Who can conduct public accreditation of educational organizations. Public accreditation of educational programs

1. Organizations carrying out educational activities may receive public accreditation in various Russian, foreign and international organizations.

2. Public accreditation means the recognition of the level of activity of an organization carrying out educational activities that meets the criteria and requirements of Russian, foreign and international organizations. The procedure for conducting public accreditation, the forms and methods of assessment during its implementation, as well as the rights granted to an accredited organization engaged in educational activities, are established public organization which conducts public accreditation.

3. Employers, their associations, as well as organizations authorized by them have the right to conduct professional and public accreditation of basic professional educational programs, basic programs vocational training and (or) additional professional programs implemented by an organization carrying out educational activities.

4. Professional and public accreditation of basic professional educational programs, basic professional training programs and (or) additional professional programs is a recognition of the quality and level of training of graduates who have mastered such educational programs in a particular organization engaged in educational activities that meet the requirements of professional standards, market requirements labor to specialists, workers and employees of the relevant profile.

5. Based on the results of professional and public accreditation of basic professional educational programs, basic professional training programs and (or) additional professional programs by organizations that carried out such accreditation, ratings of educational programs accredited by them can be formed with an indication of the organizations that implement them and carry out educational activities.

6. The procedure for conducting professional and public accreditation of basic professional educational programs, basic professional training programs and (or) additional professional programs, including the forms and methods for evaluating these educational programs during its implementation, the rules for applying organizations engaged in educational activities to the organization, carrying out the specified accreditation in order to obtain it, the period for which such educational programs are accredited, the grounds for depriving organizations engaged in educational activities of professional and public accreditation of educational programs, as well as the rights granted to the organization implementing accredited educational programs, carrying out educational activities, and ( or) graduates who have mastered such educational programs are established by the organization that conducts the specified accreditation.

7. Organizations that conduct public accreditation and professional public accreditation ensure openness and accessibility of information on the conduct of the relevant accreditation and its results, including by posting this information on their official websites on the Internet.

8. Information about the organization carrying out educational activities, public accreditation or professional public accreditation is submitted to the accreditation body and considered during the state accreditation.

9. Public accreditation and professional public accreditation are carried out on a voluntary basis and do not entail additional financial obligations of the state.

10. The formation and maintenance of a list of organizations conducting professional and public accreditation of basic professional educational programs, basic professional training programs and (or) additional professional programs are carried out by the authorized federal executive body in the manner established by the Government Russian Federation.

The Association of Practical Psychologists and Coaches (APPK) in order to improve the quality of education and training of specialists in the field of practical psychology and coaching conducts public accreditation of programs of universities, colleges, training and development centers, advanced training courses and other educational institutions.

Independent professional public accreditation educational organizations conducted by leading experts, market leaders vocational education together with APPK partners:

Psychological Institute Russian Academy education

· MSUTU im. K.G. Razumovsky

· REU them. G.V. Plekhanov

The assessment of the quality of education is determined on the basis of examinations of learning outcomes for the declared educational program.

The assessment of education quality assurance complements the education quality assessment by characterizing the ability of an educational institution to maintain and improve the quality of education provided within the framework of the program, which is certified during accreditation, during the accreditation period.

As a result peer review values ​​are set according to the indicators, which are determined by the degree of confidence of experts that the educational program is capable of maintaining and improving the quality and quality assurance of education during the accreditation period.

APPK is guided by world standards and provides those who have passed professional and public accreditation with:

Predominant competitiveness in the market of educational services,

advantage when participating in competitions and tenders,

increase of competitive educational potential,

·Additional opportunities for attracted extrabudgetary funds.

APPK conducts public accreditation based on criteria developed by recognized professionals who have made a significant contribution to the development of the national psychological science and practices.

The Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education (PI RAO), as a partner of the APPK, cooperates in matters of conducting an examination of educational programs in psychology.

To conduct public accreditation of educational programs, the Association formedExpert Commission and Accreditation Council .

The main objectives of public accreditation are:

assessment of the quality of educational and scientific activities in educational organizations,

informing citizens and employers about the quality of training specialists in educational institutions,

increasing the responsibility of subjects educational activities,

Improving the quality of educational services,

ensuring open competitive interaction of participants in the educational services market,

creation of an information base for determining the rating of educational organizations.

