Extracurricular activity on the topic of proverbs and sayings. Extracurricular activity “Russian folk proverbs and sayings”

Proverbs and sayings"

The event was organized and conducted by:

teacher primary classes Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 20 Mironova Galina Mikhailovna

With. Tovarkovo, Bogoroditsky district, Tula region

Lesson - creative project

Subject. "Proverbs and sayings".

Objectives: Familiarization with. Top up active lexicon students with proverbs and sayings like,

clarify the meanings of some of them;

develop Creative skills students, a sense of responsibility for the assigned work;

teach children to independently search for the necessary information using various sources, work in groups, exchange information, maintain a conversation, be able to express their point of view and justify it;

analyze and evaluate your own creative and business capabilities.

Stages of work on the project

Stage 1. Development of design specifications

The tasks of the stage are to define the topic, clarify goals, select working groups and distribute roles in them, identify sources of information, set tasks, select criteria for evaluating results.

The class receives tasks:

pick up 5 proverbs on different topics and put them into a little book;

come up with stories explaining the meaning of proverbs;

illustrate several proverbs;

write down proverbs that contain numbers.

Stage 2. Project development

The objectives of this stage are to collect and clarify information.

Students independently work with information individually, in groups and pairs, analyze and synthesize ideas.

The teacher observes and advises.

Stage 3. Evaluation of results

The objectives of the stage are to analyze the implementation of project tasks.

Students participate in preparing for the presentation of material in a presentation lesson.

Stage 4. Project protection. Lesson presentation

The task of this stage is the collective defense of the project.

Students perform in front of classmates and the jury.

Progress of the lesson-presentation.

1. Proverbs and sayings. (teacher's word)

It is difficult to say when proverbs and sayings began to circulate among the people with the oral genre. Undoubtedly, they arose in ancient times and accompanied the life of the people throughout their history. The attitude towards them was expressed in many sayings: “It is not for nothing that a proverb is said” or “A proverb will not be broken forever.” Many Russian writers were interested in proverbs: A. Pushkin, I. Krylov. There are 120 proverbs mentioned in Pushkin's letters.

IN AND. Dahl wrote that proverbs are “the flower of folk art. Develop interest in Russian folk art. Continue formation moral values in children, to develop literary taste and logical thinking.” Proverbs color speech and make it figurative. The work of collecting proverbs begins in the 17th century - these were handwritten collections, their compilers are unknown. In the 18th century, proverbs were collected by Lomonosov, Tatishchev, and Bogdanov. The largest collections were by Knezhevich and Snegirev. In 1862, Dahl's collection was published, which included over 30,000 proverbs.


Exhibition of books by V.I. Dahl was born on November 10, 1801 in the city of Lugansk. The story of his life is very interesting. The son of a Russified Dane and a German woman, who only converted to Orthodoxy at the age of 70, is a sailor, doctor and official. But what need forced this man to undertake the colossal work of compiling a Russian dictionary, collecting Russian proverbs and sayings? After all, Dahl was neither a scientist nor even Russian by nationality. Although he wrote: “Neither a nickname, nor a religion, nor the very blood of one’s ancestors makes a person a member of one or another nationality. Whoever thinks in what language belongs to that people. I think in Russian."

Dahl was a pioneer. No one had ever compiled a dictionary before him. Dahl's Dictionary is a historical dictionary. It can be read back to back, giving an accurate picture of people's lives. Vladimir Ivanovich not only collected a huge number of words and expressions, but also accompanied them with many proverbs and sayings. This demonstrated the nationality of both the dictionary and the compiler.

Student performance. Presentation of your works.

The history of the creation of baby books, reading stories and proverbs.

Teacher's story about proverbs of the peoples of the world.

Proverbs of the peoples of the world

“Look at yourself three times a day.” This Japanese proverb teaches you to watch your behavior.

The Mongolian proverb “And a journey to ten thousand countries begins with the first step” says that any big business begins with a small one.

When an innocent person suffers, the Arabs say: “The sea quarreled with the wind, but the boat suffered.”

“Over-salting makes you thirsty.” This means that everything needs moderation.

Russians say: “Don’t dig a hole for someone else, you’ll fall into it yourself.” And the Ossetians say: “Don’t throw stones from a glass house.”

The French advise not to despair and say: “If you fail, start over.”

When Indians do not cherish friendship, they are told: “Do not rudely break the thread of friendship, for if you have to tie it, a knot will remain.” Russians will say: “You can’t mend a broken cup.”

If for test If not only you, but also most of your classmates get a bad grade, then it would be appropriate to use the Latin proverb: “The consolation for the unfortunate is to have companions in misfortune.”

“The word is silver, and silence is gold,” the Russian will say, and the Bengali: “Whoever talks a lot begins to lie.”

Assignment: correlate a Russian proverb with a foreign proverb.

Language will take you to Kyiv.

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.

Tears of sorrow will not help.

The morning is wiser than the evening.

He who does not ask will not get lost.

Whether it's East or West, home is better.

One hour in the morning is better than two in the evening.

There's no use crying over spilled milk.

Crossword, quiz, games with proverbs.

