modern tribes. modern savagery

Photos from open sources

There are still untouched places on the planet where the way of life is the same as a couple of millennia ago.

Today there are about a hundred tribes that are hostile towards modern society and do not want to let civilization into their lives.

Off the coast of India on one of the Andaman Islands - North Sentinel Island - such a tribe lives.

They were nicknamed the Sentinelese. They fiercely resist all possible contact from the outside.

The first evidence of a tribe inhabiting the North Sentinel Island of the Andaman archipelago refers to XVIII century: sailors, being nearby, left records of strange "primitive" people who do not allow to descend to their land.

With the development of navigation and aviation, the ability to observe the islanders has increased, but all the information known to date has been collected remotely.

Until now, not a single outsider has managed to find himself in the circle of the Sentinelese tribe without losing his life. This non-contact tribe lets a stranger come no closer than bow-shot distance. They even throw rocks at helicopters flying too low. The last daredevils to try to make their way to the island were poachers in 2006. Their families are still unable to pick up the bodies: the Sentinelese killed the intruders, burying them in shallow graves.

However, interest in this isolated culture is not diminishing: researchers are constantly looking for opportunities to contact and study the Sentinelese. At various times, coconuts, dishes, pigs and much more were thrown at them, which could improve their living conditions on a small island. It is known that they liked coconuts, but the representatives of the tribe did not guess that they could be planted, but simply ate all the fruits. The islanders buried the pigs, doing it with honors and without touching their meat.

The experiment with kitchen utensils turned out to be interesting. The Sentinelese accepted the metal utensils favorably, and the plastic ones were divided by color: they threw out the green buckets, and the red ones suited them. There are no explanations for this, just as there are no answers to many other questions. Their language is one of the most unique and completely incomprehensible to anyone on the planet. They lead a hunter-gatherer lifestyle, hunting, fishing, and gathering wild plants for their livelihood, while they have not mastered the agricultural activity in the millennia of their existence.

It is believed that they do not even know how to make a fire: using accidental fires, they then carefully store smoldering logs and coals. Even the exact size of the tribe remains unknown: the numbers vary from 40 to 500 people; such a scatter is also explained by observations only from the side and assumptions that some of the islanders at this moment may be hiding in the thicket.

Even though the Sentinelese don't care about the rest of the world, big land they have protectors. Tribal rights organizations call the people of North Sentinel Island “the most vulnerable society on the planet” and remind that they have no immunity to any common infection in the world. For this reason, their policy of driving away outsiders can be seen as self-defense against certain death.

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The main part of the peoples of Africa includes groups consisting of several thousand, and sometimes hundreds of people, but at the same time - does not exceed 10% of total strength population of this continent. As a rule, such small ethnic groups are the wildest tribes.

It is to this group that, for example, the Mursi tribe belongs.

Ethiopian tribe Mursi - the most aggressive ethnic group

Ethiopia is the oldest country in the world. It is Ethiopia that is considered the progenitor of mankind, it is here that the remains of our ancestor, modestly named Lucy, were found.
More than 80 ethnic groups live in the country.

Living in southwestern Ethiopia, on the border with Kenya and Sudan, settled in the Mago Park, the Mursi tribe is distinguished by unusually harsh customs. They, by right, can be nominated for the title of the most aggressive ethnic group.

Prone to frequent alcohol consumption and uncontrolled use of weapons. IN Everyday life The main weapon of the men of the tribe is the Kalashnikov assault rifle, which they buy in Sudan.

In fights, they can often beat each other almost to death, trying to prove their dominance in the tribe.

Scientists attribute this tribe to a mutated Negroid race, with distinctive features in the form of short stature, wide bones and crooked legs, low and strongly compressed foreheads, flattened noses and pumped up short necks.

Mursi female bodies often look flabby and sickly, bellies and breasts drooping, and backs stooped. There is practically no hair, which was often hidden under intricate headdresses of a very fantasy appearance, using as a material everything that can be picked up or caught nearby: rough skins, branches, dried fruits, marsh clams, someone's tails, dead insects, and even an incomprehensible smelly fall.

The most famous feature of the Mursi tribe is the tradition of inserting plates into the lips of girls.

The more public, civilized Mursi do not always show all these characteristic attributes, but the exotic look of their lower lip is business card tribe.

Plates are made of wood or clay in different sizes, the shape can be round or trapezoidal, sometimes with a hole in the middle. For beauty, the plates are covered with a pattern.

The lower lip is cut in childhood, pieces of wood are inserted there, gradually increasing their diameter.

Mursi girls start wearing plates at the age of 20, six months before marriage. The lower lip is pierced and a small disk is inserted into it, after the lip is stretched, the disk is replaced with a larger one and so on until the desired diameter is reached (up to 30 centimeters !!).

