Proverbs about food and health. Proverbs about healthy eating

Proverbs and sayings about food accompany us from the very first, if not days, then years of life for sure. “Schi and porridge are our food!” my grandmother often said. But I still didn’t understand: how can you love ordinary cabbage soup when you really want ice cream or cake! 🙂 And only when I grew up - I realized that there is no bread - and life is not sweet. And in childhood, my grandmother still spoiled me with pies, and sentenced a well-known proverb about pies, a hut and corners. And now I bake such pies myself. That's how it turns out 🙂 And handing the pie to my grandchildren, I, like my grandmother, try not to do without the corresponding proverb or saying about food.

Proverbs about food

Appetite comes with eating.

Without a spoon and a good eater will become.

Without salt it is not tasty, but without bread it is not satisfying.

Without salt, the table is crooked.

Without salt, without bread, a thin conversation.

Pancake is not a wedge - the belly will not split.

The belly is a villain, he does not remember the good old.

Without a pancake - not a carnival, without a pie - not a name day.

Shchi is empty without cabbage.

The disease harms in pounds, but comes out in spools.

Without dinner, there is no red conversation.

Brother sister is not a decree in cooking.

The belly is not a bag, you can’t eat in reserve.

A large piece of mouth rejoices.

The belly is like a mountain, as if weaving to the yard.

Trouble is trouble, and food is food.

War is war, and dinner is on schedule.

Have a cup of tea - you will forget longing.

In a year of famine, a piece of bread is better than a bar of gold.

Everything is useful, that climbed into the mouth.

Great post will turn tail.

Everyone needs both lunch and dinner.

In the work "oh", but eats for three.

Hungry Fedot and cabbage soup in the hunt.

Bitter is cured, and sweet is crippled.

Buckwheat porridge is our mother, and rye bread is our father.

Where cabbage soup and porridge, there is our place.

Hunger will pass - you will eat what God gives.

Hunger is the best cook.

Where jelly - here he sat down, where the pie - here he lay down.

At home, eat what you want, and at a party - what you are told.

Road spoon to dinner.

You won't be fed up with long speeches.

Eat more, live longer.

Eat your fill, and work until you sweat.

Eat while your mouth is fresh, and wither, no one will look into it.

Eat mushroom pie and keep your mouth shut.

If you say "honey" - it will not become sweeter in your mouth.

Eat - sweat, work - freeze.

The stomach is stronger, the heart is lighter.

Live happily, but there is nothing to eat.

Food tastes better at a communal table.

Brewed porridge, so do not spare the oil.

Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to the enemy.

You can't cook porridge from one grain.

And the dog humbles himself before bread.

From the same torment, but in the wrong hands.

And the fly is not without a belly.

To whom pies and donuts, and to whom bruises and bumps.

You won't spoil the porridge with oil.

A quiver is handy with arrows, and dinner with pies.

When trouble comes, food will not come to mind.

When I eat, I am deaf and dumb.

Who eats quickly, he works quickly.

Peasant appetite never sickens.

Who likes to save money, and who likes to feed his belly.

Who does not work shall not eat.

What is food and drink, such is living.

Whoever chews, he lives like that.

Mother rye feeds everyone completely.

You can’t knead kneading with prayer.

For lunch, the birdie is satisfied with the flies.

Every man to his own taste.

Undersalted on the table, and oversalted on the back.

Bring it to the gate, where the mustache and beard are.

No one knows how the poor man dine.

Not in our honor, not for us.

The hut is not red in the corners, but red in the pies.

No joke when the stomach is empty.

I didn’t eat - I couldn’t, I ate - neither arms nor legs.

If you don't eat well, you'll be a wolf.

On an empty stomach and the song is not sung.

There is no better share than to eat plenty.

Man does not live by bread alone.

Eat, don't overeat!

One with a ladle, and seven with a spoon.

Oats do not go to the horse.

Went to visit and stayed for lunch.

The fish is small, but the ear is delicious.

The soul is glad to fast, but the body rebels.

A fast eater is a contentious worker.

Nightingales are not fed with fables.

A full belly is deaf to learning.

He himself brewed porridge, he himself and disentangle.

I myself do not “am” and I will not give to others.

Treats from the heart are sweeter than honey.

Thin kvass is better than good water.

Bread is the head of everything.

If you want to eat kalachi, don't sit on the stove.

Bread on the table - and the table is a throne, but there is no piece - the table is a board.

He puts bread on his feet, but brings down wine.

Would sip milk, but the snout is short.

What a wife does not like, that husband should not eat for a century.

What's in the boiler, then in the ladle.

What is in the oven - swords on the table!

Shchi - at least rinse footcloths!

food sayings

Hunger is not an aunt.

Hungry like a wolf.