Features of professional public accreditation of educational programs:

1. Voluntary participation. An educational organization has the right to independently determine both the expediency of undergoing professional and public accreditation and the list of programs applied for accreditation.

2.Multisubjectivity of the assessment. The Accreditation Council and the Expert Commission for Professional Public Accreditation include representatives of employers, academia, and public figures.

3. Focus on educational programs. Professional public accreditation is aimed primarily at assessing the quality of individual programs by the professional community.

Advantages of professional public accreditation of educational programs:

An educational organization that implements educational programs that have passed professional public accreditation will have the right to:

1. Post information about the availability of professional and public accreditation on the official website, on information stands when announcing information about ongoing educational programs, including admission to study in the specified educational programs, as well as on educational publications of the organization ( teaching aids, methodological materials) for relevant educational programs.

2. Use the results of professional public accreditation as a competitive advantage.

3. Present the results of professional and public accreditation to state authorities and education management when passing state accreditation procedures.

Employers get the opportunity to:

1. To form a competence model of a graduate of an educational institution in accordance with the needs of the business.

2. Save money on training and retraining of personnel.

3. Contribute to the elimination of shortage of personnel.

4. Form an order for the training of specialists with the qualifications necessary for the business.

Carrying out procedure:

The procedure for professional and public accreditation of educational programs is carried out within 3-4 weeks and includes:

1. Submission for the procedure of public and professional accreditation and conclusion .

2. Formation of a report on self-examination of a professional educational program.

3. Independent assessment of the quality of education by the Expert Commission.

4. Submission of the results of an independent assessment of the quality of education - expert reports on each educational program - to the Accreditation Council.

5. Acceptance of the accreditation decision by the members of the Accreditation Council.

6. Issuance of certificates of accreditation to an educational institution in the event that the members of the Accreditation Council make positive decisions on accreditation.

APPK, when conducting professional and public accreditation of educational programs, adheres toFederal Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 (as amended on July 29, 2017) "On Education in the Russian Federation"

Accreditation educational institutions conducted on the basis of Article 96 Federal Law ON EDUCATION IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION, December 29, 2012

Article 96. Public accreditation of organizations carrying out educational activities. Professional public accreditation of educational programs

1. Organizations carrying out educational activities may receive public accreditation in various Russian, foreign and international organizations.

2. Public accreditation means the recognition of the level of activity of an organization carrying out educational activities that meets the criteria and requirements of Russian, foreign and international organizations. The procedure for conducting public accreditation, the forms and methods of assessment during its conduct, as well as the rights granted to an accredited organization carrying out educational activities, are established by the public organization that conducts public accreditation.

3. Employers, their associations, as well as organizations authorized by them, have the right to conduct professional and public accreditation of basic professional educational programs, basic professional training programs and (or) additional professional programs implemented by an organization engaged in educational activities.

4. Professional and public accreditation of basic professional educational programs, basic professional training programs and (or) additional professional programs is a recognition of the quality and level of training of graduates who have mastered such educational programs in a particular organization that carries out educational activities that meet the requirementsprofessional standards , the requirements of the labor market for specialists, workers and employees of the relevant profile.

5. Based on the results of professional and public accreditation of basic professional educational programs, basic professional training programs and (or) additional professional programs by organizations that carried out such accreditation, ratings of educational programs accredited by them can be formed with an indication of the organizations that implement them and carry out educational activities.

6. The procedure for conducting professional and public accreditation of basic professional educational programs, basic professional training programs and (or) additional professional programs, including the forms and methods for evaluating these educational programs during its implementation, the rules for applying organizations engaged in educational activities to the organization, carrying out the specified accreditation in order to obtain it, the period for which such educational programs are accredited, the grounds for depriving organizations engaged in educational activities of professional and public accreditation of educational programs, as well as the rights granted to the organization implementing accredited educational programs, carrying out educational activities, and ( or) graduates who have mastered such educational programs are established by the organization that conducts the specified accreditation.

7. Organizations that conduct public accreditation and professional public accreditation ensure the openness and availability of information on the conduct of the relevant accreditation and its results, including by posting this information on their official websites on the Internet.

8. Information about the organization carrying out educational activities, public accreditation or professional public accreditation is submitted to the accreditation body and considered during the state accreditation.

9. Public accreditation and professional public accreditation are carried out on a voluntary basis and do not entail additional financial obligations of the state.

