Why does the Russian government destroy its people? Why the Russian government doesn’t love its citizens so much – myths and truth

Putin does not know his country. But more than that, he doesn’t love her. Maybe he even hates her. Some might say the opposite. I can't. I did not have a chance to notice anything in Putin’s words and actions that would connect him with Russia. And the hatred of the Russian people, filtered through teeth several times, is obvious. How can you love Russia and hate Russians? No way.
Also in Soviet times in the system of power, a layer of managers was formed who could only address the people “give!” Why, why, why on earth did people have to break things? Nobody believed in communism anymore, and they demanded such anguish from the people, as if the question was a matter of life and death. They tortured for the sake of fame and positions. He who teaches with lashing is more suitable for the authorities.
Putin emerged from this environment. Learned from Sobchak. The people are nothing. He is only a tool for the official. A bunch of fools who need to be taught either with a whip and pain, or with arrogant cheating, deceiving gullible simplicity. This is the logic of a criminal. It is no coincidence that the country is flooded with prison vocabulary, and television serves up “chanson”. All this comes from there - from the government, which does not think of any other relationship to the people than the relationship of a robber to a robbed.
Asking the question “Who is Putin?” we are looking for an answer to the question “What is the current government?” And we get disappointing answers.
To understand who we got as the leader of the country, it is worth paying attention to a fragment of the dying conversation of Badri Patarkatsishvili, an entrepreneur who came from a gangster environment and used the services of Putin when he was still an official of insignificant scale. The authenticity of the transcript of this conversation is given by the fact that it took place on the eve of Badri’s murder, and Putin’s biography was touched upon only in passing and made up a small part of the text.
That's what was said.

I want to tell you an episode from my life. Maybe you haven’t heard, but I brought Putin into politics! How did you bring it? He was in St. Petersburg, worked as Sobchak’s deputy, and protected my St. Petersburg businesses. He wore one dirty greenish suit. I walked through life in it. When Yakovlev won the elections against Sobchak there, Yakovlev invited him to stay, but Putin acted like a man and did not stay - he left the mayor’s office along with Sobchak. He called me twice a day and begged: Badri, transfer me to Moscow, I don’t want to stay here. I went to Borodin - Pal Palych, who was then the head of Yeltsin’s household. He's a good guy - my friend. I came to him and told him about Putin, that he was a smart guy and maybe transfer him to the financial control department? “Do you want me to transfer him as my deputy?” - he said.
I called Putin, he arrived the same day, then became director of the FSB, then prime minister. Do you know there is an Old Square in Moscow?
There we had a LogoVAZ club. Putin came to me for lunch every day. We had a restaurant there, a bar... Something else. We had a normal relationship, and in the end Berezovsky drew attention to him. He decided to appoint him head of the FSB. So off we go... Then the question of who would be prime minister was decided. We knew that the prime minister was the future president, and he was our candidacy. So we are his...
Our conflict began with Kursk. Do you remember when the submarine sank? There were a hundred kids there, 18–20 years old. The Norwegians had the opportunity to pull them out and save them, but the Russians did not allow them, they say, we have military secrets there.
In general, Berezovsky called Putin 18 times a day and gave him advice. The famous phrase “Water in the toilet” - Berezovsky suggested it to him, the performance was - that’s how he won the elections...
So, when the Kursk sank, we searched for it for two days, 48 ​​hours, but could not find it. If they had found them, those kids would have been saved. What the hell military secrets are worth drowning a hundred guys in the 21st century? But we couldn’t convince these degenerate generals then, and Putin, it turns out, was walking on a yacht at that time<…>* in the sea near Sochi!
After this story, Berezovsky began to hit him, and off we went... Then Putin called me and said: “Badri, are we brothers? Choose - either me or Borya, because our paths have diverged. I can't stand this anymore. I am no longer Volodya, I am the president of Russia - such a great power. Let him go, I will not arrest him, but you know: if you leave with him, I will be forced to fight with both of you, I will not have the opportunity to fight with Berezovsky, but not with you. I will respect your decision, this or that.”
I answered him: you know me - I’m leaving with Borya. And that’s it - we hugged like brothers, kissed and parted.
After that, my family lived in Russia for seven years, 18 criminal cases were opened against me, and no one laid a finger on them - no one called them in for questioning. My children were fully registered with ORT so that visas would be easy to obtain. When my granddaughter was born in Switzerland, I needed a passport, otherwise they would not have been delivered to London, I called the Kremlin. They were even surprised: why are you calling here right now? Well, I tell them: maybe you can give an order so that a passport is issued in Switzerland? Am I your agent, or what? Why can't I call? Do it like a man. In 15 minutes they made a passport and gave it to me. If Vano calls me and asks me for something, or Misha calls me and asks me, we have a problem, right? But I will do everything! I have my own ideas about life. I am such a kind uncle in Georgia. In Russia I have a slightly different background. They know me differently there. Let them ask there. There they know me as a man.
Putin quarreled with Yeltsin at some point and wanted... He sent people to Berezovsky and promised to drop some charges in exchange for him opening Yeltsin's foreign currency accounts. Well, he had some problems with Yeltsin then. Berezovsky was ready to talk about it: “Come, let’s talk about this topic.” But they looked, and it turned out that he had nothing. “Only Badri can have this,” he said. But they replied: “It’s pointless to address him like that, Badri won’t tell us.” “That’s right, he won’t tell you.” Not because Yeltsin is my friend, but he trusted me with this - and I am a man. I wouldn’t change it for anything - not for money, not for anything, it was and will be buried with me. Yeltsin died - that’s it, no one will know. As if I didn't even know. Because Yeltsin did nothing bad to me. Only good. I can't forget him. Yesterday you respected, but today you don’t? It doesn't happen that way. If we agree on something, then that's it, we shake hands and it's done.