1. Insert the picture into the proverb.

They don't look a gift in the mouth. (To the horse.)

When... there is a whistle on the mountain. (Cancer.)

They chop - the chips fly. (Forest.)

No... don't moo. (Cow.)

Don't spit in... - you'll need to drink some water. (Well.)

To the big one... - big swimming. (To the ship.)

2. Collect the parts of the proverb.

Know how to take

know how to give.

old friend

better than the new two.

You're going for a day

take bread for a week.

The bird is red with a feather,

but a man with his mind.

Don't dig a hole for someone else

you will fall into it yourself.

Look for a friend

and if you find it, take care.

If only there were cats

and there will be mice.

Try it on ten times

cut once.

3. Duel. Who can name more proverbs where numbers occur?

4. Crossword with proverbs and sayings;

Presentation “Proverbs and sayings”

Progress of the event:


Proverbs and sayings are short folk sayings. They express the wisdom of the people, their opinion about the life around them. Proverbs arose from people’s observations of the surrounding nature, human labor, and the relationships between them. They affirm love for native nature, friendship is praised, betrayal, indifference, and laziness are condemned. Proverbs talk about the importance of work, teach good, scold for bad.

Accurately and expressively characterizing objects and phenomena of the surrounding life, proverbs will replace verbose and tedious explanations. Brevity and rhyme make them easy to remember.

It’s not for nothing that proverbs say,

It is impossible to live without them!

They are great helpers

And true friends in life.

Sometimes they instruct us

Wise people give advice.

Sometimes they teach something

And they protect us from harm.

The proverb will never break -

After all, there is grief and misfortune with her.

And our speech is red with the proverb:

Let's remember them, friends.

Presentation of the teams (name and motto)

Slide 4-11 (introduction to the interpretation of Russian proverbs)

1st competition - warm-up. "Finish the proverb"

Measure seven times... (and cut once.)

Repetition-… (mother of learning)

Business before pleasure)

Learning is light and ignorance is darkness)

How it comes back... (it will respond)

Labor feeds a person... (and laziness spoils)

Better the bitter truth... (than a sweet lie)

Time for business... (hour for fun)

2competition. "Proverbs about friendship"

The song “True Friend” is performed. Plyatskovsky" music. Savelyeva.

You, of course, guessed what proverbs we will talk about in

our next competition?

So, proverbs about friendship. Name some proverbs you know about friendship. The team that names the most proverbs will win.

3 competition. "Restore the proverb"

Find mischievous letters in proverbs that are out of place. By changing their usual meaning.

A whisker is good, but two is better. (us- mind)

Work and a regiment will not run away into the forest. (wolf regiment)

The old circle is better than the new two. (circle-friend)

The pond feeds and clothes. (pond - labor)

More work, less dreams. (dreams-words)

Don't touch your body. (body is business)

Heal from the rook, and learn from the smart one. (The rook is a doctor)

Without a coward you can't even pull a fish out of the pond. (without a coward - without difficulty)

4competition. “Remember, in the highlighted horizontal row you will read another proverb from the pictures” about labor.

Wolf (If you are afraid of wolves, do not go into the forest)

Hare (If you chase two hares, you won’t catch either.)

Horse (Don't look a gift horse in the mouth)

Chicken (Eggs don't teach chicken.)

Chickens (Chickens are counted in the fall.)

Sleigh (Prepare a sleigh in summer and a cart in winter)

Well (Don’t spit in the well - you’ll need to drink the water)

5 competition. “Choose proverbs - synonyms.

The quiet man is something to beware of. (Still waters run deep)

Nothing can be achieved without care and hassle. (A rolling stone gathers no moss.)

The debt must be repaid. And the way to go. (Debt good turn deserves another.)

Talking won't get things done. (Don’t be hasty with your tongue, be quick with your deeds.)

Because of a stupid head, your legs suffer. (A bad head gives no rest to the legs.)

Where there is fire, there is smoke. (There is no smoke without fire.)

They don’t even eat honey without difficulty. (

Horizontal: The master's work is afraid.

1. The early bird cleans its sock, and the late bird cleans its eyes... .

2. The day until the evening is boring, if you do... .

3. Finished the job - go for a walk... .

4. Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do... .

5. If you hurry, people... .

6. If you want to know a lot, you need little... .

7. Skillful hands do not know... .

8. He who loves to work cannot be idle... .

9. If you want to eat rolls, don’t sit on... .

10. Try on seven times - once... .

11. You can’t even take a fish out of the pond without difficulty.)... .

Every cloud has a silver lining. (There would have been no happiness, but misfortune would have helped.)

6 competition. “Find proverbs in the text of the poem”

Well, who among you will not agree,

12. Looking at someone else’s work, I’m not full... .

13. That without labor the dream is dead; what goes around comes around... .

What14. The master who works hard in his hands fears fire... .

That life is given to us for good.

That a friend is not the one who smears honey,

What a long day until the evening,

If there is nothing to do;

That he will only destroy himself,

Who doesn't love others at all.

Where is the bungler and the grouse?

There is no profit15. Labor feeds a person, but loss.

