it (in the position of the future), this card will invariably be favorable, regardless of the environment. This is also true for professional and business matters. The questioner will succeed.

If this card fell next to HOME, then a change of residence or a desire to change it is very likely.

Next to the RING - you have a strong support and, most likely, will achieve your goal.

But look at the neighboring cards. Being away from the blank card or in an inverted position, the ANCHOR card speaks of the instability of your position.

You should be alerted by the proximity of the ANCHOR card or the blanks with the RAT card:

with RATS - - you are used to trusting people who do not deserve your trust;

with the HORSEMAN - the news that has come will strengthen or undermine your position (depending on whether the ANCHOR or the HORSEMAN fell straight or inverted);

The cross is the most universal among simple symbolic signs, by no means limited to the sphere of Christianity. Along with the circle, it acts as a structural element of many meditation images in the building plans of the most ancient temples.

In the Christian religion, the cross was a symbol of suffering. Christian symbolism refers to the cruel instrument of the execution of Christ, which, however, thanks to the Resurrection, became a symbol of eternal life. Crowned with a circle or oval, it becomes the Egyptian cross of life (ankh), which is often depicted in the hands of gods or pharaohs. Therefore, it is impossible to unequivocally consider this card a symbol of suffering, because it, in turn, also points to the path to getting rid of them.

The inverted cross is much worse, which corresponds to the Devil card (15th Arcana) of the classical Tarot, and the closer this card falls to the blank, the more obvious and provocative this temptation will be.

The value of the combination of cards

Notice how this map is positioned in relation to the others:

with the RING - not everything is safe in marriage;

with BLANK - there will be problems with a loved one of the opposite sex;

with CLOUDS - indicates uncertainty in the execution of some responsible plans;

with HEART - romance or love relationship may be interrupted very soon;

with a WOOD - if you do not think about your health, then it will let you know about itself;

with a SNAKE - trials due to the deceit of a friend or companion;

with the COFFIN - heavy experiences associated with the death of a friend or relative (as an option: because of the damage caused to him, your case will also lose);

with a SHIP - you should not embark on a sea or air journey;

with the HORSEMAN - THE CROSS indicates to you some significant news that will deeply amaze you;

with the HOUSE - events will occur in your house that will upset you, but will also teach you a lot;

with STARS - your lofty aspirations will find a worthy embodiment;

with a BOOK - look for advice in spiritual and classical literature, only it will give you rest and enlightenment;

with a SKID - a case of a serious illness of a relative is very likely, and if it is not far from the form, then the Asker himself.

Lenormand's fortune-telling and interpretation considers in pairs a card that fell into one or another House, and the original card, to which the House originally belongs. Why take into account the House of cards. For example, the first House is the House of the Horseman. If the House card got there, it is considered in tandem with the value of the Horseman card, and the Horseman is news, and it turns out that someone will soon come to visit and can bring important news. If, for example, there is a Cloud card in the Horseman's House, and the Clouds are fast-passing troubles, hence the first card is interpreted as receiving unpleasant news that struck like a bolt from the blue. The houses into which the card falls in the Big scenario are considered to clarify the details of the meaning of the card itself in different Houses. If the card is in its House, then its meaning is enhanced, it becomes especially important.

The meaning of the cards in the Grand layout Lenormand - Houses

1.Rider's House: Good messages, contacts.

In his house:

Snake - complications with the car and movement;

Dog - a visit from a friend;

Tower - the importance of the theme of loneliness and separation;

A man is in a layout for a Woman: the imminent appearance of a man will literally “jump”, start sending SMS, messages;

Woman - in the layout for the Woman: thoughts only about yourself; the theme of the past is emphasized;

Anchor - a huge number of contacts, papers and communication related to work. Vehicle. The situation is anchored, there is no movement.

2.Clover House: Little happiness, little money, also chances (hopes).

In his house:

Tower - temporary distance;

Ring - short-term connection;

A man is in the scenario for a Woman: a man is younger in age. Love within us is a natural feeling.

3.House Craft:
A trip, craving for long distances, longing, removal, something for which a person yearns and languishes.

In his house:

Rider - sport ride;

Snake - the arrival of a relative, friend;

Bouquet - meetings, parties;

The book is a secret longing. Journey, about which the querent still knows nothing;

Man - in the layout for the Woman: a windy man;

Woman - in the layout for the Woman: the lady is moving away;

Anchor - job change. Business trip.

4.House House: Stability, home, family.

In his house:

Coffin - cardinal changes. Large units, pieces of furniture. In matters of health: the whole organism;

The child is a new home;

Stars - a lot of real estate;

The tower is a government building. Alienation from one's home;

Mountain - hard work around the house, for example: rearranging furniture;

Heart - in the house they love a person. Love for your home

A woman - a lady loves comfort, familiarity, stability. Attachment to home, homeland, home;

Lilies - family harmony, harmony in the house. Family;

Anchor - lack of work. Work at home. Family business;

5.Tree House:
Duration, strength, age, health aspects

In his house:

Clouds - complications;

Coffin - the theme of health is emphasized in the layout;

Spit - health problems;

Bear - in the layout for the Woman: a partner for life (life partner); life partner;

Dog - if there are diseases, then they are permanent;

Mountain - someone is sick;

The fork is a vital decision;

The letter is a medical report. Medical examination. Registration of life obligations;

Man - in the scenario for Men: a vital situation, a period. In the scenario for the Woman: a partner for life;

Woman - in the layout for the Woman: a vital situation, a period. In the scenario for Men: a partner for life;

The Moon is in the scenario for the Woman: a normal female cycle, the woman is healthy.

6.Cloud House:
Fears, insecurity (uncertainty).

Clouds in your house: the theme of the past is emphasized.

In their house:

The ship is hopeless longing;

Tree - anxiety for your life and health;

Spit - mental pain;

The child is in the alignment for the Woman: a clouded relationship with the child. Influence ex-husband for a child;

The dog is a former friend;

A fork in the road is the fear of making a decision. Hesitation in making a decision;

Heart - ambiguities in relationships;

Woman - in the scenario for Men: a lady from the past;

Pisces - alcohol addiction.

7.House of the Snake:
Clever woman, complications, bypasses

In her house:

The ship - the mother is not near;

Owls are two women. Phone conversation or communication via the Internet with a woman. Just the Internet or telephone communication. Married couple;

The tower is the mother. distance;

Fork - complications in the road;

Rats - "evil wisdom." The woman is rattling. Disease of the gastrointestinal tract;

Ring - time delays;

The man is a wise and resourceful man;

Lilies - complications with mom, girlfriend, neighbor or complications in the sexual sphere. Loss of harmony;

The Sun is in the layout for the Woman: if there is a relationship between the Man and the Snake, then it is cohabitation. The snake in this case can be both a mother and another woman.

8.Coffin House:
An ending, a new beginning, sadness, sickness.