From these notes we see that in the environment that raised Putin, thieves’ “morality” was accepted. There was not even a shadow of concern for the state and people. Only the thieves' word and mutual interests. And when remembering the “word” for some reason became unprofitable, the partner turned first into a refugee, and then into a corpse.
The appointment of Putin as successor was carried out solely for the purpose of a transfer of power that would preserve the integrity of the Family and the integrity of the oligarchic regime of government. Both conditions are met. Purging the oligarchy of fronders did not at all mean that the oligarchy was being abolished. On the contrary, it has intensified during Putin's reign.
We need to somehow complete the political portrait of Putin, painted in dozens of monographs that I did not pick up out of a feeling of disgust. And these final touches to the portrait, which will then be completed using archival documents (and, perhaps, from criminal cases) prove that the power of the Kremlin is completely alien to us. She hates us (the people). New “Poles” have settled in the Kremlin. And there is no reason for us to get into their difficult situation, much less support them in any way.
Only cowardly self-censorship prevents analysts from summarizing the terrible consequences of Putin's rule in Russia. Meanwhile, he himself and his government were hostile to the people, society and the state. Not only because Putin has prepared a failure for us, which began in 2008. He himself and his entourage constantly killed all living things in Russia. With the zeal of neophytes of some religious sect.
Let’s try to cast aside doubts and see what Putin and the “party in power” under his leadership did from 2000 to 2008. Even before any crisis. Even before it became clear to most that “the king has no clothes.” Thus, we will understand what kind of power has been placed over us as God’s punishment.

