Class hour moral relations between people. Class hour my moral values

Class hour

"My Moral Values"

9 "A" class. Classroom teacher Cherkashina L. M.

Man has two worlds -

One who created us.

Another that we are from the century

We create to the best of our ability.

N. Zabolotsky.

    Develop an understanding of moral values

    On specific examples, to form an idea of ​​the concepts of "conscience", "kindness", "mercy", to show their significance in the life of every person.

    Cultivate a culture of behavior.

Classroom script.

1. Introductory speech of the teacher. The parable "Flies and bees" Once a wise man was asked:

The sage replied:

Why is our class hour with this parable? What are we going to talk about today? (listen to students' discussion).

2. Teacher. Right! Today we will talk about a person. About his character and actions, that is, about those values ​​that form the basis of our life.

So, the topic of our class hour is “My Moral Values”.

What is value? (sweet number 3)

Teacher. Value is multifaceted, which includes different character traits that are important for one person, but not for another. Therefore, as an epigraph to our class hour, I will offer you the words of the poet N. Zabolotsky.

Man has two worlds -

One who created us.

Another that we are from the century

We create to the best of our ability. (Slide 4)

Let's try together with you today to create your own image of a person, rewarding him with those values ​​that you choose yourself, and which are probably significant to you.

The class is divided into three groups, they are offered a list of values, where each group picks up a certain set of them.

Task group number 1. Choose those values ​​that you would not like to see in the image of our hero.

Task group number 2. These character traits you would like to see in the image of our hero.

Over time, the significance of certain values ​​may change. But there are values ​​that should accompany a person all his life. The third group should name these eternal universal values

Task group number 3. Name the eternal universal values ​​(Slide 5) (Cunning,conscience, perseverance, independence, creativity, nobility, caution, stinginess, incredulity, hypocrisy, mercy, shyness, tolerance, envy,kindness, patriotism, greed, arrogance, generosity, irresponsibility, honesty, trust, confidence,.....)

Teacher. (slide 6) What to choose: conscience or peace,

Prosperity or honor

Submission or fight

Courage or flattery?

Let's talk about conscience. The first group reads statements about conscience.

(slide 8, 9)

Conscience is the secret of the soul, in which the approval or condemnation of every act is recalled; a feeling that awakens love for truth and goodness, aversion from falsehood and evil.

Conscience is the most severe and inexorable of all judges, which only meet in a person's life.

Conscience is such a moral feeling, which is invested by God in the human soul. Conscience makes a man a man.

The teacher reads "In the world of wise thoughts" (slide 10)

In whom there is shame, in that there is conscience.(Russian proverb) ;

(L. Landau);

(J.J. Rousseau)

The parable of the old woman who collected glasses on the beach (slide 11, 12, 13) In one of the countries, an old woman lived. For many years, she walked with a stick along the beach during the peak of the summer season, spending all day under the rays of the scorching sun. People were perplexed and did not understand what she was looking for in the sand, raking it with a stick, but no one dared to ask her about it, fearing to offend the old woman.

Your opinion. What are the values ​​in this parable? (compassion, kindness)

The second group reads a statement about kindness. (slide)

The word is given to the student who reads a poem by Lev Oshanin

"Volga ballad" Lev Oshanin

For the third year, Natalia has heavy dreams,

The third year her land is hot -

Ever since the soldier's road of war

The husband left, clattering with his boots.

In the fourth year, a package arrives.

The handwriting in it is unfamiliar and harsh:

"He was sent to the Saratov infirmary,

Your husband, Alexei Kovalev.

The chairman gives her a traveller's ticket.

Now full of hope, now full of grief,

Leaving children for another soldier,

She goes to the city of Saratov.

And Saratov is great. door to door

How to find native traces in it?

Many wounded brothers, fathers and husbands

At rest by the Volga water.

Finally her doctor leads in silence

Along the paths of hospital carpets.

And, hushed, she hears, as in a dream:

Here lies Alexei Kovalev.-

Full of unspent female tenderness,

And Natalya waited for the cripple,

But what she saw, even she

I couldn't understand or know.

He was the master of her thoughts and anxieties,

Singer, dashing blacksmith.

Is he this poor fellow with no arms and no legs,

With a twisted, gray face?

And, unable to restrain himself, drunk with grief,

Where are you, Lyosha, are you my falcon?! -

Only in his eyes are two hot rays.

What will he say - armless, dumb!

And Natalia looks sternly at the doctor:

Pack up, he's on his way home.

Do not recognize your former friend, wife, -

Let him live in the house as a memory.

Here is your savior, she said to the children,

All three bow down to him!

Neighbors lamented over women's fate,

The collective farm grieved for her grief.

But, as before, Natalia got up with the dawn,

And no one saw her tears ...