In his house:

Home - a crisis related to family affairs or housing problems;

Tree - disease, health problems;

Clouds - a high probability of a cold;

Snake - the rival will soon disappear;

Mountain - the disease presses. The state of health remains unchanged;

Man, Woman - a strong life crisis, a turning point, the beginning of a new phase in life, which completely changes the current situation, as a rule, the absence of any certainty, illness;

The man is in the layout for the Woman: the lady “buried” the issue of partnership for herself;

Sun - energy through mediality (fortune-telling);

Moon - depression;

Pisces - debts;

Anchor - changes at work.

9. Bouquet House: Invitation, charming girl, non-professional creativity (hobby).

In his house:

Home is a holiday in the home. Gifts, meetings, invitations. Birthday or something similar;

The snake is a young person;

Scythe - an unexpected invitation;

Stars - creating something beautiful with your own hands. Art;

Ring - meeting;

The book is a literary success;

Man - in the scenario for the Woman: a single man;

Woman - in the scenario for Men: the woman is not married;

The key is to solve the problem, the question is possible with the help of a gift;

Pisces - money, gifts.

10.House of the Spit:
Danger, separation (parting), harvest, suddenly and unexpectedly.

A scythe in your house is an operation.

In her house:

Home - leaving home;

Tree - pay attention to health. Danger to life. An acute situation that goes according to karma;

Broom - sharp tongue;

Fox - a person is very worried;

The bear is jealous;

Dog - a long gap;

The tower is a dangerous place;

Rats - fears that hurt;

The sun is electrified. dangerous energy;

The key is to make clear, precise, categorical decisions. Iron solution;

Cross - look whose house the Scythe fell into: something very important awaits in this area.

11.Broom House:
Conversations (negotiations), discussions.

In her house:

The house is the official review of the real estate situation. Conflict in the house or because of the house;

Owls are a terrible hassle. Conversations, incl. by telephone and other means of communication;

Fox - you have to deceive a lot or talk with a sly one;

Woman - in the layout for the Woman: the lady is in constant negotiations, talks a lot;

12.House of Owls: Excitement, nervousness, phone contacts.

Owls in their home are difficult, painful experiences. Care.

In their house:

Coffin - connection with spirits;

Heart - heart cares, worries, chores;

The ring is two bonds. Partnership brings nervous stress;

The book is a collection of compromising evidence.

13.Baby House:
A child, naivety, a new beginning.

In his house:

Tree - something new and significant begins in life;

Spit - the state of health of the child causes concern; the child is seriously ill;

Owls - feelings for a child (for something new, for a young woman);

Bear is a man with a sense of humor. Capricious man;

Rats - fear of the new. It may be the loss of a child, but additional confirmation by other cards is needed;

Anchor - new work;

Cross - the new will be heavy.

14. Fox House: Falsity, lies, mysteries, but also cunning.

If a card depicting people other than M and F (Snake, Bear, etc.) got into the Fox's house, this is self-deception.

In her house:

Rider - Acquisition a large number false information;

The coffin is a false disease. False diagnosis. Someone else's disease, not one's own, drawn over oneself (if there is damage);

Broom - lies in conversations. "Wrong" communication, for example: virtual;

The bear is a cunning and dodgy man;

The tower is a deception with great consequences;

Mountain - far-fetched problems. False obstacles;

A fork is a wrong step, a decision. Thinking through tricky moves;

Rats - lies destroyed;

Heart - false feelings;

The man is self-deception. Seducer (in combination Fox + Lilies);

The woman is a self-deceit. The lady is misbehaving. A woman deceives, as a person is not honest with himself;

The sun is blinding with lies. Between Man and Woman: the couple creates a false impression of themselves; the external impression is not the real state of affairs.

15. Bear House: Trust and help, in most cases a man, jealousy.

A bear in his house is strength.

In his house:

Home is my home is my castle. Love for the home lifestyle (comfort, home-cooked food, domesticity, etc.). well-being;

Coffin - no father;

Storks - change of status;

Ring - fixation on the material. Communications;

Woman - in the layout for the Woman: the lady took responsibility; stopped monitoring weight; if a lady works, she can hold a high position. The lady is counting on support;

16. House of Stars: Clarity, success; also the house of magic, the unusual.

The stars in their home are very strong hopes for something. A clear vision of the situation, without illusions.

In their house:

Clover - luck;

Clouds - an unclear future. Blurred clarity, disturbed psyche ("dregs in the head"), lack of adequacy;

The snake is esotericism, spiritualism. Girlfriend with esoteric abilities;

Bouquet - hope for a meeting, for a gift, a surprise;

The tower is a prestigious educational institution;

Rats - killed hopes;

Heart - love is associated with hopes;

Ring - hopes for marriage, agreement;

A man is in a layout for a Woman: a man for a woman is a source of hope. In the scenario for Men: return of what was;

A woman is in a layout for a Woman: all in hopes. Return of what was;

Moon - the desire to clarify the situation;

Anchor - a good financial situation.

17. House of Storks:
Change, change.

In their house:

Horseman - air travel;

Tree - health is undergoing changes;

Coffin - stagnation after change. Problems related to change;

Bouquet - an invitation;

Stars - the ability to communicate with Angels;

Dog - changes must occur without fail (The dog is responsible for areas that can be vouched for);

The book - the querent does not yet know about the coming changes;

Letter - some papers, conversations bring changes.

18.Dog House: Friendship, loyalty.

In her house:

Coffin - long stagnation;

Tower - loneliness. Loyalty and devotion to loneliness;

Woman - in the scenario for Woman: the lady is not very mobile, but very talkative, talkative;

The key is friendship; a very devoted friend;

Anchor - a protracted situation;

Cross - put a "cross" on a friend.

19. Tower House:
Separation (separation), solitude and isolation; authorities.

In her house:

Ship - a trip abroad;

The snake is an official institution. Mother. Hospital;

A child is a child in the distance;

Fox - deception in an official institution;

Storks - changes with government institutions, bodies, structures;

Fork - abroad. single men;

Ring - distance;

Letter - official papers;

Man - A man has experienced a breakup in a relationship. A man is independent, can be single or divorced. A man puts a wall between himself and other people;

The key is that you will not receive an answer soon;

Pisces - money in the bank, in the account;

The cross is a border.

20.Park House:
Public, society, meeting.

In his house:

House - boarding house and so on;

Child - school;

Fox - "wrong" society in which a person rotates, for example: virtual, via the Internet;

The book is a secret meeting. The secret is revealed, known to others;

Man - a man easily rotates in society. The person is open to relationships. May indicate that a man is playing in a casino. In the scenario for a Woman: a lady likes a man;

A woman is a lady open to relationships;

Lilies - feelings are associated with some kind of meeting or communication;

Anchor - frank relationships at work;

Cross - importance public life. The importance of a society. Cemetery, burial.

21.House of the Mountain: Blockades, obstacles, burdens (accusations).

Mountain in your home - limits the effect of nearby cards. Now there are many blockades to address current issues.

