A modern Kursk writer who wrote a historical work. "The Heritage of Kursk Writers, Poets and Artists" (Literary Lounge)

Natalya Pankratova
"The Heritage of Kursk Writers, Poets and Artists" (Literary Lounge)

"From how childhood will pass,

who will lead the child by the hand in childhood,

what they put into the mind and heart - from this it will hang,

what kind of person today's baby will become "V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

preschool age an important stage in the formation of love for the need to read books. From an early age, children love to listen to what is read to them. adults: fairy tales, stories, poems, riddles, fables, nursery rhymes. A preschooler actively learns the world around him, a lot of new things a child learns when reading fiction . It produces a sensual effect on him, enriches lexicon and develop speech. What is read evokes an emotional response, sympathy, experience, a desire to help the heroes of the work, then it is discussed together with adults and children, a theatrical performance is played, and children reflect their impressions of what they have read in drawings. The leading means of pedagogical work with children is dialogue, a means creative development children, is the ability of the educator to demonstrate to pupils his personal literary preference, art taste and intellectual activity.

Rich in talent Kursk region. From ancient times to the present day Kursk the earth is a source of inspiration for creativity writers, poets, artists, composers. Its beautiful nature, rich history and wonderful people sang in their works writers, poets, artists and musicians Afanasy Fet, Nikolai Aseev, Evgeny Nosov, Konstantin Vorobyov, Yegor Polyansky, artist Alexander Deineka, composer Georgy Sviridov and many others. And in the twenty-first century Kursk, inspires our contemporaries to creativity.

I believe that reading Kursk writers and poets will form in children and parents a desire to learn more about creativity and will cause a feeling of pride in fellow countrymen.

Target: Introducing children to creativity Kursk writers, poets and artists.


1. To form an interest in life and creativity writers, poets and artists of the Kursk region.

2. To develop the unity of aesthetic and moral ideas when getting acquainted with the works Kursk writers, poets and artists.

3. Develop the skills of expressive, emotional reading of poems.

4. Promote development artistic abilities of children.

5. Encourage the desire of children and parents to include works Kursk writers to home reading.

Preparatory work:

Studying literature. Acquaintance with creativity and biography writers, poets and artists.

Setting goals and objectives.

- Consultation with parents: "Introducing children to creativity Kursk authors» .

- Conversation: "Behavior in in public places- library".

- Excursion to the children's library.

- Excursion in the Dmitrievsky Museum of Local Lore. F. Wangenheim.

Selection literature, illustrations, portraits writers and poets.

Exhibition design fiction in a group.

Creation "libraries" in Group.

Reading folklore, fairy tales Kursk region(Bear on a fake leg)

- Reading works: E. I. Nosov, A. Gaidar, E. Polyansky, V. M. Eskov, V. V. Koroleva, O. A. Efimova. Learning poems.

Conversations with children on the material read.

Preparation of drawings and design books: "Sorceress Winter".

Help parents in the manufacture of feeders for wintering birds.

Acquaintance with the work of A. Gaidar. Reading "The Tale of Malchish - Kibalchish and his firm word".

- artistic children's creativity based on read works.

- Album design: "My small homeland".

Manufacturing invitation cards For guests of the literary living room.

Exhibition of children's works based on read works "My favorite character".

- Book design: "Sorceress Winter", album: "My small homeland"

- Literary Lounge -« Legacy of Kursk writers, poets and artists».

Lesson progress:

presenter: Hello dear guests: parents, teachers, children!

We are pleased to welcome you to our literary living room. Living room from the word« guests» and today you are our dear guests.

Children, do you know what area we live in?

CHILDREN: We live in Kursk region.

HOST: What are the residents called? Kursk region?

CHILDREN: Residents Kursk The area is called Kuryane.


Each of us has a Motherland,

Where did our ancestors live?

Where we were born

Our Motherland is

Our Kursk region.

HOST: Children, guess the riddle

Only the month of May will come,

listen to him and dream (Nightingale)


Yes, it's a nightingale. Our Kursk nightingale, a small, gray bird, bewitching with the play of its trills. (Recording of the nightingale's trills).

HOST: Children, what is another name for Kuryans?

CHILDREN: Kuryan is also called nightingales of Kursk.

HOST: Poet Vyacheslav Yeskov was very fond of listening to nightingales in his beloved city Kursk.

Listen to his poem "City Kursk» .

"City Kursk»

You stand on two hills

Majestic, proud, peaceful.

All in church domes

And in the gardens blooming marvelously.

Through wonderful gardens

Two streams flow:

"Tuskar", "Seim", more ponds,

The nightingales sing there.

So they sing that old and small

To them, softly sings along,

Because the whole world is chickens

“He calls nightingales.

Your beauty is all around

Wherever I am, I will never forget...

You are my temple, my home,

I can't be without you.

I love you always,

My hometown and dear!

I'm with you forever

City Kursk is unique!

(Vyacheslav Eskov)

HOST: Our nightingale land has given the world many talented people. Listen to an excerpt from the piece of music.

Where did you hear it, dear parents, what is the name, who is the author?

PARENTS: This is the splash screen of the program "Time", "Time forward"-author G. Sviridov.

Our countryman - the great composer G. Sviridov

HOST: Yes, everyone knows this music.

HOST: Historically, each region had its own set of customs. The ceremonies characteristic of different provinces differed. We, in Kursk the provinces were popular chants, sayings, tunes.

And now the children will perform Kursk choruses.


Eh, beat, Matvey, do not spare bast shoes.

The old ones will be beaten - the new ones will intertwine.

Eh, beat, pin, turn back and forth!

Oh, he beat, nailed, turned back and forth!

Eh, hit, trample, nail - be quiet!

Vda"rily, vda"rily, hit"!

Vre "zali, vre" jammed, punched!

We have Timonya in the village,

The quiet guy

He acts so gracefully

Smile - the sun is not visible!

And this is famous artist Deineka and his paintings "Autumn", "Blossoming apple tree",

"Relay race".

HOST: We also include those people who were not born in our region, but worked and created here, and we proudly call them fellow countrymen. They lived in different historical eras. One thing unites them - they wholeheartedly loved their native nature and glorified their Fatherland with their creativity. We will talk about some of them today.

HOST: Dear parents, can you tell who else drew inspiration from the open spaces Kursk nightingale region?

PARENT tells:

Egor Ivanovich Polyansky was born in 1932 in the village of Shilovo, Tula region, but his childhood was spent in the city Kursk, so he said: “I consider myself a native Kuryan”. Began write for children casually. One day the guys asked me to compose something for them. Egor Ivanovich wrote a fairy tale"Peter and Santa Claus", poem "Me and Kolka", poem "Vovkin's dream".

Children tell a poem by Yegor Polyansky by roles "What is whiter than milk".

"What is whiter than milk"

Child 1: What is whiter than milk?

Child 2: Maybe there are clouds in the sky?

Meadow porridge?

Delicate chamomile?

Maybe chalk, maybe snow,

Maybe a hare's winter fur?

Child 1: No no chalk, no fur, no snow

Milk is the whitest!

And even whiter

White-toothed children's laughter.

Child 2: From what?

TOGETHER: Definitely from fresh milk.

HOST: And now we will tell another poem by Yegor Polyansky "Delezhka"

There are exactly five apples in a dish,

Their brother is drawn to them.

If you give three brothers,

I only have two left.

One cannot cope:

If you give two brothers,

That's inequality again.

I do not know why

My brother is angry.

I'd rather give it to him

Let him share!

HOST: Children, let's help share the apples with your brother. (children's answers). Thank you for a good poem and very funny.

HOST: Children, and with the poems of E. Polyansky you can play our favorite game "Say a word".

"About Alice"

I don't have a rat

Not a hamster, not a thrush bird

White cat Alice

She has fluffy... (tail)

"About the Monkey"

Everyone knows that monkeys

They love, there are one ... (bananas)

I'll go to the monkeys

I ask myself... (banana).

"About the cat"

Red, red, red cat,

Walks backwards.

Because this cat

Loves pears and... (compote)

HOST: And now let's talk about the children's writer, illustrator, composer, author and performer of his own songs Efimova Oksana Alekseevna.

parent tells: Oksana Alekseevna was born in Kursk. She published for children teasers for pranksters with illustrations,

"Earring stories"- poems for children. Books for children with drawings by the author are included in the anthology of children's literature international publishing house E. RA.

Child reads a poem

"I'm a soldier"

They bought me an automatic.

So I'm a soldier now!

I protect everything in the world

Protecting everyone.

I guarded our cat

So as not to jump out the window,

Only a cat from the window

Run away anyway!

HOST: reads an excerpt from a fairy tale "Malchish-Kibalchish".

Children, listen to the passage and say what is the name of the work and who is the author?

You ask, bourgeois: "Does the Red Army have a military secret?".

And let him tell the secret.

Do our workers have foreign help?

And let him tell you where help comes from.

Is there a secret passage from your country to all other countries, through which, as you shout, so we will respond.

What they say to you, we will think about it.

No, the main bourgeois, he did not reveal to us the military secret. He laughed in our face.

HOST: Children, did you find out from which work this passage is and who is the author?

CHILDREN: This is a fairy tale about Malshish-Kibalchish and his firm word. Written by Arkady Gaidar.

Arkady Petrovich Golikov (Arkady Gaidar) was born in the city of Lgov Kursk region in 1904. Military service writer reflects his biography. At 17 he was cadet, then the commander of the regiment. He became the youngest commander. Poetic the gift came from his childhood. After leaving military service, he write. Gaidar said: “My best reader is children, I love this reader. I understand him and compare him with the same teenager as I was myself.

Children, tell me, what stories of Gaidar do you know?

CHILDREN: "Chuk and Gek", "Blue Cup", "Hiking", "Malchish-Kibalchish".


Children, guess the riddle:

Under the pines, under the trees

There is a bag of needles. (Hedgehog)

HOST: Who is this riddle about? That's right, oh hedgehog. Tell me in which story and by which author we met this animal. (Story "Sly").

And why was he named that?

Evgeny Ivanovich Nosov was born in the village of Tolmachevo near Kursk in 1925. From school, he went to the front, was wounded. Started in the hospital write stories.