Clean in the upper room. Pies are breathing in the oven.

Just suddenly, like years ago,

Men's steps are heard under the window,

Boots clatter on the stairs.

And Natalya looks from the bench without words,

How, bowing your head in the doorway,

Husband enters the room - Alexei Kovalev -

With a bandaged right hand.

Didn't wait? - he says, smiling, to his wife.

And, looking around in a businesslike way,

Notices other people's eyes in silence

And another in his place.

And the wife in front of him is neither dead nor alive ...

But, as he was, in the road dust,

Understanding everything and not being able to come up with words,

He bowed to his wife to the ground.

For a great soul, a friend is not avenged

And do not torment the faithful wife.

And not just a soldier returned from the war,

Not with a simple war returned.

If you are on the Volga - remember the story,

Take a look at this house

Where in front of the hostess at lunchtime

Two soldiers are sitting at a table.

What quality of the soul is this poem about (mercy) The statement about mercy is read by the third group. (slide 15)

    Teacher. But the world and man are not as perfect as we imagined them to be. There are enough tears, pain, grief, disappointments in the world (slide "Pandora's Box", 16) What to choose? Consider the closing parable.

The sage settled on the top of the mountain, everyone came to him, and he helped with all advice. But one person became envious. He began to say that he was no sage, and that he would prove it: “I will catch a butterfly, hide it in my palm and ask the sage what I have there. If he says: “Butterfly,” I will ask: “Is she alive or dead?”
If he says: “Alive,” I will squeeze her and kill her, and if she is dead, I will open my hands and she will fly away. Come to the sage. “What is in my palms?” asked the envious. "Butterfly," replied the sage. "And what is she, alive or dead?". "All in your hands!"

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Flies and bees

Once a wise man was asked:

  • Why are some people good and pious, while others are evil and immoral?
  • Why are some people good and pious, while others are evil and immoral?

The sage replied:

  • - Life experience has led me to the conclusion that there are two categories of people. One category of people is like a fly. The fly has a habit of landing on dirty things. Even if there are many fragrant flowers in the garden, but somewhere in the corner there is a dunghill, then the fly will sit on it, start digging in it, enjoying the stench and it can be impossible to drive it away. If you ask a fly where the flowers are, it won't be able to tell you because it doesn't know what they are. So some part of people, like a fly, seeks only Evil, not wanting to seek Good and live in it. Another category of people is like bees. The peculiarity of the bee is to find and sit on the beautiful and sweet. If among the many impurities there is at least one fresh flower, then a bee released in this place will look for this flower and will not sit anywhere except for this flower, because it is not interested in garbage heaps, it simply does not notice them. People with good thoughts think good things and see only good things.
  • - Life experience has led me to the conclusion that there are two categories of people.
  • One category of people is like a fly. The fly has a habit of landing on dirty things. Even if there are many fragrant flowers in the garden, but somewhere in the corner there is a dunghill, then the fly will sit on it, start digging in it, enjoying the stench and it can be impossible to drive it away. If you ask a fly where the flowers are, it won't be able to tell you because it doesn't know what they are. So some part of people, like a fly, seeks only Evil, not wanting to seek Good and live in it.
  • Another category of people is like bees. The peculiarity of the bee is to find and sit on the beautiful and sweet. If among the many impurities there is at least one fresh flower, then a bee released in this place will look for this flower and will not sit anywhere except for this flower, because it is not interested in garbage heaps, it simply does not notice them. People with good thoughts think good things and see only good things.

Each person has a choice of what type to treat: flies or bees .

Class hour


9 "A" class

Classroom teacher:

Cherkashina L. M.

  • Morality is the rules that determine behavior, spiritual and spiritual qualities, necessary for a person in society, as well as the implementation of these rules.

Man has two worlds -

One who created us.

Another that we are from the century

We create to the best of our ability.

N. Zabolotsky.

The appearance of the inscription - automatically after the first mouse click (with a delay for reading lines).

What to choose: conscience or peace,

Prosperity or honor

Submission or fight

Courage or flattery?

Values ​​for a person. What to choose?

  • Cunning, conscience, perseverance, independence, creativity, nobility, caution, stinginess, incredulity, hypocrisy, mercy,

shyness, tolerance, envy, kindness, patriotism, greed, arrogance, generosity, irresponsibility, honesty, trust, confidence,.....

Eternal values:




  • Conscience is the secret of the soul, in which the approval or condemnation of every act is recalled; a feeling that awakens love for truth and goodness, aversion from falsehood and evil
  • Conscience is the most severe and inexorable of all judges, which only meet in a person's life.

  • Conscience is such a moral feeling, which is invested by God in the human soul. Conscience makes a man a man.
  • Conscience is the voice of God within us. Each person must be brought up in such a way that the voice of conscience constantly sounds in him.

