What is respect for elders. Fostering respect for elders

We all know that older people need to be respected. Honor and attention, courtesy and readiness to help a person of advanced age can characterize anyone only with better side. And how to teach a small child to respect elders?

Nowadays, one can often hear the opinion that children do not know how to respect the older generation. Therefore, incidents when teenagers refuse to give way to public transport elderly people, do not help their grandmother to cross the road, and sometimes simply impolite with the elders, today they have already become quite commonplace. But this does not mean at all that such children have a spoiled temper from birth. It's just that they were not explained how to behave in such situations and were not shown correct example. Almost all peoples of the world have many traditions, customs and simple proverbs that prescribe to honor the older generation. And as practice shows, it is already extremely difficult for a child who behaves in this way with older people to explain something. After all, any re-education will be much harder than education. Therefore, in order not to recognize in your beloved baby in 10 years just such a teenager, you should start asking him the right guidelines in this matter as early as possible - from 2-3 years old. What is the best way to do this?

Show respect by example

Most importantly, remember: young children take the behavior of their parents as a basis for almost everything. Therefore, a personal example by which you will demonstrate how to respectfully treat those who are older than you will bring the best educational effect. And you need to start here with your family. Don't let your child see you arguing with your parents or your husband's/wife's parents. Even if the relationship with them for some reason did not work out, you need to make every effort to ensure that the baby does not notice your irritation or dissatisfaction with the behavior of the older generation. Try to be benevolent in dealing with them, ask for their opinion, help them as much as possible, and do not forget to find reasons for kind words addressed to them. Also tell your child about their long life and ask grandparents to do it while they are. Albums with old photos, unusual stories from their past - all this will help to form a child's respect for the older generation, pride in them, and understanding that, on the one hand, their experience can be interesting and informative, and on the other hand, due to their age, they already need some care. And don't forget: how you treat your parents now is how your child will probably treat you when you become older. Therefore, instilling respect for the elders in the family is, first of all, taking care of ourselves in the future!

However, your example, of course, should not be limited to relatives only. Therefore, try to behave respectfully towards all old people. Skip the line at a store or clinic, give up your seat on the bus, offer help if a person needs something (at least pick up a dropped thing from the ground, at least give a heavy bag when boarding a tram - there are many examples). Moreover, it is desirable to do this not only when they talk about it, but also without asking. And be sure to explain to the child why you did this: “You see, it’s hard for my grandmother, I had to help, it’s very nice for her”, “Grandfather is already old, it’s hard for him to wait for an appointment with the doctor, you need to skip him, but we can wait instead of him, he He deserves it and will be grateful for it ... ". If desired and possible, you can also show the child examples of projects aimed at lonely old people or nursing homes: transfer to the account, visit, visit, buy and take food or unnecessary things - all this will give you the opportunity to tell more about the need to support older people. And also try to convey to the baby the idea that someday both you and he will become the same. Yes, children at 2-3 years old do not really believe in this, but you should emphasize it more often, shifting the emphasis to it. “If you were that old, wouldn’t you be glad if you gave in?” or “When your dad and mom are old, do you want others to treat them without due respect?” - such phrases can help him understand how others feel and change his behavior accordingly.

Help your child help elders

But, of course, it is difficult to teach a child something only by your own example, no matter how good it is. Therefore, you need to discuss with him more ways to respect, support and help older people, and also actively involve him in them in all available ways. For example, you don’t just give up your seat on the bus, but offer your child to do it: “Do you want to get up or sit on my lap so that my grandmother sits?”. Well, if you see that the child is already trying to help others, encourage this in every possible way, mark and praise him, that he is doing well and is doing very well. Of course, it is necessary to stop the reverse patterns of behavior of the little man. If he is rude in response to the appeal of an older person, ignores him, behaves tactlessly, asking unnecessary or impolite questions, it is worth indicating the limits for him, explaining the basic rules of etiquette. Do not scold or punish him, this can cause anger, but clearly and clearly convey to the child's consciousness that such behavior is personally unacceptable for you. Therefore, you expect him to apologize to a person who is older than him, and hope that this will not happen again in the future. By constantly seeing that a good, respectful attitude towards elders is appreciated by both their parents and other people, your child will more likely begin to behave in this way.