In her house:

The ship - the impossibility of departure;

Letter - the news is delayed. Lack of communication, communication;

A woman - a lady is depressed, a weight has fallen on her, a "mountain on her shoulders";

The key is that there is no way out of the situation. Difficult way out.

22. House Fork: Solutions, new opportunities.

A fork in your house is the time to make a decision.

In her house:

Storks - an indication of a specific date: 7 weeks;

Sad - you need to make some decision in society;

The heart is a love triangle. There is room in my heart for two. Choice of two who likes more;

The ring is the theme of choice for marriage and partnerships.

23. House of Rats:
Losses (losses), theft, negativity and fears, failures.

Rats in his house - the rat ate itself, its negativity, self-destructed. May indicate illness or loss.

In their house:

House - the house needs repair;

Spit - unexpected losses;

Broom - an unpleasant conversation;

Child - the child is sick;

Fox - false fears;

Dog - long-term delays in business. Problems at work;

The garden is a secret meeting. Rats eat openness;

The heart is the absence of love. Unhappy love. Loss of love. Longing gnaws;

Man, Woman - experiences. A person “bites” himself from the inside. Illness. A person is very afraid of something. This person has a lot of problems that make him think, he is gradually losing ground under his feet. Debts, constant lack of money. Fears for one's life, future, fate. Pathological tendency to cleanliness.

Lilies - lack of purity, purity;

The key is uncertainty about the decision;

The cross is fear for your life.

24.House of the Heart:

A heart in your home is very good. Happiness in love. Love for life.

In his house:

Clouds - past relationships;

The coffin is a broken love. Often falls on lonely people: the heart is free, not busy;

Bouquet - the daughter is in love;

Spit - strong emotional experiences;

Rats - money through love. Love fears. Lack of love;

Lilies are high relationships.

25. House of the Ring: Relationship (connection), partnership, contract, connection (obligation).

In his house:

Ship - changes in marriage;

Coffin - there will be no recovery, it will not come, the disease will constantly make itself felt;

Scythe - a break in relations;

The child is an innocent connection;

Storks - a periodic return of the same situation. New treaty;

Dog - long-term or long-term relationship. Devotion to relationships, which means there is no change;

Tower - parting;

The garden is a publicized relationship. wedding combination;

A man is in a layout for a Woman: A man is very concerned about the issue of relationships. Married man;

A woman - a lady is in a relationship (in the layouts for both Men and Women);

Anchor - affection;

The cross is a karmic relationship.

26.House of the Book:
Secrets, knowledge, school, learning, etc.

A book in his house - everything is hidden, unknown. Many secrets, not yet lies on the surface.

In her house:

Owls - the secret is connected with the ancestors;

The fox is a profitable solution that has not yet matured;

The bear is a teacher, a mentor. The person is hiding something and the situation with him is not yet clear;

The garden is a secret meeting. The secret is revealed, known to others. Secret society;

Rats - the discovery of secrets;

Ring - secret relationship;

Woman - in the layout for Men: secret romance; the partner is still in the future, unknown to the querent; the question of relations is not yet ripe.

27.House of Letters: Messages, information, contact card: e-mail, fax, telegram, etc.

In his house:

Coffin - problems with loans, debts;

Broom - discussions. official litigation;

Owls - worries about papers, documents;

Heart - abundant communication: emails, sms, etc.;

Ring - agreements, contracts;

Woman - in the layout for the Woman: the lady is in the grip of some kind of news. The woman is sociable and sociable.

28. House Men:

A man in his house - In the layouts for a Man: self-confidence, controlling the situation. In the layouts for Women: emphasizes the importance of the relationship question.

In his house:

Tree - in the scenario for the Woman: a long-term partner;

Coffin - A man faces an unknown future, he has a turning point. In the layout for Women: work in a team, team, partnership;

Bouquet - relationships need to be cherished, looked after, otherwise they will fade. Falling in love, meetings, communication at the level of hints. A handsome man who loves women's society, polite, amiable, sociable. Bachelor;

Spit - in the alignment for the Woman: spontaneous and lightning-fast development of relationships. The unexpected appearance of a man, a surprise associated with a man. It's time to reap the benefits of dating men;

The broom is in the layout for the Woman: talking about a man, about partnership. Two men.

29. Woman's House: The place of the querent or partner, and partnership as such.

A woman in her house - In a scenario for a Woman: in this moment time she cares only about her own person and life.

In her house:

Rider - in the layout for the Woman: the lady is mobile and fit, can be athletic;

Tree - in the layout for Men: a partner for life. In the scenario for the Woman: health problems, vital problems;

The coffin is in the scenario for the Woman: illness, malaise. Depression;

Spit - in the scenario for the Woman: toothache; sharp pain; a cut (look what's in Kosa's house). The desire to drastically change something in oneself, in one's life, existence. A sharp and categorical person. Sharp-tongued, lady, "prickly" character. In the scenario for Men: it's time to reap the benefits of dating women. Surprise from a woman;

Owls - in the scenario for Men: two women;

The child is in the scenario for the Woman: the lady has a good sense of humor;

Stars - in the scenario for the Woman: the woman is worried about the fulfillment of her hopes;

Storks - in the scenario for the Woman: the lady is waiting for changes (see the adjacent cards for what they are connected with);

Dog - in the scenario for the Woman: fidelity, devotion, but also anxiety, expectation;

Tower - in the scenario for the Woman: the woman is lonely, without a man;

Mountain - in the scenario for the Man: obstacles in partner life or the absence of a partner as such. There may also be some idealization: such as a partner - as something inaccessible, for which one must fight;

Rats - fear of loss. In the layout for the Woman: fears for themselves, their lives;

The book is in the layout for the Woman: the lady is hiding something about herself. Stealth, a person is closed;

Man - in the layout for Men: a man is concerned about partnerships;

The key is in the layout for the Woman: the lady is looking for a solution;

Pisces - in the scenario for the Woman: tears. Worries about financial condition;

Owls are experiences. In the layout for the Woman: two men;

Child - in the layout for the Woman: partner younger age. Young looking partner;

Bear - in the scenario for the Woman: the young man, as it were, repeats for the lady of the father;

The tower is in the scenario for the Woman: the woman is lonely, without a man. A man from abroad, a foreigner, if next to a Man - Bouquet: a man is lonely;

Mountain - in the scenario for Women: the absence of a man. Barriers in partner life or the absence of a partner as such. There may also be some idealization: such as a partner - as something inaccessible, for which one must fight;

Rats - fear of loss;

The heart is in the layout for the Woman: a man for the lady in her heart, she thinks about him. In the scenario for Men: a man is in love;

Woman - in the layouts for Women: all the thoughts of the lady are occupied by the man and the theme of partnership;

Lilies - in the scenario for the Woman: a man is either super in sex or cold;

The moon is in the layout for the Woman: thoughts about a man, partnership. May mean cheating husband.