The size of the plate matters: the larger the diameter, the more the girl is valued and the more cattle the groom will pay for her. Girls must wear these plates at all times except during bedtime and meals, and they can also take them out if there are no males of the tribe nearby.

When the plate is pulled out, the lip droops like a long round cord. Almost all Mursi have no front teeth, the tongue is cracked to the point of blood.

The second strange and frightening adornment of Mursi women is the monista, which are recruited from human finger phalanges (nek). One person has only 28 of these bones in their hands. Each necklace usually consists of phalanxes of five or six tassels, some lovers of "jewelry" monist wrap their neck in several rows

It glistens with fat and emits a sweetish rotting smell of melted human fat, every bone is rubbed daily. The source for the beads never runs out: the priestess of the tribe is ready to deprive the hands of a man who has violated the laws for almost every offense.

It is customary for this tribe to do scarification (scarring).

Men can afford to be scarred only after the first murder of one of their enemies or ill-wishers. If they kill a man, they adorn the right hand, if a woman, then the left.

Their religion, animism, deserves a longer and more shocking story.
Short: women are priestesses of death so they daily give their husbands drugs and poisons.

Antidotes are distributed by the High Priestess, but sometimes salvation does not come to everyone. In such cases, a white cross is drawn on the widow's plate, and she becomes a very respected member of the tribe, who is not eaten after death, but buried in the trunks of special ritual trees. Honor is given to such priestesses because of the fulfillment of the main mission - the will of the God of Death Yamda, which they were able to fulfill by destroying physical body and releasing the highest spiritual Essence from his man.

The rest of the dead are waiting for the collective eating of the whole tribe. soft tissues boiled in a cauldron, the bones are used for amulets and thrown on swamps to indicate dangerous places.

What seems very wild for a European, for Mursi is commonplace and tradition.

Bushmen tribe

The African Bushmen are the most ancient representatives of the human race. And this is not an assumption at all, but a scientifically proven fact. Who are these ancient people?

The Bushmen are a group of hunting tribes. South Africa. Now these are the remains of a large ancient African population. Bushmen are notable for their short stature, wide cheekbones, narrow slit eyes and much swollen eyelids. It is difficult to determine the true color of their skin, because in the Kalahari they are not allowed to waste water on washing. But you can see that they are much lighter than their neighbors. Their skin tone is slightly yellowish, which is more typical for South Asians.

Young bushwomen are considered the most beautiful among the female population of Africa.

But as soon as they reach puberty and become mothers, these beauties are simply unrecognizable. Bushmen women have overdeveloped hips and buttocks, and their belly is constantly swollen. This is a consequence of malnutrition.

To distinguish a pregnant Bushwoman from other women of the tribe, she is smeared with ash or ocher, as appearance this is very difficult to do. Bushmen men already by the age of 35 become like octogenarians, due to the fact that their skin sags and the body is covered with deep wrinkles.

Life in the Kalahari is very harsh, but even here there are laws and regulations. The most important wealth in the desert is water. There are old people in the tribe who know how to find water. In the place that they indicate, the representatives of the tribe either dig wells or bring water out with the help of plant stems.

Each Bushman tribe has a secret well, which is carefully filled with stones or covered with sand. During the dry season, the Bushmen dig a hole at the bottom of a dried-up well, take a stem of a plant, suck water through it, taking it into their mouths, and then spit it out into the shell of an ostrich egg.

The South African Bushmen tribe is the only people on Earth whose men have permanent erections. This phenomenon does not cause any discomfort or inconvenience, except for the fact that during foot hunting men have to attach the penis to the belt so as not to cling to it. branches.

Bushmen don't know what private property is. All animals and plants growing on their territory are considered common. Therefore, they hunt both wild animals and farm cows. For this they were very often punished and destroyed by entire tribes. Nobody wants such neighbors.

Among the Bushmen tribes, shamanism is very popular. They do not have leaders, but there are elders and healers who not only cure diseases, but also communicate with spirits. Bushmen are very afraid of the dead, and firmly believe in the afterlife. They pray to the sun, moon, stars. But they do not ask for health or happiness, but for success in hunting.

Bushman tribes speak Khoisan languages ​​which are very difficult for Europeans to pronounce. Characteristic these languages ​​are click consonants. The representatives of the tribe speak among themselves very quietly. This is a long-standing habit of hunters - so as not to scare the game.

There is confirmed evidence that a hundred years ago they were engaged in drawing. Rock paintings depicting people and various animals are still found in the caves: buffaloes, gazelles, birds, ostriches, antelopes, crocodiles.

In their drawings there are also unusual fairy-tale characters: monkey people, eared snakes, people with a crocodile face. There is an entire open-air gallery in the desert that presents these amazing drawings by unknown artists.

But now the Bushmen do not paint, they are great in dance, music, pantomime and legends.

