Why does God give trials to man? Test or punishment

"I am 25 years old. Remembering my whole life, starting from a young age, I realize that this entire period of time was filled with grief and sadness for me. I can't even remember if there were any joyful days in my life. It seems like no... So, I think, why did the Lord allow all these misfortunes for me?” - these are the lines of their letter to our reader, and there are quite a few similar letters.

Disappointment, sadness, pain and loneliness - each of us experiences all of this sooner or later. “How could God allow this tragedy to happen? For what?" - many people ask. Most of us understand that no events in our lives happen by chance, and God is not just an indifferent witness to human fate.

The Bible has this promise: “All things work together for good to those who love God” (Romans 8:28). All? Even suffering and sorrow? This is difficult to believe if we do not understand the true purpose of the trials we encounter.

First, trials test our character. Weaknesses hidden in the depths of our souls may never come to light unless we are put to the test. Scientists have designed special instruments capable of measuring strength different materials. Some are tested in tension, others in compression, and others are tested by repeated twisting. Only after such careful testing are they recommended for mass production. The Lord is looking for characters that can withstand all tests. Pressure, tension, any other test helps us determine who we really are. And in all our experiences, let us remember that Christ understands our suffering, since He Himself went through many trials. “As a father has mercy on his sons, so the Lord has mercy on those who fear Him. For He knows our composition; He remembers that we are dust” (Psalm 102:13, 14).

God's design is that hardships help shape our character. Our wayward and stubborn life is subjected to blows only in order to ennoble it, just as a fiery furnace refines valuable ore. The inevitability of the experiences and trials that we have to endure shows that the Lord Jesus sees something precious in us that He wants to develop. Otherwise, why waste time on our cleansing?

Probably, each of us has encountered people who, under ordinary circumstances, seem weak and incapable of great deeds, but under difficult conditions they suddenly reveal a strong character. The Lord would like to see that trials do not break us, but strengthen us.

A butterfly in a cocoon is helpless and weak, but, trying to break out of the cocoon, it gradually gains strength, and each new jerk multiplies this strength. Try to help a butterfly get out of its bonds, and it will die. A butterfly can exist and develop only by testing its strength. If in days of severe adversity we trust in God with all our hearts, then the most sorrowful moments for us can turn out to be moments of the highest spiritual takeoff.

There is a well-known saying: “In misfortune there are no atheists.” It has been noted that during a war or at any other time of trouble, church attendance increases sharply: in their weakness, people turn to the Lord so that He will strengthen them. Adversity often awakens a person's need for God, so it is not surprising that He allows us to suffer. A person who believes only in the power of money may not know God and lose salvation if his wealth does not end. The worker may not realize that his welfare depends on the blessing of God unless he suddenly finds himself in danger of unemployment. God does not send us misfortunes - these are the machinations of Satan, but the Lord allows problems to come into our lives so that we turn to Him - the loving Heavenly Father.

Because we cannot see our problems as God sees them and cannot understand them as He understands, we sometimes doubt God's love. But when we look at our trials from God's point of view, then we perceive them as Divine instruments through which He lovingly and carefully prepares us for eternity. When temptation seems unbearable, you need to remember that God gives a test to everyone according to his strength and “When you are tempted, He will also make a way for you to be able to endure it” (1 Corinthians 10:13).

Let us thank God for the difficulties that help us grow to become like Him. As, for example, we look at sorrow, which makes us compassionate; pain, which adds to our patience; a problem that makes us think; criticism that forces us to examine ourselves? All these and thousands of other questions bring us more benefit than many easy victories that do not give any spiritual growth.

Disappointment, sadness, pain and loneliness - each of us experiences all of this sooner or later. “Why did such a terrible grief happen to me?” many ask. “How could a loving God allow this tragedy to happen?” "Perhaps He died?" “Why is He called good, merciful and long-suffering, if every day people suffer unspeakable suffering?” Such questions are asked by everyone - both those who hate God and Christians who are confused and confused by disappointments. When trouble comes, it is natural for a person to ask questions, doubt and blame someone else for it.

However, God never promised us a carefree existence. He knows that temporary suffering in this life is necessary to prepare us for the life to come. Scripture says: " The Lord punishes whomever he loves "(2 Tim. 3:12; Heb. 12:6).

We don't have to look far to see that non-Christians suffer failure and suffering. Many of these sorrows are the result of their own sins. We cannot escape the law of cause and effect. Some disasters occur as a result of ignorance and human depravity. Due to the fact that someone threw an unextinguished cigarette in the wrong place, devastating fires and explosions destroy land holdings and every living thing on them. When disasters like these happen, many believe that this is God's will. Some people even believe that disasters are always punishment sent by God.

However, Christ once refuted the theory of “punishment from God” when He and his disciples met a man blind from birth. The disciples asked Christ: " Who sinned, he or his parents, that he was born blind?" Jesus answered: "Neither he nor his parents sinned. ".

