Amazing tribes of Africa. Life of wild African tribes

Himba has almost no water at all: every drop that can be obtained will be carefully preserved and drunk. To also wash with water - this is impossible to imagine here.

Himba have survived since time immemorial by a magical ointment to which they owe their now famous red skin tone: a mixture of butter churned from the milk of their skinny cows, various vegetable elixirs, and also crushed into the finest powder of bright red volcanic pumice "okra". With this composition, Himba women smear the whole body and hair several times a day.

The ointment helps maintain the required level of hygiene, protects against sunburn and insect bites.

Surprisingly, the skin of Himba women is absolutely perfect. And they smell quite nice - except that it gives a little melted butter ...

The same supercream serves as the basis for a traditional hairstyle. Long "dreadlocks", however, are approximately doubled in length with someone else's hair: usually male, most often reverently received from the father of the family.

By the way, every inhabitant of the Himba village has, in addition to the one received at birth, also a "European" name.

His children get it when they study in mobile free schools organized by the state: almost everyone goes to study, so almost everyone can count, can write their name, say a few English words and phrases (first of all, English numbers will come in handy - especially when it comes time to bargain).

After the first two or three classes, very few continue to study. Sending a child to the city, to a "big" school, can only afford rich family: teaching, housing, clothing, food in the city cost an average of seven cows a year. But sometimes it happens.

From there, from the city, comes the most terrible misfortune of Himba: AIDS. In Namibia, almost 20 percent of the population is infected with AIDS, and the Himba are purely philosophical about the danger of getting infected: God gave, God took.

Of course, they are not talking about any kind of prevention. But if you're lucky, and you won't get infected with AIDS in childhood or youth, the himba live for quite a long time: often longer than 70 years, and sometimes they live up to 100. However, old people are not visible in the village: either on distant pastures, with cattle, or in huts where tourists are not allowed.

The ideal starting point for a trip to the Himba settlements is the town of Opuwo. Already here, by the way, you can meet representatives of the himba. Don't be surprised if you see one of these gorgeous ladies in the supermarket.

It is better to go directly to the Himba village with a local guide. He will be able to negotiate with the leader of the tribe about visiting the “kraal” (traditional Himba dwelling) and he will talk about the life and culture of the Himba.

Wild tribes of Africa. Himba tribe. Namibia. Angola. Real Africa. Cannibals do not live here) In this series, I and Igor Ryazantsev (he is here -, left Angola and headed to Namibia. Where in the very north, near the border, live the wild Himba tribes. This is a fairly well-known nation, and many travel companies make excursions to them, but we didn’t want to go to special villages where trained himba dance in front of dear guests, and then take off their traditional outfit and expect money from you. Our task was to find a real settlement of the Himba, who live like primitive people and look at their real life and the life of ordinary people. For a long time we traveled along the roads of Africa, crossing rivers and streams. Until they finally found a real wild tribe that lives the same way as hundreds of years ago, without any benefits of civilization (although Himba men earn extra money in cities if possible, and therefore wear modern clothes). But the African Himba girls were in their traditional dress and did not expect to meet us at all! By the way, Himba also live in Angola, because. this is one of the nomadic tribes of Africa, but the "beautiful" African roads and undeveloped tourism in Angola do not allow people to visit them as calmly as in Namibia. Although they are even wilder there, they wear the same traditional outfit, they are just less accessible, oh, these African roads and this extreme)) We really wanted to find and show the real Himba tribe, and not dances of disguised people for tourists. This is the real Africa, the real life of a wild tribe, real story from people's lives. See what we got! Primitive people, extreme sports, wild tribes of Africa, And yes, I almost forgot, many will probably write that we will play out and they will eat us there, I remind you that cannibals do not live here - this is more to Asia or Oceania you need to go) And also subscribe to my channel -

How much mysterious and unknown hides the mysterious Africa!

Her richest fabulous nature, amazing animal world and to this day are of great interest to scientists and excite the inquisitive minds of travelers. Inexplicable admiration, along with animal fear, is caused by the customs and customs of the local aborigines belonging to the most diverse tribes inhabiting the black continent everywhere. Africa itself is quite contrasting, and behind the facade of the civilized world often hides the unprecedented savagery of the primitive communal system.