Against the Russian people
1. During the 8 years of Putin’s rule, the number of the Russian people decreased by approximately 8 million people. Annual demographic losses under Putin are approximately equal to demographic losses under Yeltsin. The number of abortions remained at 2 million per year. Level medical care fell sharply, the free state healthcare system was practically destroyed and replaced by paid private medicine, inaccessible to the vast majority of citizens.
2. During Putin’s reign, dozens of individuals with wealth in excess of $1 billion were legalized in Russia. If under Yeltsin there were only 7 billionaires in Russia, then under Putin their number exceeded 100. At the same time, the standard of living of the bulk of the Russian people remained on the verge of physical survival. Enormous proceeds from the sale of energy resources went exclusively into the pockets of the oligarchic group or were placed in foreign banks, where they quickly lost their value. In fact, throughout the entire period of Putin’s rule, the export of energy resources from Russia was carried out without an equivalent exchange of goods that were not necessary for the country. The West actually received oil and gas for free from Putin.
3. Putin opened the borders to flows of non-Russian immigrants, fundamentally changing migration legislation. Numerous communities of foreigners have formed in Russian cities, terrorizing the local Russian population under the patronage of Putin’s henchmen who are in key administrative and law enforcement positions. Any Russian protests were suppressed by lawless arrests and arbitrary court decisions.
4. Putin did nothing to support Russian compatriots abroad (budget spending on supporting compatriots did not exceed those under Yeltsin). Having held the Congress of Russian Compatriots, Putin chose to invite front organizations created by local elites of neighboring countries pursuing anti-Russian policies.
5. Putin actually recognized the independence of Chechnya and the expulsion of 300 thousand Russian people from Chechnya, and also granted amnesty to all bandits who fought against the Russian army. Several bandits were awarded the highest award, “Hero of Russia.” Non-refundable payments to Chechnya from the Russian budget amount to $1 billion annually. Refugees from Chechnya have received virtually no assistance.
6. Putin systematically destroyed Russian culture, giving control of all leading cultural, educational and media institutions mass media foreigners or perverts. The media, under the guise of Putin’s “vertical,” systematically engaged in the destruction of traditional morality, discrediting Russian history, distorting the Russian language and replacing cultural examples of Russian classics with low-quality fakes. Higher education under Putin, almost everywhere it became paid and accessible only to the richest segments of the population. School education has ceased; for many years schools have been turning out millions of ignorant youth who do not have basic knowledge. Cultural institutions across the country eked out a miserable existence.

Against Russian society
1. Putin attacked Russian public and political organizations police repression: the banning of books and the closure of Russian newspapers were introduced. There are about 300 political prisoners in prison, convicted or under investigation for political activities in Russian organizations.
2. Putin crushed the only patriotic party that had representation in parliament - the Rodina party, not allowing it to participate in the 2005-2006 regional elections, and then inspiring an internal coup and the merger of the party with the leftist Party of Life.
3. Puti did not allow a single patriotic organization that would raise the “Russian question” to participate in the 2007 parliamentary elections.
4. Putin constantly attends public meetings of Russian Tatars, Russian Jews, diasporas, but has never taken part in public events of Russian organizations.
5. Putin finally banned teaching at the Fundamentals school Orthodox culture" But he openly maintained the warmest relations with the Hasidic leader Berl Lazar. Under Putin, massive construction of mosques began in indigenous Russian cities.
6. Putin created the Public Chamber under the President Russian Federation, including odious characters who are openly hostile to Russians, and giving them a special status.
7. Putin created a totalitarian Russophobic party Russian officials- “United Russia”. And he topped its list in the 2007 elections, violating the supra-party status of the President of the Russian Federation.