Another time, after Pilate destroyed a group of Galileans during their worship of God, Christ asked: " Do you think that these Galileans were more sinful than all the Galileans, that they suffered so much? No, I tell you; but if you do not repent, you will all perish just the same. Or do you think that those eighteen people on whom the tower of Siloam fell and killed them were more guilty than all those living in Jerusalem? No, I tell you; but if you do not repent, you will all perish just the same "(Luke 13:2-5).

In addition to disasters that occur as a result of human mistakes, natural disasters also cause suffering and death. "He (Satan) is already busy with this work. Accidents, disasters on water and on land, terrible devastating fires, hurricanes, terrible storms, earthquakes - his evil will is visible in everything. He is gathering his harvest, famine and disasters follow "It infects the air with deadly fumes, and thousands of people die from epidemics."

1.Everything will become clear

Although we cannot understand the causes of all the tragedies and disappointments, we are still given this promise: “Whatever puzzles us about the providence of God will be made clear to us in the world to come.”

For many years I have kept in my Bible the following quote: “He leads them in the way that they would have chosen if they could have seen from the first where it led, and known the great purpose they were called to fulfill.”

When we are faced with sorrow, pain, problems, criticism, disappointment and other difficulties, we want to exclaim: “Father, truly this evil cannot serve me for good!” And then the answer comes to us: “My child, all this serves your good. Believe Me, I only allow what will enrich your life or make you a blessing to others. I love you incomparably more than you imagine. Everything that worries you ", concerns Me also. But I am preparing you so that you can dwell with Me forever. Do not doubt or question my intentions. Trust Me completely, and everything will work for your good."

"Behold, says God, I have melted you, but not like silver; tested you in the crucible of suffering " (Isa. 48:10). "The most brilliant crowns that are worn in heaven have been refined, refined, polished, and glorified in the crucible of testing," wrote Edwin Hubbell Chapin. God works in us the same strength that He has metal after hardening. Let our prayer sound like this: “Cleanse me, test me, Lord; but don’t throw me away like they throw away unusable iron for scrap.”

2.All things work together for good

Rome. 8:28 there is a promise that goes like this: " To those who love God... all things work together for good "And yet it is difficult to believe. He whose faith is based on this text is in communion with God. While " To those who love God... all things work together for good ", not all of this is necessarily good in itself. Both good and evil work together for the good of those who love God.

If only in Rome. 8:28 said that "some things work together for good" or "many things work together for good", then it would not be difficult to believe it. All problems are created by a short word " All"Because we are very prone to doubt, it is very difficult for us to take God at his word. But one way or another, the fact remains: God promises that if we love Him and allow Him to guide us, then everything - good or bad - will be used in our Christian experience like stones laid for crossing a fast river: “All our sufferings and sorrows, all our temptations and trials, sorrow and bitterness, persecution and deprivation - in a word, everything contributes to our good.”

3. Temptations

"The inevitability of the experiences and trials that we have to endure shows that the Lord Jesus sees in us something precious that He wants to develop. If He did not see in us anything by which He could glorify His name, He would not waste time to purify us. He does not throw into His fiery furnace stones that have no value. He refines only valuable ore. The blacksmith places iron and steel in the fire to find out the quality of the metal. The Lord allows His chosen ones to be in the fiery heat of misfortune in order to reveal them disposition and find out whether they are suitable for His work."

Temptations and trials are a daily occurrence in our lives. Satan constantly tempts us to stop loving and trusting God. Although the evil one tempts everyone, he directs special efforts to those who have decided to become like Christ.

The Apostle Peter warns all Christians: " Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil walks around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. "(1 Peter 5:8).

Leo represents good example the work of the devil. He creeps up silently and unnoticed, and if we do not stand guard, we will not be able to resist his attack.

Temptations should lead us in prayer to the Lord. Every time we fail, we become weaker, but every victory over temptation strengthens our character. When temptation seems overwhelming, remember the promise of 1 Cor. 10:13: " No temptation has befallen you other than that of man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but when you are tempted, He will also give you the way of escape, so that you may be able to bear it. ".

God's message is: "I will not allow temptation to exceed your ability to resist." Our Creator knows how much temptation we can endure. A severe trial can be a sign that God has confidence in us. Before Satan stripped Job of all his possessions, children, and wealth, God knew his “limitation.” He knew Job would remain faithful. Likewise, God knows the limits of our strength, and He will not allow Satan to tempt us beyond that limit.

God sends to each person exactly as many trials as he can endure, and no more. Our Savior assures us that He will enable us to overcome any temptation. At the same time, He will not necessarily deliver us from it, but will give us the strength to overcome. Whatever we are, and no matter how great the temptation, Christ is always near us, and He assures us: " I will strengthen you and help you ..." (Isa. 41:10).

"If we venture into Satan's territory, we have no confidence that we are safe from his power. As far as possible, we must close every way through which the tempter can gain access to us."8 Don't go where temptation can overtake you. Do not despair when temptation comes, but be confident that by God's grace you will overcome. In case of any temptation, God prepares a way to get rid of it.