And look for examples not only from your behavior or the behavior of the child, but also from the world around him. Praise the girl in front of the child, who is always the first to greet the elders, or a kindergarten friend who speaks politely to the teacher. Also choose films or fairy tales where the support of older or older people is shown from the best side. At the same time, be sure to discuss them with your baby after watching a movie or reading such a book! Ask him who are the main characters in the book, who are positive and who are negative, how their behavior relative to their elders helped or hindered them in something, and what role they played in resolving the plot. Such conversations will help you focus on the right moments and convey to the child an understanding of what is good and what is bad in relationships with people who have already lived much more years than the child himself. And then a respectful attitude towards them, without neglect, will be for him the usual, natural standard, the norm to which it is necessary to strive. And most importantly, remember that learning is gradual, teaching respect for elders quickly and easily will not work! Only painstaking daily work in this direction for many years will bring up in the child the right character, which will help him build the right relationship with older people. Therefore, do not worry if at first something does not work out, but just be patient. And soon you will notice real changes in the behavior of the little man!

P.S. Finally, one important nuance: respect must be shown to all adults, but we deserve it, let's be frank, not all. Agree, it is hardly worthy of his rude person, sharp, uncultured, behaving inappropriately in society. And so the baby may have a reasonable question: why give way to a grandmother arguing with everyone, why is she so good that she deserves my respect for her? Or why it is necessary to skip out of the queue for an elderly brawler who insults other people? This question is really difficult. explain little child that one must be able to evaluate the behavior of other people and respond accordingly is extremely difficult. After all, a baby at the age of 3 does not yet have such developed skills of analysis and introspection to correct his behavior ... Therefore, at this age it will be enough to tell him that, of course, all elders must be respected. But some of them can sometimes behave for some reason not very nicely or well. Therefore, one should try to help them, but if they do not appreciate it, it is better to be patient with them and step aside, and not enter into a quarrel with them. Thus, you will not teach him unquestioning obedience to his elders, but will bring up in him an independent, tactful, intelligent and sensitive person.

And how do you tell your child about how he needs to behave with older people?

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“Elders must be respected, elders must be helped.” Many people say this, but they do nothing specifically, limiting themselves only to conversations. In celebration international day young guards of Buryatia carried out a set of activities for volunteers.

First, the Young Guards provided targeted assistance to wheelchair-bound Darima Dymchikova, the leader of the Gerel Society of Young Disabled People of Buryatia. The guys have done wet cleaning in Darima's house, they nailed a curtain and took her to classes before the institute.

Another thorough cleaning was carried out by the Young Guards on the territory near the Geser monument, where a long time ago no one cleaned and would not have been cleaned, perhaps as many more ...

Another mini-group of young guards during the day helped the elderly and veterans in such elementary things as going to the grocery store (a well-known social store in the city was chosen) and crossing a busy highway.

Grandparents liked this initiative very much, because few people can manage on their own, and asking someone is often inconvenient.

Without a doubt, we can say that the day was a success, all the planned plans came true,

and most importantly, we received a “bunch” of positive emotions (especially from grandparents) and warm wishes, which were directed towards the guys from the Young Guard. And, of course, it was not without wishes that such events should be held as often as possible!...

In Muslim society, it is supposed to show respect and reverence for the elderly. This is evidenced by the words of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), transmitted from Amr ibn Shuaib:

قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ليس منا من لم يرحم صغيرنا ويعرف شرف كبيرنا

« Not one of us who is not indulgent (does not show mercy) to the younger and does not know about the dignity of those who are older than us (in age and knowledge) "(Tirmizi, 1920).

The expression “not one of us” in this hadith means that disrespect for elders is a great sin, therefore the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) shows his non-participation in the committer of this sin.

Respect for elders is one of the most noble manifestations of a young person's disposition. It is reflected in many aspects of our lives and in our relationships with people. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) warned against showing disrespect to elders. At-Tabarani in the book "Al-Kabir" says that Abu Umamat transmitted from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him):

روى الطبراني في الكبير عن أبي أمامة عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أنه قال: "ثلاث لا يستخف بهم إلا منافق: ذو الشيبة في الإسلام، وذو العلم وإمام مقسط."