10. The formation and maintenance of a list of organizations conducting professional and public accreditation of basic professional educational programs, basic professional training programs and (or) additional professional programs are carried out by the authorized federal executive body inokay established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Within the XI International Congress- the exhibition "Global Education - Education without Borders - 2017" hosted an expert discussion "From the professional standard to the professional exam", organized by the National Agency for the Development of Qualifications. The participants - representatives of industry associations of employers, heads of educational organizations, education researchers - discussed various aspects of the interaction between the National Qualifications System and the education system.

Opening the expert discussion, its moderator, First Deputy General Director of the National Agency for the Development of Qualifications, Yulia Smirnova, recalled that more than 1,100 professional standards, more than 1,000 qualifications have been approved by orders of the Russian Ministry of Labor, and qualifications are assessed in 150 centers.

The education system, along with other sectors, must learn to apply professional standards, and not only standards that describe the actual pedagogical activity, but also, as it is called in the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", the activities of "other employees" of educational organizations. As an example, Yulia Smirnova cited the healthcare system, in which, along with 20 professional standards directly related to the provision of medical care to the population and the appeal medicines, 67 other standards apply (welder, cook, accountant, HR specialist, etc.).

The value and demand for education in the eyes of people is high, and this is confirmed by sociological surveys. However, more than half of the respondents believe that there is no direct correlation between the level of education and professional achievements, the material well-being of a person, said Oleg Chernozub, head of the VTsIOM monitoring research department. At the same time, almost every third employer believes that modern education does not meet the demands of the labor market.

A university graduate is not fully ready for labor activities, said Deputy Vice-Rector for continuing education Financial University under the Government of Russia and at the same time General Director of the Association "Council for Professional Qualifications of the Financial Market" Diana Mashtakaeva. But that doesn't mean it can't be prepared. Undergraduate and graduate students could master the disciplines of additional professional education: they would be read to them within the framework of the relevant programs. And then, at the stage of intermediate certification or state final certification, they would undergo an independent assessment of qualifications.

“The university prepares a specialist for the labor market, and the labor market assigns him a qualification upon completion of the educational program. This approach is already being used at the Financial University,” Diana Mashtakaeva emphasized.

Yulia Smirnova, First Deputy Director General of the National Agency for the Development of Qualifications, spoke about approaches to the evaluation of educational programs by employers. Article 96 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" provides for three types of accreditation - international, public and professional public, and the latter must be carried out by employers, their associations or organizations authorized by them.

On this moment professional and public accreditation can be carried out by 76 organizations - that is how many organizations the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia included in the list of accreditors. At the same time, no one checked whether they represent employers, Yulia Smirnova said.

According to her, amendments to Article 96 have already been prepared to clearly fix the status of councils for professional qualifications as organizers of professional public accreditation, this function was determined by him by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation. Vocational Qualifications Councils should themselves select accreditors by type professional activity assigned to councils, checking that potential accreditors have the necessary expertise. It is important that accreditation takes place according to the uniform requirements established by the National Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Professional Qualifications. Such requirements were approved on July 3 this year.

The potential of the professional public accreditation procedure is very high, Yulia Smirnova stated. It is already taken into account today when distributing the target enrollment digits to universities, in a number of subjects this is also taken into account when distributing the CPC for secondary vocational education. This accreditation is important for employers as an indicator of the quality of educational organizations where they could send their employees for advanced training or professional retraining. In turn, for an educational organization, the presence of such accreditation is an indicator of its success.

“One of the conditions for obtaining professional public accreditation is the successful completion of the independent qualification assessment procedure by program graduates, and this approach has already begun to be applied in practice,” Yulia Smirnova emphasized in conclusion.

Maria Ivanova, Deputy Chairman of the SEC of the Chemical and Biotechnological Complex, General Director of the Russian Union of Chemists, noted that the SEC formulate a request to the education system on behalf of employers, which is especially important for small and medium-sized businesses. “More than once I have heard the question: why do you conduct an independent assessment of qualifications if there is a state final certification? But these forms of evaluation have different tasks. The GIA evaluates the entire learning process, while the NOC evaluates a specific qualification. At the same time, one employee can have a whole range of different qualifications,” she stressed. The national qualifications system in our country is in the process of formation, it is created by the joint efforts of different stakeholders, so that employers, the education system and trade unions should hear each other and speak the same language.