In the world of wise thoughts

  • In whom there is shame, in that there is conscience.

(Russian proverb)

  • Conscience is a clawed beast that gnaws at the heart.

(L. Landau)

  • Conscience! Without you, there is nothing in me that elevates me above the animals.

(J.J. Rousseau)

  • In one of the countries there lived an old woman. For many years, she walked with a stick along the beach during the peak of the summer season, spending all day under the rays of the scorching sun. People were perplexed and did not understand what she was looking for in the sand, raking it with a stick, but no one dared to ask her about it, fearing to offend the old woman.
  • What do you think she was looking for in the sand in this heat?

  • How much has this old woman achieved in her life?
  • What do you think was her path up the ladder of life?
  • What were her moral values?


  • Good is everything that is morally valuable, that contributes to the well-being of a person, society as a whole.
  • Kindness is primarily associated with the ability to rejoice and compassion, sympathize, empathize, respond to the feelings of others and keep your soul open.
  • The properties of kindness include responsiveness, attention to people, generosity, willingness to sacrifice one's own interests for the sake of others, selflessness.


  • A special kind of kindness is mercy. This is the mercy of the heart, pity, gentleness, compassion, love for people.
  • Mercy is not weakness, but strength, because it is characteristic of people who are able to come to the rescue.
  • The ability to sympathize, empathize is a sign of the spiritual maturity of a person.
  • Tears of sympathy for another person are holy tears. They mean that a person has a soul and a heart.

  • When the great titan Prometheus stole the fire of the gods from Olympus and gave people the fire of the gods, the father of the gods Zeus punished the daredevil terribly, but it was too late. Possessing the divine flame, people ceased to obey the celestials, learned various sciences, and got out of their miserable state. A little more - and they would have won complete happiness ...
  • Then Zeus decided to send punishment on them. The blacksmith god Hephaestus fashioned the beautiful woman Pandora from earth and water. The rest of the gods gave her: some - cunning, some - courage, some - extraordinary beauty. Then, handing her a mysterious box, Zeus sent her to earth, forbidding her to remove the lid from the box. Curious Pandora, barely having come into the world, slightly opened the lid. Immediately all human vices, misfortunes, crimes and diseases flew out of there and scattered throughout the universe. Pandora, in fear, tried to close the lid again, but in the box, among all the misfortunes, was another creature. The gods, filled with pity for people, hid one good creature, Nadezhda, among the evil spirits. She wanted to fly out after the disasters, but the frightened Pandora slammed the lid, and Nadezhda remained at the bottom. Evil calamities, sufferings, and diseases that flew out of the box immediately spread throughout the earth. Later, Nadezhda was able to escape from the box and rushed to fix all the disasters.
  • People used to live happily, not knowing evil, hard work and destructive diseases. Now sickness and calamity have become intruders day and night. So, according to ancient myths, Evil appeared in the world, bringing with it unbearable suffering, but Hope always follows it, helping suffering people and promising them a happy future.

So let's not lose Hope that sooner or later harmony, happiness, tranquility will reign on earth again and the world will rule KINDNESS. And for this, each of us must live according to the moral rules of people.

Moral rules of people:

  • 1Always obey your conscience in everything.
  • 2. Do not pass by those in need of help.
  • 3. Do not be vindictive, know how to forgive.
  • 4. Respect the opinion of the other, even if you do not agree with him.
  • 5. Always do what you want to be done to you.
  • 6. Take care of all living things: both people and animals.
  • 7. Be honest not only with people, but also in relation to yourself.
  • 8. Respect the elders and take care of the younger ones.
  • 9. Do good to people and it will come back to you.

Scenario extracurricular activities for high school students and students of college, technical school, secondary vocational school.

Class hour: Eternal values ​​(duty, conscience)

Classroom goals: moral education; increasing the level of knowledge on moral and ethical issues.

Tasks of the classroom: to acquaint with the concepts of "duty" and "conscience"; organize a collective discussion, an active exchange of thoughts and views; develop the ability to collectively analyze the problem; lead to the necessary conclusions; to teach competently and reasonably express thoughts, improve communication skills; interest in the study of literature on morality, morality, ethics.

Preparatory work: select literature on the topic; pre-discuss the topic of the "round table" with students; give recommendations on the preparation of speeches; invite the head of the library; pick up the sayings of great people on the topic.

Members: students, class teacher, librarian, teacher of ethics.

Conduct form: round table.

mottos: “A clear understanding and strict observance of your duty to people is your complete freedom. The more humanely, more consciously you observe your duty to people, the more you draw from the inexhaustible source of true human happiness - freedom ”(V.A. Sukhomlinsky).

"The strictest judge is our conscience."