And, of course, without difficulty

You can't even pull a fish out of a pond.

Remember! Someone who wants to know a lot

He shouldn't sleep much.

Agree: laziness and a cheat will not lead to good... .

How many proverbs did you count? Name them.

7 captain competition. « 16. Time for business - fun... .

17. Strike iron until... .

Answers. 1. It tears through. 2. Nothing. 3. Boldly. 4. Today.

5. Make you laugh. 6. Sleep. 7. Boredom. 8. Sits. 9. Ovens. 10. Cut it off. 11. Pond. 12. You will. 13. You will reap. 14. Lights up. 15. Spoils. 16. Hour. 17. Hot

5. Puzzles with proverbs. (for parents)

See Attachment.

6. Proverbs with numerals 1 and 7"

The captains write down proverbs on a piece of paper. The one who writes down the most proverbs wins.

8competition. “Animals joke. Find the mistake in the proverbs.

Hungry, the first wedge is lumpy.

You can't spoil Sasha with oil.

We ourselves have ears.

Spinning like ... (a wolf) a bun in a wheel.

Stubborn as... (donkey)

Cowardly as ... (hare)

Cunning like... (fox)

Dumb, like... (fish)

Wet like... (chicken)

Inflated like... (turkey)

Healthy as...(bull)

Dirty like...(pig)

10. Prickly, like ... (hedgehog)

11.Chatty as... (magpie)

12.Cunning as (really)

9. Reflection.

Guys, did you like our event?

What new things have you learned?

Which one Don’t make words out of flour.

Don’t be afraid of hunger, wash yourself up to your waist.

7.Field of Miracles. (Some of the letters are already open, try to guess the proverb you heard for the first time?)

10-o-h-l d-l- g-l-y -m-l-! (I've finished the job - go for a walk!)

Our presentation lesson has come to an end.

5. Summing up the game. Awarding the winners of the game.

What did studying proverbs give you, what did you like about this work?

Municipal autonomous educational institution

"Davydovskaya gymnasium"

Orekhovo-Zuevsky municipal district

Moscow region

Summary of an extracurricular lesson in grade 4A on the topic: "Russian folk proverbs and sayings"


primary school teacher

Gurina Zoya Alekseevna


Target: to form children’s value attitude towards such genres of oral folk art as proverbs and sayings.
Educational:Replenish students’ active vocabulary with proverbs and sayings; clarify the meaning of some of them, work in groups, exchange information, maintain a conversation, be able to express your point of view and justify it; analyze and evaluate your own creative and business capabilities.
Educational:develop students’ creative abilities and a sense of responsibility for the assigned work;
Educational:cultivate interest in the Russian language; a sense of pride in your language.
Planned results:
Subject: refer proverbs and sayings to oral folk art; are able to distinguish proverbs from sayings, remember proverbs and sayings.


1. Formation of an emotional attitude towards school and educational activities.

2.Formation general idea about moral standards of behavior.

3. Evaluating people's actions life situations from the point of view of generally accepted norms and values.

4. Formation of a value-based attitude towards the cultural heritage of the native country.
Metasubject UUD:


1. Drawing up a plan for completing tasks in class under the guidance of a teacher.

2. Formation of the ability to evaluate learning activities in accordance with the task.

3. Implementation of a plan for completing tasks in class under the guidance of a teacher.

4. Finding the difference between a correctly completed task and an incorrect one.

5.Use the simplest semantic models in your activities.


1. Finding differences between something new and something already known with the help of a teacher.

2. Formation of the ability to draw conclusions based on the analysis of the information received.

3. Processing the information received: the ability to draw conclusions as a result of joint work of the whole class.


1. Formation of the ability to listen and understand others.

2. Formation of the ability to construct a speech statement in accordance with the assigned tasks.

3. developing the ability to interact with group members, the ability to negotiate, and find a common solution.

Forms of work: presentation, mini-discussion, creative work, tetrallization, artistic creativity.

Progress of the lesson.

Teacher activities

Student activities


1. Organizational moment.

What's your mood?

Is everyone of this opinion?

Maybe you're tired?

Everyone sat down at their desks together,

They looked at each other,

Smile quickly

Let's welcome guests!

I hope that....

Today we will study in groups, divide into 2 teams.


All without exception!

We didn't take these with us!

We will work together, we will handle the matter along the way!

So that dear guests

We wanted to come again!

Children are seated at 2 tables.

2. Updating knowledge.

- I will give each group cards with letters, you need to make words from them.

What is the topic of our lesson?

We worked with you a lot with proverbs and sayings separately. Why are we considering these concepts together today? What tasks will we have?

Let's remember what a proverb is?

Give examples.

What is a saying?

Give examples.

How can you tell them apart?

Make up words: proverbs and sayings. Attach them to the board.

Proverbs and sayings.

Repeat and consolidate knowledge about sayings and proverbs.

Learn to distinguish between these concepts.

A proverb is a short saying that reflects folk wisdom, life experience.

Children's answers.

The saying is short stable expression, which does not constitute a complete statement.

Children's answers.

A proverb is a complete thought expressed in a sentence, while a saying is an expression that can be part of a sentence.