Against Russian statehood
1. Putin has completely undermined the effectiveness of the Russian army. Under his leadership, leading military academies were destroyed. Under him, military know-how in the space industry was stolen, and the Mir station was sunk. Under him, the police force is twice the size of the Russian army. Under him, the naval component of the Russian armed forces was radically reduced. Leading military production and military science were liquidated. Under him, Russian officers who fought against bandits in Chechnya - Budanov, Ulman's group, Arakcheev and Khudyakov - were sentenced to long years in prison.
2. Putin created a “vertical of corruption” - a caste of officials protected by a special status. Top officials combine public service with participation in the boards of directors of the largest fuel enterprises, where they receive sums of money many times greater than their salaries. IN State Duma deputies of the government faction " United Russia» receive large monetary rewards in addition to their salary.
3. Under Putin, there was a complete breakdown of the law enforcement system, which became a form of organized crime. Criminal activities include intelligence services (trade in military secrets and monopolization of foreign economic activity), courts (following the instructions of corrupt officials), police (extortion of money from entrepreneurs, the widespread practice of illegally collecting money from motorists, direct participation in the organization of crimes and their concealment), the prosecutor's office and investigative bodies (evasion from investigation of economic crimes, evasion from initiating criminal cases for slander of Russian public figures, Russian organizations, Russian people).
4. Under Putin public service The most odious figures of the Yeltsin government were retained - Chubais (control over energy), Kiriyenko (control over nuclear energy), Chernomyrdin (control of all economic relations with Ukraine) and others. The middle layer of Yeltsinist government officials has been almost completely preserved. Nepotism and unprofessionalism reigned in Putin's government. The Ministry of Defense was headed by a man who had nothing to do with the army - a professional furniture and oil trader and the son-in-law of the Prime Minister. The Ministry of Health was headed by the former Deputy Minister of Finance, common-law wife Minister of Industry, who understands nothing about medicine. Putin made all appointments solely on the principle of personal loyalty and regardless of professional skills.
5. Putin has preserved enclaves of separatism and the irremovability of ethnic separatists in the leading positions of Chechnya, Tataria, Bashkiria, Chuvashia, Kalmykia and other Russian republics, where everything Russian is suppressed (including Russian entrepreneurship) and the forcible imposition of “titular culture”. In these territories, Russians are discriminated against just as consistently as in a number of former Soviet republics.
6. Putin turned the Russian special services into a particularly privileged layer and directed their activities not towards the fight against treason and crime, but towards control over economic structures in the interests of private individuals - the highest officials. There is reason to believe that with Putin’s knowledge, houses in Moscow were blown up in September 1999 (in order to excite society and ensure victory in the elections for Putin’s Unity party and Putin himself in the presidential elections), hostages were gassed during the storming of a concert hall seized in Moscow on the street Dubrovka (“Nord-Ost”), assistance was denied to the sailors of the Kursk submarine in distress (in order to hide the collision with an English submarine). There is no doubt that with the knowledge of Putin, hostages taken by bandits were killed in Beslan - more than 300 people, including children. An independent examination showed that the hall with the hostages was fired from grenade launchers and flamethrowers, and the survivors were fired from tank guns. This crime was not investigated by the special services, the investigation data was falsified.
6. Putin, without any reason, by an arbitrary decision, ceded about 200 square meters to China. km of Russian territory in the Khabarovsk region.

Putin had a chance to become the greatest politician in history if he decided to lift Russia from its knees. But he decided to become “Yeltsin today.” This is his choice, which the country was so painfully awaiting, hoping that from this little gray man with pleasant manners a genius as a state organizer would be born. Hopes were not justified. The image of the epigone of liberalism, an ignoramus who knows nothing about his country and is incapable of strong impulses of the soul - an ostrich man, trying to quickly forget about everything that should worry him as the head of state - has condensed before us. He will be remembered by the phrase about the fate of the Kursk submarine: “She drowned.”
Western-style democracy has not taken place in Russia and is hardly possible. Our own tradition is in oblivion, and the institutions copied from the West are rather of a sham nature - there are no thoughts or discussions in the Duma; the government as a collegial body does not decide anything; the president “does not rule, but simply works,” etc. A consequence of the fictitiousness of the entire power system of politics is the absence of mechanisms for the legal transfer of power.

I wrote about this a year before the 2008 crisis:
Putin does not have any projects for the development of Russia and does not foresee them. A number of industries will collapse in the next year or two. Enraged separatism will break the country's controllability. Perhaps, significant territories will actually fall away from it - first of all, “titular” ones and capable of blackmailing the Kremlin (Chechnya, Tataria, Bashkiria, Yakutia, etc.) The budget will turn into one big hole. Disruptions in the life support systems of large cities will turn some of them into disaster zones. Freezing apartment buildings will smoke from potbelly stoves or become mass graves.
The future that Putin has prepared for Russia is the poverty of the people and the collapse of the state. They prepared the decline of the greatest culture, the disappearance of a powerful state and the most rebellious people. We believe that everything can still be changed. But not with Putin.
The catastrophe of the regime is inevitable. But the collapse of the country should not disturb consumers of Russian energy resources, nor should it leave our nuclear arsenals ownerless. If so, then the most reliable supervision of gas pipelines, nuclear reactors, and nuclear ammunition depots are the occupation forces. It is not difficult to buy Russian generals the same way they bought Iraqi ones. Occupation resistance Russian army will not provide.
It may be so, but it shouldn't be so. The history of Russia has repeatedly shown that the Russian people are ending the period of Troubles. The historical time of Yeltsinism is ending. At a key moment, when the weakness of the Kremlin turns its inhabitants into political dummies, the forces of national liberation may well shake off the oligarchic regime from Russia and block the invasion of foreign militia. Our open spaces and uncomfortable climate will help us, as well as unpredictable phenomena such as those that brought down the completely reliable communist regime.