VIDEO: Shamanic ritual rite of healing of the Bushmen tribe. Part 1

Shamanic ritual rite of healing of the Bushmen tribe. Part 2

The population of the Earth does not stop growing, today the number of people living in our world has exceeded 7 billion people. However, there are peoples that are on the verge of extinction. This applies to representatives of some isolated tribes. The reason is globalization and assimilation. Alas, along with the people, the ethnic culture and language of native speakers disappears. We bring to your attention the project “Before they disappeared”, aimed at attracting the attention of society to small tribes and peoples. Today it is the TOP-20 endangered ethnic groups.

1. Mongolian Kazakhs

Ethnic Kazakhs, forced to move to Mongolia in 1860, under pressure Russian Empire. Today there are about 100 thousand of them, they live in small diasporas, in the 90s many moved to Kazakhstan. They are engaged in nomadic cattle breeding.

2. Samburu

The Samburu tribe lives in Kenya, is engaged in animal husbandry, leads a semi-nomadic lifestyle. Dark-skinned and black-haired samburu live in small settlements - 5 families each, practice polygamy. The number of about 160 thousand people.

3. Huli

Papuan people from Papua New Guinea who are at least 1000 years old. Black pagans live in clans. They speak three languages: Huli, Talk Pisin and English. The number of 150 thousand people.

4. Himba

Nomadic people from Namibia. Leading a pastoral lifestyle, these black people have not learned anything in the last 5 centuries. They observe the cult of ancestors, worship fire. Build housing from improvised material. The number is not more than 50 thousand people.

5. Asaro

Papuans from New Guinea. They smear their body with special white clay, and wear specific clay masks on their faces. Thus, the tribe supposedly scares off enemies.

6. Yali

A tribe from Papua New Guinea were once dangerous cannibals. Polygamous, pagans, they are characterized by rituals for the exchange of gifts.

7. Rabari

A tribe that migrated from Iran to western India a thousand years ago. Men are engaged in cattle breeding, women solve money and domestic issues.

8. Maori

The New Zealand aboriginal tribe, known since the 13th century, has its own language, mythology and even art. Partially adopted Christianity. Engaged in slash-and-burn agriculture. Own crafts, were previously cannibals.

9. Vanuatu

Indigenous people of the Pacific island nation of the Republic of Vanuatu. They were originally cannibals. They farm, raise livestock, and fish. Obey the leader, monogamous. Number - 140 thousand.

10. Tibetans

Mongoloid people, Buddhists, live in Nepal, China, Bhutan. They keep many interesting traditions, rituals and customs. Live in their own way lunar calendar have their own language. They are engaged in cattle breeding and agriculture.

11. Chukchi

They live in Russia, are engaged in reindeer herding and hunting. Worship the phenomena of nature - animists. They have a very low life expectancy. The number of Chukchi is 15 thousand people.

12. Kalam

A tribe from Papua New Guinea, distinguished from others by their brightly colored faces. They use feathers, wigs, masks, paint - they scare away enemy tribes.

13. Bushmen

A black tribe from Angola, Botswana, Zimbabwe, South Africa and Namibia. Very wild, completely unadapted to life. They constantly roam the desert. The number is 100 thousand people.

14. Ladakhi

Indian people practicing Tibetan Buddhism. They are engaged in agriculture, practice polyandry - polyandry. The number of about 50 thousand people.

15. Nenets

Samoyed people from Russia. They preach shamanism and animism, some have adopted Orthodoxy. They are engaged in reindeer herding and catching fish and whales. They call themselves "Children of the Deer". The population is 45 thousand people.

16. Mursi

Ethiopian black tribe, characteristically stretching the upper lip. They worship birds, rainbows and the sky, pastoralists-farmers. The number of 7.5 thousand people.

17. Waorani

Indian people living in Ecuador. Dark-skinned, but not black, very short, men do not grow more than 150 cm. They lead a wandering life in the forests. The number of 4 thousand people.

18. Kokopa

Indian tribe from Mexico and the USA. Very few in number - no more than 300 representatives remained. Engaged only in agriculture, peaceful and polygamous, pagans. The dead are cremated.

19. Tsaatans

Turkic-speaking people from Mongolia, live in chums. They preach shamanism. They are engaged in reindeer herding. Number of 280 people.

20. Livy

Baltic-Finnish people from Latvia, known since the 12th century. The traditional occupation is fishing. They preach Lutheranism. The native language is Liv, almost forgotten. Number of about 200 people.

Three years of travel across five continents and hundreds of photographs were needed to create a unique photo project called "Before They Disappear". Its author, British photographer Jimmy Nelson, photographed the life of the 31st tribe, which still managed to preserve their culture, customs and traditions.

Amazingly beautiful traditional outfits, as well as pride in their culture, history and customs - that's what you can see when looking at these unique photographs. See for yourself.