Slide 1

Slide 2

Slide 3

Slide 4

3. Motivation.

Why do we need to study proverbs and sayings?

Where did they come from?

Then how can I explain that I have a whole exhibition of books with proverbs? Where did the books come from? After all, no one wrote proverbs, they were composed by the people and they have no author?

Children's answers.

They were composed by the people, they are part of oral folk art.

Children's answers.

4. Immersion in the topic of extracurricular activities.

There were people in Rus' who understood the full value of oral folk art. These are riddles, songs, proverbs, sayings, and much more. They started recording all this. Vladimir Dal was also a collector of Russian proverbs and sayings. It was difficult work over many years and we still use these books to this day.

People say that a small drop of knowledge is a small step towards wisdom. Let's take our knowledge one step higher. And after this lesson you will become a little better, kinder and wiser.

View the presentation.

Slide 5

Slide 6

5. Disclosure of the main content of extracurricular activities.

- First taskteams. Proverbs and sayings are written on the sheet. Using the knowledge you have acquired, group 1 will underline only proverbs, and group 2 will underline only sayings.

- Second task.I give each team its own proverb. The group's task is to dramatize it, and the opposing team's task is to guess what kind of proverb it is.

- Third task.I again give each team a proverb. The task of each team is to illustrate it, the task of the opposing teams is to guess the encrypted proverb.

- Fourth task.I will give each team cards with “spoiled” proverbs and sayings. Your task is to correct mistakes. Then the teams take turns reading the original version to the opposite group and checking their answer.

Completing the task.

Completing the task.

Completing the task. Examination.

Annex 1.

Slide 7

Appendix 2.

Appendix 3.

Appendix 4.

Slide 8-11 (tasks, if time remains)

6. Reinforcing the main content of extracurricular activities.

Now I suggest you compose a syncwine on our topic.

Remember what syncwine is?

Let's repeat the rules for compiling a syncwine.

The first group composes a syncwine for the word "proverb", and the second - for the word "proverb".

Cinquain is a creative work that takes the short form of a poem consisting of five unrhymed lines.

Line 1 - one noun expressing the main theme of the syncwine.

Line 2 - two adjectives expressing the main idea.

Line 3 - three verbs describing actions within the topic.

Line 4 is a phrase that carries a certain meaning.

Line 5 - conclusion in the form of a noun (association with the first word)

They make up syncwines.

Slide 12

Slide 13

Sample answers (Appendix 5)

7. Results of extracurricular activities. Reflection.

What new did you learn in class today?

Next time you yourself will have to play the role of collectors of oral folk art and try to create your own book-collection of the small genres you have studied.

I hope that each of you has risen to your own level of wisdom. And which one, you decide for yourself. Draw a smiley face that reflects your mood during our lesson and attach it to the ladder. If everything was clear and you liked everything, pin yourself higher; if not, pin yourself lower.

We learned that there were people - collectors of oral folk art who compiled books. For example, Vladimir Dal.

Slide 14

Annex 1.

1 group. Underline only the proverbs.

Birds of a feather.

Tongue without bones.

Life is given for good deeds.

One, like a finger.

Tears of sorrow will not help.

Out of the blue.

Friend is known in trouble.

Hungry as wolf.

2nd group. Underline only the sayings.

Take care of your dress again, and take care of your honor from a young age.

Birds of a feather.

Tongue without bones.

Life is given for good deeds.

Don't say "hop" until you've jumped over.

One, like a finger.

Tears of sorrow will not help.

Out of the blue.

Friend is known in trouble.

Hungry as wolf.

Appendix 2.

1. Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him.

2 . The quieter you go, the further you'll get.

Appendix 3.

1. If you love to ride, you also love to carry sleds.

2. Time for business, time for fun.

Appendix 4.


Appetite goes away while eating.

The city is not an aunt.

You can't spoil it with butter.

Your burden does not sink.

Nightingales are not fed with towers.

2. Read proverbs and sayings, correct mistakes.

Prepare the canopy in summer and the cart in winter.

Don’t sit in your own baths.

Whatever the child enjoys, as long as it doesn’t swim.

In the absence of fish, the tank is fish.

A regiment in sheep's clothing.

Appendix 5.

1 group.


Accurate, playful.

Expresses, denotes, conveys.

A saying is a short expression that does not constitute a complete statement.


2nd group.


Wise, accurate.

Teaches, instructs, protects.

A proverb is a laconic statement that reflects folk wisdom and life experience.

Wisdom (helper)

Lesson analysis extracurricular activities"Russian proverbs and sayings" in grade 4A

Number of students:

By the list -

In fact -

Direction of extracurricular activities: general intellectual.

Name of the program within which the lesson is conducted: Working programm extracurricular activity course "Entertaining Russian language"

Place of the lesson within the program section: the third lesson in the “Proverbs and Sayings” section, for which 4 hours are allotted.

Classroom lesson. The arrangement of furniture is not standard, but suitable for comfortable work of children in groups.

In the first lessons of the section, extensive work was carried out separately on proverbs and sayings, that is, students were given socially significant knowledge on this topic.