Wild Africa. cannibal tribes

One of the most mystical secrets of tropical Africa, of course, is cannibalism.

Cannibalism, that is, the eating of people of their own kind, in many African tribes, constantly at war with each other, was originally based on the belief in the miraculous effect of human blood and flesh on such qualities of warriors as courage, masculinity, heroism and courage. Some tribes of cannibals widely used various drugs made from a burnt and powdered human heart. It was believed that such a black ointment based on the resulting ash and human fat was able to strengthen the body and raise the spirit of a warrior before the battle, as well as protect against enemy spells. The true scale of all kinds of ritual murders is unknown, all rituals, as a rule, were performed in deep secrecy.

Wild tribes. Cannibals reluctantly

Cannibalism was in no way connected with the level of development of a particular tribe of aborigines or with its moral principles. It was just that it was very widespread throughout the continent, there was an acute shortage of food, and besides, it was much easier to kill a person than to shoot on a hunt. wild beast. Although there were tribes that specialized, for example, in cattle breeding, which had enough animal meat, and they did not engage in cannibalism. At the beginning of the 20th century, on the territory of modern Zaire, there were huge slave markets where slaves were sold or exchanged for ivory exclusively for food. On them one could see slaves of different sex and age, it could even be women with babies in their arms, although men were in great demand for food, since women could be useful in the household.

Cruelty of morals

Cannibal tribes openly declared that they liked it because of its juiciness, fingers and toes, as well as female breasts, were considered a delicacy.

A special ritual was associated with eating the head. The flesh torn from the head was received only by the most noble of the elders. The skull was carefully kept in special pots, in front of which sacrificial rites were subsequently performed and prayers were read. Perhaps the most inhuman among the natives was the rite of tearing off pieces of human flesh from a still living victim, and some Nigerian tribes of cannibals, distinguished by their special, ferocious cruelty, with the help of a gourd used as an enema, were poured into the throat or into anus captive boiling palm oil. According to these cannibals, cadaveric meat that had lain for some time and was completely soaked with oil was much juicier and more tender in taste. IN old times the flesh of strangers was mainly eaten, first of all they were captives. At the same time, fellow tribesmen often become victims.

Tribes of cannibals. Creepy hospitality

Interestingly, according to the cannibal customs of hospitality, refusal to taste the delicacy offered to guests was perceived as a mortal insult and insult.

Therefore, no doubt, in order not to be eaten and to move freely across the continent from tribe to tribe, as well as as a sign of friendship and respect, African travelers must have tasted this food.

Africa is the "dark continent", which is considered to be the most mysterious and enigmatic all over the world. Its extraordinary nature simply attracts researchers and tourists from different parts of our vast planet with its natural and animal diversity. Especially both of them are attracted by the wild tribes of Africa. As a rule, enthusiastic interest is caused by their unconventional customs and way of life. What does Africa hide beyond civilization? We will talk about this in our article.


Mursi can be confidently included in the list of "The Wildest Tribes of Africa", because their way of life defies any logic. They are not able to control themselves and can often beat their fellow tribesmen to death, wanting to prove their strength and steadfastness. As a rule, such rash acts are explained by the frequent use of alcohol.

An unconventional way of life

The Mursi are absolutely unfriendly. They meet tourists only with weapons or with fighting sticks, trying to demonstrate their supremacy in their territory.

In particular, women differ in their morals. They look, frankly, unattractive. The backs are stooped, the bellies and chest are sagging, there is practically no hair. That is why unusual headdresses often flaunt on their heads in the form of material from dry branches, dead insects, animal skin, or even carrion.

The visiting card of the tribe is a huge lower lip, in which a clay plate with a diameter of 15-30 cm is placed. Almost all wild African tribes adhere to this custom. Women, while still very small, insert wooden sticks there in order to gradually increase the diameter. And on the wedding day, a plate is placed in the lower lip. The larger the diameter of the lip, the larger the ransom will be given for the bride.

