Siberian Academy of Public Administration. Siberian Academy of Public Service (SibAGS)

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Latest reviews from RANEPA in Novosibirsk

Natalya Nazarenko 11:20 07/01/2013

Since 2012 I study at this university, in my opinion, one of the best universities in the region. Therefore, there was no choice between other universities; I applied here straight away. I studied well at school, I have a high average score, so admission was not difficult for me. I study at the Faculty of Law and am active creative activity. I constantly participate in various festivals and competitions from the university. An active life position is welcomed at our university, so teachers always help...

general information

Siberian Institute of Management - branch of the federal state budgetary educational institution higher education"Russian Academy National economy and civil service under the President Russian Federation»


No. 02787 valid indefinitely from 12/07/2018


No data

Results of monitoring by the Ministry of Education and Science for RANEPA in Novosibirsk

Index18 year17 year16 year15 year14 year
Performance indicator (out of 7 points)4 6 5 5 4
Average Unified State Examination score for all specialties and forms of study61.94 61.28 59.90 60.31 61.3
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on the budget80.79 82.13 78.63 79.66 83.99
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on a commercial basis61.79 61.18 58.66 59.41 61.64
Average minimum Unified State Exam score for all specialties for full-time students enrolled42.41 41.51 40.35 49.65 50.94
Number of students8136 8571 8995 9271 9349
Full-time department2631 2318 2045 1931 1956
Part-time department211 233 329 424 580
Extramural5294 6020 6621 6916 6813
All data Report Report Report Report Report

About RANEPA in Novosibirsk

Training of management personnel is the basic task of the Siberian University of Management Russian Academy national economy and public service under the President of the Russian Federation. The educational institution was founded in December 1991 as the Siberian Personnel Center. Over time, the number of areas of training increased, the quality of education and qualified teaching staff increased. In 1995, the personnel center was reformed into the Siberian Academy of Public Administration. In 2010, the Academy joined the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, and in 2012 the name of the Siberian Institute of Management was acquired. The university is developing intensively, using educational process the best technological developments and methodological support for the main educational platforms in Russia.

Training is conducted at four faculties of the educational institution. At the Faculty of State and Municipal Education, four undergraduate specialties are offered for mastering: “Psychology of Official Activities”, “State and Municipal Administration”, “Psychology”, “Human Resource Management”. In the specialty “Public and Municipal Administration”, students can choose to study one of four specializations: “Administrative and Public Administration”, “Municipal Administration”, “ Information Technology in state and municipal service”, “Organization management”. At the Faculty of Politics and International Relations, you can master the specialties “International Relations”, as well as “Advertising and Public Relations”. Bachelors are trained in the areas of “Economics”, “Finance and Credit”, “Taxes and Taxation” and “National Economics” at the Faculty of Economics. The Faculty of Law offers education in the “Jurisprudence” profile. For each specialty, full-time and part-time forms of study are possible. There are no budget places at the institute.

The educational institution includes a Center for Retraining of Specialists, where specialist managers undergo additional higher professional training through shortened correspondence and distance programs. The Interregional Center for Advanced Training provides the opportunity for representatives of the economic and legal sector to acquire additional skills and competencies. You can also take postgraduate training programs, the following areas are available: “Constitutional Law; municipal law", "Political institutions, processes and technologies", " Social structure, social institutions and processes”, “Sociology of management”, “Economics and management of the national economy”.

The university participates in many personalized scholarship activities of charitable and scientific funds, while students regularly have the opportunity to also participate in grant programs. Student research work attracts more than 50% of total number students. The conditions for organizing the work process in an educational institution are among the best among universities with a humanitarian, economic and legal orientation. The material and technical base of the Siberian University of Management is constantly being improved, and new educational buildings have been provided to the university. A park of computer equipment with the necessary information and legal resources provides every student with access to the necessary information.