« Only a hypocrite neglects three people: the owner of gray hair in Islam (a gray-haired Muslim), the owner of knowledge and a just imam ". (Tabarani)

Neglect can be expressed in ridicule, jokes, in addressing him with rude speech, unethical behavior in his presence and in reprimanding him to his face. Are there not many cases when an old man passes by a company of young people, and one of them begins, imitating the old man, to mock him? In schools, students bully an adult teacher; in universities, students can afford it. All this is a sign of a person’s bad manners, and parents bear a considerable share of responsibility for this.

Unfortunately, today many have forgotten about this sunnah. Parents are rarely busy raising their children, few people pay attention to teaching children respect for adults. Moreover, there are also such parents who, on the contrary, bring up egoism in children, neglect of elders. When a bus or fixed-route taxi enters old man, some young people may not even remove their legs so as not to interfere with the old man's passage to his place, not to mention giving him his place. This attitude will return to young man when he himself reaches old age.

قال عليه الصلاة والسلام ما أكرم شابٌ شيخاً لسنّه إلا قيّض الله له من يكرمه عند سنّه

« If a young man treats an old man with respect only because of his age, then Allah Almighty will send him someone who will treat him with respect when he reaches old age » (Tirmizi, 2022). From this hadith it can be understood that if a young person treats the elderly disrespectfully, then Almighty Allah will send to him those who will treat him the same way when he reaches old age.

The main reason for disrespectful attitude towards elders is the lack of embarrassment. Many bring up children not to be shy, although the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

((أنّ الحياءَ خيرٌ كُلُّه))

« Shyness is a boon ". (Muslim, 57).

Children should be taught to be ashamed of committing sinful, reprehensible acts and not to be ashamed to do good and good.

Indira Rashidova
Class hour "Respect for elders"

Class hour on the topic« Respect for elders» AT 3 classroom

Prepared: primary teacher classes

MKOU secondary school №1 Izberbash

Rashidova Indira Magomedovna

Goals: bring up respect for elders; repeat the rules of courtesy; develop the desire to be attentive to the people around you.

Equipment: the topic is written on the board, tokens for the quiz, medals "Most Polite".

Class hour progress

1. Org. moment.

The bell has rung for us!

Everyone went quietly into Class.

Everyone got up at their desks beautifully

Greeted politely.

Sit quietly, back straight.

Let's all take a breath

And let's start the lesson!

Guys, please look out the window. What is the weather like in the yard? What is her mood? You have cards on the tables - drawings of the sun and clouds. With what mood did you come to this lesson? Show the answer with the help of cards. Choose the mood that suits you at the moment.

Today we will talk about respect for elders, about sensitivity and responsiveness, about kindness.

How do you understand the expression « Respect elders» (greet with senior to give way, to help in something)

You know that an ignorant person does not know how to behave in society, on the street and in his speech uses such words and expressions that characterize him from the negative side.

The hero of this poem, for example, the words "Thank you", "Hello", "Please", "I'm sorry" is mispronounced.

simple word "Sorry" did not overcome his tongue

He is often lazy

Tell when meeting: "Good afternoon!"

It seems like a simple word

And he is shy, silent,

And at best "Great!"

He instead of a word "Hello" growls

And instead of a word "until we meet"

He doesn't say anything.

Or say goodbye:

"Well, I'm off...Bye! Total!"

Guys, what would you call such a person? (Ignorant)

Are you always polite yourself?

Let's do a quiz now. The first person to answer correctly gets a token.


1 question: What should you do if someone enters your room senior and you are sitting?

Answer. You need to get up, drop a chair, and sit down only after an invitation.

2 question: How to behave when entering senior in class?

Answer. (students must answer accordingly)

3 question. How should you behave when meeting with elders on the street, Houses?

Answer. Stop, say hello first.

4 question. How to behave when talking to senior?

Answer. Talk standing up, do not put your hands in your pockets, stand straight, talk calmly.

5 question. If you are referring to senior how should you call them? On "You" or at "You"?

Answer. (corresponding answer)

6 question. Do you sometimes meet with old people, disabled people, with women who need assistance help: cross the street, carry something, climb a mountain, stairs, etc. What should you do?

Answer. Children's statements.

7 question. Guests came to your house, what should you do?