Nadezhda Prokofieva, executive secretary of the SEC in construction, director of the Department of Vocational Education of the National Association of Builders (NOSTROY) noted that the National Qualifications System is replacing the former conservative system built on the basis of qualification reference books. Today there is a significant gap between the needs of the employer and the qualifications of personnel in construction, and it must be overcome.

An independent assessment is carried out for compliance not with the professional standard in general, but with specific qualifications. For example, in 2014, the professional standard "Plasterer" appeared, several qualifications were allocated from it, including "Specialist in the installation of self-leveling floors", which is also considered a plasterer. Assessment tools are designed specifically for each qualification. It is important that no one is taught to become a self-leveling floor specialist, but if a person has this qualification, he can go to a qualification assessment center, confirm it and get into the state register. Qualification and specialty recorded in the diploma of education are also different concepts. It is not clear what a graduate of a professional college with a diploma of a dry construction master can do, but if he has a specific qualification, the employer immediately understands where and by whom he can work.

According to Nadezhda Prokofieva, educational institutions can be partners of centers for independent assessment of qualifications - in particular, by providing them with venues for conducting exams. This is especially true for working professions - for example, to assess the qualifications of plasterers, polygons are needed, which are available in the relevant professional colleges.

According to Fyodor Dudyrev, director of the Center for the Study of Secondary Vocational Education at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, over the past five years a system has been built that allows reflecting changes in professional standards in the educational standards of secondary vocational education. However, the development of the vocational education system in accordance with the requirements of the labor market is complicated by the fact that it is underfunded. Since 2013, the volume of funding per student has been falling, and the investments of families in this sector of education (paid education) are 3 times higher than investments from the business side. Under these conditions, it is difficult to respond to the increasingly complex and changing "qualification challenges".

Olga Klink, head of the Basic Training Center of the National Agency for the Development of Qualifications, noted that professional standards, as the main element of the National Qualifications System, actively influence the education system, and this is natural. The peculiarity of Russian professional standards is that they are simultaneously applied in the education system and operate in the labor market. And abroad, professional standards are mandatory only for the education system.

According to Olga Klink, the path from creating a professional standard to its application in an educational organization can be shortened by using professional standards directly in the development of educational programs. Along with the Federal State Educational Standards, professional standards should be applied in the development of both an exemplary educational program and the main educational program of an educational organization. The corresponding proposals have already been prepared within the framework of the work of the expert council on secondary vocational education of the Committee on Education and Science of the State Duma, and they will be considered in December.

Olga Klink noted that the introduction of professional standards requires serious staffing- First of all, professional development teaching staff SPO and DPO. The National Agency for the Development of Qualifications has developed and coordinated with the Ministry of Labor of Russia 21 programs for teachers of SVE organizations, masters of industrial training and mentors in production. Each program includes three modules - methodological, related to the introduction of professional standards, technological and training to work in a digital educational environment. In the future, the composition of the modules will expand. 630 teachers have already completed these programs.

SYSTEM OF INDEPENDENT ASSESSMENT OF THE QUALITY OF PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION Provides an assessment of the OK and PC of students based on common principles, the effectiveness of the activities of the educational institution; the quality of educational programs, taking into account the needs of the main consumers of educational services PURPOSE

OBJECTIVES OF EXTERNAL INDEPENDENT ASSESSMENT OF QUALITY QUALITY Determining the degree of effectiveness of the work of the PA Informing stakeholders of the quality of training of graduates; quality assurance of education; compliance with the PS; competitiveness of educational programs and OO as a whole management of OO; consumers of educational services; employers; authorities and administrations; public and professional organizations; mass media

Professional public accreditation of educational programs - recognition of the quality and level of training of graduates who have mastered the educational program in a particular organization that carries out educational activities that meet the requirements of professional standards, labor market requirements for specialists, workers and employees of the relevant profile. Certification of qualifications - an external assessment of the applicant's qualifications, carried out on the basis of professional standards, in case of their absence - other qualification requirements approved in the prescribed manner. TOOLS

FOREIGN EXPERIENCE OF ACCREDITATION SUBJECTS branch and (or) regional agencies PROCEDURE Verification of documentation, direct assessment educational environment OO REPEATED INDICATORS accounting for trends in the development of science and production, the needs of society and the individual; efficient use of public resources; satisfaction with the educational process of teachers and students; providing an educational environment that motivates high quality activities TYPE public; professional