SIU RANEPA (SibAGS) Student at this university:
Everyone writes something about universities in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Ekaterinburg. I would like to tell you about one university in Novosibirsk. This is SibAGS or, in its new name, SIU RANEPA. I will write down all the pros and cons of this university.
Education prepare reports and just read them (you may not even understand what you are reading about). Some teachers fall asleep while you are talking. It’s easy to get an automatic machine - just go to almost all the classes. You don’t even have to do the homework and not answer. Many teachers don’t consider it theirs duty to visit couples, they just sit in the dining room and drink tea and buns, many simply cancel them for the joy of everyone and give one exercise to take home. You can retake the subject 7 times, if in good relations with the dean's office. The percentage of expulsions NOT AT YOUR OWN WISH is negligible. My friend did not go to university for almost the entire year due to the fact that she was stupidly lazy. Nevertheless, although she did not pass the exam on time, she had more debts roofs. They can transfer you to the budget even with C grades, just say: “Retake it now, you just attended better than anyone else!”
2. Payment for studies: I study on a budget, but I will say right away that it is cheaper to study and live in Novosibirsk. If you go to State Medical University, then the payment is 95,000 per YEAR! Some specialties are cheaper/more expensive by a maximum of 4-5 thousand.
3. Scholarships: if you study well, then 2300, if you do well, then 1920. If you receive social benefits + good/excellent study, then 12000-13000, like me, for example;
4. Extracurricular activities: that's what, and we have a lot of events. Miss, Mister RANEPA, Master of Words, Singing Cat and many others. There are various circles and many sections;
5. Dormitories: all the dormitories are excellent, but there are few places. State-funded students accommodate everyone! There is no curfew! Entry is with electronic passes. There are 3 main dormitories: male, female, mixed. They are located in the very center of the year, on the metro line, so you have to go to the institute one station. A maximum of two people live in the rooms, previously three. In the women's dormitory there are blocks, and there are separate rooms (separate ones are given to senior students). The toilet room is in your block or in a separate room, that is, not on the floor and not the entire dorm. It’s convenient. In the men’s dorm, there seems to be a shower and a toilet on the floor, two people live in groups. In the mixed dorm, the same as in the women’s dorm, they only live in blocks: two for one. The pay is small. In the women’s dorm, state employees pay 800 rubles In some ways, there are 1,000-something paying students. The rest are about the same. Paying students are settled based on social indicators, achievements, or acquaintances. There is also a residential complex at the university, they also began to move in there, since many were admitted in 2015 .There is also a dormitory rented from another university, almost all the students were accommodated there in 2015. The conditions there are worse, the drive to the university is long, there is a curfew until 9 or 10, since there are still college students living there;
6. Corruption: there is no corruption in our university! At least, I heard from senior students that they don’t take bribes (like future officials: D). And I’ve never encountered this myself;
7. Environment: there are a lot of majors, an unreal number of them. They feel like lords and masters of life (“We are future government servants, we can do anything”);
8. Study time: we study in TWO shifts. The first shift is from 8.30 to 13.30, the second shift is from 13.40 to 18.30. But often there are not many pairs. Years 1 and 4 study in the first shift, years 2 and 3 study in the second. I am with I’ve been studying for 2 semesters of the 1st year from the second shift, and this is still going on, that is, for 2-2.5 years you’re practically an evening student!
9. Dining room: perhaps many guys attend the university because of the dining room. The food there is very tasty and there is a huge selection of dishes.
In principle, the choice is yours. But if you go to State Medical University to gain knowledge, I don’t recommend the Novosibirsk branch.
March 30, 2016

Educational establishments

Siberian Academy of Public Service (SibAGS)

SibAGS- the youngest state university Novosibirsk region. Currently, the Academy is the only specialized higher education institution in Siberia educational institution, providing training, retraining and advanced training for state and municipal employees.

Siberian Academy of Public Service (SibAGS)- a regionally recognized leading educational, scientific, methodological, information and analytical center for training, retraining and advanced training of state and municipal employees.

Siberian Academy of Public Service (SibAGS) implements a training model based not only on the formation of fundamental theoretical knowledge and practical skills, but also on the development of mechanisms for their implementation, not only in the system of state and municipal government, but also in the widest range of professional activities.

Practical orientation educational process supported by stable and full-fledged relations with state and municipal authorities, public and non-profit organizations, business structures, etc.

Siberian Academy of Public Service (SibAGS) pays great attention to the development of cooperation with state authorities and local self-government of the Siberian federal district, works closely with the Coordination Council on personnel policy issues under the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Siberian Federal District, which plays an important role in the formation of a common personnel and educational space. Rector of SibAGS E.A. Boyko is deputy chairman of the Coordination Council, head of the coordination section vocational training personnel composition.

In 2001, SibAGS was determined as the head authorized university of the Siberian Federal District in the specialty of State Medical University by the decision of the section of the State Medical University UMO for education in the field of management.

In 2010, the Academy plans to admit about 360 full-time students and about 2,000 part-time and part-time students (including distance learning) from high school graduates, as well as specialists with higher and secondary vocational education. The number of budget-funded admission places for full-time education in 2009 was 132. More than half of full-time students study within the framework of targeted admission in the areas of authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation of the Siberian Federal District.