Jewelry for women of the Mursi tribe is even more inexplicable. They are made from ... human phalanges of fingers. This "jewelry" has an unbearable smell, because it is smeared with human melted fat every day. The fingers of delinquent men from the tribe serve as a source for jewelry. They are chopped off immediately after the misconduct by order of the priestess.

Men, on the other hand, gain their reputation through scarification. As soon as he kills an enemy, a scar is applied to his body.

Women do it for pleasure. Sometimes, at their own request, they cut the skin with a knife blade and pour juices over the wound. poisonous plants, or are allowed to cut insects. After that, the skin becomes infected and covered with pimples. This is how beautiful “ornaments” appear on the hand of women.

Few people know that many wild African tribes are cannibals. Mursi belong to this category. They eat their dead tribesmen by boiling them in a cauldron. The remaining bones are used by the tribe for jewelry.

Even more inexplicable is the belief of the Mursi. Animism is the name of their religion. In short, in the tribe there is a priestess of love who distributes poisons and drugs to women. Beautiful representatives of the tribe should give them to their husbands every day. Many die after taking such a remedy. In this case, a white cross is drawn on the widow's plate. This means honor and respect for the woman who completed the main mission of the god of death Yamda.

For her, this means eternal respect and an honorable burial. That is, a woman will not be eaten after death, but buried in the hollow of a ritual tree. As you can see, the Mursi woman is in a more favorable position. However, at least something connects these people with a civilized society.


The Masai predominantly dominate the Kenyan and Tanzanian regions of Africa. They number more than 800,000 people.

This tribe classifies itself as one of the most powerful wild tribes in Africa. Masai do not take into account other people's opinions, they do not care about customs or state borders. They move freely around the country in search of a better life.

Traditions and customs

As a rule, the Maasai feed on livestock, more precisely on the milk and blood of animals. They are sure that the god Engai gave them all the animals of the world. That is why stealing from other tribes is a habitual occupation for them.

The Maasai pierce the arteries of animals and drink their blood. Then the resulting hole is closed with manure, so that after a while it will be used again.

The Masai are the wild tribes of Africa, whose reproduction is quite common. As a rule, many children are born in the families of this tribe. Women take care of everything, including housekeeping, children, livestock and even building huts. The men of this tribe are allowed to have as many wives as they wish.

Strong representatives of the Maasai are busy guarding their territory and repel unwanted guests. In their free time, they talk and wander the savannah.

The beauty and power of the men of this tribe depends on the size of the earlobe, into which they insert heavy jewelry made of beads and beads. Some lobes hang down to the shoulder.

To date, representatives of the Masai tribe are evicted from their lands, shot or imprisoned. The authorities forbid them to live there, considering these territories reserved.

Now, left without a livelihood, many wild African tribes, including the Masai, have become poachers. At the same time, elephants and rhinos are destroyed without exception, because the tusks and horns of these animals are highly valued on the black market.

There are very few real Maasai who are in harmony with nature and animals. Many are hired to guard expensive hotels.


Hamer knowingly takes a place in the list of "The wildest tribes of Africa." They stopped in development for quite a long time. Representatives of this nationality do not know either feelings, or love, or affection. Men have contact with their woman only to conceive another child.

Tribal lifestyle

Hamers sleep not in their huts, but in specially dug pits resembling graves. They “cover themselves” with a layer of earth in order to experience a mild form of asphyxia. It is from this that they experience great pleasure.

The rite of initiation into men is also considered unusual among the Hamers. To do this, all young people must run on the backs of 4 animals. They must be naked. The wild tribes of Africa are distinguished by this - almost all of their rituals and ceremonies must be performed without any attire.

A benyar (leather-metal collar with a handle) is put on the neck of a newly-made wife. He is needed in order to take her daily to a bloody flogging with a cane rod.

From this rite, both newlyweds experience tremendous pleasure.

Due to the fact that husbands rarely contact their wives, the Hamers have developed sexual relations between women.

To date, hamers are considered the most unsociable and undeveloped.