His books became known all over the world. Nosov wrote excellent novels and short stories, essays and articles, loved to take pictures. The real friends of Yevgeny Ivanovich were rivers, fields, hills, ravines, which helped him live and gave him joy.

Tell me, children, what stories of E. Nosov do you know?

("Sly", "Thirty grains", "Living Flame", « white goose» )

(Children talk about their drawings based on the works of E. Nosov.)

HOST: Children, Evgeny Ivanovich Nosov, was not only writer, but he also loved to draw, and was a wonderful artist.

Nosov spoke: “Nature cannot be touched with hands, just as one cannot touch a pearly drop of dew in a flower cup, pollen on a butterfly’s wings, one can only admire it. Touched - and everything was gone.

HOST: Children, and now we will play a game with you Kursk region"Bees"

Bees, bees - pity, needles,

Grey, small scarlet wings

(Boys walk in a circle. Girls sit in a circle)

They fly across the field, fall to the flowers

Honey is collected, dragged into the deck.


(Children scatter around the hall. Girls - bees "salat" boys - flowers. Boys freeze in place.)

HOST: Acquaintance with the work of M. V. Malets. Marina Vladimirovna was born in with. Pavlovka, Konyshevsky district. M. V. Malets published three books for children: "Fun Sounds for Serious Science", "Miracles", "Fairytale carousel".


Our Dunya - "Aibolit".

Who gets sick

Dunya is near, Dunya is here,

There is also cotton wool, there is also iodine.

Lizard, prickly hedgehog,

Even a nimble snake!

She will help everyone.

For her, they are friends!


We are chefs today

We bake pies in the morning.

With meat, rice and tuna,

With cheese, cottage cheese, egg,

With porridge, buckwheat and potatoes

And with cabbage - a little bit.

We called friends:

Come to guests to us!

HOST: Children, tell me what is the name of our city? (Dmitriev).

Our city is small, but we love it very much. Dmitriev is located on the right bank of the Svapa River.

HOST: Famous Kursk archaeologist Yuri Lipking spoke of Swape:

“The valley of this river is very picturesque,

I personally do not know the tourist route more tempting,

than along Svapa from source to mouth "

Our town is quite small.

Near the beautiful river Svapa.

Wherever I was, with my sons soul

Do not leave you, do not forget.

Ah, Svapa, an unsightly river,

I am captured forever by you,

Where birch yellow foliage

Forest October illuminates like a candle.

HOST: Our Dmitrievskaya land is rich in talents. There is a museum in our city where the works of our countrymen are exhibited. artists A. M. Lyubimova, S. S. Boyma, L. P. Krokhina.

A. M. Lyubimov was born in 1879 in the village. Paltsevo, Dmitrievsky district. Alexander has been interested in painting since childhood. Pictures of A. M. Lyubimov found their place in the State Tretyakov Gallery, museums of St. Petersburg, Tbilisi, Kursk art gallery them. A. A. Deineki. The daughter of Alexander Mikhailovich gave the Dmitrievsky Museum of Local Lore an invaluable gift - more than 70 creative works artist. Thus, with their work artist returned to his region. (paintings by A. M. Lyubimov).

A PARENT talks about Leonid Petrovich Krokhin - artist.

Leonid Petrovich was born in 1928 in Bryansk. During the war, together with his family, he was evacuated to the city of Dmitriev.

In 1984, the first exhibition of works by a talented countryman was opened in the local history museum. In the future, L. P. Krokhin repeatedly organized his personal exhibitions not only in Dmitriev, but also Kursk, and in Moscow.

The result of the universal recognition of the talent of L. P. Krokhin was the assignment to him in 1989 of the title "Honorary citizen of the city of Dmitriev".

(Showing paintings by L. P. Krokhin)

HOST: native nature in their works they sang and sing not only artists, but also poets. And there are many of them on Dmitrievskaya land. These are Vladimir Arbuzov, Leonid Bolshakov, Olga Kondratova, Vladimir Gribinichenko, Lev Platonov, Tatyana Nesterova and many others. etc. In their poems, one feels a sea of ​​inexhaustible love for everything living, original, genuine. Love for one's land, subtle understanding and merging with nature do not leave readers indifferent.

Touch the creativity of our countrymen and listen to their poems.

PARENTS read poetry.

Vladimir Gribinichenko.

Hello spring girl! Behind the village a couple of birches

With a bird's ringing song It's getting younger again.

You are full of inspiration The bird cherry bush has grown,

Every day is more wonderful. The color will ripen soon.

In the blue tent of heaven On the estate of two starlings

Crane's talk Sheltered a birdhouse.

Wakes up his familiar forest, ready to sing housewarming

The path is long. Day and night a harbinger.

The river is looking for banks. Wake up now glacier

The flood is subsiding. Spring is knocking at our door.

The snows have fallen from the hills, the day is getting great,

The green is peeking through. He feeds us throughout the year.

The hare is all wet in fear

rushing across the field,

It can be seen that the fox has messed up here,

Getting free.

Tatyana Nesterova.

About Dmitriev.

Dmitriev. Outskirts. It's getting dark.

White acacia blossoms.

Birds don't sing, but flood,

The air smells like fragrant honey.

I'll go out on the hill - like a fan

May herbs rise,

Over white chamomile, over clover

Butterflies silent flight.

Everything is expensive here. And how else

Should it be? After all, how many years and days

My grandmother and great-grandmother lived on Dachnaya -

Quiet, bright street of mine.

Dmitriev. Outskirts. It's getting dark.

And the dew falls on the grass.

Nothing in the world is sweeter

Let the whole life pass after a year.

Lev Platonov.

On the banks of the Svapa.

Frost flies from poplars,

Circling a blizzard rare.

There is a pine

And there, behind her,

I went into a snowdrift, but there is no strength,

Birch grey-haired grandmother.

Don't go out - your legs are bad!

Though nearby trodden a trail

The bunch of guys is fun.

I stand. I'm watching.

I feel good.

Frosty distance enchants.

Isn't that why it flows from the cheeks

The smile is not serious.

Is it because the river

Behind the tie krasnotalovaya.

Three alders sat in the snow,

Like tired travelers.

And in the evening over the sedge,

Over a distant backwater

Swimming very close

The watermelon-cheeked moon.

And dusk covers the fields,

The snows in the sutes are melting; -

My beloved land.

My Svapa is a beauty!

Leonid Bolshakov.

Song about the native land.

Green Nightingale May.

Warm earth.

How wonderful dear Kursk region,

When spring rings in the fields.

Here every stretch of the river is familiar,

Forests have been trodden by me here.

Here Kursk region, here is the father's house,

Here is the beauty of the heart.

I love you, I love you, my native land -

And I'm not looking for another beauty.

I give you love and strength.

All of myself, all of my life.

Path through steep hills

Takes the distance into the dawn -

There, in the flood of meadows, and there

River steel glistens with maple.

Here I learned love and pain

I absorbed your worlds with my soul.

My dear land - you are the salt of life.

Became my destiny and happiness.

PARENT tells: Among our fellow countrymen who sing of the beauty of their native land in their poems, there is a man who works in our museum. This is Tomilina Nadezhda Alexandrovna. Listen to what she writes about her small homeland.

I love my city quiet and cozy.

Here the summer is warm and the winter is mild.

Svapy green coast is wonderful,

The fourth bridge, old houses.

Street names reflect history

Heroes' exploits, events in the country.

I can argue with any of you -

My city is the best in the world!

Feel the beauty, admire it! May the images that embody love for native land, to Russia.

You are dear to me, my land,

Resistant to thunderstorms

I love your steppe distances.

I love all my native Russia to tears,

And my land is three times Russia!

HOST: At all times on Kursk talented people lived on earth, feeling nature and people native land. The natives of the earth are widely known in our country and abroad. Kursk, writers and poets: Gaidar and Vorobyov, Fet and Nosov, Malykhin and Konorev, Zolotarev and Anpilogov. And today in our region they live and create writers and poets. All of them are heritage of the land of Kursk. We have something to be proud of!

And we want to complete our literary drawing room in the following words.

PARENT tells:

ABOUT, Kursk region, you are the breadbasket of Russia,

Beautiful are your rivers and meadows.

Who would we ask

Everyone knows how the nightingales sing here.

Only the dawn rises over the field

And golden dew on the ground,

The nightingales start trilling beautifully,

And people open their eyes after sleep.

They open their eyes and freeze for a moment,

Listening to the parting words of the singer.

In a moment, warm feelings will flood

Let the song ring without end and end!

Fill your soul with good, eternal happiness

"Kolentsa" nightingale musician.

Both in summer and in autumn storm

Live dear Kursk land!

Dear guests! Our Literary Lounge closes. I invite you to tea

"On how childhood will pass, who will lead the child by the hand in childhood, what will be put into the mind and heart - it will depend on what kind of person today's baby will become" V.A. Sukhomlinsky.
Purpose: International Mother Language Day is celebrated around the world on February 21st. Preschool age is an important stage in the formation of love for the native language, the need to read books. From an early age, children love to listen to what adults read to them: fairy tales, stories, poems, riddles, fables, nursery rhymes. A preschooler actively learns the world around him, a child learns a lot when reading fiction. It produces a sensual effect on him, enriches vocabulary and develops speech. What is read evokes an emotional response, sympathy, experience, a desire to help the heroes of the work, then it is discussed with adults and children, a theatrical performance is played, and children reflect their impressions of what they read in drawings. The leading means of pedagogical work with children is dialogue, a means of creative development of children, is the ability of the educator to demonstrate to the pupils his personal literary preference, artistic taste and intellectual activity.
I believe that reading the works of Kursk writers and poets will form in children and parents a desire to learn more about creativity and will cause a feeling of pride for fellow countrymen.
The literary lounge contributed to the direct acquaintance of children with a member of the Union of Journalists of Russia, Anna Mikhailovna Alferova.
Target: acquaintance of children with the work of Kursk writers and poets.
1. To form an interest in the life and work of writers and poets of the Kursk region.
2. To develop the unity of aesthetic and moral ideas when getting acquainted with the works.
3. Develop the skills of expressive, emotional reading of poems.
4. Contribute to the development of children's artistic abilities.
5. Encourage the desire of children and parents to include the works of Kursk writers in the circle of home reading.
Preparatory work:
- The study of literature. Acquaintance with the work and biography of writers and poets.
- Setting goals and objectives.
- Consultation with parents: "Introducing children to the work of Kursk authors."
- Conversation: "Behavior in public places - the library."
- Excursion to the children's library.
- Selection of literature, illustrations, portraits of writers and poets.
- Making an exhibition of fiction in the group.
- Creation of a "library" in the group.
- Reading folklore, fairy tales of the Kursk region (Bear on a lime leg)
- Reading of works by: A. Fet, N. Nosov, A. Gaidar, E. Polyansky, E. Medvedev, A.M. Alferova. Learning poems.
- Conversations with children on the material read.
- Preparing attributes for plot role playing; "Family", " Kindergarten”, “School”, “Library”.
- Preparation of drawings and design of the book: "Sorceress winter".
- Help parents in the manufacture of feeders for wintering birds.
- Acquaintance with the work of A. Gaidar. Reading "The Tale of Malchish - Kibalchish and his firm word", "Campaign".
- Acquaintance with the work of A.M. Alferova.
- Artistic creativity children on the books they read.
- Design of the album: "My small Motherland".
- Production of invitation cards for guests of the literary living room.
- Exhibition of children's works based on read works "My favorite hero".
- Design of the book: "Sorceress winter", album: "My small Motherland"
- The poem "My village" - T.V. Morozov.
- Music S.A. Belchikova, to the words of G. Pushechnikov - the song "Zolotukhinsky Waltz".
- Literary lounge - "Kursk writers and poets - for children."