In this lesson, we repeated the knowledge the children had previously acquired and moved on to the second level of performance - instilling basic values. In this case, the value is oral folk art, brought to us by the compilers of collections of small genres, such as, for example, Vladimir Dal.

Revealing the main content of extracurricular activities were used different types activities for more interested, active work of children: mini-discussion, theatrical performance, artistic creativity, research, creative work.

By implementing these types of work, I achieved the main goal of the lesson - to form a value-based attitude towards proverbs and sayings in children.

To form the next level of performance - the formation of social experience - it is planned to conduct a lesson in the form of a creative workshop, where children will be asked to play the role of collectors of Russian proverbs and sayings and create their own collection of books.

The topic of our creative project:

"Proverbs and sayings".

Goals. Replenish students’ active vocabulary with proverbs and sayings, clarify the meanings of some of them; develop students’ creative abilities and a sense of responsibility for the assigned work; teach children to independently search for the necessary information using various sources, work in groups, exchange information, maintain a conversation, be able to express their point of view and justify it; analyze and evaluate your own creative and business capabilities.

Stages of work on the project

Stage 1. Development of design specifications

Stage tasks – definition of the topic, clarification of goals, selection of working groups and distribution of roles in them, identification of sources of information, setting tasks, selection of criteria for evaluating results.

The group is divided into 4 subgroups that receive tasks:

    group 1 – collect theoretical material about proverbs and sayings;

    Group 2 – collect and come up with stories explaining the meaning of proverbs;

    group 3 – find proverbs of the peoples of the world;

    group 4 – come up with tasks for a quiz about proverbs.

Stage 2. Project development

Stage tasks – collection and clarification of information.

Students independently work with information individually, in groups and pairs, analyze and synthesize ideas.

The teacher observes and advises.

Stage 3. Evaluation of results

Stage tasks – analysis of the implementation of project tasks.

Students participate in preparing for the presentation of material in a presentation lesson.

Stage 4. Project protection. Lesson presentation

Stage task – collective defense of the project.

Students perform in front of classmates and the jury. Make up questions for the quiz.

    Performance of the first group. Theoretical material about proverbs and sayings:

Proverbs -A proverb is a genre of folklore. The term "proverb" is Russian. He says that these sayings are used in lively conversational speech. The proverb most clearly demonstrates the general characteristics of folklore: collectivity of creativity, since it is created by many, many people; traditionality, i.e. stability, since the text of a proverb, as a rule, rarely changes; orality, since the proverb, more than other genres, is associated with oral, colloquial speech. In a brief and concise form, the proverb conveys the result of long and careful observations of life. A proverb contains advice or teaching. Folk proverbs have great social significance. Their educational value is great. Proverbs provide very versatile knowledge about life, condense the rich labor experience of the people, and generalize their life observations.

Their educational value lies in the importance and variety of topics. We can say that proverbs present a picture of life much more fully than other genres of folklore. M. Gorky said: “In general, proverbs and sayings exemplarily form the entire life socio-historical experience of the working people...” These generalizations can apply to both important phenomena and little things in life.

The proverbs reflected social contradictions: peasant - landowner, poor - rich, peasant - priest. Proverbs always give a sharp assessment of the oppressors and plunderers of the people. They constantly contain the satirical figures of a master, a merchant, a judge, a priest: “Merchants gather to rob people,” “Everyone has a drought, but a sheaf for the priest,” “They saw one eye of a blind man and they want to take it out of him.”

The educational value of proverbs is great. It is expressed in correct assessments of people's actions, in ridicule of negative practices, bad sides of human characters, and superstitions. Proverbs consolidate the labor, everyday, and social experience accumulated by the people and pass it on to subsequent generations. “Why worry about something that you can’t turn back”, “Don’t believe in happiness, and don’t be afraid of troubles”, “Your mind is dull, but your wallet is tight”, “Money can’t buy back your soul.”

Over the centuries, a collection of folk proverbs has been formed. “The eras that gave rise to proverbs are different. And, perhaps, in none of the forms of linguistic creativity of a people does their mind manifest itself so powerfully and so multifacetedly, its national history, social system, way of life, worldview are not so crystalline, as in proverbs.” (M. Sholokhov.)

Performance of the second group.

Stories about proverbs:

Everything has its time

Once upon a time there lived a boy, Petya Solntsev. He was neither smart nor stupid, neither an excellent student nor a poor student, neither lazy nor hardworking. The middle one was a little boy.

One day Petya was given a lot of homework. But he was so overcome by laziness that he first read a book for an hour, then watched TV for thirty minutes, and then went with his friends to play football. He played for so long that, when he came home, he no longer had the strength, time or desire to do his homework. And Petya decided not to do them.

The next day, when the boy went to school, there was a test. Petya got a bad grade because he didn't study his homework at all.

At home, my mother said: “Everything has its time.”

Some people, when they are late for work, break the rules and run a red traffic light. For this, they are stopped by a traffic police officer and fined. And they are even more late for work.

Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends

Once upon a time there lived a poor artist. He had many friends. One day he got sick. He needed an expensive operation, but he had no money. Then all his friends brought money. The artist underwent surgery and recovered.