Training at the Siberian Academy of Public Service (SibAGS)

Forms and terms of training:
- On the basis of secondary (complete) general education, full-time - 5 years; part-time and part-time – 6 years;
- On the basis of higher and secondary vocational education, training is carried out in a shortened time using part-time and part-time forms, the duration of training is from 3 to 4 years (including via distance technology).
- For persons with non-core professional education, the training period is set individually.

Persons who have successfully completed their studies at the Academy in higher professional education programs and have passed the final state certification receive a state diploma of higher professional education and the corresponding qualifications.





Entrance tests

(based on Unified State Exam results)

Faculty of State and Municipal Administration

State and municipal administration


Mathematics (major), social studies, Russian language

Personnel Management


Public relations

Public Relations Specialist

Social studies (major), Russian language, history.

Department of Economics

Finance and credit


Mathematics (major),

Russian language, social studies

Taxes and taxation

Tax Specialist

National economy


Faculty of Law



Social studies (major), history, Russian language



Specialist in International Relations

History (major),

Russian language, foreign language


Psychologist, psychology teacher

Biology (major),

mathematics, Russian language

For applicants entering full-time and part-time forms of study with secondary (complete) general education, received before January 1, 2009 or average professional education, which does not correspond to the profile of the chosen specialty, pass entrance examinations conducted by the university, or present the results of the Unified State Exam obtained in 2009-2010. Persons with secondary (complete) general education obtained after January 1, 2009, present the results of the Unified State Examination.

Applicants who have secondary vocational education corresponding to the profile of the chosen specialty or higher vocational education take entrance examinations (comprehensive test) in the following subjects:


Entrance tests

State and municipal administration; Personnel Management; Jurisprudence

Social studies, Russian language

Finance and credit; Taxes and taxation (based on specialized secondary vocational education)

Mathematics, Russian language

For the above-listed specialties upon admission to training using distance technologies

Social Studies or Mathematics; Russian language, Computer science

Postgraduate studies and additional education at the Siberian Academy of Public Administration (SibAGS)

Postgraduate studies in specialties: Economics and management of the national economy; Sociology of management; Social structure, social institutions and processes; Constitutional law; municipal law; Political institutions, ethnopolitical conflictology, national and political processes and technologies

Additional professional education:
- professional retraining: duration of training - 1 year (tel. 210-22-31);
- advanced training - from 72 hours (tel. 210-22-14);
- additional qualifications: translator in the field of professional communication - over 1000 hours (tel. 210-38-82, 210-38-92).


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Last year, hundreds of millions were spent on tightening control over the Unified State Exam. Schools now have metal detector frames, cameras and jammers. And the roofs and toilets in many schools in the country are still leaking.

One of the youngest higher educational institutions in the Novosibirsk region is the Siberian Institute of Management (SIU). This is a branch of a well-known institution - the Russian Academy of National Economy and State. services under the President of the Russian Federation (RANEPA). The educational institution is state-owned, so it is in demand among applicants who dream of getting a quality education, a prestigious position and a diploma that is quoted in our country.

Address, contacts and logistics of the university

The Siberian Institute of Management is located in Novosibirsk on Nizhegorodskaya Street, 6. The telephone number where applicants can call to clarify any questions that may arise can be found on the official website of the institution.

The material and technical support at ISS RANEPA is sufficient to provide quality education to students. The educational building consists of 84 classrooms. Among them there are specialized rooms:

  • an office for video training with playback and recording video equipment;
  • foreign language classrooms equipped with televisions, video and audio recorders and other equipment;
  • a television center with a television studio equipped with a digital video camera, digital cameras and lighting equipment;
  • forensic laboratory with microscopes, digital and film cameras, TV, forensic suitcases;
  • training room for court hearings with the necessary furniture, sound reinforcement, TV.

Organizational structure of the educational institution

The Siberian Institute of Management consists of 5 faculties:

  • legal;
  • state and municipal administration;
  • finance and economics;
  • politics and international relations;
  • distance and correspondence education.

All of the listed structural divisions have a single goal. It consists of training adaptive and competitive specialists capable of working in the municipal, state, public and private sectors and solving current problems of development and efficiency. The faculties are also aimed at shaping the institute’s leading position in the educational services market. Let us consider in more detail each of the named structural divisions.

Faculty of Law

In the 90s of the last century Novosibirsk region, like the whole country, needed competent lawyers. There was a shortage of highly qualified personnel actual problem while. In order to solve this problem, the Siberian Institute of Management began training lawyers in 1998. Later, the university created a specialized faculty. This event dates back to 2003.