I would like to add these simple theses to Putiniana. And say goodbye to Putin on behalf of those whom he deceived, betrayed, destroyed, slandered. Say goodbye and ask never to return.

We say goodbye to Putin, but we do not forgive him.

Let’s say, hand on heart, our lives have become worse. Not to say that we are in poverty, and there is nothing to spread on bread, but we no longer buy some products and goods, having first felt our noticeably thinner wallet.

And we don’t go on vacation like we used to – we can’t afford it. We relax at the dacha, or in the village with our parents or relatives. Most will sigh knowingly: crisis. There is an objective grain of truth in this. What was surprising was not the sanctions imposed by the West against Russia, but the television comments in the news broadcasts of our high-ranking officials. All of them were painfully reminiscent of a kindergarten “but it doesn’t hurt me, the chicken is happy.”

The same applies to import substitution. Promises to fail in a year Russian market cheap meat, fish, cheeses and sausages looked, to say the least, shabby. But what can you do to calm the country down? Terrible Russian riots like Pugachev’s haven’t shaken the country for a long time, but still... Therefore, the government decided to play it safe. We also found farmers beating their chests on camera and promising to increase the acreage and livestock almost tomorrow.

A year has passed. Nothing changed. Besides the prices. Now in the fish departments of the country's stores they resemble unleashed dogs. Russians have already developed a strong immunity to some types of products. Past the salmon for 1000 rubles. and cherries for 300 rub. beyond the kilo we began to walk calmly. And even the kids, as if understanding something, do not ask for sweet Krasnodar berries.

But is it only the crisis that is to blame for this?! No. There are other factors that people try not to talk about on TV. It all started with the famous “Crimea is ours”. The general euphoria over the annexation of the peninsula gradually faded away, but the problems remained. Russia inherited the coastal territory that was far from flourishing; instead of fragrant gardens, we received a huge bouquet of issues that need to be resolved. Not in Crimea fresh water, no electricity. To correct the situation, global projects have been launched that require huge financial investments. Where can I get them? Maybe in the famous stabilization fund, which the top people loved to talk about so much before? No, in the taxpayers' pockets. The scheme is old, proven, and most importantly, it works like a clock.

Why do our rulers love to seem good to others and treat their people so carelessly? How did Ukraine respond to cheap gas? Reluctance to pay debts. Moreover, she did not explain the reasons, but simply stated: “We will not pay anything.” And this is more than 2 billion. And not rubles, but dollars!

But the Russian government paid the first batch of refugees from Ukraine a monthly allowance of 40 thousand rubles. We think that few Russians can boast not only such a pension, but also a salary.

Now another gesture of “goodwill” - a $200 million loan to Armenia for the purchase of weapons. We are rich, so why not give. You can also sell electricity from the Far East to China for pennies, while at the same time increasing utility tariffs for your compatriots. And for those who ask uncomfortable questions, answer that there is no other way out with electricity: the energy system of the Far East is closed, there is nowhere to put the surplus, or to China for almost nothing, or make idle discharges to state district power plants and thereby worsen your environment.

What about lowering tariffs for the country's population? Well, what are you talking about! Give me some slack Far East, other regions will whine. And so they will drink and calm down. Russians are patient people. If only there was no war, and we have already learned to survive crises and defaults of all kinds. Compared to the siege of Leningrad, this is even, to some extent, paradise. We live in it.