Answer. Ask to undress, get a coat from them and hang it up, when leaving, help get dressed and see off, do not interfere in the conversation elders and not interfere with the elders to rest.

Now we will go on an unusual journey into the world of KINDNESS.

Kindness is responsiveness, sympathy, friendly disposition towards people, everything positive, good and useful. a kind person- means relating to people with disposition, ready to help, responsive.

What do you associate this word with? What immediately comes to your mind when you hear the word KINDNESS?

Children's answers.

A poem about kindness.


From this poem we see that kindness always brings joy to those around us. We're going to the city of courtesy.

POLITENESS is the ability to behave in such a way that others are pleased with you.

This must be learned from childhood. Politeness, honesty and kindness please people and make them persistent and cheerful.


We all learned at some point

Walk, draw, talk.

Let's remember guys.

How kind and polite to be.

Meeting friends and acquaintances

I look into their eyes with a smile

Being polite is very easy for me

I "Hello" I'll be the first to say.

Beautifully designed by someone

Thanks for the help

common word "Thank you"

We must not forget to speak.

Saying goodbye to all of us "Goodbye"

We always talk to each other

"Please"- if desired

Or we want to fulfill the request.

How many useful things in the world

Beautiful and kind words.

Please just be polite

After all, this is the foundation.

To be kind and respect elders we must use magic words that make us warmer and more joyful.


Children one by one come out with petals and glue them on the board while saying polite words.

A kind word can cheer up a person in difficult times, help dispel a bad mood.

Do you guys know the magic words?


Answers in chorus.

1. Even an ice block melts from a warm word .... (Thank you)

2. Turn green old stump when he hears... (Good afternoon)

3. If we can’t eat anymore, we’ll tell mom (Thank you)

4. A polite and developed boy speaks when meeting .... (Hello)

5. When we are scolded for pranks. talking (I'm sorry)

5. Both in France and Denmark say goodbye (Goodbye).

In the everyday life of a polite, well-mannered person, there are always words that we call “magic.” With the help of these words, even a sad or offended person can be helped to restore a good mood, cheer up.

Now I will check how you learned them and how you apply them in life.

staging situations,

One day I was walking down the street old man, leaning on a large gnarled stick. He was very old and bent with age so he walked looking down at his feet. Towards him, raising his head up and looking at something in the sky, a boy was walking. He faced old man. Old man very angry with the boy. But the boy said something the old man immediately improved.

What did the boy say that made grandfather stop being angry? (excuse me please or forgive me please).

One day the boy Vova went to school. In the tram, he sat near the window and looked at the streets with pleasure. Suddenly, a woman with a small child entered the tram. Vova got up and said: "Sit down (Please) The woman was satisfied and very polite said: "Thank you".

What was the boy Vova like? (He was polite)


If you are polite

And not deaf to conscience

And a place without protest

give way old woman.

If you are polite

In the soul, not for the mind

Help on the bus

Climb the disabled.

And if you are polite

Then sitting in the classroom

You won't be with a friend

To crackle like two magpies.

And if you are polite

That in a conversation with my aunt

And with grandpa and grandma

You won't beat them.

And if you are polite

Will you return the book?

In neatness not smeared

And in general binding.

And if you are polite

For those who are weaker

You will be the protector

Do not be shy before the strong.

What rules of politeness are mentioned in the poem?

1. Give up your seat senior.

2. Help a disabled person get on the tram.

3. You can't talk in class.

4. Help mom without asking.

5. You can not interrupt the conversation senior.

6. Do not stain or tear books.

7. Protect the weak.

Guys, this poem does not contain all the rules of politeness. Listen to a few more.

8. It is impolite to give nicknames.

9. I gave my word - keep it, I promised to come to someone on time.

10. At school with seniors need to say hello.

11. In a room where people work, you can not talk loudly.

There are many other rules that you must remember and follow.

And now we will recite poems, watch small scenes and solve problems, but not for addition, but for respect.


Seryozha is walking from the football field,

And next an old woman with a purse is walking.

Serezha said: "I would help you,

Yes, I myself am tired of falling off my feet. ”

How did the boy Seryozha act? And what should have been done?


Mother told her daughter:

Dinner is coming soon

Would you go to the store

You see, there is no bread at home.

I can't, Lena said,

My knee hurts.

So our business is bad!