Lesson progress:

Presenter: Hello, dear guests: parents, educators, children!
We are pleased to welcome you to our literary lounge. Living room from the word "guests", and today you are our dear guests.
-Children, do you know in what area we live?
CHILDREN: We live in the Kursk region.
HOST: What is the name of the inhabitants of the Kursk region?
CHILDREN: The inhabitants of the Kursk region are called Kuryans.
HOST: Children, guess the riddle
"Birds of gray small
a voice is heard over the river.
Only the month of May will come,
listen to him and dream. (Nightingale)

(Performed by Masha Evdokimova, Inna Kaluga, the song "Nightingale" sounds).
Yes, it's a nightingale. Our Kursk nightingale, a small, gray bird, bewitching with the play of its trills. (Recording of the nightingale's trills).
HOST: Children, what is another name for Kuryans?
CHILDREN: Kuryans are also called Kursk nightingales.
HOST: The poet Vyacheslav Yeskov was very fond of listening to the nightingales in his beloved city of Kursk. Listen to his poem "City of Kursk".
"City of Kursk"
You stand on two hills
Majestic, proud, peaceful.
All in church domes
And in the gardens blooming marvelously.

Through wonderful gardens
Two rivers flow:
"Tuskar", "Seim", more ponds,
The nightingales sing there.

So they sing that old and small
They sing along softly
Because the whole world is chickens
“He calls nightingales.

Your beauty is all around
Wherever I am, I will never forget...
You are my temple, my home,
I can't be without you.

I love you always,
My hometown and dear!
I'm with you forever
The city of Kursk is unique!
(Vyacheslav Eskov)
HOST: Our nightingale land has given the world many talented people. Listen to an excerpt from the piece of music.
-Where did you hear it, dear parents, what is the name, who is the author?
PARENTS: This is the screensaver of the program "Time", "Time Forward" - author G. Sviridov.

Our countryman - the great composer G. Sviridov
HOST: Yes, everyone knows this music.

And this is the famous artist Deineka, who glorified the Kursk region with his paintings: “Bathing horses”, “Future pilots”, “Running”, etc.

HOST: Dear parents, can you tell who else drew inspiration from the expanses of the Kursk nightingale region?
PARENT Evdokimova Marina Viktorovna says:

Egor Ivanovich Polyansky was born in 1932 in the village of Shilovo, Tula region, but his childhood was spent in the city of Kursk, so he said: “I consider myself a native Kuryan”. I started writing for children by accident. One day the guys asked me to compose something for them. Egor Ivanovich wrote the fairy tale "Peter and Santa Claus", the poem "Me and Kolka", books of poems. (Screen demonstration)
Children Liza Konoreva and Artem Izotov recite a poem by Yegor Polyansky based on their roles “What is whiter than milk”.
"What is whiter than milk"
ARTEM Izotov: What is whiter than milk?
LISA Konoreva: Maybe there are clouds in the sky?

Meadow porridge?
Delicate chamomile?
Maybe chalk, maybe snow,
Maybe a hare's winter fur?
ARTEM Izotov: No, not chalk, not fur, not snow
Milk is the whitest!
And even whiter
White-toothed children's laughter.
LISA Konoreva: Why?
TOGETHER: Definitely fresh milk.
HOST: Denis Ivanov will tell another poem by Yegor Polyansky "Delezhka"
There are exactly five apples in a dish,
Their brother is drawn to them.
If you give three brothers,
I only have two left.
We began to count together -
Can't do it alone:
If you give two brothers,
That's inequality again.
I do not know why
My brother is angry.
I'd rather give it to him
Let him share!
HOST: Children, let's help Denis share apples with his brother. (Answers of children). Thank you, Denis, a good poem and very funny.
And now Nikulina Natalya Gennadievna will tell us about the satirist poet.

The parent tells about Leonid Medvedev and makes riddles for the children.
Leonid Medvedev is a satirist poet. As often happens with comedians and satirists, he is also a children's poet. He has poems about children and for children. His books are interesting. They are about animals, seasons, poems about fairy tales, riddles. Solve his riddles.
1. Who, such at one time
Were you going to the distant city of Bremen?
Loud music played
And they scared the robbers?
(The Bremen Town Musicians)
2. Didn't teach poems,
Loved one jam.
Could fly no higher than the rooftops
And the kid loved him. (Carlson)
HOST: Children, and also with poems by E. Polyansky, you can play our favorite game "Tell me a word."
"About Alice"
I don't have a rat
Not a hamster, not a thrush bird
White cat Alice
She has fluffy ... (tail)
"About the Monkey"
Everyone knows that monkeys
They love to eat alone ... (bananas)
I'll go to the monkeys
I will ask myself ... (banana).
"About the cat"
Red, red, red cat,
Walks backwards.
Because this cat
Likes pears and ... (compote)
Parent Katsuro Oksana Nikolaevna reads an excerpt from the fairy tale "Malchish-Kibalchish".
-Children, listen to the excerpt and say what is the name of the work and who is the author?
You ask, bourgeois: "Does the Red Army have a military secret?"
And let him tell the secret.
Do our workers have foreign help?
And let him tell you where help comes from.
Is there a secret passage from your country to all other countries, through which, as you shout, so we will respond.
What they say to you, we will think about it.
No, the main bourgeois, he did not reveal to us the military secret. He laughed in our face.
HOST: Children, did you find out from which work this passage is and who is the author?
CHILDREN: This is a fairy tale about Malshish-Kibalchish and his firm word. Written by Arkady Gaidar. (Excerpt from the cartoon "Malchish-Kibalchish").

Arkady Petrovich Golikov (Arkady Gaidar) was born in the city of Lgov, Kursk region in 1904. The military service of the writer reflects his biography. At the age of 17 he was a cadet, then a regiment commander. He became the youngest commander. He had a poetic gift since childhood. After retiring from military service, he began to write. Gaidar said: “My best reader is children, I love this reader. I understand him and compare him with the same teenager as I was myself.
-Children, tell me, what stories of Gaidar do you know?
CHILDREN:"Chuk and Gek", "RVS", "Blue Cup", "Hiking", "Soviet Square", "Malchish-Kibalchish".
HOST: Let's listen to the story of Cyril Katsuro.
KIRILL Katsuro: I really liked A. Gaidar's tale "Malchish-Kibalchish", because he is a hero and he has a firm word. Mom and I drew a picture. This is a monument to Malchish-Kibalchish.
Ships are sailing - "Hello Malchish!"
Airplanes are flying - "Hello to the Boy!"
Steam locomotives are running - "Hello to the Malchish!"
And the pioneers will pass - "Salute to the Malchish!"

PARENT Ryapolova Tatyana Ivanovna:
Children, guess the riddle:
Under the pines, under the trees
There is a bag of needles. (Hedgehog)
HOST: Who is this riddle about? That's right, oh hedgehog. Tell me in which story and by which author we met this animal. (The story "The Cunning").
And why was he named that? (Children's answers). Who is the author of this story? (Author E.I. Nosov).

Evgeny Ivanovich Nosov was born in the village of Tolmachevo near Kursk in 1925. From school, he went to the front, was wounded. In the hospital, he began to write stories. Evgeny Ivanovich was an excellent photographer and an excellent engineer.
- Tell me, children, what stories of E. Nosov do you know?
(“Thirty grains”, “Living flame”, “White goose”, “Cunning”.
(Children talk about their drawings based on the works of E. Nosov.)
PARENT Sasina Tatyana Vladimirovna talks about E. Nosov, the artist.
Children, Evgeny Ivanovich Nosov, was not only a writer, but also loved to draw, and was an excellent artist. His paintings are full of the finest lyrics, warmed by the warmth of his heart, landscapes about the Kursk expanses.
Nosov said: “You can’t touch nature with your hands, just as you can’t touch a pearl dew drop in a flower cup, pollen on a butterfly’s wings, you can only admire it. Touched - and everything was gone. The artist loved soft, gentle tones, imperceptible transitions, from which the soul softens and hope glimmers.
HOST: He comments on the demonstration of paintings on the screen by E. Nosov "Native hut", "On the steep bank", "Church in Tsaritsyno".

The game of the Kursk region "Bees" is offered to children
Bees, bees - pity, needles,
Grey, small scarlet wings
(Boys walk in a circle. Girls sit in a circle)
They fly across the field, fall to the flowers
Honey is collected, dragged into the deck.
F - f - f (Children scatter around the hall. Girls - bees "salat" boys - flowers. They freeze in place.)
"I came to you with greetings"
I came to you with greetings
Say that the sun has risen.
That it is hot light
The sheets fluttered.
Tell that the forest woke up
All woke up, each branch.
Startled by every bird
And full of spring thirst!
HOST: Children, do you recognize this poem? And who is its author? (A.A. Fet).