30. House of Lilies:
Sexuality, harmony.

In their house:

Spit - In the scenario for the Man: a threat to the genitals or an operation on the genitals (prostate, etc.). In the scenario for Women: sexual relations are dangerous. Aggressive sex. Threats to intimate relationships. The threat of inflammation of the appendages;

Child - innocent flirting, absence sexual relations. Innocence, immaturity of sexual life;

Garden - organization, society under the brand name "luxury", prestigious;

Man - the search for harmony, peace is needed;

Woman - in the layout for the Woman: a new love scam, flirting;

Sun - harmonization due to energy;

Anchor - the situation is frozen;

Cross - "cross" on personal life.

31. House of the Sun:
Energy, great happiness.

In his house:

Tree - a long life together;

The coffin is a loss of energy. Wrong energy consumption, energy is taken either by you or from you;

Stars - justified hopes;

A woman is selfishness, narcissism. Energy and optimism;

Anchor - vacation.

32. House of the Moon: Feelings, fame and recognition.

In her house:

Wood - sensitivity, long reflections;

Clouds - hysteria;

The snake is in the scenario for the Woman: the importance of family attitudes along the female line. The role of mother and heredity;

Bouquet - in the layout for the Woman: the lady has recognition in society;

Fox - self-deception, illusions;

Garden - may indicate generic, hereditary diseases, problems;

The letter is an emotional message;

The cross is a serious exhaustion, overwork.

33.Key House: Map of adviser, reliability: how do I find the key. Decision-making.

In his house:

Fox - a false, dishonest decision.

A man is in a layout for a Woman: the decision is related to partnerships;

Woman - in the layout for the Woman: a period of gaining confidence in life. Finding an exit;

Cross - the event will be held with a double, enhanced guarantee (pay more attention to the surrounding maps and houses).

34. House of Pisces:
Finance, money.

In their house:

A coffin is always debts, both one's own and that someone borrowed a large sum from a querent;

Bear - stability. Himself a master, leader;

Tower - state, state money;

Rats - either problems with money; spending too much or hoarding money.

35. Anchor House: Profession, work.

Anchor in your home - at the moment, the querent has an acute issue of work and stability.

In his house:

Clover - unjustified hopes;

Clouds - a requirement at work: "no smoking";

The child is a new job. Work with children;

Garden - a profession associated with publicity;

Heart - stable feelings;

Ring - the situation does not change, it can be repeated in a circle;

Woman - in the layout for Women: the lady clings to stability, looking for solid ground under her feet;

Luna - work on the night shift, at night.

36. House of the Cross:
Fate (fate), faith and hope, also the future.

The cross in his house is a karmic situation, a person works out his karma.

In his house:

Coffin - loss;

The scythe is a very serious sign. In combination with other cards in some layouts, it means the death of a person or animal;

The child is a sign of Fate;

Stars are spiritually gifted individuals. Listen to your intuition and act on it;

Stork - fateful changes;

The tower is a hospital;

Mountain - enhances both the connection between the last cards, and the importance and severity of what is happening;

Rats are karmic debts. Lack of finance is a karmic situation. Fear for your life, future, destiny;

The ring is a difficult test for relationships. Union for a long time;

Lily - family karma, fate;

The moon is not an easy test.

Working with Lenormand cards has significant differences from working with other predictive systems, such as TARO cards, runes, ordinary cards, etc. Simple images of cards are easily perceived by our subconscious. After a little practice, during which you will learn to navigate the meanings of the cards, you will enter into resonance with the deck and the interpretation of even large layouts will not cause difficulty. You will simply see an image of the answer to your question or a picture of future events.

It is better to start working with cards with small layouts consisting of several cards. Gradually complicating the layouts, you will master those for which the entire deck is used. However, do not rush to take on large hands until you feel confident with each individual card.

Remember that working with cards is akin to a magical action. By interpreting the alignment, you are turning to your subconscious. Before you start working, you need to give him the opportunity to tune in. It is good if stone and grass are selected (based on individual horoscopic data), which will help your subconscious. During the alignment, nothing should be distracting: no extraneous noises, no voices, no smells.

If you feel close to the element of fire, a lit candle will also help you focus. In addition, the cards must have a permanent place from which you take them to work. It is advisable to store the cards wrapped in a piece of black material made of natural fiber (it is best if it is wool).

Before shuffling the cards, you need to completely forget about all the problems that are not related to the alignment. Become a pure transparent crystal, ready to receive the information flow. Focus fully on the question of interest and start shuffling the cards. Stir until you feel that the cards have taken their position. This can be felt as a slight resistance of the cards to shuffling. As soon as you feel this moment, immediately begin laying out the cards.

When a spread is formed, the first thing to do is try to capture the vibration of the entire spread as a whole, without going into the details of individual cards. Listen to yourself, to your body. What feelings, sensations, associations do you have? Try to see the picture of the answer. After general idea about the layout you have formed, start studying the alignment in sections according to the plan below.

In this chapter you will find many layouts that will help you find the answer to various questions, make a forecast for the period of time you are interested in. We recommend that you master the layouts in the order given, gradually moving on to more complex ones. Do not immediately take on the solution of world problems, first learn to accurately and fully answer the simplest everyday questions.

And only when you feel confident in yourself, take on more responsible and complex ones. Refrain, especially at first, from predicting death, serious illnesses. Remember the karmic responsibility that you take on by an incorrect prediction of such significant events.

Lenormand cards are a great tool that will help you organize your life more conveniently, better understand yourself and the people around you.

Big layout Lenormand

General characteristics.

This alignment is used in cases where it is necessary to make a detailed forecast for any period of time. Before mixing, you must mentally set a program for the cards - decide what period of time you want to study.

Operating procedure.

Shuffle the cards and let the questioner remove the deck with his left hand. Then take the deck (face down) and arrange the cards in the order shown.

Schedule structure.

The present(3 cards in the lower left - 35, 21, 19). Show daily problems. What is happening around a person at the present time and in some way affects his condition.

Feelings(7 cards in a cross - 11, 7, 5, 1, 6, 8, 12). Refers to emotions, heart affairs, friendship, faith. In this part, we consider those issues that excite us, make us worry, which are subjectively of high significance.

Family(3 cards on the top left - 29, 15, 13). Cards in this group reveal the immediate environment, may indicate relatives or close friends (“family friends”). Here we will find information about people close and dear to us.

Profession(3 cards at the top right - 14, 16, 30). This group reveals the social status of a person, the place that a person occupies in society, his means of livelihood. Here, cards can show people with whom there is a connection at work.

Fate(3 cards in the lower right - 20, 22, 36). They represent fate. These cards will show the main events that will occur in the considered period of time and set the direction for subsequent development. Pay special attention to this part - it may contain advice or a warning.

Card reveal scheme


Pay attention to where the questioner's card is located. Her presence on the open line will give emphasis to this topic. This means that this question is in the first place in a person's life. Consider this line in more detail.