"Conscience is the spectator and judge of virtue."

Class hour progress

Leading. Probably the most important words that shape us as a person, we already hear from early childhood: "You must!" The first duties of a child arise in the family. But man is growing. And the process of socialization is increasingly expanding the range of his responsibilities. Even being in kindergarten, the baby is already aware of his obligation to parents, educators, comrades.

As a person grows older, the world of a person becomes more and more complicated, and his duties become more complicated. Let's think about what new responsibilities a person has as he grows up and further socialization.


I think that a person is faced with a very large range of duties (with which not everyone can cope) from the very first years of school life. First of all, it is a duty to study. Then - to live by certain school rules. And this is relationships with teachers, friends, other elders and all the people who surround you, with whom you come into contact. Then come circles, sections, clubs, organizations. And here the person also has certain responsibilities.

I am sure that one of the duties, namely the duty to protect nature, the world around us, should be taught to a growing person from childhood.

As a person grows older, the obligation to work arises. How else would society exist?

Leading. You are right. After all, such a duty of a person to society does not even depend on his desire. It is objectively determined. A society can live and develop only when its members necessarily fulfill all their duties, regardless of their subjective aspirations and inclinations. There is a certain set of such responsibilities. But it is already determined by the place of a person in public life. So the person must. What is this debt?


If we talk about ethics, then duty is one of its main categories. From the point of view of ethics, duty is a social necessity, expressed in moral requirements in the form in which they appear before a certain person. In other words, the requirement of morality applies to all people equally. In this case, this requirement turns into a personal task of each person, the solution of which he carries out in a certain situation.

Hence, duty is the relation of the individual to society.

Leading. Yes, the individual in this case acts as an active bearer of certain moral obligations to society. It recognizes and implements these responsibilities in the course of its activities. What is the definition of debt given by psychologists?


Duty is a moral duty performed by a person out of conscience. Duty expresses the attitude of the individual to himself, to other people, people, society, a certain group or team.

It should be noted that the basis and source of debt were seen in many ways. They tried to argue that only God can determine the content of the debt (divine commandments, religious morality). Then they talked about the fact that society dictates everything to a person. Dependence on the presence of conscience or moral feeling in a person was asserted.

I think that in talking about duty itself, it is also necessary to talk about the content of moral duty. Proponents of different views on this issue came to different conclusions. For example, some of them tried to argue that it does not matter at all how a person acts, what he sees as his duty. And the only important thing is that he follows his personal plan. Supporters of another direction believe that in the performance of a person's duty, only the action itself is important. And the motives by which he is guided by this are completely unimportant.

There is another theory called the Moral Kindness Theory. Based on this theory, the nature of the motive of this or that act is of decisive importance. In addition, more than once discussions unfolded about whether the real result is really important when a person fulfills his duty. They even tried to argue that it is enough just to make certain efforts or attempts to do something, to undertake. It is not so easy to figure out what debt is, what it is and to whom it is.

If we talk about Christianity, then it distinguishes between duty to God, to people and to oneself.

Duty to God is a purely personal matter. In addition, we have so many religions and beliefs that it turns out that everyone believes in their own God. Yes, and the duty, the duties of each people before their God are different. True, there is something that binds all religions and beliefs - it is the duty to remain a decent person.

Leading. What about self-debt? What is this? How often do you think about it? And do you think about it at all?


I would say that life itself forces us to think about this issue. A person grows up, and the question of the essence of his appointment becomes indifferent to him. The search for truth begins, which justifies the meaning of human life on Earth. In such doubts and searches, a sense of responsibility arises for everything that you undertake in life. Everything is weighed, evaluated, analyzed. And you begin to understand that your duty to yourself is to take place in this life.

To be successful is not so easy. To do this, you need to become a person. And not just a person, but a highly moral person. And for this, at least, one must be good-natured, that is, love people, strive to do good to them. To be a hardworking person who enjoys both personal work and work for the common good. Wisdom is also a companion of a highly moral personality. It lies in the ability to foresee the consequences of one's own and others' actions. A highly moral person must also be truthful, not tolerate lies and hypocrisy. I don't think there is nowadays a large number of people who would truly do their duty to themselves.

It seems to me that if a person is brought up in normal conditions, then he can become a highly moral person. People, of course, have many vices or shortcomings. But just as far from all are vicious, just as far from all are highly moral. I want to emphasize "high". Small flaws do not prevent most of us from taking place in this life as professionals or just people. I am sure that a sense of duty to oneself is characteristic of very many of us.

Duty to oneself is a duty to oneself. And this duty is, as I. Kant wrote, “that a person observe human dignity in himself.” And this means not only to be in harmony with oneself and achieve the set life goals that do not run counter to moral standards, but also to fulfill all one's obligations to the family, the state and other people.