1. Ethnic Kazakhs in Mongolia. For more than two hundred years, the art of hunting on a horse with an eagle has been passed down by Mongolian Kazakhs from generation to generation. (Photo: Jimmy Nelson).
2. Himba tribe in Namibia. Himba are shepherds whose lifestyle has not changed much since the 16th century. (Photo: Jimmy Nelson).
3. A girl from the Drokpa tribe (Drokpa), living in the disputed territories between India and Pakistan. This tribe is known for a very free relationship between partners - their frequent change and public displays of passion. (Photo: Jimmy Nelson).
4. Maori girl from Taupo in New Zealand. The history of the Maori tribe can be traced back to the 13th century. For centuries, they lived in isolation from the whole world, as a result of which their language and art are extremely peculiar, they also created their own mythology. (Photo: Jimmy Nelson).
5. Maori from New Zealand. Maori culture is dominated by dance, legend, art and tattoos, and community. And although the arrival of European colonizers in the 18th century had a huge impact on the Maori, many important aspects of their culture have survived to this day. (Photo: Jimmy Nelson).
6. A girl from Ladakh - a cold desert located in the two Indian states of Jammu and Kashmir. Due to the peculiarities of the climate, local residents work only 4 months a year, the rest of the time they have fun at festivals, where they wear traditional costumes - “hound” with pleasure. (Photo: Jimmy Nelson).
7. A man from the Nenets people of Yamal, who are engaged in reindeer herding and lead a nomadic lifestyle. (Photo: Jimmy Nelson).
8. Huli tribe living in Papua New Guinea. It is believed that the first inhabitants appeared on the island 45,000 years ago. To make a frightening impression on the enemy, Huli men paint their faces with red-yellow-white paints, wear a wig made from their own hair on their heads, and an ax with a claw completes the intimidating effect. (Photo: Jimmy Nelson).
9. Vanuatu tribe living on the island of the same name. They believe in rituals that bring wealth, and dance is an important part of their culture. (Photo: Jimmy Nelson).
10. Chukchi - reindeer herders and hunters. They live in Chukotka. They believe that everyone natural phenomenon have their own spirits. (Photo: Jimmy Nelson).
11. Rabari from India. For centuries, Rabari women have been tattooing not only for decorative purposes, but also for religious and therapeutic purposes. Almost all of their bodies are covered in tattoos, and the oldest women of the tribe work at fairs as tattoo artists. (Photo: Jimmy Nelson).
12. Mustangs from Nepal. The traditions of the Lo people are closely related to early Buddhism, they are very religious and prayers are an integral part of their lives. Interestingly, many of them still believe that the Earth is flat. (Photo: Jimmy Nelson).
13. Maori from New Zealand worship different gods, they believe that ancestors and supernatural beings are omnipresent and able to help them in case of need. (Photo: Jimmy Nelson).
14. Samburu from Kenya. They are engaged in cattle breeding and every 5-6 weeks they move to another place to feed their animals. They believe in ancestral spirits and witchcraft. The fertility of women is very important for the samburu, childless women are ridiculed in the tribe, and boys throw cow dung into their houses. There are also special rituals to increase fertility and fertility. (Photo: Jimmy Nelson).
15. Mongolian Kazakhs can tell and name the names of seven generations of their ancestors. "Not to forget where we came from." They believe in shamans and wear beads and talismans to protect them from evil spirits. (Photo: Jimmy Nelson).
16. Gaucho from Argentina. These nomadic horsemen and cowboys have been roaming the prairies since 1700, tending their animals or catching cattle all day long. (Photo: Jimmy Nelson).
17. Ladakhi. Because of the harsh mountain conditions, they form groups of several unrelated families to help each other and survive together. (Photo: Jimmy Nelson).
18. Kalam tribe from Papua New Guinea. Their home - Simbai in the center of the Madang highlands - is an untouched territory of civilization. wildlife. Nose piercing is an initiation ritual for boys. (Photo: Jimmy Nelson).
19. Yali from Indonesia live in virgin forests in mountainous areas. Traditional for them is the decoration of penises, which serves to distinguish between tribes. (Photo: Jimmy Nelson).
20. Man from African tribe Maasai are proud warriors who live on the border of Kenya and Tanzania. They arrived in these lands from Sudan in the 15th century, attacking the tribes they met on their way and stealing cows. To be born a Masai is to be born a warrior. (Photo: Jimmy Nelson). 24. The author of the project - photographer Jimmy Nelson - while working with the Huli tribe in Papua New Guinea. His wonderful photos and descriptions can be found on the site -
25. “I wanted to see the traditions of the tribes, formed over the centuries, to join their rituals and understand how the rest of the world threatens them with irreversible changes in their way of life. And most importantly, I wanted to create a beautiful work that will stand the test of time and that will be an ethnographic record of their rapidly disappearing world,” wrote project author Jimmy Nelson.

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