The Lord never tempts us to sin. " God is not tempted by evil and He Himself does not tempt anyone" (Is. 1:13). The only guarantee against falling into temptation is Christ living in the heart. He will never leave the man He died for. " Stay in constant connection with the living Christ, and He will hold your hand tightly and never leave you." And remember: “The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous run into it and are safe. "(Proverbs 18:10). God brings good out of evil and uses temptation to bring us to Himself. These experiences purify and discipline us. They evoke in us an aversion to evil and a desire for good. The Lord allows temptations because He loves us.

4. God's wise and comprehensive plan

God would love to make us rich, famous, prosperous, and to give us every desire of our hearts, but He chooses not to. Our nature is too weak to endure absolute well-being. When everything goes smoothly, we tend to become proud and independent, thereby ceasing to feel any need for God. Therefore, one by one, He removes all the barriers that separate us from Him. These barriers can sometimes be health, strength, wealth, fame, or even someone we love to whom we are most attached. It’s hard to be broken and depressed, but He allows it because He loves us and wants to save us.” " For the Lord punishes whomever he loves; and beats every son whom he receives." If you suffer punishment, then God deals with you as with sons. For is there any son whom his father does not punish ? " (Heb. 12:6, 7).

Nobody likes difficulties. When making any plans, we do not foresee possible problems and we don’t take them into account. When they arise, they become an unpleasant surprise for us. We react to them different ways, experiencing self-pity, depression, bitterness. However, God wants us to treat them differently. " But now, Lord, You are our Father; we are clay, and You are our Teacher, and we are all the work of Your hand "(Isa. 64:8). The Lord is our Teacher, our Potter; we are clay; the potter's wheel represents heavenly mercy and the successive experiences of our life.

5. Heavenly Potter

It is the design of the heavenly Potter that both the forces of this world and the influences from above contribute to the formation of our character. Frequent blows to a damp clay vessel are necessary to remove cracks, which indicate that the material has not yet acquired proper flexibility.

Therefore, the great Potter who created us often exposes us to blows and pressure. We force Him to do this by stubbornly resisting His mercy and rebelling against the problems of life. The Lord does not change our form in order to completely reject us. If, after repeated action, the previously resisting soul yields to Him, He will make of it a vessel that brings benefit. No soul is beyond the reach of His transforming touch. "And the vessel which the potter made of clay fell apart in his hand; and he again made out of it another vessel, such as the potter took it into his head to make " (Jer. 18:4).

No, our heavenly Potter does not test us in order to find us unfit; but, like clay, He continually shapes us. "He kneads it and works on it. He tears the lumps into pieces and crushes them; joining them together... He leaves it to lie for a while... When it becomes completely pliable, He continues the work, making a vessel out of it. He shapes it and places it on a wheel, where he finishes it and polishes it. He dries the vessel in the sun and bakes it in the oven. And only then does the vessel become fit for use." He attacks our wayward and unyielding life only in order to ennoble it. He destroys it only to make something more beautiful out of it. He breaks it only to make it whole. He only hurts her to give her eternal healing.

After the potter has given the vessel the desired shape, he fires it in the kiln, and the heat transforms the soft clay into a strong and beautiful vessel. He carefully ensures that the vessels do not touch each other during firing. After all, if one of them bursts during firing, then the other will burst too. In God's great plan for our lives, we must be separated from each other while in the crucible of adversity. And yet we are not alone. Christ is with us. God allows us to be tested and refined so that individual character can develop in each of us. He wants each of us to win the victory ourselves, so that we may be among those who " came from great tribulation; they washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb" (Rev. 7:14).

6. The process of formation is not enjoyed - it is tolerated

The Lord does not expect us to enjoy the process of formation, but He does want us to endure it with patience. When the Apostle Paul in 2 Cor. 7:4 wrote: "I... abound with joy, despite all our sorrow ", he did not mean by this that he received pleasure from being stoned, or from having those whom he loved turn against him. But the apostle rejoiced because these experiences brought him closer to God. They changed his character in a way that nothing else could change him. The psalmist David said: " It is good for me that I suffered in order to learn Your statutes " (Ps. 119:71) "If we are betrothed to heaven, how can we, like a company of mourners, go along the road to the Father's house, groaning and complaining? Christians who constantly complain and seem to think high and a joyful state of spirit due to sin, do not possess true religion. The one who finds gloomy pleasure in everything sad and sorrowful that is in this world, who prefers to look at fallen dead leaves instead of picking beautiful living flowers, does not abide in Christ; He does not abide in the Lord who does not see the beauty in the majestic mountain peaks, in the valleys covered with a living green carpet, who has closed his feelings to the joyful voice that speaks to them through nature, a melodious and euphonious voice for those who hear it.

Suppose we reverse this order... Suppose you try to count all your blessings. You thought so little about them, and you had so many of them, that when failures and misfortunes come, you are deeply sad and think that God is unjust. You don't even remember that for all of God's blessings you have given Him so little gratitude and appreciation. You don't deserve them; but, because day after day, year after year they flowed like a river to you, you looked at them as something that had the full right to accept all the benefits without giving anything in return. God has more blessings than the hairs on our heads, more than the sand on the seashore. Meditate on His love and care for us, and may it fill you with a love that trials and tribulations cannot drown out.