PARENT Sasina Tatyana Andreevna talks about A. Fet.
Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet was born in 1920. His father is a wealthy landowner Shenshin, his mother is a German Caroline Föth. It so happened that he had to bear the name of his mother and recorded her Fet. Afanasy Afanasyevich graduated from the university and began to write lyric poetry. The Feta estate is located in the village of Vorobyovka, Zolotukhinsky district, there is now the house-museum of A.A. Feta.

(Children read a poem by A. Fet.)
"The cat sings with squinted eyes"
The cat sings its eyes narrowed,
The boy is napping on the carpet.
A storm is raging outside
The wind is whistling in the yard.
It's enough for you to wallow here
Hide your toys and get up.
Come to me to say goodbye
Yes, go to sleep.
The boy stood up, and the cat with his eyes
Conducted and sings everything.
Snow falls in tufts at the windows
The storm whistles at the gate.
“The willow is all fluffy”
The willow is all fluffy
Spread around
Spring is fragrant again
She waved her wings.
The clouds are rushing by
Warmly illuminated
And again they ask to the soul
Captivating dreams.
ILYA SASIN: "The swallows have arrived"
HOST: Children, tell me, what is the name of our village? (Zolotukhino).
Our village is small, but we love it very much. And now a poem about our small homeland will be read by Inna Kaluga.
I love this nightingale land,
I was born here and live here.
And a birch in her sundress,
I call the Russian beauty.
Nightingales in May will whistle a song
Over the Polevoy River Again.
Everyone calls Zolotukhino
Our village is quite small.
I love its streets, squares
And fields endless distance,
The expanse of forests and streams overflows,
And people hardened like steel. (T.V. Morozova)
HOST: Our land in Zolotukhinsk is also rich in talents. A poet, a member of the Union of Journalists of Russia A.M. lives in our village. Alferova.
Anna Mikhailovna Alferova was born in the village of Derlovo, Kursk region in 1949. After school, she entered the institute. After graduation, she and her husband went to the village of Kalachi to work as teachers. Now Anna Mikhailovna works in the Zolotukhinskaya secondary general education school. He paves the path to the hearts of students, introducing them to literature and poetry. Anna Mikhailovna is a person with a poetic appearance, and a poet at heart. She is visiting us today. Let's greet her and ask her to tell about herself and read a poem.

In 1779, Kursk became the center of the province of the same name, and much began to change both in its appearance and in the measured course of life, especially important changes occurred during the reign of the governor A.A. Bekleshov, personality, at that time, extraordinary. And he ruled the province from 1792 to 1796.

Under him, the Main Public School was opened, and in 1792 a public theater was born in Kursk. The idea of ​​creating a provincial printing house was implemented in accordance with the decree of Catherine II. The governor sent to Moscow the director of the Kursk Main Public School A.I. Arsenyev for equipment and printing masters. Arseniev was lucky, and on May 2, 1792, the convoy from Moscow arrived in Kursk. Together with the printing press and printing supplies, the craftsmen brothers Christian and Peter Lubi arrived. Peter knew Russian well and became a compositor. There were not enough fonts, but Arseniev got out of the situation here too, finding a local master Kagelmacher, who produced the required number of letters.

The first Kursk corrector was the teacher Semyon Zubkov. Misha Schepkin, who studied at the Main Public School, left interesting memories of him: “Verbal and historical sciences were taught by P.G.K (ondratiev), and mathematical sciences by S.A.Z (ubkov) ... Arithmetic was taught to us very well, but, unfortunately, the teacher was often in a cheerful disposition, or simply tipsy, and the students took advantage of this; one of the students will run up to him with the following, for example, complaint: "Well, S (emen) O (ndreevich), Shchepkin says that the guns in the Poltava battle were not placed as you said? .." (Shchepkin. " Memories ". M., 1982 - S. 15).

A passionate admirer of Peter the Great, Zubkov could not stand this, he went to the blackboard and drew detailed plan Battle of Poltava, proving you are right. Describing in this way a negative trait of the teacher's character, his alcohol abuse, Shchepkin, perhaps without noticing it, gives him at the same time a positive characterization. Zubkov perfectly knew national history was a highly educated person.

Kursk teachers also became the first Kursk writers who published a number of books in the established printing house of the Order of Public Charity.

In 1792 the first five books appeared; two of them were of particular interest. Teacher Ivan Timofeevich Vasiliev published the book "Prosperous time, or the Conversation of a boy with an old man." The book was the first printing press. Ambrose Ginovsky, archimandrite of the Znamensky Monastery, became the author of the book "The History of the City of Kursk and the Miraculous Icon of the Sign." The official of the Treasury Chamber Pestov wrote and published the ode "Avarice", and I. Zolotnitsky - "Ode to Count Suvorov". Lieutenant Vasily Lobachevsky published an ode in honor of Alexander Andreevich Bekleshov, thus noting the good deeds of the Governor General. The last three books became the first collections of poems by Kursk authors, written and published for the first time in Kursk.

In subsequent years, book publishing continued. In 1793, 7 books were published, in 1794 - 5, in 1795 - 6, and until 1805 only 28 books of various subjects were published, a fair percentage were poetry collections. The book "The Triumph of the Kursk Muses" (1794), in which the speeches and odes of Kursk teachers were printed, aroused interest. The book was concluded by "Conversation about the benefits of science" by Mikhail Lavrov, a teacher at the Main Public School. Basically, it's a play. The names of the characters are symbolic: Common sense, Malodum, Pravdolyub, Frivolous. It is clear what kind of characters these characters possessed. Between them there is a dispute about the benefits of science, business, creativity. At the end of the play, Malodum and Frivolous were convinced of the benefits of science and education.

Not all books printed in the printing house were original literary works. There were also translations. So, S. Zubkov translated from German (it turns out that he was also a polyglot) the book "Detailed Explanation of Wheels and Water Mills", and E. Karneev translated from Latin Cicero's "Elder Cato".

As you can see, during the years of the first Kursk publishing house, much was done for the first time. In the future, Kursk book printing died out. Under Alexander I, apparently because of the fear of the spread of printed sedition, printing in the provinces was prohibited. In 1804, the last two books were published in Kursk. The author of one of them was the indefatigable S. Zubkov, who could have been awarded the title of encyclopedist, because he wrote a book on geography: "A Brief Historical Review of the Discovery of the Islands by the Portuguese, Spaniards, British, Dutch, French, Lying in the Vast Ocean, Adjacent to Asia and America, making up one fifth of the globe.

From purely literary books, we also note "Ode on the consecration of the Main People's School", "Collected Works on the Consecration of the Oryol Main People's School", "A Poem to the Governor of the Kharkov Governorship Kishinsky", "Horse Hunter". Among other publications, the books of Governor S.D. Burnashev, doctor Gasselkvist "A conversation between a father and a brainchild".

The latter aroused the displeasure of the Kursk consistory. The entire circulation was confiscated and set on fire. Gasselquist tried to prove that his book did not contradict Holy Scripture but all was in vain. Today this book is one of the greatest bibliographic rarities.

So in 1795, for the first time in Kursk, the book was censored and not only banned, but also destroyed, apparently completely.

In 1798, Ippolit Fedorovich Bogdanovich, the author of the famous poem "Darling," moved to Kursk from Sumy, for which he can be called the forerunner of A.S. Pushkin. It is not known whether the Kursk writers of that time communicated with the famous poet, but the fact that he and his library were open to everyone is known from numerous facts.

This is especially evident in the example of his communication with the young Misha Shchepkin, for whom he was a "book guide". He was also friends with Governor A.M. Verevkin, was accepted by many landowner families, i.e. was a sociable and approachable person. Therefore, it is possible that he could meet with many authors of Kursk books.

In 1801, when Alexander I ascended the throne, Bogdanovich wrote and sent to St. Petersburg an ode "In case of the coronation of His Imperial Majesty the Emperor Alexander Pavlovich", setting the date on September 15, 1801.

The emperor accepted his work, approved it and granted him a ring. Perhaps I.F. Bogdanovich wanted to return to St. Petersburg, but this did not happen. He was not invited to Petersburg. And on January 6, 1803, the poet died and was buried at the All Saints (Kherson) cemetery in Kursk.

Later, apparently after 1800, Prince Prokopy Vasilievich Meshchersky, a highly educated and talented person, settled in the Znamensky Monastery of Kursk. In addition, he distinguished himself in military service, in 1798 he became a lieutenant general, and in the civil service he was governor of St. Petersburg for two years. He played in the theater, wrote poetry. His works are known: "Ode to His Imperial Majesty Paul I for victories ..." and "Ode to Emperor Paul I at the beginning of the 19th century." In Kursk, he composed a satirical ode "On the arrival in Kursk of Prince A.B. Kurakin." It is possible that P.V. Meshchersky had contact with local writers and exerted his influence on them.

Why suddenly, at the end of the 18th century, a rather interesting literary center was formed in Kursk, albeit spontaneously? There are several reasons here:

Kursk became a provincial city, which raised the bar for artistic and general culture;

A printing house operated in Kursk, and this contributed to the development of creativity;

Undoubtedly, there was the influence of such prominent people of Russian culture as I.F. Bogdanovich and P.V. Meshchersky;

An important role was also played by the fact that a wonderful composition of teachers crept up in the Main People's School;

And one more thing: Kursk was located at the crossroads of the South-North, West-East roads. It was visited and lived in it by many remarkable personalities of Russia. Golikov Ivan Ivanovich and Shelikhov Grigory Ivanovich were born in the Kursk region. Both immortalized themselves by deeds of paramount importance for Russia. And among those who visited Kursk in the 18th century. there were such interesting personalities as Prince I.M. Dolgoruky, who also visited the Root Hermitage, the official Iosif Tukalevsky, who left memories of the city.

Of particular interest to this day are the memoirs of the Saratov pilgrim G.A. Skopin. Serbian public figure Savva Tekeli made a trip to Russia in 1787-88. in the retinue of Catherine II. But Academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences V.F. Zuev, traveling around Russia, left his memoirs in a book published in 1787.

But the period of literary outburst was short-lived. The reasons for the decline of creativity were also understandable: the closure of the printing house, the death of Bogdanovich and Meshchersky. By a decree of September 16, 1796, all private printing houses were closed in Russia, and somewhat later state peripheral ones. Censorship was located in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and this made it very, very difficult to publish books in the provinces. Don't run over!