I believe that duty to oneself begins with the duty to become educated, smart. In order to subsequently adequately fulfill all his other duties.

Yes, but you don't have to be a highly educated scientist to do it. Thanks to special education, you can become a professional in your field. To become a good worker who can adequately fulfill his duty to the state, and to his family, his loved ones. Good workers are usually wise people. And such people most often do not have samples of topics with the fulfillment of their moral duty.

I am sure that a person must begin with mastering all the riches and possibilities of his inner world.

Knowing and developing himself, he will be able to make accessible to himself all the diversity of the external world. And not only accessible, but also correctly accepted and understood. And from here already and a guide to the right actions and actions. Including awareness of one's duty to God and people. I believe that only such people have the right to use such a phrase as "pure before God and people."

Class hour

Teacher primary school:

Maklakova Svetlana Alexandrovna

Subject: Morality in the modern world e.

Target: the formation of a moral personality.


    compare the meaning of morality at different times;

    to develop the desire for moral perfection;

    distinguish between the concepts of good and bad deeds;

    education of moral life position in students;

    to promote the development in children of the ability to correctly (objectively) assess their behavior.

Form: Classroom hour.

Method: discussion.

The course of the classroom.

I . Org. moment.

II . Introduction to classroom topics.

Teacher. baby son
came to his father
and asked the little one:
- What's happened
and what is
And today we will talk about what is “good” and what is “bad”.

II . Discussion of the definition of morality.

How to answer this question in one word? (moral)

How do you understand the word "morality"?

How would you define it?

Different sources have different definitions of morality. Here are some of them.

Moral - one of the main ways of normative regulation of human actions in society.

Moral - special shape public consciousness and type of social relations.

Moral - the internal setting of a person.

So what is morality?

IV . Discussion .

Is morality relevant in modern world?

What kind of person would you call moral?

How to determine a moral person or not?

How to become a moral person?

Teacher. In the modern world, morality has exhausted its relevance, which does not cause much enthusiasm. People, especially modern youth, do not quite understand what morality is. Morality is, first of all, responsibility for one's actions to oneself, to one's conscience. Only by the actions of a person, we can say about his morality, because it is not known what a person thinks about, what thoughts he has. Even if his thoughts are immoral, no one will say about him that he has no morality. In our understanding, a moral person is one who does not steal, does not kill, well-mannered. The morality of a person can be judged by his hobbies, by what films he watches, what books he reads. All the obvious actions of a person speak of his morality. A moral person is honest, hardworking, respects the people around him, lives according to his conscience. Parents need to explain to their child from childhood what morality is, to instill in him all the qualities that correspond to this concept.

What qualities do you think a moral person should have?

(noble, honest, kind, not betraying, able to sacrifice himself for the sake of others, tactful, cultured, tolerant towards people, friendly, sympathetic, attentive, caring, understanding)

A scheme is being made.

– Is the development of one of these qualities sufficient for the development of a personality? (no)

What qualities are incompatible in a person? (Children answer)

- And in confirmation of your answers, a poem by I. Goethe:

Five properties.

Five properties do not get along with the other five.
Listen carefully to my command:
With Arrogance Friendship cannot be related,
From Rudeness Politeness is not born,
We are not looking for greatness from villainy,
The miser will not give to the poor and the poor,
For Faith and Fidelity, Lies are not a support.
Learn all this - and keep it from the thief.

Are there moral ideals that have developed over the centuries? Give examples from books, movies.

There is an opinion that many moral ideals of the past are not relevant today, out of date. Can morality be modern or not modern? (Discussion)

V . Discussion of statements about morality.

The remarkable beloved by many Russian writer L.N. Tolstoy said:

“Can a feeling of malice, vengeance, or the passion to exterminate one's own kind be retained in the soul of a person in the midst of this charming nature? Effort is a necessary condition for moral perfection. Man is like a fraction: the numerator is what he is, and the denominator is what he thinks of himself. The larger the denominator, the smaller the fraction.

Human! This is a high rank.
Man, like a star, is born
Amid the obscure, misty milkiness,
In infinity begins.
And ends in infinity...
Generations build up century after century the earth imperishable.
A man, like a star, is born,
To make the universe brighter.

J.J. Rousseau (18th century, French writer):

“A person is naturally kind, and it is only necessary not to interfere with the development of this innate good-nature.”

Do good and evil
Always in the power of all people,
But evil is done without difficulty,
Doing good is harder.
The beast gives birth.
A bird gives birth to a bird.
From good - good,
From evil - evil is born.

Omar Khayyam (11th century, Persian poet, mathematician, philosopher):

Nobility and meanness,
Courage and Fear
Everything is laid down from birth
In our hearts.