What other proverbs fit these stories?

    What do they say about stubborn people? (Found a scythe on a stone .)

    How can one guard against a chatterbox and idle talker? (The word is not a sparrow: if it flies out, you won’t catch it .)

    What will they remind the lazy person? (Laziness was born before you .)

    How to encourage the timid? (The eyes are afraid, but the hands do .)

    How to calm a fearful person? (Fear has big eyes .)

    What will they say about the slow one? (Julitta is coming, someday there will be. )

    How will they hurry up the digging? (Seven do not wait for one. )

Third group performance:

Proverbs of the peoples of the world.

“Look at yourself three times a day.” This Japanese proverb teaches you to watch your behavior.

The Mongolian proverb “And a journey to ten thousand countries begins with the first step” says that any big business begins with a small one.

When an innocent person suffers, the Arabs say: “The sea quarreled with the wind, but the boat suffered.”

“Over-salting makes you thirsty.” This means that everything needs moderation.

Russians say: “Don’t dig a hole for someone else, you’ll fall into it yourself.” And the Ossetians say: “Don’t throw stones from a glass house.”

The French advise not to despair and say: “If you fail, start over.”

When Indians do not cherish friendship, they are told: “Do not rudely break the thread of friendship, for if you have to tie it, a knot will remain.” Russians will say: “You can’t mend a broken cup.”

If not only you, but also most of your classmates get a bad grade for the test, then it would be appropriate to use the Latin proverb: “The consolation for the unfortunate is to have companions in misfortune.”

“The word is silver, and silence is gold,” the Russian will say, and the Bengali: “Whoever talks a lot begins to lie.”

Performance of the fourth group. Creating and conducting a quiz.

MBOU "Golovchinskaya secondary comprehensive school with in-depth study of individual subjects"

Creative project
Proverbs and sayings»

3 "B" class

(Head: Levchenko Z.N.)

With. Golovchino

Topic of extracurricular activities: “Proverbs and sayings”


    Replenish students’ active vocabulary with proverbs and sayings, clarify the meanings of some of them;

    develop students’ creative abilities and a sense of responsibility for the assigned work;

    teach children to independently search for the necessary information using various sources, work in groups, exchange information, maintain a conversation, be able to express their point of view and justify it; analyze and evaluate your own creative and business capabilities.

Progress of the lesson:


Contents of the stage


Work organization : emotional mood

Time for business is time for fun. - How do we understand this?

1 min.

Stage 1. Development of design specifications

The tasks of the stage are to define the topic, clarify goals, select working groups and distribute roles in them, identify sources of information, set tasks, select criteria for evaluating results.

The class is divided into 4 groups that receive tasks:

Group 1 - collect theoretical material about proverbs and sayings;

Group 2 - collect and come up with stories explaining the meaning of proverbs;

Group 3 – find proverbs of the peoples of the world;

Group 4 – come up with tasks for a quiz about proverbs.

Stage 2. Project development

Stage tasks – collection and clarification of information.

The teacher observes and advises.

Stage 3. Evaluation of results

Stage tasks – analysis of task completion.

Stage 4. Project protection. Lesson presentation

Stage task – collective defense of the project.

35 min.

Students independently work with information individually, in groups and pairs, analyze and synthesize ideas.

Students participate in preparation for presentation of material

Students perform in front of classmates


- Which proverb is suitable for our lesson today? Why?

4 min.

Performance of the first group.

Proverbs and sayings

It is difficult to say since when proverbs and sayings began to circulate among people. Undoubtedly, they arose in ancient times and accompanied the life of the people throughout their history. The attitude towards them was expressed in many sayings: “It is not for nothing that a proverb is said” or “A proverb will not be broken forever.” Many Russian writers were interested in proverbs: A. Pushkin, P. Katenin, I. Krylov. There are 120 proverbs mentioned in Pushkin's letters.

IN AND. Dahl wrote that proverbs are “the color of the people’s mind.” M.I. Sholokhov called proverbs “a clot of reason,” “winged wisdom.” Proverbs color speech and make it figurative. The work of collecting proverbs begins in the 17th century - these were handwritten collections, their compilers are unknown. In the 18th century, proverbs were collected by Lomonosov, Tatishchev, and Bogdanov. The largest collections were by Knezhevich and Snegirev. In 1862, Dahl's collection was published, which included over 30,000 proverbs.

IN AND. Dahl was born on November 10, 1801 in the city of Lugansk. The story of his life is very interesting. The son of a Russified Dane and a German woman, who only converted to Orthodoxy at the age of 70, is a sailor, doctor and official. But what need forced this man to undertake the colossal work of compiling a Russian dictionary, collecting Russian proverbs and sayings? After all, Dahl was neither a scientist nor even Russian by nationality. Although he wrote: “Neither a nickname, nor a religion, nor the very blood of one’s ancestors makes a person a member of one or another nationality. Whoever thinks in what language belongs to that people. I think in Russian."

Dahl was a pioneer. No one had ever compiled a dictionary before him. Dahl's Dictionary is a historical dictionary. It can be read back to back, giving an accurate picture of people's lives. Vladimir Ivanovich not only collected a huge number of words and expressions, but also accompanied them with many proverbs and sayings. This demonstrated the nationality of both the dictionary and the compiler.

