Foreign connections. Conservation of library collections Staffing of the Federal Center for Conservation of Library Collections

  • Specialty of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation05.25.03
  • Number of pages 207

Chapter 1. Preservation of collections as a library problem

1.1. Issues of ensuring the safety of funds in the works of domestic librarians.

1.2. Experience in scientific, methodological and practical activities to ensure preservation in Russian libraries.

Chapter 2. Current state of conservation library collections and ways to resolve the issue (using the example of academic libraries)

2.1. Analysis of the results of a survey of ensuring the safety of collections in libraries of the Russian Academy of Sciences system.:.:.:.

2.2. Forms and methods of preventive conservation.

Chapter 3. Technology for introducing phase conservation in the Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences

3.1. Development and main directions of the program.

3.2. Some results of the program implementation.

Recommended list of dissertations

  • Preservation of library collections: Biological aspects 1999, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Skvortsova, Olga Vladimirovna

  • Development of library science in the Ukrainian SSR (1917-1941) 1984, candidate of pedagogical sciences Odinokaya, L.P.

  • Specifics of the formation of a single collection in centralized library associations of the Russian Academy of Sciences 1999, candidate of pedagogical sciences Gosina, Lyudmila Igorevna

  • "Imperial Russian Military Historical Society": ensuring the safety of documents and prospects for use: From the Archives of the Military Historical Museum of Artillery, Engineering Troops and Signal Corps 2000, candidate of cultural studies. Sciences Uspenskaya, Svetlana Vasilievna

  • Interaction of publishing and library activities of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the information space 2004, Doctor of Philology Gosina, Lyudmila Igorevna

Introduction of the dissertation (part of the abstract) on the topic “Preventive conservation as a promising direction for ensuring the safety of scientific library collections”

Society is always responsible to future generations for the preservation of world cultural heritage. This situation is especially relevant in our time, when, on the one hand, there is a deep understanding of the enduring value of the historical and cultural monuments that have reached us, and on the other hand, the danger of their destruction is increasing due to the constantly deteriorating environmental, economic and political situation in large cities. instability, cases of vandalism and careless attitude towards documents, as well as due to often simplified access to them.

Libraries, no matter what values ​​they store, are called upon to provide access to them, to provide them to the user. Therefore, it is objectively necessary to perform contradictory functions: storing cultural and historical monuments and at the same time providing access to them to current and future generations. We must remember that libraries are institutions that bear direct material, professional and moral responsibility to future generations for preserving the achievements accumulated by humanity.

Documents stored in libraries are made mainly on paper and are gradually destroyed during storage and use. Natural aging, irregularities in storage conditions, carelessness of readers, emergencies caused by accidents and natural disasters are the main reasons for the loss of library monuments. Therefore, issues of ensuring their safety have become a separate industry. scientific research librarians, biologists, chemists and other specialists.

It is no coincidence that issues of collection preservation are increasingly becoming the subject of special library research. Knowledge and experience in preserving and restoring the values ​​of culture and art turn out to be very significant when society comes to understand the need to create effective means and methods for ensuring the preservation of cultural heritage for contemporaries and future generations.

In recent decades, priorities have been given to forms of preventive conservation, allowing to maximize the preservation possible. more documents with minimal interference in the structure of the documents themselves, and, accordingly, achieve the most economical form of work. In Russia, preventive conservation as an independent area of ​​activity in the field of ensuring the safety of library collections began to be dealt with relatively recently.

If we turn to the history of studying the problem, then research on the benefits preventive measures in ensuring safety were only sporadic. One of the first domestic librarians who included in their scientific interests the study of the implementation of preventive measures in ensuring preservation were L.B. Khavkina and Yu.V. Grigoriev. The problems of the effectiveness of preventive measures in their studies were also touched upon by such scientists as A.M.Chukaev, Yu.N.Stolyarov, V.PLeonov and others.

A great contribution to the study of this scientific topic was made by the works of the conservation departments of large libraries: the Russian State Library, the Russian National Library, the All-Russian State Library of Foreign Literature, the Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences, as well as the Laboratory of Conservation and Restoration of Documents of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Theoretical and practical issues of preventive conservation were developed by chemists and biologists: Yu.P. Nyuksha, D.P. Erastov, S.A. Dobrusina, O.I. Perminova, Z.P. Dvoryashina and others.

The very concept of “preventive conservation” was introduced into preservation practice by foreign researchers in the late 80s and early 90s. of our century. The greatest contribution to the development of this direction was made by specialists from the Institute of Conservation named after. P. Getty (USA), Northeast Center for Document Conservation (USA), as well as J. Banks (Canada), P. Waters (USA), R. Harvey (Australia), A. Giovanini (Switzerland).

But, unfortunately, the complex of library problems to ensure the safety of collections and, in particular, preventive conservation was considered by different specialists in isolation, without the active participation of library workers.

Despite the increasing interest in the problem of preventive conservation, many aspects of this process have not yet been sufficiently studied; the unification of the intellectual efforts of specialists working in different areas of librarianship is required. To date, the place and significance of forms of preventive conservation in modern library science have not been determined. In Russia, there is no systematic training of specialists at various levels on issues of preventive conservation. The existing experience of practical activities of libraries in this regard has not yet been essentially studied, generalized or analyzed.

The degree of development and specific features of the problem determined the setting of the goal of this dissertation research: to expand the scope of scientific research activities of libraries by including a range of issues on preventive conservation in library science; show the importance of this area in ensuring the preservation of historical and cultural funds using the example of a large universal library - the Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The object of this dissertation is the preservation of historical and cultural collections of scientific libraries recorded on traditional media.

The subject of the study is the forms and methods of preventive conservation that ensure the safety of library collections and the possibility of their use.

Preventive preservation is a system of measures that provides comprehensive protection of documents, aimed at slowing down the aging process by creating and maintaining standard conditions for storage and use of phase preservation. Phase conservation as a form of preventive conservation means that documents are placed in microclimatic containers made of acid-free cardboard or inert material.

The purpose, object, subject of the research determined the formulation and solution of the following tasks of the dissertation work:

1. Study and summarize the results of the works of domestic and foreign scientists and specialists on the importance of preventive measures in ensuring the safety of library collections.

2. Analyze and evaluate the state of preservation of library collections in Russia using the example of libraries of the Russian Academy of Sciences system.

3. Justify the importance of preventive conservation in general and phase conservation, in particular, on modern stage.

4. Develop a technology for introducing phase conservation as a form of preventive conservation and, on its basis, propose a standard program for libraries and archives in Russia.

5. Summarize the experience and summarize the implementation of phase conservation in the Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The methodological basis of the study was the ideas and provisions formulated in the works of leading domestic and foreign librarians and document preservation specialists. Significantly strengthened methodological basis, on which the study of this problem is based, theoretical principles and conceptual conclusions contained in the works of: L.Z. Amlinsky, E.P. Arefieva, N.G. Belenkaya, A.N. Vaneev, V.I. Vasilenko, Yu. V. Grigorieva, Z. P. Dvoryashina, S. A. Dobrusina, G. A. Kislovskaya, K. B. Lavrova, V. P. Leonov, S. L. Lokhvitskaya, N. K. Nikolaeva, V. G. Nosova, Yu.P.Nyuksha, O.I.Perminova, V.F.Sakharov, E.V.Starova, Yu.N.Stolyarova, Yu.M.Tarasova, G.V.Tarachenko,

L.V. Trapeznikova, V.I. Tereshina, L.B. Khavkina, O.S. Chubaryan, A.M. Chukaeva, V.V. Shilova, D.P. Erastova, A. Abida, S. Buchanan, M.-T. Varlamof, V. Wechter, M. Smith, P. Waters, K. Haris, R. Harvey, D. Etherington, and others.

The study used statistical and sociological methods, including questionnaires and interviews.

The research was based on the collections of the Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences: the Baer collection, the collection of printed and handwritten books of Peter I, the collection of foreign manuscripts, the Slavic collection, the incunabula collection, and the Struve collection.

The scientific novelty of the study lies in the comprehensive study of issues of preventive conservation, which have not previously been the subject of independent research. At the same time: based on the results of the study, the concept of preventive conservation, as well as its forms and methods, was proposed; the criteria for selecting documents for conversion into phase storage form are justified; a technology has been developed for introducing phase conservation in various types of libraries and archives.

The practical significance of the work lies in the development of a Program for the implementation of phase conservation. The results of the study can be used by specialists when drawing up plans to eliminate the consequences of emergency situations. The dissertation materials can be useful in training library personnel of medium and higher qualifications.

Approbation of work. The main provisions and conclusions of the study were reported and discussed at international conferences: "Preservation of cultural property and natural disasters: The international cooperation with the Library of the USSR Academy of Sciences" (Leningrad, 1990), "Preservation of cultural heritage: an international imperative" (Leningrad, 1993), "BAN: 10 years after the fire" (St. Petersburg, 1998), "Libraries and associations in changing world: New technologies and new forms of cooperation1* (Crimea, 1998 and 2000); at the international seminar on the issues of preventive conservation, conducted by the company "Blackmon-Mooring Steamatic catastrophy" (Fort Worth, Texas, USA, 1991), at the third annual seminar on the problems of preventive conservation and storage of cultural property: "Storage of exhibits in small sealed volumes" (St. Petersburg, 1994); at the international training seminar "Libraries and archives in extreme situations" (St. Petersburg, 1995); at the All-Russian meeting of heads of federal and central libraries of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation "State policy in the field of preserving library collections" (St. Petersburg, 2000), at scientific and practical conferences held at the Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1989, 1991, 1994), and are also reflected in the author’s publications.