Book publishing in Kursk ceased for almost half a century.

There is no doubt that the cultural events of the end of the 18th century prepared the further development of society in Kursk.

In the families of the Kuryans, and not only in the noble families, home libraries appeared. We note among them the library of the merchant A.P. Baushev, which was used by many subsequently famous citizens of the city: N.A. Polevoy, F.A. Semenov. There were libraries at the bookstores of the merchants Druzhinins, Kashkins, Golikovs and others.

The Kursk merchants brought forward from their midst real ascetics of literature, interesting writers, among them Ivan Ivanovich Golikov, Nikolai and Xenophon Alekseevich Polevy, their sister Ekaterina Alekseevna Avdeeva.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the Kursk nobility also blessed a number of their representatives in the literary field. Of these, the most significant was Vladimir Fedoseevich Raevsky, a native of the village of Khvorostyanki, Novooskolsky district. The Raevskys also had a house in Kursk, presumably on the corner of Moskovskaya and Veselaya, and Vladimir Fedoseevich repeatedly visited the provincial center. The elder brother V.F. lived in Kursk. Raevsky Andrei, a talented poet. In 1817 he was elected a full member of the "Free Society of Lovers of Literary Sciences and Arts". Unfortunately, the talent of Andrei Raevsky was not revealed due to his early death. He was buried in Kursk. A. Raevsky also owns "Memories of the campaigns of 1813 and 14", published in 1822 in Moscow.

In the first quarter of the 19th century, one way or another, several Decembrist writers were connected with the Kursk province: F.F. Vadkovsky, M.N. Paskevich, N.F. Zaikin, E.E. Lachinov, S.M. Stepanov. Some researchers are trying to connect the development of literature in the Kursk region with these names. I think that such a judgment is erroneous, for they belonged to secret society and did not advertise their activities, including literary ones. In addition, their works were not yet published at that time. They could not produce any influence on the development of the creative literary process in the region. The only interesting fact is that all of them, as Decembrists, were associated with Kursk and the counties of the Kursk province.

Poets and writers of the Kursk land

Goals and objectives:

    To acquaint students with the work of writers and poets of their native land.

    To instill in students a sense of citizenship and responsibility for the fate of their homeland.

    Instill love for the native land.

Kursk region is my native land,

I know eternal no life,

But any of your paintings

Everyone admired for many years ...


Hymn to the native land

The Kursk distances are wonderful landscapes -

Fields, copses, hills and meadows! -

They gave birth to great beauty

The great ones whose glory the ages carry.

Theodosius Pechersky prayed for us,

And - "My joy!" Seraphim exclaimed.

Meeting people who are open and childish

Soul stood before the face of the saints.

Our testaments are kept by confessors

In the hearts of the Orthodox

And do human hearts

not full of Fet's lyrics,

How are the heavens filled with the light of dawn?!

The people of Kursk are skillful in the arts of all kinds,

And now not without reason in many countries

Georgy Sviridov is deservedly honored.

Both Nosov and Klykov ... are the talents of the Kursk people.

And how many glorious heroes did you give birth to

For the battles for the Fatherland, native land! -

Until now, I hear the cry of Yaroslavna,

When I go out to my native fields...

How painful! .. And yet I'm ready for the clouds

Scatter with your unshakable faith:

You will be in the future, dear earth,

To give birth to the beauty of great people!

For centuries you will grow and prosper,

Be stronger and more beautiful!

And Root Mother of God

Lights the way for us!

(slide 2)

Leading. The Kursk region is rich in talents. From ancient times to the present day, Kursk land has been a source of inspiration for the work of writers, poets, artists, and composers. Its beautiful nature, rich history and wonderful people were sung in their works by writers, poets, artists and musicians Afanasy Fet, Nikolai Aseev, Evgeny Nosov, Konstantin Vorobyov, Yegor Polyansky, artist Alexander Deineka, composer Georgy Sviridov and many others. And in the twenty-first century, Kursk inspires our contemporaries to work. Let's get acquainted with these glorious sons of our small Motherland.

(slide 3, 4, 5, 6)

Leading: Evgeny Ivanovich Nosov was born on January 15, 1925 in the village of Tolmachevo, Kursk Region, in the family of a hereditary artisan, a blacksmith. At the age of sixteen, he survived the Nazi occupation. He graduated from the eighth grade and after the Battle of Kursk (July 5 - August 23, 1943) went to the front in the artillery troops, becoming a gunner. Participated in the operation "Bagration", in the battles on the Rogachev bridgehead across the Dnieper. Fought in Poland.

In the battles near Königsberg on February 8, 1945, he was seriously wounded and met Victory Day in a hospital in Serpukhov, about which he later wrote the story “Red Wine of Victory”. After leaving the hospital, he received disability benefits.

Graduated after the war high school. Went to Kazakhstan Central Asia, worked as an artist, designer, literary collaborator. I started writing prose. In the 1980s was a member of the editorial board of the magazine "Roman-gazeta".

He was seen on frosty days hanging up calls for people to feed the birds. On the grave, he asked me to write: “Feed the birds.” E. I. Nosov died on June 13, 2002. Buried in Kursk.

Yevgeny Nosov can be attributed to the representatives of the "village prose" and to the "trench truth" no less significant in the literature of the 20th century. His most important themes are military and rural.

In 1957 - the first publication: the story "Rainbow" was published in the Kursk almanac.

In 1958, his first book of short stories and novels, On the Fishing Path, was published.

In 1961 he returned to Kursk and became a professional writer. In 1962 he began to study at the Higher Literary Courses in Moscow.

He published a lot in the magazines "Our contemporary", " New world”, where his best stories and novellas were published, occupying a worthy place in Russian literature.

The story “Usvyatsky helmet-bearers” (1980) was a great success; in 1986, under this title, a collection of his novels and short stories was published; in the same year - a book of essays "I'll get off at a distant station"; in 1989 - a book of stories for junior schoolchildren"Where the sun wakes up"; in 1990 - novels and stories "In an open field"; in 1992 - a book of stories for high school students "Red Wine of Victory". (slides 20-24)

Leading : (SLIDES 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12) Shenshin (Afanasy Afanasyevich, aka Fet) is a famous Russian lyric poet. Born on November 23, 1820, near the city of Mtsensk, Oryol province, in the village of Novoselki, the son of a wealthy landowner, retired captain, Afanasy Neofitovich Shenshin.Until the age of 14, Fet lived and studied at home, and then in the city of Verro (Lifland province), in the boarding house of Krommer. In 1837 he was transferred to Moscow, where soon Afanasy Afanasyevich entered the Moscow University, the Faculty of History and Philology. Almost all of his student time, Fet lived in the family of his friend at the university, the future literary critic Apollon Grigoriev, who had an influence on the development of the poetic gift of Afanasy Fet.

The desire to rise to the nobility prompted Fet to enter military service. In 1845 he was accepted into a cuirassier regiment; in 1853 he moved to the Lancers Guards Regiment; in the Crimean campaign was part of the troops guarding the Estonian coast; in 1858 he retired, like his father, as a staff captain. However, it was not possible to achieve noble rights then: the qualification required for this increased as Fet rose in the service. (slide 4)

Meanwhile, his poetic fame grew; The success of the book Poems by A. Fet, published in Moscow in 1850, opened him access to the Sovremennik circle in St. Petersburg, where he met Turgenev and V.P. Botkin; he became friends with the latter, and the former already in 1856 wrote to Fet: "What are you writing to me about Heine? - you are higher than Heine!" Later, Fet met L.N. from Turgenev. Tolstoy, who returned from Sevastopol. Literary successes prompted Fet to leave military service; besides, in 1857 he married Marya Petrovna Botkina in Paris and, feeling a practical streak in himself, decided to devote himself, like Horace, agriculture. (slide 5)

In 1860, he bought the Stepanovka farm with 200 acres of land, in the Mtsensk district, and energetically began to manage, living there all the time and only in winter coming to Moscow for a short time. For more than ten years (1867 - 1877) Afanasy Afanasyevich was a magistrate and at that time wrote journal articles about rural conditions in the Russkiy Vestnik. Fet turned out to be an excellent owner, in 1877 he left Stepanovka and bought the Vorobyovka estate in the Shchigrovsky district, Kursk province, near the Root Hermitage for 105,000 rubles; towards the end of his life, the fortune of Afanasy Fet reached a value that can be called wealth. (slide 6)

In 1881, Fet bought a house in Moscow and began to come to Vorobyovka for the spring and summer already as a summer resident, having handed over the farm to the manager. He published four collections of lyrical poems in Moscow: "Evening Lights" and translations of Horace, Ovid, Virgil; translation of both parts of Goethe's Faust; wrote a memoir early years my life, until 1848" (posthumous edition, 1893) and "My memories, 1848 - 1889" (in two volumes, 1890); translation of the works of A. Schopenhauer.

Fet died on November 21, 1892 in Moscow, two days before the age of 72; buried in the family estate of the Shenshins, the village of Kleimenov, in the Mtsensk district, 25 miles from Orel.

(slide 7)

Reader: « Foggy morning"

Like the first golden ray, And like a young rose,

Between the white mountains and gray clouds Born early dawn,

Glides by ledges of peaks When there are still scorching wings

On the crown of towers and ruins, Noon wind did not open

When in the valleys, full of darkness, And a damp sigh, the mist of the night

The fog is immovable blue, Divides between the sky and the earth,

Let your delight in the darkness of hearts Dewdrop rolls from the leaf, -

This one throws light, singer! May your song be pure.

(slide 8)

Reader: "Spring rain"
It is still light in front of the window, And from heaven to earth,
In the breaks of the cloud the sun shines, The veil moves, swaying,
And a sparrow with its wing, And as if in golden dust
Bathing in the sand, trembling. Behind it is the edge of the forest.

Two drops splashed into the glass
From lindens it pulls with fragrant honey,
And something came to the garden
Drumming on fresh leaves. (slide 9)

Reader: "Flowers"

In the bushes robins are ringing, Fruits are ruddy seeds.

And from the whitened apple trees of the garden Sister of flowers, friend of the rose,

A sweet fragrance wafts. Look into my eyes,

Flowers look with longing in love, Navey life-giving dreams

Sinlessly pure, like spring, And sing a song in your heart.