Performance of the second group.

Stories about proverbs

Everything has its time

Once upon a time there lived a boy, Petya Solntsev. He was neither smart nor stupid, neither an excellent student nor a poor student, neither lazy nor hardworking. The middle one was a little boy.

One day Petya was given a lot of homework. But he was so overcome by laziness that he first read a book for an hour, then watched TV for thirty minutes, and then went with his friends to play football. He played for so long that, when he came home, he no longer had the strength, time or desire to do his homework. And Petya decided not to do them.

The next day, when the boy went to school, there was a test. Petya got a bad grade because he didn't study his homework at all.

At home, my mother said: “Everything has its time.”

Some people, when they are late for work, break the rules and run a red traffic light. For this, they are stopped by a traffic police officer and fined. And they are even more late for work.

Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends

Once upon a time there lived a poor artist. He had many friends. One day he got sick. He needed an expensive operation, but he had no money. Then all his friends brought money. The artist underwent surgery and recovered.

What other proverbs fit these stories?

  • What do they say about stubborn people? (Found a scythe on a stone .)

    How can one guard against a chatterbox and idle talker? (The word is not a sparrow: if it flies out, you won’t catch it .)

    What will they remind the lazy person? (Laziness was born before you .)

    How to encourage the timid? (The eyes are afraid, but the hands do .)

    How to calm a fearful person? (Fear has big eyes .)

    What will they say about the slow one? (Julitta is coming, someday there will be. )

    How will they hurry up the digging? (Seven do not wait for one. )

Performance of the third group.

Proverbs of the peoples of the world

“Look at yourself three times a day.” This Japanese proverb teaches you to watch your behavior.

The Mongolian proverb “And a journey to ten thousand countries begins with the first step” says that any big business begins with a small one.

When an innocent person suffers, the Arabs say: “The sea quarreled with the wind, but the boat suffered.”

“Over-salting makes you thirsty.” This means that everything needs moderation.

Russians say: “Don’t dig a hole for someone else, you’ll fall into it yourself.” And the Ossetians say: “Don’t throw stones from a glass house.”

The French advise not to despair and say: “If you fail, start over.”

When Indians do not cherish friendship, they are told: “Do not rudely break the thread of friendship, for if you have to tie it, a knot will remain.” Russians will say: “You can’t mend a broken cup.”

If not only you, but also most of your classmates get a bad grade for the test, then it would be appropriate to use the Latin proverb: “The consolation for the unfortunate is to have companions in misfortune.”

“The word is silver, and silence is gold,” the Russian will say, and the Bengali: “Whoever talks a lot begins to lie.”

Exercise: correlate a Russian proverb with a foreign proverb.

Language will take you to Kyiv.
Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.
Tears of sorrow will not help.
The morning is wiser than the evening.

He who does not ask will not get lost.
Whether it's East or West, home is better.
One hour in the morning is better than two in the evening.
There's no use crying over spilled milk.

Performance of the fourth group.


1. Insert the picture into the proverb.

    They don't look a gift in the mouth. (Horse. )

    When... there is a whistle on the mountain. (Cancer. )

    They chop - the chips fly. (Forest. )

    No... don't moo. (Cow. )

    Don't spit in... - you'll need to drink some water. (Well. )

    To the big one... - big swimming. (To the ship. )

2. Collect the parts of the proverb.

no matter how much you feed the wolf
- live forever
- you like to ride
- better late
– seven troubles
– for demand
- he keeps looking into the forest
- learn forever
- love to carry sleighs too
- than never
– one answer
- they don’t take money

Extracurricular event for primary school teachers of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 100 of the Kirov District of Volgograd for students primary school Shlykova Irina Ivanovna

“It’s not without reason that the proverb is said.”

Summarize students' knowledge about folk proverbs.
Replenish students’ active vocabulary with proverbs and sayings,
Clarify the meanings of some of them; develop students' creative abilities, work in groups, exchange information,
Maintain a conversation, be able to express your point of view and justify it; analyze and evaluate your own creative and business capabilities.

Poster with proverbs, "Book of proverbs; cards with proverbs for each group, game "Chamomile", books with proverbs, TSO.