If only we could see all the dangers from which the holy angels protect us every day, then, instead of complaining about trials and failures, we would constantly talk about God's mercy." It is natural for us to be grateful for God's many blessings, such like health, family and prosperity. But do we thank the Lord for experiences? Do we thank Him for difficulties that strengthen our character? Like, for example, we look at:

a) grief, which makes us compassionate;

b) pain, which adds patience to us in our lives;

c) a problem that makes us think;

d) criticism that forces us to examine ourselves;

e) disappointment, which helps us remain meek

f) difficulties that make us feel dependent on God?

All these and thousands of other questions bring us more benefit than many easy victories that do not give any spiritual growth.

7. God's Chosen Remedy

Let us thank God for the difficulties that help us grow to become like Him. "The trials of life are Divine instruments by which He cleanses our character from defects and roughness. Cutting, sculpting, grinding and polishing cause pain... But, thus processed, the stones become Fit to take their appointed place in the heavenly temple." “Once a man, who was in a state of deep depression because of a misfortune that had happened to him, was walking in the garden in the evening and looking at a pomegranate tree, almost all of its branches had been cut off...” “Sir,” said the gardener, “this tree has grown so much.” , which did not bear any fruit, but only had leaves. I was forced to trim it; and after that it began to bear fruit."

Our sorrows do not come naturally. In every experience God has a purpose for our good. Every blow that destroys an idol, a blow that weakens our earthly attachments and brings us closer to God, is a blessing. For some time after such “pruning” we may experience pain, but then “ let us bear the peaceful fruit of righteousness "We should gratefully accept everything that enlivens our consciousness, elevates our thoughts and ennobles our lives. Barren branches are cut off and thrown into the fire. Let us be grateful that, despite the painful “pruning,” we maintain a connection with the living Vine; For if we suffer with Christ, we shall also reign with Him. It is those difficulties which most severely test our faith, and make us think that God has forgotten us, that bring us closest to Him. Then we we can lay down all our burdens at Christ's feet and find the peace He gives in return... God loves and cares for the weakest creatures He has created, and there is nothing that can grieve Him more than our doubt of His love for us. , let us cultivate that living faith which will destroy all doubts in the hours of darkness and trial!" Christ will never forsake the soul for which He died. She may leave Him and be captured by temptations; but Christ will never turn away from the one for whom He paid the ransom at the cost of His life. If our spiritual eyes were opened, we could see those who are so burdened with grief that they may perish from their own despair and disappointment. We would see angels rushing to the aid of these souls standing, as it were, on the edge of an abyss. Having pushed aside many evil angels, heavenly servants help these unfortunate ones to regain their footing. The battles that take place between the two invisible armies are as real as the battles that take place between the armies of this world, and eternal destinies depend on the outcome of the spiritual struggle.

The words are addressed to us, as well as to Peter: " Satan asked to sow you like wheat; but I prayed for you, so that your faith would not fail"Thank God that we are not left alone." “For those who seek to follow the will of God, the time of deepest turmoil will be the time when Divine help is closest to them. When they look back on the darkest periods of their lives, they will remember them with the greatest gratitude. "The Lord knows how to deliver the godly "(2 Peter 2:9). He will lead them out of all temptations, out of all trials, and they will be enriched in experience, and their faith will become even stronger."

8. Not left alone

We have been given a promise: " Whether you pass through waters, I am with you; whether you cross rivers, they will not drown you. " (Isa. 43:2). Jesus assures us: " Behold, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. "(Matthew 28:20). Can we desire more? "In all our trials we have an unchanging Helper. He does not leave us alone to fight temptations and fight evil, for we would eventually be overwhelmed by hardships and sorrows. Although He is now hidden from the sight of mortals, faith will help to hear His voice saying: " Don't be afraid, I'm with you". "And alive; and was dead, and her, alive forever and ever "(Rev. 1:18). I have borne your sorrows, experienced all your struggles, met your temptations. I see your tears, I have wept too. I know sorrows that are so deep that they cannot be entrusted to any person. Do not think that you are alone and abandoned. Although your pain does not touch any heart on earth, look to Me and live. “The mountains will move, and the hills will be shaken; but My lovingkindness will not depart from you, and My covenant of peace will not be removed, says the Lord who has mercy on you." (Isa. 54:10)."

9. The plan bears fruit

Disappointments and difficulties develop patience in us. And patience is one of the first fruits of grace. " Here is the patience of saints ", said John the Theologian. Only people who give opportunity " patience to produce its perfect action "in their lives, will become" perfect and complete, not needing anything ". These are the ones who will live forever where nothing will irritate or disturb. When the small trials of life make us irritable, we should ask God for forgiveness. Because we cannot see our problems as theirs God sees, and we cannot understand them as He understands, we misinterpret His attitude towards us. Due to the fact that our understanding of the Lord is limited, we often doubt His love. “The ways of the Lord are not understandable to those who want to see everything in pleasant ways.” for yourself in the world. To us, with our nature, these paths seem gloomy and joyless. But the ways of God are the ways of mercy, and at the end of them is salvation ".