An ancient Indian saying: "To do good to others is to do what you wish for yourself."

Aristotle (ancient Greek philosopher): “We do not argue what virtue (morality) is, but in order to be good people

Express several points of view, prove the relevance of these sayings in the modern world.

VI . Analysis of situations.

1. Reading the poem "Hedgehog" by O. Vysotskaya.

Seryozha is very unsociable.
Oh, how to befriend him?
Or maybe a waste of time?
They don't call him Hedgehog for nothing.
The girls ask: - Hedgehog,
Give me a penknife!
And Kolya will shout all mixed up:
- Do not prick yourself on the Hedgehog!
But the Hedgehog seems to be deaf and dumb -
Sitting, not talking to anyone.
- Seryozha, can I get a ticket to the cinema?
And he grumbles angrily: “No.
- Will you go ice skating?
No, mom will be worried.
But at the beginning of December
Learned about Hedgehog
That he is not in vain
So bad at heart
That his mother is sick
She does not get out of bed.
And the Hedgehog goes for dinner
And he heats the stove together with a neighbor.
He must clean the room
And sometimes wash.
Of course it's hard to be alone
Seryozha comes to
Alyosha decided: “We
We will help with all the stars!
Friends are knocking at the door:
- Open it, Seryozha, hurry up!
We bought you rolls in our alley.
- And they took sugar at the same time!
- And here, in a bag, millet!
Let's cook dinner! -
Seryozha was embarrassed.
He no longer looked like a hedgehog,
He became not sharp at all,
Went to get a kettle.
He took the dishes from the shelf.
Now I would like to be friends
Perhaps with the whole world! ...
When it's hard for someone to live
We must know about it.

What actions are described in this work.

We look at the illustrations and explain the actions.

Punishment or crime?

One person is known as a gossip, a sneak. You and most of your classmates can't stand her. Once your classmates agreed to teach her a lesson - to beat her. How will you do it? you join; will you not interfere or will you tell someone about it?

Street Morality”

An incident happened in your class. A good, but physically weak boy was severely beaten because he did not support the proposal to run away from the lesson. You saw who beat, but in response to the proposal to extradite the hooligans, you remained silent.


You accidentally found a check for the purchase of an expensive item ...

A) Try to find the one who lost it.
B) Run to the counter - you dreamed about it so much.
C) You doubt its reality, you are afraid of trouble.
D) At a loss, you don’t know what to do with him.

VII . Determining the level of moral self-realization.

Psychologists who study the formation of a child's moral consciousness have proposed a scale for assessing the level of moral development based on the nature of the reasons that prompt a person to a particular action.

1st level. To avoid punishment and receive a reward. (fake it).
2nd level. So that everyone thinks well of me - others and myself. (Seem).
3rd level. These are the generally accepted norms and values ​​of my society. (Submit)
4th (highest) level . These are my moral principles; they are based on universal human principles. (To be youreself).

The levels on the board are depicted in the form of a ladder, where the first level corresponds to the lower step, the fourth, respectively, the upper one.

These are the levels of moral behavior, where the highest universal values ​​correspond to the highest level.

Give examples of your actions and behavior on various levels self-realization.

What level do you have?

What level prevails in the class as a whole?

VIII . Questioning.

And now we will check whether you have correctly determined your level of morality.

4 points - if you fully agree with the statement

3 points - if you agree more than disagree

2 points - if you agree a little

1 point - if you don't agree at all

Opposite the question number, put the score by which you rated the read statement.

Question text:

1. I am often kind to peers and adults.

2. It is important for me to help a classmate when he is in trouble.

3. I think it's okay to be unrestrained with some adults.

4. Probably, there is nothing wrong with being rude to a person unpleasant to me.

5. I find that being polite makes me feel good around people.

6. I think that you can afford to swear at an unfair remark addressed to me.

7. If someone in the class is teased, then I tease him too.

8. I enjoy making people happy.

9. It seems to me that you need to be able to forgive people for their negative actions.

10. I think it's important to understand other people, even if they're wrong.

Results processing : Numbers 3, 4, 6, 7 (negative questions) are processed as follows: An answer rated at 4 points is assigned 1 unit, 3 points - 2 units, 2 points - 3 units, 1 point - 4 units.

In the remaining answers, the number of units is set in accordance with the score. For example, 4 points is 4 units, 3 points is 3 units, etc.

Interpretation of results (read by teacher):

34 to 40 units - high level moral self-esteem.

24 to 33 units - average level moral self-esteem.

16 to 23 units - moral self-esteem is below average.

10 to 15 units - low level moral self-esteem.

We draw a conclusion on self-assessment.

IX . Reflection.

On the board is a glade. Children have different parts of this meadow (flowers, sun, butterflies). Each student needs to write his most pronounced moral quality on these details. Then they go to the board, attach this quality to the clearing and voice it.