Bitter like wormwood.

The lip is not a fool, the tongue is not a shovel.

It's cheaper to bury than to feed.

Freeze the worm.

Like cheese in butter.

Bow from seven ailments.

Not for horse food.

Not a dewdrop in your mouth.

Every day is not Sunday.

Neither fish nor fowl.

We don’t slurp cabbage soup.

Leftovers are sweet.

Tastes could not be discussed.

He is broad-shouldered in the stomach.

Put your teeth on the shelf.

Real jam.

It ran down his mustache, but it didn't get into his mouth.

The first pancake is lumpy.

The well-fed does not understand the hungry.

Radish horseradish is not sweeter.

When I had my own children, I instilled in them with the help of proverbs, taught them to take care of bread. I tried to ensure that my children did not grow up as parasites and could earn their own “bread”. And I did it! Including thanks to various.

Such sayings hide a great meaning that can teach a person and a child important things.

Proverbs about food have collected many meanings that personify a person’s attitude to work, to other people, his behavior in society.

food proverb Interpretation of the saying
No matter how teeth, so the soul would be out. If it were not for bad qualities, the person would be good (ideal).
You can't suck on a bear's paws like a bear. Desperation requires action.
When trouble comes, food will not come to mind. When a person has problems, he least of all thinks about everyday trifles. All his thoughts are focused on business.
Like a piece of bread, so the mouth gaped. As the benefit appeared, so did the desire for self-interest.
What is the bread, such is the case. As a person treats others, so they will treat him.
What is the food, so is the move (and vice versa). A man's life is what he has provided for himself.
What is the dog feeding, such is he (him) and catching. As you give all the best, such a return to you.
Karasev's ear - living room food. Do not skimp on the guests, treat them with everything they have and they will answer you with kindness.
The cook lives better than the prince. The one who is close to work is smarter and more skillful.
You won't spoil the porridge with butter. kind word you won't earn a bad reputation. You can also say about a "good deed" or "a good person."
Kissel yes full - woman's food. The literal interpretation: "much is not needed for life."
Sour, sweet, salty, insipid: you take a sip, you fall, you jump up, you want again. Offending others, expect that you will be offended.
Skinny belly fails. A person with poor skills and abilities.
The cow has milk in her mouth (i.e., forage). Born in a good family will become a good person.
Dinner is not needed, there would be lunch. Every job must be done on time.
Bread and water, peasant food. Simplicity. The ability to appreciate simple things.
Serf and belly do not remember good. Doing good to fools is a waste of time.
The harp is good fun, but it's not worth a nut. The saying describes the vain efforts and work of a person who is wasted in vain and does not receive gratitude.
Soup would be nice, but without cereals. The proverb literally says that a person lacks something or someone.
Though a bit, but full. This proverb describes a person who, after a lot of work or hard work, is happy and has received a reward or pay.
Though on water, if only in a frying pan. This proverb literally tells a person that even if he has quite a bit of wealth, money, kindness or friends, he already has something and therefore one should not lose heart.
At least call the devil, but feed with bread. These words should be taken as hard work.
Radish horseradish is not sweeter. In this case, the meaning of the saying is very simple: something the same or something very similar.
It can be bad, the bone does not gnaw. Do something without pleasure.
Garlic eliminates seven ailments. A person can cope with his own difficulties only if he wants to.
What is in the oven, all on the table are swords. The saying teaches a person not to be greedy and always be generous.
What you eat is what you live. What kind of work a person puts into business, such a reward he will have.
Shchey pot yes itself big. A small man with great talents, abilities, good skills.
A saying about food Interpretation of the saying
Appetite comes with eating. The desire to do something may arise not before work, but when you have already started it.
Without a spoon, a good eater will become evil. This saying is associated with goodness, which a person lacks and without it he becomes evil.
To sleep without dinner is to become a dog. Exact interpretation: poverty, bad situation, bad luck.
Can't live without bread. If a person does not have prosperity, he will not be able to exist, he will survive.
The belly is deaf: you can’t stop with a word (whatever you say, but feed). Words may mean nothing, and any word must be proved by deeds.
The belly and silently asks for food. Do not hide obvious things.
The belly does not harp without eating, it will not fall asleep. If you don’t do anything and don’t work, you can hardly achieve anything in life.
The belly is not a bag, you can’t eat in stock. You should work hard throughout your life in order to enjoy the results later.
The belly of the old friendship does not remember. A person is remembered by good deeds, not words.
The belly is like a mountain: how to get to the yard? Exact interpretation: a very self-confident person (sometimes, not at all justified).
Belly that judge; and is silent (and silently), but asks. The saying warns a person that he can be tormented by an inner feeling and conscience if he is wrong.
You can't make good with your belly. Idleness will not benefit a person.
There is space in the belly: every day, then a rash and a lei. Exact explanation: emptiness, poverty, lack of money, hunger.
The mare sighs, and there is enough grass. Even if unwilling, a person must force himself to work.
When I eat, I am deaf and dumb. When working hard, you should focus only on your business and not be distracted.
Horse food is better. The situation when a person did not live up to his promises by diligence.
The road is red by riders, and lunch by eaters. The saying teaches a person to commit any time on time.
Grain after grain is chasing with a club. Only that person, as the proverb says, will be successful, who will complete every business on time.
Work groaning, eat - puff. For any work a person will receive a reward.
Who is not forgotten by God, he is full. If a person is alienated from society. He is losing his communication skills. If a person strives to be with people, he always has friends and their help.
Who eats quickly, he works quickly. Your promises and words should be justified by deeds.
Who likes to save money, and who likes to grow a belly. Humanity is divided into two types: hard workers and lazy people.
Who is full is not forgotten by God. The saying goes that a person who works hard and is kind to everyone will definitely be successful in life.
Onion heals seven ailments. Work saves a person from any problem.
It is better to drink water in joy than honey in a torment. Much better is the gratitude that is received for one's own labor than the enjoyment of other people's merits.
Eat cow butter for health. Eating healthy food. Or, as a wish: "I wish you well."
Mother rye feeds all fools entirely, and wheat is optional. He who did not study and did not work, he receives food, and he who works hard enjoys gifts.
The bear sucks one paw, but lives full all winter. Great work can “feed” a person for a very long time, or a “good deed” glorifies a person.
The mill is strong with water, and man with food. Each job requires its own payment.
You can’t knead kneading with prayer. In a word, the matter is not solved.
Make a prayer, and put the flour in the kneader. In addition to words, help with deeds.
Shchi around the head. A person's desire to be happy is the guide of all his affairs.
Shchi and porridge are our food. The exact interpretation of the saying: "simple", "simple", "living simply."
Cabbage cabbage soup is good, and salt is delicious. Like it or not, a person needs kindness in order to feel happy.
The rich - to the feast, the poor - to the world (in the world). A person who has earned his status by hard work is worthy happy life. And those who are lazy may not count on sudden luck.
Go to the feast - feed the horse. Nothing is given to a person just like that, for everything you need to pay, thank or help.
Hangover in someone else's feast. Everything that is not obtained honestly cannot bring happiness to a person.
Woe to grieve - not to feast. Working hard is harder than being lazy.