Requirements for the programs of the Accreditation and Validation Committee of the Royal Society of Chemistry of Great Britain the ability to provide a breadth of understanding of chemical patterns; deep knowledge in chemistry, problem solving high level complexity the presence of a wide range practical exercises connection of the final work with the student's specialization; real problems of the industry; time for its preparation - at least a third of the total study time for the last academic year orientation towards qualification testing in the process of assessing the final results preparedness of students for subsequent certification by the professional community orientation of the program to the processes taking place in the sector of the real economy THE PROGRAM SHOULD PROVIDE

QUALITY INDICATORS AND CRITERIA: AUSTRALIAN EXPERIENCE INPUT OUTPUT - personnel, MTB, effectiveness of the management system, financial capabilities; - requirements for applicants; - mechanisms for studying and taking into account the requirements of the labor market, requests from employers; - the ratio of the enrollment of students and planned tasks; - characteristics of student enrollment; - investment by suppliers in Professional Development, modernization of facilities, quality assurance systems - student performance and student assessments; - percentage of graduation, levels of satisfaction and destination (employment); - use of skills within the workplace; (confirmed satisfaction with the results of the graduate's work); - identification of the needs of vulnerable and/or other social groups.

Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" dated Government program development of education until 2020 Orders of the President of the Russian Federation dated Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated “On the formation of an independent system for assessing the quality of work of organizations providing social services” Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated r on approving an action plan for the formation of an independent system for assessing the quality of work of organizations providing social services years Regulatory framework for the development of the system of independent assessment of the quality of education

Public and vocational accreditation (Article 96 of the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”) public public organizations (Russian, foreign, international) in accordance with the criteria and procedures of professional and public employers, their associations, authorized organizations under the procedure established by them , FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE PS, THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE LABOR MARKET ARE CARRIED OUT

PROJECT OF CHANGES TYPE OF ACCREDITATION THERE WAS THE EXPANSION OF SUBJECTS PROFESSIONAL AND PUBLIC ACCREDITATION Employers, their associations, organizations authorized by them + SRO Clarification of the SUBJECT Professional educational programs Basic professional educational programs, basic professional training programs, additional professional programs

DRAFT CHANGES ORGANIZATIONS CARRYING OUT PUBLIC AND PROFESSIONAL-PUBLIC ACCREDITATION EXPANDING THE RANGE OF OBJECTIVES HAS BEEN Developing the procedure for conducting accreditation, forms and methods of assessments, criteria and requirements provided by the accredited organization Form lists and ratings of accredited programs (indicating implementing organizations), accredited organizations Ensure openness and accessibility of information Placement on websites on the Internet: copies of the charter, location, accreditation procedure, lists and ratings of accredited organizations or programs , THE RESULTS ARE NOT CONSIDERED, BUT ARE CONSIDERED WHEN CARRYING OUT THE STATE ACCREDITATION

MODEL RUIE AND OPORA RUSSIA REGULATIONS on professional and public accreditation of educational programs implemented by organizations engaged in educational activities (approved by the CSO) SET of regulatory and organizational and methodological documents

Recommendations for the conduct of educational programs implemented by organizations implementing educational activities for example approximately approximate requirements for expert organizations and experts of the educational programs implemented by organizations implementing educational activities the procedure for using the accreditation logo of the educational programs implemented by organizations carrying out educational activities of the requirements for the educational logo of the educational Programs implemented by organizations engaged in educational activities, the procedure for the manufacture and use of the accreditation certificate of the PA of Educational Programs implemented by organizations implementing educational activities requirements for the letter of accreditation certificate of the educational programs implemented by organizations implementing educational activities list of documents attached to the application of the all -Russian industry (interpretation INDUSTRIAL) ASSOCIATIONS OF EMPLOYERS ON ENTRY INTO THE POA SYSTEM LIST OF DEVELOPED DOCUMENTS

COMPOSITION OF THE WORKING GROUP National Agency for the Development of Qualifications of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, Federal Institute for the Development of Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, Research Institute of Labor and Social Insurance of the Ministry of Labor of Russia, Accreditation Center of the Association for Engineering Education of Russia, Agency for Quality Control of Education and Career Development, Fund for Infrastructure and Educational Programs of JSC RUSNANO, Soyuz heads of institutions and divisions of additional professional education and employers, the Center for Vocational Education of the Samara Region, the Interstate Association of Developers and Manufacturers of Educational Equipment. National Agency for the Development of Qualifications of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, the Federal Institute for the Development of Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, the Research Institute of Labor and Social Insurance of the Ministry of Labor of Russia, the Accreditation Center of the Association for Engineering Education of Russia, the Agency for Quality Control of Education and Career Development, the Fund for Infrastructure and Educational Programs of JSC RUSNANO, the Union of Heads of Institutions and departments of additional professional education and employers, the Center for Vocational Education of the Samara Region, the Interstate Association of Developers and Manufacturers of Educational Equipment.

