Condolences for death in English. Expressions of sympathy and condolences in English

Very often, when it is simply vital to provide moral support to other people, to express your sympathy or condolences on this or that occasion, to say the right words, for some reason these very words do not come to mind. And if it needs to be said in English, then there is no way to do it without preliminary preparation and cramming. Most people who need support or sympathy want to know that their loved ones care about them and are thinking about them.

Sympathy - sympathy

First, let's learn a few words and expressions:

  • sympathy [‘sɪmpəθɪ]- sympathy, sympathy, compassion
  • a man of wide sympathies - a sympathetic person
    - Bill is a man of wide sympathies and you can always rely on his support - Bill is a sympathetic man and you can always rely on his support.
  • you have my sympathies/ my sympathies are with you – I sympathize with you, I’m on your side
  • to sympathize [‘sɪmpəθaɪz] with smb. - to sympathize with smb. or feel sorry for smb.
    — I sympathize with poor girl - I feel sorry for the poor girl
  • to sympathize with smb. in his /her/ feelings - to share someone's feelings. feelings
    - I sympathize with you in your fear - I share your fear.
  • to feel sorry for smb - to sympathize with someone
    - I feel sorry for him - I sympathize with him
  • I’m so sorry - I’m so sorry
    - I’m so sorry you have lost your job - I’m so sorry that you lost your job

Reassurance - words of support and consolation

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In addition to the expressions " I'm so sorry" And " I sympathize with you“There are many more stock phrases that will help you not just silently nod in response to complaints from loved ones, but look like a responsive and warm person. What is the best way to respond when someone shares their problems with you, the way native speakers would? If the problem is truly serious, you can exclaim “ Oh my God!» ( My God! ), or " That's horrible/ awful!» ( just awful! ). If the problem is ordinary, you can limit yourself to the phrase “ That's a pity» ( what a pity ). As your interlocutor pours out his soul, insert from time to time phrases such as “ That must have been awful!» ( I can imagine how terrible it was! ), « How well I understand you!» ( I understand you so well! ), « You must be feeling terrible!» ( You must be in a terrible state! ).

Don’t forget to also give moral support to your friend - “ I believe everyone will be well" (I'm sure everything will work out ), and also console him with these words - “ Calm yourself! / Don't worry! /Cool it! / Simmer down! /Keep calm! / Calm down!"(these are variations of " calm down! "). You can also say the following words of consolation:

  • Don't be nervous! – don’t be nervous!
  • Don't take it to heart. - Do not take to heart
  • Crying won't help. - tears won't help here
  • Take it easy. - never mind
  • Pull yourself together. - get yourself together
  • Don't get excited! - Don't worry
  • Don’t lose control – keep yourself in control
  • Pay no attention - don’t pay attention

It is best to express sympathy with such simple gestures as a handshake ( holding a hand), hug ( giving a hug), you can cry together ( share tears), send a postcard ( send a card), become a voluntary listener ( provide a listening ear) or let yourself cry into your vest ( provide a shoulder to cry on).
When showing sympathy, the main thing is not to overdo it or overact, otherwise your reaction will look theatrical and insincere.

Condolences - condolences

Words of condolences are always difficult to pronounce; choose the phrase that is close to you:

  • I am so sorry for your loss - I’m sorry for your loss
  • Could I help you... - If I can help...
  • Accept my most sincere condolences. — I offer my sincere condolences.
  • Please accept my sympathy - I condole with all my heart
  • Please accept my condolences - My condolences.
  • We grieve with you - we mourn with you
  • I feel deeply for your sorrow / I share your grief/sorrow. - I share your sadness.
  • I understand your grief - I understand your grief.
  • What a painful loss! - What a loss befell you!

We wish you to say as often as possible

What does friendship mean to each of us? I think every person puts a deep meaning into this word. Time passes, everything in life changes, but our best friends always remain an integral part of our lives. They understand us in everything, know when it is better to remain silent and know how to choose the right words at the right moment. They say the best friend is the one you can sit with on the porch without saying a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had in your life. ( The best kind of friend is the one you could sit on a porch with, never saying a word, and walk away feeling like that was the best conversation you"ve had). Really best friends the best friends) are able to understand us perfectly ( to take the hint), but what if it is with words that you can support your best friend in difficult times more than ever ( to stand by one's best friend) and help him cope with the situation? Finding the right words sometimes becomes difficult, and even more so if your friend does not speak Russian at all, and you need to express your feelings in English language. In our article we will tell you how to support a friend in English, and what expressions exist in English to encourage ( encourage), console > ( console) or express sympathy to your best friend ( sympathize with the best friend).