I was thinking in my spare time, waiting out the cold at home, why do the people not like the government?
Not kings, not general secretaries, not even presidents?
Stalin was nicknamed shoe polish, Khrushchev's bald creature, Brezhnev the good-natured armor-bearer in the dark, and even the current ones are not favored. Putin was nicknamed Dobby the elf, Medvedev the iPhone.
In general, there is no love of the people for power. And the government responds to the people in return - hatred and contempt.
It seems to me that this is because our government is cowardly and greedy. The land should have been distributed to the people long ago. For free. Forever. We have a lot of land, especially beyond the Urals. Overgrown with burdocks, abandoned and neglected.
And the state itself will focus on infrastructure. Roads, water, electricity, internet - whatever is everywhere and inexpensive.
Then, indeed, the people will begin to live independently and richly, regardless of the authorities, but is it necessary to break this vicious circle of hatred at some point?
In the end, many will exchange growing hemorrhoids in the office for a free and free life on their own land!
And the demographic problem will shift. Children are not needed in the city; in the city they are a nuisance. For a fucking 50-meter apartment, you have to spend half your life hunched over, and once you’ve paid everything off, it’s time to die! Bribes at school, at college, during employment - a gloomy, hopeless life. And there are so many people that I want to personally help reduce it. Hence the hatred - national, class, and so on. I want to quietly kill my neighbor!
But in Siberia the climate is better, there are few people, and life on earth itself promotes mutual assistance and friendship. You simply cannot survive on earth alone. And the damn boutiques, beauty salons and other hotbeds of homosexuality and debauchery will disappear!
And let those who are not good for anything live in cities with officials and gays, growing hemorrhoids and deforming their souls. Thanks to the Internet, everyone will have access to information, education, and culture. Otherwise, today's schools with stupid elderly women are more likely to make people stupid than to teach them!
And yet, weapons will have to be allowed. Everyone. Free. A Russian man, sitting on his land with a Kalash and a sapper shovel, is invincible!
The army and police could be reduced to rocket men, pilots and sailors. The people themselves will do the rest, protect and save!
True, officials and power will lose almost everything, but they will gain the love of the people! Many, however, are posthumous, but such is life. Alas!


I was thinking in my spare time, waiting out the cold at home, why do the people not like the government? Not kings, not general secretaries, not even presidents? Stalin was nicknamed shoe polish, Khrushchev's bald creature, Brezhnev the good-natured armor-bearer in the dark, and even the current ones are not favored. ...


We do not know who exactly acted as the “hot heads” who initiated the sharp increase in the retirement age. But this decision, if implemented, will probably lead to fatal consequences. And do you know why? Because the whole PEOPLE of Russia were offended.

What to hide - in the last five years, the standard of living and income of ordinary Russians has fallen sharply. But we all understood why this was happening. Russia began to rise to its feet - they began to choke us from all sides. If there were no Ukraine, Crimea and Syria, there would be something different. We remember the collapse of the USSR, and, practically, civil war 1994-2000. We survived it all and didn’t want to go back to the old way.

We rallied around our leader because there was no other choice.

We lived on a special emotional high and understood that the Russians (by this I mean all Russians) could not be defeated.

Life under sanctions - what other country, what other people could withstand this? North Korea It’s not worth giving an example - it’s not a country of the right size to be able to deal with sanctions differently. We are the people of a huge country, which cannot be ignored. Someone thought to take us by force - wow!

And we, tightening our belts, endured, worked, hoped. And it was not in vain that they hoped. The sanctions are already being eased, the isolation is already ending.

And what emotional shocks! The return of Crimea (remember, near Gagarin Square there was a poster on the entire wall of a huge building: “Crimea, welcome home!”?), the Olympics, the World Cup, obvious victories in Syria...

And what a patriotic and emotional upsurge occurred during the presidential elections! This result cannot be manipulated; the people of Russia have shown that this is their choice.

The Russians didn’t follow Navalny and others, not because someone forbade them or saved them from doing so, no! People thought for themselves and made their own decisions. It was not the president, not the government that saved Russia from the “color revolution” - it was all of us who saved the country from collapse, on which they bet too much overseas and considered it a done deal.

People like the Russians need to bow at their feet and thank fate for having the chance to live, work, and lead here. And then - bam! - in the gut and even right in the face. And to whom - the whole PEOPLE!