Structure of recommendations Procedure for determining accrediting and authorized organizations Procedure for determining accrediting and authorized organizations System POA Glossaria Procedure Enhanotation Procedure for using the results of Paa Main sections of the application indicators and criteria for accrediting examination Indicators and criteria for accreditation examination The structure of the expert commission of experts of the PAA system.

Professional and public accreditation System of professional and public accreditation All-Russian associations of employers All-Russian sectoral (intersectoral) associations of employers Authorized organizations (associations of employers, employers, other organizations) Authorized organizations (associations of employers, employers, other organizations) COORDINATION BODY AND ITS BASIC ORGANIZATION Consideration of applications Decision on inclusion in the registers ACCREDITING ORGANIZATIONS Act independently or delegate authority by experts Expert organizations

DOCUMENTATION OF THE SYSTEM OF PROFESSIONAL AND PUBLIC ACCREDITATION Rules of appeal Recommendations for conducting accreditation examination Methodology for conducting accreditation examination, including revised indicators and criteria for evaluating programs Methodology for conducting accreditation examination, including specified indicators and criteria for evaluating programs Rights granted to an organization implementing accredited programs Requirements for accrediting organizations (list of documents to the application) Standard training program for experts Exemplary requirements for experts and expert organizations DOCUMENTS OF THE COORDINATION BODY

REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ACCREDITING ORGANIZATION AVAILABILITY: necessary human, methodological, material and information resources of expert organizations and (or) experts who can be involved in conducting an accreditation examination of the experience of conducting professional and public accreditation of educational programs or other activities to assess the quality of educational programs conclusions ( reviews) other organizations characterizing the activities of professional public accreditation of educational programs, other activities to assess the quality of educational programs (submitted at the discretion of the applicant)

Use of the results of professional public accreditation Public register of educational programs that have passed professional public accreditation on the Internet educational publications Accounting for information on professional public accreditation when conducting state accreditation Accounting for the results of professional public accreditation when distributing admission control figures Using the results of professional public accreditation when forming ratings

Compliance of graduates’ competencies with the requirements of the PS and other qualification requirements Demand for graduates in the labor market The share of graduates of the educational program who successfully passed an independent assessment of qualifications, out of the total number of graduates of the educational program, at least 25% AND (OR) Compliance of internal procedures for assessing the results of graduates of educational programs with the requirements of professional standards, other qualification requirements The share of graduates who were employed in accordance with the acquired competencies during the year, at least 70%; - students on the basis of training agreements at the expense of funds legal entities, not less than 20%; - The share of students who received a job offer based on the results of internships, internships, at least 20%; - Availability of information on fixability in the workplace in accordance with the qualifications obtained and career growth graduates (for a set period of time) ACCREDITATION EXPERTISE: KEY INDICATORS

The quality of material and technical, information and telecommunication, educational, methodological, personnel and other resources ACCREDITATION EXPERTISE: ADDITIONAL INDICATORS on the compliance of equipment and other MT and IT resources with the modern level of development of a particular area prof. activities on the quality of educational and methodological conditions (libraries, including digital (electronic) libraries that provide access to professional databases, information reference and search engines) The share of teachers, masters of industrial training: - who have completed an internship in specialized organizations over the past 3 years, at least 30% - with experience in the industry in the profile of the educational program, at least 50%; - combining work in an organization carrying out educational activities with professional activities in the profile of the program, at least 20%; - The presence of part-time teachers from among the current managers and employees of specialized organizations. Information:

Security of the integration of scientific and educational activities in accordance with the content of educational programs Involvement of the organization carrying out educational activities in international cooperation related to educational activities international cooperation on issues of educational activities, on the existence of agreements on education and other agreements concluded between the organization and foreign organizations (individuals), on the participation of the organization in international projects, including the participation of students in the implementation of these projects Information confirming the recognition of the specified quality by Russian, foreign and international organizations information on the results of scientific (scientific and creative) activities of an organization carrying out educational activities, on the participation of teaching staff and students in these activities