Some Helpful Encouraging Phrases
Good Fine
Good for you! So much the better for you!
There is a good boy (girl)! What a clever girl!
Come, come
Tut, tut
Well, well
Now, now
There, there
Oh well
Calm down
Completeness, completeness
Here... Come on...
Go your own way Keep up the good work
Cheer up!
Never say die!
Cheer up!
Keep up your spirits!
Keep your chin up!
Make the best of it!
Do not lose hope!
Pluck up your courage Pull yourself together
Pull yourself together Get a hold of yourself
Brace yourself! Get your act together!
There's no harm done Nothing bad happened
I hope you will get on all right I hope everything goes well for you

Best friends are able to experience joy and sadness with us; they always understand us and accept us for who we are. We are used to our friends playing a big role in our lives, and sometimes we don’t notice that we also influence their lives. Friends are needed not only to share happy moments and rejoice together, but also to sympathize, empathize and support each other in difficult times. “With a word you can kill, but you can also resurrect” - says folk wisdom Therefore, when sympathizing or consoling, it is very important to choose the right words.

Some Helpful Phrases for Comfort and Sympathy
Things will come right
It will all come round
It will blow over
Everything will be alright
Poor thing! Poor thing!
Alas! Alas!
Oh, it’s (that’s) too bad!
How awful!
How dreadful!
How terrible!
What a shame!
What a drink!
What a pity!
I'm so sorry! (about)… What a shame! (What)…
I sympathize with you
I am feeling for you
I really sympathize with you
I wish I could do something for you I would like to do something for you
Could I help you in any way? Can I help you with anything?
Take it easy Look at things more simply
Don’t take it so much (close) to heart Don't take everything so personally
Don't worry Don't worry
Now, steady on Calmer, calmer
There is no getting away from it There's no getting away from this
It can't be helped It's nothing you can do
It might have been worse It could be worse
Hard (bad) luck! You were unlucky!
Better luck next time! Better luck next time!
Let's hope for the best Let us hope for the best
Things do happen Anything can happen
You'll get over it You will survive this
Never mind! Nothing! Don't pay attention!
Don’t let that distress (upset) you Don't let it upset you (upset you)
Don't let that worry you Don't let it bother you
Calm down Calm down
Everything will be just fine Everything will be fine
I'll lend you a hand I will help you

The English philosopher and jurist Francis Bacon once said: “True friendship multiplies joy by two and divides sorrow in half” ( True friendship multiplies the good in life and divides its evils). I hope that with the help of the above-mentioned expressions, you can easily enjoy and share sorrows with your friends in English.

In order to be polite and show your involvement in other people's lives, modern world there is still a tradition of writing letters. Some of them can be joyful, such as congratulations. However, there are also those for which the reason is sad. One of such documents is a letter of condolence in English. It is sent in one case - due to the death of a friend. It is considered good manners to express such sad emotions. This is how the author of the letter talks about his experiences and supports someone who has experienced a feeling of loss. In order to understand how to express condolences in English and what words and phrases are best to choose for this, you need to familiarize yourself with the tips and recommendations described below.

General characteristics of a letter of condolence

Condolences for a death in English are often sent in the format of a special letter, or the letter of condolence. In English, the translation of the word "condolence" is condolence. A synonym can be “sympathy,” and a variant of the name “the letter of sympathy” is also found.

For any sample condolence letter, it is customary to use neutral language, without any colorful phrases or artistic devices. The reader is unlikely to appreciate the author’s literary talent, since the purpose of such a document is to share the bitterness of loss.

When writing an appropriate paper on the occasion of mourning the death of a person, it is worth following some template structures in order to be as concise as possible and at the same time show the reader your sincere interest and sympathy. So, you should not delve into the roots of acquaintance with the deceased. One can only mention how dear he or she was to everyone. It can also be expressed why the loss of such a person is a personal tragedy for the author of the letter. The recipient is always ready to accept support as long as it does not cross ethical boundaries and is genuine.