How good it would be if we remembered that every dark storm has a heavenly side, illuminated by God's light and glory. Our vision of human suffering is very limited. We interpret problems and disappointments negatively, often fearing that they will destroy us. We forget that the Lord allows them for our growth. We need to take advantage of the heavenly ointment that will help us see God's purpose clearly. Only then will we notice love in all life experiences. When we look at our trials from God's point of view, then we perceive them as Divine instruments through which He prepares us for eternal life.

10 .Tests as part of education

"Trials and obstacles are God's chosen methods of education and His proposed conditions for success. They are designed to cleanse God's children from the adherence to worldliness, material benefits"Christ Himself studied in this school of suffering, so that personal experience experience what a person experiences. " Although He is the Son, He learned obedience through suffering. " (Heb. 5:8). How much more do we ordinary people need to learn the lessons our Heavenly Father wants to teach us. Even if we don't understand all the reasons, we know that God wants every experience has contributed to the development of the character of Jesus Christ in us. How should we deal with difficulties and disappointments? Of course, we should not become angry and irritable. “The more you think about the disappointment that has befallen you, you tell others about your trials, spreading these conversations more and more to find the sympathy you desire, the more disappointments and trials you will experience." In every experience that God allows for us, there is His purpose, evidence of His wisdom and love for us.

"And he will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver, and he will purify the sons of Levi and refine them as gold and as silver, so that they may sacrifice to the Lord in righteousness. "(Mal. 3:3). One woman, trying to understand the true meaning of this statement, turned to a silversmith with a request to talk about the process of purifying silver. The master colorfully described everything to her. “But,” the woman asked, “do you observe what happens during this work?” “Oh, yes,” replied the silversmith, “I must sit and carefully look into the forge, for if the time required for purification exceeds the permissible time by even a few minutes, the silver, alas, will be spoiled. When I see my own in the silver my own reflection, I know that the process of purification is completed." In subjecting us to purification, Christ does not delay it a moment longer than necessary. He allows fire to purify, ennoble and sanctify, but not destroy us. He wants to see His image reflected in us.

“God, in His great love, strives to develop in us the gifts of His Spirit. He allows us to encounter obstacles, persecution and difficulties, not so that they serve as a curse to us, but, on the contrary, as a blessing.”

11. Nothing happens “just like that”

If we are Christians, then nothing happens to us “just like that.” Disappointments, lost hopes, destroyed plans - everything we come into contact with in our lives prepares us for eternity. God allows every experience, thereby wanting to bring us closer to Him. His ways are mysterious, but He never makes mistakes. He is full of wisdom and love. Let us submit to His purpose. There are things that we may not know about until we experience them and look back.

By leading us away from danger, God can touch our deepest interests. Sometimes He deprives us of what is most valuable, what is our greatest treasure. Someone we love may get sick; Someone's death will make us feel helpless. But by facing death, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the realities of life.

Our troubles do not please God, but suffering is necessary to teach us obedience. One writer said: " Sometimes God washes the eyes of His children with tears so that they can read His Commandments correctly"No matter how severe the trials that befell us, Christ never changes His attitude towards us, always remaining kind and loving." For only I know the intentions that I have for you, says the Lord, intentions for good and not for evil. "(Jer. 29:11). Any trials that He allows are for our good. "Every misfortune and sorrow, no matter how heavy and bitter it may seem, will always serve as a blessing to those who endure it with faith. A heavy blow, which in one minute turns all earthly joys into nothingness, can turn our gaze to heaven."

When disaster strikes us, there is no point in asking “why?” Questions and doubts only make things worse. It is much wiser to come to terms with the fact and concentrate all your efforts on solving the problem. Although you may not always be able to see the results of any trial, you should not lose confidence in God.

Sometimes God allows us to be hit with a strong, painful blow. They may even experience the collapse of their most secret plans or hopes. No matter the disappointment, our lives are in God's hands. God has His own plan for each of us, and each blow He allows has its own purpose. God " It is not according to the purpose of His heart that He punishes and grieves the sons of men " (Lamentations 3:33) He allows trials in the lives of His children because He loves them.

12. There's no room for despair

Understanding all this leaves no room for despair. All people should live with the confidence that God has His plans for each of them, and that whatever happens serves a purpose. Such confidence makes life happy! “They will look with gratitude upon the hardest part of their journey”—what a wonderful promise!

Satan creates temptations to hurt us, but God turns them into good and uses them for His glory. Each of our experiences, whatever it may be, carries God's plan. "Whatever fears and worries you may encounter, leave everything to the Lord. Your spirit will strengthen and become more resilient. You will see how you can get out of difficulties and gain confidence in the future. The weaker and more helpless you are, the stronger you will become in Him, the heavier your burdens, the more blessed is the peace when your burdens are cast upon Him who is willing to bear them.