“The sheets trembled, flying around”

January Nightingale»
Winters are undeniable greatness.
Earth and sky are all covered in snow.
And suddenly, as in May, a bird's song,
And whose - I can not understand.
Not the shadow of the surrounding tits
And not forty chatter,
Not a woodpecker pestle - just a song -
Both for you and for me.
She sounds bright and clear
From all branches, from all sides,
Like winter thunder, incredible
And unexpected, like him.
Boron himself took her out of her heart
At the late morning dawn.
She is more expensive than the nightingale, -
The only one in January.
It rings in the blows of a blizzard, -
Spring, finally.
Yes, this is a crossbill singing to a friend
Before the birth of the chicks.
Knives sparkling cold
Sharpens in the wind.
And he lives, but he does not grieve, -
Everything sings more cheerfully in the forest. (N. Korneev)

Leading: Arkady Petrovich Gaidar ( real name- Golikov) - prose writer(SLIDES 14, 15)

Born on January 9 (January 22 NS) in the city of Lgov, Kursk province, in the family of a teacher. Childhood years passed in Arzamas. He studied at a real school, but when the First World War and his father was taken to the soldiers, he ran away from home a month later to go to his father at the front. Ninety kilometers from Arzamas, he was detained and returned.

Later, as a teenager of fourteen, he met with " good people- Bolsheviks" and in 1918 left "to fight for the bright kingdom of socialism." He was a physically strong and tall guy, and after some hesitation he was accepted into the courses of red commanders. At fourteen and a half years old, he commanded a company of cadets on the Petliurist front, and at seventeen years was the commander of a separate regiment to combat banditry.

In December 1924, Gaidar left the army due to illness (after being wounded and shell-shocked). Started writing. He considered his best works to be the stories "R.V.S." (1925), "Distant countries", "The fourth dugout" and "School" (1930), "Timur and his team" (1940). He traveled a lot around the country, met different people, eagerly absorbed life. He did not know how to write, having closed himself in the office, at a comfortable table. He composed on the go, pondered his books on the road, recited whole pages by heart, and then wrote them down in simple notebooks. "The birthplace of his books - different cities, villages, even trains."

When did it start Patriotic War, the writer again joined the army, going to the front as a war correspondent for the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper. His part was surrounded, and they wanted to take the writer out by plane, but he refused to leave his comrades and remained in the partisan detachment as an ordinary machine gunner. October 26, 1941 in Ukraine, near the village of Lyaplyavo, Gaidar died in a fight with the Nazis. (slides 11-14)

Theatrical play based on the story

A. Gaidar "Chuk and Gek"

There lived a man in a forest near the Blue Mountains. He worked hard, but the work did not decrease, and he could not go home on vacation. Finally, when winter came, he asked permission from his superiors and sent a letter to his wife to come and visit him with the children. He had two guys - Chuk and Gek. And they lived with their mother in a distant huge city, better than which there is no one in the world. And, of course, this city was called Moscow.

Postman: Just at the time when I was going up the stairs with a letter, Chuck and Huck were having a fight. Either Chuck stole an empty matchbox from Huck, or Huck stole a wax tin from Chuck.

then the bell rang. The boys looked at each other anxiously.

Mom came.

Mother: Father won't come. He still has a lot of work to do and they won't let him go to Moscow. He won't come. But he invites us all to visit him. He is an odd man. It's good to say - visit. It's like getting on a tram and going...

Chuk: Yes Yes. Since he calls, so we sit down and go.

Mother: You are silly. There to go a thousand and another thousand kilometers by train. And in the taiga you will stumble upon a wolf or a bear.

Chuk and Gek: Gay gay! We can travel not only a thousand, but even a hundred thousand kilometers. We are brave, because yesterday we drove away with stones a strange dog that jumped into the yard.

A whole week passed before mother packed Chuck and Huck for the road. Chuk made himself a dagger from a kitchen knife, Gek made a smooth stick, hammered a nail into it, and it turned out to be a pike. At last all the affairs were finished, and the mother went to the station to buy tickets for tomorrow's evening train. But here, without her, Chuck and Huck had a quarrel. If they knew what trouble this quarrel would bring them to, then they would never have quarreled that day.

Just at the moment when Chuk was going to get his precious metal box from a secluded place, and Huck was singing songs in the room, the postman came in and gave Chuk a telegram for his mother. Chuk hid the telegram.

Huck: R-ra! R-ra! Hooray!

Hey! Bay! Turumbey!

Author: Chuk slightly opened the door and saw such a "turumbey". There was a chair in the middle of the room, and on its back hung a torn pike and a tattered newspaper. Huck, imagining that the carcass of a bear was in front of him, jabbed his lance at the yellow cardboard box from under his mother's shoes.

Chuk snatched the pike from Huck, broke it over his knee and threw it to the floor. With one wave, Huck flew up onto the windowsill and threw the box through the open window.

Chuk : Telegram, telegram!

What will we tell mom about the telegram?

Huck: You can't lie!

Chuk: And we won't lie! If she asks where the telegram is, we'll tell you. If he does not ask, then why should we jump forward?

Huck : OK. If we don't have to lie, then we'll do it.

On this they decided.

Leading : (Slide 16) Nikolai Nikolaevich Aseev was born on July 9, 1889 in Lgov in the family of an insurance employee. After graduating from the Kursk real school, in 1909 he entered the Moscow Commercial Institute. At the same time, the young poet attends lectures at the Faculty of Philology of Moscow University.

In 1911, his works first appeared in print in the journal Spring. Gradually, Nikolai Aseev met many famous writers - V. Bryusov, F. Sologub, B. Pasternak, V. Mayakovsky. Aseev was in turn a member of several poetic groups. In 1913, he joined the Lyrica group, organized by S. Bobrov, then became a member of the new futuristic group Centrifuge.

In the first collection of Aseev's "Night Flute" (1914), a strong influence of symbolism is noticeable. After getting acquainted with the works of V. V. Khlebnikov, the young poet is fond of ancient Slavic folklore, which immediately affected his work. In subsequent years, his poetry collections Zor (1914), Letorei (1915, together with G. Petnikov), The Fourth Book of Poems (1916) and Oksana (1916) were published.

In the middle of 1917, Aseev and his wife left for Far East. There he worked for the Far Eastern Review newspaper. He was one of the initiators of the creation of the literary and artistic society "Balaganchik", from which the group "Creativity" was later born. Aseev often gave lectures on futurism, promoted the work of Mayakovsky. In 1921, a collection of Aseev's poems "The Bomb" was published in Vladivostok.

In 1922, the poet returned to Moscow and later became one of the most ardent and orthodox Bolshevik poets. For the poem "Mayakovsky" in 1941 he was awarded the Stalin Prize. In 1961 Nikolai Aseev won the Lenin Prize for his poetry collection Lad. During his life he published more than 70 poetry collections.

Reader :

Here again


with his

old song...

She should be long overdue

on retire!

Yes, and the nightingale

disabled person...

From what -

only showered with roulades -


chill stirs

and souls become


Song of a thousand years

and nova:

as if just

folded at midnight;

from her

and the moon

and grass

and trees

stand in awe.

Song of a thousand years

but alive:

freely with her

and breathe joyfully;

in it

almost human words

imprinted in the air

are heard.

Those words

about the immortality of passions,

about bliss,

ultimate suffering;

as if there is no news on earth,

except for those

which is like the ancient world.

That's what

this old singer


star vow...

The song will subside

and passion end

and hearts

breaking apart!


I built a house out of poems!..

It has clean glass windows, -

there are shadows of clouds,

that the storm in the sky swept.

I cut my line myself

fastened the corners with consonances,

crown to crown composed a stanza

up to the most rearing rafters.

And here under the roof is simple

my friends came to me,

who is impossible not to love:

Creators of native, favorite books,

that they opened a window to the world for me;

friends whose loyalty is not for a moment,

agreed to a housewarming feast.

Fly through windows, clouds,

come in, pines, in full growth,

spill, time is a river, -

my house is open to the radiance of the stars!

(SLIDES 17, 18, 19)

Leading: Vorobyov, Konstantin Dmitrievich - Soviet writer - front-line soldier, representative of the Great galaxy of lieutenant prose. Born September 24, 1919 in the Kursk region. The family was large - Vorobyov had 5 sisters and a brother. He began working in a rural shop where they paid in bread at the age of 14 to save his family from starvation. He graduated from a rural school, studied at an agricultural college in Michurinsk. He graduated from projectionist courses and returned to his native village. In 1935 he worked in a regional newspaper as a literary collaborator. He wrote an anti-Stalinist poem "On the death of Kuibyshev" and, fearing denunciations, went to his sister in Moscow. In October 1938 he was drafted into the Red Army. Served in the Belarusian military district. He worked in the army newspaper "Call". At the end of his service in December 1940, he worked as a literary employee of the newspaper of the Academy of the Red Army. Frunze, from where he was sent to study at the Moscow Red Banner Infantry School named after the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR. Near Klin in December 1941, shell-shocked Lieutenant Vorobyov was captured and was in Klin, Rzhev, Smolensk, Kaunas, Salaspils, Siauliai prisoner of war camps (1941-1943). Escaped from captivity twice. In 1943-1944 he was the commander of a partisan group of former prisoners of war as part of a partisan detachment operating in Lithuania. He was awarded the medal "Partisan of the Patriotic War" 1st degree. While in hiding in 1943, he wrote the autobiographical story “This is us, Lord!” about experiences in captivity. In 1946, the manuscript of the story was offered to the Novy Mir magazine, but its publication did not take place. The whole story has not been preserved in the personal archive of the writer. Only in 1986, it was discovered by a graduate student of the Leningrad State Pedagogical Institute, Irina Vladimirovna Sokolova, in the Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the USSR (TsGALI), where it was handed over at one time along with the Novy Mir archive. The story was first published in the magazine Our Contemporary in 1986. From 1947 he lived in Vilnius. Changed many professions. He was a loader, a driver, a projectionist, a clerk, and was in charge of an industrial goods store. In 1952-1956 he worked in the editorial office of the daily newspaper "Soviet Lithuania". He was the head of the department of literature and art. In Vilnius, his first collection of stories "Snowdrop" (1956) and subsequent collections of stories and stories "Grey Poplar" (1958), "Geese-Swans" (1960) and others were published. After a serious illness (cancer of the brain) he died in 1975 . A memorial plaque was erected on the house where the writer lived (Värkü Street 1). In 1994, he was posthumously awarded the Prize. Sergius of Radonezh. In 1995, the ashes of the writer were reburied in Kursk at the Officer (Nikitsky) cemetery. In 2001, Konstantin Vorobyov was posthumously awarded the Alexander Solzhenitsyn Prize.