Guys, what do you think you're doing there? There is an assumption that there are people in government offices who do not understand and do not feel how people live in the country. But this is not some other country - this is RUSSIA. And you can’t do THAT with her!

The people are not stupid, they understand everything.

The fact that the retirement age increase was announced on the opening day of the 2018 World Cup was regarded by many people as meanness. What were the organizers hoping for? The fact that people will be passionate about the World Cup and they will, excuse me, not care about their fate? But it was not there! The number, as they say, did not go through.

If it weren’t for this government decision, the whole country would have rejoiced at the World Cup, because everyone was looking forward to it! Now it turns out that only the fans and young people are happy, who are still far from retirement and who cannot understand everything that is happening due to their age.

What can I say - the people were clearly offended, their best qualities were trampled, they showed that the common man is nobody in this state.

Why these hypocritical statements that now we will increase pensions annually not by 400-500 rubles, but by a thousand? So the asking price is 500 rubles? Yes, inflation will eat them up! And is this the price that people must pay with their money and their lives? Sacrifice yourself for 500 rubles a month?!

It is clear to everyone that many will not live to see the new retirement dates. Let's be frank: it looks very likely that the reform is designed to ensure that fewer Russians live to see retirement and that people live less after retirement.

  • They tell us: in all countries of Europe and almost the whole world, the retirement age is much higher! But this is also hypocrisy: if you compare the retirement age, compare income, standard of living, and the size of the same pensions. And this number does not work, and this cannot be deceived.

    We are told that life expectancy has increased. It's true, it has increased. But the quality of life has not improved.

    Unfortunately, very few men who live to age 65 and women who live to age 63 are healthy and able to work. As a rule, these are people who are no longer living, but people who are dying out - with a bunch of ailments, illnesses and other things. It is worth understanding that these people simply cannot work as efficiently and productively as young people or middle-aged people.

    Let's assume the law is passed. WHERE will these people work in last years before retirement? If someone is lucky enough to work in government agencies, then nothing. But a private owner cares about his business, and he will not keep an old man, pay sick leave, or put the entire production process at risk.

    What will we get? We will get millions of old people eking out a miserable existence for several long years in the hope of surviving until retirement and eking out either odd jobs or working for pennies.

    Without creating economic conditions for such a reform, without thinking through the organization of jobs for people of pre-retirement age, such a reform cannot be carried out.

    In addition, they still see that there are many people in the country who live quite well for themselves, while breaking the law, underpaying the treasury, or awarding themselves fabulous salaries and bonuses. Everyone can see that the difference between the salaries of managers of individual enterprises and ordinary workers varies not even tens of times, but hundreds and thousands of times. Everyone sees that corruption has not been defeated, and many corrupt officials, including in law enforcement and law enforcement agencies, openly laugh at people and show contempt.

    But there is hope that smart people sit in the Kremlin. Today it became known that Kremlin analysts are studying the situation in the country. And it is alarming: more than 80% of the population is against the government’s decisions, not only regarding the retirement age, but also regarding the increase in VAT.

    A number of central media reports that the authorities fear not only disturbances, but also open protests in a number of regions. And this certainly means that the government project will not pass.

    As an option, there will be mitigation: increasing the duration of the transition period, or the law starting to apply from certain years of birth, or a not so sharp increase in the retirement age.

    But the correct solution would be this: to postpone this issue until the economic prerequisites are created. And work hard in this direction. Russia has a lot of reserves here. It’s just that all this is more difficult to implement than raising the retirement age.

    And if the government wants to preserve the country that we all put together for so long and again made into a superpower, which the whole world reckons with again, there is probably no other way out. The sooner we begin serious economic reforms aimed at improving the quality of life of ordinary citizens, the sooner it will be possible to move on to the measures that the government is proposing today.

    One more thing. The Russian government's bill has already been submitted to the State Duma. Everyone understands that if it is adopted (and the majority in the Duma is known to be who), then the opposition parties do not need to conduct any campaigning before the elections to regional parliaments on September 9 - everything will be done for them. And on September 10 we can wake up in a completely different Russia...