Implementation of work results. The results of the dissertation research were introduced into the Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences (the Baer Fund, the personal library of Peter I, the Incunabula Fund, the Foreign Manuscript Fund, the Slavic Fund), and were also used to eliminate the consequences of a fire in the library of the Pulkovo Observatory. The technological process of phase conservation was implemented in the Vorontsov Memorial Library of the Alupka Palace and Park Reserve, the St. Petersburg Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Provisions for defense

1. Preventive conservation as an effective form of preserving library collections is aimed at slowing down the processes of their destruction both as a result of natural aging and as a result of accidents, natural and environmental disasters.

2. Phase conservation as a promising form of preventive conservation allows libraries to preserve documents for a long time, protect them from the harmful effects of the environment and mechanical damage, reduce the need for restoration and rationally spend funds on ensuring preservation.

3. A typical phase conservation program, designed to ensure the safety of collections in libraries of various types, can be used during emergency response. The experience accumulated by the Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences in restoring and ensuring the safety of the collection damaged in the fire of 1988 has confirmed this.

4. In the process of educating and training library workers of average and higher qualifications, it is necessary to include sections on preventive conservation in the curricula of library technical schools and library and information departments of cultural universities as part of the course “Library Collections”.

Similar dissertations in the specialty “Library science, bibliographic science and bibliology”, 05.25.03 code VAK

  • Electronic document as a component of the library collection 2005, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Maistrovich, Tatyana Viktorovna

  • Librarianship and library science in Vietnam: History, current state and prospects 2002, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Bui Loan Thu

  • Analysis of the views of domestic librarians of the first half of the 20th century. to the status of library science 1996, candidate of pedagogical sciences Lukashov, Igor Vladislavovich

  • 1984, candidate of pedagogical sciences Firsov, Vladimir Rufinovich

  • History of the formation and development of the Scientific Library of the Russian Academy of Arts (1757-2000) 2007, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Belyaev, Nikolai Sergeevich

Conclusion of the dissertation on the topic “Library science, bibliographic science and bibliology”, Belyaeva, Irina Mikhailovna


As a result of studying and analyzing a fairly extensive literature, varying in nature and content, taking into account the author’s practical experience, a number of generalizations and conclusions can be made.

First of all, it should be noted that the process of ensuring the safety of library collections is an extremely complex and complex problem that covers many aspects of library activities.

In Russia by the end of the 19th century. The basic prerequisites for the emergence of library science as a science have already been formed: the main ideas and certain ideas about the library and librarianship have been formed. This, in turn, was a theoretical justification for the problems of preserving library collections, which for the first time, in our opinion, were touched upon, and within the framework of general issues of library science, by E.V. Balobanova, P.M. Bogdanov, V.I. Sobolytsikov and N.A. Rubakin.

Subsequently, the study of security issues became more specific. And already in the scientific works on library science by L.B. Khavkina, Yu.V. Grigoriev, A.M. Chukaev, Yu.N. Stolyarov, V.P. Leonov, one can quite clearly trace the general trends in the development of the topics we are studying. At the same time, of course, the works of each of these scientists have their own character traits and features of the “creative laboratory”, some rather subjective assessments and conclusions. However, throughout their scientific career, all of them convincingly proved and continue to prove that it is much easier and more effective to carry out preventive measures than to carry out emergency measures to combat the onset of a disaster and eliminate its consequences.

It should be noted that no matter what problems of library science scientists solve, they somehow relate to issues of ensuring preservation. Interesting in this direction are the works of N.S. Kartashov,

O.S. Chubaryan, A.N. Vaneev, V.V. Skvortsov and others; in the system of library collection formation - V.I. Tereshina, N.P. Vasilchenko, V.V. Shilova, I.V. Eidemiller, V.G. Nosovoy. Security issues and problems of library disasters are posed by V.V. Shilov and V.G. Nosova. O.N. Kokoikina considers the problem of legal support for the safety of the library collection.

Features of the organization of scientific library buildings in terms of serving readers were studied by L.Z. Amlinsky. Serious issues of organizing a library building in the structure of library science were considered by K.B. Lavrova. The study of O.V. Skvortsova is devoted to the biological aspects of the problem of preserving library collections.

Thus, thanks to the scientific work of leading domestic scientists, library science has now developed a fairly well-founded system of theoretical positions and views on the main problems of ensuring the preservation of library collections, a system of basic terms and concepts has been developed, on the basis of which its own professional “language” of communication has been created librarians.

A detailed study and analysis of the main works of library scientists made it possible to understand and appreciate current state problems, identify trends in historical continuity, establish an organic connection with the new terminology system, including a large number of foreign concepts.

The largest libraries in Russia - RSL, RNL, VGBIL and BAN - are recognized centers of scientific, methodological and practical work to ensure the safety of library collections. It is these institutions, having quite powerful conservation services and qualified personnel of curators, chemists, biologists, and restorers, that to a large extent determined and continue to determine the level of work to ensure the preservation of cultural values ​​in our country.

Over the past decades, materials reflecting the multidimensionality of the problem of ensuring safety have aroused increased interest and are regularly covered in foreign and domestic scientific literature. The state of preservation of library documents in Russia - one of the most attention-grabbing aspects - causes great concern and concern to society.

Thus, according to data published in the literature, restoration of documents stored in the Russian National Library (we are talking about a third of the total number of storage units) will take approximately 400 years. More than 1 million rare and valuable publications of the Russian State Library require restoration of bindings, about 20 million sheets require immediate restoration of paper, i.e. It will take 500 years to restore the RSL funds. To restore only the collections of the Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences damaged by the fire in 1988, according to our calculations, it will take 250 years.

In addition, the data obtained as a result of our scientific and practical work assessing the state of conservation of library collections administered by the Russian Academy of Sciences indicates that the gap between the need for restoration and the real possibilities of carrying out this work continues to increase, both due to aggressive influence environment, and an extremely weak material and technical base.

As a result, it was necessary to find an effective and economical form of conservation that could cover huge amounts of documents with minimal funding.

Preventive conservation was thus a set of preventive measures, including phase conservation, which were able to ensure comprehensive reliability and constancy of the condition of documents during their storage and use.

It is important to understand that this most progressive method of increasing the life expectancy of collections is associated with a high degree of slowing down the processes of destruction of materials, and not with physical impact on documents for the purpose of their subsequent restoration. In this regard, preventive conservation plays almost the same role in relation to library materials as preventive medicine plays in relation to people. The medical axiom “it is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it” best reflects the essence of this area of ​​ensuring the safety of funds.

The importance and necessity of the research carried out in the Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences lies in the fact that as a result of the introduction of phase conservation, as a form of preventive conservation, a standard program was developed for libraries of different types. It provides for the following activities: studying the composition and physical condition of documents; systematic examination of the storage conditions of funds; development and creation of an information database; organization of the technological process of phase conservation; physical, chemical and biological processing of documents; development of methodological and normative-technological documentation; training of qualified guardians.

The dissertation research attempted to summarize the results scientific works domestic and foreign specialists, as well as practical experience of libraries in terms of preventive measures to ensure the safety of library collections.

Thus, based on the above, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. The history of studying issues of preventive conservation (preventive measures) has traditionally been considered by domestic library scientists as library science. In modern library science, the necessary theoretical prerequisites have been formed to substantiate the phenomenon of preventive conservation.

2. The conducted research made it possible to carry out a multidimensional analysis of the state of preservation in the libraries of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Ways of introducing preventive conservation into the practical activities of scientific libraries have been developed and determined.

3. A standard phase conservation program opens up opportunities for libraries of various types to ensure the preservation of documents for a long time, protect them from harmful environmental influences and mechanical damage, reduce the need for restoration and rational use of funds.

4. To improve the skills of library specialists, it is advisable to include the study of preventive conservation issues in the curriculum. This will help you gain both theoretical and practical knowledge and skills on average educational institution, and more in-depth ones - in the highest. At the same time, it is possible to introduce a new specialization at the university: “Librarian for managing the preservation of collections.”

List of references for dissertation research Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Belyaeva, Irina Mikhailovna, 2001

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52. Golden fund of knowledge: development in the Library of the Academy of Sciences of an intellectual knowledge base on the preventive conservation of library collections / I.V. Azarova, I.M. Belyaeva, V.P. Zakharov, L.G. Levashova, V.P. Leonov/ / Inform. Russian resources. 1993. - No. 5. - P.20-21.

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54. History of the Library of the USSR Academy of Sciences: 1714-1964 / Editorial Board: M.S. Filippov (chief editor) and others; BAN USSR. M.; L.: Nauka, 1964. - 600 p.

55. Kartashov N.S. General library science: Proc. at 2 o'clock / N.S. Kartayuv, V.V. Skvortsov. M.: Publishing house MGUK, 1996. - 4.1. - 87 s.

56. Catalog of incunabula / Comp. E.I. Bobrova. M.;L.: Nauka, 1963. - 280 p.

57. Kiseleva E.M. Modern approaches to solving the problem of improving the microclimate of book depositories / E.M. Kiseleva // Preservation and accessibility: Abstracts. report and message scientific -pract. Conf., Moscow, 1012 Aug. 1998 / RSL. M., 1998. - P.28-29.

58. Kiseleva L.I. Book collection of Vuk Karadzic in the Library of the USSR Academy of Sciences / L.I. Kiseleva // Russian libraries and private book collections of the 16th - 19th centuries. - L., 1979. - P.59-78.

59. Kislovskaya G.A. Not the most pleasant revelations about the safety of national heritage / G.A. Kislovskaya // Library. -1996. No. 10. - P.29-31.

60. Kislovskaya G.A. Experience of VGBIL in translating publications into micromedia / G.A. Kislovskaya // Scientific. and tech. b-ki. 1995. - No. 2. - P. 49-58.