And how long has it been hurting? - For a long time!

I'm sorry, but I wanted

Take you to the cinema with me.

Blushing said Lena:

It seems to have passed.

Who do you like in the poem? Why?

Discussing other people's behavior is easy. How would you yourself act in these situations?


Now we will solve problems.

The boy shouted to a passerby: "Tell me, what time is it?".

What mistakes did the boy make when addressing a passerby?

Two teachers are talking in the school corridor. Among them, Misha saw his teacher and politely greeted only her: “Hello, Olga Ivanovna! "

Did the boy do the right thing?

In the life around you, you often observe both positive and negative actions of adults and peers.

On the bus, for example, you noticed how some passengers, seeing an elderly person who entered the passenger compartment, a woman with a very heavy bag, take care of them, while others remain indifferent, sometimes pretending not to notice them, continuing to read a book or look at window.


What was the pioneer Nicholas?


How did the guys behave at the beginning of the story?

Do boys know polite words?

Why were mom and grandma upset?

Did the boys do the right thing?

What did the boys do wrong?

Did you like the behavior of the boys?

What would you do?

The boys showed indifference to their mother and grandmother, and they felt offended. But these are the closest people who disinterestedly love their children and grandchildren, take care of them.


Elderly people

You are like this in everything:

Give your soul

Experience and love

dear home,

To the young world

And everything that the heart

Remembers again.

Elderly people

Young at heart

How much have you seen

You are the paths of the roads

warmly loved,

And raised children

And lived in hope

Less worries.

Elderly people

Mother Russia

Didn't spoil you

easy fate

God give you peace

To over the river

The sun was shining

The dome is blue.

Elderly people

Let the past years

Will be your support

Children will understand everything.

And low bow to you

From relatives and friends

And from all the homeland

For invaluable work.

And my grandmother has gray hair,

And my grandmother has golden hands.

And in worries the whole day does not lay hands,

Then he knits a scarf on knitting needles, flies to the store.

She doesn't have a free minute.

I do not sit idle, I help too,

Because I want to be like her.

If grandma said

“Do not touch, then do not dare!”

You have to listen because

The whole house rests on it!

I love helping my grandmother at home,

I love to walk along the street next to my grandmother,

I love to wander in the summer with my grandmother in the edge of the forest,

I love listening to my grandmother's stories before going to bed.

Why is it necessary to treat grandmothers with care?


My dear children. You all have grandparents. You definitely love them. Grandparents raised and raised your fathers and mothers. Let's love and respect their grandparents. try do not upset them with your unworthy deeds. Carefully fulfill their requests and desires.

What can you do for your grandmothers.

Help grandma wash the dishes;

Say kind words

Just talk.


Explanation of the meaning of proverbs.

The young one works the old mind gives.

Not fools teach good, but old men.

And in the end, let's try to make a portrait respectful person. What should be respectful person and which ones are not.

There are cards with words on the teacher's table, the children come up and take the right card and attach it to the paper.

We'll hang these these rules in our classy corner to always remember them.


Guys, listen to the adults respect elders, grow up kind, sensitive and sympathetic, able to share both the grief and the joy of people close to you, especially the elderly.

Thank you for your work.

I wish you success and good luck.

Progress in the cultural development of any nation to a greater extent lies in the honor and respect for the older generation. Whatever path a person chooses in his life, his indispensable success can be wisdom, which is presented by people of advanced age as a life edification.

After all, it is their experience that can sometimes become a factor in the ability to choose a well-defined life position. Any story from life, any instructive story, any timely recognition of one's own and others' mistakes, any attempt to show mercy, etc. - all this can become a stimulating impetus for spiritual progress and, of course, obtaining the desired result. degradation of culture, religion, morals, public principles may be due to neglect of the wisdom of the older generation. In history, you can also see that ignoring this unique quality led to the death of entire nations. But this negativity of past generations is also a lesson for all those who seek to build a society with a rich heritage of spiritual and cultural values.