Circumstances can separate us from friends for a long time; the raging waters of the endless sea can separate us from our loved ones. But neither circumstances nor distances will ever separate us from the Savior. Wherever we are, He is there to support, preserve, encourage and comfort. Great is the love of a mother for her child, but incomparably greater is the love of Christ for His redeemed ones. It is our good to rest in His love and say, “I trust in Him, for He gave His life for me. Human love often changes, but the love of Christ is unchangeable. When we cry out to Him for help, He reaches out His hand to save us." GeraldNash

I asked God for strength so that I could achieve my goal:

I became weak so that I could learn to obey with meekness.

I asked for health so I could do great things:

I became weak to do better things.

I asked for wealth to be happy:

I became poor so that I could be wise. I asked for power

to achieve human glory:

I became weak in order to feel the need for God.

I asked for everything to enjoy life:

I got life to enjoy everything.

I didn't get anything I asked for exactly.

But I got everything I hoped to get

without even knowing it.

My unspoken prayers were answered.

Of all people, I have received the richest blessings.


Hello, father! My question is this: I’m unlucky in life, I’m constantly haunted by failures. I've never had real friends, I can't get a job Good work, my children get sick often and a lot of little things happen, everything is against me. I had surgery to restore my vision, it worsened again, I straightened my nasal septum, but I still can’t breathe. I go to church, take communion once every 2 months, maybe my soul is bad? Who should I pray to so that everything goes well in life? God gives me trials?

Answers the question: Archpriest Dimitry Shushpanov

Priest's answer:

I would like to offer as an answer the sayings of saints about sorrows:

“It is for this reason that temptations, many trials, sorrows, struggles and shedding of sweat are laid out on the path, so that those who truly loved the one Lord with all their will and with all their might even to death, and with such love for Him no longer had nothing else desired for themselves. Therefore, in truth, they enter into heavenly kingdom, having renounced themselves, according to the Lord’s word, and loved the only Lord more than their own breath; why, for their high love, they will be rewarded with high heavenly gifts"

“God will not despise a contrite and humble heart: the sorrows that occur are by God’s permission; and when those who grieve with all their souls turn to the Lord, at that same hour the Lord will ineffably comfort them with His bounties and give a good thought to those who listen to Him, what should be done to please Him.”

“By enduring sorrows we save our souls, and we become accomplices of Christ’s sufferings in no other way than by enduring sorrows. Give thanks to God for everything, for thanksgiving intercedes with God for infirmities.”

“And as through many sorrows it is fitting for us to enter into the kingdom of God. Look: without labor and sorrow no one is justified. Therefore, the Lord called the gates leading to the kingdom of heaven narrow and cramped, that is, full of restrictions. But not every "whatever hardship or sorrow you may encounter, but sorrow because of faith in God"

“Each person has his own sorrows, only to the prying eye they are invisible. Moreover, I will tell you as a consolation that only through the patience of sorrows can you save your soul. The holy fathers note: if there were no sorrows, there would be no saints. And the Lord gave , we have this commandment: Through your patience you will gain your souls."

“We do not know for what purpose the Lord sends us sorrows, but, of course, the main ones are three, of which one, and perhaps all, are often the reason that He beats us with His fatherly rod. I believe: or to punishment for our previous sins, for, according to the word of the holy Apostle: we are punished by the Lord, so as not to be condemned with the world (1 Cor. 11, 32), or to test our faith and hope in the Lord, or, finally, so that the former will not be without sorrows "We will fall into some other sins. And besides, the sorrowful path is the path to the Kingdom of Heaven."

Answered by the rector of the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity in Khokhly (Moscow):

– A person can ask the same question: “Why is this happening to me?” in completely different, diametrically opposed cases. It’s one thing to have some kind of everyday, current troubles, annoyance at oneself, at the inability to cope with basic things. The other is global, serious, existential issues, such as loneliness, loss of a loved one.

That is, it’s one thing when a heel breaks while a woman is rushing to a meeting with her boss, but in the end she is late and loses an excellent vacancy. Then the question is also asked: “Why did this happen to me?” It’s pointless and stupid to answer it, because... it’s pointless and stupid. But we cannot ignore serious questions, such as the question of Elena, who really wants to have a family, strives for marriage, has maintained chastity, lives among good and good people and which is not deprived, in general, of anything in comparison with others. But something doesn't add up. What's wrong with her and why? How should she accept this will of God within herself? Is this even God's will?

Here another question arises: is there even God’s will for suffering, for loneliness, for anything else that brings pain to a person? And this is a cardinal question.

I don't think it is God's will for people to suffer. It is not God's will for little children to die from terrible diseases. It is not God’s will for people to remain lonely and suffer from this, because the Lord Himself said: “It’s not good for a person to be alone"(Gen. 2:18)

It is not God's will for people to be disabled. It is not God’s will for people to be unhappy, for people to be born into defective families. And for children to suffer because their parents don’t love them.

So you can’t ask the question “How to accept God’s will”? If the question is posed this way, then we shouldn’t be surprised when people from the outside ask us: “Why do you have such a strange faith?”

If we assume that there is God’s will for some negative, tragic phenomena, we must answer: “Everything happens because it is God’s will.” And how blasphemous it will sound that there is God’s will for the death of babies, for cancer, for the brutal murders of innocent people, for wars, for lies, for deception, for betrayal, for treason, for crimes. How could this be God’s will?!