This tribe is known to everyone as the owners of the largest genitals. In men who have reached puberty, the scrotum grows up to 80 cm. This is due to the unusual lifestyle and beliefs of these people. They are convinced that by eating the menstrual secretions of cows, they will cope with scurvy, leukemia and rickets.

From a scientific point of view, regular licking of cow genitals causes hormonal changes in the human body, which make the scrotum of bubals huge. Oddly enough, this does not prevent men from copulating, but it makes it very difficult to move around and dance.

Every nation has its own inexplicable customs. The wild tribes of the Amazon and Africa, Australia and Asia are not important, the main thing is that they all have one thing in common - a complete rejection of civilization.

The exact number of African peoples is unknown, and ranges from five hundred to seven thousand. This is due to the fuzziness of the separation criteria, under which the inhabitants of two neighboring villages can identify themselves as different nationalities, without having any special differences. Scientists tend to figure 1-2 thousand to determine ethnic communities.

The main part of the peoples of Africa includes groups consisting of several thousand, and sometimes hundreds of people, but at the same time - does not exceed 10% of total strength population of this continent. As a rule, such small ethnic groups are the wildest tribes. It is to this group that, for example, the Mursi tribe belongs.

Tribal Journeys Ep 05 The Mursi:

Living in southwestern Ethiopia, on the border with Kenya and Sudan, settled in the Mago Park, the Mursi tribe is distinguished by unusually tough customs. They, by right, can be nominated for the title: the most aggressive ethnic group.

They are prone to frequent alcohol consumption and uncontrolled use of weapons (everyone constantly carries Kalashnikov assault rifles, or combat sticks). In fights, they can often beat each other almost to death, trying to prove their dominance in the tribe.

Scientists attribute this tribe to a mutated Negroid race, with distinctive features in the form of short stature, wide bones and crooked legs, low and strongly compressed foreheads, flattened noses and pumped up short necks.

The more public, civilized Mursi do not always show all these characteristic attributes, but the exotic look of their lower lip is business card tribe.

The lower lip is cut in childhood, pieces of wood are inserted there, gradually increasing their diameter, and on the wedding day a “plate” of baked clay is inserted into it - debi, (up to 30 centimeters !!). If a Mursi girl does not make such a hole in her lip, then a very small ransom will be given for her.

When the plate is pulled out, the lip droops like a long round cord. Almost all Mursi have no front teeth, the tongue is cracked to the point of blood.

The second strange and frightening adornment of Mursi women is the monista, which are recruited from human finger phalanges (nek). One person has only 28 of these bones in their hands. Each necklace costs its victims five or six tassels, some lovers of “jewelry” monist wrap their necks in several rows, shining greasy and emitting a sweetish rotting smell of melted human fat, which every bone is rubbed daily. The source for the beads never runs out: the priestess of the tribe is ready to deprive the hands of a man who has violated the laws for almost every offense.

It is customary for this tribe to do scarification (scarring). Men can afford to be scarred only after the first murder of one of their enemies or ill-wishers.

Their religion, animism, deserves a longer and more shocking story.
In short: women are Death Priestesses, so they daily give their husbands drugs and poisons. Antidotes are distributed by the High Priestess, but sometimes salvation does not come to everyone. In such cases, a white cross is drawn on the widow's plate, and she becomes a very respected member of the tribe, who is not eaten after death, but buried in the trunks of special ritual trees. Honor is given to such priestesses due to the fulfillment of the main mission - the will of the God of Death Yamda, which they were able to fulfill by destroying physical body, and freeing the highest spiritual Essence from his man.

The rest of the dead are waiting for the collective eating of the whole tribe. soft tissues boiled in a cauldron, the bones are used for amulets and thrown on swamps to indicate dangerous places.

What seems very wild for a European, for Mursi is commonplace and tradition.

Film: Shocking Africa. 18++ The exact name of the film is Naked Magic / Magia Nuda (Mondo Magic) 1975.

Movie: In Search of Tribes of Hunters E02 Hunting in the Kalahari. San tribe.