X . Homework.

Write an essay on the topic "The end justifies the means."

XI . Summary of the classroom.

joyful went,
and the baby decided:
and I will not -

I want to end our class hour with you with the words of L. Tolstoy:

“If you see that the structure of society is bad, and you want to correct it, then know that there is only one means for this: that people become better. And in order to make people better, there is only one thing in your power:

Class hour

"Moral values"

6th grade

Prepared by: Voronkova E.V.

Moral values


  • Formation of students' value attitude to family, school, friends, surrounding people;
  • Ennoblement of the soul and heart of a teenager; enrichment of his spiritual world and motivational provision of life through the settlement of bright images and thoughts in it.
  1. Introduction to the problem. Diagnosis Who am I? What am I?
  2. What is morality (conversation with discussion).

3. Conclusion. Diagnosis of attitude to life values.

Everything that is beautiful is moral.

G. Flaubert

I. Introduction to the problem. Diagnostics.

Who am I? What am I?

Exercise 1 Answer in writing, continuing the following lines:

  • Unique person...
  • What pleases me is that…
  • When I think about myself, I always...
  • I feel that in life I can ...

(Answer may be anonymous.)

Task 2 Determine your core values.

Instruction. You are offered a list of valuables arranged randomly. Please read them carefully and mark the values ​​that are most important to you personally, write down 6 values ​​per sheet.

List of values ​​(goals):

  1. Active life, full of activity, emotions.
  2. Friends.
  3. Money (security, absence of difficulties).
  4. Life wisdom (maturity, life experience).
  5. Health (physical and mental)
  6. Interesting job.
  7. Beauty (the ability to see beauty in nature and art).
  8. Love.
  9. Education (opportunity to learn, to be cultural, developed).
  10. Freedom (independence, independence).
  11. Happy family life.
  12. happiness of others.
  13. Development (work on oneself, self-improvement).
  14. Entertainment.
  15. Realization (full use of opportunities, forces and abilities).
  16. Creativity (possibility of creative activity).
  17. Respect for other people.
  18. Self confidence.

Now imagine that a terrible inevitable force has knocked on your house and demanded to give it 2 valuables. The terrible force left, but after a while it returned and demanded 2 more values. (this method reveals the most important values ​​for a person)

II. What is morality


Please tell me, is every person free to do as he pleases? (No)

And why? (in general, the answers boil down to how the situation can end if everyone does what he wants and the rights and freedoms of one person end where the rights and freedoms of another begin)

But how then to get along together with different people? (come up with the rules and regulations of cohabitation)

(slide) Do you know what morality is? What norms and rules that define the duties of a person in relation to society could you name? (discussion)

Morality is the science of the relationships that exist between people and the duties arising from these relationships.

(P. Goldbach)

What is morality?The science of agreements that people have come up with in order to live together in the most happy way. The real aim of this science is the happiness of the greatest number of people.


morality is the internal setting of an individual to act according to his conscience and free will - in contrast to morality, which, along with the law, is an external requirement for the individual's behavior


What do you think morality is?

Is there a moral code?

Who monitors its implementation?

How are moral norms distributed in society? (discussion).

Unlike the norms of law, where special state bodies supervise the observance of the law, the norms of morality are not officially recorded anywhere and have been passed down for centuries by word of mouth, from father to son, from the older generation to the younger. They can be found in folk art: legends, fairy tales, songs, proverbs.

Control over the implementation of moral standards is carried out exclusively by the conscience of each individual person and public opinion. That is why to be or not to be moral (honest, decent, kind) almost entirely depends on the personal choice of each.

And what does immoral deeds mean? (write down on sheets, stick on the board, discussion)

To feel resentment towards these vile things, not to act in such a way is “good”, this is moral prowess. To be involved in them to some extent is “bad”, it is meanness, treason, betrayal, a sin, according to believers. Considering the good as obligatory is one of the wisest rules for the education of morality.

The whole (moral) law is in one word: love your neighbor as yourself.

(Apostle Paul)

In 1887 L.N. Tolstoy in a letter to R. Rolland wrote about moral rules:

“The simplest and shortest moral rule is to force others to serve you as little as possible and to serve others as much as possible. Demand from others as little as possible and give others as much as possible. This rule, which gives our existence a reasonable meaning and the happiness that follows from it, resolves all difficulties.


Do you consider yourself a moral person? Consider if you are capable if no one finds out:

  • Steal a bunch of radishes from a neighbor in the country.
  • Eat the sweets that mom put aside for the holiday.
  • Make a donation.
  • Write an anonymous letter.

Based on this, draw conclusions about your moral character.

How to distinguish a moral act from an immoral one?