Feelings. When the card of the questioner is among these cards, then we are dealing with a person who is currently ruled by emotions.

The present. A person devotes too much energy and attention to current momentary affairs. "The turnover is stuck."

Fate. The main events are in the future. A person is in a state of thinking about plans or anticipates some important events. He is aware of the need for change and is ready to accept it.

Family. The main concerns of a person are connected with the house, family.

Profession. The main question to be solved is related to making money or with a career.

The presence of the questioner's card next to the open line is the same, but to a lesser extent. Pay attention to neighboring, touching cards. They will give additional information about the condition of the consulted.

Short layout

General characteristics.

This layout is used for a more detailed study of a topic. It already matters the combination of cards and their remoteness or proximity to the card of the questioner.

Operating procedure.

Before shuffling, remove the questioner's card from the deck and place it in the center. Shuffle the cards and remove them. Lay out as shown.

Schedule structure.

First part.

Contains positions 9, 1, 16, 8, 7, 15. They reveal the past of the issue. What has already been done, the forces that have shaped the present situation.
9 - external forces of the mental plane. Ideas that came from the outside world, someone's advice or help.
1 - own ideas and plans in the past. What hopes the questioner himself placed on this question.
16, 8 - past events of the physical plane. The card in position 8, due to its proximity to the card of the questioner, has more power. The card in position 16 only complements and corrects it.
7 - feelings, emotions that were in the past.
15 - feelings and emotions of the subconscious mind that influenced. Hidden motives, which often may not even be realized.

Second part.

Contains positions 10, 2, 6, 14. Reveals the state of the questioner in this matter at the moment.
10, 2 - "what's in the head." What the counselee thinks about the matter at the moment. The card in position 10 has a weaker value.
6, 14 - "what's in the soul." How the counselor feels about the issue. It often happens that the top cards reveal the declared values ​​and attitudes, and the bottom cards reveal those internal motivations that actually guide a person's actions.

The third part.

Contains positions 11, 3, 4, 12, 5, 13. Lifts the veil of mystery over the future.
4, 12 - reveal the main events on the physical plane. A card in position 12 may speak of more distant consequences.
3 - how a person will assess the current situation.
11 - assessment of others or correlation with social norms.
5, 13 - emotional state in the future. The card in position 13 has a weaker value.

Numerological layout

General characteristics.

Used to study the development of a particular issue. During this layout, the numerological meaning of each card is actively used. When interpreting this layout, each card is interpreted only in terms of the position it occupies - combinations of cards are not taken into account.

The order of work and the structure of the alignment.

Focus on the question, shuffle the cards. After you have stopped shuffling, place the deck face down.
Take the top card and put it in position 1.

1. Position 1 - This position reveals the background of this issue. The past that affects the present situation. The number of this card will determine the next, just as the past determines the present. Look at the number of this card and count from the top in the deck (without mixing it!) The card lying with the corresponding serial number.
Place the card found in this way in position 2.

2. Position 2 - reveals the state of the issue and the current forces in the present. The number on this card will determine the next, just as the present determines the future.

3. Position 3 - the future.

Now we need to find the fourth card - advice on what to do, what principles to follow in the current situation. Council is determined by three factors - what we have laid in the past, what we are doing in the present and what awaits us in the future. Therefore, it is necessary to add up the numbers of all three cards. The resulting number will correspond to the advice card.


If the card number is in position 1 or 2 more quantity cards remaining in the deck (it can be No. 36 CROSS and No. 35 ANCHOR), then in this case we stop the layout, take out the specified card and stop at its interpretation.

ANCHOR speaks of the possibility of shaping subsequent events in the way we need it.

The CROSS speaks of the influence of higher forces, the fishery of which, for some reason, we cannot know. In such a situation, one must be ready to accept everything that will be sent by Fate;

If adding the card numbers results in a number greater than 36, then we continue to add the numbers.

For example:

33 + 26 + 22 = 81

If the council card number is already contained in the first three cards - the situation is quite simple and does not need a council of cards;
the presence in the layout of cards No. 28 or No. 29 indicates a strong influence on the question of a person.

The layout of “Seven houses”

General characteristics.

This alignment is good to use when you need to make a fairly detailed forecast for a short period of time. As practice has shown, the events predicted by this alignment occur within the next month.

Operating procedure.

Before starting the layout, remove the questioner's card from the deck and place it in the center. Shuffle the cards and arrange them as shown in the picture.

Schedule structure.

In this spread, the cards are divided into groups of three each. Three cards belonging to the same group are interpreted together. Each group has its own meaning. The logic of connecting three symbols into one concept is as follows: the first card symbolizes the soil, the initial conditions; the second - the acting forces, the changes taking place; the third is the result.

Interpretation of groups (numbers assigned from left to right clockwise):

Group 1. Gives information about the general condition of the questioner in the period of time under study, his thoughts and feelings, sometimes the state of health.

Group 2 The closest environment is family, relatives, closest friends and all emotionally close people. These cards show who will be next to the person being consulted in the near future, whose help or support he can count on.

Group 3. This group reveals hopes and desires. If there are obviously inappropriate cards here (for example, No. 8, No. 21, No. 36, etc.), they will show fears or doubts of the questioner.

Group 4 Here we can see the real plans of the consulted person, which he is going to implement in the near future.

Group 5. A group of unexpected influences that the counselee does not yet feel and with which he will have to face. The cards in this group can show both help and obstacles.

Group 6. Opens the near future. Events in the next two weeks.

Group 7. Shows more distant events that will occur in the remaining two weeks.

Search layout

General characteristics.

The layout can be used to find people or lost things. The meaning of positions is based on the values ​​of houses accepted in astrology.

Operating procedure.

Before you start mixing, you need to choose a card that will indicate the lost.

If we are looking for a person, then it is best to designate him:

No. 28 MAN,
№29 WOMAN or:
#13 CHILD.

In rare cases, animal cards can be used:

No. 7 SNAKE - intruder;
No. 14 FOX - a deceiver;
No. 15 BEAR - patron, boss, etc .;
№18 DOG - friend.

If we are looking for an item, then we need to choose a card that describes the lost as accurately as possible. At this stage, some difficulties may arise, so try to be creative in this matter. Here are some guidelines for notation:

No. 1 HORSEMAN - any means of communication: telephone, pager, fax, etc., information media: cassettes, disks, diskettes;
No. 3 SHIP - a car and any means of transportation;
No. 9 BOUQUET - this card can designate any thing if it is of value as a gift;
No. 10 KOSA - piercing and cutting objects, knives, tools, weapons;
No. 21 MOUNTAIN - semi-precious and ornamental stones;
No. 25 RING - jewelry;
No. 26 BOOK - books and any printing products;
No. 27 LETTER - letters, documents;
№33 KEY - keys and any small metal objects;
№34 FISH - money, valuables. Flower cards (No. 2 CLOVER, No. 9 BOUQUET and No. 30 LILY) can indicate art objects, any beautiful things, clothes.
No. 31 SUN is associated with gold,
No. 32 MOON - with silver.