61. Kislovskaya G.A. Will we save newspapers / G.A. Kislovskaya // Library. -1995. No. 12.-P.21-22.

62. Kislovskaya G.A. To protect from oblivion the days of the past / G.A. Kislovskaya // Library 1997. - No. 7. - N.ZO.

63. Kokoikina O.N. Legal support for the preservation of the library collection / O.N. Kokoikina // Preservation and accessibility: Abstracts. report and message scientific -pract. Conf., Moscow, August 10-12. 1998 / RSL. M., 1998. - P.34-37.

64. Acquisition and organization of library collections: Educational method. allowance / Comp. Yu.V. Grigoriev; Ministry of Culture of the RSFSR. Moscow state bib. int. -M., 1962. 40 p.

65. Conservation of documents: Instructional method. instructions for the implementation of GOST 7.50-90 "SIBID preservation of documents. General requirements" / Comp.:

66. Yu.P.Nyuksha, E.S.Chernina, Z.P.Dvoryashina, etc.; Ministry of Culture of the RSFSR. GPB. -SPb., 1990.-33 p.

67. Conservation and restoration of books: Method, recommendations / Compiled by: S.P. Bulavkina, T.A. Domanskaya, N.K. Nikolaeva, V.Y. Steblevsky; VGBIL. Department of hygiene and book restoration. M., 1980. - 180 p.

68. Conservation of cultural monuments. Past. The present. Future: Int. Conf., St. Petersburg, October 28-30. 1997: Abstract. report / RNB; Compiled by: S.A. Dobrusina et al. St. Petersburg, 1997. - 78 p.

69. Kuznetsova T.L., Insect pests of archives / T.L. Kuznetsova, Z.A. Zagulyaeva // Security of documents. - L., 1987. - P. 67-71.

70. Lavrova K.B. Organization of a library building as a section of library science: Author's abstract. dis. . Ph.D. ped. Sciences: 05.25.03. / K.B.Lavrova. -M., 1997. -16 p.

71. Levashova L.G. Problems of restoration of parchment of the French Legendary / L.G. Levashova, K.I. Andreeva // Preservation of documents. L., 1987. - pp. 110-114.

72. Leonov V.P. Library of the soul of the Academy / V.P. Leonov // Sov. bibliography. - 1990. - No. 3. - P.26-33.

73. Leonov V.P. Library and bibliographic processes in the system of scientific communications / V.P.Leonov. St. Petersburg: B-ka RAS, 1995. - 139 p.

74. Leonov V.P. IN extreme conditions: Report at the international seminar "Natural Disasters and the Rescue of Cultural Property": Int. cooperation with the Library of the USSR Academy of Sciences. / V.P. Leonov // Librarian. 1991. -№1. - P.9-13.

75. Leonov V.P. Speech at the 55th General Session of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), Paris, Aug. 1989 / V. PLeonov // Leonov V.P. Library syndrome. St. Petersburg, 1996. - P.234-236.

76. Leonov V.P. Elimination of the consequences of a fire. Results. Problems. Prospects / V.P. Leonov // Problems of preservation of book funds: Collection. scientific tr. / BAN USSR. L., 1989. - P.6-I4.

77. Leonov V.P. International significance Libraries of the USSR Academy of Sciences / V.P. Leonov // 275 years of the Library of the USSR Academy of Sciences: Collection. report anniversary scientific conf., St. Petersburg, November 28. 1 Dec. 1989. - St. Petersburg, 1991. - P.3-I6.

78. Leonov V.P. Reflections on the future of the largest libraries / V.P.Leonov //Sov. library science. 1991. - No. 6. - P.4-7.

79. Leonov V.P. Preservation of collections as a problem of library science: Preface. / V.P. Leonov // Nyuksha Yu.P. Biological damage to paper and books. St. Petersburg, 1994. - P.7-9.

80. Leonov V.P. Preservation of collections as a problem of library science /

81. V.P. Leonov // Libraries and associations in a changing world: New technologies and new forms of cooperation: Proceedings of the conference, Evpatoria, June 10-18, 1995 - M., 1995. T.1. - P. 100-103. - (2nd International Conference "Crimea-95").

82. Luppov S.P. Foundation of the Library of the Academy of Sciences and its initial book collection / S.P. Luppov // 250 years of the Library of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR: Collection. report anniversary scientific Conf., Leningrad, November 25-26. 1964 M.; L.: Nauka, 1965.1. P.268-284.

83. Markova N.L. Using the experience of BAN in saving the Struve Foundation / N.L. Markova // BAN: 10 years after the fire: Materials of the International. scientific conf.,

84. St. Petersburg, February 16-18. 1998 / B-ka RAS, Institute of Conservation named after. P. Getty, St. Petersburg Intl. save center cult, heritage. St. Petersburg: BAN, 1999. - pp. 94-99.

85. Markova H.JI. Library of the Main Astronomical Observatory Russian Academy Sciences / N.L. Markova, E.P. Potter // Centralized network of St. Petersburg academic libraries: Formation and development: Collection. articles. -SPb.: B-ka RAS. 1992. - P.94-102.

86. Martynova L.S. Training of personnel in the field of conservation and restoration of documents in the Russian State Library / L.S. Martynova // Preservation and accessibility: Abstracts. report and message scientific -pract. Conf., Moscow, August 10-12. 1998 / RSL. M., 1998. - P.43-46.

87. Materials for the history of the Imperial Academy of Sciences. T. 8: (1746-1747).-SPb., 1895. -791 p.

88. Toolkit on the storage regime for documentary materials, manuscripts and books: (From the experience of the Laboratory of Conservation and Restoration of the USSR Academy of Sciences) / Comp. A.P. Petrova Zavgorodnaya; Academy of Sciences of the USSR. LKRD. - L.: Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1960. - 42 p.

89. Scientific examination of the state of the collections of the Library of the USSR Academy of Sciences, damaged by fire: Report on research work / Leningrad. technol. Institute of Pulp and Boom. industry; Head S.V. Ryabchenko. L., 1990. - 43 p.

90. An unknown monument of book art: The experience of restoring a French Legendary of the 13th century / Ed. V.S.Lublinsky. M.;L.: Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1963.- 105 p.

91. Nekrasova A.N. On the restoration of the Radzivilov Chronicle / A.N. Nekrasova, K.I. Andreeva // Durability of the document. L., 1981. - pp. 120-125.

92. Nikolaeva N.K. On dyeing leather for the restoration of bindings / N.K. Nikolaeva // Problems of forming and ensuring the safety of funds: Coll. scientific tr. / VGBIL. M., 1983. - pp. 123-129.

93. New methods of restoration and conservation of documents and books: Sat. works for 1958 / Rep. ed. N.Ya. Somchnik; Academy of Sciences of the USSR. LKRD. M.;L.: Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1960. - 173 p.

94. Nosova V.G. Library disasters as a subject of research: (posing the question) / V.G. Nosova // Library collections in the context of modern library science: Collection of scientific works. tr. / RNB. St. Petersburg, 1995. - P.39-48.

95. Nyuksha Yu.P. Biological damage to paper and books = Biodeterioration of paper and books / Yu.P. Nyuksha; Rep. ed. V.P. Leonov; B-ka RAS. St. Petersburg, 1994. - 233 p.

96. Nyuksha Yu.P. Disinfection of books in cells / Yu.P. Nyuksha // Disinfection and restoration of library materials: Sat. works / GPB. L., 1959. - 66 p.

97. Nyuksha Yu.P. The formation of document conservation in the Russian National Library: Prerequisites, plans, implementations / Yu.P. Nyuksha // Theory and practice of preserving cultural monuments: Collection. scientific tr. / RNB. St. Petersburg, 1998. - Issue. 19. - P.6-26.

98. Nyuksha Yu.P., Blank M.G. Production line for book restoration / Yu.P.Nyuksha, M.G.Blank; GPB. M.: Book, 1976. - 48 p.

99. Review of the most important works of the Laboratory for Conservation and Restoration of Documents for 1934 and 1935. //Tr. LKRD. M.;L., 1939. - T.1. - P.75-83.

100. Organization of the preservation of book collections in academic libraries: Sat. scientific tr. / Rep. edited by M.A. Tarasov; BAN USSR. L., 1986. - 99 p.

101. Organization of the preservation of book collections in the Library of the USSR Academy of Sciences: Instruction-method. doc. / Rep. ed. K.V. Lyutova; BAN USSR. L., 1984. -79 p.

102. Report on the book warehouse of the Academy // Report on the activities of the Imperial Academy of Sciences in the physico-mathematical and historical-philological departments for 1914 / Comp. A.A. Shakhmatov. Pg., 1914. -P.428-433.

103. Software. Reports on the activities of BAN: 1988 1999. - St. Petersburg: B-ka RAS. -Typescripts, materials.

104. Robert U. The Federation is open to all libraries / U. Robert // Library. -1996. -No. 5, special IFLA/RBA tab No. 4 (10). pp. 10-13.

105. Perminova O. The heritage of the nation is preserved here / O. Perminova // Library. 1998. - No. 2. - P.99-101.

106. Perminova O. Conservation is a science or. craft? / O. Perminova // Library. 1997. - No. 10. - P. 16-18.

107. Perminova O.I. Conservation is a science or. craft? / O. Perminova // Library. -1998. No. 1. - P. 32 - 35.

108. Perminova O.I. Conservation is a science or. craft? / O. Perminova // Library. 1998. - No. 6. - P.39-41.

109. Perminova O.I. Conservation is naua or. craft? / O. Perminova // Library. 1998 - No. 12. - pp. 16-18.

110. Perminova O.I. Scientific approach to the conservation of documents and assessment of the degree of their destruction / O.I. Perminova // Conservation and restoration of cultural monuments. Express information - M., 1998. - Issue 2. - pp. 14-24.

111. Perminova O.I. Problems of preservation of library collections. The role of the RSL as a national coordinating center / O.I. Perminova // Library Science. 1998. - No. 1. - P.82-91.