Among the Crimean Tatars, honor and respect for the elderly have become a national tradition. This moral approach has a rich historical practice. Even before the annexation at the end of the 18th century, many scientists and travelers noted this quality in the life of the Crimean Tatars, who were also distinguished by their special hospitality and tolerant attitude towards other nationalities and confessional groups. Respect for elders is directly related to the religious practice not only of Crimean Muslims, but also of all those who wish to preserve their traditions and religious principles for many years or centuries. It is worth noting that in many respects this quality comes from the intra-family situation, that is, from how relations between family members of different ages are formed, the attitude towards others will be approximately the same. This highlights the unique essence of human nature, which in relation to itself accepts only noble and at the same time beneficial feelings for its spiritual dispensation. From here, tolerance can also be formed, since some families are created with representatives of other nationalities, where culture and traditions can be combined, and to some extent even a tolerant and relaxed attitude towards religious principles.

Respect for elders is one of the religious principles of Muslims. In the future, this can designate that morality, which is spiritually expressed in the intra-family and social perspective. If some religious obligations, such as prayer, fasting, hajj, etc., are more related to the individual himself, then respect for elders, as a moral foundation, can become a prerequisite for fulfilling the obligations prescribed by Islam. Again, the life experience and wisdom of the older generation can play a colossal role here. The professed practice of religious principles and prescriptions by the older generation can be a powerful impetus for the formation of thinking and the ability to choose the right position in life. In some cases, visiting relatives and loved ones is preferable to performing any worship, but this does not mean that you need to leave the obligations prescribed by Allah Almighty. Although visiting relatives is also a certain worship service. And this, by the way, clearly indicates the Koran, asserting their position immediately after the belief in Allah (Women, 1), regardless of their religion and life views.

A good attitude towards relatives and people of the older generation is fraught with special grace. First of all, this is connected with the presentation of their religious principles and life views, according to the actions that are performed in relation to them. Even the presence of the possibility that one of them will at least slightly change their thinking allows an understanding person to be tolerant everywhere and always, especially towards the elderly, who, over time, may develop certain illnesses, sometimes associated with old age. The grace lies in the fact that gradually, while maintaining such relationships, wisdom is formed, which is most valuable in correcting or not committing the mistakes of one's ancestors. This is where the religious postulate comes from, which one way or another allows you to become even closer to the pleasure of Allah Almighty. Such adherence to principles can become an indicator in the choice of friends, that is, once you go to visit and look at least with a cursory glance at family relationships future friend, you can form a certain opinion on the subject of trust and building closer relationships.

Unfortunately, in last years one gets the impression that the more advanced civilization and technology, the less attention is paid to family relations and caring for the elderly. Perhaps someone will say that they call each other almost every day, inquire about business and health, but constant employment or solving everyday problems does not allow them to be around for a long time. Some may have other reasons. But here it is worth paying attention not only to health and business, but also to how it is possible to adopt the wisdom of a revered grandfather or grandmother during the interval of a correspondence conversation. Those who live in the same house with them enjoy a huge advantage. Although, unfortunately, many are accustomed to seeing this as a kind of burden, rather than life wisdom. Of course, some old people may repeat the same stories or advice over and over again, which can become more annoying. young generation, but if you are a little attentive, you can extract some wisdom from this. It lies in the fact that advice, and sometimes some kind of criticism, can be associated with various situations where it is the intervention of older people that is useful in resolving problems. For example, many nationalities have centuries-old proverbs and sayings, some of which are repeated depending on the situation, where the same phrase can be repeated more than once. After all, this is a centuries-old life experience that has been passed down from generation to generation.

As long as humanity and human relations exist, the issue of respect for the older generation will always be relevant, regardless of the development of civilization and technology. After all, if some material aspects can sink into oblivion, then gaining wisdom and experience will never lose strength, rather, on the contrary, it will gain more and more new momentum for spiritual perfection. A respectful attitude towards the elderly and a patient attitude towards some of their actions - these are the prerequisites that will become the basis for any success in life. And if you make it a religious principle, then the well-being of this and the next world can be said to be guaranteed, provided that sincerity is present and there is no external hint of favor. Anyone who neglects such a unique principle as respect for elders can lose a lot, namely, strong support and worthy support from the older generation, who radiates wisdom and experience. Sometimes even a negative experience can become a life lesson, which will give even more confidence to those who know how to value relationships with older people. This will teach you to be patient not only with them, but also with those who treat this unique prescription with indifference. After all, tolerance is exactly what allows you to overcome many obstacles and with it, success in life will be ensured.