After the card denoting the lost is chosen, the deck is thoroughly shuffled and laid out face down in the order indicated in the figure. Next, you need to find the selected card. Only the house position and the adjacent two cards are interpreted. The remaining cards are not studied.

Schedule structure.

In this layout, the cards are divided into groups of three, which we conventionally, by analogy with astrological traditions, call houses.

House meanings:

First house. Denotes a personal place of the asker, a place or room in which he spends a lot of time or keeps his personal things. The lost is somewhere very close and will soon be found. The time spent searching is calculated in minutes or hours.
Direction - east.

Second house. The lost item may be among your valuables. It can be a safe or a box where you keep cash. Indicates where you store money, valuables, or jewelry boxes. It will take a little time to search - from several hours to three days.
Direction - east northeast.

Third house. Neighbors, brothers and sisters, relatives (aunts and uncles), a place of study are in charge of this house. Try to search for the lost in places where books, papers, letters, stationery are stored, maybe even in a mailbox or in your car.
Direction - north-northeast.

Fourth house. The place to look for is your own home. Room for elderly relatives, kitchen, places where the earth is stored (garden around the house). In a broader sense - the parental home, homeland. The item will be found within a few days.
Direction - north.

Fifth house. Children's room, bedroom, places for entertainment (theaters, exhibitions, gambling houses, discos, etc.). Lovers. The thing is not in plain sight and needs a more thorough search.
Direction - north-north-west.

Sixth house. Place of service, meetings. Government agencies. Polyclinics. A room in a house that is rented out or used as an office. Places where pets are. The item is well hidden and will take a long time to find.
Direction - west northwest.

Seventh house. Personal belongings of your spouse or business partners. But most often, if there is a card of a lost thing here, then it is stolen, and its return is very doubtful.
Direction - west.

Eighth house. This house is extremely inauspicious. A thing can be badly damaged or disassembled, a person is in danger.
Direction - southwest.

Ninth house. Institutes, colleges, churches. Higher organizations, the workplace of the chief. In any case, what you are looking for is far enough away from you. The search may take several months.
Direction - south-southwest.

Tenth house. Place of work, employers. The place in your home where you usually do business. The lost item may be where you think you lost or left it. The time spent on the search is calculated in days.
Direction - south.

Eleventh house. Under the control of this house are places where papers and financial records are kept. Club rooms or just a meeting place for friends. The house has a living room. The time spent on the search is calculated in weeks.
Direction - south-southeast.

Twelfth house. This house describes hard-to-reach places or places of isolation. Places where medicines, various chemicals are stored. He controls secret enemies, prisons, hospitals. If the chosen card fell into this house, then the item is very well hidden and difficult to find.
Direction - east southeast.

Gypsy layout

General characteristics.

This alignment can be used when there is a need to find out the most important events in a person’s life that will occur in the period of time that interests us. Just like in the previous scenario, before mixing the cards, we must set the time period that we will study.

When interpreting this layout, one must take into account not only the independent meaning of each card, but also its location in relation to the card of the questioner and the relationship with other cards.

Operating procedure.

Focus and shuffle the cards. Let the questioner remove the deck with his left hand twice. Now we have 3 parts of the deck. Turn them over so that the bottom card is face up. These three cards provide us with background information about the situation before the spread is made.

The combination of three cards will show us the deep inner state of the questioner, his subconscious motives, which will guide his actions, forming the appropriate events. After you have finished interpreting these 3 cards, put the deck together. Shuffle again, focusing on the information received. Lay out the cards as shown.

Now we begin to interpret all combinations of cards. The decisive and turning point of interpretation is the card of the questioner. The whole interpretation is based on the position of this card. This means that the meaning of each card must be in accordance with its position relative to the questioner's card.

The gypsies call this form of interpretation "drawing a cross into the past, present and future." The meaning will become immediately clear if you know the meaning of each position.

Schedule structure.

The future opens in the part located in front of the questioner's card, on the right side of the layout. You will find out past events by examining the cards behind the card of the questioner, on the left side of the layout. Everything located above the questioner's card means either real events, or those that are expected in the near future or are planned.

Therefore, this vertical upward line is the threshold between the present and the future. All the cards below the questioner represent, figuratively called by the gypsies, “what we trample under our feet” - in psychoanalytic terminology, “repressed” - these feelings or events we suppress in ourselves or try to forget.

Inner square. Eight cards in close proximity to the questioner's card. Reveals the most significant events in the life of the counselor.

Gypsy cross. Traditional form of gypsy interpretation. A connection is established between all cards located on a horizontal and vertical line from the card of the questioner. Reveals a sequential time chain from the past to the future.

Diagonals. Additional information for studying the past and the future. The upper diagonals represent conscious actions, planned events, phenomena understandable to the questioner. The lower diagonals make it possible to explore hidden motives, inner desires, everything secret and incomprehensible.


The questioner's card is not always in the center. This must also be taken into account when interpreting:

The questioner's card is shifted to the left. The consulted person has completed an important period in his life, completed a certain cycle of his development, and now his main thoughts and plans are in the future. The past doesn't matter.

The questioner's card is shifted to the right. At the moment, the person who came for advice needs to deal with the past. That is where the key to solving real problems lies. The future is not yet predetermined and depends on what actions he takes now.

The questioner's card is shifted up. Feelings play an important role in the counselor's life. It is likely that at the moment he is in the power of the unconscious (according to Freud, the unconscious is unrealized drives that, due to conflict with the requirements of social norms, are not allowed into consciousness.).

The questioner's card is shifted down. Before us is a person who is able to realistically assess what is happening and can control the situation. However, if there are negative cards at the top, this may indicate excessive concern with non-existent, fictitious problems, fears.


Big deal - BR
This alignment is applicable if it is necessary to find out the main events that await the questioner for a sufficiently long time.

Large layout options:
1. Option - 8 cards in 4 rows, and the last 4 cards
2. Option - 9 cards in 4 rows.
Usually it is desirable to lay out the cards 8x4 + 4, and then shift them to 9x4. So you can see everything in more detail.

Before you start scheduling
1. You need to tune in to the period of time that will be studied.
2. the deck is shuffled and given to the questioner for removal. The deck should be removed with the left hand, twice. Place the resulting three piles face down on the table.
3. Three cards that turned out to be open determine the internal state of the questioner, his emotional mood, his subconscious motives, which will guide his actions, forming the appropriate events.
In other words, those driving forces that will directly participate in the formation of future events.
4. Having studied these cards, shuffle the deck again and lay out the cards according to the scheme.