112. Porshnev G.I. First courses in library science: (Memoirs) / G.I. Porshnev // Library Sat. articles: 3S years of bibliography. activities of L.B. Khavkina. M.;L., 1927. - P. 113-122.

113. Privalov V.F. Durability of paper, the problem of aging documents and their restoration / V.F. Privalov // Security of documents. L., 1987. - P.48-51.

114. Reasons for the destruction of monuments of writing and printing: Sat. articles / Rep. ed. D.M. flate; Academy of Sciences of the USSR. LKRD. L.: Nauka, 1967. - 152 p.

115. The problem of durability of documents and paper: Sat. articles / Rep. ed. D.M. flate; Academy of Sciences of the USSR. LKRD. M.;L.: Nauka, 1964. - 126 p.

116. Problems of preservation of documentary materials: Sat. articles / Rep. ed. D.M. flate; Academy of Sciences of the USSR. LKRD. L.: Nauka, 1977. - 111 p.

117. Problems of preservation of book collections: Sat. scientific tr. / Rep. ed. V.P. Leonov; BAN USSR. L., 1989. - 180 p.

118. Problems of preservation of scientific library collections: Sat. scientific tr. / Rep. ed. Yu.M. Tarasova; BAN USSR. L., 1988. - 159 p.

119. Development program of the research center for conservation and restoration of documents of the Russian State Library for the period 1998-2010. // Library science. 1998. - No. 3. - P.4-17.

120. Proskuryakova E.F. Hygiene of books in libraries: (Experience of the State Public Library named after M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin in Leningrad) / E.F. Proskuryakova // Red Librarian. 1937. - No. 2. - P.62-70.

121. Prevention of biological damage to library collections: Method, recommendations / Compiled by: Z.P. Dvoryashina, N.V. Manturovskaya; GBL. Scientific research lab. conservation doc. M., 1987. -18 p.

122. PfAAN, f.Z, on. 1, d. 1, pp. 7-8 rev.

123. PfAAN, f. 3, on. 1, No. 844, pp. 117 -118

124. PfAAN, f. 129, on. 1, No. 700, l. 22.132. PFAAN. f. 158, op.1.

125. PfAAN, f. 158, op. 3, 1928, No. 30, l. 4

126. Work on rescuing and restoring the fixed assets after a fire / I.M. Belyaeva, T.V. Zvereva, L.A. Ivanova, S.A. Kuzmin I Problems of preservation of book funds: Collection. scientific tr. / BAN USSR. L., 1989. - P. 44 - 56.

127. Storage mode of library collections: Method! recommendations for the region and territories, library of the RSFSR / Comp. Y.P. Nyuksha; GPB. L., 1977. - 41 p.

128. Storage regime for library collections: Method, recommendations for the region. and territories, library of the RSFSR / Comp. Y.P. Nyuksha; GPB. L., 1978. - 36 p.

129. For restorers and curators of library collections: Method, recommendations / Compiled by: T.F. Burtseva, Z.P. Dvoryashina, N.V. Manturovskaya et al. / GBL. Dept. hygiene and restoration. M., 1981. - 99 p.

130. Guide to ensuring the safety of documents: A manual for archive workers / Responsible. ed. Z.A.Zagulyaeva; Academy of Sciences of the USSR. LKRD. L.: Nauka, 1978. 118 p.

131. Manuscripts of the Latin Alphabet of the 16th - 18th centuries: Description of the manuscripts. dept. Bib-ki Acad. Sciences of the USSR / Comp. I.N. Lebedeva. - L.: Science, Leningrad. department, 1979. T. 6. - 287 p.

132. Collection of materials on the preservation of book collections / Ed. NL.Gorbachevskaya; GBL. Department of Hygiene and Book Restoration. M., 1947. - Issue. 1. - 132 e.: ill.

133. Collection of materials on the preservation of book collections / Ed. L.G. Petrova; GBL. Dept. hygiene and restoration of books. M., 1953. - Issue. 2. - 95 s.

134. Collection of materials on the preservation of book collections / Under. ed. and with a preface. L.A.Belyakova and O.V.Kozulina; GBL. Dept. hygiene and book restoration. M., 1958. - Issue. 3. - 226 p.

135. Collection of materials on the preservation of book collections / Under. ed. V.L. Voitsekhovsky and O.V. Kozulina; GBL. Dept. hygiene and book restoration. -M., 1961. -Issue 4. -176 pp.

136. Semenova T.A. Preservation of documents on traditional media / T.A. Semenova // Scientific. and tech. b-ki. 1999. - No. 3. - P.85-89.

137. Skvortsova O.V. Preservation of library collections: biological aspects: Author's abstract. dis. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences: 05.25.03. St. Petersburg, 1999. - 23 p.

138. Dictionary of library terms / Compiled by: I.M. Suslova, L.N. Ulanova; Under. total ed. O.S. Chubaryan. -M.: Book, 1976. 223 p.

139. Sobolytsikov V.I. On the organization of public libraries and the compilation of their catalogs / V.I. Sobolytsikov // Journal. M-va Nar. proev. 1858. -No. 10.-S.97-126; No. 11.-S. 127-155.

140. Collection of Polish early printed books in the Slavic Fund of the BAN / Responsible. ed. V.P. Leonov; BAN. St. Petersburg, 1999. - Issue 1: Nesvizh Ordinary Library of the Radziwills / Compiled by: O.V. Guseva, E.V. Komissarova. - 348 p.

141. Preservation of library and archival materials: Guide / Transl. from English V.R. Crimea and Y.P. Nyuksha; Ed. S. Ogden. SPb: Europe. House, 1998. -257 p.

142. Preservation of library collections: Selective annotations. decree. father and zarub, literature / Comp. G.N. Dragunova, E.A. Azarova. M., 1972. - 65 p.

143. Safety of documents: Sat. articles / Rep. ed. D.M.Flyate; Academy of Sciences of the USSR. LKRD. L.: Nauka, 1987. -152 p.

144. Safety and accessibility: Abstract. report and message scientific-practical Conf., Moscow, August 10-12. 1998 / RSL. -M., 1998. 109 p.

145. Preservation of book collections: A manual for regional, city and large district libraries / Compiled by: L.A. Beyayakova, E.N. Grigorieva, S.I. Korneeva and others; Ed. L.G. Petrova, Y.P. Nyuksha, L.A. Belyakova; GBL. Dept. hygiene and restoration of books. M., 1954. - 74 p.

146. Preservation of book collections: A manual for regional, city and large district libraries / Compiled by: L.A. Belyakova, E.N. Grigorieva, S.I. Korneeva and others; Ed. L.A.Beyakova; GBL. Department of Hygiene and Book Restoration. 3rd ed., add. - M., I960. - 80 s.

147. Preservation of book funds: Sat. materials / Under. ed. L.G. Petrova, G.S. Rozhkova; GBL. M.: Book, 1966. - Issue. 5.-126 s.

148. Preservation of book funds: Sat. scientific tr. / GBL. Dept. hygiene and restoration. M., 1978. - 121 p.

149. List of publications about the fire in the Library of the Academy of Sciences (February 14-15, 1988) / Comp. K.V. Lyutova; BAN. St. Petersburg, 1998. - 34 p.

150. Aging of paper: Sat. articles / Rep. ed. D.M.Flyate; Academy of Sciences of the USSR. LKRD. -M.;L.: Nauka, 1965. 162 p.

151. Aging of paper under the influence of sunlight / N.G. Belenkaya, E.K. Krollau, S.G. Tamarova, T.V. Cherkesova // Issues of document durability. L., 1973. - P.32-39.

152. Starova B.V. Research and scientific-methodological work to ensure the physical and chemical safety of funds at the BAS of the USSR: Results and prospects / B.V. Starova // Problems of preservation of scientific library collections: Sat. scientific tr. D., 1988. - P.91-95.

153. Steblevsky V.I. Some issues of paper conservation / V.I. Steblevsky, S.P. Bulavkina // Problems of forming and ensuring the safety of funds: Coll. scientific tr. / VGBIL. M., 1983. -S. 104 - 111.

154. Steblevsky V.I. Conservation of leather bindings / V.I. Steblevsky, N.K. Nikolaeva // Problems of forming and ensuring the safety of funds: Coll. scientific tr. / VGBIL. M., 1983. - P.83 - 103.

155. Stolyarov Yu.N. Library collections: Textbook / Yu.N. Stolyarov. M.: Book Chamber, 1991. - 271 p.

157. Tarasova Yu.M. System of measures on the problems of preserving the book collections of the Library of the USSR Academy of Sciences / Yu.M. Tarasova // Problems of preserving the collections of scientific libraries. L., 1988. - pp. 6-16.

158. Tarasova Yu.M. Preservation of book collections of the Library of the USSR Academy of Sciences over 270 years of existence / Yu.M. Tarasova // Organization of preservation of book collections in academic libraries. L., 1986. - P.6-15.

159. Theory and practice of preserving books in the library / Comp. Y.P. Nyuksha; Ed. E.S. Chernina; GPB. L., 1966. - Issue 1. - 134 s.

160. Theory and practice of preserving books in the library / Ed. Y.P. Nyuksha; GPB. L., 1967. - Issue 2. - 89 p.

161. Theory and practice of preserving books in the library: Some directions in the development of the science of preserving library collections / Comp. Y.P. Nyuksha; Ed. N.D. Druyan; GPB. L., 1969. - Issue 3 - 108 p.

162. Theory and practice of preserving books in the library / Comp. Y.P. Nyuksha; Ed. E.G. Vershinina; GPB. L., 1971. - Issue 4. - 45 s.