Change the picture of the world...

Let us remember the Gospel story about the healing of a blind man, about whom the disciples asked the Lord: “Rabbi! Who sinned, he or his parents, that he was born blind? Jesus answered: “Neither he nor his parents sinned, but this was so that the works of God might be revealed in him” (John 9:1-3).

The Lord comes to heal him. But the Lord comes not to heal one particular blind man and not to heal all the blind people in the world. And in order to change the picture of the world. So that in general blindness, deafness, dumbness and everything else cease to be the law, the norm of this world.

The Lord takes upon himself the sins of this world on the Cross, redeems this world with His own blood, resurrects and gives this world Eternal Life, where there is no illness, no sorrow, no sighing, but only the great bliss of man’s presence in fullness, beauty, happiness and love .

After the Resurrection of Christ, people did not stop being born with diseases, they did not stop fighting and killing each other. But people can stop doing this if they finally become Christians. And in general, when people become Christians (for real, not nominally), life changes.

Perhaps their outer shell does not change, people do not cease to be people with all the consequences of human life. But a person who is truly connected with God changes greatly. He ceases to be blind, deaf, and dumb internally, because he comes to life. Although physical life remains the same. Perhaps the hardships of this life are physically getting worse for Christians. But inwardly a Christian is renewed from day to day. As the Apostle Paul says, if the old decays, then inwardly it is renewed.

There will be no more questions

When a person finds himself in a difficult situation, or when something extraordinary happened to him, and at the same time in his life he was able to feel the presence of God, to feel that God is with him, next to him, he no longer asks God questions. He doesn’t ask why this happened to him.

It so happened that in the last few years I have often had to communicate with children with severe cancer. During this time, many have already gone to God.

I talk to them about the Kingdom of Heaven, about whether they feel the presence of God in their lives. And for me it is always some kind of miracle, a discovery, when I hear from these very small, but very real Christians that they feel this presence of God very clearly, very close. When they are able, for example, in situations where they have to endure terrible pain, fight and try not to show these pains to their parents. And the main thing is that these children (this will not reveal the secret of personal confession) repent in confession that they do not have the strength to endure pain and their parents, seeing their suffering, suffer themselves. It is clear to me that he and God are very close.

Of course, situations are different. There are children who are 16-17 years old, they are very depressed from what is happening. They cannot fully accept much, but they try. They try, realizing that the hour of death is near. Their parents are also trying.

Recently I told one mother: “Be strong.” And she answers me with a smile: “What are you talking about, I accepted everything a long time ago.” And such peace is visible, peace in her soul from the fact that for her God is nearby. Despite the fact that she has a tragedy, it is simply scary for an outsider to look at a child in his stage of illness.

If a person is not a doctor, not a priest, not a parent, it is difficult to be around for more than a few minutes, seeing such a little person suffering.

Is this suffering the will of God?

Can this be accepted as the will of God?

Is it possible to accept God into your life?

How to do it?

Don't know.

How do these people do it?

Can not say.

I don’t have a method, a magic formula, a ready-made recipe.

It is very important if a person is able, in a situation of grief, misunderstanding of God, in a situation where life seems completely meaningless and useless to him, to think: “How can I get to know God better, how can I accept God, how can I receive this Light from Him so that , having enlightened me, removed this question from me.” Because this issue cannot be resolved. There is no answer to this. And if you ask it constantly, there will still be no answer, but there will be a constant state of despondency, a heartbreaking state of irresponsibility. But you can remove this question from your life.

The world we live in is completely distorted, it’s like a minefield, like a battlefield. Where can you find something like that, some kind of oasis where you can sit quietly until Last Judgment? There is no such place on Earth.

And here the words of Kierkegaard are very important to me: if a person treats God as Power, as Reason, as such a Miracle, which one must always focus on, then a person must somehow try to understand God all the time: why is this so? why this happens. So as not to make a mistake before such a Powerful, Reasonable, Super-just and such a Correct God. But if “God is Love” (1 John 4:16), then it’s not at all scary not to understand Him. You just need to learn to feel this Love, be able to get closer to this Love, so that it truly deeply touches the human heart. Because if it touches the heart, then, firstly, a person then begins to have a different attitude towards the Gospel, towards his religious life, towards himself. And, of course, he begins to relate to God differently.

So a person needs to make up his mind and accept God into his heart.


The idea that God sends some kind of tests to the one whom He loves most is folklore, like ditties. It’s like there is no cross beyond our strength, God sends us only tests within our strength.

Forgive me, the Gospel is what you can do?!

How can we say such nonsense that the cross is not unbearable?

Yes, the cross is always overwhelming. There is no cross that is feasible.

But these words: “Whoever wants to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me” (Mark 8:34) – is this possible?

Is it possible for a person to hear such words?

Can he do something on his own without letting God into his life?