Location W and M
Where are the cards Men and Ladies. The client map is the decisive and turning point of interpretation. The whole interpretation is based on the position of this card.
The client card is far from the center.
The card is the first in the line, and in the direction of view - the future, then the past is not readable in any way, this may be due to certain events in the life of the querent, when he wants to enter a new phase of life, or somehow backed up to the wall ...
But just in this case, when shifting the alignment to 9 by 4, just the cards of the past may appear.
And it is also important to look at the card that falls in place 28 or 29 - i.e. querent cards - the rays from it can also say something about the past. Or this card itself can say that it led to the current life ... And you also need to look at the house where the querent's card falls.
In the case of an unclear future, i.e. when there are no cards in the direction of view, we look at correspondence, as well as moves by the knight, and a chain of houses ... for example, the Lady in the place of the Horseman - we look at where the Horseman falls, etc. along the chain - and also gives the development of events.
And of course, one must look at the potential development of other significators - their past and future - after all, usually a person is interested not so much in the general development of events as in certain topics. So we look where the rest of the significators correspond, and also create a big picture...
The map is shifted to the left. The consulted person has completed an important period in his life, completed a certain cycle of his development, and now his main thoughts and plans are in the future. The past doesn't matter. Man lives in the future
The map is shifted to the right. The events of the past still play a very important role in his life.
At the present moment, a person needs to deal with the past. That is where the key to solving real problems lies. The future is not yet predetermined and depends on what actions he takes now.
Map moved up. A great influence on the behavior of the questioner is exerted by his feelings and emotions. Feelings play an important role in the counselor's life. It is likely that at the moment he is in the power of the unconscious. According to Freud, the unconscious is unrealized drives that, due to conflict with the requirements of social norms, are not allowed into consciousness.
Map moved down. This indicates the strength of the mind of the questioner, his ability to soberly and clearly assess the situation, make the right decisions. Before us is a person who is able to realistically assess what is happening and can control the situation. However, if there are negative cards at the top, this may indicate excessive concern with non-existent, fictitious problems, fears.

General relationship analysis
Consider sequentially:
- cards that lie with M and F in the direction of the gaze - they have this in itself.
- the cards that lie behind their backs - this is what they worry about.
- cards nearby can still show - as it were, a relative characteristic of a person.
- cards that lie in the layout between them - these cards show how relationships develop in life between partners.
It can be horizontal and vertical, it can also be diagonal.
We slowly move along the line and look at the cards that lie on this line.
If these cards lie from the back of the Man to the back of the Woman (or vice versa), then this shows that they both do not trust each other too much at the moment, each goes his own way - but this is not an indicator of a bad attitude.
Simply, for example, a man may be interested in work (home, parents), and a woman (figure, relationship with a friend, and so on).
If they look at each other, then this is evidence of the closeness of the partners at this time - not only spiritual, but also intimate closeness.
- The card of the one who lies higher than the other shows the predominant, dominant partner in the relationship - again at this point in the life of the asker.
- Cards from the Horseman - show thoughts.

The first card of the layout
The one that lies in the place of the Horseman - sets the tone for the whole layout - this card is very important !!!

First four cards
In the top row in the layout, they show the present or the situation of the next few days.

Spread heart
Important cards in the layout - there are four cards in the center - this is what is in the heart !!
(central rectangle). They need to pay attention.

Cards in the corners of the layout - corner
1 with 32, and 8 with 25- have interaction with each other - their combinations must be taken into account.
They indicate the main theme of the alignment.

home place
The numbering of the Lenormand cards simultaneously shows the home place, i.e. the card that is placed first when laying out the BR is in the place of the Horseman, the second card is in the place of the Clover, the third card is in the place of the Ship, and so on.
These two cards must be connected when interpreting the corresponding topic.
If the Heart, for example, lies in the 7th place, that is, in the place of the Serpent, this indicates complications or even, perhaps, also infidelity in matters of the heart.
The first card of the spread, which lies in the place of the Horseman, sets the tone for the whole layout - this card is very important !!!
If a card falls in its own house, the qualities of the card are emphasized and enhanced (it's like in astrology - if the planet is in its sign, for example, the Moon in Cancer or Mars in Aries).
If the Rats card got into its house, then the rat ate itself, i.e. I ate the negative from the card.
Be sure to look at the cards for place number 10 - Spit. But, the Scythe is not only a danger - it is also something very unexpectedly coming.
At the discretion - you can consider - and other "houses" - Pisces, Cross and so on.
The heart is in the house of Lily, and Lily is in the house of the Heart - well, this is definitely sex only for love

Reflections are mirrors.
By mirrors we mean cards that lie opposite themselves in the BR (picture).
For example, in the 8x4 + 4 spread, the first card gleams (mirror) with 8, 2 with 7, but also 1 with 25.
Or 2 with 26. And the card at number 10 mirrors with cards -18 and 15.

1…. .2.….3. ….4… .5… .6….7…..8
9… .10…11....12...13...14…15…16
17...18…19 …20...21...22…23…24
25...26…27 …28…29..30…31…32
……… ...33…34…35 ..36

This works both horizontally and vertically.
Mirrors - reveal the topic - give the real state of affairs.

Correspondence or correspondence of cards - QC.
Rewriting means cards that lie opposite themselves in the BR (picture) diagonally, for example, 1 with 32, 2 with 31, 9 with 24, and so on.
The first row corresponds with the fourth and the second row with the third. This is, as it were, an indicator of the development of the issue - the future.

1… ..2.….3. ….4… .5… .6… .7…..8
9…. 10…11....12...13...14…15…16
17...18…19… 20...21...22…23…24
25...26…27… 28…29..30…31…32
……….. .33… 34…35..36

The last four cards in the 8x4 + 4 layout, which lie down in the last 5th row, show what will happen in any case - in the future.
They are called fateful - that is, regardless of the question asked when laying out the cards - the last 4 cards in the 8x4 + 4 layout show what will happen regardless of whether the person asked about it or not.

Inner square.
Eight cards in close proximity to the customer's card.
Reveals the most significant events in the life of the client.

Further, the cards lying strictly above and below, strictly to the left and right, as well as along the diagonals passing through this client card, are interpreted.
We draw a cross in the past, present and future
Cross - cards on the horizontal and vertical card of the client. Shows the sequence of events as you move from the past to the future.
Cards to the right of the client card - refer to the future,
Maps to the left - past events
The cards above the client card mean either real events or those that are expected in the near future or are planned.
The cards that turned out to be higher are the forces and circumstances that affect a person and determine the course of events in his life.
The cards below are what the questioner would like to forget, what he is ashamed of, what hinders and causes spiritual discomfort. In psychoanalytic terminology, "repressed" - these feelings or events we suppress in ourselves or try to forget.
The cards below are things and events that the questioner can and must influence himself.
How to Draw Diagonals
Cards on diagonals passing through the questioner's card.
Additional information for studying the past and the future.
The upper diagonals represent conscious actions, planned events, phenomena understandable to the questioner. The realm of the conscious
The lower diagonals make it possible to explore hidden motives, inner desires, everything secret and incomprehensible. Subconscious area: hidden reasons and motives for actions