163. Theory and practice of preserving books in the library / Compiled by: Yu.P. Nyuksha, L.S. Semenova; Ed. E.G. Vershinina; GPB, L., 1972. - Issue. 5.-128 s.

164. Theory and practice of preserving books in the library: Method, manual / Ed. E.G. Vershinina; GPB. L., 1974. - Issue. 6. - 106 p.

165. Theory and practice of preserving books in the library: Sat. materials / Compiled by: Yu.P. Nyuksha; Ed. E.G. Vershinina; GPB. L., 1975. - Issue. 7. - 107 p.

166. Theory and practice of preserving books in the library: Sat. scientific tr. / Comp. Y.P.Nyuksha, M.G.Blank; GPB. L., 1976. - Issue. 8. - 89 p.

167. Theory and practice of preserving books in the library: Sat. scientific tr. / Scientific ed. Y.P. Nyuksha; GPB. L., 1980. - Issue. 9.-165 p.

168. Theory and practice of preserving books in the library: Sat. scientific tr. / Scientific ed. Y.P. Nyuksha; GPB. L., 1982. - Issue. 10. - 115 p.

169. Theory and practice of preserving books in the library: Sat. scientific tr. / Scientific ed. Y.P. Nyuksha; GPB. L., 1983. - Issue. 11. -99 p.

170. Theory and practice of preserving books in the library: Sat. scientific tr. / Scientific ed. Y.P. Nyuksha; GPB. L., 1984. - Issue. 12. -113 p.

171. Theory and practice of preserving books in the library: Sat. scientific tr. / Ed. E.G. Vershinina; GPB. L., 1986. - Issue. 13. -134 p.

172. Theory and practice of preserving books in the library: Sat. scientific tr. / Ed.: E.G.Vershinina, N.A.Efimova; GPB. L., 1988. - Issue. 14. -163 p.

173. Theory and practice of preserving books in the library: Sat. scientific tr. / Ed.: E.G.Vershinina, N.A.Efimova; GPB. L., 1989. - Issue. 15. -135 p.

174. Theory and practice of preserving books in the library: Sat. scientific tr. / Comp. S.A. Dobrusina; Ed.: E.G.Vershinina, N.A.Efimova; RNB. St. Petersburg, 1992. - Issue. 16.-124 p.

175. Theory and practice of preserving cultural monuments: Sat. scientific tr. / Comp.: S.A. Dobrusina, E.S. Chernina; Ed.: E.G. Vershinina, N.A. Efimova; RNB. -SPb.: Publishing house of the Russian National Library, 1995. Issue. 17. - 200 p.

176. Theory and practice of preserving cultural monuments: Sat. scientific tr. / Comp.: S.A. Dobrusina, E.S. Chernina; Edited by E.G. Vershinina; RNB. St. Petersburg: Publishing house of the Russian National Library, 1996. - Issue. 18. -140 p.

177. Theory and practice of preserving cultural monuments: Sat. scientific tr. / Comp. S.A. Dobrusina; Edited by E.G. Vershinina, E.S. Chernina; RNB. St. Petersburg: Publishing house of the Russian National Library, 1998.-Issue. 19.-183s.

178. Tereshin V.I. Library collection: Textbook. allowance / V.I. Tereshin. M.: IPCC, 1994. - 174 p.

179. Tereshin V.I. Library collection: Textbook. allowance / V.I. Tereshin. M.: MGUK, 1997.-74 p.

180. Tikhomirova P.D. Organization of a hygiene and book restoration group in large libraries / P.D. Tikhomirova // Collection of materials on the preservation of book funds. M., 1947. - P. 97-110.

181. Proceedings of the Laboratory for Conservation and Restoration of Documents / Ed.

182. B.E. Tishchenko; Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Center, b-ka. M.;L.: Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1939. - T. 1. - 83 p.

183. Strengthening old papers using the splitting method / V.I. Steblevsky, T.A. Domanskaya, A.V. Debkova, N.K. Nikolaeva // Problems of formation and preservation of funds: Sat. scientific tr. / VGBIL. M., 1983. -P.112 - 118.

184. Flyate D.M. Experimental production of paper of various compositions to study variable factors in the paper aging process / D.M. Flyate, N.A. Afonchikov // The problem of durability of documents and paper. M.; L., 1964.1. C.5-14.

185. Khavkina L.B. Libraries, their organization and technology: Guide to library science / L.B. Khavkina. 2nd ed., revised. and that means extra. - St. Petersburg, 1911. -VIII, 404 p.

187. Khavkina L.B. Guide for small and medium-sized libraries / L.B. Khavkina. 6th ed. - M.-L.: GIZ, 1930. - 384 p.

188. Khalezova E.M. On the preservation of the newspaper collections of the BAN USSR / E.M. Khalezova // Organization of the preservation of book collections in academic libraries: Coll. scientific tr. / BAN USSR. L., 1986. - P.53-57.

189. Khalezova E.M. Restoration of newspapers in the Library of the USSR Academy of Sciences / E.M. Khalezova // Problems of preservation of funds of scientific libraries: Coll. scientific tr. / BAN USSR. -L., 1988.-S. 133-136.

190. Khorikova E.S. Histological studies of leather bindings of books from the collections of the BAN that were subjected to thermal destruction during a fire / E.S. Khorikova, N.N. Degtyareva // Problems of preservation of book funds: Collection. scientific tr. / BAN USSR. L., 1989. - pp. 126-130.

191. Chernina E.S. From the history of paper production: Review of lit. / E.S. Chernina // Theory and practice of preserving books in the library: Sat. scientific tr. / GPB. L., 1986.-Issue. 13.-S. 108-123.

192. Chernina E.S. Teaching the basics of conservation of cultural monuments in Russia / E.S. Chernina// Theory and practice of preserving books in the library: Coll. scientific tr. /RNB. St. Petersburg, 1995. - Issue. 17. - pp. 175-178.

193. Chubaryan O.S. Library Science: Problems of Theory: Proc. allowance / O.S. Chubaryan. L.: LGIK, 1984. - 130 p.

194. Chukaev A.M. Safety of library collections (fire safety of storage facilities): Proc. manual for a special course for students of literature. fak. / A.M.Chukaev. M.: IPCC, 1980. - 64 p.

195. Shaparneva M.A. Organization of work to eliminate the consequences of a fire in the Library of the USSR Academy of Sciences / M.A. Shaparneva // Problems of preservation of book funds: Sat. scientific tr. / BAN USSR. L., 1989. - pp. 15-29.

196. Shaparneva M.A. Organization of rescue and restoration work / M.A. Shaparneva // 27th anniversary of the Library of the Academy of Sciences: Coll. report anniversary scientific Conf., St. Petersburg, November 28. 1 Dec. 1989. - St. Petersburg, 1991. - P. 106-124.

197. Shapkina L.B. On methods of restoration using paper pulp: (Review) / L.B. Shapkina // Organization of the preservation of book collections in academic libraries: Coll. scientific tr. / BAN USSR. L., 1986. - P.64-70.

198. Shilov V.V. Library collections and objective knowledge / V.V. Shilov // Library collections in the context of modern library science: Collection of scientific works. tr. / RNB. -SPb., 1995. -P.27-38.

199. Shilov V.V. Theoretical aspects of the problem of security of library collections / V.V.Shilov // NTB. 1998. - No. 3. - P.62-75.

200. Shilov V.V. Problems of formation of funds at the present stage /

201. V.V.Shilov, I.V.Eidemiller, N.O.Tikhonova // Library Science. 1996. - No. 3.1. pp. 65 -78.

202. Shchekatikhin E.A. Organization of disinfection of large book depositories of the Library of the USSR Academy of Sciences, damaged by water when extinguishing a fire / E.A. Shchekatikhin // Problems of preservation of book collections: Coll. scientific tr. / BAN USSR. L., 1989. - pp. 57-76.

203. Erastov D.P. In the service of document safety / D.P. Erastov // Document safety. L., 1987. - P.5-13.

204. Erastov D.P. On the physical safety of documents / D.P. Erastov // Durability of the document. -L., 1981.-S. 39-45.

205. Erastov D.P. Basic methods of photographic identification of extinct texts / D.P. Erastov; Academy of Sciences of the USSR. LKRD. M.; L.: Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1958. - 53 p.

206. Erastov D.P. Half a century in the service of physical preservation of documents / D.P. Erastov // Issue. stories. 1984. - No. 12. - P. 102-111.

207. Erastov D.P. Photo analysis and photo restoration / D.P. Erastov // Preservation of documents. L., 1987. - P.34-42.

208. Erastov D.P. Book restoration program / D.P. Erastov, E.V. Starova // Problems of preservation of book funds: Coll. scientific tr. / BAN USSR. JI., 1989. -P.93-100.

209. Erastov D.P. Directions for conservation and restoration of funds / D.P. Erastov, E.V. Starova, N.P. Kopaneva // 275 years of the Library of the Academy of Sciences: Collection. report anniversary scientific Conf., St. Petersburg, November 28. 1 Dec. 1989. -SPb., 1991. -S. 157-164.

210. Erastov D.P. Founder of the Laboratory for Conservation and Restoration of Documents of the USSR Academy of Sciences N.P. Tikhonov / D.P. Erastov, A.N. Tikhonov // Preservation of documents. L., 1987. - pp. 13-15.

211. Yusupova M.V. Some problems of restoration and conservation of parchment manuscripts and bindings / M.V. Yusupova // Preservation of book funds. M., 1978. - P.7-25.

212. Yusupova M.V. On the conservation and softening of book binding leathers / M.V. Yusupova //Safety of book funds. M., 1978. - pp. 31-44.

213. Abid A. Memory of the World Preserving the documentary heritage / A. Abid IIIFLA J. -1995. - Vol.21, No. 3. - P. 169-174.