If so, then perhaps there is some other “gospel” that everyone can do. There is such a “gospel” adapted in human minds, where Christianity and national ideas are approximately the same thing; where are ours folk traditions and in general, the traditions of centuries and life in Christ are one and the same. Yes, if this is the “gospel”, then it is quite possible. The “gospel” of traditions, the “gospel” of statutes, the “gospel” of imperial-power consciousness, the “gospel” of anything. Only Christ in His Gospel did not say anything about traditions or national ideas.

When everything is right

Often a person thinks: “I’m doing everything right, why does this end up happening to me?”

But our life does not depend on what we do right or what we do wrong.

Yes, in the categories of Old Testament justice, such an establishment, so to speak, of rules traffic Of course it works. If you go to the left, you will lose this, if you go to the right, you will lose that. Better go straight. It's hard, but at least it's correct. “See that you do as the Lord your God commanded you; do not turn aside to the right or to the left; walk in the way that the Lord your God commanded you, that you may live and prosper, and may live long in the land which you will receive to possess” (Deuteronomy 5:32-33).

But what did the apostles do that was so bad and wrong that each of them was executed with terrible, terrible torture, that throughout their entire apostolic life they were constantly stoned, humiliated, imprisoned, and persecuted? Why didn't they have a normal family life? Why didn’t they have a good apartment, a dacha within easy reach of the center of Moscow, a good car, a job, a salary, a pension and respect from the population?

I repeat, what did they do wrong? Whoever can answer this question will probably answer what he himself is doing right or wrong.

As for the main question we are discussing: “Why is this happening in my life?” – I repeat, there is no answer to this.

There is only one possibility - to remove this issue from the agenda. It can only be removed when a person is very close to God.

Do you like challenges? Are you eager to get another dose to test your faith? You are confident in your faith - then expect trials!

First, let's understand the concept of "test".
From Greek (δοκίμιον) - test, check. In the passive voice, this word conveys the idea: "approved after examination", "tested for approval", "authentic" (Cleon L. Rogers, Jr., New linguistic and exegetical key to the Greek text of the New Testament, 843). The purpose of the tests is good. Trials show the authenticity of our faith.

A trial is a test to test our faith. It is a process or means for determining the authenticity of something, testing, testing means (BDAG, 265). The essence of the test is to test our faith for authenticity.
The parable of the sower well illustrates the essence of trials: if a person’s confidence in his salvation is a consequence of false faith, then any future trials will show on what basis his adherence to the Christian faith is built.
In trials, God uses any means. And at the same time, it is important to understand that God does not test with sin (James 1:13-16), He does not tempt anyone.

1. Trials as a means of testing our faith

The verses below provide a good argument for the value of trials for our faith. Naturally, our flesh will resist them. We will rebel against

eradicate even the slightest sin, but the Lord in His grace patiently works on us and sends everything necessary funds to cleanse everything that defames His glorious name.

"Count it all joy, my brothers, when you fall into various temptations, Knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance; and But let patience have its perfect work, so that you may be complete and complete, lacking nothing. " (James 1:2-4)

"In this you rejoice, having now grieved a little, if necessary, from various temptations,so that the tested faith of your faith, more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and honor and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ.. " (1 Peter 1:6,7)

2. Trials as a means to display God's glory.

Rarely do we think about this aspect of testing. More often, some people think that God has no right to use man to display his glory. The clay begins to dictate to the potter based on its illusory rights. But of course! Obviously, such an instrument for displaying the glory of God sounds cruel to our ears, but this is only because we do not fully understand God’s nature and do not know the plans of His “heart.” Our selfishness and sense of self-importance fuels our sense of self-preservation.

"And as he passed, he saw a man blind from birth.His disciples asked Him: Rabbi! Who sinned, he or his parents, that he was born blind? Jesus answered: neither he nor his parents sinned, but [this was] so that the works of God might be revealed in him. " (John 9:1-3)

3. Tests as a way to punish.

It is this aspect of trials that many Christians gossip about when something bad happens to their neighbor: “Oh, God punished him!” A person fell ill with an incurable disease - God punished him, a loved one died - God punished him, and so on. Perhaps so, but not a fact, since we see that there are several reasons for testing. And only God fully knows why He allows trials.
And through punishment God tests our faith.
"The Lord punished me severely, but did not put me to death." (Ps. 117:18)

"I know, Lord, that Your judgments are righteous and You punished me with justice." (Ps. 119:75)

4. “Tests” as a consequence of our stupid actions.
This point is not so much a test as it is what we often think of as a test, but is not one in the biblical sense of the word. When we do stupid things, we rarely think about their consequences. For example, we take out a loan from a bank to buy a car, a certain time passes and we understand that we will not be able to pay the money for the car. And the sophisticated human mind immediately begins to justify itself, placing responsibility for its actions on God, saying: “The Lord is testing me.” But this is not so. Undoubtedly, through such circumstances our character qualities are revealed, but the problem that we cannot give money for a car lies in our inability to adequately assess our financial capabilities. And nothing more. It is possible that God also uses our weaknesses to test our faith.

God calls us to rejoice in trials. The reason for such joy is not masochism; we do not like to subject ourselves to suffering. We are joyful because we know the ultimate goal of the trials - transformation into the image of Jesus Christ.