Leading (slide 20) Vasily Grigoryevich Zolotarev was born and raised in the village of Vtoraya Gostomlya, Medvensky district. He lost his father early. After school managed country club. I read a lot. Like all boys, he loved to wander around the picturesque surroundings. Vasily Grigoryevich served his 2 years in the army, and then - the Urals, Nizhny Tagil, work at a factory. And at the same time studying at the Faculty of Law of the Sverdlovsk Law Institute. After high school - 6 years of work as a judge in Nizhny Tagil. And then - Kursk - and the same favorite work.

Reader: "Veteran Station"

And at the old Kursk railway station

In the forty-first - they saw off to the front,

In the forty-fifth - met the soldiers.

In the forty-first - sad tears,

In the forty-fifth - victorious delight! ...

Those years were carried away by locomotives,

But the station could not forget them.

Because those wounds remain

on old bricks.

It can be seen, just war veterans

Remember with sadness in their eyes… (slide 21)

Leading (SLIDE 22) Vasily Afanasyevich Snegiryov was born in 1926 in the village of Ivanovka, Shchigrovsky District.

Since 1943, a participant in the Great Patriotic War, has government awards. Demobilized in 1950, worked as a teacher in an eight-year school. In absentia he graduated from the Kursk Pedagogical Institute.

He began writing poetry at the age of 13. They were first published in the regional newspaper Kommunar. The stories and poems of V. A. Snegirev were repeatedly published in district and regional publications, as well as in the central press.

In December 1993, he was awarded the First Degree Diploma of the Regional Department of Culture for a selection of poems about the Great Patriotic War. (slide 29)

Leading: Stanislav Grigoryevich Malykhin was born in 1932 in the village of Stakanovo, Cheremisinovsky District. After graduating from school, he went to work at the Shchigrovsky Mechanical Plant (now Geomash JSC). (Slides 23)

After four years of service in the Black Sea Fleet, he returned to his native plant. He worked as a turner, master, gear cutter. He was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor and Labor Glory III degree, the medal "Veteran of Labour". He was also awarded the titles of "Honored Innovator" and "Veteran of the Black Sea Fleet".

(slide 24)

Reader: "Rat"

Among the hills, plains, swamps

River Rat flows.

There is not one such in Russia -

But this - the memory stirs,

Like the pain of dashing years.

Its very name is like the spirit of gray-haired epics.

The Mongols moved to Rus',

Like a hurricane, like a tornado.

They crushed everything in their path

Fire, arrow and sword.

Villages and forests burned

Embraced by fire.

The Russian land groaned

Under the enemy horse.

And called all the bells

Defend the Fatherland

And went to mortal combat with the enemy

Sons of the Russian army.

Anger has great power

No need to borrow.

The military people fought to the death,

In their memory - the river Rat. (slide 31)

Leading (slide 25 ) Vladimir Konorev was born in 1939 in the village of Krasavka, Kursk region. Graduated from the Polytechnic Institute in Moscow. He worked as an electrical engineer at the Aktobe CHPP, in the Eastern Electricity Networks, at the Geomash plant.

The poems of Vladimir Konorev were published in local, regional and republican newspapers and magazines, in collective collections published at different times in the Central Black Earth Book Publishing House.

Reader: "Tank" (slide 26)

And it happened like this.

We played little boys

And someone in german tank

Snowball hit by accident.

The SS man was loud-mouthed and suddenly barked:


And the tank is straight at us

Crawled across the pitted clearing.

It was my fifth year then,

I realized the danger too late

When, gaining momentum,

The hulk reared menacingly.

And the tank was advancing, growing, rattling and growling ominously.

And I seemed to freeze to the present,

I am a little man.

Covering face with hands

I went in heart-rending:


Today I'm over thirty

But often now I dream -

Wandering in the soft snow,

I'm running from the tank, boy.

I can't run away...

Leading: (slide 27,28)
POLYANSKY , Yegor Ivanovich (10.XI.1932 - 1999) - poet, member of the Writers' Union of the Russian Federation (since 1958). Born in with. Shilovo, Tula region.
From 1934 he lived in Kursk. After leaving school, he worked at the Kursk shoe factory, a poultry plant.
In 1956 he graduated from the Literary Institute. M. Gorky. Published in the magazines "Rise", "Change", "Young Guard", "Moscow", "October".
Author of the poetry collections Letter to a Comrade (Kursk, 1954), Vovka Will Be a Sailor (Kursk, 1955), On the Road (Kursk, 1958), Birch Rain (Voronezh, 1975), Maslenitsa (Voronezh, 1980), etc., as well as a children's fairy tale for the puppet theater "Petya and Father Frost" (Kursk, 1961). His poem "The Commissar" is about a revolutionary
- "Literary newspaper" dated October 9, 1974 was described as a "notable phenomenon" in domestic literature.
On September 25, 2008, the Kursk City Library No. 4 was named after Polyansky.
October 10, 2014 on the street. Vatutin, a memorial plaque was installed on the house where the poet lived

Reader : Chernozem

The road is spinning, dust

Polished blue.
Native Kursk land

Sadder than a scorched desert.

Not a lark. No groundhog.

Not a bush - only stones,

Like antediluvian longing,

Like the first day from creation.

I didn't recognize this area.

Road of roar and thunder.

And suddenly towards the dump truck

With a cool load of black earth.

Your load, working in the morning,

That dump truck hardly appreciated

But the ore-driver

They gave way to him.

In a vest - it is clear that a sailor,

His owner smiled.

He brought land for greenhouses -

Or for Venus,

Or for Mars.

Reader: birch rain

The forest erupted. This sun came out

Scarlet crest over the forest of grief,

And sang in the birches a little audibly

October trumpet.

And trunks of black and white crepe

Chilled that music shiver.

Not freckles fell from the sky -

The yellow birch rain is pouring,

Like light baby souls

Noisy in the birches of spring.

Leaves are merrily jumping into puddles

And the pines tremble on the needles.

It is not the wind that showers them from the peaks,

And the breath of an invisible pipe.

Hello forest!

Even the stump is inconspicuous.

Under the foliage, no grass, no path.

Birch light! Mother of Russia!

You have many wounds on your chest.

There were mushrooms, and there were thunderstorms,

And steel whipping rains.

But, as before, birch trees shine

Swan with its beauty,

And crown all troubles and thunderstorms

Birch rain, golden day.

Leading : (SLIDES 29, 30) « I was born on the Lug farm in the Pristensky district of the Kursk region on November 21, 1935. Father Nikolai Vasilyevich and mother Evdokia Petrovna are illiterate peasants. In our large family, brothers and sisters overcame a letter in educational programs, and even then only to the extent that, if necessary, in government paper instead of a faceless cross, working to sweat, clumsily produce their own surname from shaky letters of different sizes. After graduating from the Kursk Medical Institute, he worked in a rural hospital. Then he entered graduate school, defended his Ph.D. thesis and taught for many years at medical institute. As a schoolboy and student, he wrote poetry, but he became disillusioned with poetry, apparently because he did not bring a single poem to a suitable readiness, did not experience success. Governor's Award Winner E. I. Nosova. Published the following books: "ROAD TO HOME" (Voronezh, 1979), "SILVER DAY" (Voronezh, 1980), "OLD APPLE TREE WITH SHARD" (Moscow, Sovremennik publishing house, 1982), "ROAD TO HOME, ROAD LIGHT (Voronezh, 1985), TORF (Moscow, Young Guard publishing house, 1985), BLACK SHIRT (Voronezh, 1991), HYPNOSIS SESSION (Kursk, Krona publishing house, 1995), "LIGHT IN THE WINDOW" (Kursk, 2005)".

Eskov has been a member of the Writers' Union of Russia since 1979, published in the magazines Our Contemporary, Young Guard, Moscow, Change, etc. In 2011 he was awarded the Shukshin Literary Prize, laureate of the Governor's Prize. E.N. Nosov and the Imperial Culture Prize. In 2013 he was called the best prose writer of Russia.

The writer not only teaches goodness, he practices goodness. Mikhail Nikolaevich is the founder of the annual award for young Kursk writers " ". The Shukshin Prize he received was given in November 2012 to the 36-year-old poet Alexei Dutov from the city of Sudzhi, who lost his sight at the age of 22 and was doomed to complete immobility.

Reader: Nikolai Korneev. "Kursk land"

In the fires of wandering burnouts,
She spread the grass like silk,
Native land, where for Igor
His regiment marched into immortality.

Land where the fields are protected
The horde trampled in raids.
The land where Batu burned,
Cities grew on the ashes.

She had a special fate
When after eight centuries
Our gut strength arched like an arc,
Like a bow-sagaydak, on enemies.

Does this earth lie frozen?
The bitter darkness dissipated.
And again on the baked deposits
The wheat rose like the sun.

The famous Kursk land,
Where the nightingale reigns in spring.
Confluence of Sejm and Tuskari,
The radiance of waters and fields.

Only Kursk

Cities, cities... I'm in Russia

I've seen a lot of them in person

There are more of them, and more beautiful,

Only Kursk is like a ring for me,

Like I'm engaged forever

With the river Seim, with nightingales in the forest ...

Know that native is always in a person

Covers any beauty. (L. Bochenkova)

Teacher : And now we will hold a quiz on the work of writers and poets of the Kursk region.

    In what city was N.N. Aseev born?




    Which work does not belong to E.I. Nosov?


Beyond the valleys, beyond the forests

The roads of the Kursk Cossacks.

    Which children's writer has a monument erected in the Kursk region?

A.P. Gaidar

E.I. Nosov

N.N. Aseev

    Which writer is named after the museum in the city of Lgov?