214. Bibliothecae imperialis Petropolitanae. Pars I-IV. Typis Academiae imperialis scient., 1742.

215. Boxes for the protection of rare books: Their design and construction. National Preservation Program: Library of Congress Publ., 1982. 35 p.

216. Coron S. Lutte contre les moisissures: L "experience de la Bibliotheque de G Arsenal / S. Coron, M. Lefevre // BBF. 1993. - T. 38, No. 4. - P. 45-52.

217. Cloonan M.V. Global perspectives on preservation education / M.V.Cloonan.- Munchen: Saur, 1994. 109 p. - (IFLA Publ.; 69).

218. DeCandido R., DeCandido G.A.A. Micro-preservation: Conserving the small library / R.DeCandido, G.A.A.DeCandido // Libr. Resour. and Techn. Serv. 1985. -Vol. 29, No. 2.-P. 151-160.

219. Fredericks M. An unexpected benefit of phase boxes: protection of books during a water leak / M.Fredericks // BAN: 10 years after the fire: Materials of the International. scientific Conf., St. Petersburg, February 16-18. 1998. St. Petersburg: BAN, 1999.- P.247-248.

220. Foot M.M. Housing our collections: environment and storage for libraries and archives / M.M.Foot // IFLA J. 1996. - Vol. 22, No. 2. - P. I Yu-114.

221. Gewirts I. Rare books “Well done”: Fire damage and protective enclousers I.Gewirts // BAN: 10 years after the fire: Materials of the International. scientific Conf., St. Petersburg, February 16-18. 1998. St. Petersburg: BAN, 1999. - P.245-247.

222. Giovannini A. In Switzerland preservation is opposed to restoration / A.Giovannini // Intern. Preservation News. 1996. - No. 13. - P. 11-13.

223. Harvey R. Preservation in libraries: A Reader / R. Harvey. London etc.: Bowker-Saur, 1993. - XII, 483 p. - (Topics in Library and Information Studies).

224. Harvey R. Preservation in libraries: Principles, strategies and practices for librarians / R. Harvey. London etc.: Bowker-Saur, - 1993. - XII, 269 p. - (Topics in Library and Inform. Studies).

225. Humphrey B.J. Vapor phase consolidation of books with the parylene polymers / D.J.Humphrey // J. Amer. Inst. Conserv. 1986. - No. 25. - P. 15-29.

226. IFLA principles for the care and handling of library material / E.P.Adcock, M.-T. Varlamoff, V. Kremp // Intern. Preserv. Issues. 1998. No. I. - P. 3-72.

227. Kathapalia Y.P. Conservation et restauration des documents d'archives: Documentation bbliotheques et archives / Y.P.Kathapalia. Paris, 1973. - 259 p. - (Etudes et recherches / UNESCO; No. 3).

228. Kislovskaya G. Low-cost preservation strategies in Moscow / G.Kislovskaya // Intern. Preserv. News: A Newsletter of the IFLA Core Program on Preservation and Conservation. 1996. - No. 13. - P. 18-19.

229. Kislovskaya G. Planning of the new Regional Center in Moscow / G.Kislovskaya // Intern. Preserv. News. 1998. - No. 16. - P.5.

230. Kufa J.C. Preservation education: A pilot project on preservation awareness training in the University of Bostwana Library / J.C.Kufa // Restaurator. 1998. - Vol. 19, No. 2.-P. 108-114.

231. Leonov V.P. La part de Geai, la part du feu / V.P.Leonov // Les grandes bibliotheques du 1"avenir: Actes du Colloque intern, des Vaux-de-Cernay, 25-26 juin 1991. Paris, 1992. - P.190-192 , 293.

232. Leonov V.P. Preserving the collective memory (A conservation with Valery Leonov, director of the Russian Academy of Sciences) / V.P.Leonov // Conservation: The GCI Newsletter. 1992. - Vol. 7, Mb 1. - P. 8-9.

233. Lienardy A.A. A bibliographical survey of mass deacidification methods / A.A. Lienardy // Restaurator. 1991. - Vol.12, No. 2. -P.75-103.

234. Pacey A. Library preservation: The Approach of the National Museums of Canada / A.Pacey // Can. Libr. J. 1990. - Vol.47, No. 1. - P.27-33.

235. Parisi P.A. Methods of affixing leaves: Options and applications / P.A.Parisi // New Libr. Scene. 1984. -Vol. 3, Oct. - P.9-12.

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238. Smith M. Care and handling of bound materials / M.Smith // Preservation of library materials: Conf. held at the Nat. Libr. of Austria, Vienna, Apr. 7-10, 1986. -Munchen etc., 1987. Vol.2. - P.45-54. - (IFLA Publ; 41).

239. Sung C. Fire recovery at the Library of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR / C. Sung, V. P. Leonov, P. Waters // Amer. Archivist. 1990. - Vol. 53, No. 2. - P.298-312.

240. Text of Agreement for cooperation with Library of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad, June 17, 1988 / V.P.Leonov, C.Sung, H.Olmsted, P.Waters, M.Smith, H.Leich // Libr . Congr. Inform. Bull. 1989. - Vol. 48, No. 1. - P. 3-5.

241. Varlamoff M.-T. The involvement of the IFLA Core Program for Preservation and Conservation (PAC) in UNESCO's "Memory of the World" Program / M.-T.Varlamoff // IFLA J. 1995. - Vol. 21, No. 3. - P. 183-184.

242. Vnoucek J. Survey of rare manuscripts / J. Vnoucek // Intern. Preserv. News: A Newsletter of the IFLA Core Program on Preservation and Conservation. 1998. -No. 16.-P. 19-20.

243. Wachter W., Liers J., Becker E. Paper splitting at the German Library in Leipzig development from craftsmenship to full mechanization / W.Wachter, J.Liers, E.Becker //Restaurator. - 1996. -Vol.17, No. 1. - P.32-42.

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245. Waters P. The origins of phased conservation / P.Waters // BAN: 10 years after the fire: Materials of the International. scientific Conf., St. Petersburg, February 16-18. 1998. St. Petersburg: BAN, 1999. - P.222-240.

246. Waters P. Phased preservation: a philosophical concept and practical approach to preservation / P.Waters // Spec. Libraries. 1990. - Vol.81, Ms 1. - P.35-43.

247. Waters P. A Unique library "preventive" preservation technology / P.Waters // Intern. Preserv. News: A Newsletter of the IFLA Core Program on Preservation and Conservation News. 1995. - No. 10. - P.8-9.

248. Whalen T. Serving the profession / T. Whalen // Conservation: The GCI Newsletter. 1999. Vol.14, No. 2. - P. 12-15.

249. Zimmermann C. Bibliography on mass deacidification / C.Zimmermann. -Washington, D.C.: Libr. of Congr. Preserv. Office, 1991. III, 32p.

250. Zwies R. The effectiveness of custom enclosures in preventing water damage / R.Zwies // BAN: 10 years after the fire: Materials of the International. scientific Conf., St. Petersburg, February 16-18. 1998. St. Petersburg: BAN, 1999. - P.249-250.

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Program for the preservation of library collections of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation Stage 1 NATIONAL PROGRAM FOR THE PRESERVATION OF LIBRARY COLLECTIONS OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION 2001 – 2010 Stage 2 ALL-RUSSIAN PROGRAM FOR THE PRESERVATION OF LIBRARY COLLECTIONS 2011 – 2020.

Approved by Order of the Minister of Culture 540 of September 13, 2000. Implemented within the framework of the federal target program “Culture of Russia” 2001–2005. and 2006–2010 Consists of seven subprograms: “Conservation of library collections” 1. “Conservation of library collections” 2. “Book monuments of the Federation” 2. “Book monuments of the Russian Federation” 3. “Creation of an insurance fund for library documents” 3. “Creation of an insurance fund for library documents” 4. “Preservation of library collections in the process of their use” 4. “Preservation of library collections in the process of their use” 5. “Safety of libraries and library collections” 5. “Safety of libraries and library collections” 6. “Accounting for library collections” 6. “ Accounting for library collections" 7. "Staffing for the preservation of library collections" 7. "Staffing for the preservation of library collections" NATIONAL PROGRAM FOR THE PRESERVATION OF LIBRARY COLLECTIONS OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION

Goal of the Program: To ensure the preservation of library collections as part of the cultural heritage and information resource of the country in the interests of present and future generations. Objectives of the Program o Carrying out a targeted policy in the field of preservation and use of library collections. Creation of a system of federal and interregional centers for the preservation of library collections. o Creation of a system of unified national accounting of library collections in Russia, state registration of book monuments. o Creation of the Russian Insurance Fund of Library Documents. o Creation of a regulatory framework and methodological support for all areas of library activity related to the preservation of library collections. o Technical support of the program, implementation of the latest equipment and technologies in the processes of working with library collections. o Creation of a special education system, provision of libraries with qualified specialists. o Formation of public opinion on the problems of preserving book collections.

Priority areas: Creation of infrastructure for the implementation of the program: systems of federal, regional and interregional centers for the preservation of library collections Creation of infrastructure for the implementation of the program: systems of federal, regional and interregional centers for the preservation of library collections Training of personnel Training of personnel Creation and implementation of new technologies for the preservation of library collections Creation and implementation of new technologies preservation of library collections

Federal scientific, methodological and coordination centers for the implementation of the National Program Federal Center for the Conservation of Library Collections of the Russian National Library (FCKBF RNL) Russian State Library (RSL) V All-Russian State Library of Foreign Literature (VGBIL) R Russian State Library State Public Historical Library (GPIB) Center security of cultural property Directorate of the Museum Fund of the Russian Federation ROSIZO (CBKTs) Academy of Retraining of Workers of Art, Culture and Tourism (APRIKT) o Subprogram “Conservation of Library Collections” o Subprogram “Book Monuments of the Russian Federation” o Subprogram “Accounting for Library Collections” o Subprogram “Creation of an Insurance collection of library documents and preservation of information" o Subprogram "Preservation of library collections in the process of their use" o Subprogram "Security of libraries and library collections" o Subprogram "Staffing of the field of preservation of library collections."