Useful phrases when writing the letter of condolence

When translating the text of a letter into English, you can use the following expressions to help offer condolences:

· I’m very sorry to share with you the bitterness of loss... I am very sorry to share with you the bitterness of loss...

· I offer you my sincere condolences and wish you the strength of spirit… I offer you my sincere condolences and wish you strength of spirit...

· It is sad to realize that … has passed away … It's sad to know that... he passed away...

· It’s bitter for me to think that … has left this world … It saddens me to think that... I left this world...

· Accept my condolences and try to persevere in this grief… Please accept my condolences and try to endure this grief...

Below is an example of such a letter that helps express my condolences in English.

My dear, There is little one can say at e time like this. But I"d like you to know now that I am thinking of you and that you always have my heartfelt sympathy. Sincerely, Jack ___________________________________________________ Dear Maggie! I just learned about the death of your mother and I want to tell you how much I am saddened. Yours Mom was a smart and good person, and many people, like me, will feel that the world is a poorer place without her. I have no words to ease your pain. I am only sure that she would not want you to feel so sad . Please accept my deepest condolences. Sincerely yours Deer Meggie, I have just heard of your mother's death and want to tell you how very sorry I am. Your mother was such an intelligent and good person and many people will feel as I do, that the world is a poorer place without her. There is nothing I can say to lessen your unhappiness except that I am sure she would not want you to grieve. You have my heartiest sympathy. Yours very sincerely, ___________________________________________________ Dear Keith! I was very sad to hear that your mother died. Although I haven't seen you for a long time, I still remember her well. I believe that the shock of this feeling of loneliness must be very difficult, but I hope that you have enough strength to come to your senses and work. I have little experience in such things, but it seems to me that those who continue to live must, after a while, come to terms with the naturalness of death. Perhaps we feel most sorry for ourselves and feel abandoned or remember bad things we said that we didn't ask for forgiveness for. Or maybe it teaches us to value our friends more. I'm not sure about this, but I would like to hope that this is so. Write as soon as possible and let me know how you are doing. Take care of yourself. Yours Natasha. Dear Keith, I was very sad to hear that your mother had died. Although I haven't seen you for a long time, I still remember her very well. I suppose the shock of living alone must be quite difficult but I hope you have enough strength to carry on. I don"t have a lot of experience in these matters but it seems that those left behind us must, after a certain amount of time, accept the natural events of death. We probably feel most sorry for ourselves and feel abandoned or remember bed words which we used end didn't apologize for. Perhaps we learn to value better our Mends. I"m not sure but I hope this is so. Write to me soon and let me know how you are doing. Look after yourself. Your Natasha. __________________________________________________ My dear Mrs. Ford! I just heard about your irreparable loss and I hasten to offer you my deepest condolences. At such a moment, it is probably futile to try to express the grief in words - it is too great. But maybe you will be at least a little consoled if you know that there are friends nearby who share your grief. Believe me, we all grieve with you. In the end, the world we live in is cruel, and now that it’s all over, we are left with some faint, but still, consolation in the thought that your husband is no longer experiencing any pain or anxiety. Please forgive me this letter, it does not express my sympathy deeply enough. My feelings are much deeper than I can write about them. With sincere sympathy Devoted to you My dear Mrs. Ford, I have just heard of your terrible loss and hasten to offer you my deepest sympathies. At such e time it seems vain to try and express one's feelings of intense regrets, they are too overwhelming. But you may derive some of comfort in knowing that there are friends near you who can share your sorrows. Believe me, all of we are deeply saddened. After all, it does seem that the world is a heartless place, and, now that It is ell over, there should be some small ray of comfort in knowing that your husband is free from pain end trouble. Please forgive this letter, it inadequately expresses my sorrow. I mean far more than I am able to write. With sincere thoughts. Yours affectionately, ___________________________________________________ Dear Mr. Haley: We are deeply saddened to hear of the death of your father. He was a good man, a fine citizen. , a faithful friend and sensitive comrade. We all knew him well and loved him like a brother. Our family mourns with you. Sincerely yours Dear Mr. Hailey, We are deeply grieved at the news of your father's death. He was one of the best men, a fine citizen, a loyal friend, and a hearty companion. We knew him well and loved him like a brother. Our family mourns with you. Yours sincerely, ___________________________________________________ Dear Mr. Ramsay! My colleagues and I are deeply saddened by the news of Mr. Roger's death, and we all send you our deepest condolences. Sincerely yours Dear Mr. Ramsey, All my colleagues and myself are deeply grieved to learn of the death of Mr. Roger and we all send you our deepest sympathies. Yours sincerely, ___________________________________________________ Dear Mr. Kirk! It is with deep regret that I learned of the death of your colleague Mr. Pass and would like to express my deepest condolences for this loss. I have always appreciated Mr. Pass's integrity and the high standards that guided his business. I hope that in your grief you will find some comfort in the thought that all who were professionally associated with Mr. Pass will long retain a good memory of him. Sincerely yours Dear Mr. Kirk, It was with great regret that I heard of the death of your colleague Mr. Pass, and I would like to offer you my deepest sympathies in your loss. I have always admired Mr. Pass "s integrity and high standards of business conduct. I hope it will be some consolation in your bereavement to know that those of us who had professional contact with Mr. Pass will long cherish his memory. Sincerely yours, ___________________________________________________ Dear Lawrence! Our manager just informed me of the death of your brother. Words cannot express my sincere sympathy at this very difficult time for you. I worked side by side with Mark in the same institution. Therefore, I consider that I have lost a very good friend and a workmate. Please let me know if you need my help. Sincerely, Dear Lawrence, I was just informed by our office manager of your brother's death. It is impossible to adequately express my sincere sympathy at this most difficult time. I had worked very closely with Mark in the office. Therefore, I feel that I have lost a very good friend as well as a fellow coworker. Please let me know if I can be of any help to you. Sincerely yours,