Diagonal pairs
You can read all the cards you are interested in using the cards that surround them - combinations of cards with each other through one.
For example:
5 ….6….7…..8
For example, if you are interested in card 6, then they look at combinations 1 + 11, 2 + 10, 3 + 9, 5 + 7, these pairs fully reveal the meaning of what is happening now around this topic.
And if such diagonal combinations as 1+ 11, and 3+ 9 still have a further continuation along the plane, then such a diagonal from the topic starts to work great. In this case, for example, 1+ 11+ 16, where 16. can already lead us to another topic, serve as a bridge between two different questions.
Moreover, the same way of reading the surrounding cards can be used in correspondence to determine the future question - for example, the significator of KK on some card - to reveal its essence, look at all 8 cards around in the above way

Shift the alignment to 9x4 and interpret
Numerological interpretation
You can tell the client quite a bit about the location of the cards, and then the fascinating process of addition begins.
We take any card you are interested in, for example, Pisces - what the client has with finances, and calculate the sum of the cards surrounding it, subtract 36 or a multiple of it from the sum.
Suppose it turned out 3 - Ship. So the money is related to the trip.
Next, we calculate the cards around the Ship - Tower, which means that this is a business trip, a business trip that will bring money.
You can go even further.
And in this way we calculate most of the cards.
It happens that some card in total drops out several times, which means that you need to pay special attention to it.
Or if the sum is a card that is included in the surrounding ones, or the sum is equal to the card itself, then its value is enhanced.
It turns out a very interesting chain.
In this case, only the card showing the sum is taken into account, and not the values ​​of all surrounding cards.

So you can take all the cards you are interested in in any order, depending on the interests of the client.
If a woman is interested in her personal life, and surrounded by forms and cross desired cards did not hit, then they can be considered separately, as described above.
We take the card Heart, Ring, Stork. The chain is always interesting.
In any case, the Coffin, Scythe, Cross must be checked.
Sometimes the Coffin is a very positive card - it shows some kind of stash.

With this article, we are opening a column dedicated to the Lenormand Grand Layout: the meaning of houses, the meaning of cards in houses, various methods of reading the Big Layout (knight's move, chains, correspondence, mirror, etc.) - all these issues will be covered.

The large layout of Lenormand is a feature of this system.

BRL is unique and versatile, in it all 36 cards are used. It shows past, present and future; thoughts, feelings, actions, perspectives or their absence; answers all questions at once from every possible area of ​​human life.

Above the Big layout of Lenormand, you can meditate day and night, if you decide to read it in full, or you can also use it for express fortune-telling on a specific issue (work, relationships, buying and selling real estate, money, career, health or children), interpreting only houses specialized on the desired topic, and not paying attention to the rest, although it will also take a lot of time, because the Lenormand Grand Layout is read not only linearly and traditionally for Lenormand in pairs or triads, but also along the chains of houses, methods Knight's move" or " Mirror reflection", or " Correspondence". And of course, this is the most the best layout for detailed forecasts for any period of time. The main thing is to mentally set a program for the cards before the layout - decide for what period of time you want to receive a forecast.

There are several options for the Lenormand Grand layout, the most common are:

  1. 8 * 4 + 4 (8 cards in 4 rows 5 row of four cards in the center)

I prefer first option, because, firstly, it is the most popular and more familiar to me personally, and secondly, it clearly the last four houses of Destiny stand out, imminent events, and thirdly, developments in reading BRL by various methods were created for the 8 * 4 + 4 option. In our articles, we will consider examples of reading just such a scheme.

Lenormand Grand Spread Technique:

Before proceeding to the Big Layout Lenormand formulate a question And define a time span on which you want to make a forecast. The question may concern some kind of exciting Querent sphere or whole life for a certain period, for example, if the alignment is done before the new year or for a birthday and a person wants to receive maximum information, advice and recommendations for the current year. You can also consider past events or this moment, the main thing is to indicate it in the request.

Then focus on the question and shuffle the deck in the usual way.

Place three stacks of cards face down in front of you. Turn over each pile so that the bottom cards are visible. You got 3 stacks of cards, and on top of each of them there is one open card. These 3 cards provide background information before the spread itself is made. They define those main energies or undercurrents who participate in the formation of events. If you count the fifth of a triplet, you can see internal state of the Querent, his motives guided by which he will form the events around him. After you have read these three cards, connect the deck and shuffle again.

Arrange the cards as shown in the layout diagram:

After all the cards have been laid out, find the map of Blanca(for a woman, this is card 29, and for a man - 28; if the layout was made for a child, then card 13). Assess her position. Which house did it fall into, which row, how far from the card-signifiers of the topic of the question, etc.

Houses in the Big layout Lenormand

The principle of this layout is that each position is the house of the card, has certain characteristics that are similar to the meaning of the card, therefore, before proceeding with the calculation, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the interpretation of the cards themselves.

House of the card - has the properties of a card, but with its own nuances, as in astrology - it's scenery, place and circumstance where events will unfold, where our blank characters will tell and show their stories. This is the territory of the map where she rules in full force, the energy of the house and the cards are similar, by analogy with the abode of the planet in astrology.

Remember, you do not need to interpret the meaning of each card separately!
But only combined with home in which she found herself and with her position(side, top, bottom, center).

Interpretation of cards taking into account the meanings of the houses in which they fell is a great opportunity to demonstrate your skills. reading paired cards. But only taking into account the fact that the house will show the place, the scenery, he answers the question - " Where?», « in what area?" and so on. For example if the map Heart fall into the house Rings, then this may indicate a wedding if Ring fall into the house braids, then a divorce or break in agreements, sharp and painful, if Heart fall into the house snakes, then this is an indication of infidelity, that now you cannot trust your loved one, there is a high risk of deception and betrayal; map Men in the house Stars He wants to clarify the situation.

28 and 29 houses important for questions relationship.

To quickly determine which house the card fell into, count according to this method: there are 8 cards in each row, which means the 16th house is the last square in the 2nd row; 25th house - 8 * 3 \u003d 24 + 1, then the 4th row is the first card, etc.

House of contacts. Communication. Information. News and activity.

1 House is very important, it, like the astrological 1 House, shows that first impression, which is produced by the person on whom the alignment is made. It can predict what does a person look like, what are his manners, basic character traits, way of thinking. All in all - primary characteristics of personality type, main qualities.

The House of the Horseman in the Big scenario is house of contacts and messages, ideas, house of thoughts what you are currently thinking about. With the help of the first house you can see what topic is most relevant for a person. The first house gives dynamics and movement, It is something mobile, then what happening right now or it's about to happen: the arrival of fast news, the courier is already on the doorstep and is about to knock on your door. Therefore, a card that has fallen into this house will indicate that in which area to wait promoting the issue and active developments.

Also the first 4 houses (House rider, House clover, House ship and House At home) show those events that will happen in the very near future. The first house sets the background for the layout.