Financing of the National Program for the Preservation of Library Collections within the framework of the Federal Target Program “Culture of Russia” and the years. (million rubles)

Financing of regional centers for the conservation of library collections in the years. From the federal budget within the framework of the Federal Target Program “Culture of Russia” (million rubles)

During the period of implementation of the program, it was possible to lay the foundations for identifying, identifying, and accounting for the most valuable part of the country's library collection, and to carry out significant work to create a regulatory, legal, scientific and methodological framework. The All-Russian Code of Book Monuments (OSKP) has been created and is developing in order to prepare the basis for a centralized state accounting of book monuments.

A network of regional centers for working with book monuments is being created; to date, the central libraries of more than 30 constituent entities of the Russian Federation are participating in this work. Their task is to organize work to identify, describe, and record particularly valuable documents stored in their region, as well as the formation of regional collections of book monuments and the creation of special websites.

Over the 10 years of implementation of the national program, about specialists from the federal and central libraries of the regions of Russia have undergone special training both in the system of additional professional training and operational training on the basis of the largest federal centers. This made it possible to significantly form a new professional environment and a new ideology for preserving library collections.

The tasks set at the first stage have been largely solved: o For the first time in Russia, planned activities to ensure the safety of library collections have received comprehensive government funding for all identified priority areas and are being implemented in practice. Systematic activities in most areas of NP have begun and are being successfully developed. o Changed to better attitude to the problems of preserving library collections in the library community, and in a number of regions - and the authorities. A number of regions have adopted local programs for the preservation of library collections. o Qualified personnel have been trained in the field of preservation of library collections. A professional community of specialists in the preservation of library collections has been created. o The situation with ensuring the preservation of library collections has changed qualitatively in more than half of the country’s regions, in which conditions have been created for professional activities to preserve library collections. o New methods and technologies are being introduced to ensure the safety of documents. o The material and technical base for preserving library collections is being modernized.

Thus, as a result of ten years of work, the basic principles laid down in the National Program, the chosen strategy, priorities and areas of activity that need to be continued and developed in the future have been confirmed, and above all the following: 1. the priority of organizing systematic activities to preserve funds; 2. an integrated approach to solving problems of preserving library collections; 3. comprehensive financing of program implementation from budgets of all levels; 4. focus on new technologies for preserving funds; 5. development of the management infrastructure for the preservation of library collections - a system of federal and regional centers.


Consists of five subprograms: “Conservation of library collections” 1. “Conservation of library collections” 2. “Book monuments of the Federation” 2. “Book monuments of the Russian Federation” 3. “Creation of an insurance fund of library documents” 3. “Creation of an insurance fund of library documents” 4. “Preservation of library collections in the process of their use” 4. “Preservation of library collections in the process of their use” 5. “Staffing for the sphere of preservation of library collections” 5. “Staffing for the sphere of preservation of library collections”

Federal scientific, methodological and coordination centers Federal Center for Conservation of Library Collections at the Russian National Library (FCKBF RNL) Russian State Library (RSL) State Public Historical Library (GPIB) Academy of Retraining for Workers of Art, Culture and Tourism (APRIKT) 1.P subprogram “Conservation” library collections" 2.P subprogram "Book monuments of the Russian Federation" 3.P subprogram "Creation of an insurance fund of library documents and preservation of information" 4.P subprogram "Preservation of library collections in the process of their use" 5.P subprogram "Staffing for the field of preservation of library collections" funds."

The goal of the Program is the same: Ensuring the preservation of the library collections of the Russian Federation as an information resource and a significant part of the cultural heritage of Russia and the world. Expanding user access to information contained in Russian library documents. The strategic objectives of the Program are basically the same, but have received some new emphasis: o Implementing a targeted policy in the field of preserving library collections, aimed at developing systematic activities for the preservation of library collections in Russia. o Effective use of financial resources. o Expanding the geography of implementation of the program for preserving library collections, the number of regions participating

The following are proposed as tactical ways to solve the set strategic tasks: Creation and development of a system of federal, regional and interregional centers for the preservation of library collections as the basis for the implementation of the assigned tasks. Development of a special education system that provides for the training and retraining of qualified personnel in the field of preserving library collections. Development of a professional environment for preserving library collections. Improving the regulatory framework and methodological support for all areas of library activities related to the preservation of library collections. Development and implementation of new methods and technologies for preserving library collections into the practical activities of libraries. Development of a system for monitoring the state of library collections in Russia. Development of the material and technical base for preserving library collections

In the process of implementing these subprograms, the following tasks will be solved: Providing document storage modes. Development modern technologies conservation of documents, including mass conservation, in which losses and aging processes of document materials are reduced to the possible minimum. Creation and development of a system of unified national accounting and registration of especially valuable book objects on the basis of the All-Russian Code of Book Monuments and the Register of Book Monuments. Creation of the Russian Insurance Fund of Library Documents as part of the Unified Russian Insurance Fund of Documentation. Ensuring constant control over compliance with regulatory documents in the field of preservation of funds and in the process of their use. System modernization professional development library personnel, focused on a comprehensive solution to the problems of preserving and enhancing the documentary cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia.

Conservation of documents- ensuring the safety of documents through storage, stabilization, restoration and copy making.

Creation and maintenance of a standard storage regime
The document storage mode ensures the maintenance of standard parameters of light, temperature, humidity and sanitary conditions.
In accordance with GOST 7.50-2002 “SIBID. Conservation of documents. General requirements” documents are stored in the dark or under diffused light. Do not expose documents to direct sunlight. The level of illumination on the surface of documents during storage should be no more than 75 lux, when exposed at the time of inspection - no more than 150 lux. In the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, control over the light regime of storage is carried out using a special device “TKA-Khanitel”.

In document storage rooms, it is necessary to constantly maintain an air temperature of 18 ± 2 ° C, a relative humidity of 55% ± 5%.

In order to ensure control over the storage regime of library collections in the library fund-holding departments, the conservation sector monitors the temperature and humidity conditions of document storage. As part of the implementation of activities under the project "Development of a regional center for the preservation of library collections on the basis of the National Library of the Komi Republic", temperature and humidity loggers were purchased.

The readings are automatically accumulated in the instrument’s memory and, if necessary, can be displayed on a computer in graphical form or in the form of statistical tables. A comparative analysis of data on changes in indicators carried out on a computer makes it possible to monitor temperature and humidity conditions and, if necessary, take measures to create conditions for storing documents in accordance with GOST.

In addition, it is very important to control the temperature and humidity inside books, newspapers, and magazines. This becomes especially relevant in the event of emergency situations or damage to a large array of documents by water. The HygroPalm portable hand-held meter allows, in the process of examining document storage conditions, to identify publications with high levels of humidity, which, in turn, helps prevent contamination of publications by mold microorganisms.

Along with monitoring the temperature and humidity conditions of storage, the conservation sector works to maintain the necessary sanitary and hygienic storage conditions and carries out mycological surveillance. Sector specialists inspect documents for damage by mold fungi. If necessary, documents are disinfected with a biocide.

Document stabilization
One of the most important factors influencing the physical condition of a book is the acidity level of the paper. Both domestic and foreign scientists have repeatedly proven the negative impact of increased acidity of paper on its safety, and therefore the sector, if necessary, is working to determine the acidity level of paper of publications of national and local history literature, rare and valuable documents of the 19th-20th centuries. The acidity of paper is determined by a pH meter.

Documents with a high level of acidity undergo a stabilization procedure using the method of mass neutralization of paper acidity, which is carried out by the Federal Center for Conservation of Library Collections of the Russian National Library

Phase conservation- temporary storage of documents in containers made of paper-friendly material (acid-free cardboard). The purpose of phase conservation is to protect rare and especially valuable documents from mechanical damage and exposure to aggressive environmental factors.

For the same purpose, the conservation sector works to select sheet materials that are in unsatisfactory physical condition and require additional measures to ensure safety. In order to prevent their further destruction, these documents undergo an encapsulation procedure (the documents are placed in a transparent polymer film). Encapsulation protects the document from dust, moisture, and reduces mechanical stress during operation.

The production of containers from acid-free cardboard and the encapsulation of sheet documents is carried out by


, Consultant of the Libraries Department of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation

The importance of libraries for the economic, intellectual and spiritual progress of society is rated more and more highly every year.

The Russian Law “On Librarianship,” adopted in 1994, established that “the basis of state policy in the field of librarianship is the principle of creating conditions for universal accessibility of information and cultural property collected and made available for use by libraries.”

The Council of Europe, of which Russia is a member, constantly notes the extremely important role of libraries at the present stage. The draft recommendations on library legislation in Europe, prepared by the Council of Europe in 1999, emphasize that

· libraries are the main active and irreplaceable link both in the information chain and in the protection of cultural heritage,

· they carry out the necessary external communication for the dissemination of knowledge in society,

· library heritage constitutes a major part of the cultural heritage of European states and, as such, is a key component of their identity.

In order to meet society's growing needs for information, it is necessary to preserve information and its media. In this regard, the problem of preserving library collections has ceased to be a private issue of librarianship and is becoming a problem of national importance, the solution of which largely determines the availability of necessary information, new ideas and knowledge to society.

At the UNESCO General Conference back in 1986, the “Directives for International Action for the Preservation of Library Materials” were adopted, which provide for the creation in each country of a national program for ensuring the preservation of library collections.