    deep) sympathy/sincere (not profound



    @I sincerely sympathize with you

    You have my deepest sympathy

    @Allow me to express my sincere condolences to you

    I should like to convey/express my deepest sympathy

    @I'm sorry


    Expressing condolences requires special efforts and vigilance from the translator, since confusing the name or position of the deceased is a mistake that cannot be forgiven.


    The Ukrainian delegation expresses deep condolences to the government and people of Mexico in connection with the natural disaster, a strong earthquake, which resulted in numerous casualties and great destruction.

    The delegation of Ukraine expresses its deepest (not deep) sympathy/sincere (not profound) condolences to the government and people of Mexico on/in connection with the natural disaster, the major/violent earthquake which has resulted in/caused great loss of life/numerous casualties and destruction of property/considerable damage.

    Before moving on to the agenda for this morning's meeting, allow me, on behalf of all members of the committee, to express our sincerest condolences to the government and to the people of X due to the tragic loss of life and serious damage to property resulting from recent natural disasters that have struck this country.

    Before taking up the items on our agenda for this morning, may I, on behalf of all the members of the committee, extend our deepest sympathy to the Government and people of X on the tragic loss of life and extensive material damage caused by the recent natural disasters which have struck this country. May I also express the hope that the international community will show its solidarity and respond promptly and generously to any requests for help.

    We have suffered a severe/irreparable loss.

    We have suffered a terrible/tragic/irrevocable loss.

    I must fulfill the sad duty of informing our Assembly of the untimely death of the Head of State of Republic X, His Excellency N.N. The news of the death of N.N., who always stood for the cause of peace and mutual understanding - that is, for the cause of our organization - caused me a feeling of deep sorrow. On our behalf, I ask the representative of X"a to convey our condolences to the government and people of X"a and the family of the deceased. I ask the members of our Assembly to stand and honor the memory of N.N. a minute of silence.

    It is my sad duty to inform our Assembly of the untimely death of the Head of State of the Republic of X, His Excellency N.N. It is with deep sorrow that I have learned of the death of N.N., who always stood for the cause of peace and understanding and for self-determination and development, that is, for the cause of our organization. On behalf of all of us I request the representative of X to convey our condolences to the government and people of X and to the bereaved family. I now invite members of this Assembly to stand/ rise and observe a minute of silence in tribute to the memory of N.N.


    Response to condolences and expressions of sympathy:

    Our delegation is sincerely grateful to all representatives who expressed their sympathy during the Commission session.

    Our delegation is sincerely/deeply/ most grateful/expresses its profound appreciation to all those representatives/speakers who have expressed/voiced/conveyed their sympathy during this session of the Commission.

    3 condolences

See also in other dictionaries:

    place for condolences- noun, number of synonyms: 1 Taziyat (3) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

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