E.I. Nosov

A.P. Gaidar

N.N. Aseev

5. With the name of which outstanding figure of literature is the Vorobyovka estate associated?

N.N. Aseev

A.A. Fet


6. What works did A.P. Gaidar write?




7. What is the name of a countryman from your "small homeland"?

V.V. Ovechkin


M. Eskov

A.P. Gaidar

A.A. Fet

- E.I.Nosov

9. What is depicted on the coat of arms of the city of Kursk?

- three flying partridges

- wild goose


Teacher: At all times, talented people have lived on the Kursk land, feeling the nature and people of the Kursk region. Writers and poets are widely known: A.P. Gaidar, E.I. Nosov, A.A. Fet, N.N. Aseev. We have something to be proud of!

There are also local poets who are often published in the newspaper "Rayonnye Izvestiya". This is Alexey Gusev, Komova

And I would like to end the lesson with the following words:

Oh, Kursk region, you are the breadbasket of Russia,

Beautiful are your rivers and meadows.

Whomever we ask

Everyone knows how the nightingales sing here.

Only the dawn rises over the field

And golden dew on the ground,

The nightingales start trilling beautifully,

And people open their eyes after sleep.

They open their eyes and freeze for a moment,

Listening to the parting words of the singer.

In a moment, warm feelings will flood

Let the song ring without end and end!

Fill your soul with good, eternal happiness

The “rings” of the nightingale musician.

Both in summer and in autumn bad weather

Live, native Kursk land!

MOU "Studenokskaya secondary school
Zheleznogorsk district of the Kursk region

"Promising Elementary School"

library lesson
« Writers and poets
lands of Kursk »
TeacherMonchenko R.V.
d. Student
Theme of the lesson: "Writers and poets of the land of Kursk"
Educational tasks:
· continue acquaintance with the works of Kursk writers;
· to improve the skill of working with a book;
· develop speech, ability to analyze, classify;
develop love and kindness

to all living things;
to instill love for the native land;
cultivate life-affirming attitudes.
Personal uud: to form the ability to self-evaluate their actions based on the knowledge gained.
Regulatory uud: the ability to determine and formulate a goal in the lesson,
plan your actions in accordance with the task.
Communicative uud: listen and understand the speech of others,

formulate your thoughts orally,

logically correct.

Cognitive uud: the ability to navigate the knowledge system,

to analyze objects,

find answers to questions from others


During the classes
1. Motivation for learning activities
Today we will make new reading discoveries. We will admire nature, which gives a feeling of joy, delight, inspiration. Meet new people. You are ready?
2. Knowledge update
Today we will begin the lesson with the poem "Hymn to the native land."(Student reads)
Hymn to the native land
The Kursk distances are wonderful landscapes -
Fields, copses, hills and meadows! -
They gave birth to great beauty
The great ones whose glory the ages carry.
Theodosius Pechersky prayed for us,
And - "My joy!" Seraphim exclaimed.
Meeting people who are open and childish
Soul stood before the face of the saints.
Our testaments are kept by confessors
In the hearts of the Orthodox
And do human hearts
not full of Fet's lyrics,
How are the heavens filled with the light of dawn?!
The people of Kursk are skillful in the arts of all kinds,
And now not without reason in many countries
Georgy Sviridov is deservedly honored.
Both Nosov and Klykov ... are the talents of the Kursk people.
And how many glorious heroes did you give birth to
For the battles for the Fatherland, native land! -
Until now, I hear the cry of Yaroslavna,
When I go out to my native fields...
How painful! .. And yet I'm ready for the clouds
Scatter with your unshakable faith:
You will be in the future, dear earth,
To give birth to the beauty of great people!
For centuries you will grow and prosper,
Be stronger and more beautiful!
And the Root Mother of God
Lights the way for us!
Here is the Seim and Tuskar, here is my dear home,
We won't change course
With courage and labor
Kursk is dear to Russia!

Where the nightingales sing like that!

Holy desperate land!
You are in the heart, the city of our love,
Where the nightingales sing like that!
Hero land! Above us is a clear light!
Salute in honor of the proud years, victorious years!
Our ancient Kursk, bow to you,
Holy desperate land!

- What are the names that you heard?

Georgy Sviridov - great composer, Slide 1
F. Pechersky - saint
S. Sarofsky - saint
Afanasy Fet - poet,
Klykov - sculptor,

Evgeny Nosov is a writer.
- What unites all these people?
(They lived near the Kursk region, talented people, glorified our small homeland)
- And I will continue this list: K. Vorobyov, E. Nosov, A. Gaidar
- Who are these people? (writers)
- Formulate the topic of the extracurricular reading lesson
(Writers and poets of our region, etc.)
- The topic of our lesson is: (read)
"Writers and poets of the land of Kursk"
Why are we working on this topic?
(To learn more about the work of the Kursk writers.

To know your land better and be proud of it)

Our main task :
to see all the beauty of our region and be proud of the Kursk land.
III Working on a new lesson topic.
1 - In one of the books I read such words and they touched me very much. Read them.
“Nature cannot be touched with rough hands, just as one cannot touch a pearly drop of dew in a flower cup, pollen on a butterfly’s wings, a silver head of a dandelion, woven from fluff and air, penetrated by the sun…. All this can only be admired. Touched and ruined everything ... "
- What did you think about the person who wrote about his native nature like that?
(This man loves nature. He is kind to her. The person is not indifferent, very attentive and inquisitive)
Let's get to know him better.
E. Nosov - writer
Did you like the stories of E. Nosov that you read?
Name them.
("Mustachio", "White Goose")
- Guess what story we're talking about? ( Whiskered)

Mustachioed" is the hero of the story, a grasshopper.)
_ Who are the other characters in this story?(children)

What feelings did the grasshopper evoke in children?
(curiosity, delight, surprise)
- Do your feelings match?(YES)
(We learned a lot. Grasshoppers come in different colors. We know where they live and what they eat. We learned that they sing with the help of wings. Who are their enemies.)
What feelings and experiences did this story evoke in you?
(Sorrow, sadness, pity)
3. Help me restore the text by inserting appropriate words.
It is very convenient for a hedgehog to collect (leaves) He will find (a place) where there are more of them, spread the needles - and well (ride), roll over from side to side. Leaves and prick on it (thorns). He will stand on his paws (hedgehog), and under the leaves and (not to be seen). So he runs in (golden) clothes into his hole.
- What is the title of the work? (White goose)
4. Let's choose words that will help describe the character of the White Goose.
Strong, stupid, caring, wise, noble,
evil, weak, brave.

Let's return to the hypothesis. What did you think about the person who wrote about his native nature like that?
(He loved his land, was a true friend of nature)
5. E. Nosov. The writer is an artist.

Guys, E.I. Nosov was truly talented in everything. He wrote not only excellent stories and novellas, essays, miniatures, but also painted landscapes of his native Kurshchina, warmed by the warmth of his heart. He knew how to photograph superbly, his photo studies are akin to the best paintings.
The master left us his legacy - his soul lives in every line, and in every painting and photograph - his favorite expanses, hills, trees, rivers that helped him live, gave joy.
6. Let's admire his paintings.
The teacher is reading. E.I.Nosov wrote about his native land: “We, the Kursk people, inherited the Kursk land. Hills and hollows, again hills. Up - down, down - up. As if breathing, as if it were her labored sighs .... This is where we live, between these breaths.”
E. Nosov
VI Fizminutka
Close your eyes and imagine that we are moving along a narrow path in the forest. Open your eyes and look to the right, what an amazing flower in front of us. Someone lends a hand, stop, let's keep him alive. We move on carefully. Look, there's a branch on the left, let's bend down,
so as not to break it and move on. Raise your head up, there, flying from branch to branch, a squirrel jumps - let's not scare it. Look at the feet and you will see a great worker - an ant, and next to it is a nest with eggs in it. Whose hands reached for the nest. If you touch, then life will freeze. We quietly return and must remember that all living things must be protected and loved.
V Works by A. Gaidar

1. Work in pairs.

Task: 1 answer the quiz questions;
2 name the works;
3 that unites all the heroes of this quiz.
Which work ends with the words: “Nina returned, sat down and cried. No, she didn't feel sorry for the stolen breakfast. But the merry birds sang too well over her head. And it was very hard on her heart, which was “gnawed” by a merciless conscience ... "
And why did Nina "gnaw" conscience?

.Why was Marusya surprised when the Red Army soldier, having given her a knife, laughed and began to hum cheerful songs?
How did Marusya help detain the spy?
("The Hike")

How did Alka prepare for the trip?
What did the father order his son to do after examining Alka's camping equipment?
(“The Tale of Malchish - Kibalchish ...”)
In which work does the boy hold his word tightly and what is his name?
("Chuk and Gek")
Gaidar has a story about two cheerful, cheerful brothers. Don't remember what their names are?
Who had the box that caused all this to happen?
And who sang at the New Year in the taiga?

Conclusion: these books were written by A. Gaidar

2 Autobiographical note about A. Gaidar

Gaidar is a very legendary person: at the age of 14 he went to civil war, at the age of 17 he already commanded a regiment. Old wounds and shell shock did not allow A.P. Gaidar to become a professional soldier.
When the Great Patriotic War began, Gaidar went to the front as a correspondent. Getting to the front line, Gaidar, along with the fighters, went into battle. And he died saving the lives of his comrades.

The memory of A.P. Gaidar is immortalized in the names of the streets of the cities of Kursk, Lgov, Shchigrov and in our city of Zheleznogorsk. And, of course, there are his books that are read by more than one generation of children.


book exhibition

- Check out the books in our exhibition.
Are all books related to the topic of the lesson?
(These are books by writers of the Kursk land)

Add an exhibition? (A. Fet)

What literary genre are we talking about? (poetry)

And there is nowhere sweeter than nature
Than the nightingale land -
Part of my motherland.
- Listen to how A. Fet sang our land
VII Expressive reading.
Poems about the native land of A. Fet. (Children read.)
VIII Meeting with a writer
At all times, talented people have lived on our Kursk land, feeling, understanding, glorifying the nature of their native land. And today, in the Zheleznogorsk region, poets and writers live and create. We arranged a meeting with one of them
.Andrey Perkov - poet, writer, artist
He presents his book "Sevka's acquaintances"

VIII Reflection
What will you tell your parents about this lesson?
Please rate your participation in this lesson.