The wolf called the goats to the feast, but they don’t go for gifts.

The wolf called the goat to the feast, but the goat does not go.

bad man do not want to help.

Since ancient times, people have tried to take care of their health, and they knew almost everything about the benefits of proper nutrition. However, despite the fact that each generation is based on healthy eating made their own changes, but the main principles have survived to this day. Proverbs about proper nutrition were passed down from generation to generation and were a kind of manual that taught how to live and what to eat in order to preserve strength. A vivid confirmation of this can be the statement of Socrates "You need to eat in order to live, and not live in order to eat." I would like to note that all statements and floorboards were composed on the basis of their own observations. By eating certain foods, people saw the result of their impact on the body, thus, new statements appeared, such as: “Eat garlic and onions - they won’t take an ailment” or “Onion heals seven ailments.” Having made a certain conclusion, people began to respect foods such as garlic and onions.

Our grandparents had special treatment to bread, so many proverbs about healthy eating are dedicated to this particular product. It is enough to recall such statements as: "Water is mother, and bread is father." Since ancient times, bread has been rightfully considered an invaluable product, because it contains such useful elements necessary for the body as: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins.

If you delve into the meaning of the Russian proverb “Not everything in the mouth that the eye sees”, it becomes clear that even our ancestors approached food wisely. Only in this way did food become the basis of excellent well-being, a cheerful spirit and good health.

Folk proverbs about porridge

It is probably difficult to find a person who would not know about the benefits of porridge. There is simply no better breakfast than light oatmeal. People who prefer cereals know many recipes for their preparation - these can be buckwheat cutlets, corn cookies, rice meatballs and much more. Our ancestors also considered porridge to be healthy and incredibly tasty, so there are many sayings dedicated to this particular product. “Good porridge, but a small bowl”, “Our mother - buckwheat". And this is not all the statements that are devoted to this priceless product.

There are also many sayings in which special attention is paid to the diet: « Shorten dinner - lengthen life”, “Kefir is not needed for dinner”.

Informative sayings

There are also some sayings about healthy eating which states that food should be eaten in moderation. After all, even our ancestors noticed that overeating can cause serious health problems, in confirmation of this I would like to cite such a popular saying “Eat and do not get fat, then you will be healthier.” It is surprising that in these proverbs everything is very accurately noticed about proper and healthy nutrition, which is why they have survived to this day and, of course, will certainly be passed on to the next generations.