Organization carrying out educational activities application Accrediting organization: formation of a commission, adoption of a decision based on the results of the commission’s work Accrediting organization: formation of a commission, adoption of a decision on the results of the commission’s work Desk audit Field examination Preparation of an expert opinion Desk audit Field examination Preparation of an expert opinion Experts, expert organizations certificate Informational resource: lists, ratings Submission of information to the base organization Information resource: lists, ratings Submission of information to the base organization PROCEDURE OF PROFESSIONAL AND PUBLIC ACCREDITATION

Requirements for experts Education in accordance with the level and profile of the program being accredited; Experience in performing a type of professional activity corresponding to the level and profile of the program being accredited; Advanced training in expert training programs, confirmation of expert qualifications Education and experience Requirements for expert organizations reputation in the field of professional activity corresponding to the profile of the program being accredited independence of decision-making and preparation of expert opinions resources sufficient to conduct an accreditation examination

Decision on professional and public accreditation Issuance of a certificate of professional and public accreditation to an organization carrying out educational activities Providing an electronic image of the logo of professional and public accreditation to an organization carrying out educational activities ACCREDITATION CERTIFICATE ACCREDITATION LOGO

BASIC ORGANIZATION ACCREDITING ORGANIZATION ACCREDITING ORGANIZATION PROCEDURE FOR USING THE LOGO to place the logo - on its official website, information stands, educational publications of the organization for the relevant educational programs; - on forms of documents on education and (or) qualifications and (or) other documents issued to graduates, include the logo in advertising messages about their activities, provide it to other persons for placement in information messages. in raster graphics format (Jpg, Jpeg)
Number and name of sections of the professional module Mandatory classroom teaching load Independent work of the student Credit for all, incl. laboratory and practical classes Topic 1. Regulatory framework for professional and public accreditation of programs implemented by organizations engaged in educational activities Topic 2. Educational programs as a subject of professional and public accreditation. Requirements of professional standards as a basis for accreditation examination of educational programs 24 Topic 3. Methods of accreditation examination of educational programs implemented by organizations engaged in educational activities -4 Total: 4844 THEMATIC PLAN OF EXAMPLE EXPERT TRAINING PROGRAM

By decision of the accrediting organization, a two-stage model for training experts can be used: training under a professional development program and an internship. During the internship, the expert candidate takes part in a real project as an intern. At the end of the project, the trainee participates in writing the final report of the expert and only after that (with positive feedback main expert, etc.) is considered to have completed the training. A candidate for expert, on the basis of an application, may be admitted to the final attestation without taking refresher courses. In case of successful completion of the final certification, he receives a certificate of advanced training.

Information system for professional and public accreditation of educational programs implemented by organizations engaged in educational activities General information module Data entry module Information and analytical module Employers' associations Enterprises and organizations Citizens planning their educational trajectories, Public authorities

The composition of the data of the information system of professional and public accreditation of educational programs implemented by organizations engaged in educational activities* Register of accrediting organizations Register of accredited programs List of professional standards used in the procedures of professional and public accreditation Register of experts on professional and public accreditation Methodology of professional and public accreditation; An approximate list of indicators for evaluating educational programs during professional public accreditation * The composition of the fields of each of the listed registers can be specified in the process of forming the regulatory legal framework governing professional public accreditation of educational programs and public accreditation of organizations.

The results of the development of an additional professional program for the stated goals and planned learning outcomes; procedures (processes) for organizing and implementing an additional professional program with established requirements for the structure, procedure and conditions for the implementation of programs; the ability of the organization to effectively and efficiently carry out activities to provide educational services. ASSESSMENT OF THE QUALITY OF DEVELOPMENT OF ADDITIONAL PROFESSIONAL PROGRAMS FOR COMPLIANCE

Indicators of professional and public accreditation of AVE programs (AKKORK) 1. Invariant: program goals (relevance, significance and demand by the labor market, industry). formalized learning outcomes (compliance with the PS), education quality assessment system, curriculum and (or) thematic curriculum, types and forms of education 2. Variable: requirements for applicants to study for the program, teaching materials, technologies and methods of educational activities, faculty, educational and material and technical resources of the program, participation of employers in the implementation of the program. REQUIRED CRITERIA FOR EACH INDICATOR