At the Faculty of Law, which is currently functioning, applicants are offered a bachelor's degree in the direction of "Jurisprudence". At this stage of higher education, it is expected to obtain basic knowledge that allows you to work in different structures, from municipal and state, to commercial ones. But in the specialty program at the Siberian Institute of Management, lawyers are trained in a specific profile that determines further activities after graduating from university, this is “ Legal support national security."

Faculty of State and Municipal Administration

Training of specialists at the ISS in the direction of “Municipal and Public Administration” started in 1991. It is this moment that is considered the beginning of the history of the faculty of the same name. Over the years of its existence, the structural division has developed a lot of competitive advantages:

  1. The faculty employs highly qualified teaching staff, who are characterized by harmonious combination experience and youth.
  2. Every year a huge number of new students come to the Faculty of State and Municipal Administration for knowledge. This structural unit is one of the largest in terms of numbers in the institute.
  3. There are many gifted students studying at the faculty. These words are confirmed by victories in Olympiads and competitions held at the institute, city, region and at the All-Russian level.

Faculty of Finance and Economics

A fairly large structural unit in the ISS RANEPA is the Faculty of Finance and Economics. It offers applicants a wide choice of undergraduate study areas related to economics, finance, and management. There is also one specialty - “Economic Security”.

The Faculty of Finance and Economics is no less popular than other departments. Applicants are attracted by the fact that all programs at this faculty are practice-oriented, which means that the main focus is on providing students with opportunities to gain relevant practical knowledge. The faculty has established connections with municipal, state and business structures in which students are allowed to undergo internships.

Faculty of Politics and International Relations

This faculty in organizational structure university is the youngest. It appeared in 2013. The faculty implements only 2 educational programs- These are “Public Relations and Advertising” and “International Relations”.

The doors of this structural unit are open to young, motivated, talented and responsible individuals. The faculty needs such people, because studying here is not easy. The curriculum includes the study of several dozen disciplines - humanities, political sciences, economics. On " International relations» Foreign languages ​​are additionally studied.

Faculty of Distance and Correspondence Education

The Siberian Institute of Management (Novosibirsk) has a faculty where distance learning is implemented. Its essence lies in independent work students with educational materials presented in electronic form on a specially created portal. Communication with teachers is carried out via the Internet. For students who choose distance learning, electronic consultations and seminars are held.

During the correspondence course, students of the Siberian Institute of Management study issued certificates during each semester. educational materials according to municipal and public administration, management, personnel management, economics, law (in paper and electronic form), carry out coursework and test papers and bring them to the teacher for checking. Classroom sessions are scheduled during the session. They include lectures, practical lessons. At the end of the session, students take exams and tests.

Thus, the Siberian Institute of Management RANEPA is a university that offers convenient forms of training in prestigious specialties. Those people who graduate from this educational institution and receive a diploma find good positions in the structures of the executive and legislative authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, courts, banks, management and financial departments of various organizations.

SIU RANEPA is the only specialized higher educational institution in Siberia that provides training, retraining and advanced training for state and municipal employees.

The Siberian Institute of Management - a branch of RANEPA - is a leading educational, scientific, methodological and information-analytical center for training, retraining and advanced training of state and municipal employees, recognized in the region.

The Institute implements a training model based not only on the formation of fundamental theoretical knowledge and practical skills, but also on the development of mechanisms for their implementation not only in the system of state and municipal government, but also in the widest range of professional activities.

The practical orientation of the educational process is supported by stable and full-fledged connections with state and municipal authorities, public and non-profit organizations, business structures, etc.

At the RANEPA SIU, all conditions have been created for organizing the educational process. Currently, according to the level of provision of students library collections the educational institution satisfies modern requirements. The automated library information system provides access to its own electronic catalogs and databases, as well as to Russian and international electronic resources.

The university is successfully developing the international cooperation, participating in large international projects. Teachers and staff of ISS RANEPA regularly improve their qualifications abroad; within the framework of international projects, many teachers have developed courses and programs, prepared publications and teaching materials, academic exchanges of teachers and students are conducted.

Graduates of SIU RANEPA occupy leading positions in the system of state and municipal administration not only in the Siberian Federal District. They also work in the Office of the President of the Russian Federation, Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, in federal and territorial executive authorities, in the courts, in the bodies and structures of the prosecutor's office, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, in the armed forces of the Russian Federation, etc.