Also, our ancestors invented a lot of sayings about food culture. We all know from childhood such a statement "When I eat, I am deaf and dumb." So in childhood, many children were told by their grandmothers. However, modern scientists have proven the negative impact of extraneous factors on the digestion process.

If all folk sayings are placed in one book, you get a real storehouse of practical advice and recommendations on proper and healthy nutrition. By all appearances folk sayings, we can conclude: proper nutrition is the key to good health, youth and longevity.

We have collected the best examples for you folk wisdom- proverbs, sayings and aphorisms about the benefits of a healthy diet. They will help you tune in to losing weight and once again remind you that people who eat right stay healthy and live longer.

“I eat to live, and some live to eat,” said the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates. Have you thought about the meaning of the sentence? Nutrition is an important part of life, but is not the meaning of existence.

You don't have to give up your favorite food: a slice of pie or Christmas baked chicken. If a person understands that the foods he eats are needed to extract the necessary nutrients, then there is nothing to worry about.

But more often we forget about the purpose of food and eat several times more than the body needs. This applies to festive feasts, which are overflowing with all kinds of dishes, and we certainly try each one.

To stay in good shape, find motivation for yourself. Read books about the benefits of healthy eating, articles, watch feature films or documentaries.

Proverbs and sayings are expressions honed over the centuries. Each of them went through a series of metamorphoses, reborn into a brief but accurate truth. Proverbs are the quintessence of folk life wisdom and experience. The meanings of sayings and proverbs are different. Proverbs carry some wisdom, and sayings are more often used "for a red word."

  • If you eat a lot, then the honey will seem bitter.

The meaning of this proverb speaks of the basic principle of a healthy diet - do not overeat. When you eat too much, then any sweetness or just your favorite delicacy will lose its charm.

The first part of the proverb is more relevant than ever in our pace of life. Often we do not pay enough attention to breakfast. There can be many reasons for this: lack of time, in the morning you just do not want to eat, and so on.

Breakfast is the main source of strength and energy for the whole day, so you should never neglect a light morning meal.

  • As you chew, so you live.

Scientists have proven that the more carefully you chew food, the more benefits it brings. It seems incredible, but it really is. Thoroughly chewed food is easier to digest, and the body receives maximum amount nutrients.

The stomach, crowded with large pieces of food, presses on the diaphragm, which negatively affects the heart.

  • Not everything in the mouth is what the eye sees.

The meaning of the saying speaks of the dangers of overeating (literally - do not eat everything you see).

  • There are no bad foods, there are bad chefs.

The meaning of this proverb is proper cooking food. Any product, even if you haven’t eaten it because you don’t like the taste or smell, will be tasty and healthy if cooked correctly.

  • When you go to bed with an empty stomach, you wake up refreshed.

During sleep, the body needs rest. If you eat before bed, then instead of resting, the stomach continues to work. This negatively affects the general well-being in the morning.

  • An apple a day and you don't need a doctor.

The meaning of this well-known proverb should be taken literally. Apples are a natural source of iron and a complex of vitamins that are easily absorbed by the body. In addition, apples help digestion and in the blood.

Aphorisms about how to eat right

Aphorisms are a complete thought, once said and written down by a person. Aphorisms are often used in speech as best example succinct thought. Very often, aphorisms are mistaken for common truths.

  • Sweets, cookies and candies cannot be raised from children healthy people. Like bodily food, spiritual food should also be simple and nutritious. R. Schuman;
  • Food that the body does not digest eats the one who ate it. So eat in moderation. Abu-l-Faraj;
  • Since people learned how to cook their food, they have been eating twice as much as nature requires. B. Franklin;
  • If you want to prolong your life, shorten your meals. B. Franklin;
  • Great men have always been temperate in food. Honore de Balzac;
  • No one should transgress the measure either in food or in nutrition. Pythagoras;
  • We need to eat and drink so much that our strength is restored by this, and not suppressed. Mark Thulius Cicero;
  • Rising from the table hungry - you ate; if you get up after eating, you overate; if you get up overeating, you are poisoned. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov;
  • Our food substances must be medicines, and our medicines must be food substances. Hippocrates;
  • Love and hunger rule the world. Friedrich Schiller.

What do proverbs and aphorisms teach us

By not skipping breakfast, not eating at night, and not allowing yourself to overeat, you will feel better in the first month. Eating right, you will not be overweight or.

Proverbs, sayings, aphorisms are the life experience of other people, which helps not to make mistakes that harm you. Therefore, follow the advice of folk sages and run health!

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