In Russia, since 1993, the Ministry of Culture has done a lot of work to study and analyze the state of the country's library collections. As a result, it was concluded that a crisis situation has developed in the field of preserving collections in libraries and that in order to overcome it it is necessary to develop a comprehensive long-term strategic program national level, which would become the basis of state policy in the field of preserving the country's library collections. Work began on the creation of the concept of the National Program for the Preservation of Library Collections of the Russian Federation, in which leading specialists from federal libraries and the Directorate for Libraries of the Ministry of Culture of Russia took part.

This important stage of work was completed in 1998 by the Board of the Ministry of Culture, which considered the issue “On the state policy of preserving library collections as part of the cultural heritage and information resource of the country.” A package of documents was prepared for the meeting, among which the main one was the Concept of the National Program for the Preservation of Library Collections. The Board approved the ways proposed for its consideration to formulate state policy in the field of preserving library collections and approved the Concept of the National Program.

In accordance with the decision of the Board on the basis of the Fundamentals of Legislation on Culture, the Federal Law “On Librarianship”, the Federal Law “On Information, Informatization and Information Protection”, as well as the “Directives for International Action for the Preservation of Library Materials” (UNESCO, Vienna 1986) , UNESCO Memory of the World Program (1992), IFLA Preservation and Conservation Program (1986), based on the Concept approved by the Board, leading experts of the country developed a draft National Program for the Preservation of Library Collections of the Russian Federation. In April 2000, the draft National Program was approved by the All-Russian meeting of heads of federal and central scientific libraries of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the topic “State policy in the field of preservation of library collections”, held in St. Petersburg, in July - by the Interdepartmental Expert Council on the problems of preserving library collections under the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

On July 26, 2000, the project was discussed and approved by the Board of the Ministry of Culture, where the issue “On the National Program for the Preservation of Library Collections of the Russian Federation” was considered. Then the Program as an integral part of the Federal Program “Culture”. was approved by order of the Minister of Culture No. 000 dated January 1, 2001.

The overall coordination of the Program is carried out by the Ministry of Culture and the Russian Library Association.

The program plans to gradually cover the entire library network of the country. The federal libraries of the Ministry of Culture, as scientific, methodological and coordination centers, organize the implementation of the Program and provide its legal, scientific and methodological basis.

The interdepartmental level of the Program is provided by the Interdepartmental Expert Council on the problems of preserving library collections, created under the Ministry of Culture.

It included representatives delegated by ministries and departments, leading specialists from major libraries, museums, and other institutions with library collections.

To implement the Program, like any other major project, it is necessary to create certain conditions, the most important of which are the availability of an implementation mechanism and project financing.

Even in the process of preparing the concept, the developers solved the problem of forming a mechanism for implementing the Program.

Such a task as preparing a comprehensive program of this level, much less its implementation, would be beyond the power of even the largest library. An important organizational find was the creation, as a mechanism for the development and implementation of the Program, of a system of scientific, methodological and coordination centers that are responsible for each of the 7 subprograms that make up the National Program, namely:

· « Conservation of library collections» - for this subprogram the base is the Federal Center for Conservation of Library Collections of the National Library of Russia;

* « Preservation of information and creation of an Insurance Library Fund" - the scientific, methodological and coordinating center of this subprogram is the VGBIL;

* “Book monuments of the Russian Federation”- RSL;

* “Security of libraries and library collections”- Center for the Safety of Cultural Heritage of the State Research Institute for Restoration;

· “Preservation of library collections during use”- GPIB of Russia;

· “Accounting for library collections”- RSL;

· "Staffing of the program"- APRICT.

Practice has shown the need to organize such coordinating scientific and methodological centers, which constitute the management horizontal of the National Program. Already in the process of developing the Program, the centers proved their viability, readiness to organize further work on the implementation of the Program, and the justification of the principle of distributed responsibility.

Funding for large programs, especially those of national importance, cannot and should not come from a single source. No budget can handle this task on its own.

Therefore, the financing of the Program is comprehensive, consisting of the Federal budget of various departments that have libraries under their jurisdiction, the budgets of the constituent entities of the Federation, and extra-budgetary sources.

The budget of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, as the leading department responsible for the formation and implementation of state cultural policy, including library policy, will finance general scientific and methodological developments, the creation of a system of regulatory documents, the development of infrastructure for interlibrary, interdepartmental and international interaction, etc. The Ministry of Culture provides targeted financial support to projects that have federal significance, carried out both by libraries of the Russian Ministry of Culture system and by institutions of other departmental subordination, as well as large regional projects, such as the creation of regional and interregional centers for the preservation of library collections, training and retraining of personnel, analysis of the state of collections, etc.

Federal budget funds for the implementation of projects of the National Program for the Preservation of Library Collections are distributed within the framework of the Federal Program “Culture of Russia.” as a result of competitive selection of projects. In 2001, more than 150 applications were submitted for participation in the competition of projects aimed at implementing the National Program. Of these, 56 projects were selected for financing, a significant part of which have already been financed.

Currently, the problem of preserving library collections has taken its rightful place in the structure of state cultural policy in the field of librarianship, in the system of its priorities.

The national program received support from the Government of the Russian Federation. The Minister of Culture addressed the Government with a request “in order to effectively implement state policy in the field of preserving library collections, increasing the efficiency of work to ensure the safety and accessibility of national library collections

· to instruct federal ministries and departments to annually, when planning budgets, provide targeted allocations for the implementation of the National Program for the Preservation of Library Collections of the Russian Federation in the network of libraries under their jurisdiction,

· recommend that the Administrations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation provide shared targeted funding for work within the framework of the National Program for the Preservation of Library Collections, and also accept the Program as the basis for the development of corresponding regional programs.”

In response to this appeal, she instructed the federal executive authorities and the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to “consider the proposals of the Russian Ministry of Culture for the preservation of library collections and take the necessary measures” (VM-P8-32365 dated 01.01.2001).

In a number of regions and departments, certain measures are already being taken.

Since the beginning of 2001, Russian libraries began the third, most serious and difficult stage - the implementation of the National Program for the Preservation of Library Collections of the Russian Federation.

One of the first stages in the implementation of the National Program in all its areas is the creation of a regulatory and methodological framework. The implementation of the Program is possible only on the basis of uniform legal norms and scientific and methodological approaches. To do this, first of all, it is necessary to improve legal and methodological documents related to the field of preserving library collections: developing new ones and modernizing existing ones, bringing them into a single system.

Currently, a number of new regulatory documents are being prepared that will significantly strengthen and develop the regulatory framework of the National Program and the entire field of preserving library collections.

· “Conservation of library collections”: the new GOST 7.50 “SIBID. Conservation of documents. General requirements" and GOST 7.48 "SIBID. Conservation of documents. Basic terms and definitions”, as well as a Collection of scientific and methodological documents “Organization of an interregional center for the conservation of library collections in a library”, prepared by the Federal Center for the Conservation of Library Collections of the National Library of Russia;

· “Preservation of information and creation of an Insurance Library Fund”: GOST “Procedure for creating an Insurance Fund for documentation that is national scientific, cultural and historical heritage", the leading organization is Rosarkhiv. The draft “Regulations on the Russian Insurance Fund of Library Documents”, prepared by the scientific, methodological and coordinating center of this subprogram - VGBIL, is being approved;

· “Book monuments of the Russian Federation”: is undergoing the final stages of approval of the “Regulations on book monuments of the Russian Federation”, developed by RSL specialists as the basis for the implementation of state policy in the field of work with book monuments;

· “Security of libraries and library collections”: The Center for the Safety of Cultural Heritage of the State Research Institute for Restoration continues to develop regulatory and scientific-methodological documents;

· “Accounting for library collections”: is undergoing the final stages of approval of the “Regulations on the sale of books excluded from library collections,” prepared by RSL specialists.

In addition to developing a regulatory framework for the preservation of library collections, a lot of work is currently being carried out to survey the state of preservation of the collections of Russian libraries, conduct training seminars, and scientific and practical work on the development and implementation of new technologies within the framework of the “Conservation of Library Collections” subprogram.

Work has begun on the creation of library insurance funds; a number of projects in this area have been supported by the Federal Budget; work on the creation of a register of insurance microforms is coming to an end, within the framework of the subprogram “Preservation of information and creation of an insurance library fund.”

A lot of work is being done within the framework of the “Book Monuments of the Russian Federation” subprogram. Unfortunately, the coordinators of this subprogram were not able to come to the conference, so I will allow myself to dwell on it in more detail.

The purpose of the subprogram is to implement a unified policy in relation to book monuments stored in libraries, museums, archives, book chambers and other fund-holding institutions, to ensure their safety and use, state protection and legal protection.

A wide variety of institutions in the country, to one degree or another, work with book monuments. This work is mainly carried out in isolation, both vertically - federal, regional and local institutions, and horizontally - libraries, museums, archives, etc.

Currently, the task has been set to form a Unified Fund of Book Monuments as a system of mutually complementary funds of various institutions, where each fund performs the special task of maximally complete representation of book monuments of the corresponding level: world and national, regional or local. The second global task is to organize a centralized state accounting of monuments in the Code of Book Monuments, which will become a distributed bank of bibliographic data about each monument as part of funds dispersed throughout the country.

The main approaches to working with book monuments are formulated in the “Regulations on book monuments of the Russian Federation”, prepared by specialists of the RSL. The federal scientific and coordination center for work with book monuments in Russia is the Research Department of Rare Books of the Russian State Library. The functions of regional scientific, methodological and coordination centers should be performed by the central libraries of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Conference “Book Collections of the Russian North: Problems of Study, Preservation and Use”, which was prepared and held by the Arkhangelsk Regional Scientific Library named after. , shows that this library is becoming one of such centers.

I am confident that this conference will be very productive and useful for all its participants and for our common work on the implementation of the National Program for the Preservation of Library Collections.