U. You will find out what we will talk about when you read these sentences. On the desk:
The proverb speaks beautifully.
You can't live without a proverb.
The old proverb will never break.
The proverb is an assistant to all matters.
- So what is it? What one word can we use to combine these sentences?
Children. Proverbs.
U. That’s right, and the topic of our lesson is: “A proverb is said for a reason.”
A proverb is a genre of folklore, a short wise saying with an instructive meaning.
In the proverb, the people's mind, the people's truth are wise judgments about life and people. The proverb teaches, warns, advises and instructs.
We divide the class into two teams (chips of different colors are given, children take one for themselves, and teams are formed according to the color of the chips.
1 competition
Stories about proverbs (each team will be read a story; they must be chosen according to the meaning of the proverb
Everything has its time
Once upon a time there lived a boy, Petya Solntsev. He was neither smart nor stupid, neither an excellent student nor a poor student, neither lazy nor hardworking. The middle one was a little boy.
One day Petya was given a lot of homework. But he was so overcome by laziness that he first read a book for an hour, then watched TV for thirty minutes, and then went with his friends to play football. He played for so long that, when he came home, he no longer had the strength, time or desire to do his homework. And Petya decided not to do them. The next day, when the boy went to school, there was a test. Petya got a bad grade because he didn't study his homework at all.
At home, my mother said: “Everything has its time.”
The quieter you go, the further you'll get
Some people, when they are late for work, break the rules and run a red traffic light. For this, they are stopped by a traffic police officer and fined. And they are even more late for work.
Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends
Once upon a time there lived a poor artist. He had many friends. One day he got sick. He needed an expensive operation, but he had no money. Then all his friends brought money. The artist underwent surgery and recovered.
What other proverbs fit these stories?
Small matter
On Tikhaya Street there lived a Little Business.
And on Noisy Street lived Big Idleness.
The Big Idleness always boasted:
- Look how big I am! And you are small fry. You can't even be seen under a microscope.
Little Business remained silent and looked at the calendar: spring is coming.
– Are you still looking at the calendar? – the Big Idleness did not let up. - Do you think the sun will get hot, the rain will pour, and there will be more of you?
Spring has come. Little Thing took a small spatula. I dug up a small bed and planted small grains.
Big Idleness took a large blanket, laid it out in a large clearing, took a large magazine called “Idleness Weekly” and rested.
And when small sprouts sprouted and magnificent flowers were born from them, all passers-by admired: what a aroma! They thanked Little Business and said: the spool is small, but expensive.
When the scent of flowers reached the Big Idleness, it turned dissatisfied on its other side and grumbled:
– And still I’m better!
U. What do you guys think?
D. A little business is better than a lot of idleness.

2 competition
Finish the proverb:
- What fell from the cart, then... (disappeared)
- Live and learn)
- Alone in the field... (not a warrior)
- Without knowing the ford, ... (do not go into the water)
- The master’s work... (afraid)
- When I eat, ... (I am deaf and dumb)
- The morning is wiser than the evening)
- The further into the forest, ... (the more firewood)

3 competition
Remember the proverbs and sayings in which numbers appear.
(Try it on seven times, cut it once.
Seven do not wait for one.
Seven on the benches.
To sip jelly seven miles away.
Seventh water on jelly.
Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.
A mind is good, but two are better.)
4 competition
Which proverb of our country corresponds in meaning to the proverb of the peoples of the world, what do they teach?
“Look at yourself three times a day.” This Japanese proverb teaches you to watch your behavior.
The Mongolian proverb “And a journey to ten thousand countries begins with the first step” says that any big business begins with a small one.
When an innocent person suffers, the Arabs say: “The sea quarreled with the wind, but the boat suffered.”
“Over-salting makes you thirsty.” This means that everything needs moderation.
Russians say: “Don’t dig a hole for someone else, you’ll fall into it yourself.” And the Ossetians say: “Don’t throw stones from a glass house.”
The French advise not to despair and say: “If you fail, start over.”
When Indians do not cherish friendship, they are told: “Do not rudely break the thread of friendship, for if you have to tie it, a knot will remain.” Russians will say: “You can’t mend a broken cup.”
If not only you, but also most of your classmates get a bad grade for the test, then it would be appropriate to use the Latin proverb: “The consolation for the unfortunate is to have companions in misfortune.”
“The word is silver, and silence is gold,” the Russian will say, and the Bengali: “Whoever talks a lot begins to lie.”
Match the Russian proverb with a foreign proverb.

Language will take you to Kyiv.
Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.
Tears of sorrow will not help.
The morning is wiser than the evening. He who does not ask will not get lost.
Whether it's East or West, home is better.
One hour in the morning is better than two in the evening.
There's no use crying over spilled milk.

5 competition
Insert the picture into the proverb.
They don't look a gift in the mouth. (To the horse.)
When... there is a whistle on the mountain. (Cancer.)
... they chop - the chips fly. (Forest.)
No... don't moo. (Cow.)
Don't spit in... - you'll need to drink some water. (Well.)
To the big one... - big swimming. (To the ship.)

6 competition
Collect the parts of the proverb.
- no matter how much you feed the wolf
- live forever
- you like to ride
- better late
– seven troubles
– for demand
- he keeps looking into the forest
- learn forever
- love to carry sleighs too
- than never
– one answer
- they don’t take money

7 competition
Match the picture and the proverb

8 competition
"Guess the proverb"
U. So we’ll check how you can work together. I give each group two cards with words from proverbs. You must remember them.
Children receive cards with words and blank sheets of paper on which to write down proverbs.

Scythe is a stone. D. I found a scythe on a stone.
Forest - firewood. D. The further into the forest, the more firewood.
Shilo is a bag. D. You can’t hide an awl in a bag.
Language is business. D. Don’t rush with your tongue, hurry with your deeds.
The case is a master. D. The master’s work is afraid.
Labor is laziness. D. Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him.

Summing up the work