(If you want all people to always do the same, then this act is moral. And if you do not want it, then it is immoral.)

The parable of an old Indian.

Once upon a time, an old Indian told his grandson one vital truth.

Inside each person there is a struggle very similar to the struggle of two wolves. One wolf represents evil, envy, jealousy, regret, selfishness, ambition, lies... The other represents peace, love, hope, truth, kindness, fidelity.

The little Indian, touched by the words of his grandfather, thought to the depths of his soul, and then asked:

Which wolf will win in the end?

The face of the old Indian was touched by a barely perceptible smile, and he answered:

The wolf you feed always wins.

III. Diagnosis of attitude to life values

Instruction :

"Imagine that you have a magic wand and a list of ten wishes, from which you can only choose five." The teacher writes the list on the blackboard in advance.

A wish list :

  1. Be the person you love
  2. have a lot of money
  3. Have the most modern computer
  4. Have a true friend
  5. I care about the health of my parents
  6. Have the ability to command many
  7. Have many servants and dispose of them
  8. have a good heart
  9. Learn to empathize and help other people
  10. Have what others will never have

Interpretation :

  • Numbers of negative answers: Nos. 2, 3, 6, 7, 10.
  • 5 - high level.
  • 4, 3 - average level.
  • 2 - below average.
  • 0-1 - low level.

Class hour on the topic: "Simple moral standards"


    What do you think the poet Rasul Gamzatov had in mind when he wrote these lines:

He was not a sage

He was not a brave man

But bow down to him:

He was a man.

    What does it mean to be human in relation to the people around you?

    Should there be certain rules of communication between people?

These rules, of course, exist, and they are called simple norms of morality.

Simple norms of morality have arisen and are constantly arising, they operate due to vital necessity, because many people with different views, tastes, moods, thoughts, familiar and unfamiliar, old and young come into contact with each other. Simple norms of morality, if people use them, help them smooth out and sometimes avoid various conflict situations.

Human society has developed elementary norms of morality, that is, simple norms of human behavior, but each nation also has its own specific norms of morality. These norms appear in Everyday life human every hour, everywhere and in everything. They are called simple not only for their simplicity and understandable necessity, but also for the fact that with fidelity to these norms the formation of a person's moral life begins. These norms are considered universal human values.

The most important norm requires us to respect other people. Compliance with this requirement is a prerequisite joint activities of people.

    How can a person respect other people?

The forms of expression of respect are diverse: honesty and truthfulness, justice, politeness and tact, respect for one’s own and other people’s time, recognition of one’s own and others’ work, external neatness and cleanliness, caring attitude towards physically weak people, intolerance towards behavior that destroys good human relations and degrades human dignity.

So, an indicator of a person's morality is his deeds, activities, that is, life practice.

One of the important requirements of human moral practice is the unity of word and deed, expressed in the concepts of honesty and truthfulness.

    What do you think is the difference between these concepts?

Honesty- this is the moral requirement of society for a person to act in accordance with accepted moral standards and fulfill his promises.

Truthfulness It is a moral imperative to tell the truth.

Those who live profitably, using the principle “If you don’t deceive, you won’t live”, do and act as they want, without any moral standards, their words often diverge from their deeds.

Honest man- a person who values ​​​​his dignity and considers it his duty to live life honestly, despite the difficulties.

Politeness and tact- these are forms of human behavior that reflect friendliness, goodwill, the ability to think about the feelings of other people in any situation.

Respect for other people's time- the ability not to “kill him in vain”, not to distract people over trifles, to try to be accurate in appointments. All people value time differently and spend it differently.

Neatness and neatness- a special kind of expression of respect for a person to himself and others. Dirt, slovenliness, negligence in appearance and in the dwelling speaks of the external culture of man.

Respect for older people This is one of the universal norms of morality. Respect for the older generation arose in ancient times, when people understood the value of human experience and the wisdom of the older generation.

    What do you think it means to respect older people?

Summing up what you said, we can say that respect older generation- this means:

    To be grateful and grateful for life and everything that is created by their work in society.

    Recognize the need and willingness to learn all the best that they have, listen to advice.

    To be able to pick up the baton of the best deeds for the benefit of society and people.

    Be tolerant of the tastes and habits of elders, do not impose your own on them.

    Take care of their health, well-being, life and rest.

So let's sum it up. Each of us lives among people, that is, in society, and in order for everyone to feel comfortable and pleasant to live in this society, it is necessary to follow simple moral standards, namely: respect other people, be honest, truthful, decent, polite, accurate a person, respect other people's time, show respect for older people, parents and friends.

We live in multinational state Therefore, a person of high moral culture will respect people of other nationalities, be tolerant and respectful of their customs and rules of communication.

Ivanova Natalya Vasilievna
